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Up to 1 mol of phosphoryl groups was incorporated per mol of eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factor (eIF) 4E following incubation of purified preparations of this factor with purified preparations of a protamine kinase from bovine kidney cytosol. By contrast, purified preparations of two forms of mitogen-activated protein kinase, casein kinase II and two forms of a distinct autophosphorylation-activated protein kinase exhibited little activity, if any, with eIF-4E. Together with previous observations, the results indicate that the protamine kinase could contribute to the insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of eIF-4E.  相似文献   

Studies on the interaction of the murine translation initiation factor 4E with two new-synthesized cap-analogues, modified at C2' of 7-methylguanosine, have been performed by means of the fluorescence titration method. No difference in the binding affinity for eIF4E was observed compared with the "anti reversed" cap analogues, possessing the analogous modifications at C3'. Potential significance of the novel caps as research tools for examination of the nuclear cap binding complex CBC80/20 has been discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of N-7-substituted cap analogues to eIF-4E from human erythrocytes is described. Data presented here indicate that there is a correlation between the tightness of binding of these cap analogues to eIF-4E and their potency as inhibitors of protein synthesis. This result indicates that the inhibitory activity of the cap analogues is strictly a function of the affinity of the analogue for eIF-4E under equilibrium conditions. The pH dependence of binding of the cap analogues to eIF-4E indicates that the enolate form of the cap is preferred, as originally postulated by Rhoads et al. [(1983) Biochemistry 22, 6084-6088]. Data indicate that there are differences in the mode of binding of alkyl-substituted and aryl-substituted cap analogues to eIF-4E arising from favorable interactions of the phenyl ring with the guanosine moiety. These differences may explain the enhanced recognition of the aryl-substituted cap analogues by eIF-4E.  相似文献   

The mechanism of mRNA recognition by proteins interacting with the mRNA cap structure was investigated by photochemical cross-linking of proteins with 32P-labelled reoviral RNAs. Using ribosomal washes as a source of eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factors, we identified the well-known cap binding proteins eIF-4B and -4E, but eIF-2 and eIF-3 as well. The interplay of purified eIF-4A, -4B, and -4F was studied in relation to ATP dependence and cap analogue sensitivity of cap binding. Next to their well-known roles in the initiation process, eIF-2 and eIF-3 also cross-linked to the 5' cap. eIF-2 stimulated eIF-4B and -4E cross-linking, an observation that has been previously described more extensively. The interaction of eIF-2 with the 5' end of mRNA was extremely sensitive to K(+)-ions and was resistant to a high concentration of Mg(2+)-ions; this influence of mono- and divalent ions was in contrast with the cross-linking of eIF-4B and -4E. Optimal interaction of these factors was obtained at moderate K+ concentration and low Mg(2+)-ion concentrations. eIF-2 cross-linking was sensitive to high protein to mRNA ratios indicating a weak affinity as compared to eIF-4E and -4B. The interaction of eIF-3 with the cap of mRNA is also weak as it was counteracted by all other cap binding proteins, leading to an inability to detect the cross-linking of this protein in crude eIF preparations. Time kinetics of formation of complexes suggested eIF-2 to be one of the first factors to interact with mRNA. Preformed RNA-protein complexes were dissociated after cap analogue addition, suggesting reversible interactions between RNA and proteins.  相似文献   

Binding of eIF-4E to the 5' m7G cap structure of eukaryotic mRNA signals the initiation of protein synthesis. In order to investigate the molecular basis for this recognition, photoaffinity labeling with [gamma-32P]8-N3GTP was used in binding site studies of human recombinant cap binding protein eIF-4E. Competitive inhibition of this cap analogue by m7GTP and capped mRNA indicated probe specificity for interaction at the protein binding site. Saturation of the binding site with [gamma-32P]8-N3GTP further demonstrated the selectivity of photoinsertion. Aluminum (III)-chelate chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC were used to isolate the binding site peptide resulting from digestion of photolabeled eIF-4E with modified trypsin. Amino acid sequencing identified the binding domain as the region containing the sequence Trp 113-Arg 122.Lys 119 was not identified in sequencing analysis nor was it cleaved by trypsin. These results indicate that Lys 119 is the residue directly modified by photoinsertion of [gamma-32P]8-N3GTP. A detailed understanding of eIF-4E.m7G mRNA cap interactions may lead the way to regulating this essential protein-RNA interaction for specific mRNA in vivo.  相似文献   

A translation initiation factor, eIF4E, of Xenopus laevis was purified by affinity column chromatography after the gene expression as a full-length protein in a baculovirus-insect cell system. Interaction between X. laevis eIF4E and 4E-BP2 was analyzed by affinity column chromatography, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). It was found that the interaction of eIF4E with an mRNA cap-analogue enhanced the binding activity of eIF4E with 4E-BP2. Furthermore, the SPR analysis showed that the eIF4E-cap-analogue interaction was very weak regardless of complex formation of 4E-BP2 with eIF4E; the dissociation constant of eIF4E for the cap-analogue was estimated to be 10(-2)-10(-4) M. These results suggest that the participation of another initiation factor is required for eIF4E to recognize the cap structure in vivo. The results reported in this paper support "the performed complex model" of Lee et al., in which eIF4E binds to the mRNA cap structure after the initiation factors have formed the initiation complex eIF4F.  相似文献   

We have isolated genomic and cDNA clones encoding protein synthesis initiation factor eIF-4E (mRNA cap-binding protein) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Their identity was established by expression of a cDNA in Escherichia coli. This cDNA encodes a protein indistinguishable from purified eIF-4E in terms of molecular weight, binding to and elution from m7GDP-agarose affinity columns, and proteolytic peptide pattern. The eIF-4E gene was isolated by hybridization of cDNA to clones of a yeast genomic library. The gene lacks introns, is present in one copy per haploid genome, and encodes a protein of 213 amino acid residues. Gene disruption experiments showed that the gene is essential for growth.  相似文献   

The effects of other components of the initiation complex on Escherichia coli initiation factor IFI binding to 30 S ribosomal subunits were studied. Binding of [14C]IF1 in the absence of other initiation complex components was slight. Addition of either IF2 or IF3 stimulated binding to a variable extent. Maximum binding was observed when both IF2 and IF3 were present. Addition of GTP, fMet-tRNA, and phage R17 RNA caused little or no further stimulation of [14C]IF1 binding. A maximum of 0.5 molecule of [14C]IF1 bound per 30 S subunit in the presence of an excess of each of the three factors over 30 S subunits.Complexes of 30 S subunits, [14C]IF1, IF2, and IF3 were treated with the bifunctional protein cross-linking reagent dimethyl suberimidate in order to identify the ribosomal proteins near the binding site for IF1. Non-cross-linked [14C]IF1 was removed from the complexes by sedimentation through buffer containing a high salt concentration, and total protein was extracted from the pelleted particles. Approximately 12% of the [14C]IF1 was recovered in the pellet fraction. The mixture of cross-linked products was analyzed by polyacrylamide/sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography of the gel showed radioactive bands with molecular weights of 21,000, 25,000, and many greater than 120,000. The results indicate that [14C]IF1 was cross-linked directly to at least two ribosomal proteins. Analysis of the cross-linked mixture by radioimmunodiffusion with specific antisera prepared against each of the 30 S ribosomal proteins showed radioactivity in the precipitin bands formed with antisera against S12 and S19, and in lower yield with those against S1 and S13. Antiserum against IF2 also showed [14C]IF1 in the precipitin band. The results show that [14C]IF1 was present in covalently cross-linked complexes containing 30 S ribosomal proteins S1, S12, S13 and S19, and initiation factor IF2. The same ribosomal proteins have been implicated in the binding sites for IF2 and IF3. The results suggest that the three initiation factors bind to the 30 S subunit at the same or overlapping sites.  相似文献   

A cap binding complex activity was purified from HeLa cells by a procedure which does not depend on the use of cap-affinity chromatography. The activity co-purified with a Mr 220000 polypeptide (p220), but not with elF4A. The active complex therefore differs from eIF4F, the complex purified by cap analog-affinity chromatography, in that it lacks the Mr 50000 subunit which is antigenically identical to elF4A. The activities of elF4F, CBP I and the eIF4A free complex purified here were compared in a fractionated system translating capped globin mRNA. Results indicate that the two complexes have similar activities and that they perform a function which cannot be provided by CBP I alone. Cap binding complex activity can be partly separated from eIF4A activity on sucrose gradients, thus eIF4A provides a function that is distinct from cap binding complex activity. The results indicate that eIF4A can be physically separated from the cap binding complex without affecting the ability of the remaining structure to function in an in vitro translation system. They suggest that the eIF4A-free complex may provide a function that is not a property of either CBP I or of eIF4A, but may be a property of p220.  相似文献   

mRNA translation in crude extracts from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is stimulated by the cap structure and the poly(A) tail through the binding of the cap-binding protein eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) and the poly(A) tail-binding protein Pab1p. These proteins also bind to the translation initiation factor eIF4G and thereby link the mRNA to the general translational apparatus. In contrast, uncapped, poly(A)-deficient mRNA is translated poorly in yeast extracts, in part because of the absence of eIF4E and Pab1p binding sites on the mRNA. Here, we report that uncapped-mRNA translation is also repressed in yeast extracts due to the binding of eIF4E to eIF4G. Specifically, we find that mutations which weaken the eIF4E binding site on the yeast eIF4G proteins Tif4631p and Tif4632p lead to temperature-sensitive growth in vivo and the stimulation of uncapped-mRNA translation in vitro. A mutation in eIF4E which disturbs its ability to interact with eIF4G also leads to a stimulation of uncapped-mRNA translation in vitro. Finally, overexpression of eIF4E in vivo or the addition of excess eIF4E in vitro reverses these effects of the mutations. These data support the hypothesis that the eIF4G protein can efficiently stimulate translation of exogenous uncapped mRNA in extracts but is prevented from doing so as a result of its association with eIF4E. They also suggest that some mRNAs may be translationally regulated in vivo in response to the amount of free eIF4G in the cell.  相似文献   

Preparations of either crude or purified protein synthesis initiation factors, when tested by crosslinking to the m7G-cap structure of mRNAs, exhibit specific crosslinking to an 80-kDa protein. Polyclonal antibodies specific for eIF-4B precipitate the 80-kDa cap-radiolabeled protein, thereby demonstrating that eIF-4B binds mRNA near its 5'-terminus.  相似文献   

A 24 000-dalton protein [yeast eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E)] was purified from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae postribosomal supernatant by m7GDP-agarose affinity chromatography. The protein behaves very similarly to mammalian protein synthesis initiation factor eIF-4E with respect to binding to and elution from m7GDP-agarose columns and cross-linking to oxidized reovirus mRNA cap structures. Yeast eIF-4E is required for translation as shown by the strong and specific inhibition of cell-free translation in a yeast extract by a monoclonal antibody directed against yeast eIF-4E.  相似文献   

The 5' cap structure of eucaryotic mRNA plays a pivotal role in mRNA metabolism. This report demonstrates that anti-sense oligonucleotides equipped with 3'-overhanging nucleotides modulate the amount of recombinant human eucaryotic initiation factor-4E that binds to a 5'-capped oligoribonucleotide. The degree of inhibition or enhancement of protein binding is dependent upon the number and sequence of overhanging nucleotides. A 45% inhibition of complexation was observed by the addition of one 3'-overhanging guanosine residue. Addition of a second residue (+2/GN) resulted in a higher degree of inhibition, 77-88%. In contrast, addition of one adenosine residue enhanced the formation of the eucaryotic initiation factor-4E-m7GpppRNA complex by 213%. Modulation of protein interactions with the 5'-cap structure is likely to effect several biological events, including pre-mRNA processing, transport of the mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and translation of the target mRNA. This targeting strategy in anti-sense chemistry may have practical applications in experimental biology and medicine.  相似文献   

Translation of mRNA in eukaryotes begins with specific recognition of the 5' cap structure by the highly conserved protein, eIF4E. The thermodynamics of eIF4E interaction with nine chemical cap analogues has been studied by means of emission spectroscopy. High-sensitivity measurements of intrinsic protein fluorescence quenching upon cap binding provided equilibrium association constants in the temperature range of 279 to 314 K. A van't Hoff analysis yielded the negative binding enthalpies for the entire cap analogue series, -16.6 to -81 kJ mol(-1), and the entropies covering the range of +40.3 to -136 J mol(-1) K(-1) at 293 K. The main enthalpic contributions come from interactions of the phosphate chains and positively charged amino acids and the cation-pi stacking of 7-methylguanine with tryptophans. A nontrivial, statistically important isothermal enthalpy-entropy compensation has been detected (T(c) = 399 +/- 24 K), which points to significant fluctuations of apo-eIF4E and indicates that the cap-binding microstate lies 9.66 +/- 1.7 kJ mol(-1) below the mean energy of all available conformational states. For five cap analogues, large and positive heat capacity changes have been found. The values of DeltaC(p) degrees correlate with the free energies of eIF4E binding due to stiffening of the protein upon interaction with cap analogues. At biological temperatures, binding of the natural caps has both favorable enthalpy and favorable entropy. Thermodynamic coupling of cap-eIF4E association to intramolecular self-stacking of dinucleotide cap analogues strongly influences the enthalpies and entropies of the binding, but has a negligible effect on the resultant DeltaG degrees and DeltaC(p) degrees values.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), a fundamental effector and rate limiting element of protein synthesis, binds the 7-methylguanosine cap at the 5′ end of eukaryotic messenger RNA (mRNA) specifically as a constituent of eIF4F translation initiation complex thus facilitating the recruitment of mRNA to the ribosomes. This review focusses on the engagement of signals contributing to growth factor originated maxim and their role in the activation of eIF4E to achieve a collective influence on cellular growth, with a key focus on conjuring vital processes like protein synthesis. The review invites considerable interest in elevating the appeal of eIF4E beyond its role in regulating translation viz a viz cancer genesis, attributed to its phosphorylation state that improves the prospect for the growth of the cancerous cell. This review highlights the latest studies that have envisioned to target these pathways and ultimately the translational machinery for therapeutic intervention. The review also brings forward the prospect of eIF4E to act as a converging juncture for signaling pathways like mTOR/PI3K and Mnk/MAPK to promote tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Recruitment of eukaryotic mRNA to the 48 S initiation complex is rate-limiting for protein synthesis under normal conditions. Binding of the 5' -terminal cap structure of mRNA to eIF4E is a critical event during this process. Mammalian eIF4E is phosphorylated at Ser-209 by Mnk1 and Mnk2 kinases. We investigated the interaction of both eIF4E and phosphorylated eIF4E (eIF4E(P)) with cap analogs and capped oligoribonucleotides by stopped-flow kinetics. For m(7)GpppG, the rate constant of association, k(on), was dependent on ionic strength, decreasing progressively up to 350 mm KCl, but the rate constant of dissociation, k(off), was independent of ionic strength. Phosphorylation of eIF4E decreased k(on) by 2.1-2.3-fold at 50-100 mm KCl but had progressively less effect at higher ionic strengths, being negligible at 350 mm. Contrary to published evidence, eIF4E phosphorylation had no effect on k(off). Several observations supported a simple one-step binding mechanism, in contrast to published reports of a two-step mechanism. The kinetic function that best fit the data changed from single- to double-exponential as the eIF4E concentration was increased. However, measuring k(off) for dissociation of a pre-formed eIF4E.m(7)GpppG complex suggested that the double-exponential kinetics were caused by dissociation of eIF4E dimers, not a two-step mechanism. Addition of a 12-nucleotide chain to the cap structure increased affinity at high ionic strength for both eIF4E (24-fold) and eIF4E(P) (7-fold), primarily due to a decrease in k(off). This suggests that additional stabilizing interactions between capped oligoribonucleotides and eIF4E, which do not occur with cap analogs alone, act to slow dissociation.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen and a primary cause of nosocomial infection in humans. The rate of antibiotic resistance in P. aeruginosa is increasing worldwide leading to an unmet need for discovery of new chemical compounds distinctly different from present antimicrobials. Protein synthesis is an essential metabolic process and a validated target for the development of new antibiotics. Initiation factor 1 from P. aeruginosa (Pa‐IF1) is the smallest of the three initiation factors that act to establish the 30S initiation complex during initiation of protein biosynthesis. Here we report the characterization and solution NMR structure of Pa‐IF1. Pa‐IF1 consists of a five‐stranded β‐sheet with an unusual extended β‐strand at the C‐terminus and one short α‐helix arranged in the sequential order β1‐β2‐β3‐α1‐β4‐β5. The structure adopts a typical β‐barrel fold and contains an oligomer‐binding motif. A cluster of basic residues (K39, R41, K42, K64, R66, R70, and R72) located on the surface of strands β4 and β5 near the short α‐helix may compose the binding interface with the 30S subunit.  相似文献   

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