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The transitions of the cell cycle are regulated by the cyclin dependent protein kinases(CDKs). The cyclins activate their respective CDKs and confer substrate recognitionproperties. We report the structure of phospho-CDK2/cyclin B and show that cyclin Bconfers M phase-like properties on CDK2, the kinase that is usually associated with S phase.Cyclin B produces an almost identical activated conformation of CDK2 as that produced bycyclin A. There are differences between cyclin A and cyclin B at the recruitment site, whichin cyclin A is used to recruit substrates containing an RXL motif. Because of sequencedifferences this site in cyclin B binds RXL motifs more weakly than in cyclin A. Despitesimilarity in kinase structures, phospho-CDK2/cyclin B phosphorylates substrates, such asnuclear lamin and a model peptide derived from p107, at sequences SPXX that differ fromthe canonical CDK2/cyclin A substrate recognition motif, SPXK. CDK2/cyclin Bphosphorylation at these non-canonical sites is not dependent on the presence of a RXLrecruitment motif. The p107 peptide contained two SP motifs each followed by a noncanonicalsequence of which only one site (Ser640) is phosphorylated by pCDK2/cyclin Awhile two sites are phosphorylated by pCDK2/cyclin B. The second site is too close to theRXL motif to allow the cyclin A recruitment site to be effective, as previous work has shownthat there must be at least 16 residues between the catalytic site serine and the RXL motif.Thus the cyclins A and B in addition to their role in promoting the activatory conformationalswitch in CDK2, also provide differential substrate specificity.  相似文献   

细胞周期蛋白与CDI在细胞周期调控中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在细胞周期调控研究中, 对cyclin-CDK在细胞周期调控中作用机制的认识已获得突破性进展. 近几年来, CDK抑制因子(CDIs)家族成员──p16和p21的分离和研究, 表明细胞周期蛋白(cyclin)与CDI在调节CDK活性方面形成了极为复杂的调控网络, 从而控制细胞的增殖与分化, 并与肿瘤的形成与发展相联系.  相似文献   

Cyclin from herpesvirus saimiri (Vcyclin) preferentially forms complexes with cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) from primate host cells. These complexes show higher kinase activity than host cell CDKs in complex with cellular cyclins and are resistant to cyclin-dependent inhibitory proteins (CDKIs). The crystal structure of human CDK6--Vcyclin in an active state was determined to 3.1 A resolution to better understand the structural basis of CDK6 activation by viral cyclins. The unphosphorylated CDK6 in complex with Vcyclin has many features characteristic of cyclinA-activated, phosphorylated CDK2. There are, however, differences in the conformation at the tip of the T-loop and its interactions with Vcyclin. Residues in the N-terminal extension of Vcyclin wrap around the tip of the CDK6 T-loop and form a short beta-sheet with the T-loop backbone. These interactions lead to a 20% larger buried surface in the CDK6--Vcyclin interface than in the CDK2--cyclinA complex and are probably largely responsible for the specificity of Vcyclin for CDK6 and resistance of the complex to inhibition by INK-type CDKIs.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and their associated regulatory cyclins are central for timely regulation of cell-cycle progression. They constitute attractive pharmacological targets for development of anticancer therapeutics, since they are frequently deregulated in human cancers and contribute to sustained, uncontrolled tumor proliferation. Characterization of their structural/dynamic features is essential to gain in-depth insight into structure-activity relationships. In addition, the identification of druggable pockets or key intermediate conformations yields potential targets for the development of novel classes of inhibitors. Structural studies of CDK2/cyclin A have provided a wealth of information concerning monomeric/heterodimeric forms of this kinase. There is, however, much less structural information for other CDK/cyclin complexes, including CDK4/cyclin D1, which displays an alternative (open) position of the cyclin partner relative to CDK, contrasting with the closed CDK2/cyclin A conformation. In this study, we carried out normal-mode analysis and enhanced sampling simulations with our recently developed method, molecular dynamics with excited normal modes, to understand the conformational equilibrium on these complexes. Interestingly, the lowest-frequency normal mode computed for each complex described the transition between the open and closed conformations. Exploration of these motions with an explicit-solvent representation using molecular dynamics with excited normal modes confirmed that the closed conformation is the most stable for the CDK2/cyclin A complex, in agreement with their experimentally available structures. On the other hand, we clearly show that an open↔closed equilibrium may exist in CDK4/cyclin D1, with closed conformations resembling that captured for CDK2/cyclin A. Such conformational preferences may result from the distinct distributions of frustrated contacts in each complex. Using the same approach, the putative roles of the Thr160 phosphoryl group and the T-loop conformation were investigated. These results provide a dynamic view of CDKs revealing intermediate conformations not yet characterized for CDK members other than CDK2, which will be useful for the design of inhibitors targeting critical conformational transitions.  相似文献   

Cyclin‐dependent kinases constitute attractive pharmacological targets for cancer therapeutics, yet inhibitors in clinical trials target the ATP‐binding pocket of the CDK and therefore suffer from limited selectivity and emergence of resistance. The more recent development of allosteric inhibitors targeting conformational plasticity of protein kinases offers promising perspectives for therapeutics. In particular tampering with T‐loop dynamics of CDK2 kinase would provide a selective means of inhibiting this kinase, by preventing its conformational activation. To this aim we engineered a fluorescent biosensor that specifically reports on conformational changes of CDK2 activation loop and is insensitive to ATP or ATP‐competitive inhibitors, which constitutes a highly sensitive probe for identification of selective T‐loop modulators. This biosensor was successfully applied to screen a library of small chemical compounds leading to discovery of a family of quinacridine analogs, which potently inhibit cancer cell proliferation, and promote accumulation of cells in S phase and G2. These compounds bind CDK2/ Cyclin A, inhibit its kinase activity, compete with substrate binding, but not with ATP, and dock onto the T‐loop of CDK2. The best compound also binds CDK4 and CDK4/Cyclin D1, but not CDK1. The strategy we describe opens new doors for the discovery of a new class of allosteric CDK inhibitors for cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is a tumor virus encoding several proto-oncogenes. However, the roles of these viral genes in KSHV-induced tumorigenesis have not been defined. In this study, we used a recently developed model of KSHV-induced cellular transformation and tumorigenesis combining with a reverse genetic system to examine the role of a KSHV latent gene vCyclin (ORF72), a cellular Cyclin D2 homolog, in KSHV-induced oncogenesis. Deletion of vCyclin did not affect cell proliferation and cell cycle progression at a low-density condition, when cells were at an active proliferation state. However, vCyclin mutant cells were contact-inhibited and arrested at G1 phase at a high-density condition. As a result, vCyclin mutant cells formed less and smaller colonies in soft agar assay. Nude mice inoculated with vCyclin mutant cells had reduced tumor incidence and extended tumor latency and survival compared with mice inoculated with wild-type (WT) virus-infected cells. WT but not mutant virus effectively induced Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27/Kip1 Ser10 phosphorylation and cytoplasmic relocalization. shRNA knockdown of p27 released the blockage of the mutant cells from cell cycle arrest at G1 phase at a high-density condition. Together, these results indicate that vCyclin primarily functions to enhance cellular transformation and tumorigenesis by promoting cell cycle progression and cell proliferation at a contact-inhibited condition.  相似文献   

In Xenopus eggs, metaphase II arrest is due to the cytostatic factor that maintains a high level of MPF activity. Kinases are important in this phenomenon since p39mos and MAPK play a part in the cytostatic activity whereas p34cdc2 is the catalytic subunit of MPF. Fertilization induces a rise in intracellular calcium leading to egg activation that can be mimicked by calcium-increasing agents such as calcium ionophore. We have performed on Xenopus eggs a biochemical comparison of the effects of the kinase inhibitor 6-DMAP and the calcium ionophore. Both drugs were able to induce pronucleus formation but the underlying molecular events were different. The inactivation of MAPK occurred earlier in eggs exposed to 6-DMAP. Cyclins B1 and B2 were stable and p39mos was proteolysed in 6-DMAP-treated eggs while the three proteins underwent degradation in A23187-treated ones. These results suggest a differential regulation of ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of cyclin B and p39mos.  相似文献   

RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) play important roles in the host defense to numerous viral pathogens. Since they were discovered, much light has been shed on the molecular details of how these cytoplasmic viral RNA receptors sense viral infection and orchestrate antiviral innate immunity. Intriguingly, in addition to viral RNA binding, a series of posttranslational modifications (PTMs) is required for the rapid activation of RLRs and, inversely, for the prevention of aberrant innate immune signaling. Recent discoveries have shown that viruses manipulate the PTMs of RLRs to escape innate immune detection. This article highlights some of these recent findings in this fast-evolving field.  相似文献   

Integrins are members of a ubiquitous membrane receptor family which includes 18 different α subunits and 8 β subunits forming more than 20 α/β heterodimers. Integrins play key functions in vascular endothelial cell and tumour cell adhesion, lymphocyte trafficking, tumor growth and viral infection. Current understanding of the molecular basis of integrins as viral receptors has been achieved through many decades of study into the biology of transmembrane glycoproteins and their interactions with several viruses. This review provides a summary of the current knowledge on the molecular bases of interactions between viruses and integrins, which are of potential practical significance. Inhibition of virus-integrin interactions at the points of virus attachment or entry will provide a novel approach for the therapeutic treatment of viral diseases.  相似文献   

Immediately before the transition from metaphase to anaphase, the protein kinase activity of maturation or M-phase promoting factor (MPF) is inactivated by a mechanism that involves the degradation of its regulatory subunit, cyclin B. The availability of biologically active goldfish cyclin B produced in Escherichia coli and purified goldfish proteasomes (a nonlysosomal large protease) has allowed the role of proteasomes in the regulation of cyclin degradation to be examined for the first time. The 26S, but not the 20S proteasome, digested recombinant 49-kD cyclin B at lysine 57 (K57), producing a 42-kD truncated form. The 42-kD cyclin was also produced by the digestion of native cyclin B forming a complex with cdc2, a catalytic subunit of MPF, and a fragment transiently appeared during cyclin degradation when eggs were released from metaphase II arrest by egg activation. Mutant cyclin at K57 was resistant to both digestion by the 26S proteasome and degradation at metaphase/anaphase transition in Xenopus egg extracts. The results of this study indicate that the destruction of cyclin B is initiated by the ATP-dependent and ubiquitin-independent proteolytic activity of 26S proteasome through the first cutting in the NH2 terminus of cyclin (at K57 in the case of goldfish cyclin B). We also surmise that this cut allows the cyclin to be ubiquitinated for further destruction by ubiquitin-dependent activity of the 26S proteasome that leads to MPF inactivation.  相似文献   

Most inhibitors of Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) target its ATP-binding pocket. It is difficult, however, to use this pocket to design very specific inhibitors because this catalytic pocket is highly conserved in the protein family of CDKs. Here we report some short peptides targeting a noncatalytic pocket near the interface of the CDK2/Cyclin complex. Docking and molecular dynamics simulations were used to select the peptides, and detailed dynamical network analysis revealed that these peptides weaken the complex formation via allosteric interactions. Our experiments showed that upon binding to the noncatalytic pocket, these peptides break the CDK2/Cyclin complex partially and diminish its kinase activity in vitro. The binding affinity of these peptides measured by Surface Plasmon Resonance can reach as low as 0.5 µM.  相似文献   

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