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During July 1999, a study group from the University of Kansas visited the ancient Inca ruins in and around Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo, Peru. They collected lichens and mosses from the rock walls around the ruins. The samples contained four genera and six species of tardigrades. No associational patterns and relationships were detected. A new species, Echiniscus ollantaytamboensis nov. sp. is described.  相似文献   

We report on a simultaneous nuptial flight of ants of two sympatric ponerine species, Pachycondyla impressa and P. fauveli, on the top of Huayna Picchu (2700 m), Peru. After flying in and landing on the flat, hare rocks of the summit, the conspecific sexuals approached, antennated and mated without any previous female calling behaviour. During one hour of observation, the number of approximately 30 ♂ ♂ and ♀ ♀ Pachycondyla impressa and 70–86 of P. fauveli on the site remained constant because of individuals continuously arriving and leaving. Although nuptial flight seems to be the most common type of mating system in ants, this is one of the very few reports on the occurrence of this behaviour in ponerine species.  相似文献   

This study investigates two key variables—residential context and subsistence—among sacrificial victims dating to the Late Horizon (A.D. 1450–1532) in the Huaca de los Sacrificios at the Chotuna‐Chornancap Archaeological Complex in north coastal Peru. We investigate whether aspects of sacrifice in this distant coastal province mirrored that found in Inca heartland contexts such as the capacocha, or remained more typical of coastal sacrificial traditions. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope values were characterized in bone carbonate, bone collagen, and hair keratin to estimate geographic residence during the decade before death and diet in the decade, versus months, before death. Bone δ18Ocarbonate values have a mean (±SD) of 26.8 ± 1.1%, bone δ13Ccarbonate values ?6.7 ± 1.7%, and bone δ13Ccollagen values 11.8 ± 1.3%; bone δ15Ncollagen values have a mean of 11.5 ± 1.3%. Combined hair δ13Ckeratin values have a mean of ?12.8 ± 1.6%, and hair δ15Nkeratin values 10.8 ± 1.3%. In contrast to contemporaneous coastal and highland contexts, we are unable to identify immigrants among the sacrificed individuals or changes in diet that indicate provisioning with a standardized diet leading up to death. Instead, results suggest that victims were local to the area, but consumed moderately variable diets consistent with local subsistence patterns. These findings suggest a distinct pattern of human sacrifice in the Late Horizon and underscore the regional and temporal variation in sacrificial practices in the central Andes. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:22–37, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential contribution of the soil microbial community in the vicinity of two plant covers, Sanionia uncinata and Deschampsia antarctica, at Machu Picchu Station, King George Island, Antarctica. Soil samples were collected at the study site during the southern (pole) summer period from 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm depths, for chemical and biological analyses. Soil microbial biomass reached a maximal value of 144 µg g-1 in soil samples taken from under the S. uncinata upper layer plant. qCO2 ranged from 167 to 239 µg CO2.mgCmic.h-1 at the 0-5 and 5-10 cm depths, respectively. CO2 evolution showed values of 54.3 mg.m-2 h-1 beneath plant cover and 55.9 mg.m-2 h-1 in the open space. CO2 evolved by substrate induced respiration in the soil samples taken under the plant cover in the summer period, oscillated between 0.25 and 4.78 µg CO2 g-1 h-1. The data obtained from this short study may provide evidence that both activity and the composition and substrate utilization of the microbial community appear to change substantially across the moisture level and sample location.  相似文献   

Conquest of indigenous peoples in North America is understood primarily through ethnohistorical documents, archaeological evidence, and osteological analyses. However, in the Central Andes, the colonial enterprise and its effects are understood only from postcontact historical and ethnohistorical sources. Few archaeological and bioarchaeological studies have investigated Spanish Conquest and colonialism in the Andean region [for exceptions see Klaus and Tam: Am J Phys Anthropol 138 (2009) 356–368; Wernke, in press ; and Quilter, in press ]. Here we describe bioarchaeological evidence of violence from the cemeteries of Huaquerones and 57AS03 within the archaeological zone of Puruchuco‐Huaquerones, Peru (circa A.D. 1470–1540). A total of 258 individuals greater than 15 years of age were analyzed for evidence of traumatic injuries. Individuals were examined macroscopically and evidence of traumatic injuries was analyzed according to the skeletal element involved, the location of the injury on the skeletal element, and any additional complications of the injury. This study examines and compares the evidence of perimortem injuries on skeletonized individuals from the two cemeteries and focuses specifically on the interpretation of weapon‐related perimortem injuries. Evidence of perimortem trauma is present in both cemeteries (18.6%, 48/258); however, the frequency of injuries in 57AS03 is greater than that in Huaquerones (25.0% vs. 13.0%). Several injuries from 57AS03 are consistent with documented cases of injuries from firearms and 16th Century European weapons. We believe that the nature and high frequency of perimortem trauma at 57AS03 provide evidence of the violence that occurred with Spanish Conquest of the Inca Empire. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:636–649, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines relationships between the social structure of a community and the health of its members, based on analysis of human skeletal remains (N = 64) from Villa El Salvador XII (100 BC-AD 100), a prehistoric cemetery located in the lower Lurín Valley, Peru. The ambiguity of social status as conventionally inferred from archaeological context is among the principal complicating factors in such an inquiry. We use multidimensional scaling of skeletal markers to identify the presence of patterned health-based heterogeneity in our sample, without making a priori assumptions about underlying social structure at Villa El Salvador. This procedure situates every skeleton relative to all others in the sample on the basis of multiple health markers, eliciting health groups. Once recognized, the relevance of those groups to social structure can be evaluated by comparison with a broad range of presumptive archaeological status indicators. We test the hypothesis that the distribution of stress indicators in human skeletons covaries with archaeological indicators of social differentiation. Based on multivariate analysis of skeletal indicators, we conclude that the cemetery at Villa El Salvador was utilized by two social groups with different geographic affinities: one of local coastal origin, and the other probably from the upper Lurín Valley or adjacent higher altitudes. These groups differ in skeletal characteristics related to childhood health, probably reflecting systematic contrasts in the growth environments of the studied individuals. This same division is independently supported by the distribution of cranial deformation, a possible marker of ethnicity. We also document some inequality in the distribution of labor among male individuals, as reflected by the relative advancement of degenerative joint disease, and congruent with differences in the number and quality of associated funerary offerings.  相似文献   

North Africa is increasingly seen as an important context for understanding modern human evolution and reconstructing biocultural adaptations. The Sahara, in particular, witnessed a fluorescence of hunter‐gatherer settlement at the onset of the Holocene after an extended occupational hiatus. Subsequent subsistence changes through the Holocene are contrary to those documented in other areas where mobile foraging gave way to settled agricultural village life. In North Africa, extractive fishing and hunting was supplanted by cattle and caprine pastoralism under deteriorating climatic conditions. Therefore, the initial stage of food production in North Africa witnessed a likely increase in mobility. However, there are few studies of paleomobility in Early Holocene hunter‐gatherer Saharan populations and the degree of mobility is generally assumed. Here, we present radiogenic strontium isotope ratios from Early Holocene fisher‐forager peoples from the site of Gobero, central Niger, southern Sahara Desert. Data indicate a relatively homogeneous radiogenic strontium isotope signature for this hunter‐gather population with limited variability exhibited throughout the life course or among different individuals. Although the overall signature was local, some variation in the radiogenic strontium isotope data likely reflects transhumance into the nearby Aïr Massif. Data from Gobero were significantly less variable than in other worldwide hunter‐gatherer populations, including those thought to be fairly sedentary. Strontium data from Gobero were also significantly different from contemporaneous sites in southwestern Libya. These patterns are discussed with respect to archaeological models of community organization and technological evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of human remains from Tatham Mound, a dual-component mortuary site from central Gulf Coast Florida. The human remains from Tatham are significant because they come from a limited time period during the initial contact with Europeans at AD 1525-1550. Dietary reconstruction demonstrates that at the time of European contact, maize was not a predominant dietary item. Low frequencies for several dental and skeletal pathological indicators are consistent with relatively good health as compared to other Southeastern late prehistoric and protohistoric populations. Despite the limited time period represented by the mound population, critical interactions occurred between Native Americans and Spaniards, as indicated by skeletal elements severed by metal weapons. The Tatham population is significant because it is one of the earliest studied populations contacted by Europeans in North America, and the only one with well-documented sharp-force trauma that represents intergroup hostility.  相似文献   

This paper presents a profile of evidence of disease in a skeletal sample from Taumako Island, Southeast Solomon Islands, Melanesia, and aims to increase awareness of the prehistoric Pacific Island disease environment. It also addresses issues of lesion recording, quantification, and interpretation. Two methodologies for the determination of lesion prevalence were applied, one based on prevalence in observable individuals and one in skeletal elements. The aim of these methodologies was to provide objective data on skeletal lesions in this sample, with transparency in methods for application in comparative studies. The types of lesions observed were predominantly osteoblastic and affecting multiple bones, particularly in the lower limbs. The individual analysis yielded a prevalence of lesions affecting 56.4% of the postcranial sample from birth to old age. As expected, the skeletal element analysis yielded a lower prevalence, with 15.0% of skeletal elements affected. The skeletal element analysis also revealed a pattern of greater lower limb involvement, with a predilection for the tibia. The pattern of skeletal involvement was similar in both analyses, suggesting the validity of employing either method in paleopathological studies. A differential diagnosis of the lesions included osteomyelitis, treponemal disease, and leprosy. Metabolic disease was also considered for subadult lesions. Based on lesion type, skeletal distribution, and epidemiology of lesions in the sample, an etiology of yaws (Treponema pertenue) was suggested as responsible for nearly half the adult lesions, while multiple causes, including yaws, were suggested for the lesions in subadults.  相似文献   

The African Humid Period witnessed a rapid human re‐occupation of the Sahara as numerous lakes formed during the Holocene climatic optimum circa 10‐5 kya. Permanent waters attracted a variety of aquatic and terrestrial fauna allowing for long‐term occupation of specific paleolake basins. The Gobero paleolake in central Niger was one such location that preserves a unique mortuary record from the southern Sahara. Here, we use radiogenic strontium isotope analysis to investigate how human communities adapted to aridification throughout the Holocene. In particular, we examine the effects of increasing climate instability on patterns of human mobility. Results of radiogenic strontium isotope analysis of enamel and bone samples from Middle Holocene burials (~7.2–4.9 kya) indicate predominantly local values with no evidence for sex‐based variation. Comparisons of radiogenic strontium isotope data with previously published (Stojanowski and Knudson: Am J Phys Anthropol 146 (2011) 49–61) Early Holocene burials (~9.7–8.3 kya) indicate significant differences in both enamel and bone values. Middle Holocene individuals demonstrate a predominantly non‐local signature for enamel values and a predominantly local signature for bone values. Those individuals with non‐local bone values always demonstrated non‐local enamel values; however, the opposite was not the case. This suggests a divergence of mobility strategies during the Middle Holocene with a minority of individuals maintaining a more mobile existence throughout their life and others maintaining a similar strategy as Early Holocene hunter–gatherers that was tied to the paleolake basin. The more mobile individuals likely lived during the terminal phase of the lake's occupation. One response to aridification by Saharan peoples, then, was increasing mobility. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:79–93, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This work explores the effects of European contact on Andean foodways in the Lambayeque Valley Complex, north coast Peru. We test the hypothesis that Spanish colonization negatively impacted indigenous diet. Diachronic relationships of oral health were examined from the dentitions of 203 late‐pre‐Hispanic and 175 colonial‐period Mochica individuals from Mórrope, Lambayeque, to include observations of dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, alveolar inflammation, dental calculus, periodontitis, and dental wear. G‐tests and odds ratio analyses across six age classes indicate a range of statistically significant postcontact increases in dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, and dental calculus prevalence. These findings are associated with ethnohistoric contexts that point to colonial‐era economic reorganization which restricted access to multiple traditional food sources. We infer that oral health changes reflect creative Mochica cultural adjustments to dietary shortfalls through the consumption of a greater proportion of dietary carbohydrates. Simultaneously, independent skeletal indicators of biological stress suggest that these adjustments bore a cost in increased nutritional stress. Oral health appears to have been systematically worse among colonial women. We rule out an underlying biological cause (female fertility variation) and suggest that the establishment of European gender ideologies and divisions of labor possibly exposed colonial Mochica women to a more cariogenic diet. Overall, dietary change in Mórrope appears shaped by local responses to a convergence of colonial Spanish economic agendas, landscape transformation, and social changes during the postcontact transition in northern Peru. These findings also further the understandings of dietary and biocultural histories of the Western Hemisphere. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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