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The change in the stand structure with recovery after gap formation was analyzed by using the diffusion equation for a primary warm-temperate evergreen rain forest on Yakushima Island of southern Kyushu, Japan. The tree density in dbh classes, the mean growth rate of dbh and the variance of dbh growth rate in closed stands and gaps were expressed as functions of dbh. The change in dbh frequency calculated from these functions and the observed tree mortality clarified the fact that the dbh distribution in the closed stands is rather stable but becomes more positively skewed with time. Attention was also paid to the change in stand basal area (BA) in 20m×20m plots. The log-normal distribution expressed the frequency distribution of BA in the forest as a whole. The growth rate of BA in plots without new gap formation was formulated as a function of BA. Gap formation rate observed in 0.8 ha closed stands in recent four years was 1.3% per year. This rate agreed with the result of calculations based on the assumption that the frequency distribution of BA is stationary with time. To the memory of Dr. Kazuo Naka, who has been one of the most active researchers in this field of study and who passed away at the age of thirty-five in February 1987.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of trunk diameter was analyzed for forest stands of various developmental stages and for each tree species population in primary warm-temperate evergreen rain forests, dominated byDistylium racemosum, on Yakushima Island of southern Kyushu, Japan. Trunk diameter distribution in stands showed the inverse J shape. A regression model, lnf(x)=b+b 1x+b2 lnx, expressed the distribution well, wherex is diameter andf(x) trunk density atx. Three coefficients of the model, calculated from the data in 20 stands, clearly showed linear relations to each other and they had high correlations with the basal area per stands. The result suggests thatb andb 1 increase andb 2 decreases with stand age. Fourteen populations of abundant tree species also showed inverse J-shaped diameter distribution, which can be well expressed by the above model. In both open sites (gaps) and closed stands, these species were abundant and their characteristics in diameter distribution were persistent.  相似文献   

The regeneration process ofCryptomeria japonica forests was studied from surveys of age and initial growth of the coniferous stumps in plots of 2.66 ha in total on Yakushima Island, south Japan. The conifers germinated during particular regeneration periods each of which was shorter than 100 years. The periods repeated themselves several times in each plot, and conifers of each period formed patches. Both tree cutting and natural gap formation of the canopies initiated the regenerations. The saplings that were thought to have germinated before the initiation of the regeneration grew slowly. After the initiation, the saplings that germinated earlier grew more quickly. For the three codominant conifers:Cryptomeria japonica, Tsuga sieboldii, andAbies firma, the shade tolerance was inversely correlated with maximum age. Even the most shade-tolerantA. firma was a gap-dependent species in regeneration periods, and there were no species differences in the colonizing times during the regeneration period. Shade-intolerant long-lived species and shade-tolerant short-lived species coexisted as climax species, not as alternate species in the sere of succession.  相似文献   

海南岛热带山地雨林种类组成的局域分布与垂直分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对海南岛四大山地雨林区常见植物种类的局域及垂直分布进行了研究,结果表明,海南岛热带山地雨林的种类组成,除了在各林区有一定数量相同的种外,各林区之间种类成分也存在着显著的差异,由于各林区生态因子的差异,使得生态幅度不同的物种在垂直方向上的分布也产生明显的差异,生态幅度较小的物种仅局限于某一地段,生态幅度较广,适应性较强的种类则有较广泛的分布。  相似文献   

Forest structure and carbon dynamics in Amazonian tropical rain forests   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Living trees constitute one of the major stocks of carbon in tropical forests. A better understanding of variations in the dynamics and structure of tropical forests is necessary for predicting the potential for these ecosystems to lose or store carbon, and for understanding how they recover from disturbance. Amazonian tropical forests occur over a vast area that encompasses differences in topography, climate, and geologic substrate. We observed large differences in forest structure, biomass, and tree growth rates in permanent plots situated in the eastern (near Santarém, Pará), central (near Manaus, Amazonas) and southwestern (near Rio Branco, Acre) Amazon, which differed in dry season length, as well as other factors. Forests at the two sites experiencing longer dry seasons, near Rio Branco and Santarém, had lower stem frequencies (460 and 466 ha–1 respectively), less biodiversity (Shannon–Wiener diversity index), and smaller aboveground C stocks (140.6 and 122.1 Mg C ha–1) than the Manaus site (626 trees ha–1, 180.1 Mg C ha–1), which had less seasonal variation in rainfall. The forests experiencing longer dry seasons also stored a greater proportion of the total biomass in trees with >50 cm diameter (41–45 vs 30% in Manaus). Rates of annual addition of C to living trees calculated from monthly dendrometer band measurements were 1.9 (Manaus), 2.8 (Santarém), and 2.6 (Rio Branco) Mg C ha–1 year–1. At all sites, trees in the 10–30 cm diameter class accounted for the highest proportion of annual growth (38, 55 and 56% in Manaus, Rio Branco and Santarém, respectively). Growth showed marked seasonality, with largest stem diameter increment in the wet season and smallest in the dry season, though this may be confounded by seasonal variation in wood water content. Year-to-year variations in C allocated to stem growth ranged from nearly zero in Rio Branco, to 0.8 Mg C ha–1 year–1 in Manaus (40% of annual mean) and 0.9 Mg C ha–1 year–1 (33% of annual mean) in Santarém, though this variability showed no significant relation with precipitation among years. Initial estimates of the C balance of live wood including recruitment and mortality as well as growth suggests that live wood biomass is at near steady-state in Manaus, but accumulating at about 1.5 Mg C ha–1 at the other two sites. The causes of C imbalance in living wood pools in Santarém and Rio Branco sites are unknown, but may be related to previous disturbance at these sites. Based on size distribution and growth rate differences in the three sites, we predict that trees in the Manaus forest have greater mean age (~240 years) than those of the other two forests (~140 years).  相似文献   

A natural hybrid (2n = 21) between the parapatric rain forest speciesMonophyllaea hirtella (2n = 20) andM. horsfieldii (2n = 22) (Gesneriaceae) has been observed at Sg. Lubuk Paraku, Padang, W. Sumatra. The hybrids showed intermediary characters between the parental species in the inflorescence structure, flower size and colour, indumentum, chromosome numbers, and habitat. The 29% pollen fertility of a single hybrid specimen suggests that the genetical isolation between the parental species may break down and reproduction over subsequent generations may occur.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Globally, conifer dominance is restricted to nutient-poor habitats in colder, drier or waterlogged environments, probably due to competition with angiosperms. Analysis of canopy structure is important for understanding the mechanism of plant coexistence in relation to competition for light. Most conifers are shade intolerant, and often have narrow, deep, conical crowns. In this study it is predicted that conifer-admixed forests have less distinct upper canopies and more undulating canopy surfaces than angiosperm-dominated forests.


By using a ground-based, portable light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system, canopy structure was quantified for old-growth evergreen rainforests with varying dominance of conifers along altitudinal gradients (200–3100 m a.s.l.) on tropical and sub-tropical mountains (Mount Kinabalu, Malaysian Borneo and Yakushima Island, Japan) that have different conifer floras.

Key Results

Conifers dominated at higher elevations on both mountains (Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae on Kinabalu and Cupressaceae and Pinaceae on Yakushima), but conifer dominance also varied with soil/substrate conditions on Kinabalu. Conifer dominance was associated with the existence of large-diameter conifers. Forests with higher conifer dominance showed a canopy height profile (CHP) more skewed towards the understorey on both Kinabalu and Yakushima. In contrast, angiosperm-dominated forests had a CHP skewed towards upper canopy, except for lowland dipterocarp forests and a sub-alpine scrub dominated by small-leaved Leptospermum recurvum (Myrtaceae) on Kinabalu. Forests with a less dense upper canopy had more undulating outer canopy surfaces. Mixed conifer–angiosperm forests on Yakushima and dipterocarp forests on Kinabalu showed similar canopy structures.


The results generally supported the prediction, suggesting that lower growth of angiosperm trees (except L. recurvum on Kinabalu) in cold and nutrient-poor environments results in a sparser upper canopy, which allows shade-intolerant conifers to co-occur with angiosperm trees either as emergents or as codominants in the open canopy.  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林C素库及皆伐影响的初步研究   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林原始林和更新林的C素库以及皆伐对森林C素库影响的研究表明,尖峰岭热带山地雨林原始林的C素库总量为340.467t.hm^-2,其中植物C储量为232.791t.hm^-2土壤有机碳储量为104.696t.hm^-2,枯枝落叶层C储量为2.98t.hm^-2,更新林的C素库总量为258.966t.hm^-2其中植物C储量为150.203t.hm^-2,土壤有机C储量为105  相似文献   

The relationship between gross primary productivity (GPP) and net primary productivity (NPP) is not fully understood. One of the uncertainties relevant to this issue is the magnitude of woody tissue respiration. Although some data exist for temperate and boreal zones, measurements of woody tissue respiration in tropical forests are sparse. We made in situ chamber measurements of woody tissue respiration in two tropical rain forests, one in the Brazilian Amazon (Reserva Jarú) and one in Central Cameroon (Mbalmayo Reserve). We made measurements on a wide range of species at each site and over a range of stem diameters from 0·02 to 1·4 m. The rate of efflux of carbon dioxide (CO2) from bark at 25 °C, Rt, varied from 0·1 to 5·2 µmol m?2 s?1 across the two sites, and the efflux was related to both volume and surface area components of the measured stem sections. The temperature response in Rt was slightly higher at Jarú than at Mbalmayo, with Q10 values of 1·8 (± 0·1 SE) and 1·6 (± 0·1 SE), respectively. A log–log regression showed that Rt was significantly related to stem diameter, D (P < 0·001; r2 = 0·58–0·62) and was significantly higher at Mbalmayo than at Jarú (P < 0·001), but that the rate of increase in Rt with stem diameter, D, was similar between sites. At the Mbalmayo site, tree growth measurements made over a 4 month period were used to make two estimates of the maintenance (Rm) and construction (Rc) components of respiration embedded in Rt. The two methods agreed closely, suggesting that Rm was approximately 80% of Rc at this site. Rm could be strongly related to D using a sigmoidal relationship that described both surface area and volume components as sources of respiratory CO2 (r2 = 0·71). This functional model was combined with inventory, growth and climate data for the Mbalmayo site to make a first estimate of annual above‐ground woody tissue respiration, RA, which was 257 (± 18 SE) g C m?2 year?1. This value corresponds to approximately 10% of GPP, slightly lower than that found for another tropical rain forest, but higher than for temperate forests. When combined with data from six other sites in tropical, temperate and boreal settings, a very strong relationship was found between RA and leaf area index (LAI), and between RA/GPP and LAI (P < 0·001, r2 = 0·98). This indicates that RA exerts an appreciable constraint on NPP and that this constraint varies closely with LAI across widely differing types of woody vegetation.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the Hemiptera fauna of a moderately large and topographically diverse area of tropical rain forest in Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Insects were sampled using several methods at several sites over a 1-year period. The numbers of described and undescribed species captured is used to predict the number of extant species of both Hemiptera and total insects in the world. The global estimates of 1.84–2.57 million species of insect are much lower than the 10–80 million predicted by Erwin and Stork from a study of tropical Coleoptera. The reasons for believing that the lower estimates are more reliable are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that structural variables related to old-growth features affect the distribution of Lobaria pulmonaria in a Mediterranean National Park of Italy. A total of 36 plots, with old-growth characteristics and representing overall three forest types (beech- oak- and mixed- forests) were studied. The lichen was absent in about half of the sites, suggesting that the selection of old-growth forests based solely on structural features is not sufficient to predict the presence of this species, which therefore proves to be rather sensitive and selective. Its abundance was related to high tree circumference and basal area, and to availability of deadwood, confirming the relevant effect of substrate and stand continuity in the conservation of this species and emphasizing its role of indicator species of undisturbed forest ecosystems with long ecological continuity.  相似文献   

Gap characteristics and gap regeneration were studied in several climaxFagus crenata forests in Japan. 278 gaps were observed. Gaps covered 12% of the total land area of 20.05 ha. Gap density was 13.9 gaps per ha and, mean gap size was 92.0 m2. Smaller gaps were much more frequent than larger ones. Gaps larger than 400 m2 were rare. Most gaps were created by the death of single trees. Canopy trees died more often standing or with broken trunks than by uprooting, although uprooted trees were relatively abundant in the site with poor soil drainage and in the site on upper slope. Differences of gap regeneration behaviour were recognized among tree species.F. crenata regenerates in gaps from saplings recruited before gap creation and can replace not only its own gaps but also gaps of other species. Most species other thanF. crenata andMagnolia obovata could not regenerate in their own gaps. More successful regeneration ofF. crenata may occur in gaps smaller than 200 m2, althought it regenerated in a wide range of gap size. However, increased relative density ofF. crenata in the canopy layer seems to prevent its successful regeneration. Gap regeneration of other species did not clearly depend on a species-specific gap size.  相似文献   

The feeding preferences of howler monkeys at their northernmost distribution in the Neotropics are reported for an annual cycle. A remarkable selectivity for 27 species representing 15 families was observed. The Moraceae and Lauraceae plant families were the most important in the diet. The howlers spent an almost equal proportion of their feeding time eating leaves and fruit, and displayed a marked preference for young leaves and mature fruit. The consumption of different plant parts was markedly seasonal and the howlers’ ranging behavior was closely associated with the availability of young leaves and mature fruit. Their home range was unusually large (ca. 60 ha) for howlers and the food species exploited occur at very low densities (93%, ≤ 4 ind/ha). They chose food items richer in protein and energy. Alkaloid compounds, present in some of the leaves, play a secondary role in their dietary selectivity.  相似文献   

A 2-year field study of the frugivorous diet of a howling monkey troop, in a tropical rain forest in French Guiana, shows that they disperse by endozoochory ≥95% of plant species from which they eat ripe fruit. Passage through the digestive tract of howlers does not significantly modify the germination success of most plant species samples. Their low digestion rate (X = 20 hr 40 min) is the ultimate cause of a bimodal defecation rhythm that results in the concentration of 60% of defecations being deposited under sleeping sites. The distance of seed dispersal can reach more than 550 m from parent trees,with a mean of 260 m. Although howling monkeys consume fruits differing in morphological characteristics, they are particularly able to disseminate seeds of species whose fruits have a hard and indehiscent external coat or large seeds or both. In French Guiana, they may be especially important dispersers of the Sapotaceae with fruits that simultaneously present both characteristics.  相似文献   

在海南西部儋州林场选取空间相邻、自然环境相似、不同林龄与连栽代次的桉树林样地和椰树林对照样地,通过2010—2012年连续3a定点取样,研究桉树林土壤水分变化特征及其对林龄的响应,分析桉树林种植对林地土壤水分的影响。结果表明:(1)1—4月土壤含水量持续减少,5—6月波动较大,7—10月增加到年内极大值,11—12月降低,但处于年内较高水平。(2)短伐桉树林(二代5年桉树林、三代1年桉树林、三代4年桉树林)、20a桉树林以及10a椰树林5个样地的月均土壤含水量存在显著或极显著差异。二代5年桉树林与三代1年桉树林之间以及20a桉树林与10a椰树林之间的土壤含水量差异均不显著;其余各林地之间土壤含水量差异显著或极显著。(3)随着土壤深度增加,短伐桉树林与20a桉树林、10a椰树林之间的土壤含水量差异增大。表层0—30 cm短伐桉树林年均土壤含水量为6.08%,20a桉树林为7.53%,10a椰树林为6.93%;80 cm以下则分别为8.10%、11.72%和11.95%。与10a椰树林、20a桉树林相比,短伐桉树林对土壤深层水分有较大负面影响。(4)短伐桉树林、20a桉树林和10a椰树林土壤含水量的变异系数由表层到深层逐渐递减,其中林龄较大的短伐桉树林变异系数较大,且变异系数较大的土层也较深厚。与20a桉树林、10a椰树林相比,林龄较大的短伐桉树林对深层土壤水分的消耗较多。(5)连栽代次愈多,林龄越大,土壤含水量愈少;采伐之后1a桉树林的土壤含水量明显增加,有利于桉树后期生长。  相似文献   

We analysed patterns of woody species richness in Pinus sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica forests in Catalonia (NE Spain) from forestry inventory databank in relation to climate and landscape structure. Both types of forests are found within the same climatic range, although they have been managed following somewhat different goals. Overall, woody species richness significantly increased when conditions get closer to the Mediterranean ones, with milder temperatures. Differences between the two types of forests arose when comparing the relationship between richness and forest patch size. Woody species richness increased in pine forests with patch size, while the opposite trend was observed in beech forests. This pattern is explained by the different behaviour of structural canopy properties, since leaf area index and canopy cover showed a steeper increase with increasing forest patch size in Fagus forests than in Pinus ones. Accordingly, richness decreased with canopy cover in Fagus plots, but not in Pinus ones. We suggest that these differences would be related to management history, which may have enhanced the preservation of beech stands in larger forest landscape units.  相似文献   

Croton campanulatus, a new species from southeastern Brazil in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, is here described and illustrated. Morphological data indicate that this species belongs to Croton section Cleodora based on its arborescent habit, pistillate flowers with imbricate sepals, reduced petals, and multifid styles that are fused at the base.  相似文献   

Summary The cellular structures of acid rain-irrigated needles of several provenances of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) seedlings were studied after winter experimental freezing. Frost injuries and recovery were characterized by visual damage scoring and classification of mesophyll cell alterations, also using histochemical methods for carbohydrate fluorescent staining. The treatment with-30° C during the late dormancy period was sufficient to cause significant injuries and intracellular degradation in the tissues of the green needles. The most affected seedlings in terms of visual injury scoring were found among those treated with clean water or at pH 3, while freezing injury, defined as an occlusion of phenolic substances in the central vacuole of the mesophyll cells, was most abundant in the needles from spruces irrigated either with clean water or at pH 4 or pH 3. Electron microscopy revealed the details of the injury, e. g. thinning out of the cytoplasm and chloroplast stroma, darkening of the chloroplasts and eventually swelling of the chloroplasts and protoplast. PAS and ConA reactions in the needle tissue revealed intense starch accumulation in the mesophyll and transfusion tissues as early as in March, with a tendency to increase, especially in the untreated needles during the recovery period. Plasma membrane disturbances were indicated by histochemical identification of callose deposits in the mesophyll cell walls, these being most abundant in the acid rain-treated needles. All these findings suggest that freezing at –30° C was more deleterious to the seedlings pretreated with acid or clean water than to those not given additional irrigation.  相似文献   

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