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The vestibuloocular reflex and other oculomotor functions are subserved by populations of neurons operating in parallel. This distributed aspect of the system's organization has been largely ignored in previous block diagram models. Neurons that transmit oculomotor signals, such as those in the vestibular nucleus (VN), actually combine the different types of signals in a diverse, seemingly random way that could not be predicted from a block diagram. We used the backpropagation learning algorithm to program distributed neural-network models of the vestibulo-oculomotor system. Networks were trained to combine vestibular, pursuit and saccadic eye velocity command signals. The model neurons in these neural networks have diverse combinations of vestibulo-oculomotor signals that are qualitatively similar to those reported for actual VN neurons in the monkey. This similarity implicates a learning mechanism as an organizing influence on the vestibulo-oculomotor system and demonstrates how VN neurons can encode vestibulo-oculomotor signals in a diverse, distributed manner.  相似文献   

In experiments on anesthetized cats, 80 neurons of the primary auditory cortex (A1) were studied. Within the examined neuronal population, 66 cells (or 82.5%) were monosensory units, i.e., they responded only to acoustic stimulations (sound clicks and tones); 8 (10.1%) neurons responded to acoustic stimulation and electrocutaneous stimulation (ECS); the rest of the units (7.4%) were either trisensory (responded also to visual stimulation) or responded only to non-acoustic stimulations. In the A1 area, neurons responding to ECS with rather short latencies (15.6–17.0 msec) were found. ECS usually suppressed the impulse neuronal responses evoked by sound clicks. It is concluded that somatosensory afferent signals cause predominantly an inhibitory effect on transmission of an acoustic afferent volley to the auditory cortex at a subcortical level; however, rare cases of excitatory convergence of acoustic and somatosensory inputs toA1 neurons were observed.  相似文献   

Assemblies of vertically connected neurons in the cerebral cortex form information processing units (columns) that participate in the distribution and segregation of sensory signals. Despite well-accepted models of columnar architecture, functional mechanisms of inter-laminar communication remain poorly understood. Hence, the purpose of the present investigation was to examine the effects of sensory information features on columnar response properties. Using acute recording techniques, extracellular response activity was collected from the right hemisphere of eight mature cats (felis catus). Recordings were conducted with multichannel electrodes that permitted the simultaneous acquisition of neuronal activity within primary auditory cortex columns. Neuronal responses to simple (pure tones), complex (noise burst and frequency modulated sweeps), and ecologically relevant (con-specific vocalizations) acoustic signals were measured. Collectively, the present investigation demonstrates that despite consistencies in neuronal tuning (characteristic frequency), irregularities in discharge activity between neurons of individual A1 columns increase as a function of spectral (signal complexity) and temporal (duration) acoustic variations.  相似文献   

While the neural circuitry and physiology of the auditory system is well studied among vertebrates, far less is known about how the auditory system interacts with other neural substrates to mediate behavioral responses to social acoustic signals. One species that has been the subject of intensive neuroethological investigation with regard to the production and perception of social acoustic signals is the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, in part because acoustic communication is essential to their reproductive behavior. Nesting male midshipman vocally court females by producing a long duration advertisement call. Females localize males by their advertisement call, spawn and deposit all their eggs in their mate’s nest. As multiple courting males establish nests in close proximity to one another, the perception of another male’s call may modulate individual calling behavior in competition for females. We tested the hypothesis that nesting males exposed to advertisement calls of other males would show elevated neural activity in auditory and vocal-acoustic brain centers as well as differential activation of catecholaminergic neurons compared to males exposed only to ambient noise. Experimental brains were then double labeled by immunofluorescence (-ir) for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), an enzyme necessary for catecholamine synthesis, and cFos, an immediate-early gene product used as a marker for neural activation. Males exposed to other advertisement calls showed a significantly greater percentage of TH-ir cells colocalized with cFos-ir in the noradrenergic locus coeruleus and the dopaminergic periventricular posterior tuberculum, as well as increased numbers of cFos-ir neurons in several levels of the auditory and vocal-acoustic pathway. Increased activation of catecholaminergic neurons may serve to coordinate appropriate behavioral responses to male competitors. Additionally, these results implicate a role for specific catecholaminergic neuronal groups in auditory-driven social behavior in fishes, consistent with a conserved function in social acoustic behavior across vertebrates.  相似文献   

The auditory systems of humans and many other species use the difference in the time of arrival of acoustic signals at the two ears to compute the lateral position of sound sources. This computation is assumed to initially occur in an assembly of neurons organized along a frequency-by-delay surface. Mathematically, the computations are equivalent to a two-dimensional cross-correlation of the input signals at the two ears, with the position of the peak activity along this surface designating the position of the source in space. In this study, partially correlated signals to the two ears are used to probe the mechanisms for encoding spatial cues in stationary or dynamic (moving) signals. It is demonstrated that a cross-correlation model of the auditory periphery coupled with statistical decision theory can predict the patterns of performance by human subjects for both stationary and motion stimuli as a function of stimulus decorrelation. Implications of these findings for the existence of a unique cortical motion system are discussed.  相似文献   

Our studies indicate that ErbB complexes participate in both survival and synaptic plasticity signals of hippocampal neurons but in a manner that depends on the subcellular localization of the receptor ensembles. Using dissociated hippocampal cultures, we found that neurons, rather than glial cells, are the primary targets of ErbB receptor ligands such as epidermal growth factor and heregulin. Further investigation demonstrated that ErbB receptors distribute differentially in hippocampal neurons with the epidermal growth factor receptor confined to neural cell bodies and the p185(c-neu) and ErbB4 receptors distributed to both neural soma and neurites. Activation of ErbB receptor and downstream signaling molecules were observed in neurites only after heregulin stimulation. The receptor complex which mediated neurite located signals was the p185(c-neu)/ErbB4 heterodimer. Colocalization of p185(c-neu), but not epidermal growth factor receptor, with postsynaptic density protein 95 suggests that the heregulin signaling contributes to synapse specific activities. However, the epidermal growth factor receptor complex mediates physiological survival signals, as neuronal survival was enhanced by epidermal growth factor, rather than heregulin. Collectively, these studies indicate that different ErbB ensembles localize to different locations on the neuron to mediate distinct signals and functions.  相似文献   

Spike timing is precise in the auditory system and it has been argued that it conveys information about auditory stimuli, in particular about the location of a sound source. However, beyond simple time differences, the way in which neurons might extract this information is unclear and the potential computational advantages are unknown. The computational difficulty of this task for an animal is to locate the source of an unexpected sound from two monaural signals that are highly dependent on the unknown source signal. In neuron models consisting of spectro-temporal filtering and spiking nonlinearity, we found that the binaural structure induced by spatialized sounds is mapped to synchrony patterns that depend on source location rather than on source signal. Location-specific synchrony patterns would then result in the activation of location-specific assemblies of postsynaptic neurons. We designed a spiking neuron model which exploited this principle to locate a variety of sound sources in a virtual acoustic environment using measured human head-related transfer functions. The model was able to accurately estimate the location of previously unknown sounds in both azimuth and elevation (including front/back discrimination) in a known acoustic environment. We found that multiple representations of different acoustic environments could coexist as sets of overlapping neural assemblies which could be associated with spatial locations by Hebbian learning. The model demonstrates the computational relevance of relative spike timing to extract spatial information about sources independently of the source signal.  相似文献   

In addition to its familiar role as a component of metalloproteins, zinc is also sequestered in the presynaptic vesicles in 'zinc-containing' neurons. The best-established physiological role of synaptically released zinc is the tonic modulation of brain excitability through modulation of amino acid receptors; prominent pathological effects include acceleration of plaque deposition in Alzheimer's disease and exacerbation of excitotoxic neuron injury. Synaptically released zinc functions as a conventional synaptic neurotransmitter or neuromodulator being released into the cleft then recycled into the postsynaptic neurons during synaptic events, functioning analogously to calcium in this regard, as a transmembrane neural signal. To stimulate comparisons of zinc signals with calcium signals, we have compiled a list of the important parameters of calcium signals and zinc signals. More speculatively, we hypothesize that zinc signals may loosely mimic phosphate signals in the sense that signal zinc ions may commonly bind to proteins in a lasting manner, as a result changing their structure and function.  相似文献   

In addition to its familiar role as a component of metalloproteins, zinc is also sequestered in the presynaptic vesicles in ‘zinc‐containing’ neurons. The best‐established physiological role of synaptically released zinc is the tonic modulation of brain excitability through modulation of amino acid receptors; prominent pathological effects include acceleration of plaque deposition in Alzheimer's disease and exacerbation of excitotoxic neuron injury. Synaptically released zinc functions as a conventional synaptic neurotransmitter or neuromodulator being released into the cleft then recycled into the postsynaptic neurons during synaptic events, functioning analogously to calcium in this regard, as a transmembrane neural signal. To stimulate comparisons of zinc signals with calcium signals, we have compiled a list of the important parameters of calcium signals and zinc signals. More speculatively, we hypothesize that zinc signals may loosely mimic phosphate signals in the sense that signal zinc ions may commonly bind to proteins in a lasting manner, as a result changing their structure and function.  相似文献   

Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) agonistic screams are graded vocal signals that are produced in a context-specific manner. Screams given by aggressors and victims can be discriminated based on their acoustic structure but the mechanisms of listener comprehension of these calls are currently unknown. In this study, we show that chimpanzees extract social information from these vocal signals that, combined with their more general social knowledge, enables them to understand the nature of out-of-sight social interactions. In playback experiments, we broadcast congruent and incongruent sequences of agonistic calls and monitored the response of bystanders. Congruent sequences were in accordance with existing social dominance relations; incongruent ones violated them. Subjects looked significantly longer at incongruent sequences, despite them being acoustically less salient (fewer call types from fewer individuals) than congruent ones. We concluded that chimpanzees categorised an apparently simple acoustic signal into victim and aggressor screams and used pragmatics to form inferences about third-party interactions they could not see.  相似文献   

Unique patterns of spike activity across neuron populations have been implicated in the coding of complex sensory stimuli. Delineating the patterns of neural activity in response to varying stimulus parameters and their relationships to the tuning characteristics of individual neurons is essential to ascertaining the nature of population coding within the brain. Here, we address these points in the midbrain coding of concurrent vocal signals of a sound-producing fish, the plainfin midshipman. Midshipman produce multiharmonic vocalizations which frequently overlap to produce beats. We used multivariate statistical analysis from single-unit recordings across multiple animals to assess the presence of a temporal population code. Our results show that distinct patterns of temporal activity emerge among midbrain neurons in response to concurrent signals that vary in their difference frequency. These patterns can serve to code beat difference frequencies. The patterns directly result from the differential temporal coding of difference frequency by individual neurons. Difference frequency encoding, based on temporal patterns of activity, could permit the segregation of concurrent vocal signals on time scales shorter than codes requiring averaging. Given the ubiquity across vertebrates of auditory midbrain tuning to the temporal structure of acoustic signals, a similar temporal population code is likely present in other species.  相似文献   

Post-translational modification of proteins by the small ubiquitin-like modifiers (SUMOs) has emerged as an important regulatory mechanism for alteration of protein activity, stability, and cellular localization. It has been reported that SUMOylation plays an important role in some activities of neuronal cells. However, the link between SUMOylation and activity-dependent stimuli of neurons remains to be elucidated. Here we showed that KCl-induced depolarization increased SUMO conjugation in SHSY5Y cell line in a time-dependent manner. The increase of SUMOylation was largely dependent on calcium influx and intracellular calcium signals. Our study demonstrates the link between the activity-dependent stimuli and global SUMOs conjugation, which may play an important role in activity-dependent signals of neurons.  相似文献   

The formation of appropriate synaptic connections is critical for the proper functioning of the brain. Early in development, neurons form a surplus of immature synapses. To establish efficient, functional neural networks, neurons selectively stabilize active synapses and eliminate less active ones. This process is known as activity-dependent synapse refinement. Defects in this process have been implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. Here we review the manner and mechanisms by which synapse elimination is regulated through activity-dependent competition. We propose a theoretical framework for the molecular mechanisms of synapse refinement, in which three types of signals regulate the refinement. We then describe the identity of these signals and discuss how multiple molecular signals interact to achieve appropriate synapse refinement in the brain.  相似文献   

Neural selectivity to signal duration within the auditory midbrain has been observed in several species and is thought to play a role in signal recognition. Here we examine the effects of signal duration on the coding of individual and concurrent vocal signals in a teleost fish with exceptionally long duration vocalizations, the plainfin midshipman, Porichthys notatus. Nesting males produce long-duration, multi-harmonic signals known as hums to attract females to their nests; overlapping hums produce acoustic beats at the difference frequency of their spectral components. Our data show that all midbrain neurons have sustained responses to long-duration hum-like tones and beats. Overall spike counts increase linearly with signal duration, although spike rates decrease dramatically. Neurons show varying degrees of spike rate decline and hence, differential changes in spike rate across the neuron population may code signal duration. Spike synchronization to beat difference frequency progressively increases throughout long-duration beats such that significant difference frequency coding is maintained in most neurons. The significance level of difference frequency synchronization coding increases by an order of magnitude when integrated over the entirety of long-duration signals. Thus, spike synchronization remains a reliable difference frequency code and improves with integration over longer time spans.  相似文献   

Mass migration of desert locusts is a common phenomenon in North Africa and the Middle East but how these insects navigate is still poorly understood. Laboratory studies suggest that locusts are able to exploit the sky polarization pattern as a navigational cue. Like other insects locusts detect polarized light through a specialized dorsal rim area (DRA) of the eye. Polarization signals are transmitted through the optic lobe to the anterior optic tubercle (AOTu) and, finally, to the central complex in the brain. Whereas neurons of the AOTu integrate sky polarization and chromatic cues in a daytime dependent manner, the central complex holds a topographic representation of azimuthal directions suggesting a role as an internal sky compass. To understand further the integration of sky compass cues we studied polarization-sensitive (POL) neurons in the medulla that may be intercalated between DRA photoreceptors and AOTu neurons. Five types of POL-neuron were characterized and four of these in multiple recordings. All neurons had wide arborizations in medulla layer 4 and most, additionally, in the dorsal rim area of the medulla and in the accessory medulla, the presumed circadian clock. The neurons showed type-specific orientational tuning to zenithal polarized light and azimuth tuning to unpolarized green and UV light spots. In contrast to neurons of the AOTu, we found no evidence for color opponency and daytime dependent adjustment of sky compass signals. Therefore, medulla layer 4 is a distinct stage in the integration of sky compass signals that precedes the time-compensated integration of celestial cues in the AOTu.  相似文献   

Recent findings concerning the anatomical and functional organization of the deep division of the primate superior colliculus are summarized. These data are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that the deeper layers of the superior colliculus are organized in motor, rather than sensory, coordinates. According to this hypothesis, a dynamic remapping of sensory signals is required for interfacing with the map of motor error space contained in the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

Signals for Survival in the Lives of Crickets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two behavioral acts of undoubted survival value are predatoravoidance and mate choice. In field crickets both are mediatedby acoustic signals containing high frequency spectral energy.Nocturnally active bats use ultrasonic echolocation signalsto detect and locate their prey, which includes insects thatdisperse by flying at night. Many insects have developed ultrasoundavoidance behaviors in flight, in order to elude bats. In crickets,an auditory interneuron that is excited by ultrasound has beenidentified and shown to initiate the avoidance behavior; itis a putative bat-detector cell. Male field crickets produceacoustic signals during their courtship (females are mute).Courtship song appears to facilitate mating success (copulation),for its absence in courtship diminishes the likelihood of copulation.The possible role of the bat-detector neuron in courtship behavioris considered because it is activated by courtship signals aswell as bat-like ultrasound. The role of behavioral contextshapes the participation of neurons in the neural networks thatunderlie a given behavior.  相似文献   

Specification of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the vertebrate CNS   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The early specification of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons during vertebrate CNS development relies on signals produced by a small number of organizing centers. Recent studies have characterized these early organizing centers, the manner in which they may be established, the inductive signals they produce, and candidate signaling systems that control the later development of the dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

We investigated encoding properties of identified auditory interneurons in two not closely related grasshopper species (Acrididae). The neurons can be homologized on the basis of their similar morphologies and physiologies. As test stimuli, we used the species-specific stridulation signals of Chorthippus biguttulus, which evidently are not relevant for the other species, Locusta migratoria. We recorded spike trains produced in response to these signals from several neuron types at the first levels of the auditory pathway in both species. Using a spike train metric to quantify differences between neuronal responses, we found a high similarity in the responses of homologous neurons: interspecific differences between the responses of homologous neurons in the two species were not significantly larger than intraspecific differences (between several specimens of a neuron in one species). These results suggest that the elements of the thoracic auditory pathway have been strongly conserved during the evolutionary divergence of these species. According to the 'efficient coding' hypothesis, an adaptation of the thoracic auditory pathway to the specific needs of acoustic communication could be expected. We conclude that there must have been stabilizing selective forces at work that conserved coding characteristics and prevented such an adaptation.  相似文献   

Synaptically released zinc: Physiological functions and pathological effects   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
In addition to its familiar role as a component of metalloproteins, zinc is also sequestered in the presynaptic vesicles of a specialized type of neurons called `zinc-containing' neurons. Here we review the physiological and pathological effects of the release of zinc from these zinc-containing synaptic terminals. The best-established physiological role of synaptically released zinc is the tonic modulation of brain excitability through modulation of amino acid receptors; prominent pathological effects include acceleration of plaque deposition in Alzheimer's disease and exacerbation of excitotoxic neuron injury. Synaptically released zinc functions as a conventional synaptic neurotransmitter or neuromodulator, being released into the cleft, then recycled into the presynaptic terminal. Beyond this, zinc also has the highly unconventional property that it passes into postsynaptic neurons during synaptic events, functioning analogously to calcium in this regard, as a transmembrane neural signal. To stimulate comparisons of zinc signals with calcium signals, we have compiled a list of the important parameters of calcium signals and zinc signals. More speculatively, we hypothesize that zinc signals may loosely mimic phosphate `signals' in the sense that signal zinc ions may commonly bind to proteins in a lasting manner (i.e., `zincylating' the proteins) with consequential changes in protein structure and function.  相似文献   

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