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A series of six novel opioid peptide analogs containing one to three N‐methylamino acid residues, and six cyclic counterparts of these peptides were prepared by the solid‐phase method. Introduction of two consecutive N‐methylated amino acids, as well as cyclization of such conformationally constrained sequences, turned out to be challenging. The use of a recently reported triazine‐based coupling reagent, 4‐(4,6‐dimethoxy‐1,3,5‐triazin‐2‐yl)‐4‐methylmorpholinium toluene‐4‐sulfonate, enabled the synthesis and cyclization of the designed analogs in acceptable yields and with a lesser amount of by‐products than observed with the standard coupling reagents such as TBTU or HATU.Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Incorporation of ferrocenyl group to peptides is an efficient method to alter their hydrophobicity. Ferrocenyl group can also act as an electrochemical probe when incorporated onto functional peptides. Most often, ferrocene is incorporated onto peptides post‐synthesis via amide, ester or triazole linkages. Stable amino acids containing ferrocene as a C‐linked side chain are potentially useful building units for the synthesis of ferrocene‐containing peptides. We report here an efficient route to synthesize ferrocene‐containing amino acids that are stable and can be used in peptide synthesis. Coupling of 2‐ferrocenyl‐1,3‐dithiane and iodides derived from aspartic acid or glutamic acid using n‐butyllithium leads to the incorporation of a ferrocenyl unit to the δ‐position or ε‐position of an α‐amino acid. The reduction or hydrolysis of the dithiane group yields an alkyl or an oxo derivative. The usability of the synthesized amino acids is demonstrated by incorporating one of the amino acids in both C‐terminus and N‐terminus of tripeptides in solution phase. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report the first application of a novel amino-Li resin to water-based solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) applying the Smoc-protecting group approach. We demonstrated that it is a suitable support for the sustainable water-based alternative to a classical SPPS approach. The resin possesses good swelling properties in aqueous milieu, provides significant coupling sites, and may be applicable to the synthesis of difficult sequences and aggregation-prone peptides.  相似文献   

Dehydroamino acids are important precursors for the synthesis of a number of unnatural amino acids and are structural components in many biologically active peptide derivatives. However, efficient synthetic procedures for their production in large amounts and without side reactions are limited. We report here an improved procedure for the synthesis of dehydroalanine and dehydroamino butyric acid from the carbonate derivatives of serine and threonine using TBAF. The antiselective E2 elimination of the carbonate derivatives of serine and threonine using TBAF is milder and more efficient than other available procedures. The elimination reaction is completed in less than 10 min with various carbonate derivatives studied and the methodology is very efficient for the synthesis of dehydroamino acids and dehydropeptides. The procedure thus provides an easy access to key synthetic precursors and can be used to introduce interesting structural elements to designed peptides. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diporphyrin systems based on tetraphenylporphyrin derivatives bridged with dipeptide or tripeptide spacers containing Gly and Phe residues were synthesized, and their physicochemical properties were studied. This article is dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the journal Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya  相似文献   

Hepcidin, a 25 amino acid peptide hormone containing a complex network of four disulfide bonds is the hormone regulator of iron homeostasis. Three bridges synthetic peptide analogs have been prepared following two synthetic strategies and two oxidation procedures: i) a microwave-assisted solid phase synthesis followed by air oxidation of the six free cysteines ii) a manual solid phase synthesis followed by stepwise deprotection and oxidation of cysteine pairs. All the peptides with different connectivities have been characterized by MALDI ToF spectrometry, and tested for their ability to degrade the cellular iron exporter, ferroportin. While linear peptides are inactive, the one-bridge and two-bridge peptides retaining protected cysteines by bulky substituents are active. Similarly, the three-bridge peptides are active irrespective of their disulfide connectivities.  相似文献   

Permeable resins cross-linked with long PEG chains were synthesized for use in solid-phase enzyme library assays. High molecular weight bis-amino-polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000, 6000, 8000 were synthesized by a three-step reaction starting from PEG-bis-OH. Macromonomers were synthesized by partial or di-acryloylation of bis-amino-PEG derivatives. Bis/mono-acrylamido–PEG were copolymerized along with acrylamide by inverse suspension copolymerization to yield a less cross-linked resin (Type I, compounds 6–9 ). Furthermore, acryloyl–sarcosin ethyl ester was co-polymerized along with bis-acrylamido PEG to obtain more crosslinked capacity resin (Type II, compounds 13–19 ). N,N-Dimethylacrylamide was used as a co-monomer in some cases. The polymer was usually obtained in a well-defined beaded form and was easy to handle under both wet and dry conditions. The supports showed good mechanical properties and were characterized by studying the swelling properties, size distribution of beads, and by estimating the amino group capacity. Depending on the PEG chain length, the monomer composition and the degree of cross-linking the PEGA supports showed a high degree of swelling in a broad range of solvents, including water, dichloromethane, DMF, acetonitril, THF and toluene; no swelling was observed in diethyl ether. The PEGA resins (Type I ) with an amino acid group capacity between 0.07 and 1.0 mmol/g could be obtained by variation of the monomer composition in the polymerization mixture. Fluorescent quenched peptide libraries were synthesized on the new polymer using a multiple column library synthesizer and incubated with the matrix metalloproteinase MMP-9 after it had been activated by 4-aminophenyl mercuric acetate resulting in 67/83 kDa active enzyme. The bright beads were separated manually under a fluorescence microscope and sequenced to obtain peptide substrates for MMP-9. After treatment with ethylene diamine, high-loaded resins (Type II ) have been employed in continuous flow peptide synthesis to yield peptides in excellent yield and purity. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soft shell (SS) resins with a lightly or noncross-linked shell layer were prepared by reducing the amount of cross-linking agent, divinylbenzene (DVB), during seed suspension polymerization from polystyrene (PS) resin. These SS resins have a lower swelling volume than that produced by normal cross-linking. Despite its lower swelling, however, SS (10-00) resin, which consists of the 1% DVB-cross-linked core and the noncross-linked surface layer, showed higher efficiency in peptide synthesis compared with 1% DVB-PS resin and other SS resins.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) were synthesized by a modified Merrifield method using several improvements. Activation by O-(benzotriazol-1-yl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate in combination with in situ neutralization of the resin allowed efficient coupling of all four Boc-protected PNA monomers within 30 min. HPLC analysis of the crude product obtained from a fully automated synthesis of the model PNA oligomer H-CGGACTAAGTCCATTGC-Gly-NH2, indicated an average yield per synthetic cycle of 97.1%. N1-benzyloxycarbonyl-N63-methylimidazole triflate substantially outperformed acetic anhydride as a capping reagent. The resin-bound PNAs were successfully cleaved by the ‘low–high’ trifluoromethanesulphonic acid procedure.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) systems are an attractive method to complement the usual cell-based synthesis of proteins, especially for screening approaches. The literature describes a wide variety of CFPS systems, but their performance is difficult to compare since the reaction components are often used at different concentrations. Therefore, we have developed a calculation tool based on amino acid balancing to evaluate the performance of CFPS by determining the fractional yield as the ratio between theoretically achievable and experimentally achieved protein molar concentration. This tool was applied to a series of experiments from our lab and to various systems described in the literature to identify systems that synthesize proteins very efficiently and those that still have potential for higher yields. The well-established Escherichia coli system showed a high efficiency in the utilization of amino acids, but interestingly, less considered systems, such as those based on Vibrio natriegens or Leishmania tarentolae, also showed exceptional fractional yields of over 70% and 90%, respectively, implying very efficient conversions of amino acids. The methods and tools described here can quickly identify when a system has reached its maximum or has limitations. We believe that this approach will facilitate the evaluation and optimization of existing CFPS systems and provides the basis for the systematic development of new CFPS systems.  相似文献   

Summary A simple yet highly effective application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) for the rapid monitoring of Fmoc solid-phase peptide synthesis is described. A few beads of the resin are removed at any desired step during synthesis, the fully protected peptide is cleaved from the resin and an MS spectrum of the analytes present is produced. Some standard side-chain protecting groups may be cleaved off during sample preparation for MS analysis; however, these cleavages are readily identified. Using this approach, incomplete amino acid acylations are readily detected in approximately the same time as by traditional tests such as ninhydrin. The semi-on-line method also lends itself to ready optimization of synthesis protocols and to the examination of resin-bound peptide side reactions which may not be detectable by chemical means.  相似文献   

This report describes a Dde resin based attachment strategy for inverse solid-phase peptide synthesis (ISPPS). This attachment strategy can be used for the synthesis of amino terminated peptides with side chains and the carboxyl terminus either protected or deprotected. Amino acid t-butyl esters were attached through their free amino group to the Dde resin. The t-butyl carboxyl protecting group was removed by 50% TFA, and inverse peptide synthesis cycles performed using an HATU/TMP based coupling method. Protected peptides were cleaved from the resin with dilute hydrazine. Side chain protecting groups could then be removed by treatment with TFMSA/TFA. The potential of this approach was demonstrated by the synthesis of several short protected and unprotected peptides in good yield and with low epimerization. Its potential for peptide mimetic synthesis was demonstrated by the synthesis of two peptide trifluoromethylketones.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient procedure for the synthesis of N-acyl 4-hydroxy, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy and 3,4-dihydroxy phenylglycine amides by a strategy based on the multicomponent Ugi reaction is proposed. Hydroxybenzaldehyde derivatives were reacted with 4-methoxybenzylamine, cyclohexyl isocyanide and benzoic acid or 2-naphthylacetic acid to give Ugi adducts that were treated with trifluoroacetic acid yielding N-acyl hydroxyphenylglycine amides in good yields. The same procedure using as acid component protocatechuic acid or hydrocaffeic acid gave N-catechoyl 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycine amides. The use of N-benzyloxycarbonylglycine as acid component allowed the preparation of a 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycyl dipeptide derivative. Radical-scavenging activity studies of the polyphenolic amino acid derivatives showed a sharp increase in activity with the increase in number of hydroxyl or catechol groups present. Cyclic voltammetry experiments established a correlation between oxidation peak potentials and the radical-scavenging activity.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis method is described for the preparation of the nonapeptide WDTVRISFK, using conventional Fmoc/Bu(t) orthogonal protection strategy. The synthesis protocol is based on the use of cycles of pulsed microwave irradiation with intermittent cooling of the reaction during the removal of the Fmoc protecting group and during the coupling. The desired nonapeptide was obtained in highest yield and purity by employing MicroKan technology. The chemical reactions were carried out in a single-mode microwave reactor, equipped with a fiber-optic probe to monitor the reaction temperature continuously.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic sequencing makes it possible to identify all the genes of an organism, now including Homo sapiens. Yet measurement of the expression of each gene of interest still presents a daunting prospect. Northern blots, RNase protection assays, as well as microarrays and related technologies permit measurement of gene expression in total RNA extracted from cultured cells or tissue samples. It would be most valuable, however, to quantitate gene expression noninvasively in living cells and tissues. Unfortunately, no reliable method has been available to measure levels of specific mRNAs in vivo. Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) display superior ruggedness and hybridization properties as a diagnostic tool for gene expression, and could be used for this purpose. On the down side, they are negligibly internalized by normal or malignant cells in the absence of conjugated ligands. Nevertheless, we have observed that Tc-99m-peptides can delineate tumors, and PNA-peptides designed to bind to IGF-1 receptors on malignant cells are taken up specifically and concentrated in nuclei. We have postulated that antisense Tc-99m-PNA-peptides will be taken up by human cancer cells, will hybridize to complementary mRNA targets, and will permit scintigraphic imaging of oncogene mRNAs in human cancer xenografts in a mouse model. The oncogenes cyclin D1, ERBB2, c-MYC, K-RAS, and tumor suppressor p53 are being probed initially. These experiments provide a proof-of-principle for noninvasive detection of oncogene expression in living cells and tissues. This scintigraphic imaging technique should be applicable to any particular gene of interest in a cell or tissue type with characteristic receptors.  相似文献   

Genomic sequencing makes it possible to identify all the genes of an organism, now including Homo sapiens. Yet measurement of the expression of each gene of interest still presents a dauntingprospect. Northern blots, RNase protection assays, as well as microarrays and related technologies permit measurement of gene expression in total RNA extracted from cultured cells or tissue samples. It would be most valuable, however, to quantitate gene expression noninvasively in living cells and tissues. Unfortunately,no reliable method has been available to measure levels of specificmRNAs in vivo. Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) display superior ruggedness and hybridization properties as a diagnostic tool for gene expression, and could be used for this purpose. On the down side, they are negligibly internalized by normal or malignant cells in the absence of conjugated ligands. Nevertheless,we have observed that Tc-99m-peptides can delineate tumors, and PNA-peptides designed to bind to IGF-1 receptors on malignant cellsare taken up specifically and concentrated in nuclei. We have postulated that antisense Tc-99m-PNA-peptides will be taken up by human cancer cells, will hybridize to complementary mRNA targets, and will permit scintigraphic imaging of oncogene mRNAsin human cancer xenografts in a mouse model. The oncogenes cyclinD1, ERBB2, c-MYC, K-RAS, and tumor suppressor p53 are being probed initially. These experimentsprovide a proof-of-principle for noninvasive detection of oncogeneexpression in living cells and tissues. This scintigraphic imaging technique should be applicable to any particular gene of interest in a cell or tissue type with characteristic receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic sequencing makes it possible to identify all the genes of an organism, now includingHomo sapiens. Yet measurement of the expression of each gene of interest still presents a daunting prospect. Northern blots, RNase protection assays, as well as microarrays and related technologies permit measurement of gene expression in total RNA extracted from cultured cells or tissue samples. It would be most valuable, however, to quantitate gene expression noninvasively in living cells and tissues. Unfortunately, no reliable method has been available to measure levels of specific mRNAsin vivo. Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) display superior ruggedness and hybridization properties as a diagnostic tool for gene expression, and could be used for this purpose. On the down side, they are negligibly internalized by normal or malignant cells in the absence of conjugated ligands. Nevertheless, we have observed that Tc-99m-peptides can delineate tumors, and PNA-peptides designed to bind to IGF-1 receptors on malignant cells are taken up specifically and concentrated in nuclei. We have postulated that antisense Tc-99m-PNA-peptides will be taken up by human cancer cells, will hybridize to complementary mRNA targets, and will permit scintigraphic imaging of oncogene mRNAs in human cancer xenografts in a mouse model. The oncogenes cyclin D1,ERBB2, c-MYC, K-RAS, and tumor suppressor p53 are being probed initially. These experiments provide a proof-of-principle for noninvasive detection of oncogene expression in living cells and tissues. This scintigraphic imaging technique should be applicable to any particular gene of interest in a cell or tissue type with characteristic receptors.  相似文献   

Synthetic pseudopeptides that fit well with the active site architecture allow the most effective binding to enzymes, similar to native substrates in high-energy transition states. Phosphinic acid peptide analogs that comprise the tetrahedral phosphorus moiety introduced to replace an internal amide bond exert such an isosteric or isoelectronic resemblance, combined with providing other advantageous features, for example, metal complexing properties. Accordingly, they are capable of inhibiting metal-dependent enzymes involved in biological functions in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. These enzymes are associated with notorious human diseases, such as cancer, e.g., matrix metalloproteinases, or are etiological factors of protozoal and bacterial infections, e.g., metalloaminopeptidases. The affinity and selectivity of these compounds can be conveniently adjusted, either by structural modification of dedicated side chains or by backbone elongation to enhance specific interactions with the corresponding binding pockets. Recent approaches to the synthesis of these compounds are illustrated by examples of the preparation of rationally designed structures of inhibitors of particular enzymes. Activity against appealing enzymatic targets is presented, along with the molecular mechanisms of action and therapeutic implications. Innovative aspects of phosphinic peptide application, e.g., as activity-based probes, and ligands of complexes of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine are also outlined.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(2):217-222
Escherichia coli-based cell-free protein synthesis is a powerful emerging tool for protein engineering due to the open, accessible nature of the reaction and its straightforward, economical potential for many diverse applications. One critical limitation of this system is the inability to express some complex, eukaryotic, and/or unnatural proteins at high expression yields. A potential solution is a synthetic-biology-like approach where cell-free reactions are supplemented by expressing the required supplemental components in the E. coli cells during the fermentation, which cells are used to prepare the extract for cell-free protein synthesis. Here we report adjustments to the fermentation conditions that increase yields of complex proteins upwards of 150% over standard conditions. We consider extracts containing GroEL/ES protein folding chaperones and extracts containing orthogonal tRNA/tRNA synthetase pairs for noncanonical amino acid incorporation. In contrast to standard cell-free synthesis, delaying the harvest of supplemented fermentations lead to increased and more consistent yields of proteins that required supplemental components. Protein yields enhanced by buffering the fermentation media pH lead to an average 52% decrease in yield cost, while costs for cases unchanged or negatively affected by buffering increased an average 14%. An apparent balance is required between the supplemental components and general extract protein profile.  相似文献   

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