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Skinned muscle fibres from the gracilis muscle of the rabbit were used to record small angle X-ray diffraction spectra under various contractile conditions. The intracellular calcium concentration, expressed as pCa, was varied between 8.0 and 5.74. Equatorial diffraction spectra were fitted by a function consisting of five Gaussian curves and a hyperbola to separate the (1.0), (1.1), (2.0), (2.1) and Z-line diffraction peaks. The hyperbola was used to correct for residual scattering in the preparation. The ratio between the intensities of the (1.1) and (1.0) peaks was defined as the relative transfer of mass between myosin and actin, due to crossbridge formation after activation by calcium. The relation between the ratio and the relative force of the fibre (normalized to the force at pCa 5.74 and sarcomere length 2.0 μm) was linear. At high pCa (from pCa 6.34 to 8.0) no active force was observed, while the ratio still decreased. Sarcomere length was recorded by laser diffraction. The laser diffraction patterns did not show changes in sarcomere length due to activation in the high pCa range (between 8.0 and 6.34). From these results the conclusion is drawn that crossbridge movement occurs even at subthreshold calcium concentrations in the cell, when no active force is exerted. Since no force is generated this movement may be related to crossbridges in the weakly bound state. Received: 20 June 1996 / Revised version: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1998  相似文献   

Myosins are typical molecular motor proteins, which convert the chemical energy of ATP into mechanical work. The fundamental mechanism of this energy conversion is still unknown. To explain the experimental results observed in molecular motors, Masuda has proposed a theory called the “Driven by Detachment (DbD)” mechanism for the working principle of myosins. Based on this theory, the energy used during the power stroke of the myosins originates from the attractive force between a detached myosin head and an actin filament, and does not directly arise from the energy of ATP. According to this theory, every step in the myosin working process may be reproduced by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, except for the ATP hydrolysis step. Therefore, MD simulations were conducted to reproduce the docking process of a myosin subfragment-1 (S1) against an actin filament. A myosin S1 directed toward the barbed end of an actin filament was placed at three different positions by shifting it away from the filament axis. After 30 ns of MD simulations, in three cases out of ten trials on average, the myosin made a close contact with two actin monomers by changing the positions and the orientation of both the myosin and the actin as predicted in previous studies. Once the docking was achieved, the distance between the myosin and the actin showed smaller fluctuations, indicating that the docking is stable over time. If the docking was not achieved, the myosin moved randomly around the initial position or moved away from the actin filament. MD simulations thus successfully reproduced the docking of a myosin S1 with an actin filament. By extending the similar MD simulations to the other steps of the myosin working process, the validity of the DbD theory may be computationally demonstrated.  相似文献   

The cold-sensitive single-residue mutation of glycine 680 in the reactive thiol region of Dictyostelium discoideum myosin-2 or the corresponding conserved glycine in other myosin isoforms has been reported to interfere with motor function. Here we present the x-ray structures of myosin motor domain mutants G680A in the absence and presence of nucleotide as well as the apo structure of mutant G680V. Our results show that the Gly-680 mutations lead to uncoupling of the reactive thiol region from the surrounding structural elements. Structural and functional data indicate that the mutations induce the preferential population of a state that resembles the ADP-bound state. Moreover, the Gly-680 mutants display greatly reduced dynamic properties, which appear to be related to the recovery of myosin motor function at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

At the inner surface of the stagnant chloroplasts of Characeae cells, bundles of actin filaments having uniform polarity are anchored. These bundles are responsible for generating the motive force of cytoplasmic streaming. It is now possible to induce movement of either beads coated with foreign myosin or organelles associated with myosin along the characean actin bundles. The Ca2+ sensitivities of the reconstitued movements are consistent with those of the actin-activated myosin ATPases. The use of reconstituted systems is finding wide application in the detection of various myosins in materials from which myosin is not significantly purified. Furthermore, sliding velocities and the Ca2+ regulation of myosins bound to organelles are now being determined. Recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 1987.  相似文献   

An actin filament sliding on myosin molecules in the presence of an extremely low concentration of ATP exhibited a staggered movement. Longitudinally sliding movement of the filament was frequently interrupted by its non-sliding, fluctuating movements both in the longitudinal and transversal directions. Intermittent sliding movements of an actin filament indicate establishment of a coordination of ATP-mediated active sites distributed along the filament.  相似文献   

Masuda T 《Bio Systems》2008,93(3):172-180
There is a large superfamily of myosins, which play various fundamental roles in cellular motility. In this superfamily, most of myosins, including myosins II and V, move to the barbed end of an actin filament, whereas myosin VI was found to move in the opposite direction to the pointed end. Although myosin VI has structural differences compared with the other myosins, the mechanism for the reversal of the directionality has not been satisfactorily explained by conventional theories for myosin motility, including the widely accepted lever-arm hypothesis. In this paper, a simple mechanism for determining the directionality is proposed. The mechanism assumes that the driving force for the power stroke is caused by elastic energy stored within a myosin molecule at the joint between the head and the neck. The elastic energy originates from the attractive force between myosin and actin, and accumulates during the docking process. The energy of ATP is used to reduce the attractive force between myosin and actin and to facilitate the dissociation of these molecules. Therefore, it is not directly engaged in the power stroke. With this mechanism, the directionality of the myosin motility is simply determined by the direction of the neck with respect to the head in the dissociated configuration. This structural difference is actually observed in myosin VI. The same mechanism also explains the behavior of a backward moving engineered myosin. Computer simulations demonstrated the feasibility of this working mechanism.  相似文献   

Myosin 5a is as yet the best-characterized unconventional myosin motor involved in transport of organelles along actin filaments. It is well-established that myosin 5a is regulated by its tail in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The fact that the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin 5a is stimulated by micromolar concentrations of Ca(2+) and that calmodulin (CaM) binds to IQ motifs of the myosin 5a heavy chain indicates that Ca(2+) regulates myosin 5a function via bound CaM. However, it is not known which IQ motif and bound CaM are responsible for the Ca(2+)-dependent regulation and how the head-tail interaction is affected by Ca(2+). Here, we found that the CaM in the first IQ motif (IQ1) is responsible for Ca(2+) regulation of myosin 5a. In addition, we demonstrate that the C-lobe fragment of CaM in IQ1 is necessary for mediating Ca(2+) regulation of myosin 5a, suggesting that the C-lobe fragment of CaM in IQ1 participates in the interaction between the head and the tail. We propose that Ca(2+) induces a conformational change of the C-lobe of CaM in IQ1 and prevents interaction between the head and the tail, thus activating motor function.  相似文献   

Both the sliding velocity of fluorescently labeled actin filament and its persistence length as an index of the bending flexibility of the filament were examined in the motility assay as varying the pH values of the solution for preparing actin filaments. When the pH value was varied from 5.0 to 9.0 in the solution in which actin filaments were formed from the constituent monomers, the motile performance of Mg2+ bound actin filaments (Mg-F-actin) was apparently suppressed compared to the case of Ca2+ bound ones (Ca-F-actin). The persistence length for Ca-F-actin gradually increased with the increase of the pH value while the similar length for Mg-F-actin remained rather independent of the value. The largest sliding velocity of the filament, on the other hand, obtained at the persistence length of roughly 6 μm for both cases of Mg-F-actin and Ca-F-actin.  相似文献   

Brownian ratchet theory refers to the phenomenon that non-equilibrium fluctuations in an isothermal medium and anisotropic system can induce mechanical force and motion. This concept of noise-induced transport has motivated an abundance of theoretical and applied research. One of the exciting applications of the ratchet theory lies in the possible explanation of the operating mode of biological molecular motors. Biomolecular motors are proteins able of converting chemical reactions into mechanical motion and force. Operating at energy levels only a few times greater than the energy levels of thermal baths, their operating mode has to be stochastic in nature. Here, we review the theoretical concepts of the Brownian ratchet theory and its possible link to the operation of the myosin II motors involved in muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Summary Actin and myosin were localized in various salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, sublingual, lingual and Harderian gland) and the exocrine pancreas of rats by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using specific rabbit antibodies against chicken gizzard myosin and actin. A bright immunofluorescent staining with both antibodies was observed at three main sites: (1) In myoepithelial cells of all salivary glands, (2) in secretory gland cells underneath the cell membrane bordering the acinar lumen (except Harderian and mucous lingual gland), and (3) in epithelial cells of the various secretory ducts (of all glands) in similar distribution as in acinar cells. The present immunohistochemical findings in acinar cells could lend further support to a concept suggesting that myosin and actin are involved in the process of transport and exocytosis of secretory granules.Supported by grants form Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Dr. 91/1, Ste. 105/19 and U. 34/4). We thank Mrs. Ursula König, Mrs. Christine Mahlmeister and Miss Renate Steffens for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Tropomyosin (Tm) plays a critical role in regulating the contraction of striated muscle. The three-state model of activation posits that Tm exists in three positions on the thin filament: "blocked" in the absence of calcium when myosin cannot bind, "closed" when calcium binds troponin and Tm partially covers the myosin binding site, and "open" after myosin binding forces Tm completely off neighboring sites. However, we recently showed that actin filaments decorated with phosphorylated Tm are driven by myosin with greater force than bare actin filaments. This result cannot be explained by simple steric hindrance and suggests that Tm may have additional effects on actin-myosin interactions. We therefore tested the hypothesis that Tm and its phosphorylation state affect the rate at which single actin-myosin bonds form and rupture. Using a laser trap, we measured the time necessary for the first bond to form between actin and rigor heavy meromyosin and the load-dependent durations of those bonds. Measurements were repeated in the presence of subsaturating myosin-S1 to force Tm from the closed to the open state. Maximum bond lifetimes increased in the open state, but only when Tm was phosphorylated. While the frequency with which bonds formed was extremely low in the closed state, when a bond did form it took significantly less time to do so than with bare actin. These data suggest there are at least two closed states of the thin filament, and that Tm provides additional points of contact for myosin.  相似文献   

Immune cells navigate through different environments where they experience different mechanical forces. Responses to external forces are determined by the mechanical properties of a cell and they depend to a large extent on the actin-rich cell cortex. We report here that Myo1G, a previously uncharacterised member of class I myosins, is expressed specifically in haematopoietic tissues and cells. It is associated with the plasma membrane. This association is dependent on a conserved PH-domain-like myosin I tail homology motif and the head domain. However, the head domain does not need to be a functional motor. Knockdown of Myo1G in Jurkat cells decreased cell elasticity significantly. We propose that Myo1G regulates cell elasticity by deformations of the actin network at the cell cortex.

Structured summary

MINT-7307273: MYO1G (uniprotkb:B0I1T2) and Actin (uniprotkb:P60709) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416) MINT-7307283: TfR (uniprotkb:P02786) and MYO1G (uniprotkb:B0I1T2) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation through density gradients (MI:0029)  相似文献   

Processive stepping of myosin Va (myoV) has been tracked by monitoring either the tail position (center of mass) or the position of one or both heads. Here, we combine these two approaches by attaching a quantum dot to one of the motor domains and a bead to the tail. Using laser trapping and total internal reflection microscopy, the position of one head and the tail are observed simultaneously as myoV moves processively on an actin filament bundle against the resistive load of the laser trap. The head moves one step (73 ± 10 nm) for every two steps of the tail (35 ± 9 nm). One tail step occurs concurrently with quantum dot-labeled head movement, whereas the other occurs with movement of the unlabeled head, consistent with a hand-over-hand model. Load increases the probability of the motor taking a back step. The back step is triggered by the motor taking a shorter forward step (head step, 68 ± 11 nm; tail step, 32 ± 10 nm), likely one actin monomer short of its preferred binding site. During a back step, the motor reverses its hand-over-hand motion, with the leading head detaching and reattaching to one of multiple actin sites behind the trailing head. After a back step, the motor can correct its mistake and step processively forward at resistive loads <0.7 piconewton or stall or detach at higher loads. Back stepping may provide a mechanism to ensure efficient cargo delivery even when myoV encounters obstacles within the actin cytoskeletal meshwork or when other motors are attached to the same cargo.  相似文献   

As a first step toward freeze-trapping and 3-D modeling of the very rapid load-induced structural responses of active myosin heads, we explored the conformational range of longer lasting force-dependent changes in rigor crossbridges of insect flight muscle (IFM). Rigor IFM fibers were slam-frozen after ramp stretch (1000 ms) of 1-2% and freeze-substituted. Tomograms were calculated from tilt series of 30 nm longitudinal sections of Araldite-embedded fibers. Modified procedures of alignment and correspondence analysis grouped self-similar crossbridge forms into 16 class averages with 4.5 nm resolution, revealing actin protomers and myosin S2 segments of some crossbridges for the first time in muscle thin sections. Acto-S1 atomic models manually fitted to crossbridge density required a range of lever arm adjustments to match variably distorted rigor crossbridges. Some lever arms were unchanged compared with low tension rigor, while others were bent and displaced M-ward by up to 4.5 nm. The average displacement was 1.6 +/- 1.0 nm. "Map back" images that replaced each unaveraged 39 nm crossbridge motif by its class average showed an ordered mix of distorted and unaltered crossbridges distributed along the 116 nm repeat that reflects differences in rigor myosin head loading even before stretch.  相似文献   

Summary Myofibrillogenesis was studied in cultured chick cardiomyocytes using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and antibodies against - and -actin, muscle and nonmuscle tropomyosin, muscle myosin, and titin. Initially, cardiomyocytes, devoid of myofibrils, developed variable numbers of stress fiber-like structures with uniform staining for anti-muscle and nonmuscle actin and tropomyosin, and diffuse, weak staining with anti-titin. Anti-myosin labeled bundles of filaments that exhibited variable degrees of association with the stress fiber-like structures. Myofibrillogenesis occurred with a progressive, and generally simultaneous, longitudinal reorganization of stress fiber-like structures to form primitive sarcomeric units. Titin appeared to attain its mature pattern before the other major contractile proteins. Changes in the staining patterns of actin, tropomyosin, and myosin as myofibrils matured were interpreted as due to longitudinal filament alignment occurring before ordering in the axial direction. Non-muscle actin and tropomyosin were found with sarcomeric periodicity in the initial stages of sarcomere myofibrillogenesis, although their staining patterns were not identical. The localization of the sarcomeric proteins -actin and muscle tropomyosin in stress fiber-like structures and the incorporation of non-muscle proteins in the initial stages of sarcomere organization bring into question the meaning of sarcomeric proteins in regard to myofibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

Woo HJ 《Biophysical chemistry》2007,125(1):127-137
Muscle contractions are driven by cyclic conformational changes of myosin, whose molecular mechanisms of operation are being elucidated by recent advances in crystallographic studies and single molecule experiments. To complement such structural studies and consider the energetics of the conformational changes of myosin head, umbrella sampling molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed with the all-atom model of the scallop myosin sub-fragment 1 (S1) with a bound ATP in solution in explicit water using the crystallographic near-rigor and transition state conformations as two references. The constraints on RMSD reaction coordinates used for the umbrella sampling were found to steer the conformational changes efficiently, and relatively close correlations have been observed between the set of characteristic structural changes including the lever arm rotation and the closing of the nucleotide binding pocket. The lever arm angle and key residue interaction distances in the nucleotide binding pocket and the relay helix show gradual changes along the recovery stroke reaction coordinate, consistent with previous crystallographic and computational minimum energy studies. Thermal fluctuations, however, appear to make the switch-2 coordination of ATP more flexible than suggested by crystal structures. The local solvation environment of the fluorescence probe, Trp 507 (scallop numbering), also appears highly mobile in the presence of thermal fluctuations.  相似文献   

Hoffmann A  Nebenführ A 《Protoplasma》2004,224(3-4):201-210
Summary. Plant cells typically contain a large central vacuole that confines the cytoplasm and organelles to the periphery of the cell and the vicinity of the nucleus. These two domains are often connected by transvacuolar strands (TVS), thin tubular structures that traverse the vacuole. The TVS are thought to act as important transport routes for the distribution of organelles and metabolites, and also to play a role in the positioning of the nucleus. Most TVS depend on internal actin filaments for their existence, and rearrangements of TVS can therefore indicate modifications in the actin cytoskeleton. In this study we describe time-lapse observations of tobacco BY-2 suspension-cultured cells that document the dynamic behavior of TVS. The TVS formed, branched, and collapsed, and their attachment points in the nuclear or cortical cytoplasm, as well as on other TVS, moved around. These dynamic rearrangements were inhibited within 5min by the myosin inhibitor 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM). In particular, the movements of TVS attachment points and the variations in TVS length were significantly reduced in the presence of the drug. Similarly, movements of the nucleus were reduced by two thirds in BDM-treated cells. The number of TVS, together with the number of attachment and branch points, also dropped during BDM treatment. All effects of BDM on TVS dynamics were reversible upon removal of the drug. These results suggest a role for myosin motors in the rearrangement of TVS, which is likely to occur through their interaction with actin filaments.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00709-004-0068-0Present address: Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

Recent breakthroughs and technological improvements are rapidly generating evidence supporting the “swinging lever arm model” for force production by myosin. Unlike previous models, this model posits that the globular domain of the myosin motor binds to actin with a constant orientation during force generation. Movement of the neck domain of the motor is hypothesized to occur relative to the globular domain much like a lever arm. This intramolecular conformational change drives the movement of the bound actin. The swinging lever arm model is supported by or consistent with a large number of experimental data obtained with skeletal muscle or slime mold myosins, all of which move actin filaments at rates between 1 and 10 μm/sin vitro. Recently myosin was purified, fromChara internodal cells.In vitro the purifiedChara myosin moves actin filaments at rates one order of magnitude faster than the “fast” skeletal muscle myosin. While this ultra fast movement is not necessarily inconsistent with the swinging lever arm model, one or more specific facets of the motor must be altered in theChara motor in order to accommodate such rapid movement. These characteristics are experimentally testable, thus the ultra fast movement byChara myosin represents a powerful and compelling test of the swinging lever arm model.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in the growth and polarity of the pollen tube. Due to inconsistencies in the conventional preservation methods, we lack a unified view of the organization of actin microfilaments, especially in the apical domain, where tip growth occurs. In an attempt to improve fixation methods, we have developed a rapid freeze-whole mount procedure, in which growing pollen tubes (primarily lily) are frozen in liquid propane at –180°C, substituted at –80°C in acetone containing glutaraldehyde, rehydrated, quenched with sodium borohydride, and probed with antibodies. Confocal microscopy reveals a distinct organization of actin in the apical domain that consists of a dense cortical fringe or collar of microfilaments starting about 1–5 m behind the extreme apex and extending basally for an additional 5–10 m. In the shank of the pollen tube, basal to the fringe, actin forms abundant longitudinal filaments that are evenly dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. We have also developed an improved ambient-temperature chemical fixation procedure, modified from a protocol based on simultaneous fixation and phalloidin staining. We removed EGTA, elevated the pH to 9, and augmented the fixative with ethylene glycol bis[sulfosuccinimidylsuccinate] (sulfo-EGS). Notably, this protocol preserves the actin cytoskeleton in a pattern similar to that produced by cryofixation. These procedures provide a reproducible way to preserve the actin cytoskeleton; employing them, we find that a cortical fringe in the apex and finely dispersed longitudinal filaments in the shank are consistent features of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Efficient post-Golgi trafficking depends on microtubules, but actin filaments and actin-associated proteins are also postulated. Here we examined, by inverse fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, the role of actin dynamics in the exit from the TGN of fluorescent-tagged apical or basolateral and raft or non-raft-associated cargoes. Either the actin-stabilizing jasplakinolide or the actin-depolymerising latrunculin B variably but significantly inhibited post-Golgi traffic of non-raft associated apical p75NTR and basolateral VSV-G cargoes. The TGN-exit of the apical-destined VSV-G mutant was impaired only by latrunculin B. Strikingly, the raft-associated GPI-anchor protein was not affected by either actin toxin. Results indicate that actin dynamics participates in the TGN egress of both apical- and basolateral-targeted proteins but is not needed for apical raft-associated cargo.  相似文献   

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