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Dilute solution properties of Karaya gum from Sterculia urens were studied using size-exclusion chromatography, static and dynamic light scattering and viscosity experiments in 0·1 aq. NaCl.

Solubility in water was found to be strongly dependent on the degree of acetylation. The native acetylated Karaya gum assumes a rather compact and branched conformation in aqueous solution, as evidenced by the low values of power-law exponents. In contrast, the fully deacetylated Karaya gum assumes a more expanded conformation and behaves as a random coil.  相似文献   

Pithecellobium saman and Pithecellobium mangense exudate a yellow clear gum. The gums are both dextrorotatory. The acidity of these gums is very similar. Galactose and arabinose are the major neutral sugar constituents. The high content of rhamnose in P. saman gums contrasts with the absence of this methyl pentose in P. mangense gum. 13C-NMR spectra of the gums studied showed interesting structural features of these complex polymers.  相似文献   

Gum specimens from A. deanei subsp. paucijuga (two samples), A. irrorata subsp. irrorata, and A. dealbata subsp. subalpina have been analysed. There are minor differences between the two specimens from A. deanei subsp. paucijuga, but they, and the gum from A. irrorata subsp. irrorata, have analytical parameters that correspond well with those for species in the proposed Group A within the Botryocephalae. In contrast, the gum from A. dealbata subsp. subalpina conforms well with the analytical parameters established for A. dealbata gum, and the slight analytical differences lead to it being assigned with greater confidence to the proposed Group B. Now that the gum exudates from approximately 40% of the species within the Botryocephalae have been studied and shown to fall into two different types, it is hoped that the chemical data may be meaningful taxonomically.  相似文献   

Data for the chemical composition of the gum exudates from Acacia acradenia, A. aneura, A. acuminata, A. beauverdiana, A. coolgardiensis, A. kempeana, A. microneura, A. resinomarginea, A. stereophylla and A. torulosa are presented. Comparisons with the data reported previously for other species of the series Juliflorae, viz. A. auriculiformis, A. holosericea, A. leptostachya, A. mangium and A. pubifolia confirm that the gums from this series have interesting combinations of chemical properties that are unusual in Acacia. The data do not offer much chemotaxonomic support for the groupings of the Juliflorae suggested by Bentham (1864). On the basis of their gross morphological features, the species under consideration are re-grouped in a way that is also better supported chemically.  相似文献   

Acacia gum exudates are proteinaceous polysaccharides; their protein content ranges from ca 0.2 to 45%.The data presented show that the amino acid compositions of the gums from 12 phyllodinous species (10 from Bentham's sub-series Uninerves racemosae, two from sub-series Juliflorae) also vary considerably, particularly in respect of their hydroxyproline content (55 residues per 1000 residues in A. aestivalis gum, 287 residues per 1000 in A. saliciformis gum). The proportions of some other amino acids, e.g. alanine, aspartic acid, proline and serine also vary considerably, but the proportions of others, e.g. cystine, methionine, histidine, threonine, tyrosine and valine, are remarkably constant. The amino acid composition of gums with a very low protein content (e.g. A. victoriae and A. mycrobotrya) is similar to that for a highly proteinaceous gum (A. tumida). There are, however, considerable differences between the amino acid compositions of the gums from A. saligna and A. pycnantha (South African and Western Australian specimens). This strengthens previous chemotaxonomic evidence, based on the polysaccharide parameters of their gums, that these two species are not as close taxonomically as was originally believed from morphological considerations.  相似文献   

The composition and solution properties of Indian and Papuan specimens of the gum from Anacardium occidentale have been studied and found to be closely similar. Contrary to earlier reports by Indian workers, this gum does not contain galacturonic acid. It does, however, contain glucose; this appears to be the first report of the presence of this sugar in a plant gum exudate. A freeze-dried sample of the gum was examined at intervals over a period of 2 months; its weight-average MW increased by a factor of three in that time, and molecular-sieve chromatography showed that self-association occurred with the formation of a small proportion of a very high MW component.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions are presented for the proteinaceous components of the gum exudates from Combretum glutinosum (syn. apiculatum), C. zeyheri, C. molle (syn. guenzii), C. psidioides (syn. grandifolium), C. obovatum, C. collinum (syn. binderanum), C. hartmannianum, C. fragrans (syn. ternifolium), Teminalia sericea and T. superba; and for Anogeissus schimperi. The principal amino acids common to these species are aspartic acid, alanine and glycine, but there are considerable variations; glutamic acid, histidine, lysine, proline, serine, threonine and valine are also major components of some of the species studied. The Combretaceae are therefore similar to the Sterculiaceae in containing very low proportions of hydroxyproline, which is the major amino acid component of the gums studied so far from genera within the Mimosoideae.  相似文献   

Smith degradation of each of the polydisperse, gum polysaccharides from Acacia pycnantha, A. difformis, A. filicifolia, and A. podalyriaefolia, for which molecular-weight distributions have been measured by gel-permeation chromatography, gives, in good yield, a methanol-insoluble polysaccharide that shows a single peak on examination by this technique. The molecular weights of the Smith-degraded polysaccharides are close to the values expected if the respective gum polysaccharides, on losing periodate-vulnerable, peripheral sugar residues were to be split also at regular intervals between the otherwise (1→3)-linked d-galactose chains. The structures of these gums, which are similar in many respects, conform to the pattern shown recently to occur in the gum of A. baileyana.  相似文献   

Analytical data are presented for the water-soluble gum exudates from Brachystegia glaucescens, B. spiciformis, and Julbernardia globiflora. They are acidic polysaccharides containing glucuronic acid, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid and galacturonic acid, together with galactose, minor amounts of arabinose, and relatively high proportions of rhamnose. The exudate from B. glaucescens is of particular interest in having high molecular weight, high intrinsic viscosity, and a high methoxyl content. The nitrogen content of all three gums is low, but amino acid analysis shows that proteinaceous components are involved, as in the gum exudates from other genera.  相似文献   

The iridoid glycosides scandoside, scandoside methyl ester, monotropein, and galioside were found in Cornus canadensis from several widely distributed collection sites. Cornin and hastatoside were isolated from C. nuttallii. No iridoids were found in C. stolonifera, that instead yielded cornoside and halleridone, also independent of collection location. The results were compared with previous studies and current phylogenetic work on the genus Cornus.  相似文献   

J.B. Lowry 《Phytochemistry》1976,15(9):1395-1396
In 14 Malesian species of Hibiscus (sensu lato) the most common floral anthocyanin was cyanidin 3-sambubioside. Cyanidin 3-glucoside was found  相似文献   

An analytical study of the gum exudates from the African species Acacia ehrenbergiana (three specimens), A.xanthophloea (two specimens), A.hockii and A.sieberana var.villosa, and of the Australian species A.calcigera, has been made. There are now 19 species within the series Gummiferae Benth. for which gum parameters are available; of these, only A. ehrenbergiana gum displays a slightly negative optical rotation. The data for the three gum specimens from A. ehrenbergiana give a further example of the extent to which the gum from different trees of one particular species can vary in composition. The data for A.sieberana var. villosa gum are compared with the values established previously for subsp. sieberana; the differences between varieties of one species are similar in extent to those established for some subspecies. Although A. xanthophloea, A. hockii, A. ehrenbergiana, A. seyal and A. karroo are regarded as being very closely related botanically, the values for some of their analytical parameters differ considerably and strongly support the view that it is correct to retain them as distinct species.  相似文献   

The amino acid compositions of the proteinaceous components of the gum exudates from Prosopis alba, P. chilensis, P. glandulosa, P. laevigata, P. torreyana and P. velutina, and for a sample of commercial gum mesquite, are presented. In agreement with data published previously for the polysaccharide components of their gums, only minor differences in composition are shown by these species. The amino acid compositions are characterized by very high proportions of hydroxyproline and by high proportions of proline and serine; these three amino acids account for 62.5% of those present in the gum from Prosopis velutina. The amino acid compositions of these Prosopis gums are remarkably similar to that established recently for the gum from Acacia senegal (gum arabic).  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions are presented for the proteinaceous components of the gum exudates from Albizia glaberrima, A. sericocephala and A. anthelmintica; Aralia elata; Azadirachta indica; Entada africana; Grevillea robusta; Lannea humilis and L. schimperi; and Moringa oleifera. The gums from four of these genera (Albizia, Azadirachta, Grevillea and Moringa) contain low proportions, and the others contain high proportions, of hydroxyproline. High proportions of hydroxyproline were found previously in gum exudates from genera within the Leguminosae (Acacia, Astragalus and Prosopis), to which must now be added Entada and Leucaena. In contrast, however, Albizia spp. (Leguminosae) have low proportions of hydroxyproline, whereas the non-leguminous genera Aralia and Lannea have high proportions of hydroxyproline.  相似文献   

Australian gum specimens from Acacia aestivalis, A. chrysella, A. jennerae and A. microbotrya (five specimens differing slightly in some morphological characters) have been studied. These species, placed within Bentham's Series 1, subseries 6F (Uninerves racemosae) are closely related, forming part of the recognized A. microbotrya group. The five specimens from A. microbotrya show minor variations, similar in extent to those established previously for gums from other species. The gums from A. chrysella and A. jennerae are similar to those from A. microbotrya in chemical composition. The gum from A. aestivalis differs from those from A. microbotrya, A. chrysella and A. jennerae in two main respects: it is more acidic and has a much higher methoxyl content. Thus significant differences in gum composition can be shown by some species that differ only slightly in morphological characters. Data for the amino acid compositions of the proteinaceous components of the gums from A. aestivalis, A. jennerae and A. microbotrya, differ considerably from those for the gums from other species belonging to the Uninerves racemosae, e.g. A. saliciformis and A. xanthina, which are much more viscous and have higher proteinaceous contents containing much higher proportions of the amino acids commonly involved in linkages with sugars. Of the closely related species studied, A. aestivalis is closer to A. microbotrya than A.jennerae in terms of the amino acid compositions of their gums, a reversal in the relative affinities shown by their polysaccharide parameters. Thus amino acid compositions are of interest chemotaxonomically and also in terms of the tertiary structures of Acacia gum exudates.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

An analytical study has been made of gum specimens from Combretum collinum, C. collinum subsp. hypopilinum, C. erythrophyllum, C. nigricans, C. fragrans, and C. glutinosum. In comparison with the genus Acacia, both the botanical classification and synonymy, and the chemistry, are more complex. Glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose, and rhamnose are present in all the specimens studied. In addition, mannose and xylose are present in the gum from C. collinum, which is therefore similar to C. hartmannianum. The data now available suggest that, as a group, the genus Combretum produces gum exudates that are more viscous, of higher molecular weight, and more acidic than those of the Acacia group.  相似文献   

A gum that exudes from the wounded trunk of the New Zealand native tree Meryta sinclairii has been isolated. The gum was completely precipitated by the β-glucosyl Yariv reagent and was thus determined to be an arabinogalactan-protein (AGP). It contained >95% w/w carbohydrate and only 2% w/w protein with a high level of hydroxyproline. SEC-MALLS showed that the gum had a weight-average molecular weight of 4.45×106 Da compared with 6.02×105 Da for gum arabic. Constituent sugar and linkage analyses were consistent with polymers comprised of a highly branched backbone of 1,3-linked galactopyranosyl (Galp) residues, with side-chains made up of arabinofuranose- (Araf) containing oligosaccharides, terminated variously by rhamnopyranosyl (Rhap), arabinopyranosyl (Arap), Galp and glucuronopyranosyl (GlcpA) residues. Analysis by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 1H and 13C NMR experiments confirmed the linkage analyses. The structure of the gum is discussed in comparison with the structure of gum arabic and other AGPs.  相似文献   

Analytical data are presented for the polysaccharide of six gum specimens from Acacia tortuosa, a tropical American Gummiferae species. These data show that the gums were basically similar but differed in the sugar composition reported for most Acacia gum exudates studied so far. The presence of traces of xylose (<1%) and the absence of rhamnose in the gum specimens studied was very unusual.  相似文献   

An analytical study has been made of gum specimens from Acacia auriculiformis (two specimens), A.holosericea, A.mangium, A.leptostachya and A.pubifolia, which belong to subseries Juliflorae of the Series Phyllodineae. These gums appear to be more proteinaccous, more acidic and more viscous, with higher methoxyl contents and higher molecular weights but with lower proportions of rhamnose and arabinose, than the majority of Acacia gums studied so far.  相似文献   

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