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Conjugative Plasmid Transfer in Gram-Positive Bacteria   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Conjugative transfer of bacterial plasmids is the most efficient way of horizontal gene spread, and it is therefore considered one of the major reasons for the increase in the number of bacteria exhibiting multiple-antibiotic resistance. Thus, conjugation and spread of antibiotic resistance represents a severe problem in antibiotic treatment, especially of immunosuppressed patients and in intensive care units. While conjugation in gram-negative bacteria has been studied in great detail over the last decades, the transfer mechanisms of antibiotic resistance plasmids in gram-positive bacteria remained obscure. In the last few years, the entire nucleotide sequences of several large conjugative plasmids from gram-positive bacteria have been determined. Sequence analyses and data bank comparisons of their putative transfer (tra) regions have revealed significant similarities to tra regions of plasmids from gram-negative bacteria with regard to the respective DNA relaxases and their targets, the origins of transfer (oriT), and putative nucleoside triphosphatases NTP-ases with homologies to type IV secretion systems. In contrast, a single gene encoding a septal DNA translocator protein is involved in plasmid transfer between micelle-forming streptomycetes. Based on these clues, we propose the existence of two fundamentally different plasmid-mediated conjugative mechanisms in gram-positive microorganisms, namely, the mechanism taking place in unicellular gram-positive bacteria, which is functionally similar to that in gram-negative bacteria, and a second type that occurs in multicellular gram-positive bacteria, which seems to be characterized by double-stranded DNA transfer.  相似文献   

Gene transfer and expression systems in green sulfur bacteria were established by bacterial conjugation with Escherichia coli. Conjugative plasmid transfer from E. coli S17-1 to a thermophilic green sulfur bacterium, Chlorobaculum tepidum (formerly Chlorobium tepidum) WT2321, was executed with RSF1010-derivative broad-host-range plasmids, named pDSK5191 and pDSK5192, that confer erythromycin and streptomycin/spectinomycin resistance, respectively. The transconjugants harboring these plasmids were reproducibly obtained at a frequency of approximately 10-5 by selection with erythromycin and a combination of streptomycin and spectinomycin, respectively. These plasmids were stably maintained in C. tepidum cells in the presence of these antibiotics. The plasmid transfer to another mesophilic green sulfur bacterium, C. limnaeum (formerly Chlorobium phaeobacteroides) RK-j-1, was also achieved with pDSK5192. The expression plasmid based on pDSK5191 was constructed by incorporating the upstream and downstream regions of the pscAB gene cluster on the C. tepidum genome, since these regions were considered to include a constitutive promoter and a ρ-independent terminator, respectively. Growth defections of the ∆cycA and ∆soxB mutants were completely rescued after introduction of pDSK5191-cycA and -soxB that were designed to express their complementary genes. On the other hand, pDSK5191-6xhis-pscAB, which incorporated the gene cluster of 6xhis-pscA and pscB, produced approximately four times more of the photosynthetic reaction center complex with His-tagged PscA as compared with that expressed in the genome by the conventional natural transformation method. This expression system, based on conjugative plasmid, would be applicable to general molecular biological studies of green sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

A Halomonas sp., a marine halophilic and oligotrophic bacterium, was grown on exudates of Dunaliella bardawil. The bacteria increased the solubility of Fe, thereby enhancing its availability to the algae. As a result, the algal growth rate increased. Because of these syntrophic relations, growth of the marine alga D. bardawil was facilitated at Fe levels that would otherwise induce Fe deficiency and inhibit algal growth.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfer of broad-host-range plasmid RP1 from marine Vibrio sp. strain S14 to marine strain SW5 under optimum conditions on the surface of nutrient plates was improved 2 orders of magnitude by using the plasmid transfer process to select an SW5 recipient more efficient than the wild type in receiving and/or maintaining the plasmid. This recipient strain, SW5H, was used to form biofilms under flow conditions on the surfaces of glass beads in reactors. The S142(RP1) donor strain was introduced to the reactors after either 48 or 170 h of biofilm formation, and production of transconjugants in the aqueous phases and biofilms without selection pressure was assessed. Plasmid transfer to the recipient cells in the biofilm was detected for biofilms formed for 170 h but not in those formed for 48 h. The plasmid transfer frequency was significantly higher (P < 0.05) among cells attached to the bead surfaces in the biofilm than among cells in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer of a multiresistance plasmid from Pseudomonas fluorescens to halophilic and halotolerant bacteria was studied under in vitro and in situ conditions. Mating conducted in broth as well as on plates yielded a plasmid transfer frequency of as high as 10−3. Among these two, plate mating facilitated conjugal transfer of plasmid, because the cell-to-cell contact is more in plate mating. When P. fluorescens was incubated in seawater, the organism progressively lost its colony forming activity within 15 days. Microscopic examination revealed the presence of very short rods, indicating that the cells have become viable but nonculturable (VNC). Mating conducted in natural seawater without any added nutrients revealed that the conjugal transfer is influenced by the physical state of the donor and the recipients as well as the availability of nutrients. But a plasmid transfer frequency of 10−7 was obtained even after the donor cells have become VNC suggesting that the nonculturable state and nutrient deprived condition may not limit plasmid transfer. The results suggest that the terrestrial bacteria entering into the seawaters with antibiotic resistance plasmids may be responsible for the prevalence of resistance genes in the marine environment. Received: 4 May 1998 / Accepted: 18 June 1998  相似文献   

The Survival of Marine Bacteria under Starvation Conditions   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The survival under starvation conditions of two selected strains of marine bacteria, a yellow Pseudomonas sp. (strain 95A) and an unidentified oxidative peritrichate Gram negative rod (strain 41), was investigated. The 50% survival times of suspensions in phosphate buffer depended on cell density and were often more than 20 d. A capacity to scavenge atmospheric nitrogenous compounds led to a marked increase in the viability of cell suspensions of 104 cells/ml. Intracellular poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) prolonged the survival of strain 95A. Strain 41 contained more intracellular protein and this was degraded during starvation in ammonia-free air. Prolonged survival was not explicable in terms of low adenylate charge states. The 'maintenance energy'requirements of strains 95A and 41 in chemostat cultures were 0.042 and 0.04 g glucose/g dry wt/h respectively, compared with dilution-rate-dependent values of 0.051 to 0.856 for Escherichia coli. The low maintenance energy requirements would not alone explain the long viability. Thus no peculiar physiological property such as nitrogen-scavenging, ability to survive at the expense of intracellular PHB or protein, abnormally low cellular protein content, low maintenance energy requirements or a low adenylate charge state fully account for the starvation resistance of these marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Donor and recipient counter selection was evaluated by selecting bacteria that received plasmid RP4 by conjugation on filters and in lake water microcosms. Three counter selection systems were compared; (i) Use of antibiotic-resistant recipients, (ii) use of an auxotrophic donor, and (iii) use of a donor with chromosomal suicide genes. Transfer efficiencies of transconjugants per recipient obtained with the three different counter selection systems in filter-matings were not significantly different. Some nalidixic acid-resistant recipients became partly sensitive to nalidixic acid after receiving the plasmid. Use of an auxotrophic donor was a feasible and easy way to recover indigenous transconjugants. A strain with two copies of the suicide gene gef was successfully eliminated in filter-matings, but elimination of the donor in microcosms by induction of the suicide genes did not succeed. Thus, this counter selection system was not usable in microcosm experiments. Received: 3 March 1998 / Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

A conjugative plasmid from the catheter-associated urinary tract infection strain Escherichia coli MS2027 was sequenced and annotated. This 42,644-bp plasmid, designated pMAS2027, contains 58 putative genes and is most closely related to plasmids belonging to incompatibility group X (IncX1). Plasmid pMAS2027 encodes two important virulence factors: type 3 fimbriae and a type IV secretion (T4S) system. Type 3 fimbriae, recently found to be functionally expressed in E. coli, played an important role in biofilm formation. Biofilm formation by E. coli MS2027 was specifically due to expression of type 3 fimbriae and not the T4S system. The T4S system, however, accounted for the conjugative ability of pMAS2027 and enabled a non-biofilm-forming strain to grow as part of a mixed biofilm following acquisition of this plasmid. Thus, the importance of conjugation as a mechanism to spread biofilm determinants was demonstrated. Conjugation may represent an important mechanism by which type 3 fimbria genes are transferred among the Enterobacteriaceae that cause device-related infections in nosocomial settings.Bacterial biofilms are complex communities of bacterial cells living in close association with a surface (17). Bacterial cells in these protected environments are often resistant to multiple factors, including antimicrobials, changes in the pH, oxygen radicals, and host immune defenses (19, 38). Biofilm formation is a property of many bacterial species, and a range of molecular mechanisms that facilitate this process have been described (2, 3, 11, 14, 16, 29, 33, 34). Often, the ability to form a biofilm is dependent on the production of adhesins on the bacterial cell surface. In Escherichia coli, biofilm formation is enhanced by the production of certain types of fimbriae (e.g., type 1 fimbriae, type 3 fimbriae, F1C, F9, curli, and conjugative pili) (14, 23, 25, 29, 33, 39, 46), cell surface adhesins (e.g., autotransporter proteins such as antigen 43, AidA, TibA, EhaA, and UpaG) (21, 34, 35, 40, 43), and flagella (22, 45).The close proximity of bacterial cells in biofilms creates an environment conducive for the exchange of genetic material. Indeed, plasmid-mediated conjugation in monospecific and mixed E. coli biofilms has been demonstrated (6, 18, 24, 31). The F plasmid represents the best-characterized conjugative system for biofilm formation by E. coli. The F pilus mediates adhesion to abiotic surfaces and stabilizes the biofilm structure through cell-cell interactions (16, 30). Many other conjugative plasmids also contribute directly to biofilm formation upon derepression of the conjugative function (16).One example of a conjugative system employed by gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae is the type 4 secretion (T4S) system. The T4S system is a multisubunit structure that spans the cell envelope and contains a secretion channel often linked to a pilus or other surface filament or protein (8). The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB-VirD4 system is the archetypical T4S system and is encoded by 11 genes in the virB operon and one gene (virD4) in the virD operon (7, 8). Genes with strong homology to genes in the virB operon have also been identified on other conjugative plasmids. For example, the pilX1 to pilX11 genes on the E. coli R6K IncX plasmid and the virB1 to virB11 genes are highly conserved at the nucleotide level (28).We recently described identification and characterization of the mrk genes encoding type 3 fimbriae in a uropathogenic strain of E. coli isolated from a patient with a nosocomial catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) (29). The mrk genes were located on a conjugative plasmid (pMAS2027) and were strongly associated with biofilm formation. In this study we determined the entire sequence of plasmid pMAS2027 and revealed the presence of conjugative transfer genes homologous to the pilX1 to pilX11 genes of E. coli R6K (in addition to the mrk genes). We show here that biofilm formation is driven primarily by type 3 fimbriae and that the T4S apparatus is unable to mediate biofilm growth in the absence of the mrk genes. Finally, we demonstrate that conjugative transfer of pMAS2027 within a mixed biofilm confers biofilm formation properties on recipient cells due to acquisition of the type 3 fimbria-encoding mrk genes.  相似文献   

Conjugal transfer of the small plasmid pUB110 betweenBacillus subtilis strains was studied under conditions of microcosms with sterile and nonsterile soil. Plasmid transfer proved to be possible after soil inoculation with vegetative partner cells or with their spores. Plasmid transfer occurred at temperatures of 30 and 22–23°C.  相似文献   

A continuous culture system that allows bacteria to be grown in steady-state populations under pressures of up to 700 atm (71 MPa) was constructed and tested. With readily available or slightly modified high-pressure chromatography equipment, a continuous flow of sterile medium is pressurized and passed through a 500-ml nylon-coated titanium reactor at flow rates of 0.01 to 10 ml min(sup-1). The pressure in the reactor is controlled by a backpressure regulator with greater than 1% accuracy. In test experiments, a culture of a psychro- and barophilic marine isolate from a depth of 4,900 m (strain F1-A, identified as a Shewanella sp.) was grown at 1, 300, and 450 atm (0.1, 30.4, and 40.5 MPa) and dilution rates of 60 and 90% of the organism's maximum growth rate (determined at 1 atm) in the required complex medium at levels of 3.3 and 0.33 mg of dissolved organic carbon per liter in the reservoir. Growth limitation by carbon was assured by an appropriate C/N/P ratio of the medium. The data indicate that barophilic growth characteristics in steady-state cultures of this psychro- and barophilic deep-sea isolate were positively affected by a decreasing growth rate at the higher of two substrate concentrations in the reservoir. After a 10-fold lowering of the substrate concentration, the effect was reversed. Under these conditions, the cell viability increased significantly, especially at the higher of the two pressures tested. The basic design of the system can principally also be used for growth studies on hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of substrate concentration on plasmid transfer frequency in the rhizosphere was investigated using a physical model employing a hollow fiber membrane instead of a real root. The absolute number of transconjugants produced increased with increasing substrate (glucose) concentration, but the plasmid transfer frequency decreased exponentially with increasing substrate concentration from 4.4 × 10-3 at 90 μg ml-1 glucose to 1.35 × 10-5 at 3600 μg ml-1 glucose. These results were found to be heavily dependant on donor to recipient ratio and distribution of strains, but independent of initial donor and recipient inoculum density and regime. These observations also show that plasmid transfer frequency is reduced at high substrate concentrations, which suggests that plasmid transfer is either stimulated when growth limiting nutrient is scarce or inhibited when it is abundant. Received: 30 November 1999; Accepted: 4 April 2000; Online Publication: 18 July 2000  相似文献   

Most gene transfer studies have been performed with relatively homogeneous soil systems in the absence of soil macrobiota, including invertebrates. In this study we examined the influence of earthworm activity (burrowing, casting, and feeding) on transfer of plasmid pJP4 between spatially separated donor (Alcaligenes eutrophus) and recipient (Pseudomonas fluorescens) bacteria in nonsterile soil columns. A model system was designed such that the activity of earthworms would act to mediate cell contact and gene transfer. Three different earthworm species (Aporrectodea trapezoides, Lumbricus rubellus, and Lumbricus terrestris), representing each of the major ecological categories (endogeic, epigeic, and anecic), were evaluated. Inoculated soil microcosms, with and without added earthworms, were analyzed for donor, recipient, and transconjugant bacteria at 5-cm-depth intervals by using selective plating techniques. Transconjugants were confirmed by colony hybridization with a mer gene probe. The presence of earthworms significantly increased dispersal of the donor and recipient strains. In situ gene transfer of plasmid pJP4 from A. eutrophus to P. fluorescens was detected only in earthworm-containing microcosms, at a frequency of (symbl)10(sup2) transconjugants per g of soil. The depth of recovery was dependent on the burrowing behavior of each earthworm species; however, there was no significant difference in the total number of transconjugants among the earthworm species. Donor and recipient bacteria were recovered from earthworm feces (casts) of all three earthworm species, with numbers up to 10(sup6) and 10(sup4) bacteria per g of cast, respectively. A. trapezoides egg capsules (cocoons) formed in the inoculated soil microcosms contained up to 10(sup7) donor and 10(sup6) recipient bacteria per g of cocoon. No transconjugant bacteria, however, were recovered from these microhabitats. To our knowledge, this is the first report of gene transfer between physically isolated bacteria in nonsterile soil, using burrowing earthworms as a biological factor to facilitate cell-to-cell contact.  相似文献   

Plasmid transfer rates for the conjugative plasmid R388::Tn1721 from Pseudomonas cepacia (donor) to Pseudomonas fluorescens (recipient) on agar media, in broth, and in microcosms containing sterile or nonsterile soil, in the presence or absence of germinating pea seeds, were determined. Donors, recipients, and transconjugants were enumerated on selective media after 1 day on agar or in broth culture and over a 7-day period in soil or pea spermosphere microcosms. Donor and recipient growth rates and plasmid transfer rate constants [(gamma), where (gamma) = transconjugants (middot) (donors (middot) recipients)(sup-1) (middot) h(sup-1)] were calculated for three initial parental densities (10(sup4), 10(sup6), or 10(sup8) CFU/g or ml) in each system. For all initial density levels, values of (gamma) in agar and broth matings were higher than those in soil or in the pea spermosphere-rhizosphere microcosms. Values of (gamma) were not influenced by the pea spermosphere or by sterile or nonsterile conditions of the soil. However, (gamma) values in microcosm experiments were inversely related to initial parental density and were directly related to donor growth rates. Values of (gamma) averaged 4 x 10(sup-10), 4 x 10(sup-12), and 3 x 10(sup-14) when initial donor and recipient cell densities were 10(sup4), 10(sup6), and 10(sup8) CFU/g, respectively. These results suggest that the plasmid transfer rate constant is independent of parental cell density only when parental growth is not limited. In a resource-limited environment, intra- or interspecific competition may reduce the transfer rate by limiting parental growth.  相似文献   

The effect of grazing by the heterotrophic microflagellate Cafeteria roenbergensis on plasmid transfer between marine Vibrio S14 strains was studied by using artificial seawater. Several factors of potential importance for regulation of the plasmid transfer, such as nutrient release, production of a flagellate-derived substance(s) that may affect plasmid transfer, and the presence of surfaces, were investigated. Only living flagellates gave rise to, at instances, plasmid transfer enhanced more than 2 orders of magnitude. We propose that the activity of grazing flagellates allows for the significant increase in plasmid transfer observed under predation conditions. This may be due to a localized increase in bacterial numbers through filter feeding, thus providing high cell densities with increased possibility for cell-to-cell-contact and hence plasmid transfer.  相似文献   

In the present work, simulated cocoa fermentation was investigated at the level of metabolic pathway fluxes (fluxome) of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are typically found in the microbial consortium known to convert nutrients from the cocoa pulp into organic acids. A comprehensive 13C labeling approach allowed to quantify carbon fluxes during simulated cocoa fermentation by (i) parallel 13C studies with [13C6]glucose, [1,2-13C2]glucose, and [13C6]fructose, respectively, (ii) gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of secreted acetate and lactate, (iii) stoichiometric profiling, and (iv) isotopomer modeling for flux calculation. The study of several strains of L. fermentum and L. plantarum revealed major differences in their fluxes. The L. fermentum strains channeled only a small amount (4 to 6%) of fructose into central metabolism, i.e., the phosphoketolase pathway, whereas only L. fermentum NCC 575 used fructose to form mannitol. In contrast, L. plantarum strains exhibited a high glycolytic flux. All strains differed in acetate flux, which originated from fractions of citrate (25 to 80%) and corresponding amounts of glucose and fructose. Subsequent, metafluxome studies with consortia of different L. fermentum and L. plantarum strains indicated a dominant (96%) contribution of L. fermentum NCC 575 to the overall flux in the microbial community, a scenario that was not observed for the other strains. This highlights the idea that individual LAB strains vary in their metabolic contribution to the overall fermentation process and opens up new routes toward streamlined starter cultures. L. fermentum NCC 575 might be one candidate due to its superior performance in flux activity.  相似文献   

More than 60% of species examined from a total of 421 strains of heterotrophic marine bacteria which were isolated from marine sponges and seawater were observed to have no detectable siderophore production even when Fe(III) was present in the culture medium at a concentration of 1.0 pM. The growth of one such non-siderophore-producing strain, alpha proteobacterium V0210, was stimulated under iron-limited conditions with the addition of an isolated exogenous siderophore, N,N′-bis (2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)-O-serylserine from a Vibrio sp. Growth was also stimulated by the addition of three exogenous siderophore extracts from siderophore-producing bacteria. Radioisotope studies using 59Fe showed that the iron uptake ability of V0210 increased only with the addition of exogenous siderophores. Biosynthesis of a hydroxamate siderophore by V0210 was shown by paper electrophoresis and chemical assays for the detection of hydroxamates and catechols. An 85-kDa iron-regulated outer membrane protein was induced only under iron-limited conditions in the presence of exogenous siderophores. This is the first report of bacterial iron uptake through an induced siderophore in response to exogenous siderophores. Our results suggest that siderophores are necessary signaling compounds for growth and for iron uptake by some non-siderophore-producing marine bacteria under iron-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Mobile genetic elements either encode their own mobilization machineries or hijack them from other mobile elements. Multiple classes of mobile elements often coexist within genomes and it is unclear whether they have the capacity to functionally interact and even collaborate. We investigate the possibility that molecular machineries of disparate mobile elements may functionally interact, using the example of a retrotransposon, in the form of a mobile group II intron, found on a conjugative plasmid pRS01 in Lactococcus lactis. This intron resides within the pRS01 ltrB gene encoding relaxase, the enzyme required for nicking the transfer origin (oriT) for conjugal transmission of the plasmid into a recipient cell. Here, we show that relaxase stimulates both the frequency and diversity of retrotransposition events using a retromobility indicator gene (RIG), and by developing a high-throughput genomic retrotransposition detection system called RIG-Seq. We demonstrate that LtrB relaxase not only nicks ssDNA of its cognate oriT in a sequence- and strand-specific manner, but also possesses weak off-target activity. Together, the data support a model in which the two different mobile elements, one using an RNA-based mechanism, the other using DNA-based transfer, do functionally interact. Intron splicing facilitates relaxase expression required for conjugation, whereas relaxase introduces spurious nicks in recipient DNA that stimulate both the frequency of intron mobility and the density of events. We hypothesize that this functional interaction between the mobile elements would promote horizontal conjugal gene transfer while stimulating intron dissemination in the donor and recipient cells.  相似文献   

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