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A major goal in microbiology is to understand the processes by which bacteria successfully colonize host tissue. Although a wealth of studies focusing on pathogenic microorganisms has revealed much about the rare interactions that result in disease, far less is known about the regulation of the ubiquitous, long-term, cooperative associations of bacteria with their animal hosts.  相似文献   

Vibrio fischeri colonizes the squid Euprymna scolopes in a mutualistic symbiosis. Hatchling squid lack these bacterial symbionts, and V. fischeri strains must compete to occupy this privileged niche. We cloned a V. fischeri gene, designated pilA, that contributes to colonization competitiveness and encodes a protein similar to type IV-A pilins. Unlike its closest known relatives, Vibrio cholerae mshA and vcfA, pilA is monocistronic and not clustered with genes associated with pilin export or assembly. Using wild-type strain ES114 as the parent, we generated an in-frame pilA deletion mutant, as well as pilA mutants marked with a kanamycin resistance gene. In mixed inocula, marked mutants were repeatedly outcompeted by ES114 (P < 0.05) but not by an unmarked pilA mutant, for squid colonization. In contrast, the ratio of mutant to ES114 CFUs did not change during 70 generations of coculturing. The competitive defect of pilA mutants ranged from 1.7- to 10-fold and was more pronounced when inocula were within the range estimated for V. fischeri populations in Hawaiian seawater (200 to 2,000 cells/ml) than when higher densities were used. ES114 also outcompeted a pilA mutant by an average of twofold at lower inoculum densities, when only a fraction of the squid became infected, most by only one strain. V. fischeri strain ET101, which was isolated from Euprymna tasmanica and is outcompeted by ES114, lacks pilA; however, 11 other diverse V. fischeri isolates apparently possess pilA. The competitive defect of pilA mutants suggests that cell surface molecules may play important roles in the initiation of beneficial symbioses in which animals must acquire symbionts from a mixed community of environmental bacteria.  相似文献   

Lupp C  Ruby EG 《Journal of bacteriology》2005,187(11):3620-3629
Vibrio fischeri possesses two quorum-sensing systems, ain and lux, using acyl homoserine lactones as signaling molecules. We have demonstrated previously that the ain system activates luminescence gene expression at lower cell densities than those required for lux system activation and that both systems are essential for persistent colonization of the squid host, Euprymna scolopes. Here, we asked whether the relative contributions of the two systems are also important at different colonization stages. Inactivation of ain, but not lux, quorum-sensing genes delayed initiation of the symbiotic relationship. In addition, our data suggest that lux quorum sensing is not fully active in the early stages of colonization, implying that this system is not required until later in the symbiosis. The V. fischeri luxI mutant does not express detectable light levels in symbiosis yet initiates colonization as well as the wild type, suggesting that ain quorum sensing regulates colonization factors other than luminescence. We used a recently developed V. fischeri microarray to identify genes that are controlled by ain quorum sensing and could be responsible for the initiation defect. We found 30 differentially regulated genes, including the repression of a number of motility genes. Consistent with these data, ain quorum-sensing mutants displayed an altered motility behavior in vitro. Taken together, these data suggest that the sequential activation of these two quorum-sensing systems with increasing cell density allows the specific regulation of early colonization factors (e.g., motility) by ain quorum sensing, whereas late colonization factors (e.g., luminescence) are preferentially regulated by lux quorum sensing.  相似文献   

The motile bacterium Vibrio fischeri is the specific bacterial symbiont of the Hawaiian squid Euprymna scolopes. Because motility is essential for initiating colonization, we have begun to identify stage-specific motility requirements by creating flagellar mutants that have symbiotic defects. V. fischeri has six flagellin genes that are uniquely arranged in two chromosomal loci, flaABCDE and flaF. With the exception of the flaA product, the predicted gene products are more similar to each other than to flagellins of other Vibrio species. Immunoblot analysis indicated that only five of the six predicted proteins were present in purified flagella, suggesting that one protein, FlaF, is unique with respect to either its regulation or its function. We created mutations in two genes, flaA and flaC. Compared to a flaC mutant, which has wild-type flagellation, a strain having a mutation in the flaA gene has fewer flagella per cell and exhibits a 60% decrease in its rate of migration in soft agar. During induction of light organ symbiosis, colonization by the flaA mutant is impaired, and this mutant is severely outcompeted when it is presented to the animal as a mixed inoculum with the wild-type strain. Furthermore, flaA mutant cells are preferentially expelled from the animal, suggesting either that FlaA plays a role in adhesion or that normal motility is an advantage for retention within the host. Taken together, these results show that the flagellum of V. fischeri is a complex structure consisting of multiple flagellin subunits, including FlaA, which is essential both for normal flagellation and for motility, as well as for effective symbiotic colonization.  相似文献   

The GacS/GacA two-component system regulates the expression of bacterial traits during host association. Although the importance of GacS/GacA as a regulator of virulence is well established, its role in benign associations is not clear, as mutations in either the gacS or gacA gene have little impact on the success of colonization in nonpathogenic associations studied thus far. Using as a model the symbiotic association of the bioluminescent marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri with its animal host, the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes, we investigated the role of GacA in this beneficial animal-microbe interaction. When grown in culture, gacA mutants were defective in several traits important for symbiosis, including luminescence, growth in defined media, growth yield, siderophore activity, and motility. However, gacA mutants were not deficient in production of acylated homoserine lactone signals or catalase activity. The ability of the gacA mutants to initiate squid colonization was impaired but not abolished, and they reached lower-than-wild-type population densities within the host light organ. In contrast to their dark phenotype in culture, gacA mutants that reached population densities above the luminescence detection limit had normal levels of luminescence per bacterial cell in squid light organs, indicating that GacA is not required for light production within the host. The gacA mutants were impaired at competitive colonization and could only successfully cocolonize squid light organs when present in the seawater at higher inoculum densities than wild-type bacteria. Although severely impaired during colonization initiation, gacA mutants were not displaced by the wild-type strain in light organs that were colonized with both strains. This study establishes the role of GacA as a regulator of a beneficial animal-microbe association and indicates that GacA regulates utilization of growth substrates as well as other colonization traits.  相似文献   

CcdBVfi from Vibrio fischeri is a member of the CcdB family of toxins that poison covalent gyrase-DNA complexes. In solution CcdBVfi is a dimer that unfolds to the corresponding monomeric components in a two-state fashion. In the unfolded state, the monomer retains a partial secondary structure. This observation correlates well with the crystal and NMR structures of the protein, which show a dimer with a hydrophobic core crossing the dimer interface. In contrast to its F plasmid homologue, CcdBVfi possesses a rigid dimer interface, and the apparent relative rotations of the two subunits are due to structural plasticity of the monomer. CcdBVfi shows a number of non-conservative substitutions compared with the F plasmid protein in both the CcdA and the gyrase binding sites. Although variation in the CcdA interaction site likely determines toxin-antitoxin specificity, substitutions in the gyrase-interacting region may have more profound functional implications.  相似文献   

The bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri and juveniles of the squid Euprymna scolopes specifically recognize and respond to one another during the formation of a persistent colonization within the host's nascent light-emitting organ. The resulting fully developed light organ contains brightly luminescing bacteria and has undergone a bacterium-induced program of tissue differentiation, one component of which is a swelling of the epithelial cells that line the symbiont-containing crypts. While the luminescence (lux) genes of symbiotic V. fischeri have been shown to be highly induced within the crypts, the role of these genes in the initiation and persistence of the symbiosis has not been rigorously examined. We have constructed and examined three mutants (luxA, luxI, and luxR), defective in either luciferase enzymatic or regulatory proteins. All three are unable to induce normal luminescence levels in the host and, 2 days after initiating the association, had a three- to fourfold defect in the extent of colonization. Surprisingly, these lux mutants also were unable to induce swelling in the crypt epithelial cells. Complementing, in trans, the defect in light emission restored both normal colonization capability and induction of swelling. We hypothesize that a diminished level of oxygen consumption by a luciferase-deficient symbiotic population is responsible for the reduced fitness of lux mutants in the light organ crypts. This study is the first to show that the capacity for bioluminescence is critical for normal cell-cell interactions between a bacterium and its animal host and presents the first examples of V. fischeri genes that affect normal host tissue development.  相似文献   

Dunn AK  Martin MO  Stabb EV 《Plasmid》2005,54(2):114-134
Most Vibrio fischeri strains isolated from the Euprymna scolopes light organ carry plasmids, often including both a large (>40kb) plasmid, and one or more small (<12kb) plasmids. The large plasmids share homology with pES100, which is the lone plasmid in V. fischeri type strain ES114. pES100 appears to encode a conjugative system similar to that on plasmid R721. The small plasmids lack extensive similarity to pES100, but they almost always occur in cells that also harbor a large plasmid resembling pES100. We found that many or all of these small plasmids share homology with pES213, a plasmid in strain ES213. We determined the 5501-bp pES213 sequence and generated selectable antibiotic resistance encoding pES213 derivatives, which enabled us to examine replication, retention, and transfer in V. fischeri. An 863-bp fragment of pES213 with features characteristic of theta-type replicons conferred replication without requiring any pES213 open reading frame (ORF). We estimated that pES213 derivatives were maintained at 9.4 copies per genome, which corresponds well with a model of random plasmid segregation to daughter cells and the approximately 10(-4) per generation frequency of plasmid loss. pES213 derivatives mobilized between V. fischeri strains at frequencies up to approximately 10(-4) in culture and in the host, apparently by employing the pES100 conjugative apparatus. pES213 carries two homologs of the putative pES100 origin of transfer (oriT), and V. fischeri strains lacking the pES100 conjugative relaxase, including a relaxase mutant, failed to serve as donors for transmission of pES213 derivatives. In other systems, genes directing conjugative transfer can function in trans to oriT, so it was noteworthy that ORFs adjacent to oriT, VFB51 in pES100 and traYZ in pES213, enhanced transfer 100- to 1000-fold when provided in cis. We also identified and disrupted the V. fischeri recA gene. RecA was not required for stable pES213 replication but surprisingly was required in donors for efficient transfer of pES213 derivatives. These studies provide an explanation for the prevalence and co-occurrence of pES100- and pES213-type plasmids, illuminate novel elements of pES213 mobilization, and provide the foundation for new genetic tools in V. fischeri.  相似文献   

A pure culture of the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri is maintained in the light-emitting organ of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes. When the juvenile squid emerges from its egg it is symbiont-free and, because bioluminescence is part of an anti-predatory behavior, therefore must obtain a bacterial inoculum from the surrounding environment. We document here the kinetics of the process by which newly hatched juvenile squids become infected by symbiosis-competent V. fischeri. When placed in seawater containing as few as 240 colony-forming-units (CFU) per ml, the juvenile became detectably bioluminescent within a few hours. Colonization of the nascent light organ was initiated with as few as 1 to 10 bacteria, which rapidly began to grow at an exponential rate until they reached a population size of approximately 105 cells by 12 h after the initial infection. Subsequently, the number of bacteria in the established symbiosis was maintained essentially constant by a combination of both a >20-fold reduction in bacterial growth rate, and an expulsion of excess bacteria into the surrounding seawater. While V. fischeri cells are normally flagellated and motile, these bacteria did not elaborate these appendages once the symbiosis was established; however, they quickly began to synthesize flagella when they were removed from the light organ environment. Thus, two important biological characteristics, growth rate and flagellation, were modulated during establishment of the association, perhaps as part of a coordinated series of symbiotic responses.  相似文献   

Analysis of rRNA genes in Vibrio fischeri indicates the presence of eight rRNA gene sets in this organism. It was found that the genes for 5S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and 23S rRNA are organized in operons in the following order: 5' end 16S rRNA 23S RNA 5S rRNA 3' end. Although the operons are homologous, they are not identical with regard to cleavage sites for various restriction endonucleases. A DNA library was constructed, and three ribosomal DNA clones were obtained. One of these clones contained an entire rRNA operon and was used as a source for subcloning. The promoter region which leads to plasmid instability was successfully subcloned into pHG165. The terminator region was subcloned into pBR322.  相似文献   

Newly hatched juveniles of the Hawaiian squid Euprymna scolopes rapidly become colonized by the bioluminescent marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Motility is required to establish the symbiotic colonization, but the role of chemotaxis is unknown. In this study we analyzed chemotaxis of V. fischeri to a number of potential attractants. The bacterium migrated toward serine and most sugars tested. V. fischeri also exhibited the unusual ability to migrate to nucleosides and nucleotides as well as to N-acetylneuraminic acid, a component of squid mucus.  相似文献   

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