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Plants use sunlight as energy for photosynthesis; however, plant DNA is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation (280–320 nm) in the process. UV‐B radiation damages nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA by the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), which are the primary UV‐B‐induced DNA lesions, and are a principal cause of UV‐B‐induced growth inhibition in plants. Repair of CPDs is therefore essential for plant survival while exposed to UV‐B‐containing sunlight. Nuclear repair of the UV‐B‐induced CPDs involves the photoreversal of CPDs, photoreactivation, which is mediated by CPD photolyase that monomerizes the CPDs in DNA by using the energy of near‐UV and visible light (300–500 nm). To date, the CPD repair processes in plant chloroplasts and mitochondria remain poorly understood. Here, we report the photoreactivation of CPDs in chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA in rice. Biochemical and subcellular localization analyses using rice strains with different levels of CPD photolyase activity and transgenic rice strains showed that full‐length CPD photolyase is encoded by a single gene, not a splice variant, and is expressed and targeted not only to nuclei but also to chloroplasts and mitochondria. The results indicate that rice may have evolved a CPD photolyase that functions in chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei, and that contains DNA to protect cells from the harmful effects of UV‐B radiation.  相似文献   

In this work, an over-expressed cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photolyase of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 was used to investigate UV-C (ultraviolet irradiation of C-region) influence on photoreactivation. In vivo photoreactivation experiments indicated that the survival rate decreased from 100 to 2.6% when the UV-C flux was increased from 1.1 to 68.5 μW/cm2. It seemed that the photolyase was easily inactivated at UV-C intensities ≥25.5 μW/cm2. Spectrometric analysis indicated that tertiary structure of the photolyase changed evidently when the UV-C fluxes were ≥25.5 μW/cm2, while the secondary structure was almost unchanged even at 170 μW/cm2. Band shift assay indicated that catalytic activity of the photolyase was impaired at fluxes ≥25.5 μW/cm2, but no significant influence on DNA-binding activity was observed. These results suggest that photoreactivation is efficient at UV-C fluxes ≤25.5 μW/cm2, but would be impaired by intense UV-C irradiation due to structure changes of the photolyase. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 668–673.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) play an important role in heavy-metal homeostasis and detoxification. However, we previously reported that the overexpression of PC synthase inArabidopsis does not lead to increased tolerance of cadmium but, rather, plants show higher Cd sensitivity. Here, we compared the maximum capacity for non-protein thiol (NPT) production at various concentrations of Cd in order to estimate PC synthesis indirectly for both transgenic (pcs9) and wild-type plants. The pcs9 line produced the highest level of NPT when treated with 200 p.M Cd for 3 d. In comparison, the maximum productivity by the wild type was in response to 500 μM Cd. Nevertheless, the absolute amounts of NPT produced did not differ significantly between those two genotypes. Furthermore, exogenous application of 1 mM GSH did not dramatically change the capacity for either pcs9 or wild-type plants. These results suggest that Cd hypersensitivity in the transgenic pcs9 may not be caused by supraoptimal intracellular concentrations of PC, but may, instead, be due to overexpressed PC synthase itself because that enzyme can bind metals. This action, therefore, may lead to some unknown disruption in cellular metal homeostasis under Cd stress.  相似文献   

Inhibitors are very important in the study of hormone function. Brasinazole (Brz) is a specific inhibitor of brassinosteroids (BRs) biosynthesis. To expand our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of plant steroid signaling, we performed genetic screening using medium containing Brz under dark conditions. Mutants insensitive to Brz developlonger hypocotyls than their wild type counterparts. We isolatedabz453 as a Brz insensitive mutant. TAIL-PCR and the segregation ratio of T2 plants indicated a single T-DNA insertion at the 24-Sterol C-methyltransferase (SMT2) gene in theabz453 mutant. Recapitulation for putative FCP serine phosphatase (FSP), the gene neighboringSMT2, indicated no significant phenotypes, but theSMT2 anti-sense (SMT2-AS) line developed longer hypocotyls than the wild type in medium containing Brz. Additionally, theSMT2-AS line displayed similar phenotypes to theabz453 line in soil including enhanced growth and smaller silique. Theabz453 andSMT2-AS mutants showed phenotypes similar to those of wild type in medium containing benzylaminopurine, pacrobutrazol and ACC (precursor for ethylene) under dark conditions. However, when brassinolide (BL) dose response was observed, theabz453 andSMT2-AS lines showed higher sensitivity than wild type. Theabz453/det2 andabz453/bri1-119 double mutants showed enhanced growth compared to thedet2 andbri1-119 line under both dark and light conditions. Specially, in dark conditions double mutants displayed nearly 2- and 1.5-fold longer hypocotyls thandet2 andbri1-119 plants. Brz insensitivity to theSMT2 knock-out mutant and phenotypes of double mutants indicate that not only do BRI1 and DET2 influence the BRs response, as evidenced by hypocotyl elongation, but another sterol derived signals may also be affected in mutants, suggesting that another pathway is involved in hypocotyl elongation due to SMT2.  相似文献   

Aspergillus section Nigri strains Aspergillus aculeatus Ege-K 258, A. foeditus var. pallidus Ege-K156, A. niger Ege-K 4 and A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 were used to treat olive mill wastewater (OMW) in an investigation aimed at exploring their dephenolisation and decolourisation ability and, consequently, the economic feasibility of using any or all of these strains in a pre-treatment step in the processing of OMW. Of these strains A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 resulted in an 80% decolourisation of twofold-diluted OMW and a 30% decolourisation of undiluted OMW; in addition, it was able to remove approximately 30% of all phenolic compounds in both twofold-diluted and undiluted OMW. We conclude that A. tubingensis Ege-K 265 could be effectively used in the pre-treatment step of a combined aerobic-anaerobic process to solve the environmental problems caused by OMW in Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

Callus cultures derived from leaf segments of chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Snow Ball’ which was susceptible to Septoria obesa were successfully used for in vitro selection for resistance to this pathogenic fungus. Resistant cell lines were selected by culturing callus on growth medium containing various concentrations of S. obesa filtrate. Resistant calluses obtained after two cycles (30 d each cycle) of selection were used for plant regeneration. About 30% of the plants regenerated from the resistant calluses and 70–80% of the plants raised from cuttings had acquired considerable resistance against the pathogen in the field. No phenotypic variation was observed in the selected regenerates.  相似文献   

Summary  The name Pavetta modesta (Hiern) S. E. Dawson is a later homonym of P. modesta Bremek. Pavetta crystalensis is proposed as a new name.  相似文献   

Photolyase uses light energy to split UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in damaged DNA. This photoenzyme encompasses a series of elementary dynamical processes during repair function from early photoinitiation by a photoantenna molecule to enhance repair efficiency, to in vitro photoreduction through aromatic residues to reconvert the cofactor to the active form, and to final photorepair to fix damaged DNA. The corresponding series of dynamics include resonance energy transfer, intraprotein electron transfer, and intermolecular electron transfer, bond breaking-making rearrangements and back electron return, respectively. We review here our recent direct studies of these dynamical processes in real time, which showed that all these elementary reactions in the enzyme occur within subnanosecond timescale. Active-site solvation was observed to play a critical role in the continuous modulation of catalytic reactions. As a model system for enzyme catalysis, we isolated the enzyme–substrate complex in the transition-state region and mapped out the entire evolution of unmasked catalytic reactions of DNA repair. These observed synergistic motions in the active site reveal a perfect correlation of structural integrity and dynamical locality to ensure maximum repair efficiency on the ultrafast time scale.  相似文献   

The tree-legume Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) is used as a perennial fodder because of its fast-growing foliage, which is high in protein content. The use of leucaena as a fodder is however restricted due to the presence of the toxin mimosine. Improvements in the nutritional contents as well as other agronomic traits of leucaena can be accomplished through genetic transformation. The objective of this research was to develop a transformation protocol for leucaena using phosphinothricin resistance as the plant selectable marker. Explants obtained from immature zygotic embryos infected with the Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1 containing the binary plasmid pCAMBIA3201 produced four putative transformed leucaena plants. Transformation was confirmed by PCR, RT-PCR, Southern blot, Western analyses, GUS-specific enzyme activity and herbicide leaf spraying assay. A transformation efficiency of 2% was established using this protocol.  相似文献   

Despite the high isoform multiplicity of aquaporins in plants, with 35 homologues including 13 plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) in Arabidosis thaliana, the individual and integrated functions of aquaporins under various physiological conditions remain unclear. To better understand aquaporin functions in plants under various stress conditions, we examined transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants that constitutively overexpress Arabidopsis PIP1;4 or PIP2;5 under various abiotic stress conditions. No significant differences in growth rates and water transport were found between the transgenic and wild-type plants when grown under favorable growth conditions. The transgenic plants overexpressing PIP1;4 or PIP2;5 displayed a rapid water loss under dehydration stress, which resulted in retarded germination and seedling growth under drought stress. In contrast, the transgenic plants overexpressing PIP1;4 or PIP2;5 showed enhanced water flow and facilitated germination under cold stress. The expression of several PIPs was noticeably affected by the overexpression of PIP1;4 or PIP2;5 in Arabidopsis under dehydration stress, suggesting that the expression of one aquaporin isoform influences the expression levels of other aquaporins under stress conditions. Taken together, our results demonstrate that overexpression of an aquaporin affects the expression of endogenous aquaporin genes and thereby impacts on seed germination, seedling growth, and stress responses of the plants under various stress conditions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Plant aquaporins are believed to facilitate water transport across cell membranes. However, the relationship between aquaporins and drought resistance in plants remains unclear. VfPIP1, a putative aquaporin gene, was isolated from Vicia faba leaf epidermis, and its expression was induced by abscisic acid (ABA). Our results indicated that the VfPIP1 protein was localized in the plasma membrane, and its expression in V. faba was induced by 20% polyethylene glycol 6000. To further understand the function of VfPIP1, we obtained VfPIP1-expressing transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants under the control of the CaMV35S promoter. As compared to the wild-type control plants, the transgenic plants exhibited a faster growth rate, a lower transpiration rate, and greater drought tolerance. In addition, the stomata of the transgenic plants closed significantly faster than those of the control plants under ABA or dark treatment. These results suggest that VfPIP1 expression may improve drought resistance of the transgenic plants by promoting stomatal closure under drought stress.  相似文献   

We have been attempting for some time to discover a compound evidencing antibacterial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The dieckol isolated from Ecklonia stolonifera has been shown to exhibit antibacterial activity against methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and MRSA. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of dieckol were determined in a range of 32 to 64 μg/mL against standard MSSA and MRSA strains. Furthermore, dieckol clearly reversed the high-level ampicillin and penicillin resistance of MRSA. The MICs of ampicillin against two standard strains of MRSA were dramatically reduced from 512 to 0.5 μg/mL in combination with 1/4 MIC of dieckol (16 μg/mL). The fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) indices of ampicillin and penicillin were measured from 0.066 to 0.266 in combination with 8 or 16 μg/mL of dieckol against all tested MRSA strains, thereby suggesting that dieckol-ampicillin or dieckol-penicillin combinations exert a synergistic effect against MRSA. The results of this study indicate that dieckol, administered in combination with β-lactams, may prove effective in the treatment of MRSA infections. Our finding may also contribute to the development of an alternative phytotherapeutic anti-MRSA agent.  相似文献   

Lu Z  Liu D  Liu S 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(10):1909-1917
In order to determine the different roles of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cytosolic ascorbate peroxidases (OsAPXa and OsAPXb, GenBank accession nos. D45423 and AB053297, respectively) under salt stress, transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing OsAPXa or OsAPXb were generated, and they all exhibited increased tolerance to salt stress compared to wild-type plants. Moreover, transgenic lines over-expressing OsAPXb showed higher salt tolerance than OsAPXa transgenic lines as indicated by root length and total chlorophyll content. In addition to ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity, antioxidant enzyme activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR), which are also involved in the salt tolerance process, and the content of H2O2 were also assayed in both transgenic and wild-type plants. The results showed that the overproduction of OsAPXb enhanced and maintained APX activity to a much higher degree than OsAPXa in transgenic Arabidopsis during treatment with different concentrations of NaCl, enhanced the active oxygen scavenging system, and protected plants from salt stress by equilibrating H2O2 metabolism. Our findings suggest that the rice cytosolic OsAPXb gene has a more functional role than OsAPXa in the improvement of salt tolerance in transgenic plants. Zhenqiang Lu and Dali Liu contributed equally.  相似文献   

Septobasidium parviflorae sp. nov. on Pinus parviflora is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by its whitish-gray, gray to dark gray-colored fungus body with an indeterminate margin, hyphal strands, and cylindrical basidia with long sterigmata. This is the first report of Septobasidium occurring on a member of the genus Pinus in Japan.  相似文献   

Summary  The type specimen of Metrosideros regelii is discussed. It contains a mixture of two species, representing different genera, and a lectotype is chosen. The generic position of the species is considered in the light of morphology and recent molecular evidence and the new combination, Mearnsia regelii, made.  相似文献   

Capsicum chinense is a recalcitrant species for in vitro morphogenesis, and up to date there is no efficient system for genetic transformation and regeneration of this species via somatic embryogenesis. Here, we carried out an in vitro transformation of C. chinense via Agrobacterium tumefaciens co-cultivation with a system that expresses the heterologous gene WUSCHEL from Arabidopsis thaliana. WUSCHEL has been shown to promote the transition from vegetative to embryogenic state when overexpressed. We tested if the expression of WUSCHEL in C. chinense would promote an embryogenic response in this species. After 15 days of induction, the segments of transformed stems begun to form globular structures, suggesting that heterologus WUSCHEL was active and involved in the process of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Peng Y  Lin W  Cai W  Arora R 《Planta》2007,226(3):729-740
Water movement across cellular membranes is regulated largely by a family of water channel proteins called aquaporins (AQPs). Since several abiotic stresses such as, drought, salinity and freezing, manifest themselves via altering water status of plant cells and are linked by the fact that they all result in cellular dehydration, we overexpressed an AQP (tonoplast intrinsic protein) from Panax ginseng, PgTIP1, in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants to test its role in plant’s response to drought, salinity and cold acclimation (induced freezing tolerance). Under favorable conditions, PgTIP1 overexpression significantly increased plant growth as determined by the biomass production, and leaf and root morphology. PgTIP1 overexpression had beneficial effect on salt-stress tolerance as indicated by superior growth status and seed germination of transgenic plants under salt stress; shoots of salt-stressed transgenic plants also accumulated greater amounts of Na+ compared to wild-type plants. Whereas PgTIP1 overexpression diminished the water-deficit tolerance of plants grown in shallow (10 cm deep) pots, the transgenic plants were significantly more tolerant to water stress when grown in 45 cm deep pots. The rationale for this contrasting response, apparently, comes from the differences in the root morphology and leaf water channel activity (speed of dehydration/rehydration) between the transgenic and wild-type plants. Plants overexpressed with PgTIP1 exhibited lower (relative to wild-type control) cold acclimation ability; however, this response was independent of cold-regulated gene expression. Our results demonstrate a significant function of PgTIP1 in growth and development of plant cells, and suggest that the water movement across tonoplast (via AQP) represents a rate-limiting factor for plant vigor under favorable growth conditions and also significantly affect responses of plant to drought, salt and cold stresses.  相似文献   

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