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D-3-Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (Phgdh; EC is the first committed enzyme of L-serine biosynthesis in the phosphorylated pathway. To determine the physiological importance of Phgdh-dependent L-serine biosynthesis in vivo, we generated Phgdh-deficient mice using targeted gene disruption in embryonic stem cells. The absence of Phgdh led to a drastic reduction of L-serine metabolites such as phosphatidyl-L-serine and sphingolipids. Phgdh null embryos have small bodies with abnormalities in selected tissues and died after days post-coitum 13.5. Striking abnormalities were evident in the central nervous system in which the Phgdh null mutation culminated in hypoplasia of the telencephalon, diencephalon, and mesencephalon; in particular, the olfactory bulbs, ganglionic eminence, and cerebellum appeared as indistinct structures. These observations demonstrate that the Phgdh-dependent phosphorylated pathway is essential for normal embryonic development, especially for brain morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the cytosolic enzyme phosphomannomutase 2 (PMM2), which catalyzes the conversion of mannose-6-phosphate to mannose-1-phosphate, cause the most common form of congenital disorders of glycosylation, termed CDG-Ia. It is an inherited multisystemic disease with severe neurological impairment. To study the pathophysiology of CDG-Ia and to investigate possible therapeutic approaches, we generated a mouse model for CDG-Ia by targeted disruption of the Pmm2 gene. Heterozygous mutant mice appeared normal in development, gross anatomy, and fertility. In contrast, embryos homozygous for the Pmm2-null allele were recovered in embryonic development at days 2.5 to 3.5. These results indicate that Pmm2 is essential for early development of mice. Mating experiments of heterozygous mice with wild-type mice could further show that transmission of the female Pmm2-null allele is impaired.  相似文献   

17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (HSD17B2) oxidizes estradiol to estrone, testosterone to androstenedione, and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone to progesterone. HSD17B2 is highly expressed in human placental tissue where it is localized to placental endothelial cells lining the fetal compartment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of potential regulatory factors including progesterone, estradiol, and retinoic acid (RA) onHSD17B2 expression in primary human placental endothelial cells in culture.HSD17B2 mRNA expression was not regulated by progesterone, the progesterone agonist R5020, or estradiol treatment. RA significantly induced HSD17B2 mRNA levels and enzyme activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Maximal stimulation occurred at Hour 48 at an RA concentration of 10(-6) M. Both retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) and retinoid X receptor alpha (RXRA) were readily detected by immunoblotting in isolated placental endothelial cells. RNA interference directed against RARA or RXRA led to reduced basal levels of HSD17B2 mRNA levels and significantly abolished RA-stimulated HSD17B2 expression. Together, these data indicate that regulation of HSD17B2 mRNA levels and enzymatic activity by RA in the placenta is mediated by RARA and RXRA.  相似文献   

The bacterial ArsA ATPase is the catalytic component of an oxyanion pump that is responsible for resistance to arsenicals and antimonials. Homologues of the bacterial ArsA ATPase are widespread in nature. We had earlier identified the mouse homologue (Asna1) that exhibits 27% identity to the bacterial ArsA ATPase. To identify the physiological role of the protein, heterozygous Asna1 knockout mice (Asna1+/-) were generated by homologous recombination. The Asna1+/- mice displayed similar phenotype as the wild-type mice. However, early embryonic lethality was observed in homozygous Asna1 knockout embryos, between E3.5 (E=embryonic day) and E8.5 stage. These findings indicate that Asna1 plays a crucial role during early embryonic development.  相似文献   

The N-myc gene is considered to play a major regulatory role in embryogenesis of the mouse because of its high expression in the organogenesis period and its encoding of nuclear proteins with DNA binding motifs. To elucidate the putative regulatory function of N-myc in embryogenesis, we undertook to inactivate this gene in ES cells. The N-myc alleles were disrupted in ES cells, line E14, by means of homologous recombination of targeting vectors that carry neomycin or hygromycin resistant genes. Homologous recombinants were obtained at the frequency of one in 6 x 10(5) electroporated cells. The inactivated N-myc alleles were transmitted through mouse germ lines. Crosses of heterozygous mice resulted in production of wild-type, heterozygous, and N-myc-null pups and fetuses at a ratio of 1:2:0, indicating embryonic lethality of the homozygotes. ES cells totally deficient in N-myc expression were also obtained by consecutive gene disruption with the use of the targeting vectors, demonstrating the non-essentiality of N-myc expression in the stem-cell state. N-myc-null ES cells offer a valuable tool in chimera analysis to elucidate the requirement for N-myc function in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily consists of a group of secreted signaling molecules that perform important roles in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. TGF-beta activated kinase-1 binding protein-1 (TAB1) was identified as a molecule that activates TGF-beta activated kinase-1 (TAK1). Recent studies have revealed that the TAB1-TAK1 interaction plays an important role in signal transduction in vitro, but little is known about the role of these molecules in vivo. To investigate the role of TAB1 during development, we cloned the murine Tab1 gene and disrupted it by homologous recombination. Homozygous Tab1 mutant mice died, exhibiting a bloated appearance with extensive edema and hemorrhage at the late stages of gestation. By histological examinations, it was revealed that mutant embryos exhibited cardiovascular and lung dysmorphogenesis. Tab1 mutant embryonic fibroblast cells displayed drastically reduced TAK1 kinase activities and decreased sensitivity to TGF-beta stimulation. These results indicate a possibility that TAB1 plays an important role in mammalian embryogenesis and is required for TAK1 activation in TGF-beta signaling.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a 19-carbon precursor of sex steroids, is abundantly produced in the human but not the mouse adrenal. However, mice produce DHEA and DHEA-sulfate (DHEAS) in the fetal brain. DHEA stimulates axonal growth from specific populations of mouse neocortical neurons in vitro, while DHEAS stimulates dendritic growth from those cells. The synthesis of DHEA and sex steroids, but not mouse glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, requires P450c17, which catalyzes both 17 alpha-hydroxylase and 17,20-lyase activities. We hypothesized that P450c17-knockout mice would have disordered sex steroid synthesis and disordered brain DHEA production and thus provide phenotypic clues about the functions of DHEA in mouse brain development. We deleted the mouse P450c17 gene in 127/SvJ mice and obtained several lines of mice from two lines of targeted embryonic stem cells. Heterozygotes were phenotypically and reproductively normal, but in all mouse lines, P450c17(-/-) zygotes died by embryonic day 7, prior to gastrulation. The cause of this early lethality is unknown, as there is no known function of fetal steroids at embryonic day 7. Immunocytochemistry identified P450c17 in embryonic endoderm in E7 wild-type and heterozygous embryos, but its function in these cells is unknown. Enzyme assays of wild-type embryos showed a rapid rise in 17-hydroxylase activity between E6 and E7 and the presence of C(17,20)-lyase activity at E7. Treatment of pregnant females with subcutaneous pellets releasing DHEA or 17-OH pregnenolone at a constant rate failed to rescue P450c17(-/-) fetuses. Treatment of normal pregnant females with pellets releasing pregnenolone or progesterone did not cause fetal demise. These data suggest that steroid products of P450c17 have heretofore-unknown essential functions in early embryonic mouse development.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-associated factors (TRAFs) are key adaptor molecules in the TNFR-signaling complexes that promote a wide variety of signaling cascades including cell proliferation, activation, differentiation, and apoptosis. TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP) is required for the inhibitory regulation of TNF-induced NF-κB signaling via the TNFR/TRAF-signaling complexes in vitro. TRIP also directly interacts with the familial cylindromatosis tumor suppressor gene (CYLD) and negatively regulates NF-κB activation in vitro. However, although there appears to be a relationship between TRIP, the TRAFs and also CYLD as modulators of NF-κB signaling in vitro, the functional role of TRIP in vivo is still unclear. To identify the role of TRIP in vivo, we have generated TRIP-deficient mice. Homozygous mouse embryos were found to die shortly after implantation due to proliferation defects and excessive cell death. These results indicate that TRIP is an essential factor during early mouse embryonic development in vivo.  相似文献   

The mouse gene Zfp36L1 encodes zinc finger protein 36-like 1 (Zfp36L1), a member of the tristetraprolin (TTP) family of tandem CCCH finger proteins. TTP can bind to AU-rich elements within the 3'-untranslated regions of the mRNAs encoding tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), leading to accelerated mRNA degradation. TTP knockout mice exhibit an inflammatory phenotype that is largely due to increased TNF secretion. Zfp36L1 has activities similar to those of TTP in cellular RNA destabilization assays and in cell-free RNA binding and deadenylation assays, suggesting that it may play roles similar to those of TTP in mammalian physiology. To address this question we disrupted Zfp36L1 in mice. All knockout embryos died in utero, most by approximately embryonic day 11 (E11). Failure of chorioallantoic fusion occurred in about two-thirds of cases. Even when fusion occurred, by E10.5 the affected placentas exhibited decreased cell division and relative atrophy of the trophoblast layers. Although knockout embryos exhibited neural tube abnormalities and increased apoptosis within the neural tube and also generalized runting, these and other findings may have been due to deficient placental function. Embryonic expression of Zfp36L1 at E8.0 was greatest in the allantois, consistent with a potential role in chorioallantoic fusion. Fibroblasts derived from knockout embryos had apparently normal levels of fully polyadenylated compared to deadenylated GM-CSF mRNA and normal rates of turnover of this mRNA species, both sensitive markers of TTP deficiency in cells. We postulate that lack of Zfp36L1 expression during mid-gestation results in the abnormal stabilization of one or more mRNAs whose encoded proteins lead directly or indirectly to abnormal placentation and fetal death.  相似文献   

The targeted disruption of the CD98 gene results in embryonic lethality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CD98 is one of the important molecules for development, cell differentiation, cell proliferation, and regulation of cellular function. In this study, CD98 heavy chain (HC) knockout mice were produced and analyzed. Five targeted ES clones were obtained and colony frequency was about 2%. One (clone 113) of the five heterozygous ES cell clones had undergone aberrant recombination at the 5' side. The aberrant recombination happened at the site between second intron and 5' arm. All lines from correctly targeted clones could not transmit the mutated allele to spermatozoa. The mutated allele derived from the aberrant targeted clone was transmitted to the progeny. However, none of the F2 mice was homozygous for the CD98 mutation, indicating that the targeted disruption of the CD98 gene results in embryonic lethality. The point of embryonic lethality is considered to be between 3.5 and 9.5 dps. These findings indicate that CD98 molecules are essential for mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Myosin phosphatase (MP) is a major phosphatase responsible for the dephosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin II. MYPT1, a target subunit of smooth and nonmuscle MP, is responsible for activation and regulation of MP. To identity the physiological roles of MP, we have generated MYPT1-deficient mice by gene targeting. The heterozygous mice showed no changes in expression levels of MYPT1 and no distinct phenotype compared to wild-type mice was observed. None of the F2 mice were homozygous for the MYPT1 deletion, indicating that the targeted disruption of the MYPT1 gene resulted in embryonic lethality. The point of embryonic lethality is before 7.5 dpc. These findings indicate that MYPT1 is essential for mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Neurochondrin/norbin is a cytoplasmic protein involved in dendrite outgrowth. The expression of the gene has been restricted to neural, bone, and chondral tissues. To identify the functions of the gene in vivo, we have generated mice with a disrupted mutation in the neurochondrin/norbin gene. Histological analysis of heterozygous mutant mice indicates the possibility of specific functions of neurochondrin/norbin in chondrocyte differentiation. We defined the expression patterns of neurochondrin/norbin-lacZ fusion protein in the central nervous system. In the developing olfactory bulb, beta-galactosidase activity was detected in the mantle layer at 12.5 dpc and the strongest activity was detected in the presumptive mitral or tufted cell layer at 15.5 dpc. beta-Galactosidase activity was also detected in the lateral choroid plexus. In homozygous (-/-) mutant mice, the disruption of the neurochondrin/norbin gene leads to early embryonic death between 3.5 and 6.5 dpc. This result indicates that neurochondrin/norbin gene function is essential for the early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Placental dysfunction underlies many complications during pregnancy, and better understanding of gene function during placentation could have considerable clinical relevance. However, the lack of a facile method for placenta-specific gene manipulation has hampered investigation of placental organogenesis and the treatment of placental dysfunction. We showed previously that transduction of fertilized mouse eggs with lentiviral vectors leads to transgene expression in both the fetus and the placenta. Here we report placenta-specific gene incorporation by lentiviral transduction of mouse blastocysts after removal of the zona pellucida. All of the placentas analyzed, but none of the fetuses, were transgenic. Application of this method substantially rescued mice deficient in Ets2, Mapk14 (also known as p38alpha) and Mapk1 (also known as Erk2) from embryonic lethality caused by placental defects. Ectopic expression of Mapk11 also complemented Mapk14 deficiency during placentation.  相似文献   

Inducible 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase (iPFK-2; PFKFB3) produces fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (F2,6BP), which is a potent allosteric activator of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK-1), the rate-limiting step in glycolysis. iPFK-2 functions as an activator of anaerobic glycolysis within the hypoxic microenvironment of growing tumors. The early embryo is challenged similarly since the process of vasculogenesis does not begin until after embryonic day 7. We hypothesized that iPFK-2 expression is essential for the survival of the growing embryo. First, we cloned the mouse homolog of iPFK2 and found that it is abundantly expressed in cortical neurons, epithelial cells, and secretory cells of the choroid plexus, pancreas, and adrenal gland of the adult mouse. Using gene targeting, we then disrupted exons 3-7 of the mouse iPFK2 gene, which encode the substrate binding site. No full-term homozygous iPFK-2(-/-) progeny were produced from 11 F7 iPFK-2(+/-) crosses and no homozygous iPFK-2(-/-) embryos were detected after 8 days of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Genetic defects in DNA repair mechanisms and cell cycle checkpoint (CCC) genes result in increased genomic instability and cancer predisposition. Discovery of mammalian homologs of yeast CCC genes suggests conservation of checkpoint mechanisms between yeast and mammals. However, the role of many CCC genes in higher eukaryotes remains elusive. Here, we report that targeted deletion of an N-terminal part of mRad17, the mouse homolog of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad17 checkpoint clamp-loader component, resulted in embryonic lethality during early/mid-gestation. In contrast to mouse embryos, embryonic stem (ES) cells, isolated from mRad17(5'Delta/5'Delta) embryos, produced truncated mRad17 and were viable. These cells displayed hypersensitivity to various DNA-damaging agents. Surprisingly, mRad17(5'Delta/5'Delta) ES cells were able to arrest cell cycle progression upon induction of DNA damage. However, they displayed impaired homologous recombination as evidenced by a strongly reduced gene targeting efficiency. In addition to a possible role in DNA damage-induced CCC, based on sequence homology, our results indicate that mRad17 has a function in DNA damage-dependent recombination that may be responsible for the sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

Notch family genes encode transmembrane proteins involved in cell-fate determination. Using gene targeting procedures, we disrupted the mouse Notch2 gene by replacing all but one of the ankyrin repeat sequences in the cytoplasmic domain with the E. coli (beta)-galactosidase gene. The mutant Notch2 gene encodes a 380 kDa Notch2-(beta)-gal fusion protein with (beta)-galactosidase activity. Notch2 homozygous mutant mice die prior to embryonic day 11.5, whereas heterozygotes show no apparent abnormalities and are fully viable. Analysis of Notch2 expression patterns, revealed by X-gal staining, demonstrated that the Notch2 gene is expressed in a wide variety of tissues including neuroepithelia, somites, optic vesicles, otic vesicles, and branchial arches, but not heart. Histological studies, including in situ nick end labeling procedures, showed earlier onset and higher incidence of apoptosis in homozygous mutant mice than in heterozygotes or wild type mice. Dying cells were particularly evident in neural tissues, where they were seen as early as embryonic day 9.5 in Notch2-deficient mice. Cells from Notch2 mutant mice attach and grow normally in culture, demonstrating that Notch2 deficiency does not interfere with cell proliferation and that expression of the Notch2-(beta)-gal fusion protein is not toxic per se. In contrast to Notch1-deficient mice, Notch2 mutant mice did not show disorganized somitogenesis, nor did they fail to properly regulate the expression of neurogenic genes such as Hes-5 or Mash1. In situ hybridization studies show no indication of altered Notch1 expression patterns in Notch2 mutant mice. The results indicate that Notch2 plays an essential role in postimplantation development in mice, probably in some aspect of cell specification and/or differentiation, and that the ankyrin repeats are indispensable for its function.  相似文献   

We previously reported that partial disruption of the Ankrd26 gene in mice leads to hyperphagia and leptin-resistant obesity. To determine whether the Ankrd26 mutation can affect the development of adipocytes, we studied mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) from the mutant mice. We found that Ankrd26(-/-) MEFs have a higher rate of spontaneous adipogenesis than normal MEFs and that adipocyte formation is greatly increased when the cells are induced with troglitazone alone or with a mixture of troglitazone, insulin, dexamethasone, and methylisobutylxanthine. Increased adipogenesis was detected as an increase in lipid droplet formation and in the expression of several markers of adipogenesis. There was an increase in expression of early stage adipogenesis genes such as Krox20, KLF5, C/EBPβ, C/EBPδ, and late stage adipogenesis regulators KLF15, C/EBPα, PPARγ, and aP2. There was also an increase in adipocyte stem cell markers CD34 and Sca-1 and preadipocyte markers Gata2 and Pref-1, indicating an increase in both stem cells and progenitor cells in the mutant MEFs. Furthermore, ERK was found constitutively activated in Anrd26(-/-) MEFs, and the addition of MEK inhibitors to mutant cells blocked ERK activation, decreased adipogenesis induction, and significantly reduced expression of C/EBPδ, KLF15, PPARγ2, CD34, and Pref-1 genes. We conclude that Ankrd26 gene disruption promotes adipocyte differentiation at both the progenitor commitment and differentiation steps and that ERK activation plays a role in this process.  相似文献   

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