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Seasonality of reproduction is believed to be influenced by environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and photoperiod. In primates, there has been much speculation about which environmental factors have the greatest influence on reproductive seasonality. To determine whether environmental factors affect seasonality of reproduction of squirrel monkeys in captivity, I used path analysis to compare number of births and matings per month with monkeys kept in indoor enclosures (maintained at optimal temperatures) and those kept in outdoor enclosures (exposed to the elements). Since a different pattern of seasonality was found to occur, I was able to test whether temperature, rainfall, or photoperiod could explain the temporal variation in reproduction. Squirrel monkeys raised in captivity displayed different patterns of seasonality of reproduction, depending on the conditions in which they are housed ( chi(2)3 25.12, P<0.001; G = 28.10, P<0.001). Temperature seemed to have a large impact on number of births and matings per month (matings: path coefficient = 0.799; births: path coefficient = -1.315). Understanding what factors regulate reproduction for animals and how these factors affect reproduction differently in wild versus captive populations are important to conservation and management of species.  相似文献   

Eight morphometric measurements and weights were taken on 169 members of a semifree-ranging population of squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus (Iquitos), at the MonkeyJungle, Goulds, Florida. Age- and sex-related differences were determined. Weight and brow-rump length correlated most highly with age. Sexually dimorphic differences were particularly evident in weight and head width, and both of these showed seasonal variation in the males.  相似文献   

Seventeen squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), 11 nursery-reared and six mother-reared, were monitored to clarify the type and degree of deviant behaviors that result from rearing this species in the nursery. Two observation periods were used: the first when the subjects averaged 6.7 months of age, the second when they averaged 15.5 months. Thirteen activities involving variations of nonnutritive orality, stereotypic posturing, and agitated behaviors were seen in the nursery-reared subjects, but never in the mother-reared subjects. No consistent gender, subspecies, or age differences were evident. Squirrel monkeys, like chimpanzees and some Old World monkeys, do develop atypical self-directed behaviors when deprived of normal stimulation during early development.  相似文献   

Splenectomised Saimiri sciureus squirrel monkeys are being used increasingly as an experimental host for human malarial studies, notably for the assessment of candidate vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage infection. Recently, we have reported that colony-reared S. sciureus monkeys are asymptomatic carriers of Haemobartonella sp. and that patent Haemobartonella infection, activated following splenectomy, may interfere with the course of P. falciparum parasitaemia in these animals. For several years, splenectomised S. sciureus monkeys were routinely submitted to oxytetracycline therapy before their use in malarial studies in order to prevent a possible spontaneous Heamobartonella infection. However, we report here that such antibiotic therapy is often ineffective and that neoarsphenamine chemotherapy may be considered as an alternative to cure both latent and patent haemobartonellosis in S. sciureus monkeys.  相似文献   

Observations of food-storing in caged squirrel monkeys are described. Frequencies of storage and attempted retrievals increased with the introduction of novel objects. The type of storage site, its location and defense, all indicate hiding of food or favored objects to avoid stealing attempts rather than food or object play behavior.  相似文献   

The tendency for agonistic interaction to increase the probability of friendly interaction between social partners has been demonstrated across a range of Old World primates. While research on such post-conflict behavior proceeds into an hypothesis-testing phase, new comparative information must accumulate to provide full phylogenetic perspective on primate social behavior. Data from New World and prosimian primates are yet extremely limited. We studied captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) via post-conflict (PC) and matched control (MC) observations and analyzed results using both the PC-MC and time-rule methods. Former opponents maintaining affiliative relationships soon engaged in friendly interaction following large proportions of agonistic interactions, whereas non-affiliated individuals, including virtually all male-female pairs, reconciled conflicts rarely. Close-proximity approaching and huddling contact constituted the principal modes of post-conflict amicability. Agonistic interactions of relatively high intensity were most likely to be reconciled and most likely to be reconciled via physical contact. High vulnerability of Saimiri to predation may have favored this species' strong inclination to reconcile soon after agonistic interaction. Research on free-living populations of this and other primate species is needed to illuminate similarities and differences across taxa.  相似文献   

Bolivian squirrel monkeys, unlike those of Brazilian origin, exhibit a marked fasting hyperbilirubinemia (FH) similar to that observed in Gilbert's syndrome in man. Since no delays in the hepatic clearance of sulfobromophthalein or indocyanine green are present, the Bolivian monkey appears to be similar to Gilbert's type I syndrome. FH can be significantly decreased by either phenobarbital or tin-protoporphyrin pretreatment. Nicotinic acid-induced hyperbilirubinemia and delayed tolbutamide clearance were not observed as in the human syndrome.  相似文献   

Chronic stomatocytosis, which increased in severity as a function of the time that animals were held in captivity, was observed in a small colony of squirrel monkeys. The stomatocytosis was associated with increasing hematocrits possibly due to a change in packing characteristics of the erythrocytes rather than any overt changes in the erythrocyte mass. Reticulocytes remained at control levels throughout development of the stomatocytosis. The most probable cause of this alteration in erythrocyte shape distribution was dietary, but the exact etiology was not determined.  相似文献   

Routine examinations of fecal samples from squirrel monkeys suggested that intestinal trichomonads might be common inhabitants of these animals. In pursuit of these observations, microscopic examination of fecal suspensions and cultures have demonstrated a 100% incidence of trichomonads in 30 arbitrarily selected animals from a colony of more than 300 housed in groups of ten. The most prominent species was Pentatrichomonas hominis. A not yet fully characterized tritrichomonad was also found on several occasions. The main obstacle in establishing individual strains in culture was the presence of bacterial and fungal flora in the samples. Nevertheless, abundant cultures were obtained from 28 animals by inoculation of fecal suspensions into tissue cultures with appropriately formulated medium and high concentration of antibiotics. In several unattended cultures maintained at room temperature, the flagellates retained motility for at least 4 months. This long survival may explain the widespread occurrence of the parasites within a confined animal community.  相似文献   

Isolation calls of captive squirrel monkeys were recorded by separating infants from their natal group members and then permitting vocal contact between the “lost” baby and the group at systematically varied distances. Separated infants gave longer calls at greater separation distances from their natal group members, and responding adults and juveniles similarly extended the length of their vocalizations. In the longer variants, a highfrequency element was prolonged, which is considered to be an example of the net advantage of a “frequency window” in the ambient noise of environments.  相似文献   

One of the most common types of polyspecific association observed in Neotropical primate communities is that between squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) and capuchins (Cebus). The present study focused on association patterns in two Saimiri sciureus groups in eastern Brazilian Amazonia, between March and October, 2009. The associations were analyzed in terms of the species involved, the degree of association, and niche breadth and overlap. The study involved two S. sciureus groups (B4 and GI) on the right and left bank of the Tocantins River, respectively, within the area of the Tucuruí reservoir in southeastern Pará. Relations between species were classified as associations (individuals within 50 m and moving in the same direction), and encounters (individuals within 50 m and no coordinated movement). Group B4 was in association with Cebus apella during 100% of monitoring, and with Chiropotes satanas in 20.2%. By contrast, Group GI associated with Cebus 54.8% of the time, and with Chiropotes utahickae 2.5%. Encounters with Alouatta belzebul and Saguinus niger were recorded at both sites, with Aotus azarae and Dasyprocta prymnolopha at B4, and with Callicebus moloch, Dasyproct aleporina, Mazama gouazoubira, and Nasua nasua at GI. Overall, Saimiri had a broader niche than Cebus in terms of vertical spacing and diet, but not for substrate use. This pattern did not appear to be affected by association. While group GI spent significantly (P < 0.05) more time in association with Cebus during the wet season, group B4 associated with Chiropotes more during the dry season. Despite the higher association rates, niche overlap was greater for all variables at B4. This may reflect differences in the ranging and foraging patterns at the two sites, and the varying potential benefits of association for Saimiri.  相似文献   

Serum IgG and IgM levels were measured in domestically bred squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) ranging in age from 0 days to 42 months, as well as in adult squirrel monkeys from the wild estimated to be 60 months or older. The results indicated that the transplacental transfer of IgG occurs in the squirrel monkey but the transferability is lower in the squirrel monkey than in the cynomolgus monkey. Immune response in the squirrel monkey occurs just after birth, as shown by IgM production.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the influence of sex, age, social rank, matriline membership, posture, and visual and tactual motor control on manual preferences inSaimiri sciureus. A well-established social group of 12 squirrel monkeys, aged 2 to 14 yrs and consisting of two matrilines with social rank known for each animal, was presented with four different food-reaching tasks and assessed for hand preferences with a minimum of 100 reaches per animal. Frequency of occurrence of hand preferences at the group level and degree of hand preferences at the individual level depended on posture and on whether the reaching act took place under visual or tactual guidance. Sex, age, social rank, and matriline membership were not found to determine frequency of occurrence, direction or degree of hand preferences with the exception of one task in which a significant negative correlation between the degree of hand preference and age was found. Nine out of 12 monkeys showed task-dependent changes in the hand they used preferentially while only three animals preferred the same hand in all four tasks. Significant preferences for the use of right or left hand on a given task were distributed almost equally between individuals. Thus, the results of this study suggest task-specific demands like posture and/or whether reaching was visually or tactually guided to be the major correlates of hand preferences in food-reaching tasks in squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Feral and semi-feral squirrel monkeys form sexually segregated subgroups. Observation of social interaction among laboratory animals revealed significant differences in social behaviour as a function of group composition. Females were more active in Unisexual groups. They engaged in more affiliative behaviour and were less often the target of agonistic attack. Adult females with young avoided adult males. ‘Aunts’ and Nulliparous females initially avoided these same males, but later spent over 50% of their time in close proximity to them. Results are discussed in terms of squirrel monkey social ecology, and successful child-rearing.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were used to describe the ovarian cycle of the Bolivian squirrel monkey. Group-caged, sexually mature female squirrel monkeys, housed with males, were sampled daily between 0900 and 1100 hr. Sampling was carried out during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons, for periods of 19–20 days from September 1981 to May 1982. Seasonal differences in serum concentrations of E2 and P were found with low levels of E2 and P and an absence of preovulatory surges of E2 during the nonbreeding season. This pattern was also observed in some animals during the breeding season. An abrupt increase in serum P concentrations in December appeared to signal the onset of cycling. Cycling animals had well-defined peaks of E2 (450–9,500 pg/ml) followed by increasing levels of P, which were >200 ng/ml in some animals. After the breeding season, E2 and P levels returned to their initially low levels. Levels of both steroids in cycling animals were higher than those reported for other primates and for previous measurements made in squirrel monkeys. Cycle length based on time interval between consecutive E2 peaks varied from 6–12 days.  相似文献   

Alloantigens of squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) IgG were studied using alloantisera prepared by cross-immunizations among four subspecies. The results demonstrated the occurrence of IgG antigenic polymorphism. Three distinct Fd fragment allotypes were detected. Greater alloantigenic complexity occurred among Colombian and Peruvian squirrel monkeys, which occupy the more central regions of the geographic range; Bolivian and Guyanan monkeys, which occupy the extremes of the range, expressed less alloantigenic complexity.  相似文献   

Most platyrrhines have a visual polymorphism that is characterized by the presence of multiple alleles of the M/LWS gene on the X chromosome. This polymorphism is probably maintained by selection. There are two possible mechanisms by which this can be explained: First, heterozygous females may have perceptual advantages over dichromats, such that trichromacy would be favored via the existence of different visual pigments. This is known as selection by heterosis. Second, dichromacy may be advantageous in some situations, with polymorphism being maintained by frequency-dependent selection. In this study the reflectance spectra of fruits and flowers eaten by a troop of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in Eastern Amazon were measured using a spectrophotometer. S. sciureus have an SWS cone with a spectral tuning of approximately 430 nm, and three M/LWS alleles with spectral tunings of 535 nm, 550 nm, and 562 nm. Based on the spectral tunings of the different phenotypes and the spectral data obtained from the food items, the responses of the different visual systems to the measured objects were modeled and then compared. The model predicted that trichromatic phenotypes would have an advantage over dichromats in detecting fruits and flowers from background foliage, which suggests that heterosis is the mechanism for maintaining polymorphism in S. sciureus. On the other hand, a large proportion of fruits could not be detected by any of the phenotypes. Additional studies are necessary to determine whether other important aspects of the primates' visual world, such as prey, predator, and conspecific detection, favor tri- or dichromacy.  相似文献   

Abstract: This report documents asymptomatic infections of Mycobacterium kansasii in four of five tuberculin positive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus sciureus). The mycobacterial DNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a bronchial lymph node had no affinity for the species specific probes of M. tuberculosis, M. avium, and M. intracellular, thus allowing the presumptive diagnosis of an atypical mycobacterial infection. Infection by Mycobacterium kansasii was confirmed by culture of bronchial lymph nodes from three monkeys. The source of the infection was never identified.  相似文献   

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