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Ischemia and simulated ischemic conditions cause intracellular Ca2+ overload in the myocardium. The relationship between ischemia injury and Ca2+ overload has not been fully characterized. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression and characteristics of PLC isozymes in myocardial infarction-induced cardiac remodeling and heart failure. In normal rat heart tissue, PLC-delta1 (about 44 ng/mg of heart tissue) was most abundant isozymes compared to PLC-gamma1 (6.8 ng/mg) and PLC-beta1 (0.4 ng/mg). In ischemic heart and hypoxic neonatal cardiomyocytes, PLC-delta1, but not PLC-beta1 and PLC-gamma1, was selectively degraded, a response that could be inhibited by the calpain inhibitor, calpastatin, and by the caspase inhibitor, zVAD-fmk. Overexpression of the PLC-delta1 in hypoxic neonatal cardiomyocytes rescued intracellular Ca2+ overload by ischemic conditions. In the border zone and scar region of infarcted myocardium, and in hypoxic neonatal cardiomyocytes, the selective degradation of PLC-delta1 by the calcium sensitive proteases may play important roles in intracellular Ca2+ regulations under the ischemic conditions. It is suggested that PLC isozyme-changes may contribute to the alterations in calcium homeostasis in myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   

This report describes a congenital myopathy and major loss of thymic lymphocytes in ankyrin-B (-/-) mice as well as dramatic alterations in intracellular localization of key components of the Ca(2+) homeostasis machinery in ankyrin-B (-/-) striated muscle and thymus. The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and SR/T-tubule junctions are apparently preserved in a normal distribution in ankyrin-B (-/-) skeletal muscle based on electron microscopy and the presence of a normal pattern of triadin and dihydropyridine receptor. Therefore, the abnormal localization of SR/ER Ca ATPase (SERCA) and ryanodine receptors represents a defect in intracellular sorting of these proteins in skeletal muscle. Extrapolation of these observations suggests defective targeting as the basis for abnormal localization of ryanodine receptors, IP3 receptors and SERCA in heart, and of IP3 receptors in the thymus of ankyrin-B (-/-) mice. Mis-sorting of SERCA 2 and ryanodine receptor 2 in ankyrin-B (-/-) cardiomyocytes is rescued by expression of 220-kD ankyrin-B, demonstrating that lack of the 220-kD ankyrin-B polypeptide is the primary defect in these cells. Ankyrin-B is associated with intracellular vesicles, but is not colocalized with the bulk of SERCA 1 or ryanodine receptor type 1 in skeletal muscle. These data provide the first evidence of a physiological requirement for ankyrin-B in intracellular targeting of the calcium homeostasis machinery of striated muscle and immune system, and moreover, support a catalytic role that does not involve permanent stoichiometric complexes between ankyrin-B and targeted proteins. Ankyrin-B is a member of a family of adapter proteins implicated in restriction of diverse proteins to specialized plasma membrane domains. Similar mechanisms involving ankyrins may be essential for segregation of functionally defined proteins within specialized regions of the plasma membrane and within the Ca(2+) homeostasis compartment of the ER.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence studies of normal and Trypanosoma cruzi-infected primary cultures of heart muscle cells were performed to gather information about the arrangement of myofibrillar components during the intracellular life cycle of this parasite. By using a panel of monoclonal antibodies against various myofibrillar proteins, a progressive disruption and loss of contractile proteins (such myosin and actin) of the host cell was detected during infection. The host cell formed a loose network of myofibrillar proteins around the parasites. Breakdown of the myofibrils occurred in regions where the parasites were present, and heavily infected cells showed myofibrillar proteins at their periphery. In parallel, we investigated the effect of T. cruzi infection on intracellular calcium levels by using a Ca2+ fluorescent indicator (confocal microscopy). Infected cardiomyocytes displayed a marked impairment in contractility, and calcium influxes became irregular and less intense when compared with those of non-infected cells. Our results demonstrate that T. cruzi infection dramatically affects calcium fluxes and causes myofibrillar breakdown disturbing cardiomyocyte contractility.Financial support through grants and scholarships from the Brazilian funding agencies FAPESP, CNPq, and CAPES is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

To clarify whether apoptosis is involved in the injury processes induced by autoantibodyagainst cardiac β_1-adrenoceptor,we investigated the biological and apoptotic effects of antibodies on culturedneonatal rat cardiomyocytes.Wistar rats were immunized with peptides corresponding to the second extra-cellular loop of the β_1-adrenoceptor to induce the production of anti-β_1-adrenoceptor antibodies in the sera.Immunoglobulin(Ig)G in the sera was detected using synthetic antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay and purified using the diethylaminoethyl cellulose ion exchange technique.Apoptosis of cardiomyo-cytes was evaluated using agarose gel electrophoresis and flow cytometry.Our results showed that thepositive serum IgG greatly increased the beating rates of cardiomyocytes and showed an"agonist-like"activity.Furthermore,positive serum IgG induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis after treatment with β_1-adrenoceptor overstimulation for 48h.The effects of monoclonal antibody against β_-adrenoceptor werealso found to be similar to those of positive serum IgG.It was suggested that the autoantibody could inducecardiomyocyte apoptosis by excessive stimulation of β_1-adrenoceptor.  相似文献   

Adducin promotes assembly of spectrin-actin complexes, and is a target for regulation by calmodulin, protein kinase C, and rho kinase. We demonstrate here that adducin is required to stabilize preformed lateral membranes of human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells through interaction with beta2-spectrin. We use a Tet-on regulated inducible small interfering RNA (siRNA) system to deplete alpha-adducin from confluent HBE cells. Depletion of alpha-adducin resulted in increased detergent solubility of spectrin after normal membrane biogenesis during mitosis. Conversely, depletion of beta2-spectrin resulted in loss of adducin from the lateral membrane. siRNA-resistant alpha-adducin prevented loss of lateral membrane, but only if alpha-adducin retained the MARCKS domain that mediates spectrin-actin interactions. Phospho-mimetic versions of adducin with S/D substitutions at protein kinase C phosphorylation sites in the MARCKS domain were not active in rescue. We find that adducin modulates long-range organization of the lateral membrane based on several criteria. First, the lateral membrane of adducin-depleted cells exhibited reduced height, increased curvature, and expansion into the basal surface. Moreover, E-cadherin-GFP, which normally is restricted in lateral mobility, rapidly diffuses over distances up to 10 mum. We conclude that adducin acting through spectrin provides a novel mechanism to regulate global properties of the lateral membrane of bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Ankyrins are a family of adapter proteins required for localization of membrane proteins to diverse specialized membrane domains including axon initial segments, specialized sites at the transverse tubule/sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiomyocytes, and lateral membrane domains of epithelial cells. Little is currently known regarding the molecular basis for specific roles of different ankyrin isoforms. In this study, we systematically generated alanine mutants of clusters of charged residues in the spectrin-binding domains of both ankyrin-B and -G. The corresponding mutants were evaluated for activity in either restoration of abnormal localization of the inositol trisphosphate receptor in the sarcoplasmic reticulum in mutant mouse cardiomyocytes deficient in ankyrin-B or in prevention of loss of lateral membrane in human bronchial epithelial cells depleted of ankyrin-G by small interfering RNA. Interestingly, ankyrin-B and -G share two homologous sites that result in loss of function in both systems, suggesting that common molecular interactions underlie diverse roles of these isoforms. Ankyrins G and B also exhibit differences; mutations affecting spectrin binding had no effect on ankyrin-B function but did abolish activity of ankyrin-G in restoring lateral membrane biogenesis. Depletion of beta(2)-spectrin by small interfering RNA phenocopied depletion of ankyrin-G and resulted in a failure to form new lateral membrane in interphase and mitotic cells. These results demonstrate that ankyrin-G and beta(2)-spectrin are functional partners in biogenesis of the lateral membrane of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Group IIa phospholipase A(2) (GIIa PLA(2)) is released by some cells in response to interleukin-1beta. The purpose of this study was to determine whether interleukin-1beta would stimulate the synthesis and release of GIIa PLA(2) from cardiomyocytes, and to define the role of p38 MAPK and cytosolic PLA(2) in the regulation of this process. Whereas GIIa PLA(2) mRNA was not identified in untreated cells, exposure to interleukin-1beta resulted in the sustained expression of GIIa PLA(2) mRNA. Interleukin-1beta also stimulated a progressive increase in cellular and extracellular GIIa PLA(2) protein levels and increased extracellular PLA(2) activity 70-fold. In addition, interleukin-1beta stimulated the p38 MAPK-dependent activation of the downstream MAPK-activated protein kinase, MAPKAP-K2. Treatment with the p38 MAPK inhibitor, SB202190, decreased interleukin-1beta stimulated MAPKAP-K2 activity, GIIa PLA(2) mRNA expression, GIIa PLA(2) protein synthesis, and the release of extracellular PLA(2) activity. Infection with an adenovirus encoding a constitutively active form of MKK6, MKK6(Glu), which selectively phosphorylates p38 MAPK, induced cellular GIIa PLA(2) protein synthesis and the release of GIIa PLA(2) and increased extracellular PLA(2) activity 3-fold. In contrast, infection with an adenovirus encoding a phosphorylation-resistant MKK6, MKK6(A), did not result in GIIa PLA(2) protein synthesis or release by unstimulated cardiomyocytes. In addition, infection with an adenovirus encoding MKK6(A) abrogated GIIa PLA(2) protein synthesis and release by interleukin-1beta-stimulated cells. These results provide direct evidence that p38 MAPK activation was necessary for interleukin-1beta-induced synthesis and release of GIIa PLA(2) by cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

In this report, we study Ca2+ transport in permeabilized Candida parapsilosis spheroplasts prepared by a new technique using lyticase. An intracellular non-mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake pathway, insensitive to orthovanadate and sensitive to the V-H(+)-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A(1), nigericin and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone was characterized. Acidification of the compartment in which Ca2+ accumulated was followed using the fluorescent dye acridine orange. Acidification was stimulated by the Ca2+ chelator EGTA and inhibited by Ca2+. These results, when added to the observation that Ca2+ induces alkalization of a cellular compartment, provide evidence for the presence of a Ca2+/nH(+) antiporter in the acid compartment membrane. Interestingly, like in acidocalcisomes of trypanosomatids, the antioxidant 3,5-dibutyl-4-hydroxytoluene inhibits the V-H(+)-ATPase. In addition, the antifungal agent ketoconazole promoted a fast alkalization of the acidic compartment. Ketoconazole effects were dose-dependent and occurred in a concentration range close to that attained in the plasma of patients treated with this drug.  相似文献   

To investigate how mechanical stress is sensed by cardiomyocytes and translated to cardiac hypertrophy, cardiomyocytes were subjected to stretch while measuring phospholipase C (PLC) and phospholipase D (PLD) activities and levels of intracellular calcium ions ([Ca2+]i) and pH.In stretched cardiomyocytes, PLC activity increased 2-fold after 30 min, whereas PLD activity hardly increased at all. Mechanical stress induced by prodding or by cell stretch increased [Ca2+](i)by a factor 5.2 and 4, respectively. Gadolinium chloride (stretch-activated channel blocker) attenuated the prodding-induced and stretch-induced [Ca2+](i)rise by about 50%. Blockade of ryanodine receptors by a combination of Ruthenium Red and procaine reduced the [Ca2+](i)rise only partially. Diltiazem (L-type Ca2+ channel antagonist) blocked the prodding-induced [Ca2+](i)rise completely, and reduced the stretch-induced [Ca2+](i)rise by about 50%. The stretch-induced [Ca2+](i)rise was unaffected by U73122, an inhibitor of PLC activity. Stretch did not cause cellular alkalinization.In conclusion, in cardiomyocytes, PLC and [Ca2+](i)levels are involved in the stretch-induced signal transduction, whereas PLD plays apparently no role. The stretch-induced rise in [Ca2+](i)in cardiomyocytes is most probably caused by [Ca2+](i)influx through L-type Ca2+ channels and stretch-activated channels, leading to Ca2+-induced Ca2+ -release from the SR via the ryanodine receptor.  相似文献   

Cardiac-specific overexpression of the human beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) in transgenic mice (TG4) enhances basal cardiac function due to ligand-independent spontaneous beta(2)-AR activation. However, agonist-mediated stimulation of either beta(1)-AR or beta(2)-AR fails to further enhance contractility in TG4 ventricular myocytes. Although the lack of beta(2)-AR response has been ascribed to an efficient coupling of the receptor to pertussis toxin-sensitive G(i) proteins in addition to G(s), the contractile response to beta(1)-AR stimulation by norepinephrine and an alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist prazosin is not restored by pertussis toxin treatment despite a G(i) protein elevation of 1.7-fold in TG4 hearts. Since beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, betaARK1, activity remains unaltered, the unresponsiveness of beta(1)-AR is not caused by betaARK1-mediated receptor desensitization. In contrast, pre-incubation of cells with anti-adrenergic reagents such as muscarinic receptor agonist, carbachol (10(-5)m), or a beta(2)-AR inverse agonist, ICI 118,551 (5 x 10(-7)m), to abolish spontaneous beta(2)-AR signaling, both reduce the base-line cAMP and contractility and, surprisingly, restore the beta(1)-AR contractile response. The "rescued" contractile response is completely reversed by a beta(1)-AR antagonist, CGP 20712A. Furthermore, these results from the transgenic animals are corroborated by in vitro acute gene manipulation in cultured wild type adult mouse ventricular myocytes. Adenovirus-directed overexpression of the human beta(2)-AR results in elevated base-line cAMP and contraction associated with a marked attenuation of beta(1)-AR response; carbachol pretreatment fully revives the diminished beta(1)-AR contractile response. Thus, we conclude that constitutive beta(2)-AR activation induces a heterologous desensitization of beta(1)-ARs independent of betaARK1 and G(i) proteins; suppression of the constitutive beta(2)-AR signaling by either a beta(2)-AR inverse agonist or stimulation of the muscarinic receptor rescues the beta(1)-ARs from desensitization, permitting agonist-induced contractile response.  相似文献   

Viral-mediated gene delivery has been explored for the treatment and protection of cardiomyocytes, but so far there is only one report using cationic polymer for gene delivery to cardiomyocytes in spite of many advantages of polymer-mediated gene delivery. In this study, a cationic poly(beta-amino ester) (PDMA) with a degradable backbone and cleavable side chains was synthesized by Michael addition reaction. The toxicity of PDMA to neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes (NMCMs) was significantly lower than that of polyethyleneimine (PEI). PDMA formed stable polyplexes with pEGFP. The dissociation of the polyplexes could be triggered by PDMA degradation, and the dissociation time was tunable via the polymer/pEGFP ratio. In vitro transfection showed that PDMA was an effective and low toxic gene delivery carrier for NMCMs. The PDMA/pEGFP polyplexes transfected EGFP gene to NMCMs with about 28% efficiency and caused little death. In contrast, a significant portion of cardiomyocytes cultured with PEI/pEGFP died.  相似文献   

The influence of the extracellular matrix (ECM) on cell behavior, myofibrillogenesis and cytoarchitecture was investigated in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes in vitro. Cell behavior was examined by analyzing cell spreading on different ECM components under a variety of experimental conditions. Area measurements were made on digitized images of cells grown for various time intervals on fibronectin (FN), laminin (LN), collagens I and III (C I+III), plastic, and bovine serum albumin (BSA). The amount of spreading was varied on the different matrices and was maximal on FN greater than LN greater than C I+III greater than plastic greater than BSA. Addition of anti-beta 1 integrin antibodies to myocytes cultured on FN, LN and C I+III blocked spreading outward on the substrates and altered normal myofibrillogenesis, especially on LN. Concomitantly, the integrin antibodies induced the formation of giant pseudopodial processes which protruded upward from the substrates. These pseudopods contained actin polygonal networks which exhibited a regular geometrical configuration. Effects of the ECM on cytoarchitecture was examined by analyzing the temporal and spatial patterns of fluorescence and immunogold labeling of cytoskeletal and integrin proteins as myocytes spread in culture. The first indication of sarcomeric patterns was the appearance at 4 hours of striations formed by lateral alignment of alpha-actinin aggregates into Z bands. At later times, vinculin at 8 hours and beta 1 integrin at 22 hours became co-localized with alpha-actinin at the Z bands and focal adhesions. These data indicate that ECM components influence myocyte spreading and that myofibril assembly and/or stability is associated with ECM-integrin-cytoskeleton associations.  相似文献   

During neonatal development, there is an increase in myocardial stiffness that coincides with an increase in the contractility of the heart. In vitro assays have shown that substrate stiffness plays a role in regulating the twitch forces produced by immature cardiomyocytes. However, its effect on twitch power is unclear due to difficulties in measuring the twitch velocity of cardiomyocytes. Here, we introduce what we consider a novel approach to quantify twitch power by combining the temporal resolution of optical line scanning with the subcellular force resolution of micropost arrays. Using this approach, twitch power was found to be greater for cells cultured on stiffer posts, despite having lower twitch velocities. The increased power was attributed in part to improved myofibril structure (increased sarcomere length and Z-band width) and intracellular calcium levels. Immunofluorescent staining of α-actin revealed that cardiomyocytes had greater sarcomere length and Z-band width when cultured on stiffer arrays. Moreover, the concentration of intracellular calcium at rest and its rise with each twitch contraction was greater for cells on the stiffer posts. Altogether, these findings indicate that cardiomyocytes respond to substrate stiffness with biomechanical and biochemical changes that lead to an increase in cardiac contractility.  相似文献   

The hydration of fat free mass (FFM) and extracellular (ECW) and intracellular water (ICW) compartments were studied in 30 obese premenopausal women before and after a 3-mo weight-reduction program and again after a 9-mo weight-maintenance program. Body fat was determined by a four-compartment model. Total body water and ECW were determined by deuterium dilution and bromide dilution, respectively. After the weight-reduction period, mean weight loss was 12.8 kg, and body fat was reduced on average by 10.9 kg. During weight maintenance, changes in body mass and body fat were not significant. Before weight reduction, mean ECW/ICW ratio was relatively high (0.78 +/- 0.10). During the the study, total body water and ICW did not change significantly. ECW did not change significantly after weight reduction, but 12 mo after the start ECW was significantly increased by 1 liter. The ECW/ICW ratio increased to 0.87 +/- 0.12 (month 12). The hydration of the FFM increased from 74 +/- 1 to 77 +/- 2% during the weight reduction and remained elevated during weight maintenance. In conclusion, the ECW/ICW ratio and the hydration of the FFM, did not normalize during weight reduction and weight maintenance.  相似文献   

The fusion of influenza virus with cultured cells has been investigated. The virus was labelled with the fluorescent probe octadecyl rhodamine B and fusion was monitored as fluorescence dequenching due to dilution of the probe from the viral into a cellular target membrane. Fusion with the plasma membrane does not occur, unless the extracellular pH is temporarily lowered. At neutral pH fusion occurs only after a lag phase of 10-15 min, the time required for virus internalization, and the reaction is inhibited by NH4Cl, indicating that it takes place in an intracellular acidic compartment, most likely the endosome. This suggests that influenza virus infects cells via the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Sudden cardiac death due to ventricular arrhythmias is a major problem. Drug therapies to prevent SCD do not provide satisfying results, leading to the demand for new antiarrhythmic strategies. New targets include Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), the Na/Ca exchanger (NCX), the Ryanodine receptor (RyR, and its associated protein FKBP12.6 (Calstabin)) and the late component of the sodium current (I Na-Late ), all related to intracellular calcium (Ca2+) handling. In this review, drugs interfering with these targets (SEA-0400, K201, KN-93, W7, ranolazine, sophocarpine, and GS-967) are evaluated and their future as clinical compounds is considered. These new targets prove to be interesting; however more insight into long-term drug effects is necessary before clinical applicability becomes reality.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to investigate the regulatory effect of protein kinase C (PKC) on intracellular Ca(2+) handling in hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S)-preconditioned cardiomyocytes and its consequent effects on ischemia challenge. Immunoblot analysis was used to assess PKC isoform translocation in the rat cardiomyocytes 20 h after NaHS (an H(2)S donor, 10(-4) M) preconditioning (SP, 30 min). Intracellular Ca(2+) was measured with a spectrofluorometric method using fura-2 ratio as an indicator. Cell length was compared before and after ischemia-reperfusion insults to indicate the extent of hypercontracture. SP motivated translocation of PKCalpha, PKCepsilon, and PKCdelta to membrane fraction but only translocation of PKCepsilon and PKCdelta was abolished by an ATP-sensitive potassium channel blocker glibenclamide. It was also found that SP significantly accelerated the decay of both electrically and caffeine-induced intracellular [Ca(2+)] transients, which were reversed by a selective PKC inhibitor chelerythrine. These data suggest that SP facilitated Ca(2+) removal via both accelerating uptake of Ca(2+) into sarcoplasmic reticulum and enhancing Ca(2+) extrusion through Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger in a PKC-dependent manner. Furthermore, blockade of PKC also attenuated the protective effects of SP against Ca(2+) overload during ischemia and against myocyte hypercontracture at the onset of reperfusion. We demonstrate for the first time that SP activates PKCalpha, PKCepsilon, and PKCdelta in cardiomyocytes via different signaling mechanisms. Such PKC activation, in turn, protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion insults at least partly by ameliorating intracellular Ca(2+) handling.  相似文献   

Ginsengs are widely used to improve cardiac health and circulation. Loosely termed as ginsengs, Asian (Panax), Siberian and Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) Indian ginsengs are prepared from different plants. We tested the popular belief of cardiotonic effects of ginsengs using both neonatal and adult rat cardiomyocytes, comparing extracts from the three ginsengs. Addition of 10% v/v of extract (100 microl of extract/ml of culture medium) of each of the ginsengs resulted in a rapid (<10 s) cessation of beating in neonatal cardiomyocytes due to calcium overload, while sequential dilutions revealed that treatment with a low dose (0.01% v/v, 0.1 microl/ml of the medium) resulted in constant, regular beats (transients), and a slight elevation of diastolic calcium without overload. Addition of extracts to sparking, calcium-tolerant adult cardiomyocytes resulted in initiation of calcium transients, and adult cells were able to tolerate exposure to high concentrations of extract. Cardiotonic effects in adult cells (cardiotoxicity in neonatal cells) were most profound with Asian ginseng (2.6 times that of Siberian ginseng, 1.6 times that of Indian ginseng) probably due to the active ingredients (ginsenosides in Asian, eleutherosides in Siberian and withanolides in Indian) being structurally different. We conclude that fully developed cardiomyocytes are able to accommodate higher doses of ginseng than neonatal cells, and that the effects of ginseng on newly formed, developing myocytes, could be extremely deleterious to the fetus. However, for adults, ginseng might well be a 'tonic' in its ability to increase beating and intramyocytic calcium levels.  相似文献   

The apical transmembrane protein Crumbs is necessary for both cell polarization and the assembly of the zonula adherens (ZA) in Drosophila epithelia. The apical spectrin-based membrane skeleton (SBMS) is a protein network that is essential for epithelial morphogenesis and ZA integrity, and exhibits close colocalization with Crumbs and the ZA in fly epithelia. These observations suggest that Crumbs may stabilize the ZA by recruiting the SBMS to the junctional region. Consistent with this hypothesis, we report that Crumbs is necessary for the organization of the apical SBMS in embryos and Schneider 2 cells, whereas the localization of Crumbs is not affected in karst mutants that eliminate the apical SBMS. Our data indicate that it is specifically the 4.1 protein/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM) domain binding consensus, and in particular, an arginine at position 7 in the cytoplasmic tail of Crumbs that is essential to efficiently recruit both the apical SBMS and the FERM domain protein, DMoesin. Crumbs, Discs lost, betaHeavy-spectrin, and DMoesin are all coimmunoprecipitated from embryos, confirming the existence of a multimolecular complex. We propose that Crumbs stabilizes the apical SBMS via DMoesin and actin, leading to reinforcement of the ZA and effectively coupling epithelial morphogenesis and cell polarity.  相似文献   

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