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Abstract Electroantennograms (EAGs1 were recorded from male adults of Melanoplus sanguinipes to foliage odours from 5 plant species and 9 volatile compounds as well as their blends. Higher EAG responses were recorded for Louisianna sage and Alfalfa foliages, compared to other three gramineous plants. Among green odour chelricals, 6-carbon alcohols (e. g. E-2-hexen-1–01 and E-3-hexen-1–01] resulted in the highest EAG responszs. No significant differences among the pentenol, 3-pentanone and blank control were observed. In ternary and quaternary mixture tests of volatile compounds, the combinations with pentenol did not elicit greater amplitudes; thus pentenol and 3-pentanone were proved to be unimportant to the response of this generalist grasshopper. The EAG data are discussed with regard to the role of host plant volatiles in host plant orientation and selection by the grasshopper.  相似文献   

黑蝗对植物气味及其挥发性化合物的嗅觉反应(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文使用触角电位技术研究了黑蝗雄虫的嗅觉反应,测试的材料包括5种植物叶片、9种植物挥发性气味化合物及它们的定量混合物。在5种植物材料中,路易斯安纳蒿和紫花苜蓿能引起更大的电位反应,而3种禾本科植物的反应相对较小。在绿色气味化合物中,6-碳醇类如E-2-hexen-l-ol和E-3-hexen-l-ol导致最高的电位反应,而pentenol、3-pentanone与空白对照间并无明显差异。在3种或4种挥发性化合物的混合物中,没有含pentenol的组合总是引起较高的电位。因此,该项研究证明pentenol和3-pentanone在这种多食性黑蝗的嗅觉定位中所起的作用不明显。另外,结合触角电位的数据资料,作者讨论了寄主植物挥发性化合物在该种蝗虫定位和选择寄主植物方面的作用。  相似文献   

1. In view of widely diverse views held about the identity and structure of the Golgi apparatus in neurons of Mollusca, particularly gastropods, a study has been made on neurons of the common limpet, Patella vulgata, both by light and electron microscopy. A report is given also of observations made on epithelial cells of Patella by electron microscopy. 2. As revealed by Kolatchev's method, the Golgi apparatus in neurons consists basically of black filaments lying to one side of the nucleus. The filaments generally anastomose to form networks of various complexity. Rarely some cells contain only discrete filaments. Associated with some of the filaments is a weakly osmiophilic substance identified as archoplasm. Kolatchev's method also revealed spheroidal bodies (neutral red bodies, "lipochondria," etc.). 3. It has not been possible to demonstrate the Golgi apparatus using either iron-haematoxylin or Sudan black. 4. Examination of Kolatchev's preparations by electron microscopy has revealed that some of the Golgi filaments consist of chromophilic and chromophobic components. The chromophilic component consists of dense lamellae. 5. After fixation in buffered osmium tetroxide solution and examination by electron microscopy, it has been concluded that (a) the chromophilic component of the Golgi apparatus corresponds to a system of paired membranes (which usually enclose an inner dense substance), (b) the chromophobic component corresponds to a substance lying within small dilations of the paired membrane, and (c) the archoplasm corresponds to numerous small vesicles. 6. The paired membranes branch, anastomose, and can often be traced back to a common source. They are interpreted as lamelliform folds, and occasionally tubular processes, of essentially a single Golgi membrane. In cells containing a Golgi network it is suggested that the membrane extends through the whole of the apparatus in such a way that the substance it encloses may be regarded as being in a continuous phase. 7. Epithelial cells of Patella contain a juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus with an ultrastructure similar to that described for neurons.  相似文献   

陕西蝗虫地理分布格局的聚类分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以593个经纬网格单元(0.2°×0.2°)统计陕西蝗虫分布数据,根据陕西蝗虫分布范围将其分为全布种(593个网格单元中有分布)、多布种(9个以上网格单元有分布)和独布种(9个以下网格单元有分布)3类.以分布区域为性状作聚类分析,在相关性系数为0.153处,将多布种分布划分为12组,在此基础上运用GIS的空间叠加分析功能确定各组蝗虫的地理分布格局.结果表明:1)秦岭山脉对陕西蝗虫的阻限作用较明显,秦岭以南蝗虫物种以东洋型种为主,秦岭以北以古北型种为主;2)陕西蝗虫的地理分布格局与全国基本一致;3)太白山地区蝗虫物种多样化程度较高,是生物多样性研究的热点区域.  相似文献   

大鼠食管胸段和腹段壁内乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)阳性神经存在于神经束和分支的粗细神经纤维内,也见于外膜丛,肌间丛,粘膜下丛和粘膜肌内。食管肌层内AChE阳性神经纤维多而密集,而食管腹段肌内尤为丰富,肌间神经纤维末梢分布于肌束表面,可能与控制肌纤维活动有关;分布于肌内,粘膜下层和上皮基部的AChE阳性神经中,尚含有内脏感觉神经纤维。食管壁的肌间丛和粘膜下丛内散在有多极形和卵园形的AChE阳性神经元,在食管腹段内数多,而以中小型神经元为主。  相似文献   

Observations on the fine structure of KMnO4-fixed testes of small mammals (guinea pig, rat, and mouse) reveal certain morphological differences between the spermatogenic and Sertoli cells which have not been demonstrated in the same tissue fixed with OsO4. Aggregates of minute circular profiles, much smaller than the spherical Golgi vesicles, are described in close association with the Golgi complex of developing spermatids. Groups of dense flattened vesicles, individually surrounded by a membrane of different dimensions than that which bounds most of the other cell organelles, appear dispersed within the cytoplasm of some spermatogenic cells. Flattened vesicles of greater density than those belonging to the Golgi complex are reported confined to the inner Golgi zone of developing guinea pig spermatids between the Golgi cisternae and the head cap. The profiles of endoplasmic reticulum within spermatocytes appear shorter, wider, and more tortuous than those of Sertoli cells. Minute cytoplasmic particles approximately 300 A in diameter and of high electron opacity appear randomly disposed in some Sertoli cells. Groups of irregular-shaped ovoid bodies within the developing spermatids are described as resembling portions of cytoplasm from closely adjacent spermatids. Interpretation is presented regarding the fine structure of KMnO4-fixed testes in view of what has already been reported for mammalian testes fixed in OsO4.  相似文献   

脊髓培养神经元中微管相关蛋白-5的分布及可塑性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用新生 Wistar大鼠进行脊髓神经元培养 ,研究微管相关蛋白 - 5与其单克隆抗体结合后的分布情况。使用微管解聚药 nocodazole处理神经元 ,应用免疫组织化学染色来观察微管相关蛋白 - 5的改变。另一组神经元使用 nocodazole处理后再用 PMA处理 ,观察微管相关蛋白 - 5及神经元的改变。结果表明 ,微管相关蛋白 - 5在胞浆及突起中均有分布 ,并随着培养天数的递增而递减。使用 nocodazole后神经元中微管相关蛋白 - 5的分布及数量明显减少。PMA处理神经元后尽管使微管相关蛋白 - 5的正常结构被破坏 ,而神经元的伸展却不受影响  相似文献   

张鹗 《动物学研究》1998,19(1):52-58
异华鲮属鱼类为我国特有的小型流水性鲤科鱼类,分布于长江和珠江中下游水系,具有独特的口唇及其相关结构,隶属于野鲮亚科。多样化的口唇及其相关结构是野鲮亚科与鲤科其他类群的分歧所在,也是其属级单元分类的主要依据。但是野鲮亚科鱼类口唇及其相关结构的多态现象成为其类群相关关系分析的难题。因此,异华鲮属鱼类以往被认为与不同的类种有密切的关系。本文和比较形态学方法,对异华鲮属鱼类口唇及其相关结构的特征进行了研究  相似文献   

血管活性肠肽免疫阳性神经元在家鸽中脑和间脑中的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用免疫细胞化学技术研究了血管活性肠肽(VIP)阳性神经元在家鸽(Columbalivia)中脑和间脑核团的分布。实验结果表明,VIP阳性神经元主要分布于如下核团:下丘侧核(LHY)、蔡氏腹区(AVT)、中央灰质(GCt)、中脑深核腹部(MPv)、中脑外侧核背部(MLd)、脑桥脚盖致密体(TPc)、丘脑间核(ICo)、兰斑核(LoC)、脑桥嘴部网状核(RPO)、兰斑背部亚核(SCd)、兰斑腹部亚核(SCv)和脑桥尾部网状核巨细胞部(RPgc)。在这些核团中,除MLd中的VIP阳性神经元位于其背部外,其余核团中VIP阳性神经元分布基本上是均匀的。  相似文献   

目的观察扬子鳄中脑视叶一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetylcholinesterase,AChE)阳性神经元的形态和分布,为扬子鳄脑的比较解剖学积累资料,为其机能研究提供形态学依据。方法采用还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸黄递酶(NADPH-d)法和亚铁氰化酮法观察扬子鳄中脑视叶NOS和AChE阳性神经元的分布和特征,并作统计学处理。结果扬子鳄中脑视叶有NOS和AChE阳性神经元分布,为大、中、小型细胞,以中、小型细胞为主,胞体呈椭圆形、三角形、圆形和梭形。结论扬子鳄中脑视叶有NOS和AChE阳性神经元分布。  相似文献   

目的观察大鼠第三脑室、中脑水管及中缝背核内多巴胺能触液神经元的分布情况.方法应用CB逆行追踪、TH免疫组织化学和CB/TH免疫荧光双重标记技术,观察多巴胺能触液神经元在间脑及中脑内的分布情况.结果 TH免疫阳性触液神经元分布在第三脑室尾侧部和中脑水管全程的腹侧室管膜上及室管膜内,其胞体呈倒置梨形、圆形或椭圆形、多角形和梭形;在中缝背核内可见少量CB/TH免疫荧光双重标记的远位触液神经元;另在正中隆起部位TH免疫阳性神经末梢含量丰富.结论大鼠第三脑室、中脑水管及中缝背核内存在多巴胺能触液神经元,其在脑-脑脊液之间的信息传递中有着重要的作用.  相似文献   

本文采用电镜金属盐法—酸性磷酸酶(ACP)细胞化学技术,用30mmol/L pipes缓冲液配制低浓度戊二醛进行固定。对成年大鼠的大脑大锥体细胞,小脑浦肯野氏细胞,脊髓前角运动细胞的高尔基复合体的ACP活性进行了实验研究和探讨。结果发现ACP活性分布在高尔基复合体的部份转移泡、浓缩泡及GERL部位。高尔基复合体呈ACP阳性反应,并显示出多种形态。  相似文献   

猕猴颈髓的GABA能神经元分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用免疫组织化学方法观察猕猴颈髓的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能神经元的分布,观察结果:除第X层外,在脊髓RexedⅠ-Ⅸ层可见GABA样免疫反应的胞体和纤维,标记的GABA胞体为卵圆形,三角形和多角形,可分为大、中、小型,在Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ层GABA阳性胞体较多,GABA阳性纤维以后角处最多,白质内也有GABA免疫反应阳性的胶质细胞和神经纤维。结果提示GABA能神经元不仅调节感觉信息的传导而且也调节运动信息的传导。  相似文献   

本实验用免疫细胞化学技术观察了不同年龄金黄地鼠视皮层和上丘中P物质(SP)阳性神经元数量和分布的变化,同时观察了不同年龄金黄地鼠视皮层SP阳性神经元的形态和类型。结果表明,出生后10天小鼠视皮层SP阳性神经元为36%,Ⅱ—Ⅳ层密度最大,约占40%。上丘中SP阳性神经元约为37%。出生后20天,视皮层及上丘中SP阳性神经元分别减少到23%和16%。视皮层Ⅱ—Ⅳ层减少最明显,Ⅴ层和Ⅵ层变化不大。成年鼠视皮层及上丘中偶见SP神经元,但出现一些SP阳性纤维。出生10天及20天鼠视皮层中SP阳性神经元的形态及类型没有差别。  相似文献   

Correlative data are presented here on the developmental history, dynamics, histochemistry, and fine structure of intranuclear rodlets in chicken sympathetic neurons from in vivo material and long-term organized tissue cultures. The rodlets consist of bundles of ~70 ± 10 A proteinaceous filaments closely associated with ~0.4–0.8 µ spheroidal, granulofibrillar (gf) bodies of a related nature. These bodies are already present in the developing embryo a week or more in advance of the rodlets. In early formative stages rodlets consist of small clusters of aligned filaments contiguous with the gf-bodies. As neuronal differentiation progresses these filaments increase in number and become organized into well-ordered polyhedral arrays. Time-lapse cinemicrography reveals transient changes in rodlet contour associated with intrinsic factors, changes in form and position of the nucleolus with respect to the rodlet, and activity of the gf-bodies. With the electron microscope filaments may be seen extending between the nucleolus, gf-bodies, and rodlets; nucleoli display circumscribed regions with fine structural features and staining reactions reminiscent of those of gf-bodies, We suggest that the latter may be derivatives of the nucleolus and that the two may act together in the assemblage and functional dynamics of the rodlet. The egress of rodlet filaments into the cytoplasm raises the possibility that these might represent a source of the cell's filamentous constituents.  相似文献   

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