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Bacterial injectisomes deliver effector proteins straight into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells (type III secretion, T3S). Many effectors are associated with a specific chaperone that remains inside the bacterium when the effector is delivered. The structure of such chaperones and the way they interact with their substrate is well characterized but their main function remains elusive. Here, we describe and characterize SycO, a new chaperone for the Yersinia effector kinase YopO. The chaperone-binding domain (CBD) within YopO coincides with the membrane localization domain (MLD) targeting YopO to the host cell membrane. The CBD/MLD causes intrabacterial YopO insolubility and the binding of SycO prevents this insolubility but not folding and activity of the kinase. Similarly, SycE masks the MLD of YopE and SycT covers an aggregation-prone domain of YopT, presumably corresponding to its MLD. Thus, SycO, SycE and most likely SycT mask, inside the bacterium, a domain needed for proper localization of their cognate effector in the host cell. We propose that covering an MLD might be an essential function of T3S effector chaperones.  相似文献   

Bacteria secrete effector proteins required for successful infection and expression of toxicity into host cells. The type III secretion apparatus is involved in these processes. Previously, we showed that the viscous polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 suppressed effector secretion by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We thus considered that other viscous polymers might also suppress secretion. We initially showed that PEG200 (formed from the same monomer (ethylene glycol) as PEG8000, but which forms solutions of lower viscosity than the latter compound) did not decrease effector secretion. By contrast, alginate, a high-viscous polymer formed from mannuronic and guluronic acid, unlike PEG8000, effectively inhibited secretion. The effectiveness of PEG8000 and alginate in this regard was closely associated with polymer viscosity, but the nature of viscosity dependence differed between the two polymers. Moreover, not only the natural polymer alginate, but also mucin, which protects against infection, suppressed secretion. We thus confirmed that polymer viscosity contributes to the suppression of effector secretion, but other factors (e.g. electrostatic interaction) may also be involved. Moreover, the results suggest that regulation of bacterial secretion by polymers may occur naturally via the action of components of biofilm or mucin layer.  相似文献   

We have devised a colorimetric method that monitors secretion of effector proteins into host cytoplasm through the bacterial type III secretion machinery. Here we used constructs of effectors fused with Bordetella adenylate cyclase as a reporter, but evaluated the effector translocation by quantifying cell viability, rather than by measuring the intracellular cAMP concentration. This is based on our findings that cells infected by a secretion-competent bacterium expressing the fusion protein lost their viability under our experimental conditions. Cell death was quantified using commercially available reagents and basic research equipment. An observation that cell death was potentiated when the infected cells were treated with 2-deoxyglucose and sodium azide suggests that the depletion of intracellular ATP is partly involved in the process. Using enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, we demonstrated that the method was applicable to at least three effectors of bacteria, Tir, EspF, and Map, and was useful for studying a secretion signal sequence for Tir. This technically simple and inexpensive method is a good alternative to the existing procedure for studying the mechanism by which effectors are secreted through the type III secretion system in a high-throughput format.  相似文献   



Type III secretion systems (TTSS) are employed by numerous pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria to inject a cocktail of different “effector proteins” into host cells. These effectors subvert host cell signaling to establish symbiosis or disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have studied the injection of SipA and SptP, two effector proteins of the invasion-associated Salmonella type III secretion system (TTSS-1). SipA and SptP trigger different host cell responses. SipA contributes to triggering actin rearrangements and invasion while SptP reverses the actin rearrangements after the invasion has been completed. Nevertheless, SipA and SptP were both pre-formed and stored in the bacterial cytosol before host cell encounter. By time lapse microscopy, we observed that SipA was injected earlier than SptP. Computer modeling revealed that two assumptions were sufficient to explain this injection hierarchy: a large number of SipA and SptP molecules compete for transport via a limiting number of TTSS; and the TTSS recognize SipA more efficiently than SptP.


This novel mechanism of hierarchical effector protein injection may serve to avoid functional interference between SipA and SptP. An injection hierarchy of this type may be of general importance, allowing bacteria to precisely time the host cell manipulation by type III effectors.  相似文献   

Several Gram-negative bacterial pathogens have evolved a type III secretion system to deliver virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic cells, a process essential for disease. This specialized secretion process requires customized chaperones specific for particular effector proteins. The crystal structures of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 Tir-specific chaperone CesT and the Salmonella enterica SigD-specific chaperone SigE reveal a common overall fold and formation of homodimers. Site-directed mutagenesis suggests that variable, delocalized hydrophobic surfaces observed on the chaperone homodimers are responsible for specific binding to a particular effector protein. Isothermal titration calorimetry studies of Tir-CesT and enzymatic activity profiles of SigD-SigE indicate that the effector proteins are not globally unfolded in the presence of their cognate chaperones.  相似文献   

Assembly of the bacterial flagellum and type III secretion in pathogenic bacteria require cytosolic export chaperones that interact with mobile components to facilitate their secretion. Although their amino acid sequences are not conserved, the structures of several type III secretion chaperones revealed striking similarities between their folds and modes of substrate recognition. Here, we report the first crystallographic structure of a flagellar export chaperone, Aquifex aeolicus FliS. FliS adopts a novel fold that is clearly distinct from those of the type III secretion chaperones, indicating that they do not share a common evolutionary origin. However, the structure of FliS in complex with a fragment of FliC (flagellin) reveals that, like the type III secretion chaperones, flagellar export chaperones bind their target proteins in extended conformation and suggests that this mode of recognition may be widely used in bacteria.  相似文献   

肠出血性大肠杆菌(enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli,EHEC)0157:H7是一种重要的肠道病原微生物,感染后可引发多种疾病,严重者可导致死亡.EHEC O157:H7通过Ⅲ型分泌系统(TTSS)将其转位效应器蛋白质转位至宿主细胞,经一系列的信号传导过程介导与宿主细胞的"黏附与擦拭"(attaching and effacing,A/E)损伤.对EHEC0157:H7 Ⅲ型分泌系统及其转位效应器蛋白质进行研究,可使我们进一步认识EHEC以及引起A/E损伤的病原菌的致病机理,丰富有关Ⅲ型分泌系统和致病岛的知识.  相似文献   

A key feature of the virulence of many bacterial pathogens is the ability to deliver effector proteins into eukaryotic cells via a dedicated type three secretion system (T3SS). Many bacterial pathogens, including species of Chlamydia, Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia and Yersinia, depend on the T3SS to cause disease. T3SS effectors constitute a large and diverse group of virulence proteins that mimic eukaryotic proteins in structure and function. A salient feature of bacterial effectors is their modular architecture, comprising domains or motifs that confer an array of subversive functions within the eukaryotic cell. These domains/motifs therefore represent a fascinating repertoire of molecular determinants with important roles during infection. This review provides a snapshot of our current understanding of bacterial effector domains and motifs where a defined role in infection has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Expanded roles for Chk1 in genome maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a Gram-negative halophilic bacterium that causes acute gastroenteritis in humans, is characterized by two type III secretion systems (T3SS), namely T3SS1 and T3SS2. T3SS2 is indispensable for enterotoxicity but the effector(s) involved are unknown. Here, we identify VopV as a critical effector that is required to mediate V. parahaemolyticus T3SS2-dependent enterotoxicity. VopV was found to possess multiple F-actin-binding domains and the enterotoxicity caused by VopV correlated with its F-actin-binding activity. Furthermore, a T3SS2-related secretion system and a vopV homologous gene were also involved in the enterotoxicity of a non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae strain. These results indicate that the F-actin-targeting effector VopV is involved in enterotoxic activity of T3SS2-possessing bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Essential to salmonellae pathogenesis is an export device called the type III secretion system (TTSS), which mediates the transfer of bacterial effector proteins from the bacterial cell into the host cell cytoplasm. Once inside the host cell, these effectors are then capable of altering a variety of host cellular functions in order to promote bacterial survival and colonization. SspH1 is a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium TTSS effector that localizes to the mammalian nucleus and down-modulates production of proinflammatory cytokines by inhibiting nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB-dependent gene expression. To identify mammalian binding partners of SspH1 a yeast two-hybrid screen against a human spleen cDNA library was performed. It yielded a serine/threonine protein kinase called protein kinase N 1 (PKN1). The leucine-rich repeat domain of SspH1 was demonstrated to mediate this interaction and also inhibition of NF-kappaB-dependent gene expression. This suggested that PKN1 may play a role in modulation of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway. Indeed, we found that expression of constitutively active PKN1 in mammalian cells results in a decrease, while depletion of PKN1 by RNA interference causes an increase in NF-kappaB-dependent reporter gene expression. These data indicate that SspH1 may inhibit the host's inflammatory response by interacting with PKN1.  相似文献   

Type III protein secretion systems (T3SSs), which have evolved to deliver bacterial proteins into nucleated cells, are found in many species of Gram-negative bacteria that live in close association with eukaryotic hosts. Proteins destined to travel this secretion pathway are targeted to the secretion machine by customized chaperones, with which they form highly structured complexes. Here, we have identified a mechanism that co-ordinates the expression of the Salmonella Typhimurium T3SS chaperone SicP and its cognate effector SptP. Translation of the effector is coupled to that of its chaperone, and in the absence of translational coupling, an inhibitory RNA structure prevents translation of sptP. The data presented here show how the genomic organization of functionally related proteins can have a significant impact on the co-ordination of their expression.  相似文献   

Survival of Salmonella typhimurium within a vacuole in host cells depends on secreted virulence factors encoded by the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI-2). High levels of cholesterol are detected at the Salmonella -containing vacuole (SCV). Here we show that the SPI-2 effector SseJ esterifies cholesterol in vitro , in cells and during infection. Intracellular infections with wild-type as compared with Δ sseJ bacteria led to higher levels of cholesterol ester production in HeLa cells and RAW macrophages and were shown to increase levels of lipid droplets (structures enriched in cholesterol esters). Ectopic expression of SseJ reduced cholesterol levels in cellular membranes and antagonized a major membrane activity of a second bacterial effector known to be important to the stability of the SCV. Previous studies in mouse models of infection have established a virulence defect in Δ sseJ bacteria and have suggested a role for SseJ in regulating SCV dynamics. Our data indicating the molecular activity of SseJ suggest that cholesterol and its esterification at the SCV are functionally important for intracellular bacterial survival.  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative pathogens possess virulence-related type III secretion systems. Salmonella enterica uses two of these systems, encoded on the pathogenicity islands SPI-1 and SPI-2, respectively, to translocate more than 30 effector proteins into eukaryotic host cells. SteA is one of the few effectors that can be translocated by both systems. We investigated the conditions affecting the synthesis of this effector, its secretion to culture media and its translocation into host cells. Whereas steA was expressed under a wide range of conditions, some factors, including low and high osmolarity, and presence of butyrate, decreased expression. SteA was efficiently secreted to the culture media under both SPI-1 and SPI-2 inducing conditions. The kinetics of translocation into murine macrophages and human epithelial cells was studied using fusions with the 3xFLAG tag, and fusions with CyaA from Bordetella pertussis. Translocation into macrophages under non-invasive conditions was mainly dependent on the SPI-2-encoded type III secretion system but some participation of the SPI-1 system was also detected 6 hours post-infection. Interestingly, both type III secretion systems had a relevant role in the translocation of SteA into epithelial cells. Finally, a deletion approach allowed the identification of the N-terminal signal necessary for translocation of this effector. The amino acid residues 1-10 were sufficient to direct translocation into host cells through both type III secretion systems. Our results provide new examples of functional overlapping between the two type III secretion systems of Salmonella.  相似文献   

Bordetella bronchiseptica utilizes a type III secretion system (TTSS) for induction of non-apoptotic cytotoxicity in host cells and modulation of host immunity. The identity of Bordetella TTSS effectors, however, has remained elusive. Here we report a genome-wide screen for TTSS effectors based on shared biophysical and functional characteristics of class I chaperones and their frequent colocalization with TTSS effectors. When applied to B. bronchiseptica, the screen identified the first TTSS chaperone-effector locus, btcA-bteA, and we experimentally confirmed its function. Expression of bteA is co-ordinated with expression of TTSS apparatus genes, BteA is secreted through the TTSS of B. bronchiseptica, it is required for cytotoxicity towards mammalian cells, and it is highly conserved in the human-adapted subspecies B. pertussis and B. parapertussis. Transfection of bteA into epithlieal cells results in rapid cell death, indicating that BteA alone is sufficient to induce potent cytotoxicity. Finally, an in vitro interaction between BteA and BtcA was demonstrated. The search for TTSS chaperones and effectors was then expanded to other bacterial genomes, including mammalian and insect pathogens, where we identified a large number of novel candidate chaperones and effectors. Although the majority of putative effectors are proteins of unknown function, several have similarities to eukaryotic protein domains or previously identified effectors from other species.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a type III secretion system to inject protein effectors into a targeted host cell. Effector secretion is triggered by host cell contact. How effector secretion is prevented prior to cell contact is not well understood. In all secretion systems studied to date, the needle tip protein is required for controlling effector secretion, but the mechanism by which needle tip proteins control effector secretion is unclear. Here we present data that the P. aeruginosa needle tip protein, PcrV, controls effector secretion by assembling into a functional needle tip complex. PcrV likely does not simply obstruct the secretion channel because the pore‐forming translocator proteins can still be secreted while effector secretion is repressed. This finding suggests that PcrV controls effector secretion by affecting the conformation of the apparatus, shifting it from the default, effector secretion ‘on’ conformation, to the effector secretion ‘off’ conformation. We also present evidence that PcrG, which can bind to PcrV and is also involved in controlling effector export, is cytoplasmic and that the interaction between PcrG and PcrV is not required for effector secretion control by either protein. Taken together, these data allow us to propose a working model for control of effector secretion by PcrG and PcrV.  相似文献   

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