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Sequence saturation mutagenesis (SeSaM) is a conceptually novel and practically simple method that truly randomizes a target sequence at every single nucleotide position. A SeSaM experiment can be accomplished within 2–3 days and comprises four steps: generating a pool of DNA fragments with random length, ‘tailing’ the DNA fragments with universal base using terminal transferase at 3′-termini, elongating DNA fragments in a PCR to the full-length genes using a single-stranded template and replacing the universal bases by standard nucleotides. Random mutations are created at universal sites due to the promiscuous base-pairing property of universal bases. Using enhanced green fluorescence protein as the model system and deoxyinosine as the universal base, we proved by sequencing 100 genes the concept of the SeSaM method and achieved a random distribution of mutations with the mutational bias expected for deoxyinosine.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae F1-ATPase beta subunit precursor contains redundant mitochondrial protein import information at its NH2 terminus (D. M. Bedwell, D. J. Klionsky, and S. D. Emr, Mol. Cell. Biol. 7:4038-4047, 1987). To define the critical sequence and structural features contained within this topogenic signal, one of the redundant regions (representing a minimal targeting sequence) was subjected to saturation cassette mutagenesis. Each of 97 different mutant oligonucleotide isolates containing single (32 isolates), double (45 isolates), or triple (20 isolates) point mutations was inserted in front of a beta-subunit gene lacking the coding sequence for its normal import signal (codons 1 through 34 were deleted). The phenotypic and biochemical consequences of these mutations were then evaluated in a yeast strain deleted for its normal beta-subunit gene (delta atp2). Consistent with the lack of an obvious consensus sequence for mitochondrial protein import signals, many mutations occurring throughout the minimal targeting sequence did not significantly affect its import competence. However, some mutations did result in severe import defects. In these mutants, beta-subunit precursor accumulated in the cytoplasm, and the yeast cells exhibited a respiration defective phenotype. Although point mutations have previously been identified that block mitochondrial protein import in vitro, a subset of the mutations reported here represents the first single missense mutations that have been demonstrated to significantly block mitochondrial protein import in vivo. The previous lack of such mutations in the beta-subunit precursor apparently relates to the presence of redundant import information in this import signal. Together, our mutants define a set of constraints that appear to be critical for normal activity of this (and possibly other) import signals. These include the following: (i) mutant signals that exhibit a hydrophobic moment greater than 5.5 for the predicted amphiphilic alpha-helical conformation of this sequence direct near normal levels of beta-subunit import (ii) at least two basic residues are necessary for efficient signal function, (iii) acidic amino acids actively interfere with import competence, and (iv) helix-destabilizing residues also interfere with signal function. These experimental observations provide support for mitochondrial protein import models in which both the structure and charge of the import signal play a critical role in directing mitochondrial protein targeting and import.  相似文献   

We describe a reliable protocol for constructing single-site saturation mutagenesis libraries consisting of all 20 naturally occurring amino acids at a specific site within a protein. Such libraries are useful for structure-function studies and directed evolution. This protocol extends the utility of Stratagene's QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit, which is primarily recommended for single amino acid substitutions. Two complementary primers are synthesized, containing a degenerate mixture of the four bases at the three positions of the selected codon. These primers are added to starting plasmid template and thermal cycled to produce mutant DNA molecules, which are subsequently transformed into competent bacteria. The protocol does not require purification of mutagenic oligonucleotides or PCR products. This reduces both the cost and turnaround time in high-throughput directed evolution applications. We have utilized this protocol to generate over 200 site-saturation libraries in a DNA polymerase, with a success rate of greater than 95%.  相似文献   

Summary After treatment of dry and pre-soaked seeds of barley with gamma-rays, EMS, NEU and EI, the frequency of multiple mutations (multimutations) was higher with EMS and NEU treatment, while cluster mutations appeared in greater numbers following treatment with gamma rays and NEU. Pre-soaking the seeds led to a reduction in the frequency of total mutations, cluster mutations and multimutations. This has been explained as a result of the application of lower doses and the induction of mutations at a relatively later stage in ontogenetic development in the case of pre-soaked seeds.Some new mutation types in barley have been described and some of the old types have been given names representing the mutation characters more precisely.The compound mutation frequency of different seedling mutation types, when taken separately, was found to be independent of the mutagen employed and the stage of treatment. The size of mutated chimeras in M 1 plants, as indicated by the segregation ratio of mutants in M 2, was largest in albina, xantha, chlorina, albina-tigrina, chl-terminalis and eceriferum, and lowest in viridis, viridoalbina etc. This could be expected if the unstable premutations induced by mutagenic treatment are resolved into mutations at different intervals after their initiation, or it can be explained by the induction of dominant mutations, or lethal changes together with visible mutations.  相似文献   

Phosphite dehydrogenase represents a new enzymatic system for regenerating reduced nicotinamide cofactors for industrial biocatalysis. We previously engineered a variant of phosphite dehydrogenase with relaxed cofactor specificity and significantly increased activity and stability. Here we performed one round of random mutagenesis followed by comprehensive saturation mutagenesis to further improve the enzyme thermostability while maintaining its activity. Two new thermostabilizing mutations were identified. These, along with the 12 mutations previously identified, were subjected to saturation mutagenesis using the parent enzyme or the engineered thermostable variant 12x as a template, followed by screening of variants with increased thermostability. Of the 12 previously identified sites, 6 yielded new variants with improved stability over the parent enzyme. Several mutations were found to be context-dependent. On the basis of molecular modeling and biochemical analysis, various mechanisms of thermostabilization were identified. Combining the most thermostabilizing mutation at each site resulted in a variant that showed a 100-fold increase in half-life at 62 degrees C over the 12x mutant. The final mutant has improved the half-life of thermal inactivation at 45 degrees C by 23,000-fold over the parent enzyme. The engineered phosphite dehydrogenase will be useful in NAD(P)H regeneration.  相似文献   

A formula is obtained for the probability that two genes at a single locus, sampled at random from a population at time t, are of particular types. The model assumed is a diffusion approximation to a neutral Wright-Fisher model in which mutation is general and not necessarily symmetric. An example is given of a population in which one allele has a high mutation rate, and the others have an equal, low mutation rate. The matrix Q, with elements given by the probability of sampling two alleles of particular types, is calculated exactly and approximately for this case. A formula is given for the distribution of the number of segregating sites occurring in two randomly sampled finite sequences of completely linked sites, with general mutation at a site and identical mutation structure between sites.  相似文献   

Saturation mutagenesis is a powerful tool in protein engineering. Even though QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis method is dominantly used in laboratories, it could not be successfully applied to the generation of a focused mutant library of human glutathione transferase A2-2. In the present study, we further developed an improved versatile dual-tube approach of randomizing difficult-to-amplify targets, exhibiting significant improvement towards equal distribution of nucleotides at randomized sites compared to other published methods.  相似文献   

The lantibiotic actagardine A is nineteen amino acids in length and comprises three intertwined C-terminal methyllanthionine-bridged rings and an N-terminal lanthionine-bridged ring. Produced by the actinomycete Actinoplanes garbadinensis ATCC 31049, actagardine A demonstrates antibacterial activity against important Gram-positive pathogens. This activity combined with its ribosomal synthesis makes it an attractive target for the generation of lantibiotic variants with improved biological activity. A variant generation system designed to allow the specific substitution of amino acids at targeted sites throughout the actagardine A peptide has been used to generate a comprehensive library by site-directed mutagenesis. With the exception of residues involved in bridge formation, each amino acid in the actagardine A peptide as well as the alanine (ala(0)) at position -1 relative to the mature peptide, has been systematically substituted with all remaining 19 amino acids. A total of 228 mutants have been engineered with 44 produced in good yield. The mutant V15F in particular demonstrates improved activity against a range of notable Gram-positive pathogens including Clostridium difficile, when evaluated alongside actagardine A. The scope of variants generated provides an insight into the flexibility of the actagardine A processing machinery and will undoubtedly assist in future mutational studies.  相似文献   

The diffusion form of a multiple-allele Wright-Fisher model of allele frequencies of types A1,…,AK at a neutral locus where there are general symmetric mutation rates of Mij (=Mji) from AiAj is studied. A convenient recurrence relationship for the moments of linear forms in the allele frequencies is found. A formula is derived for the expected homozygosity in the transient and stationary models, which is applied to general stepwise mutation models where mutation over more than one step is possible. The probability that two randomly chosen genes are j steps apart at time t in the stepwise mutation model is found to have a reasonably simple form if conditioning is on the initial allele frequencies arranged in order of magnitude. Of interest is a new geometric charge state model, mutation over several steps roughly corresponding to independent charge changes. The expected homozygosity and expected distance between two randomly chosen genes is tabulated in this model.  相似文献   

Protein engineering using directed evolution or saturation mutagenesis at hot spots is often used to improve enzyme properties such as their substrate selectivity or stability. This requires access to robust high-throughput assays to facilitate the analysis of enzyme libraries. However, relatively few studies on directed evolution or saturation mutagenesis of glycosyltransferases have been reported in part due to a lack of suitable screening methods. In the present study we report a general screening assay for glycosyltransferases that has been developed using the blood group α-(1→3)-galactosyltransferase (GTB) as a model. GTB utilizes UDP-Gal as a donor substrate and α-L-Fucp-(1→2)-β-D-Galp-O-R (H antigen) as an acceptor substrate and synthesizes the blood group B antigen α-D-Galp-(1→3)-[α-L-Fucp-(1→2)]-β-D-Galp-O-R. A closely related α-(1→3)-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GTA) uses UDP-GalNAc as a donor with the same H acceptor, yielding the A antigen α-D-Galp-NAc-(1→3)-[α-L-Fuc(1→2)]-β-D-Gal-O-R. GTA and GTB are highly homologous enzymes differing in only 4 of 354 amino acids, Arg/Gly-176, Gly/Ser-235, Leu/Met-266, and Gly/Ala-268. The screening assay is based on the color change of the pH indicator bromothymol blue when a proton is released during the transfer of Gal/GalNAc from UDP-Gal/UDP-GalNAc to the acceptor substrate. Saturation mutagenesis of GTB enzyme at M214, a hot spot adjacent to the 211DVD213 metal binding motif, was performed and the resulting library was screened for increases in UDP-GalNAc transfer activity. Two novel mutants, M214G and M214S, identified by pH indicator screening, were purified and kinetically characterized. M214S and M214G both exhibited two-fold higher kcat and specific activity than wild-type GTB for UDP-GalNAc. The results confirm the importance of residue M214 for donor enzyme specificity.  相似文献   

Plant resistance to glyphosate has been reported far less frequently than resistance to sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides. However, these studies tend to be anecdotal, without side by side comparisons for a single species or natural isolate. In this study, we tested the frequencies of resistance of three herbicides in a controlled ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) saturation mutagenesis experiment, allowing a direct comparison of the frequencies at which resistant mutant plants arise. The 100% growth inhibition dose rates of glyphosate, chlorsulfuron (a sulfonylurea herbicide), and imazethapyr (an imidazolinone herbicide) were determined for Arabidopsis. Populations of EMS-mutagenized M(2) seedlings were sprayed with twice the 100% growth inhibition dose of glyphosate, chlorsulfuron, or imazethapyr, and herbicide-resistant mutants were identified. Although there were no glyphosate-resistant mutants among M(2) progeny of 125,000 Columbia and 125,000 Landsberg erecta M(1) lines, chlorsulfuron resistance and imazethapyr resistance each appeared at frequencies of 3.2 x 10(-5). Given the observed frequency of herbicide resistance mutations, we calculate that there are at least 700 mutations in each EMS-mutagenized Arabidopsis line and that fewer than 50,000 M(1) lines are needed to have a 95% chance of finding a mutation in any given G:C base pair in the genome. As part of this study, two previously unreported Arabidopsis mutations conferring resistance to imidazolinone herbicides, csr1-5 (Ala-122-Thr) and csr1-6 (Ala-205-Val), were discovered. Neither of these mutations caused enhanced resistance to chlorsulfuron in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

We describe a system of inducible insertional mutagenesis based on the Ac-Ds family of transposons for targeted tagging in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). In this system, the Ac and Ds elements are carried within the same T-DNA and a heat shock-inducible transposase fusion is utilized to control the levels of transposase gene expression, generating transpositions that can be subsequently stabilized without requiring crossing or segregation. We have mapped 40 single-copy lines by thermal asymmetric interlaced-PCR, which can be used as potential launch pads for heat shock mutagenesis. Using a starter line selected for detailed analysis, the efficiency of tagging over a 50-kb region in the genome was examined. Hits were obtained in the targeted genes with multiple alleles for most genes, with approximately equal numbers of hits detected in genes on either side of the T-DNA. These results establish the feasibility of our approach for localized saturation mutagenesis in Arabidopsis. This system is very efficient and much less laborious as compared to conventional crossing schemes and may be generally applicable to other plant species for which large-scale T-DNA tagging is not currently feasible.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, CRISPR/Cas9 has revolutionized genome editing technology due to its simplicity and robustness (Mali et al., 2013). Several inducible CRISPR/Cas9 systems recently developed make spatiotemporal genome editing possible (Kon ermann et al., 2013;Balboa et al., 2015;Dow et al., 2015;Zetsche et al., 2015;Liu et al., 2016;Kleinjan et al., 2017;Maji et al.. 2017;Senturk et al., 2017;Lu et al., 2018).  相似文献   

The sequence saturation mutagenesis (SeSaM) method has been advanced to a random mutagenesis method with adjustable mutational biases. SeSaM offers, for example, a bias that is complementary to error-prone (ep) PCR and is enriched in transversions (SeSaM-Tv(+)). dNTP alpha S and three degenerate bases (P, K and I) are used to control mutational bias flexibly. After quantifying incorporation rates of dPTP, dKTP and dITP by terminal transferase using a luciferase-based assay and investigating the read and/or write activities of eight DNA polymerases, a transversion-enriched protocol has been developed. In a mutant library generated using dGTP alpha S and dPTP, transversion frequencies of 16.22-22.58% (G-->T) and 6.38-9.69% (G-->C) were achieved. These mutational spectra are complementary and occur twice as frequently in comparison to standard epPCR methods employing Taq DNA polymerase. For generating more complex mutant libraries, the occurrence of consecutive nucleotide exchanges was increased by 10(5)-10(6)-fold compared to epPCR. Finally, 16.7% of all sequenced mutants contained consecutive nucleotide exchanges composed mainly of a transversion followed by a transition.  相似文献   

Ang EL  Obbard JP  Zhao H 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(4):928-939
Aniline dioxygenase is a multicomponent Rieske nonheme-iron dioxygenase enzyme isolated from Acinetobacter sp. strain YAA. Saturation mutagenesis of the substrate-binding pocket residues, which were identified using a homology model of the alpha subunit of the terminal dioxygenase (AtdA3), was used to probe the molecular determinants of AtdA substrate specificity. The V205A mutation widened the substrate specificity of aniline dioxygenase to include 2-isopropylaniline, for which the wild-type enzyme has no activity. The V205A mutation also made 2-isopropylaniline a better substrate for the enzyme than 2,4-dimethylaniline, a native substrate of the wild-type enzyme. The I248L mutation improved the activity of aniline dioxygenase against aniline and 2,4-dimethylaniline approximately 1.7-fold and 2.1-fold, respectively. Thus, it is shown that the alpha subunit of the terminal dioxygenase indeed plays a part in the substrate specificity as well as the activity of aniline dioxygenase. Interestingly, the equivalent residues of V205 and I248 have not been previously reported to influence the substrate specificity of other Rieske dioxygenases. These results should facilitate future engineering of the enzyme for bioremediation and industrial applications.  相似文献   



To develop a practically simple and robust multi-site saturation mutagenesis (MSSM) method that enables simultaneously recombination of amino acid positions for focused mutant library generation.


A general restriction enzyme-free and ligase-free MSSM method (Simple-MSSM) based on prolonged overlap extension PCR (POE-PCR) and Simple Cloning techniques. As a proof of principle of Simple-MSSM, the gene of eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) was used as a template gene for simultaneous mutagenesis of five codons. Forty-eight randomly selected clones were sequenced. Sequencing revealed that all the 48 clones showed at least one mutant codon (mutation efficiency = 100%), and 46 out of the 48 clones had mutations at all the five codons. The obtained diversities at these five codons are 27, 24, 26, 26 and 22, respectively, which correspond to 84, 75, 81, 81, 69% of the theoretical diversity offered by NNK-degeneration (32 codons; NNK, K = T or G).


The enzyme-free Simple-MSSM method can simultaneously and efficiently saturate five codons within one day, and therefore avoid missing interactions between residues in interacting amino acid networks.

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