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The lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis has an all-cone retina. In lizards maintained on a 12-h light:12-h dark (12L:12D) cycle, a burst of cone outer segment (COS) shedding occurs 2 h after light offset (1400 h circadian time) (Young, R.W., 1977, J. Ultrastruct. Res. 61:172-72). In this investigation, we studied the effect of different lighting regimes on the pattern of cone disk shedding in this species. When lizards entrained to a 12L:12D cycle are kept in constant darkness (DD), the shedding peak is advanced approximately 2 h and the magnitude of shedding is reduced to 30% of control. COS increased in mean length from 12 micron in controls to 14 micron after one cycle in DD and maintained this length during a second cycle in DD. In constant light (LL), disk shedding was damped to approximately 10% of control values. Shedding synchrony in LL was also perturbed and therefore cyclic shedding bursts could not be distinguished. During LL there was a much larger increase in COS mean length than in DD. After one cycle of LL, COS length was 15 micron and after two cycles COS length exceeded 17 micron. When lizards entrained to 12L:12D are shifted to a 6L:18D regimen, the first shedding cycle is biphasic. The first peak of 5% shedding occurs 2 h after light offset whereas a second larger peak (13%) occurs according to the entrained schedule (1400 h). This manipulation separates out a dark-triggered and circadian shedding component, which is normally superimposed in lizards entrained to a 12L:12D cycle. When entrained lizards are placed in 36 h of LL followed by light offset, the peak shedding response after light offset is double the control response (53% vs. 27%). After 30 h of LL (lights off 90 degrees out of phase), there is a biphasic shedding response similar to the 6L:18D regimen although this time the dark-triggered shedding component is greater in magnitude then the circadian component. COS turnover is estimated by extrapolating from COS mean length increases during LL. From this method we obtained a 2.7-micron increase in COS length during each day in LL. If COS growth is not augmented during LL, this would yield a 4-5-d turnover time for the average 12.5-micron COS.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of malarial parasitism on the ability of male western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis, to compete for access to females was assessed experimentally. Pairs of male lizards, one infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum, and the other not infected, were matched by size and color and placed in large seminatural outdoor enclosures along with an adult female lizard. Infected males displayed to females and to other males less often than did noninfected male lizards. Noninfected lizards were dominant in social interactions more often than malarious animals, based on duration and intensity of agonistic encounters toward the other male, and time spent with the female. Thus, malarial infection hinders the ability of male fence lizards to compete for mates.  相似文献   

Local genetic adaptation and phenotypic plasticity are two mechanisms that can have marked effects on the morphology, performance, and behaviour of animals, producing geographic variation among populations. However, few studies have examined how these mechanisms interact during ontogeny to shape organismal phenotypes. We incubated eggs of the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, from four populations (representing two latitudes and altitudes) in either a warm or cool environment in the laboratory. We then raised the hatchlings under common laboratory conditions, measured morphological and performance traits until 5 weeks of age, and compared juvenile morphology with that of field‐caught adults from each population. The results obtained indicate that some phenotypic traits that contribute to performance (body size, hindlimb length, head shape) were relatively canalized in juveniles and differed among populations in a way that was consistent with adults from their population of origin. However, other traits (forelimb length, inter‐limb length, mass, tail length), showed significant effects of incubation temperature, and this environmentally induced variation persisted throughout the experiment. Although selection pressure may be stronger for traits that are integral to survival, developmental effects might still have a lasting impact on traits less important to organismal fitness. We discuss the results obtained in the present study the context of the life history of these animals. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 84–98.  相似文献   

Summary Animals were acclimitized to a daily cycle of 15–25°C and a photoperiod of LD 12:12. Parietalectomized animals in an experimental thermal gradient (15°C–40°C, LD 12:12) selected significantly higher temperatures than controls at all hours of the day except from 0800–1200. These results suggest that the lizard parapineal plays a direct role in thermoregulation in addition to the indirect function as an illuminometer.  相似文献   

Sinervo B 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):228-237
Summary Hatchling Sceloporus occidentalis from northern populations (central Oregon) grow more slowly than hatchlings from southern populations (southern California) in nature. In this study, I determine whether this difference in growth rate results from differences in thermal environment and/or in thermoregulatory behavior. To determine the degree to which the thermal environment affects growth rate among populations, I reared hatchings from the northern and southern populations in a cycling thermal regime in one of three experimental treatments differing in access to radiant heat (6, 9, or 12 h radiant heat; remainder of 24 h at 15°C). I also measured the body temperature that each individual voluntarily selected over the course of the daily activity cycle. Growth rate varied positively with duration of access to radiant heat. Within the three treatments, individual growth rate was positively correlated with body temperature. Moreover, the difference in growth rate between the northern and southern populations was due in part to differences in behavior — individuals from northern populations selected lower body temperatures. I found that significant variation in body temperature was associated with family membership, suggesting that thermal physiology has a genetic basis. Moreover, growth rate was correlated with body temperature among families in each population suggesting a genetic correlation underlies the phenotypic correlations. Thus, genetically based variation in thermal physiology contributes to differences in growth rate among individuals within a population as well as to differences among populations.  相似文献   

The western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, is refractory to experimental infection with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, one of several Lyme disease spirochetes pathogenic for humans. Another member of the Lyme disease spirochete complex, Borrelia bissettii, is distributed widely throughout North America and a similar, if not identical, spirochete has been implicated as a human pathogen in southern Europe. To determine the susceptibility of S. occidentalis to B. bissettii, 6 na?ve lizards were exposed to the feeding activities of Ixodes pacificus nymphs experimentally infected with this spirochete. None of the lizards developed spirochetemias detectable by polymerase chain reaction for up to 8 wk post-tick feeding, infected nymphs apparently lost their B. bissettii infections within 1-2 wk after engorgement, and xenodiagnostic L. pacificus larvae that co-fed alongside infected nymphs did not acquire and maintain spirochetes. In contrast, 3 of 4 na?ve deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) exposed similarly to feeding by 1 or more B. bissettii-infected nymphs developed patent infections within 4 wk. These and previous findings suggest that the complement system of S. occidentalis typically destroys B. burgdorferi sensu lato spirochetes present in tissues of attached and feeding I. pacificus nymphs, thereby potentially reducing the probability of transmission of these bacteria to humans or other animals by the resultant adult ticks.  相似文献   

Despite a great deal of work in recent years on the structure of reptilian eggshells, few studies have examined the structure and regulation of the female reproductive tract in the formation of eggshell components, and none have examined the entire process from ovulation to oviposition. In this study, we examined oviductal structure in the oviparous lizard, Sceloporus woodi, followed changes in oviductal structure during gravidity, and determined uterine function in the formation of eggshell components. The endometrial glands of the uterus produce the proteinaceous fibers of the eggshell membrane mainly during the first 24 hours following ovulation, and the fibers are secreted intact and subsequently wrapped around the in utero eggs. Eggshell fibers of different thicknesses are layered around each egg, ranging from an inner layer of thick fibers that gradually become thinner medially and finally forms an outer layer of densely packed particulate matter. These changes in the fibrous layer are reflected by the thickness and length of fibers released from the endometrial glands. Calcium deposition occurs from 3 days following ovulation through day 14 (oviposition) and is accompanied by cellular changes in the luminal epithelium suggestive of secretory activity. Deposition of the eggshell components within the uterus occurs on all eggs simultaneously, rather than sequentially. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated whether thyroxine influences hatchling growth rate of the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) throught its effects on thermoregulatory behaviors. We reared control and thyroxine-injected hatchlings from three populations of S. occidentalis that differ in growth rate in a thermal gradient. We also measured the daily changes in body temperature and activity level (proportion of time spent out of retreat sites) of control and thyroxine-injected lizards. Previous studies have shown that within and among population differences in growth rate of the western fence lizard are correlated with the maintenance of high activity levels (proportion of time spent outside of retreat sites) and high body temperatures throughout the day. Growth rate was not influenced by injections of thyroxine. However, injections of thyroxine did elevate average daily body temperature and daily activity. Although administration of thyroxine uniformly increased the probability of activity throughout the day, it did not appear to alter the daily changes in activity. Previous studies have shown that the slower-growing hatchlings from northern populations exhibit a decline in activity during the later part of the thermal cycle, whereas the faster growing southern hatchlings maintain the same level of high activity throughout the thermal cycle. The decline in activity of northern populations was not prevented by thyroxine injection used in our current study. Northern lizards receiving exogenous thyroxine were still less active later in the day compared to early in the day, even though activity level throughout the day was elevated. Thus, the effects of thyroxine on temperature regulation observed in our study (general increase in activity level) appear to be unrelated to those aspects of temperature regulation (e.g., daily changes in behavioral thermoregulation) that are correlated with among population differences in growth rate. We also raised hatchlings in a cycling thermal regime (forced thermal cycle of 34°C:15°C, 12L:12D) where behavioral thermoregulation is not possible. The growth rate of lizards forced to cycle between 34°C:15°C on a daily basis was significantly lower than those lizards allowed to behaviorally thermoregulate, further underscoring the importance of the circadian pattern of thermoregulation for growth.Abbreviations GR growth rate - MR metabolic rate - SMR standard metabolic rate - SVL snout-vent length - T4 thyroxine - T b body temperature - T e environmental temperature  相似文献   

Summary We examined the parietal eye visual system of the iguanid lizard Uta stansburiana for the presence of substance P-like immunoreactivity by use of both immunofluorescence and peroxidase-antiperoxidase techniques. In the parietal eye no substance P-containing somata were found; however, its plexiform layer contained small (ca. 1 m diam) immunoreactive fibers. These fibers apparently originate outside the parietal eye. Immunoreactive fibers also were found in the parietal nerve, the dorsal sac, and the leptomeninx of the pineal gland. No labeled somata were observed in any of these regions in either normal or colchicine treated animals. Previously we demonstrated that a system of centrifugal fibers to the parietal eye originates from neurons in the dorsal sac (Engbretson et al. 1981). The apparent absence of substance P-containing neurons in the dorsal sac suggests that the substance P-containing fibers in the parietal eye are not the previously observed centrifugal fibers. The source of the substance P-containing fibers in the parietal eye is unknown. The pars dorsolateralis of the left medial habenular nucleus receives a dense substance P-positive projection. No such projection was seen in the right habenula. Simultaneous visualization of the terminals of ganglion cells of the parietal eye (labeled with orthograde intraaxonally transported horseradish peroxidase) and substance P-like immunofluorescence showed that the locus of habenular immunoreactivity is distinct from the projection field of the parietal eye. Thus the substance P-positive terminals in the habenula do not originate in the parietal eye. Transection of the parietal nerve confirmed this conclusion.  相似文献   

Prevalence of larval nematodes (Ascarops sp., Spirurida, Spirocercidae) and associated granulomata are reported from livers of wild populations of the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis. Granulomata were circumscribed by layers of fibrocytes. The encysted nematode was surrounded by masses of histiocytes, cellular debris and cells with pyknotic nuclei.  相似文献   

We present results from a screen for de novo variable nuclear loci using a genomic library approach in Sceloporus undulatus, the eastern fence lizard. We tested amplification success for 77 primer pairs in S. undulatus, Sceloporus occidentalis and Sceloporus grammicus. Many loci amplified in all three species suggesting that our primers will be useful for developing sequencing or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping markers in other sceloporine lizards. We also sequenced 19 loci, containing 158 variable sites, for 91 S. undulatus individuals. We report high levels of nucleotide variation in this species with an average of 38 SNPs per kilobase.  相似文献   

We examined whether western fence lizards Sceloporus occidentalis occurring in thermally divergent environments display differential responses to high temperature in locomotor performance and heat-shock protein (Hsp) expression. We measured maximum sprint speed in S. occidentalis from four populations at paired latitudes and elevations before and after exposure to an experimental heat treatment and then quantified hind-limb muscle Hsp70 expression. Lizards collected from northern or high-elevation collection sites suffered a greater reduction in sprint speed after heat exposure than lizards collected from southern or low-elevation sites. In addition, lizards from northern collection sites also exhibited an increase in Hsp70 expression after heat exposure, whereas there was no effect of heat exposure on Hsp70 expression in lizards from southern collection sites. Across all groups, there was a negative relationship between Hsp70 expression and sprint speed after thermal stress. This result is significant because (a) it suggests that an increase in Hsp70 alone cannot compensate for the immediate negative effects of high-temperature exposure on sprint speed and (b) it demonstrates a novel correlation between an emergent property at the intersection of several physiological systems (locomotion) and a cellular response (Hsp70 expression). Ultimately, geographic variation in the effects of heat on sprint speed may translate into differential fitness and population viability during future increases in global air temperatures.  相似文献   

The lizard Sceloporus jarrovi (Phrynosomatidae) is one of the most widely studied viviparous reptiles of North America. Past research has assumed that placentation in this species is relatively simple and functions mainly in gas exchange. Our examination of the late stage placenta via transmission electron microscopy reveals that S. jarrovi has a unique combination of placental characteristics, with unusual specializations for secretion and absorption. In the chorioallantoic placenta, chorionic and uterine tissues are directly apposed through eggshell loss, and their epithelia are greatly attenuated, enhancing gas exchange; this placenta shows evidence of both nutrient transfer and endocrine function. Contrary to past inferences, a yolk sac placenta forms from the avascular omphalopleure and persists through the end of gestation. The uterine epithelium is enlarged and secretory, and the fetal omphalopleure shows branching absorptive channels and other specializations for uptake. Elsewhere, the omphalopleure develops elongated folds that protrude into a coagulum of degenerating shell membrane and other organic material. Uterine tissue in this region shows specializations for absorption. Placental features in S. jarrovi have unexpected functional implications, and challenge assumptions that specializations for nutrient transfer are confined to matrotrophic species. J. Morphol. 271:1153–1175, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sceloporus aeneus exhibits reproductive bimodality. That is, one taxon (Sceloporus aeneus bicanthalis) is viviparous whereas the other (Sceloporus aeneus aeneus) is oviparous. Morphological differences in luteal and oviductal structure were examined. Oviparous and viviparous females have distinct corpora lutea that form immediately after ovulation and remain active until just prior to oviposition or parturition. Luteal activity is correlated positively with follicular atresia. The oviduct of both subspecies is divided into three distinct morphological regions: an anterior infundibulum, a median uterus, and a posterior vagina. The infundibulum and vagina of females exhibiting either parity type are similar, whereas distinct differences in utering morphology are apparent. Primarily, these differences include the loss of uterine glands and a reduction in epithelial cell height in the viviparous form. Moreover, viviparous females possess a simple but well-developed chorioallantoic placenta and a simple choriovitelline placenta. Chorioallantoic placentation is associated with a significant increase in uterine vascularity, indicating a role in gas and/or water exchange. The evolution of viviparity and placentation are discussed in relation to these observations.  相似文献   

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