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In the present work we have partially characterized an ecto-phosphatase activity in Crithidia deanei, using viable parasites. This enzyme hydrolyzed p-nitrophenylphosphate at a rate of 3.55 +/- 0.47 nmol Pi/h x 10(8) cells. The dependence on p-NPP concentration shows a normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics for this phosphatase activity and the value of the apparent Km for p-NPP was 5.35 +/- 0.89 mM. This phosphatase activity was inhibited by the product of the reaction, the inorganic phosphate. Experiments using classical inhibitors of acid phosphatases, such as ZnCl2 and sodium fluoride, as well as inhibitors of phosphotyrosine phosphatase, such as sodium orthovanadate and ammonium molybdate, showed a decrease in this phosphatase activity, with different patterns of inhibition.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Chloramphenicol cured Crithidia deanei of its endosymbiote. The derived aposymbiotic strain had additional growth requirements: purin (as adenine), heme, arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and pantothenate and liver infusion (replaceable by high nicotinamide).  相似文献   

The activity of the following enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of porphyrins was determined in endosymbiote-free and endosymbiote-containing Crithidia deanei grown in a chemically defined medium: succinyl Coenzyme A synthetase (Suc.CoA-S), 5-aminolevulinate synthetase (ALA-S), 4,5-dioxovaleric acid transaminase (DOVA-T), 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALA-D), porphobilinogenase (PBGase), deaminase and heme synthetase (Heme-S). The amount of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen, porphyrins and heme was also determined. ALA and PBG were detected in C. deanei. The levels of free porphyrins was low. Heme concentration was nil. The activity of ALA-D, deaminase and PBGase was not detected in C. deanei. The activity of Suc.CoA-S and ALA-S were twice higher in symbiote-containing than in aposymbiotic C. deanei. Aposymbiotic cells had a higher activity of DOVA-T than symbiote-containing cells. The level of Heme-S, measured using protoporphyrin as substrate, was twice as high in symbiote-containing than in symbiote-free cells.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Components of the cell surface of Crithidia guilhermei, Crithidia deanei and Crithidia oncopelti were radioiodinated by the iodogen technique. The distribution of proteins in the detergent-poor (DPP) and detergent-enriched phase (DRP) were studied using a phase separation technique in Triton X-114 and one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate (1D and 2D SDS-PAGE).
  • 2.2. Significant differences were noted in the proteins present in the DRP when the three species were compared.
  • 3.3. Two major bands with mol. wt 28,000 and 56,000 and motility in the pH gradient of 7.4 and 6.3, respectively, were observed in C. guilhermei, but not discernible in C. deanei and C. oncopelti.
  • 4.4. One polypeptide with mol. wt 50,000 and p1 4.9 was identified in the DRP of C. deanei.
  • 5.5. A broad band with mol. wt 68,000–140,000 and pI 4.7–5.5 was clearly observed in the DRP of C. deanei and one or two polypeptides only present in the DPP were observed in the three Crithidia species analyzed.
  • 6.6. Our observations show that C. guilhermei has characteristic surface polypeptides not found in C. deanei and C. oncopelti.
  • 7.7. Our results, in association with those reported by others, show that the phase separation using Triton X-114 offers a simple approach to the separation and further analysis of a select group of proteins from the bulk of the cellular proteins.

ABSTRACT. Growth by serial transfers of the trypanosomatid Crithidia deanei in culture medium containing 1 mg/ml of the β-lactam antibiotics ampicillin or cephalexin resulted in shape distortion of its endosymbiont. The endosymbiont first appeared as filamentous structures with restricted areas of membrane damage. An increase of electron lucid areas was also observed in the endosymbiont matrix. The continuous treatment with β-lactam antibiotics, resulted in endosymbiont membranes fragmentation; and later on the space previously occupied by the symbiont was identified as an electron lucid area in the host cytoplasm. The putative targets of β-lactam antibiotic were two membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) detected in the Sarkosyl-soluble fraction of purified symbionts labeled with [3H]-benzylpenicillin. The apparent molecular weight of the proteins were 90 kDa (PBP1) and 45 kDa (PBP2). PBP2 represented 85% of the total PBP content in the membrane fraction of the endosymbionts. Competition experiments using the tested antibiotics and [3H]-benzylpenicillin showed that ampicillin and cephalexin have half saturating concentrations considerably higher than [3H]-benzylpenicillin and indicated that PBP1 is the probable lethal target of the antibiotics tested. These results suggest that a physiologically active PBP is present in the cell envelope of C. deanei endosymbionts and may play important roles in the control of processes such as cell division and shape determination.  相似文献   

Traditionally, monoxenous trypanosomatid protozoa are not believed to infect vertebrate cells. Using light and electron microscopy, we show that the monoxenous trypanosomatids Crithidia deanei and Herpetomonas roitmani are able to infect dermal mouse fibroblasts in vitro. We present experimental evidence of phagocytosis of these trypanosomatids, and demonstrate their survival in vertebrate cells. This paper raises the question about the role of C. deanei and H. roitmani, and perhaps other monoxenous trypanosomatid species, in opportunistic infections of immunocompromised individuals and cutaneos lesions in vertebrate hosts.  相似文献   

In this study, the role of phospholipid biosynthetic pathways was investigated in the establishment of the mutualistic relationship between the trypanosomatid protozoan Crithidia deanei and its symbiotic bacterium. Although the endosymbiont displays two unit membranes, it lacks a typical Gram-negative cell wall. As in other intracellular bacteria, phosphatidylcholine is a major component of the symbiont envelope. Here, it was shown that symbiont-bearing C. deanei incorporates more than two-fold (32)Pi into phospholipids as compared with the aposymbiotic strain. The major phospholipid synthesized by both strains was phosphatidylcholine, followed by phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol. Cellular fractioning indicated that (32)Pi-phosphatidylcholine is the major phospholipid component of the isolated symbionts, as well as of mitochondria. Although the data indicated that isolated symbionts synthesized phospholipids independently of the trypanosomatid host, a key finding was that the isolated bacteria synthesized mostly phosphatidylethanolamine, rather than phosphatidylcholine. These results indicate that phosphatidylcholine production by the symbiont depends on metabolic exchanges with the host protozoan. Insight about the mechanisms underlying lipid biosynthesis in symbiont-bearing C. deanei might help to understand how the prokaryote/trypanosomatid relation has evolved in the establishment of symbiosis.  相似文献   

The surface anionic groups of symbiote-bearing and symbiote-free strains of Crithidia deanei were compared by determining cellular electrophoretic mobility, by ultrastructural cytochemistry, and by identification of sialic acids by thin-layer and gasliquid chromatography. Symbiote-free Crithidia deanei has a highly negative surface charge (-0.9984 μm?s-1? V-1? cm), which is slightly reduced (-0.8527 μm?s-1? V-1? cm) by the presence of the endosymbiote. Treatment of both strains of C. deanei with neuraminidase decreased significantly the electrophoretic mobility of cells toward the cathodic pole, indicating the existence of exposed sialic acid residues responsible for the negative charge on the protozoan cell surface. Thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography showed that N-glycolyl- and N-acetylneuraminic acids were present in both strains of C. deanei.  相似文献   

Crithidia deanei from the reduviid hemipteron, Zelus leucogrammus, unlike most lower trypanosomatids cultivated in defined medium, required only 2 amino acids, methionine and tyrosine; only 4 vitamins, folic acid, thiamine, biotin, and nicotinamide; and neither hemin nor a purine source. Electron microscopy reveals an endosymbiont, probably bacterial, which presumably provides the other basic trypanosomatid essential nutrients.  相似文献   

Here we describe a method that allows the isolation of intact trypanosomatid symbionts in amounts sufficient for biochemical analysis. The isolated symbionts retain their characteristic morphological features and are reasonably free of subcellular debris. They actively incorporate [3H]leucine and [35S]methionine into proteins. Chloramphenicol and rifampicin at 50 μg/ml almost completely inhibit the incorporation of protein precursors. The inhibition of protein synthesis by the antibiotics provides direct evidence for the existence of a prokaryotic protein-synthesizing system in this unusual intracellular structure. The pattern of protein synthesis of the isolated symbionts is complex. Several symbiont polypeptides are absent or poorly represented in the flagellate.  相似文献   

In trypanosomatids, cell division involves morphological changes and requires coordinated replication and segregation of the nucleus, kinetoplast and flagellum. In endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatids, like Crithidia deanei, this process is more complex, as each daughter cell contains only a single symbiotic bacterium, indicating that the prokaryote must replicate synchronically with the host protozoan. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy combined with three-dimensional reconstruction approaches to observe the endosymbiont shape and division during C. deanei cell cycle. We found that the bacterium replicates before the basal body and kinetoplast segregations and that the nucleus is the last organelle to divide, before cytokinesis. In addition, the endosymbiont is usually found close to the host cell nucleus, presenting different shapes during the protozoan cell cycle. Considering that the endosymbiosis in trypanosomatids is a mutualistic relationship, which resembles organelle acquisition during evolution, these findings establish an excellent model for the understanding of mechanisms related with the establishment of organelles in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Blastocrithidia culicis and Crithidia deanei are trypanosomatid protozoa of insects that normally contain intracellular symbiotic bacteria. The protozoa can be rid of their endosymbionts by antibiotics, producing a cured cell line. Here, we analyzed the glycoconjugate profiles of endosymbiont-harboring and cured strains of B. culicis and C. deanei by Western blotting and flow cytometry analyses using lectins that recognize specifically sialic acid and mannose-like residues. The absence of the endosymbiont increased the intensity of the lectins binding on both trypanosomatids. In addition, wild and cured strain-specific glycoconjugate bands were identified. The role of the surface saccharide residues on the interaction with explanted guts from Aedes aegypti gut was assessed. The aposymbiotic strains of B. culicis and C. deanei presented interaction rates 3.3- and 2.3-fold lower with the insect gut, respectively, when compared with the endosymbiont-bearing strains. The interaction rate of sialidase-treated cells of the wild and cured strains of B. culicis and C. deanei was reduced in at least 90% in relation to the control. The interaction of B. culicis (wild strain) with explanted guts was inhibited in the presence of mucin (56%), fetuin (62%), sialyllactose (64%) and alpha-methyl-D-mannoside (80%), while in C. deanei (wild strain) the inhibition was 53%, 56%, 79% and 34%, respectively. Collectively, our results suggest a possible involvement of sialomolecules and mannose-rich glycoconjugates in the interaction between insect trypanosomatids and the invertebrate host.  相似文献   

A 110-kilodalton polypeptide isolated from cell-free culture supernatants of hemolytic Escherichia coli was shown to be associated with hemolytic activity. The relative amount of the extracellular 110-kilodalton species detected directly reflects the extracellular hemolysin activity associated with Escherichia coli strains harboring different hemolysin recombinant plasmids. The predicted molecular mass of the hemolysin structural gene (hlyA) based on DNA sequence analysis was 109,858 daltons. Amino-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of the 110-kilodalton polypeptide provided direct evidence that it was encoded by hlyA. Based on this information, it was also demonstrated that the HlyA polypeptide was released extracellularly without signal peptidase-like cleavage. An examination of hemolysin-specific polypeptides detected by use of recombinant plasmids in a minicell-producing strain of Escherichia coli was performed. These studies demonstrated how hemolysin-associated 110- and 58-kilodalton polypeptides detected in the minicell background could be misinterpreted as a precursor-product relationship.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that the endosymbiont of Crithidia deanei influences the expression of surface gp63 molecules. Ultrastructural immunocytochemical analysis shows the presence of the gp63-like protein in the protozoan flagellum and flagellar pocket, either attached to shed membranes or in a free form. This molecule is glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored to the plasma membrane as demonstrated by phospholipase C (PLC) treatment and cross-reacting determinant detection by immunoblotting. The gp63 molecule mediates the adhesive process of the protozoan to Aedes aegypti explanted guts, since the binding was reduced by pre-incubating the C. deanei parasites (wild and aposymbiotic strains) with anti-gp63 antibodies, PLC or PLC followed by anti-gp63 antibodies incubation. In addition, the number of wild C. deanei bound to A. aegypti explanted guts was twice as that of aposymbiotic parasites. Flow cytometry assays revealed that the reactivity of the wild strain with anti-gp63 antibodies was approximately twice as that of the aposymbiotic strain. We may conclude that higher expression of surface gp63 by the wild strain of C. deanei may positively influence this interaction, posing a prominent advantage for the endosymbiont-containing trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

An extracellular metalloproteinase from Crithidia guilhermei, a monoxenic trypanosomatid of insects, was purified 11-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration on a Shinpack Diol-150 column, and anion-exchange chromatography in a MONO Q column, both using the HPLC system. The proteinase appeared as a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 62 kDa in SDS-PAGE, under reducing conditions, and was optimally active at 37 degrees C and pH 6.0. The enzyme showed 62% residual activity at 50 degrees C for 30 min. The proteinase was completely inhibited by 1, 10-phenanthroline, indicating that the enzyme belongs to the metalloproteinase class. This is the first report of the purification of an extracellular metalloproteinase from the Crithidia species. The possible role of this enzyme in the digestive tract of the insect host is discussed.  相似文献   

Endothelium produces oxygen-derived free radicals (nitric oxide, NO&z.rad;; superoxide anion, O(2)(*-)) which play a major role in physiology and pathology of the vessel wall. However, little is known about endothelium-derived O(2)(*-) production, particularly due to the difficulty in assessing O(2)(*-) when its production is low and to controversies recently raised about the use of lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence. We compared four techniques of O(2)(*-) assessment when its production is low. In the present study, we have compared ferricytochrome c reduction, electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy using DMPO as spin trap, hydroethidine fluorescence, and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence to assess O(2)(*-) production in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). We focused our study on extracellular O(2)(*-) production because the specificity of the signal is provided by the use of superoxide dismutase, and this control cannot be obtained intracellularly. We found that the calcium ionophore A23187 dose-dependently stimulated O(2)(*-) production, with a good correlation between all four techniques. The signals evoked by postconfluent BAEC were increased 2- to 7-fold in comparison to just-confluent BAEC, according to the technique used. Ferricytochrome c 20 microm rather than at 100 microm appears more suitable to detect O(2)(*-). However, in the presence of electron donors such as NADH or NADPH, lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence generated high amounts of O(2)(*-). Thus, ferricytochrome c reduction, electron spin resonance (ESR), and hydroethidine fluorescence appear as adequate tools for the detection of extracellular endothelium-derived O(2)(*-) production, whereas lucigenin may be artifactual, even when a low concentration of lucigenin is employed.  相似文献   

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