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RluD is the pseudouridine synthase responsible for the formation of Psi1911, Psi1915, and Psi1917 in Escherichia coli 23S rRNA. Previous work from our laboratory demonstrated that disruption of the rluD gene and/or loss of the pseudouridine residues for which it is responsible resulted in a severe growth phenotype. In the current work we have examined further the effect of the loss of the RluD protein and its product pseudouridine residues in a deletion strain lacking the rluD gene. This strain exhibits defects in ribosome assembly, biogenesis, and function. Specifically, there is a deficit of 70S ribosomes, an increase in 50S and 30S subunits, and the appearance of new 62S and 39S particles. Analysis of the 39S particles indicates that they are immature precursors of the 50S subunits, whereas the 62S particles are derived from the breakdown of unstable 70S ribosomes. In addition, purified mutant 70S ribosomes were found to be somewhat less efficient than wild type in protein synthesis. The defect in ribosome assembly and resulting growth phenotype of the mutant could be restored by expression of wild-type RluD and synthesis of Psi1911, Psi1915, and Psi1917 residues, but not by catalytically inactive mutant RluD proteins, incapable of pseudouridine formation. The data suggest that the loss of the pseudouridine residues can account for all aspects of the mutant phenotype; however, a possible second function of the RluD synthase is also discussed.  相似文献   

All nine pseudouridine (psi) residues in Escherichia coli 23S RNA are in or very near the peptidyl transfer centre (PTC) of the ribosome. Five psi synthases catalyze synthesis of these nine psi's. Deletion of the gene for one psi synthase, RluD, which directs synthesis of three closely clustered psi's in the decoding site of the PTC, has a profound negative impact on cell growth. We describe the isolation, without amplification from a cloned coding element, of the triple-site modifying enzyme, RluD, the N-terminal sequence of which has been used to clone and express the corresponding gene, rluD. Unlike "expressed" RluD, which so far has not been shown to modify one (1911) of the three closely clustered sites (1911, 1915, 1917), "natural" RluD modifies all three sites; and unlike another pai synthase, RluA, natural RluD has greatly expanded modifying activity at low Mg concentrations. These properties of the expressed and natural forms of RluD are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli pseudouridine synthase RluD makes pseudouridines 1911, 1915, and 1917 in the loop of helix 69 in 23S RNA. These are the most highly conserved ribosomal pseudouridines known. Of 11 pseudouridine synthases in E. coli, only cells lacking RluD have severe growth defects and abnormal ribosomes. We have determined the 2.0 A structure of the catalytic domain of RluD (residues 77-326), the first structure of an RluA family member. The catalytic domain folds into a mainly antiparallel beta-sheet flanked by several loops and helices. A positively charged cleft that presumably binds RNA leads to the conserved Asp 139. The RluD N-terminal S4 domain, connected by a flexible linker, is disordered in our structure. RluD is very similar in both catalytic domain structure and active site arrangement to the pseudouridine synthases RsuA, TruB, and TruA. We identify five sequence motifs, two of which are novel, in the RluA, RsuA, TruB, and TruA families, uniting them as one superfamily. These results strongly suggest that four of the five families of pseudouridine synthases arose by divergent evolution. The RluD structure also provides insight into its multisite specificity.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli rluD gene encodes a pseudouridine synthase responsible for the pseudouridine (Ψ) modifications at positions 1911, 1915, and 1917 in helix 69 of 23S rRNA. It has been reported that deletion of rluD in K-12 strains of E. coli is associated with extremely slow growth, increased readthrough of stop codons, and defects in 50S ribosomal subunit assembly and 30S-50S subunit association. Suppressor mutations in the prfB and prfC genes encoding release factor 2 (RF2) and RF3 that restore the wild type-growth rate and also correct the ribosomal defects have now been isolated. These suppressors link helix 69 Ψ residues with the termination phase of protein synthesis. However, further genetic analysis reported here also reveals that the slow growth and other defects associated with inactivation of rluD in E. coli K-12 strains are due to a defective RF2 protein, with a threonine at position 246, which is present in all K-12 strains. This is in contrast to the more typical alanine found at this position in most bacterial RF2s, including those of other E. coli strains. Inactivation of rluD in E. coli strains containing the prfB allele from E. coli B or in Salmonella enterica, both carrying an RF2 with Ala246, has negligible effects on growth, termination, or ribosome function. The results indicate that, in contrast to those in wild bacteria, termination functions in E. coli K-12 strains carrying a partially defective RF2 protein are especially susceptible to perturbation of ribosome-RF interactions, such as that caused by loss of h69 Ψ modifications.  相似文献   

Mizutani K  Machida Y  Unzai S  Park SY  Tame JR 《Biochemistry》2004,43(15):4454-4463
The most frequent modification of RNA, the conversion of uridine bases to pseudouridines, is found in all living organisms and often in highly conserved locations in ribosomal and transfer RNA. RluC and RluD are homologous enzymes which each convert three specific uridine bases in Escherichia coli ribosomal 23S RNA to pseudouridine: bases 955, 2504, and 2580 in the case of RluC and 1911, 1915, and 1917 in the case of RluD. Both have an N-terminal S4 RNA binding domain. While the loss of RluC has little phenotypic effect, loss of RluD results in a much reduced growth rate. We have determined the crystal structures of the catalytic domain of RluC, and full-length RluD. The S4 domain of RluD appears to be highly flexible or unfolded and is completely invisible in the electron density map. Despite the conserved topology shared by the two proteins, the surface shape and charge distribution are very different. The models suggest significant differences in substrate binding by different pseudouridine synthases.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of Escherichia coli thymidine phosphorylase to thymidine derivatives modified at 5' -, 3' -, and 2' ,3' - positions of the sugar moiety was studied. Equilibrium and kinetic constants (K(m), K(I), k(cat)) of the phosphorolysis reaction have been determined for 20 thymidine analogs. The results are compared with X-ray and molecular dynamics data. The most important hydrogen bonds in the enzyme-substrate complex are revealed.  相似文献   

RluD catalyses formation of three pseudouridine residues within helix 69 of the 50S ribosome subunit. Helix 69 makes important contacts with the decoding centre on the 30S subunit and deletion of rluD was recently shown to interfere with translation termination in Escherichia coli. Here, we show that deletion of rluD increases tmRNA activity on ribosomes undergoing release factor 2 (RF2)-mediated termination at UGA stop codons. Strikingly, tmRNA-mediated SsrA peptide tagging of two proteins, ribosomal protein S7 and LacI, was dramatically increased in ΔrluD cells. S7 tagging was due to a unique C-terminal peptide extension found in E. coli K-12 strains. Introduction of the rpsG gene (encoding S7) from an E. coli B strain abrogated S7 tagging in the ΔrluD background, and partially complemented the mutant's slow-growth phenotype. Additionally, exchange of the K-12 prfB gene (encoding RF2) with the B strain allele greatly reduced tagging in ΔrluD cells. In contrast to E. coli K-12 cells, deletion of rluD in an E. coli B strain resulted in no growth phenotype. These findings indicate that the originally observed rluD phenotypes result from synthetic interactions with rpsG and prfB alleles found within E. coli K-12 strains.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of CTP synthetase from Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stoichiometry of the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by CTP synthetase from Escherichia coli was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results revealed that for every mole of UTP transformed to CTP, one mole of ATP was converted to ADP. The substrate specificity of CTP synthetase from E. coli was investigated by means of UTP analogs. Chemical modification of UTP involved either the uracil, ribose or 5'-triphosphate part. None of the UTP analogs studied proved to be a substrate. The capacity of the UTP analogs to inhibit CTP synthetase was investigated. From the UTP derivatives employed only 2-thiouridine 5'-triphosphate was found to inhibit the enzyme competitively with reasonable affinity: Ki/Km(UTP) = 1. This study indicated that the three main structural elements of the UTP molecule: uracil, ribose and 5'-triphosphate moiety, contribute to substrate specificity. The behaviour of a limited number of CTP analogs as product-like inhibitors supported this view.  相似文献   

Pseudouridine (5-beta-D-ribofuranosyluracil, Psi) is the most commonly found modified base in RNA. Conversion of uridine to Psi is performed enzymatically in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes by pseudouridine synthases (EC The Escherichia coli Psi-synthase RluD modifies uridine to Psi at positions 1911, 1915 and 1917 within 23S rRNA. RluD also possesses a second function related to proper assembly of the 50S ribosomal subunit that is independent of Psi-synthesis. Here, we report the crystal structure of the catalytic module of RluD (residues 68-326; DeltaRluD) refined at 1.8A to a final R-factor of 21.8% (R(free)=24.3%). DeltaRluD is a monomeric enzyme having an overall mixed alpha/beta fold. The DeltaRluD molecule consists of two subdomains, a catalytic subdomain and C-terminal subdomain with the RNA-binding cleft formed by loops extending from the catalytic sub-domain. The catalytic sub-domain of DeltaRluD has a similar fold as in TruA, TruB and RsuA, with the location of the RNA-binding cleft, active-site and conserved, catalytic Asp residue superposing in all four structures. Superposition of the crystal structure of TruB bound to a T-stem loop with RluD reveals that similar RNA-protein interactions for the flipped-out uridine base would exist in both structures, implying that base-flipping is necessary for catalysis. This observation also implies that the specificity determinants for site-specific RNA-binding and recognition likely reside in parts of RluD beyond the active site.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli OmpP is an F episome-encoded outer membrane protease that exhibits 71% amino acid sequence identity with OmpT. These two enzymes cleave substrate polypeptides primarily between pairs of basic amino acids. We found that, like OmpT, purified OmpP is active only in the presence of lipopolysaccharide. With optimal peptide substrates, OmpP exhibits high catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m) = 3.0 x 10(6) M(-1)s(-1)). Analysis of the extended amino acid specificity of OmpP by substrate phage revealed that both Arg and Lys are strongly preferred at the P1 and P1' sites of the enzyme. In addition, Thr, Arg, or Ala is preferred at P2; Leu, Ala, or Glu is preferred at P4; and Arg is preferred at P3'. Notable differences in OmpP and OmpT specificities include the greater ability of OmpP to accept Lys at the P1 or P1', site as well as the prominence of Ser at P3 in OmpP substrates. Likewise, the OmpP P1 site could better accommodate Ser; as a result, OmpP was able to cleave a peptide substrate between Ser-Arg about 120 times more efficiently than was OmpT. Interestingly, OmpP and OmpT cleave peptides with three consecutive Arg residues at different sites, a difference in specificity that might be important in the inactivation of cationic antimicrobial peptides. Accordingly, we show that the presence of an F' episome results in increased resistance to the antimicrobial peptide protamine both in ompT mutants and in wild-type E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of the Escherichia coli outer membrane protease OmpT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OmpT is a surface protease of gram-negative bacteria that has been shown to cleave antimicrobial peptides, activate human plasminogen, and degrade some recombinant heterologous proteins. We have analyzed the substrate specificity of OmpT by two complementary substrate filamentous phage display methods: (i) in situ cleavage of phage that display protease-susceptible peptides by Escherichia coli expressing OmpT and (ii) in vitro cleavage of phage-displayed peptides using purified enzyme. Consistent with previous reports, OmpT was found to exhibit a virtual requirement for Arg in the P1 position and a slightly less stringent preference for this residue in the P1' position (P1 and P1' are the residues immediately prior to and following the scissile bond). Lys, Gly, and Val were also found in the P1' position. The most common residues in the P2' position were Val or Ala, and the P3 and P4 positions exhibited a preference for Trp or Arg. Synthetic peptides based upon sequences selected by bacteriophage display were cleaved very efficiently, with kcat/Km values up to 7.3 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1). In contrast, a peptide corresponding to the cleavage site of human plasminogen was hydrolyzed with a kcat/Km almost 10(6)-fold lower. Overall, the results presented in this work indicate that in addition to the P1 and P1' positions, additional amino acids within a six-residue window (between P4 and P2') contribute to the binding of substrate polypeptides to the OmpT binding site.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of E.coli peptidyltransferase at the donor site was investigated by the “50S reaction”. Seventeen N-acetylated or unacetylated aminoacyl-tRNAs and dipeptidyl-tRNAs were used as the donor substrates and puromycin as the acceptor. Results indicated that the nature of amino acid side chain of the donor tRNA has a predominant effect on the reaction rate of peptidyltransferase. Amino acids or dipeptides with high hydrophobicity were transferred faster than those with low hydrophobicity. Amino acids with alkyl side chains are better donors than those with aromatic side chains. Substrates with C-terminal proline were transferred extremely slowly which can probably be attributed to its unusual α-imino structure in addition to its low hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Ero R  Peil L  Liiv A  Remme J 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2008,14(10):2223-2233
In ribosomal RNA, modified nucleosides are found in functionally important regions, but their function is obscure. Stem–loop 69 of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA contains three modified nucleosides: pseudouridines at positions 1911 and 1917, and N3 methyl-pseudouridine (m3Ψ) at position 1915. The gene for pseudouridine methyltransferase was previously not known. We identified E. coli protein YbeA as the methyltransferase methylating Ψ1915 in 23S rRNA. The E. coli ybeA gene deletion strain lacks the N3 methylation at position 1915 of 23S rRNA as revealed by primer extension and nucleoside analysis by HPLC. Methylation at position 1915 is restored in the ybeA deletion strain when recombinant YbeA protein is expressed from a plasmid. In addition, we show that purified YbeA protein is able to methylate pseudouridine in vitro using 70S ribosomes but not 50S subunits from the ybeA deletion strain as substrate. Pseudouridine is the preferred substrate as revealed by the inability of YbeA to methylate uridine at position 1915. This shows that YbeA is acting at the final stage during ribosome assembly, probably during translation initiation. Hereby, we propose to rename the YbeA protein to RlmH according to uniform nomenclature of RNA methyltransferases. RlmH belongs to the SPOUT superfamily of methyltransferases. RlmH was found to be well conserved in bacteria, and the gene is present in plant and in several archaeal genomes. RlmH is the first pseudouridine specific methyltransferase identified so far and is likely to be the only one existing in bacteria, as m3Ψ1915 is the only methylated pseudouridine in bacteria described to date.  相似文献   

The RNA modification enzyme, tRNA pseudouridine synthase I has been isolated in 95% purity from an Escherichia coli strain harboring a multicopy plasmid with a 2.3-kilobase pair insert from the hisT operon. Its molecular size, amino acid composition, and amino-terminal sequence correspond to those predicted by the structure and expression of the hisT gene. Enzyme activity, as measured by a 3H release assay, is unaffected by pretreatment of tRNA pseudouridine synthase I with micrococcal nuclease and is optimized by the addition of a monovalent cation and thiol reductant. The activity is inhibited by all tRNA species tested, including substrates, modified tRNAs, nonsubstrates, or tRNAs containing 5-fluorouridine. Binding of tRNA pseudouridine synthase I occurs with both substrate and nonsubstrate tRNAs and does not require a monovalent cation. Our findings are consistent with a multistep mechanism whereby tRNA pseudouridine synthase I first binds nonspecifically and then forms transient covalent adducts with tRNA substrates. In the absence of other proteins, purified tRNA pseudouridine synthase I forms psi at all three modification sites known to be affected in hisT mutants. The 36.4-kDa polypeptide product of the gene adjacent to hisT, whose translation is linked to that of tRNA pseudouridine synthase I, is not a functional subunit for tRNA pseudouridine synthase I activity, nor is it a separate synthase acting at one of the three loci.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli B/r strain EB146 containing mutation leuK16 has elevated levels of enzymes involved in the synthesis of leucine, valine, isoleucine, histidine, and tryptophan (Brown et al., J. Bacteriol. 135:542-550, 1978). We show here that strain EB146 (leuK16) has properties that are similar to those of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium hisT strains. In tRNA1Leu from both hisT and leuK strains, positions 39 and 41 are uridine residues rather than pseudouridine residues. Furthermore, in tRNA3Leu and tRNA4Leu from a leuK strain, uridine residues at positions 39 and 40, respectively, are unmodified. Pseudouridine synthase I activity is missing in extracts of strain EB146 (leuK16), and extracts of strain EB146 (leuK16) and of a hisT strain do not complement one another in vitro. Four phenotypes of strain EB146 (leuK16), leucine excretion, wrinkled colony morphology, and elevated levels of leu and his enzymes, are complemented by a plasmid having a 1.65-kilobase DNA fragment containing the E. coli K-12 hisT locus. These results indicate that either leuK codes for pseudouridine synthase I (and is thus a hisT locus in reality) or, less likely, it codes for a product that affects the synthesis or activity of pseudouridine synthase I.  相似文献   

L-ribulokinase is unusual among kinases since it phosphorylates all four 2-ketopentoses with almost the same k(cat) values. The K(m)'s differ, however, being 0.14 mM for L- and 0.39 mM for d-ribulose and 3.4 mM for l- and 16 mM for d-xylulose. In addition, L-arabitol is phosphorylated at C-5 (K(m) 4 mM) and ribitol (adonitol) is phosphorylated to D-ribitol-5-phosphate (K(m) 5.5 mM), but D-arabitol, xylitol, and aldopentoses are not substrates. The K(m)'s for MgATP depend on the substrates, being 0.02 mM with L-ribulose, 0.027 mM with D-ribulose and L-xylulose, and 0.3-0.5 mM with the other substrates. In the absence of a sugar substrate there is an ATPase with K(m) of 7 mM and k(cat) 1% of that with sugar substrates. The initial velocity pattern is intersecting, and MgAMPPNP is competitive vs MgATP and uncompetitive vs L-ribulose. L-Erythrulose is competitive vs L-ribulose and when MgATP concentration is varied induces substrate inhibition which is partial. These data show that the mechanism is random, but there is a high level of synergism in the binding of sugar and MgATP, and the path in which the sugar adds first is strongly preferred.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional structural model of Escherichia coli fructosamine 6-kinase (FN6K), an enzyme that phosphorylates fructosamines at C6 and catalyzes the production of the fructosamine 6-phosphate stable intermediate, was generated using the crystal structure of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase isolated from Thermus thermophilus as template. The putative active site region was then investigated by site-directed mutagenesis to reveal several amino acid residues that likely play important roles in the enzyme reaction. Met220 was identified as a residue that plays a role in substrate recognition when compared to Bacillus subtilis derived FN6K, which shows different substrate specificity from the E. coli FN6K. Among the various Met220-substituted mutant enzymes, Met220Leu, which corresponded to the B. subtilis residue, resulted in an increased activity of fructosyl-valine and decreased activity of fructosyl-lysine, thus increasing the specificity for fructosyl-valine by 40-fold.  相似文献   

Strictosidine synthase catalyzes a Pictet-Spengler reaction in the first step in the biosynthesis of terpene indole alkaloids to generate strictosidine. The substrate requirements for strictosidine synthase are systematically and quantitatively examined and the enzymatically generated compounds are processed by the second enzyme in this biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

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