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A quantitative high-performance liquid chromatographic method, using a polystyrene—divinyl benzene (Hitachi No. 3010 gel) column and aqueous methanol as the mobile phase, was employed for the determination of aminopyrine and its related compounds, 4-acetylaminoantipyrine, 4-aminoantipyrine and 4-monomethylaminoantipyrine. Baseline separation could be achieved within 25 min. The method was applied to the recovery of these materials from control urine and human urine. Before separation human urine was adjusted to pH 9 and extracted with ethyl acetate, chloroform and diethyl ether.  相似文献   

Endralazine (I) is a new antihypertensive which is chemically and pharmacologically related to hydralazine and dihydralazine. A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic-fluorescence assay for the drug and two of its metabolites [methyltriazoloendralazine (VII) and hydroxymethyltriazoloendralazine (VIII)] in human plasma was developed. After conversion of I and its internal standard to triazolopyridopyridazine derivatives the latter and metabolites were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography and detected using their fluorescence. The limits of detection of the assay were 1 nmol/l for I and VII and 0.1 nmol/l for VIII. Intra-assay coefficients of variation were 2.5–5.1% for I (range 1000–10 nmol/l), 4.2–4.5% for VII (range 100–5 nmol/l) and 3.4–5.7% for VIII (range 100–1 nmol/l). Following oral administration of 5 and 10 mg of I to two normal volunteers (slow acetylators) peak plasma levels of I occurred between 0.75 and 1 h after the dose, and declined in a biexponential fashion. The terminal half-life ranged from 2.8–3.7 h. These results contrast with those obtained for hydralazine in plasma where in vitro and in vivo half-lives were 30 min.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen (TAM) is a triphenylethylene anti-oestrogen, commonly used in the treatment of breast cancer. Patients receiving tamoxifen therapy may experience both de novo and acquired resistance. As one of the mechanisms for this may be extensive peripheral bio-transformation of tamoxifen, there has been considerable interest in the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of tamoxifen. A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography separation has been developed to determine the levels of tamoxifen and its major metabolites in human plasma. The method is highly sensitive (2 ng/ml) and selective for tamoxifen, cis-tamoxifen (CIS), 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OH) and desmethyltamoxifen (DMT). A μBondapak C18 10 μm column (30 cm × 3.9 mm I.D.) was used, with a mobile phase of methanol-1% triethylamine at pH 8 (89:11, v/v). Sample preparation was carried out using a C2 (500 mg sorbent, 3 ml reservoirs) solid phase extraction method, and extraction efficiencies were approximately 60% for TAM and its metabolites. Accuracy and precision, as determined by spiking plasma samples with a mixture of tamoxifen and its metabolites, ranged from 85–110% (± 5–10%) at 1 μg/ml, 101–118% (± 8–20%) at 0.1 μg/ml and 111–168% (± 43–63%) at 0.01 μg/ml. Results from 59 patients show mean values of 54 ng/ml for 4-OH; 190 ng/ml for DMT; 93 ng/ml for TAM and 30 ng/ml for CIS (detected in three patients only). This methodology can be applied routinely to the determination of TAM and its metabolites in plasma from patients undergoing therapy.  相似文献   

A new ion-pairing reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for theophylline is described which allows the separation of theophylline from 1,7-dimethylxanthine — a metabolite of caffeine which interferes with most theophylline assay procedures. Levels of 1,7-dimethylxanthine equivalent to 3 mg/l theophylline were seen in individuals not taking theophylline but who drank three to four cups of coffee per day. This compound was not seen in individuals abstaining from xanthine-containing foods and beverages.  相似文献   

A sensitive, specific and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic technique is described for the simultaneous determination in human plasma of diltiazem (DZ) and six of its primary and secondary metabolites which are products of N- and O-demethylation, deacetylation and N-oxidation. The method involves addition of excess KHCO3 to 1 ml of plasma, followed by extraction with 4 ml of ethyl acetate. The organic layer was extracted with 0.01 M HCl and the aqueous layer was dried under nitrogen and then reconstituted with 0.002 M HCl. DZ and its metabolites were free from interference and were baseline-separated. Calibration curves were linear in the concentration range studied (5–500 ng/ml for all the species). The lower limit of quantification of the assay was 5 ng/ml for DZ and the metabolites. Inter-day and intra-day coefficients of variation were less than 10%. The applicability of this procedure is shown by evaluating the kinetics of DZ and its metabolites in three patients receiving chronic DZ therapy. N-Demethyldiltiazem, deacetyldiltiazem and N-demethyldeacetyldiltiazem were found to be the major metabolites, as previously described. Deacetyldiltiazem N-oxide was found in two of the patients. The other two known but unreported metabolites in human, O-demethyldeacetyldiltiazem and N,O-didemethyldeacetyldiltiazem, were found in the plasma of all three patients.  相似文献   

A simple approach to the quantitation of ciprofloxacin and its three metabolites, M1 (desethylene-ciprofloxacin), M2 (sulfo-ciprofloxacin) and M3 (oxo-ciprofloxacin), in human serum, urine, saliva and sputum is described. This assay allows the parent drug and its metabolites to elute and be resolved in a single chromatogram at 280 nm using a linear gradient. The procedure involved liquid—liquid extraction. Separation was achieved on a C18 reversed-phase column. The limit of detection of ciprofloxacin is 0.05 μg/ml and that of its three metabolites is 0.25 μg/ml. This method is sufficiently sensitive for pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

Two high-performance liquid chromatographic assays coupled with fluorometric detection have been developed for the determination of mivacurium isomers (trans-trans, cis-trans and cis-cis) and their monoester and alcohol metabolites in human plasma. A novel solid-phase extraction procedure allowed good recovery of the mivacurium isomers (mean 98%) and their monoester metabolites (mean 83%), whereas the alcohol metabolites were analyzed after direct precipitation of plasma proteins. For all analytes, these assays proved to be sensitive (LOQ 3.9–15.6 ng/ml), reproducible (C.V. < 15%) and accurate (>94%) over the therapeutic range of concentrations of mivacurium and its metabolites. These two methods were applied successfully to a pharmacokinetic study of mivacurium after a bolus dose of 0.15 mg/kg in anesthetized patients.  相似文献   

A sensitive, specific and precise HPLC–UV assay was developed to quantitate cocaine (COC) and its metabolites benzoylecgonine (BE), norcocaine (NC) and cocaethylene (CE) in rat plasma. After adding 50 μl of the internal standard solution (bupivacaine, 8 μg/ml) and 500 μl of Sørensen's buffer (pH 6) to 100 μl of rat plasma sample, the mixture was extracted with 10 ml of chloroform. The organic layer was transferred to a clean test tube and was evaporated under nitrogen. The residue was reconstituted in 100 μl of mobile phase and 35 μl was injected onto the HPLC column. The mobile phase consisted of methanol–acetonitrile–50 mM monobasic ammonium phosphate (5:7:63, v/v/v) and was maintained at a flow-rate of 0.4 ml/min. Separation of COC and its metabolites was achieved using a Supelcosil ABZ+plus deactivated reversed-phase column (250×2.1 mm I.D., 5 μm). Calibration curves were linear over the range of 25–5000 ng/ml for COC and its three metabolites. The absolute extraction efficiencies for BE, COC, NC, CE and bupivacaine were 56.6%, 78.6%, 61.1%, 76.4% and 67.0%, respectively. COC and its metabolites were stable in mobile phase for 24 h at room temperature and in rat plasma for 2 weeks at −20°C. The limits of detection for BE, COC, NC and CE were 20, 24, 15 and 12.9 ng/ml, respectively. These values correspond to 0.70, 0.84, 0.525 and 0.452 ng of the according compound being injected on column. The within-day coefficient of variation for the four compounds ranged from 3.0% to 9.9% while the between-day precision varied from 3.6% to 14%. This method was used to analyze rat plasma samples after administration of COC alone and in combination with alcohol. The pharmacokinetic profiles of COC and its metabolites in these rats are also described.  相似文献   

A sensitive and selective reversed-phase liquid chromatographic assay for itraconazole and hydroxyitraconazole in human plasma has been developed and validated. Itraconazole and hydroxyitraconazole were extracted from the matrix using solid-phase extraction on a strong cation-exchange sorbent. All compounds were detected using fluorescence at 265 and 363 nm for excitation and emission, respectively. The assay has been validated over the range 10-1,000 ng/ml for both compounds, 10 ng/ml being the lower limit of quantification. Accuracies ranged from 104 to 113% for itraconazole and from 91 to 103% for hydroxyitraconazole. The intra-assay precisions were all below 9% for itraconazole and below 8% for hydroxyitraconazole. The selectivity has been evaluated with respect to all registered anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drugs and other potential co-medications and a few of their metabolites, commonly used by HIV-infected individuals. Both itraconazole and hydroxyitraconazole were stable under relevant conditions for HIV-inactivation and storage of samples. The applicability of the assay was demonstrated for samples collected from a treated HIV-infected patient.  相似文献   

Choline was isolated from deproteinized plasma by cation-exchange chromatography. Isolated choline was directly converted to the 3,5-dinitrobenzoate derivative and was analyzed by paired-ion high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection at 254 nm. An internal standard, 3-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylpropanaminium iodide was used for quantitation of plasma choline.Linearity was achieved from 1–500 nmole/ml with a reproducibility of ± 6%. Plasma choline concentrations below 1 nmole/ml could not be accurately measured while plasma choline concentrations in the μmole/ml range deviated from linearity.  相似文献   

A previously described high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) sample clean-up procedure has been automated by attaching a (DuPont) auto-sampler and a time-controlled fraction collector to the HPLC equipment. To obtain the required reliability for unattended operation, the sample intake was controlled by volume rather than by time, and the system was protected against sample loss due to non- or improper operation of the injection valve. The capacity of the system depends on the HPLC run time per sample but varies from 45 to 135 samples per 24 h. The recovery and reproducibility are comparable to the manually operated system, while carry-over to subsequent samples is prevented by intermittent injection of the HPLC solvent system as flush fluid.  相似文献   

Two high-performance liquid chromatographic methods for the assay of oxmetidine are described: both utilize the same liquid extraction from plasma, urine and bile samples. A normal-phase technique is considered most suitable for the analysis of plasma extracts and a reversed-phase method is preferred for the assay of excretory fluids such as urine and bile which will contain polar metabolites in detectable quantity as well as unchanged oxmetidine.The methods are sensitive enough to follow the kinetic changes in concentration for up to 8 h after the administration of recommended therapeutic doses. Both methods can be automated in respect of the high-performance liquid chromatograph and the samples can be stored for several weeks at −20°C without prejudicing the accuracy of the analysis.  相似文献   

Quinupristin–dalfopristin (30:70, w/w) is a new streptogramin, which has been developed for intravenous use. A specific and sensitive HPLC method was developed to measure simultaneously quinupristin (RP 57669) and dalfopristin (RP 54476) and their main metabolites in human plasma. The metabolites measured by this method were RP 69012 (glutathione-conjugated) and RPR 100391 (cysteine-conjugated) from quinupristin and RP 12536 (natural pristinamycin IIA), from dalfopristin. Solid-phase extraction with disposable cartridges was combined with reversed-phase HPLC and fluorimetric detection for RP 57669, RP 69012 and RPR 100391 and UV detection for RP 54476 and RP 12536. The method provided good recovery and low limits of quantitation (0.025 mg l−1 for RP 57669, RP 54476 and RP 12536, and of 0.010 mg l−1 for RP 69012 and RPR 100391). The validated range of concentrations of the method was: 0.025–5000 mg l−1 for RP 57669, RP 54476 and RP 12536 and 0.010–0.750 mg l−1 for RP 69012 and RPR 100391.  相似文献   

An isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method using an Ultrasphere IP column has been developed for the determination of testosterone and its metabolites after incubation of 4-14C-labelled or unlabelled testosterone with rat liver microsomes. Compounds were eluted with methanol-water-tetrahydrofuran (35:55:10, v/v, pH 4.0) and detected by ultraviolet (UV) absorption at 245 nm. UV or on-line radioactivity detection can be used although, due to differences in detector cell volumes, peak resolution is slightly better with UV detection. Selectivity was validated by collecting HPLC peaks and verifying their identity by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after derivatization by N,O-bis(trimethylsily)trifluoroacetamide-trimethylchlorosilane. A three-day validation was performed to determine the linearity, repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy of the method, using corticosterone as internal standard. The method is applicable to the measurement of cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme activities in rat liver.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of piribedil and its p-hydroxylated, catechol and N-oxide metabolites in plasma is described. After addition of an internal standard (buspirone), the plasma samples were subjected to a three-step extraction procedure. The final extracts were evaporated to dryness under nitrogen, and the residues were reconstituted in 100 μl of mobile phase (0.01 M phosphate buffer—acetonitrile, 50:50, v/v) and chromatographed by acetonitrile gradient elution on a C18 reversed-phase column coupled to an ultraviolet detector set at 240 nm. The method was selective for piribedil and its metabolites, and sufficiently sensitive and precise for studies aimed at elucidating the role of the metabolites in the parent drug's pharmacological effects.  相似文献   

A method based on high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a diode array detection system was developed and validated aiming at the simultaneous determination of oleuropein (OE) and its metabolites, hydroxytyrosol (HT) and tyrosol (T), in human plasma. These phenolic components are believed to play a vital role in the prevention of coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis. The proposed method includes a clean-up solid-phase extraction procedure (using a C(18) column) with high recovery efficiency (85-100%). The statistical evaluation of the method reveals good linearity, accuracy and reproducibility for all the compounds analyzed with RSD values less than 6.5%, while the detection limit is 50 ng/ml for both OE and T and 75 ng/ml for HT. This assay can be employed in bioavailability studies of olive oil phenolic compounds, thus assisting the evaluation of their pharmacological role.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of bufaralol, a benzofuran analogue, in plasma is described.The unchanged drug, the major metabolites and an internal standard are extracted from plasma, purified by back-extraction steps and thereafter separated using a reversed-phase liquid chromatographic system. The detection is carried out by means of a fluorescence detector and an UV detector connected in series. The sensitivity of the assay for the unchanged drug and the major metabolite is about 1 ng/ml plasma using a 0.5 ml specimen per analysis and the relative standard deviation of the whole assay lies in the range ± 4–5%.The procedure was successfully used to determine plasma levels in volunteers following a single oral dose of 40 mg of bufaralol. The results obtained using the new high-performance liquid chromatographic method were compared with those determined by another method which combines gas chromatography with mass fragmentography, and it was found that these two sets of results coincided quite well.  相似文献   

Moguisteine is a novel peripheral non-narcotic antitussive agent. Pharmacokinetic studies in animal and in man showed that no unchanged drug is present in plasma, urine and faeces after oral administration. The main active metabolite, M1, is the free carboxylic acid of moguisteine, which maintains a stereogenic centre and consists of R(+)-M1 and S(−)-M1 enantiomers. M1 is partly metabolized to M2, its sulfoxidation derivative. A conventional HPLC method is described for the simultaneous determination of M1 and M2 in human plasma and urine after administration of therapeutic moguisteine doses. Plasma samples, previously acidified with phosphoric acid, are extracted with dichloromethane; urine samples are analyzed after appropriate dilution with methanol. Chromatography is performed using a Lichrosorb RP2 column and a linear gradient. M1 enantiomers can be determined in plasma extracts and urine samples by a chiral HPLC method using a β-cyclodextrin column. The analytical characteristics of both HPLC procedures proved to be adequate to analyze samples of subjects treated with therapeutic doses of moguisteine during clinical pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

A double column-switching high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of concentrations for TAK-603 (T) and its metabolites, T-72258 (M-I) and T-72294 (M-III), in human serum was developed. The analytes were extracted with ethyl acetate from human serum samples treated with triethylamine and injected into the HPLC system. Separation of the analytes was performed on the HPLC system with double column-switching technique. The mobile phases A and B for the first column and the mobile phase C for the second column used were a mixture of methanol–10 mM aqueous ammonium acetate solution (1:1, v/v), methanol and a mixture of methanol–10 mM aqueous ammonium acetate solution (11:9, v/v), respectively. The eluate was monitored with a UV detector at a wavelength of 253 nm. The work-up procedure was reproducible and more than 90% of the analytes could be recovered from human serum. The lower limits of quantitation were all 1 ng/ml for the analytes when 0.5 ml of human serum was used. Standard curves were linear with a correlation coefficient (R) of more than 0.999 in the range of 1–500 ng/ml for T, M-I and M-III in human serum. The intra- and inter-day precision of the method for the various analytes were below 4.8%. The accuracy was good with the deviations between spiked and calculated concentrations of the analytes being within 11.0%. The method was successfully applied to analyze serum samples after an oral administration of T to healthy male volunteers.  相似文献   

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