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We previously demonstrated that, in awake goats, 6 h of hypoxic carotid body perfusion during systemic normoxia produced time-dependent hyperventilation that is typical of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH). The hypocapnic alkalosis that occurred could have produced VAH by inducing cerebral vasoconstriction and brain lactic acidosis even though systemic arterial normoxia was maintained. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that hypocapnic alkalosis is a necessary component of VAH. Goats were prepared so that one carotid body could be perfused, from an extracorporeal circuit, with blood in which gas tensions could be controlled independently from the blood perfusing the systemic arterial system, including the brain. Using this preparation we carried out 4 h of hypoxic carotid body perfusion while maintaining systemic arterial (and brain) normoxia in awake goats. Expired minute ventilation (VE) was measured while CO2 was added to inspired air to maintain normocapnia. Carotid body PCO2 and PO2 were maintained near 40 Torr during the 4-h carotid body perfusion. Control mean VE was 8.65 +/- 0.48 l/min (mean +/- SE). With acute carotid body hypoxia (30 min) VE increased to 21.73 +/- 2.02 l/min (P less than 0.05); over the ensuing 3.5 h of carotid body hypoxia, VE progressively increased to 39.14 +/- 4.14 l/min (P less than 0.05). These data indicate that neither cerebral hypoxia nor hypocapnic alkalosis are required to produce VAH. After termination of the 4-h carotid body stimulation, hyperventilation was not maintained in these studies, i.e., there was no deacclimatization. This suggests that acclimatization and deacclimatization are produced by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hypoxic stress has been reported to induce the expression of stress proteins such as heme oxygenase (HO), which catalyze the breakdown of heme to generate biliverdin, ferrous iron, and carbon monoxide. These degradation products play a role in the regulation of a variety of processes such as vascular tone, inflammation, and central nervous system function. In mammals, there are 2 catalytically functional HO isozymes, HO-1 (inducible) and HO-2 (constitutive). HO-1 expression is regulated by an array of nonphysiological and physiological stimuli including acute hypoxemia. As relatively little is known of the HO response to prolonged hypoxia in whole animals other than small laboratory rodents, the aim of this work was to examine the effect of long-term hypoxia on total HO activity in fetal and adult ovine tissue. Sheep were maintained at high altitude (3820 m), after which the following tissues were harvested from near-term fetal and non-pregnant ewes for in vitro measurement of HO activity: left ventricle, renal papilla, lung apex, pulmonary artery, carotid artery, mesenteric artery, placental cotyledon, spleen, and brain frontal cortex. There were no significant differences between HO activities in tissues from hypoxic fetal and adult sheep compared with their normoxic controls. Fetal heart HO activities were higher than those of adult tissue (p < 0.05), whereas adult spleen HO activity was significantly higher than that of fetal tissue (p < 0.05). In conclusion, these data indicate that long-term exposure to high altitude hypoxia does not have a persistent effect on HO activity in ovine tissues. Also, except for the spleen where there is a high expression of HO-1 under normal conditions, tissue HO activity is correlated with the expression of HO-2, the constitutive isozyme.  相似文献   

The gradual decay in ventilation after removal of a respiratory stimulus has been proposed to protect against cyclic breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The male predominance of OSA, and the increased incidence of OSA in women after menopause, indicates that the respiratory-stimulating effect of progesterone may provide protection against OSA by altering the rate of poststimulus ventilatory decline (PSVD). It was therefore hypothesized that PSVD is longer in premenopausal women than in men and is longer in the luteal menstrual phase compared with the follicular phase. PSVD was measured in 12 men and in 11 women at both their luteal and follicular phases, after cessation of isocapnic hypoxia and normoxic hypercapnia. PSVD was compared between genders and between women in the luteal and follicular phases by repeated-measures ANOVA. There were no significant differences in PSVD between any of the groups after either respiratory stimulus. This suggests that the higher occurrence of OSA in men does not reflect an underlying gender difference in PSVD and implies the increased prevalence of OSA in women after menopause is not representative of an effect of progesterone on PSVD.  相似文献   

Our objective was to test the hypothesis that exposure to prolonged hypoxia results in altered responsiveness to chemoreceptor stimulation. Acclimatization to hypoxia occurs rapidly in the awake goat relative to other species. We tested the sensitivity of the central and peripheral chemoreceptors to chemical stimuli before and after 4 h of either isocapnic or poikilocapnic hypoxia (arterial PO2 40 Torr). We confirmed that arterial PCO2 decreased progressively, reaching a stable value after 4 h of hypoxic exposure (poikilocapnic group). In the isocapnic group, inspired minute ventilation increased over the same time course. Thus, acclimatization occurred in both groups. In goats, isocapnic hypoxia did not result in hyperventilation on return to normoxia, whereas poikilocapnic hypoxia did cause hyperventilation, indicating a different mechanism for acclimatization and the persistent hyperventilation on return to normoxia. Goats exposed to isocapnic hypoxia exhibited an increased slope of the CO2 response curve. Goats exposed to poikilocapnic hypoxia had no increase in slope but did exhibit a parallel leftward shift of the CO2 response curve. Neither group exhibited a significant change in response to bolus NaCN injections or dopamine infusions after prolonged hypoxia. However, both groups demonstrated a similar significant increase in the ventilatory response to subsequent acute exposure to isocapnic hypoxia. The increase in hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity, which was not dependent on the modality of hypoxic exposure (isocapnic vs. poikilocapnic), reinforces the key role of the carotid chemoreceptors in ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia.  相似文献   

Ventilatory response to sustained hypoxia in normal adults   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We examined the ventilatory response to moderate (arterial O2 saturation 80%), sustained, isocapnic hypoxia in 20 young adults. During 25 min of hypoxia, inspiratory minute ventilation (VI) showed an initial brisk increase but then declined to a level intermediate between the initial increase and resting room air VI. The intermediate level of VI was a plateau that did not change significantly when hypoxia was extended up to 1 h. The relation between the amount of initial increase and subsequent decrease in ventilation during constant hypoxia was not random; the magnitude of the eventual decline correlated confidently with the degree of initial hyperventilation. Evaluation of breathing pattern revealed that during constant hypoxia there was little alteration in respiratory timing and that the changes in VI were related to significant alterations in tidal volume and mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI). None of the changes was reproduced during a sham control protocol, in which room air was substituted for the period of low fractional concentration of inspired O2. We conclude that ventilatory response to hypoxia in adults is not sustained; it exhibits some biphasic features similar to the neonatal hypoxic response.  相似文献   

We studied the ventilatory response to hypoxia in 11 unanesthetized newborn kittens (n = 54) between 2 and 36 days of age by use of a flow-through system. During quiet sleep, with a decrease in inspired O2 fraction from 21 to 10%, minute ventilation increased from 0.828 +/- 0.029 to 1.166 +/- 0.047 l.min-1.kg-1 (P less than 0.001) and then decreased to 0.929 +/- 0.043 by 10 min of hypoxia. The late decrease in ventilation during hypoxia was related to a decrease in tidal volume (P less than 0.001). Respiratory frequency increased from 47 +/- 1 to 56 +/- 2 breaths/min, and integrated diaphragmatic activity increased from 14.9 +/- 0.9 to 20.2 +/- 1.4 arbitrary units; both remained elevated during hypoxia (P less than 0.001). Younger kittens (less than 10 days) had a greater decrease in ventilation than older kittens. These results suggest that the late decrease in ventilation during hypoxia in the newborn kitten is not central but is due to a peripheral mechanism located in the lungs or respiratory pump and affecting tidal volume primarily. We speculate that either pulmonary bronchoconstriction or mechanical uncoupling of diaphragm and chest wall may be involved.  相似文献   

Proteins harboring a Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain are versatile and allow archaea, bacteria, and plants to sense oxygen partial pressure, as well as light intensity and redox potential. A PAS domain associated with a histidine kinase domain is found in FixL, the oxygen sensor molecule of Rhizobium species. PASKIN is the mammalian homolog of FixL, but its function is far from being understood. Using whole body plethysmography, we evaluated the ventilatory response to acute and chronic hypoxia of homozygous deficient male and female PASKIN mice (Paskin-/-). Although only slight ventilatory differences were found in males, female Paskin-/- mice increased ventilatory response to acute hypoxia. Unexpectedly, females had an impaired ability to reach ventilatory acclimatization in response to chronic hypoxia. Central control of ventilation occurs in the brain stem respiratory centers and is modulated by catecholamines via tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity. We observed that TH activity was altered in male and female Paskin-/- mice. Peripheral chemoreceptor effects on ventilation were evaluated by exposing animals to hyperoxia (Dejours test) and domperidone, a peripheral ventilatory stimulant drug directly affecting the carotid sinus nerve discharge. Male and female Paskin-/- had normal peripheral chemosensory (carotid bodies) responses. In summary, our observations suggest that PASKIN is involved in the central control of hypoxic ventilation, modulating ventilation in a gender-dependent manner.  相似文献   

During sustained hypoxia the decline in ventilation that occurs in normal adult humans may be related to central accumulation of a neurochemical with net inhibitory effect. Recent investigations have shown that the putative neurotransmitter adenosine can effect a prolonged respiratory inhibition. Therefore we evaluated the possible role of adenosine in the hypoxia ventilatory decline by employing aminophylline as an adenosine blocker. We evaluated the ventilatory response to 25 min of sustained hypoxia (80% arterial O2 saturation), in eight young adults after pretreatment with either intravenous saline or aminophylline. With a mean serum aminophylline level of 15.7 mg/l, over 25 min of sustained hypoxia, peak hypoxic ventilation decreased by only 12.8% compared with 24.8% with saline, a significant difference. However, the ventilatory decline during sustained hypoxia was not abolished by the aminophylline pretreatment. Unlike the usual tidal volume-dependent attenuation of hypoxic ventilation exhibited after saline, after aminophylline the ventilatory decline was achieved predominantly through alterations in respiratory timing. Thus aminophylline pretreatment did alleviate the hypoxic ventilatory decline, although the associated alterations in breathing pattern were uncharacteristic. We conclude that adenosine may play a contributing role in the hypoxic ventilatory decline.  相似文献   

Adult intact conscious or anesthetized cats have been exposed to either hypoxia or low concentrations of CO in air. In addition, the ventilatory response to CO2 was studied in air, hypoxic hypoxia, and CO hypoxia. The results show that 1) in conscious cats, low concentrations of CO (0.15%) induce a slight decrease in ventilation and higher concentrations of CO (0.20%) induce first a small decrease in ventilation and then a characteristic tachypnea similar to the hypoxic tachypnea described in carotid-denervated cats; 2) in anesthetized cats, CO hypoxia induces only mild changes in ventilation; and 3) the ventilatory response to CO2 is increased in CO hypoxia in both conscious and anesthetized animals but differs from the increase observed during hypoxia. It is concluded that the initial decrease in ventilation may be caused by some brain stem depression of the respiratory centers with CO hypoxia, whereas the tachypnea originates probably at some suprapontine level. Conversely, the possible central acidosis may account for the potentiation of the ventilatory response to CO2 observed in either conscious or anesthetized animals.  相似文献   

Translation is often repressed in cell lines that are exposed to hypoxic conditions (0.5% - 1.5% O2) but this repression requires prolonged exposure (> 16 h). We report here that prolonged exposure to hypoxia results in the depletion of glucose from the media and that the loss of glucose correlates with the shut down in translation. Furthermore, we show that the addition of glucose or reoxygenation restores translation in hypoxic PC3 cells. This indicates that both glucose depletion and hypoxia are required for translational repression. We also show that eIF2alpha phosphorylation is reversed by glucose addition. Moreover, we present data that strongly indicate that eIF2alpha phosphorylation as well as the translational inhibition that occurs when cells are grown under conditions of glucose depletion and hypoxia is pancreatic eIF2alpha kinase (PERK) independent. We believe this is the first report to show that glucose depletion is required for translational repression under hypoxic conditions and that this explains why prolonged exposure to hypoxia is required for this inhibition. Since the physiological conditions that lead to tumor hypoxia would also likely lead to reduced glucose levels, understanding the interplay of glucose and hypoxia in regulating tumor metabolism will provide important information on the growth and development of solid tumors.  相似文献   

We have compared the ventilatory responses of intact and carotid body-denervated (CBD) goats to moderate [partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood; (Pao2) approximately 44 Torr] and severe (Pao2 approximately 33 Torr) many time points for up to 7 days of hypobaria. In the intact group there were significant time-dependent decreases in partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2) in both moderate and severe hypoxemia (approximately-7 and -11 Torr) that were largely complete by 8 h of hypoxemia and maintained throughout. Acute restoration of normoxia in chronically hypoxic intact animals produced time-dependent increases in Paco2 over 2 h, but hypocapnia persisted relative to sea-level control. Arterial plasma [HCO3-] and [H+] decreased, and [Cl-] increased with a time course and magnitude consistent with developing hypocapnia. Chronic CBD, per se, resulted in a sustained, partially compensated respiratory acidosis, as PaCO2 rose 6 Torr and base excess rose 3 mEq/1, [Cl-] fell 1 mEq/1, and pHa fell 0.01 units. During exposure to identical levels of arterial hypoxemia as in the intact group. CBD animals showed no significant changes in PaCO2, [H+]a, or [HCO3-]a at any time during moderate or severe hypoxemia. Plasma [C1-] remained within the normal range throughout exposure to moderate hypoxia and increased in severe hypoxia. In a few instances some hypocapnia was observed, but this was highly inconsistent and was always less than one-third of that observed in intact goats. In contrast to intact goats, acute restorations of normoxia in the chronically hypoxic CBD goats always caused hyperventilation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mechanisms of ventilatory acclimatization to chronic hypoxia remain unclear. To determine whether the sensitivity of peripheral chemoreceptors to hypoxia increases during acclimatization, we measured ventilatory and carotid sinus nerve responses to isocapnic hypoxia in seven cats exposed to simulated altitude of 15,000 ft (barometric pressure = 440 Torr) for 48 h. A control group (n = 7) was selected for hypoxic ventilatory responses matched to the preacclimatized measurements of the experimental group. Exposure to 48 h of hypobaric hypoxia produced acclimatization manifested as decrease in end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) in normoxia (34.5 +/- 0.9 Torr before, 28.9 +/- 1.2 after the exposure) as well as in hypoxia (28.1 +/- 1.9 Torr before, 21.8 +/- 1.9 after). Acclimatization produced an increase in hypoxic ventilatory response, measured as the shape parameter A (24.9 +/- 2.6 before, 35.2 +/- 5.6 after; P less than 0.05), whereas values in controls remained unchanged (25.7 +/- 3.2 and 23.1 +/- 2.7; NS). Hypoxic exposure was associated with an increase in the carotid body response to hypoxia, similarly measured as the shape parameter A (24.2 +/- 4.7 in control, 44.5 +/- 8.2 in acclimatized cats). We also found an increased dependency of ventilation on carotid body function (PETCO2 increased after unilateral section of carotid sinus nerve in acclimatized but not in control animals). These results suggest that acclimatization is associated with increased hypoxic ventilatory response accompanied by enhanced peripheral chemoreceptor responsiveness, which may contribute to the attendant rise in ventilation.  相似文献   

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