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GSH transferase isoenzymes of class Mu (two forms), class Pi (one form) and class Alpha (two forms) were purified from liver cytosols of female CD-1 mice pretreated with an anticarcinogenic inducer, 2(3)-t-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole. GSH transferases GT-8.7, GT-8.8a and GT-8.8b, GT-9.0, GT-9.3, GT-10.3 and GT-10.6 contained a minimum of six types of subunits distinguishable by structural, catalytic and immunological characteristics. H.p.l.c. analysis of the subunit compositions of affinity-purified GSH transferases from liver cytosols of induced and non-induced male and female CD-1 mice showed that two anticarcinogenic compounds, 2(3)-t-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole and bisethylxanthogen, differed markedly in their specificities as inducers of GSH transferase.  相似文献   

The commonly used food-additive antioxidants, butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene, are inhibitors of the hepatic microsomal mono-oxygenase system, as assayed by benzpyrene hydroxylase activity and demethylase activities. Generally, butylated hydroxyanisole is a more potent inhibitor than butylated hydroxytoluene. Both inhibitors bind to cytochrome P-450 and induce “type I” binding spectra. Cytochrome P-450 is tentatively assigned as the site of inhibition.  相似文献   

A novel cytosolic Alpha class glutathione S-transferase (GST) that is not normally expressed in mouse liver was found to be markedly induced (at least 20-fold) by the anti-carcinogenic compound butylated hydroxyanisole. This enzyme (designated GST Ya1 Ya1) did not bind to either the S-hexylglutathione-Sepharose or the glutathione-Sepharose affinity matrices, and purification was achieved by using bromosulphophthalein-glutathione-Sepharose. The purified isoenzyme, which comprises subunits of Mr 25,600, was characterized, and its catalytic, electrophoretic, immunochemical and structural properties are documented. GST Ya1 Ya1 was shown to be distinct from the Alpha class GST that is expressed in normal mouse liver and is composed of 25,800-Mr subunits; the Alpha class isoenzyme that is constitutively expressed in the liver is now designated GST Ya3 Ya3. Hepatic concentrations of GST Ya3 Ya3 were not significantly affected when mice were treated with butylated hydroxyanisole. Both Pi class GST (subunit Mr 24,800) and Mu class GST (subunit Mr 26,400) from female mouse liver were induced by dietary butylated hydroxyanisole. By contrast, hepatic concentrations of microsomal GST (subunit Mr 17,300) were unaffected.  相似文献   

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is perhaps the most extensively used synthetic antioxidant in the food and cosmetic industry, although considerable controversy exists in the literature regarding the safety of this compound. Most in vitro studies describing the effects of BHA have been performed in cancer cells, but it is unclear whether normal cells are equally susceptible to BHA exposure. The present study investigate the toxic potential of BHA in mammalian cells, using biochemical and morphological parameters, which reveal interference with structures essential for cell survival, proliferation and/or function. Cell growth inhibition was assessed by using colorimetric assays, whereas cellular alterations after BHA exposure, were evaluated using conventional light and fluorescence microscopy. Low doses of BHA exerted a significant cytotoxic effect, associated with loss of mitochondrial function. As the concentration of BHA was increased, morphological alterations in critical subcellular targets such as lysosomes, mitochondria and actin cytoskeleton, were observed. In parallel, BHA induced an irreversible loss of cell proliferative capacity, preceding apoptosis induction. Thus, the dose-dependent activity of BHA on Vero cells appears to be cytotoxic as well as cytostatic. Our observations, although simplified with respect to the in vivo situations, allowed the assessment of the specific damage at the cellular level, and provide some clue about the effects of BHA in non-tumoral mammalian cells.  相似文献   

When butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) was administered to rats, the smallest subunit Ya (Mr 22,000) of rat liver GSH S-transferases was found to undergo maximum induction. It is suggested that the differential induction of GSH S-transferase activities by BHT towards different substrates may be due to the differences in the induction of the constituent subunits of GSH S-transferases.  相似文献   

Class kappa glutathione S-transferases are a poorly characterized family of detoxication enzymes whose localization has not been defined. In this study we investigated the tissue, cellular, and subcellular distribution of mouse glutathione S-transferase class kappa 1 (mGSTK1) protein using a variety of immunolocalization techniques. Western blotting analysis of mouse tissue homogenates demonstrated that mGSTK1 is expressed at relatively high levels in liver and stomach. Moderate expression was observed in kidney, heart, large intestine, testis, and lung, whereas sparse or essentially no mGSTK1 protein was detected in small intestine, brain, spleen, and skeletal muscle. Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis for mGSTK1 revealed granular staining of hepatocytes throughout the liver, consistent with organelle staining. IHC analysis of murine kidney localized GSTK1 to the straight portion of the proximal convoluted tubule (pars recta). Staining was consistent with regions rich in mitochondria. Electron microscopy, using indirect immunocolloidal gold staining, clearly showed that mGSTK1 was localized in mitochondria in both mouse liver and kidney. These results are consistent with a role for mGST K1-1 in detoxification, and the confirmation of the intramitochondrial localization of this enzyme implies a unique role for GST class kappa as an antioxidant enzyme.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity to malaria may involve macrophages, the monokines that mediate endotoxicity, and reactive oxygen species. Since interferon-gamma activates macrophages to release reactive oxygen species, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) helps both to mediate endotoxicity and to induce leukocytes to secrete reactive oxygen, we monitored the effects of administering recombinant forms of these cytokines on Plasmodium chabaudi adami infections in mice. We also fed infected mice a diet containing 0.75% butylated hydroxyanisole, a scavenger of free radicals. Infections were suppressed by daily i.p. injections of 5 x 10(4) U of recombinant mouse interferon-gamma from day -1 or by recombinant human TNF released from i.p. osmotic pumps at the rate of 6 x 10(3) U/hr. Degenerate intraerythrocytic parasites (crisis forms) were evident much sooner in the course of the suppressed infections, and parasitemias fell correspondingly earlier. The butylated hydroxyanisole diet, in contrast, enhanced the infections. In these mice crisis forms were seen later, and at higher parasitemias, than they normally occur. These observations are consistent with the concept that T cell-dependent, macrophage-derived mediators are central to the type of malarial immunity that kills parasites inside circulating red cells. They also suggest, but do not prove, that both TNF and reactive oxygen species are involved, and that the role of TNF may be more indirect, although no less important, than that of reactive forms of oxygen.  相似文献   

B Dozin  M A Magnuson  V M Nikodem 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5581-5586
Rat liver malic enzyme (ME) synthesis is known to be regulated by 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3). Hybridization of 32P-labeled ME cDNA with RNA extracted from normal and T3-induced livers (15 or 50 micrograms/100 g body weight for 10 days) showed an increase in the ME mRNA concentration by approximately 11-fold in T3-treated rats. ME activity and ME mass were stimulated to the same degree as ME mRNA. Northern blot analysis of either total or poly(A+) RNA revealed two distinct ME mRNAs (21 and 27 S) which were equally induced by T3 treatment. Both mRNAs were shown by in vitro translation assay to program the synthesis of the same immunoprecipitable protein corresponding to full-sized ME. From all the above, we concluded that both messages code for active enzyme. ME activity and ME mRNA were also detected in nonhepatic tissues for which different responses to T3 induction were observed without direct correlation with their respective content of T3 nuclear receptor. Increases in ME activity and level of hybridizable ME mRNA were seen 48 h after a single administration of T3 (200 micrograms/100 g body weight) in liver, kidney, and heart (10.3- and 15.5-, 1.7- and 2.6-, and 1.72- and 3.4-fold above basal values, respectively). Lower levels of induction could already be detected after 24 h, liver being the most stimulated tissue. ME was not affected in brain, lung, testis, and spleen. Northern blot analysis showed that both ME mRNAs are present in all tissues tested, although in different relative proportions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tseng HH  Tseng TC 《Mycopathologia》1995,129(2):73-78
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) alone in cultural media were tested for the inhibition of growth and luteoskyrin production by two toxigenic strains ofPenicillium islandicum UST-11 andP. islandicum HLT-6. In potato dextrose agar, the concentrations of BHA and TBHQ from 0.2 mg/disc, BHT from 5.0 mg/disc did affect the growth of both tested strains, but the initial concentrations of these antioxidants to reduced luteoskyrin production by UST-11 strain were BHA 0.5 mg/disc, BHT 1.0 mg/disc and TBHQ 0.4 mg/disc, while for HLT-6, BHA 0.4 mg/disc, BHT and TBHQ were 0.2 mg/disc, respectively. In grainy and powdery rice media, the effects of BHA, BHT and TBHQ on luteoskyrin production byP. islandicum UST-11 and HLT-6 were clearly demonstrated. The efficiency of the inhibitory effect was not only closely related to the concentration of antioxidants, but also completely inhibited the luteoskyrin production at a concentration of 200 mg/kg or higher. Also, the antioxidants at a concentration higher than 20 mg/kg reduced significantly the growth and luteoskyrin production by both strains ofP. islandicum.  相似文献   

The binding of the GSH to the GSH transferase pi quenches the protein intrinsic fluorescence more than the binding of GS-Me. The calculated dissociation constants are 38.6 microM and 90.9 microM for GSH and GS-Me, respectively. From the reported data it is evident that the binding of GSH to GSH transferase pi quenches the intrinsic fluorescence with two different mechanisms. The first one is a conformational change induced by the binding of the GSH and it is present also with the GS-Me binding. A second proposed mechanism is a contact quenching between the sulphydryl GSH group and a tryptophan residue. This suggests that at least one of the tryptophan residues is located near the GSH binding site.  相似文献   

The glutathione conjugates of tert-butyl hydroquinone, a metabolite of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), possess redox potentials which are much higher as compared to the non-conjugated hydroquinone (0.36 V for the hydroquinone and 1.2-1.4 V for the conjugates). As a result, the redox cycling activity of the conjugates, as measured by oxygen consumption in the presence of a reducing agent, is increased tenfold as compared to the non-conjugated hydroquinone. Since evidence for both oxidative damage and the involvement for glutathione in the toxicity of butylated hydroxyanisole is available, this mechanism may be involved in the toxic action of this compound.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific regulation of rat estrogen receptor mRNAs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The estrogen receptor (ER) is present in a wide variety of mammalian tissues and is required for physiological estrogen responses, including estrogen-induced tissue-specific changes in gene expression. We studied the estrogen regulation of the mRNAs encoding the ER in rat uterus, liver, and pituitary. Ovariectomized (21-28 day post surgery) female CD-1 rats were injected daily with 17 beta-estradiol (E2, 10 micrograms/100 g BW) for 0, 1, or 4 h, 1, 3, or 7 days and compared with intact controls. Steady-state levels of ER mRNA were quantified using a human ER cDNA probe. Only one hybridizing species of approximately 6.2 kilobase (kb) was detected in uterine and liver RNA, similar to that observed in MCF7 human breast cancer cells. However, the ER mRNA regulation by E2 differed in direction depending on the tissue examined. In uterus, ER mRNA increased 3- to 6-fold after ovariectomy, and returned to intact levels within 24 h of E2 replacement. In contrast, liver ER mRNA declined 1.5- to 3-fold after ovariectomy and returned to intact levels after 1-3 days of E2. In pituitary tissue two hybridizing forms of ER mRNA were observed, with one species migrating at 6.2 kb, equivalent to the form in other tissues, and a second smaller species at approximately 5.5 kb. The lower molecular weight species varied somewhat in abundance from animal to animal, averaging about 20% of the intensity of the 6.2 kb band. The ER mRNA forms were regulated positively with E2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tissue-specific functions of individual glutathione peroxidases   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The family of glutathione peroxidases comprises four distinct mammalian selenoproteins. The classical enzyme (cGPx) is ubiquitously distributed. According to animal, cell culture and inverse genetic studies, its primary function is to counteract oxidative attack. It is dispensible in unstressed animals, and accordingly ranks low in the hierarchy of glutathione peroxidases. The gastrointestinal isoenzyme (GI-GPx) is most related to cGPx and is exclusively expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. It might provide a barrier against hydroperoxides derived from the diet or from metabolism of ingested xenobiotics. The extreme stability in selenium deficiency ranks this glutathione peroxidase highest in the hierarchy of selenoproteins and points to a more vital function than that of cGPx. Plasma GPx (pGPx) behaves similar to cGPx in selenium deficiency. It is directed to extracellular compartments and is expressed in various tissues in contact with body fluids, e.g., kidney, ciliary body, and maternal/fetal interfaces. It has to be rated as an efficient extracellular antioxidant device, though with low capacity because of the limited extracellular content of potential thiol substrates. Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx), originally presumed to be a universal antioxidant enzyme protecting membrane lipids, appears to have adopted a variety of specific roles like silencing lipoxygenases and becoming an enzymatically inactive structural component of the mitochondrial capsule during sperm maturation. Thus, all individual isoenzymes are efficient peroxidases in principle, but beyond their mere antioxidant potential may exert cell- and tissue-specific roles in metabolic regulation, as is evident for PHGPx and may be expected for others.  相似文献   

Atrazine (1,000 ppm), endosulfan (1 ppm) or butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) (1,000 ppm) added to a semi-synthetic diet of Orthosia gothica for 2 days in the last instar did not change the soft tissue cytosolic glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB) and cumene hydroperoxide (CU). However, all three pesticides changed the GST subunit composition compared with the control as observed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography of the isozymes purified by glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The changes seem to have occurred mainly in the GST class 2 subunit. There is no obvious explanation for the changes, which may be a result of interactions between xenobiotic and GST in the cytosol as well as changes in the level of regulation of synthesis. However, the observation added to our knowledge of the processes involved when pesticides are degraded by GSTs in vivo.  相似文献   

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