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In this paper we describe the nature and importance of processive enzymatic reactions in biological processes. A model is set up to describe the processive synthetic process in DNA replication, and experiments are presented to define and test the model, using the components of the T4 phage-coded five-protein (in vitro) DNA replication system of Alberts, Nossal and coworkers. These experiments are performed either with a homogeneous oligo dT-poly dA primer-template system, or with a natural primer-template system using phage M13 DNA. The results are used to define some molecular aspects of the microscopic “processivity cycle”.  相似文献   

A fluorescence assay was used to measure the processivity of Escherichia coli recBCD enzyme helicase activity. Under standard conditions, recBCD enzyme unwinds an average of 30 +/- 3.2 kilobase pairs (kb)/DNA end before dissociating. The average processivity (P obs) of DNA unwinding under these conditions is 0.99997, indicating that the probability of unwinding another base pair is 30,000-fold greater than the probability of dissociating from the double-stranded DNA. The average number of base pairs unwound per binding event (N) is sensitive to both mono- and divalent salt concentration and ranges from 36 kb at 80 mM NaCl to 15 kb at 280 mM NaCl. The processivity of unwinding increases in a hyperbolic manner with increasing ATP concentration, yielding a KN value for ATP of 41 +/- 9 microM and a limiting value of 32 +/- 1.8 kb/end for the number of base pairs unwound. The importance of the processivity of recBCD enzyme helicase activity to the recBCD enzyme-dependent stimulation of recombination at Chi sites observed in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Aptamers are nucleic acid bioreceptors that have been used in various applications including medical diagnostics and as therapeutic agents. Identifying the most optimal aptamer for a particular application is very challenging. Here, we for the first time have developed a high-throughput method for accurately quantifying aptamer binding affinity, specificity, and cross-reactivity via the kinetics of aptamer digestion by exonucleases. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by isolating a set of new aptamers for fentanyl and its analogs, and then characterizing the binding properties of 655 aptamer–ligand pairs using our exonuclease digestion assay and validating the results with gold-standard methodologies. These data were used to select optimal aptamers for the development of new sensors that detect fentanyl and its analogs in different analytical contexts. Our approach dramatically accelerates the aptamer characterization process and streamlines sensor development, and if coupled with robotics, could enable high-throughput quantitative analysis of thousands of aptamer–ligand pairs.  相似文献   

Calf thymus DNA primase was examined to determine the kinetic parameters that define its unusual processivity. At 37 degrees C, the major products were 8-9 and 2-3 nucleotides long. The 2-mer was the predominant product when considered on a molar basis. At each polymerization cycle en route to synthesis of a unit length primer (7-10 nucleotides), processivity was defined by competition of enzyme dissociation with ATP binding as well as an ATP independent step(s). Reducing the temperature to 25 degrees C had relatively little effect on the production of primers less than or equal to 6 nucleotides long, but greatly enhanced production of primers twice (16-18 nucleotides) the normal unit length. Kinetic analysis revealed that synthesis of these longer primers largely involves dissociation of the primase after completion of the unit length primer. After synthesis of a primer, the primase-polymerase complex normally switches to polymerase activity. Only primers greater than or equal to 7 nucleotides long were utilized by the polymerase regardless of the dNTP concentration, indicating that the signal for the primase to polymerase activity switch is primer completion. During the switch, either the primer-template does not dissociate from the complex or the complex has extraordinarily high affinity for the primers. At 25 degrees C and physiological dNTP concentrations the activity switch is very efficient, greater than 90% of the primers are elongated. However, at 37 degrees C the switch is much less efficient, likely due to primer-template denaturation.  相似文献   

DNA-repair reactions by purified HeLa DNA polymerases and exonucleases   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
PM2 duplex DNA substrates containing small gaps were utilized to study DNA repair reactions of extensively purified HeLa DNase V (a bidirectional double strand DNA exonuclease) and DNA polymerases beta, gamma (mitochondrial and extramitochondrial), and alpha holoenzyme, and delta as a function of ionic strength. At 50 mM NaCl, DNase V carried out extensive exonucleolytic degradation, and beta-polymerase exhibited strand displacement synthesis. However, at 150 mM NaCl, the DNase appeared only to remove damaged nucleotides from DNA termini while beta-polymerase catalyzed only gap-filling synthesis. When present in equimolar amounts, beta-polymerase and DNase V (which can be isolated as a 1:1 complex) catalyzed more degradation than synthesis at 50 mM NaCl; however, at 150 mM NaCl a coupled very limited nick translation reaction ensued. At physiological ionic strength DNA polymerase alpha holoenzyme was not active upon these substrates. In 15 mM KCl it could fill small gaps and carry out limited nick translation with undamaged DNA, but it could not create a ligatable substrate from UV-irradiated DNA incised with T4 UV endonuclease. Mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma was more active at 150 mM NaCl than at lower ionic strengths. It readily filled small gaps but was only marginally capable of strand-displacement synthesis. The extramitochondrial form of gamma-polymerase, conversely, was less sensitive to ionic strength; it too easily filled small gaps but was not effective in catalyzing strand displacement synthesis. Finally, DNA polymerase delta was able to fill gaps of several to 20 nucleotides in 0.05 M NaCl, but at higher NaCl concentrations there was little activity. DNA polymerases delta did not demonstrate strand displacement synthesis. Therefore, at physiological ionic strength, it appears that either DNA polymerase beta or extramitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma might aid in short patch DNA repair of nuclear (or transfecting) DNAs, whereas mitochondrial gamma-polymerase might fill small gaps in mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Processivity of the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex from calf thymus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
K T Hohn  F Grosse 《Biochemistry》1987,26(10):2870-2878
The processivity of the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex from calf thymus was analyzed under various conditions. When multi-RNA-primed M13 DNA was used as the substrate, the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex was found to incorporate 19 +/- 3 nucleotides per primer binding event. This result was confirmed by product analysis on sequencing gels following DNA synthesis on poly(dT) X (rA)10. The processivity depends strongly on the assay conditions but does not correlate with enzymic activity. Lowering the concentration of Mg2+ ions to less than 2 mM increases the processivity to 60. Replacing Mg2+ by 0.2 mM Mn2+ results in 90 nucleotides being incorporated per primer binding event. Neither the presence of ATP nor the addition of noncognate deoxynucleotide triphosphates affects the processivity of the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex. Lower processivity was induced by lowering the reaction temperature, by adding spermine, spermidine, or putrescine, in the presence of the antibiotics novobiocin and ciprofloxacin, by adding Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein, or by adding calf thymus topoisomerase II and RNase H. Three single-stranded DNA binding proteins from calf thymus, including unwinding protein 1, do not affect processivity to any significant extent. Freshly prepared DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex exhibits in addition to its processivity of 20 further discrete processivities of about 55, 90, and 105. This result suggest that further subunits of the polymerase alpha-primase complex are necessary to reconstitute the holoenzyme form of the eukaryotic replicase.  相似文献   


Sliding clamps and clamp loaders are processivity factors required for efficient DNA replication. Sliding clamps are ring-shaped complexes that tether DNA polymerases to DNA to increase the processivity of synthesis. Clamp loaders assemble these ring-shaped clamps onto DNA in an ATP-dependent reaction. The overall process of clamp loading is dynamic in that protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions must actively change in a coordinated fashion to complete the mechanical clamp-loading reaction cycle. The clamp loader must initially have a high affinity for both the clamp and DNA to bring these macromolecules together, but then must release the clamp on DNA for synthesis to begin. Evidence is presented for a mechanism in which the clamp-loading reaction comprises a series of binding reactions to ATP, the clamp, DNA, and ADP, each of which promotes some change in the conformation of the clamp loader that alters interactions with the next component of the pathway. These changes in interactions must be rapid enough to allow the clamp loader to keep pace with replication fork movement. This review focuses on the measurement of dynamic and transient interactions required to assemble the Escherichia coli sliding clamp on DNA.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase processivity factor of the Epstein-Barr virus, BMRF1, associates with the polymerase catalytic subunit, BALF5, to enhance the polymerase processivity and exonuclease activities of the holoenzyme. In this study, the crystal structure of C-terminally truncated BMRF1 (BMRF1-ΔC) was solved in an oligomeric state. The molecular structure of BMRF1-ΔC shares structural similarity with other processivity factors, such as herpes simplex virus UL42, cytomegalovirus UL44, and human proliferating cell nuclear antigen. However, the oligomerization architectures of these proteins range from a monomer to a trimer. PAGE and mutational analyses indicated that BMRF1-ΔC, like UL44, forms a C-shaped head-to-head dimer. DNA binding assays suggested that basic amino acid residues on the concave surface of the C-shaped dimer play an important role in interactions with DNA. The C95E mutant, which disrupts dimer formation, lacked DNA binding activity, indicating that dimer formation is required for DNA binding. These characteristics are similar to those of another dimeric viral processivity factor, UL44. Although the R87E and H141F mutants of BMRF1-ΔC exhibited dramatically reduced polymerase processivity, they were still able to bind DNA and to dimerize. These amino acid residues are located near the dimer interface, suggesting that BMRF1-ΔC associates with the catalytic subunit BALF5 around the dimer interface. Consequently, the monomeric form of BMRF1-ΔC probably binds to BALF5, because the steric consequences would prevent the maintenance of the dimeric form. A distinctive feature of BMRF1-ΔC is that the dimeric and monomeric forms might be utilized for the DNA binding and replication processes, respectively.  相似文献   

Clamp protein or clamp, initially identified as the processivity factor of the replicative DNA polymerase, is indispensable for the timely and faithful replication of DNA genome. Clamp encircles duplex DNA and physically interacts with DNA polymerase. Clamps from different organisms share remarkable similarities in both structure and function. Loading of clamp onto DNA requires the activity of clamp loader. Although all clamp loaders act by converting the chemical energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to mechanical force, intriguing differences exist in the mechanistic details of clamp loading. The structure and function of clamp in normal and translesion DNA synthesis has been subjected to extensive investigations. This review summarizes the current understanding of clamps from three kingdoms of life and the mechanism of loading by their cognate clamp loaders. We also discuss the recent findings on the interactions between clamp and DNA, as well as between clamp and DNA polymerase (both the replicative and specialized DNA polymerases). Lastly the role of clamp in modulating polymerase exchange is discussed in the context of translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The X family polymerases (PolXs) are specialized DNA polymerases that are found in all domains of life. While the main representatives of eukaryotic PolXs, which have dedicated functions in DNA repair, were studied in much detail, the functions and diversity of prokaryotic PolXs have remained largely unexplored. Here, by combining a comprehensive bioinformatic analysis of prokaryotic PolXs and biochemical experiments involving selected recombinant enzymes, we reveal a previously unrecognized group of PolXs that seem to be lacking DNA polymerase activity. The noncanonical PolXs contain substitutions of the key catalytic residues and deletions in their polymerase and dNTP binding sites in the palm and fingers domains, but contain functional nuclease domains, similar to canonical PolXs. We demonstrate that representative noncanonical PolXs from the Deinococcus genus are indeed inactive as DNA polymerases but are highly efficient as 3′-5′ exonucleases. We show that both canonical and noncanonical PolXs are often encoded together with the components of the non-homologous end joining pathway and may therefore participate in double-strand break repair, suggesting an evolutionary conservation of this PolX function. This is a remarkable example of polymerases that have lost their main polymerase activity, but retain accessory functions in DNA processing and repair.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1, an SF1B helicase, has been implicated in both mitochondrial and nuclear functions. Here we have characterized the preference of Pif1 for RNA:DNA heteroduplexes in vitro by investigating several kinetic parameters associated with unwinding. We show that the preferential unwinding of RNA:DNA hybrids is due to neither specific binding nor differences in the rate of strand separation. Instead, Pif1 is capable of unwinding RNA:DNA heteroduplexes with moderately greater processivity compared with its duplex DNA:DNA counterparts. This higher processivity of Pif1 is attributed to slower dissociation from RNA:DNA hybrids. Biologically, this preferential role of the helicase may contribute to its functions at both telomeric and nontelomeric sites.  相似文献   

A method is described to detect DNA polymerases and nucleases in homogeneous or crude enzyme preparations after electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels(2) containing the appropriate template or substrate. DNA polymerases are electrophoresed in a gel containing gapped calf thymus DNA and after a renaturation treatment, the gel is incubated in a reaction mixture in which one deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate is [alpha-32P]-labelled. Incorporation of radioactivity into DNA is detected at the vicinity of the polymerase band by autoradiography. An associated nuclease activity can be measured after electrophoresis in a gel containing 32P-labelled gapped DNA, when nucleolytic digestion is seen as a clear band in the resulting autoradiogram. The gels can subsequently be stained with Coomassie blue to establish identical molecular weights of polymerase, nuclease and protein bands. Applications of this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

The protein family of kinesins contains processive motor proteins that move stepwise along microtubules. This mechanism requires the precise coupling of the catalytic steps in the two heads, and their precise mechanical coordination. Here we show that these functionalities can be uncoupled in chimera of processive and non-processive kinesins. A chimera with the motor domain of Kinesin-1 and the dimerization domain of a non-processive Kinesin-3 motor behaves qualitatively as conventional kinesin and moves processively in TIRF and bead motility assays, suggesting that spatial proximity of two Kinein-1 motor domains is sufficient for processive behavior. In the reverse chimera, the non-processive motor domains are unable to step along microtubules, despite the presence of the Kinesin-1 neck coiled coil. Still, ATP-binding to one head of these chimera induces ADP-release from the partner head, a characteristic feature of alternating site catalysis. These results show that processive movement of kinesin dimers requires elements in the motor head that respond to ADP-release and induce stepping, in addition to a proper spacing of the motor heads via the neck coiled coil.  相似文献   

Transformation-based gap-repair assays have long been used to model the repair of mitotic double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination in yeast. In the current study, we examine genetic requirements of two key processes involved in DSB repair: (1) the processive 5′-end resection that is required to efficiently engage a repair template and (2) the filling of resected ends by DNA polymerases. The specific gap-repair assay used allows repair events resolved as crossover versus noncrossover products to be distinguished, as well as the extent of heteroduplex DNA formed during recombination to be measured. To examine end resection, the efficiency and outcome of gap repair were monitored in the absence of the Exo1 exonuclease and the Sgs1 helicase. We found that either Exo1 or Sgs1 presence is sufficient to inhibit gap-repair efficiency over 10-fold, consistent with resection-mediated destruction of the introduced plasmid. In terms of DNA polymerase requirements for gap repair, we focused specifically on potential roles of the Pol ζ and Pol η translesion synthesis DNA polymerases. We found that both Pol ζ and Pol η are necessary for efficient gap repair and that each functions independently of the other. These polymerases may be involved either in the initiation of DNA synthesis from the an invading end, or in a gap-filling process that is required to complete recombination.  相似文献   

Processivity of chimeric class V myosins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unconventional myosin V takes many 36-nm steps along an actin filament before it dissociates, thus ensuring its ability to move cargo intracellularly over long distances. In the present study we assessed the structural features that affect processive run length by analyzing the properties of chimeras of mouse myosin V and a non-processive class V myosin from yeast (Myo4p) (Reck-Peterson, S. L., Tyska, M. J., Novick, P. J., and Mooseker, M. S. (2001) J. Cell Biol. 153, 1121-1126). Surprisingly a chimera containing the yeast motor domain on the neck and rod of mouse myosin V (Y-MD) showed longer run lengths than mouse wild type at low salt. Run lengths of mouse myosin V showed little salt dependence, whereas those of Y-MD decreased steeply with ionic strength, similar to a chimera containing yeast loop 2 in the mouse myosin V backbone. Loop 2 binds to acidic patches on actin in the weak binding states of the cycle (Volkmann, N., Liu, H., Hazelwood, L., Krementsova, E. B., Lowey, S., Trybus, K. M., and Hanein, D. (2005) Mol. Cell 19, 595-605). Constructs containing yeast loop 2, which has no net charge compared with +6 for wild type, showed a higher K(m) for actin in steady-state ATPase assays. The results imply that a positively charged loop 2 and a high affinity for actin are important to maintain processivity near physiologic ionic strength.  相似文献   

Lawrence MS  Bartel DP 《Biochemistry》2003,42(29):8748-8755
The "RNA world" hypothesis proposes that early in the evolution of life, before the appearance of DNA or protein, RNA was responsible both for encoding genetic information and for catalyzing biochemical reactions. Ribo-organisms living in the RNA world would have replicated their RNA genomes by using an RNA polymerase ribozyme. Efforts to provide experimental support for the RNA world hypothesis have focused on producing such a polymerase, and in vitro evolution methods have led to the isolation of a polymerase ribozyme that catalyzes primer extension which is accurate and general, but slow. To understand the reaction of this ribozyme, we developed a method of measuring polymerase processivity that is particularly useful in the case of an inefficient polymerase. This method allowed us to demonstrate that the polymerase ribozyme, despite its inefficiency, is partially processive. It is currently limited by a low affinity for the primer-template duplex, but once it successfully binds the primer-template duplex in the productive alignment, it catalyzes an extension reaction that is so rapid that it can occur multiple times during the short span of a single binding event. This finding contributes to the understanding of one of the more sophisticated activities yet to be generated de novo in the laboratory and sheds light on the parameters to be targeted for further optimization.  相似文献   

Ping Xie  Shuo-Xing Dou  Peng-Ye Wang 《BBA》2007,1767(12):1418-1427
The processive movement of single-headed kinesins is studied by using a ratchet model of non-Markov process, which is built on the experimental evidence that the strong binding of kinesin to microtubule in rigor state induces a large apparent change in the local microtubule conformation. In the model, the microtubule plays a crucial active role in the kinesin movement, in contrast to the previous belief that the microtubule only acts as a passive track for the kinesin motility. The unidirectional movement of single-headed kinesin is resulted from the asymmetric periodic potential between kinesin and microtubule while its processivity is determined by its binding affinity for microtubule in the weak ADP state. Using the model, various experimental results for monomeric kinesin KIF1A, such as the mean step size, the step-size distribution, the long run length and the mean velocity versus load, can be well explained quantitatively. This local conformational change of the microtubule may also play important roles in the processive movement of conventional two-headed kinesins. An experiment to verify the model is suggested.  相似文献   

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