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Dual-rate continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion was performed with a specially adapted Mill Hill Infuser. The infuser delivers 2 rates, a slow rate of ca. 50 microliter/h and an eightfold higher rate, designed to cover the increased requirement during meals. The high rate is engaged by pressing a button on the side of the pump, and returns automatically to the basal level after 17 min. Insulin is delivered to the subcutaneous side by a nylon cannula.  相似文献   

Strict control of blood glucose was achieved by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with a specially adapted Mill Hill Infuser for 3-4 days. This led to normalisation of some of the intermediary metabolites. In a few patients, subcutaneous infusions have been carried out for periods up to 3 months with home monitoring of blood glucose, without infection or lipodystrophy. Short-term improvement of metabolic control was associated with recovery of abnormal renal glomerular permeability to albumin.  相似文献   

Metabolic rhythms have been studied in six insulin-dependent diabetics during subcutaneous insulin therapy, and during control of blood glucose concentration by a glucose-controlled insulin infusion system (GCIIS). In none of the subjects was blood glucose concentration consistently within the normal range during subcutaneous insulin therapy. In contrast, blood glucose concentration was within the normal range after 3.5 h of insulin delivery by the glucose-controlled insulin infusion system and remained in the normal range for the following 8 h through lunch and dinner. Mean blood glucose concentration during this time ranged from 5.31 to 7.90 mM. Following normalisation of blood glucose concentration, blood lactate and pyruvate were similar with both the GCIIS and subcutaneous insulin therapy. Post-prandial lactate peaks were delayed with the GCIIS. Alanine levels were consistently higher during control with the GCIIS compared with subcutaneous therapy, while blood ketone body and plasma NEFA levels were lower, and the premeal peaks in the lipid metabolites were delayed. It is not possible to conclude that attainment of normoglycaemia with the present generation of glucose-controlled insulin infusion systems in insulin-dependent diabetics is accompanied by total normalisation of intermediary metabolism.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation of morphologically well-preserved Golgi apparatus from rat liver. The method is essentially the same as that of Morré et al. (Morré, D.J., Hamilton, R.L., Mollenhauser, H.H., Mahley, R.W., Cunningham, W.P., Cheetham, R.D., & Lequire, V.S. (1970) J. Cell Biol. 44, 484-491) except that mild cell disruption is achieved by means of a stainless-steel sieve. The average recoveries of protein and galactosyltransferase in the isolated fraction are about 6 mg from 10 g of perfused liver and about 35% from the homogenate, respectively. The preparation is virtually free from succinate-cytochrome c reductase, glucose-6-phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and 5'-nucleotidase. The Golgi fraction as well as its vesicular fragments is homogeneous upon isopycnic centrifugation in both sucrose and dextran density gradients. Their buoyant densities in sucrose are significantly higher than those in dextran, indicating that both forms of the organelle are closed systems which are impermeable to macromolecules. The galactosyltransferase activity of a freshly prepared Golgi fraction, measured with ovalbumin as galactosyl acceptor, is activated 26-fold by the addition of Triton X-100, whereas those of homogenized, sonicated, and aged preparations are only activated 2- to 4-fold.  相似文献   

We report the development of a novel technology that enables the wireless transmission of sufficient amounts of power to implantable physiological devices. The system involves a primary unit generating the magnetic field and a secondary pickup unit deriving power from the magnetic field and a power conditioner. The inductively coupled system was able to supply a minimum of 20 mW at all locations and pickup orientations across a rat cage, although much higher power of up to 10 W could be achieved. We hypothesized that it would be possible to use this technology to record a high-fidelity ECG signal in a conscious rat. A device was constructed in which power was utilized to recharge a battery contained within a telemetry device recording ECG signal sampled at 2,000 Hz in conscious rats (200-350 g) living in their home cage. Attributes of the ECG signal (QT, QRS, and PR interval) could be obtained with a high degree of accuracy (<1 ms). ECG and heart rate changes in response to treatment with the beta blocker propranolol and the proarrhythmic alkaloid aconitine were measured. Transmitters were implanted for up to 4 mo, and the characteristic circadian variation in heart rate was recorded. Such technology allows potentially lifetime monitoring without the need for implant refurbishment. The ability to provide suitable power levels to implanted devices without concern to the orientation of the device and without causing heating provides the basis for the development of new devices to record or influence physiological signals in animals or humans over significantly longer time periods than can currently be accommodated.  相似文献   

We studied internalization of 125I-labelled insulin in isolated rat hepatocytes. Using the acidification technique, we were able to dissociate the ligand from its cell-surface receptors, and thus to separate internalized from surface-bound insulin. Because during the first 5 min of incubation of 125I-labelled insulin with freshly isolated hepatocytes there is no loss of internalized label, the ratio of the amount of internalized ligand to the amount of cell-surface-bound ligand may serve as an index of insulin internalization. Within the first 10 min of insulin's interaction with hepatocytes, the plot of the above ratio as a function of time yields a straight line. The slope of this line is referred to as the endocytic rate constant (Ke) for insulin and denotes the probability with which the insulin-receptor complex is internalized in 1 min. At the insulin concentration of 0.295 ng/ml, the Ke is 0.049 min-1. It is independent of insulin concentration until the latter exceeds 1 ng/ml. At the insulin concentration of 3.2 ng/ml, the Ke accelerates to 0.131 min-1. With the Ke being the probability of insulin-receptor-complex internalization, 4.9% of occupied insulin receptors will be internalized in 1 min at an insulin concentration of 0.295 ng/ml, and 13.1% of occupied insulin receptors will be internalized in 1 min at 3.2 ng/ml. When the insulin concentration decreases from 3.2 to 0.3 ng/ml, the Ke decreases accordingly. The half-time of occupied receptor internalization is 15.4 min at the lower insulin concentration and 5.3 min at the higher insulin concentration.  相似文献   

A study was performed to examine the feasibility of achieving long periods of near-normoglycaemia in patients with diabetes mellitus by giving a continuous subcutaneous infusion of insulin solution from a miniature, battery-driven, syringe pump. Twelve insulin-dependent diabetics had their insulin pumped through a subcutaneously implanted, fine nylon cannula; the basal infusion rate was electronically stepped up eightfold before meals. The blood glucose profile of these patients was closely monitored during the 24 hours of the subcutaneous infusion and compared with the profile on a control day, when the patients were managed with their usual subcutaneous insulin. Diet and exercise were standardised on both days. In five out of 14 studies the subcutaneous insulin infusion significantly lowered the mean blood glucose concentration without producing hypoglycaemic symptoms; in another six patients the mean blood glucose concentration was maintained. As assessed by the M value the level of control was statistically improved in six out of 14 studies by the infusion method and maintained in six other patients. To assess the effects of blood glucose control on diabetic microvascular disease it will be necessary to achieve long-term normoglycaemia in selected diabetics. The results of this preliminary study suggest that a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion may be a means of maining physiological glucose concentrations in diabetics. Though several problems remain--for example, in determining the rate of infusion--longer-term studies with the miniature infusion pumps are now needed.  相似文献   

The use of an artificial pancreas for blood glucose monitoring and feedback correction for evaluation and improvement of subcutaneous insulin therapy facilitates the process of finding an optimal therapy regime for the individual patient. The frequency of hypoglycemic episodes can be reduced while maintaining good control, and hospital stays can be considerably shortened. This procedure is particularly useful in achieving tight control in pregnant diabetics.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--Glycaemic control in a young woman with "brittle" diabetes. DESIGN--Use of a preprogrammable fully implanted pump (Infusaid) to deliver insulin intraperitoneally at variable rates, giving a total dose of about 60 units/24 h. SETTING--Endocrinology department in a teaching hospital. PATIENT--Thirty year old woman with 15 years'' history of "brittle" diabetes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Glycated haemoglobin concentration; plasma glucose concentration. RESULTS--After implantation of the pump there was an immediate and sustained improvement in diabetic control. The patient''s glycated haemoglobin concentration decreased from 15.2% to 9.2% over seven months. Her daily glucose concentrations were in the range 3.5-12 mmol/l. She has not been admitted to hospital since implantation of the pump, which was eight months before the time of writing. CONCLUSION--The implanted programmable intraperitoneal insulin pump may be of value in the management of patients with "brittle" diabetes in whom other attempts at glycaemic control have failed.  相似文献   

Propofol (2,6,di-isopropylphenol) was given by continuous intravenous infusion to provide sedation after cardiac surgery in 30 patients and its effects compared with those of midazolam given to a further 30 patients. Propofol infusion allowed rapid and accurate control of the level of sedation, which was satisfactory for longer than with midazolam. Patients given propofol recovered significantly more rapidly from their sedation once they had fulfilled the criteria for weaning from artificial ventilation and as a result spent a significantly shorter time attached to a ventilator. There were no serious complications in either group. Both medical and nursing staff considered the propofol infusion to be superior to midazolam in these patients. These findings suggest that propofol is a suitable replacement for etomidate and alphaxalone-alphadolone for sedating patients receiving intensive care.  相似文献   

Acute hyperinsulinemia in rats have been shown to cause enhanced endocytosis of liver insulin receptors with little or no change in the total receptor number. To determine whether a similar phenomenon occurs in long-lasting hyperinsulinemia, the subcellular distribution of liver insulin receptors has been studied in rats infused continuously with insulin (0.4 and 0.2 U/h) for 4 days. In rats in which plasma insulin concentration was maintained at 15-20 ng/ml, there was, from 3 to 24 h, a 2-fold decrease in insulin binding to plasma membranes (PM), along with 2 to 4-fold increase in insulin binding to the light (GEI), intermediate (GEi) and heavy (GEh) Golgi-endosomal fractions; concomitantly, there was a 10-fold increase in the insulin content of Golgi-endosomal fractions. After 24 h, the changes in insulin binding to PM and GEI were maintained, but the increase in both insulin binding activity and insulin content of GEi and GEh became progressively less marked, although plasma insulin concentration remained elevated. Throughout infusion, insulin binding to the total particulate fraction was unchanged. In rats, in which plasma insulin was maintained at 6-8 ng/ml, insulin binding to PM was decreased to a lesser degree and insulin binding to Golgi-endosomal fractions was unchanged (GEh) or decreased (GEI and GEi), although the insulin content of these fractions remained high. These results suggest that, while an enhanced receptor endocytosis accounts for the decrease in cell surface receptors observed at an early stage of the hyperinsulinemia, additional regulatory mechanisms are probably involved at a later stage.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure (24–72 hrs) of pancreatic islets to elevated glucose and fatty acid leads to glucolipoxicity characterized by basal insulin hypersecretion and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). Our aim was to determine the mechanism for basal hypersecretion of insulin. We used mono-oleoyl-glycerol (MOG) as a tool to rapidly increase lipids in isolated rat pancreatic ß-cells and in the clonal pancreatic ß-cell line INS-1 832/13. MOG (25–400 µM) stimulated basal insulin secretion from ß-cells in a concentration dependent manner without increasing intracellular Ca2+ or O2 consumption. Like GSIS, MOG increased NAD(P)H and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The mitochondrial reductant ß-hydroxybutyrate (ß-OHB) also increased the redox state and ROS production, while ROS scavengers abrogated secretion. Diazoxide (0.4 mM) did not prevent the stimulatory effect of MOG, confirming that the effect was independent of the KATP-dependent pathway of secretion. MOG was metabolized to glycerol and long-chain acyl-CoA (LC-CoA), whereas, acute oleate did not similarly increase LC-CoA. Inhibition of diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) did not mimic the effect of MOG on insulin secretion, indicating that MOG did not act primarily by inhibiting DGK. Inhibition of acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) reduced the stimulatory effect of MOG on basal insulin secretion by 30% indicating a role for LC-CoA. These data suggest that basal insulin secretion is stimulated by increased ROS production, due to an increase in the mitochondrial redox state independent of the established components of GSIS.  相似文献   

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