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Summary Black disks moving horizontally in the visual field of a cricket (Gryllus campestris) induce an antennal tracking response. It consists of movements of the ipsilateral antenna following the target in a saccade-like fashion.This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Ho 463/12.  相似文献   

Summary The flight behavior of locusts with hemisected mesothoracic or metathoracic ganglia was observed in unrestrained animals and monitored electromyographically in tethered animals. Animals with hemisected mesothoracic ganglia were able to initiate and carry out free flight. Hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion caused no significant changes in the pattern of flight muscle firing; both intra- and intersegmental coordination of flight muscle activity were retained (Figs. 3, 4). Additional transection of one meso-metathoracic connective altered the pattern of flight muscle firing but did not abolish rhythmic activity (Fig. 8). Deafferentation of the thoracic ganglia in animals with hemisected mesothoracic ganglia resulted in rhythmically coordinated motor activity (Fig. 5) which was indistinguishable from that shown by deafferented animals with all ganglia intact. Hemisection of the metathoracic ganglion resulted in an abnormal pattern of flight muscle firing. However, a basic rhythmicity of motor activity was still present (Fig. 6). The implications of these results for rhythm generation and motor coordination in the flight control system of the locust are discussed.  相似文献   

Tethered cockroaches turn from unilateral antennal contact using asymmetrical movements of mesothoracic (T2) legs (Mu and Ritzmannin J Comp Physiol A 191:1037–1054, 2005). During the turn, the leg on the inside of the turn (the inside T2 leg) has distinctly different motor patterns from those in straight walking. The transformation from walking to inside leg turning could be triggered by descending commands that alter a few critical reflexes that start a cascade of physical changes in leg movement or posture, leading to further alterations. This hypothesis has two implications: First, the descending activities must be able to influence thoracic reflexes. Second, one should be able to initiate the turning motor pattern in the absence of descending signals by mimicking a point farther down in the reflex cascade. We addressed the first implication in the companion paper. To examine the second implication, we compared kinematics and motor activities of the T2 leg during searching with that of inside leg turning. The reaching movements made during searching were found to be similar to the movements made by the inside leg during turning. Moreover, even after disconnecting the brain from the thoracic ganglia the reaching movements were similar. This observation is consistent with the second implication from the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera such as ants or honeybees are known for their extensive behavioral repertories and plasticity. Neurons containing biogenic amines appear to play a major role in controlling behavioral plasticity in these insects. Here we describe the morphology of prominent serotonin-immunoreactive neurons of the antennal sensory system in the brain of an ant, Camponotus japonicus. Immunoreactive fibers were distributed throughout the brain and the subesophageal ganglion (SOG). The complete profile of a calycal input neuron was identified. The soma and dendritic elements are contralaterally located in the lateral protocerebrum. The neuron supplies varicose axon terminals in the lip regions of the calyces of the mushroom body, axon collaterals in the basal ring but not in the collar region, and other axon terminals ipsilaterally in the lateral protocerebrum. A giant neuron innervating the antennal lobe has varicose axon terminals in most of 300 glomeruli in the ventral region of the antennal lobe (AL) and a thick neurite that spans the entire SOG and continues towards the thoracic ganglia. However, neither a soma nor a dendritic element of this neuron was found in the brain or the SOG. A deutocerebral projection neuron has a soma in the lateral cell-body group of the AL, neuronal branches at most of the 12 glomeruli in the dorsocentral region of the ipsilateral AL, and varicose terminal arborizations in both hemispheres of the protocerebrum. Based on the present results, tentative subdivisions in neuropils related to the antennal sensory system of the ant brain are discussed.  相似文献   

Lesion and stimulation experiments suggest that the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) plays a special role in the control of insect behaviour: in bilateral coordination and by maintaining ongoing motor activity. Anatomical observations indicate that there are descending interneurones (DINs) originating in the SOG in addition to those from the brain. An SOG preparation for sampling both types of DIN intracellularly in walking locusts is described. Forty-three units showing activity changes during leg movements and walking were recorded. Using dye injection six were shown to be through-running axons; one was an SOG ascending interneurone; and eight were SOG DINs, 7 contralateral, one ipsilateral. All fired before or during movements and received various sensory inputs. Many gave complex responses to different modalities, several showing directional preferences. Some SOG neurones showed spontaneous changes in activity; activity outlasting movements; or responses to passive as well as active movements. These preliminary results suggest neuronal substrates for the special functions of the SOG in behaviour. They also indicate that DINs, rather than being simple relays, are part of a dynamic network which includes the motor centres. Regulation of complex and subtle aspects of behaviour may be achieved by dynamic and sequential patterns of activity in groups of DINs, some of which may be multifunctional.  相似文献   

Movements of the antennae induced by odour were investigated. Odour presented to the antenna of one side induced both antennae to move to that side. The EMGs recorded from the flexor muscles of both scapes showed that the latency of the movement of the ipsilateral flagellum when induced by odour was about 71 msec shorter than that of the contralateral flagellum. Recording electrical activities from the antennal nerve showed that there are more than 14 neurones in the antenno-motor externus.The distribution of the antennal nerve in the brain was investigated histologically by the injection of fluorescent dye. Antennal sensory neurones terminated at the glomeruli in the antennal lobe, in the dorsal lobe, in the protocerebrum, and in the commissural part of the suboesophageal ganglion. Injection of the fluorescent dye into the antennal nerve after degeneration of the antennal sensory neurones showed that the antennal motoneurones run in the ventral side of the antennal and dorsal lobes, and terminate in the marginal region of the ipsilateral oesophageal connective.The difference in latency of odour-induced flagellar movements is discussed in relation to the histological results and the unitary responses in the brain reported previously.  相似文献   

The stick insect Carausius morosus continuously moves its antennae during locomotion. Active antennal movements may reflect employment of antennae as tactile probes. Therefore, this study treats two basic aspects of the antennal motor system: First, the anatomy of antennal joints, muscles, nerves and motoneurons is described and discussed in comparison with other species. Second, the typical movement pattern of the antennae is analysed, and its spatio-temporal coordination with leg movements described. Each antenna is moved by two single-axis hinge joints. The proximal head-scape joint is controlled by two levator muscles and a three-partite depressor muscle. The distal scape-pedicel joint is controlled by an antagonistic abductor/ adductor pair. Three nerves innervate the antennal musculature, containing axons of 14-17 motoneurons, including one common inhibitor. During walking, the pattern of antennal movement is rhythmic and spatiotemporally coupled with leg movements. The antennal abduction/adduction cycle leads the protraction/retraction cycle of the ipsilateral front leg with a stable phase shift. During one abduction/adduction cycle there are typically two levation/depression cycles, however, with less strict temporal coupling than the horizontal component. Predictions of antennal contacts with square obstacles to occur before leg contacts match behavioural performance, indicating a potential role of active antennal movements in obstacle detection.  相似文献   

The sensory projection of homoeotic tarsal neurons in the antennal mutant spineless-aristapedia (ssa) is compared with the projections of wild-type antennae and tarsi. The projection pattern was identified by diffusion of cobalt into the cut peripheral nerves followed by Timm's silver intensification. No sensory fibers of the homoeotic tarsus extend into the thoracic leg centers; instead they project into normal antennal centers of the brain. In the posterior antennal center and the posterior part of the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) they show precisely the same pattern as do those from the wild-type antenna. In other regions this is not the case: in the antennal glomeruli homoeotic terminals are randomly distributed, and in the anterior SOG fibers form a tract which is not present in antennal cobalt fills. We have not found any correspondence between thoracic and homoeotic tarsal projections. The projection of homoeotic tarsi in mosaic flies exhibiting an ssa antenna and a wild-type brain is similar to the “normal” homoeotic pattern. This suggests that the central nervous system (cns) is not transformed by the ssa gene. The behavior of normal and ectopic sensory fibers in the cns is explained in terms of both intrinsic properties of the sensory axons and extrinsic factors in the surrounding nervous tissue.  相似文献   

In the pedicellar segment of the fly antenna there is a large campaniform sensillum. The central projection of the sensory cell (LCC) of this large campaniform sensillum is described from labeling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and cobalt. The LCC projects bilaterally to several regions of the brain and subesophageal and thoracic ganglia. The LCC processes in these termination areas were analyzed in relation to other neural processes, including the remaining antennal sensory and motor projection. This analysis was aided by combining HRP labeling with Golgi silver impregnation. Based on earlier findings and the present data we suggest that the LCC, with its various outputs in, e.g., antennal and leg motor centers, serves as a multifunctional sensory path involved in control functions necessary in flight.  相似文献   

Most tethered adult crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) assumed flight postures with or without flapping their wings in a windstream. Nymphal crickets (sixth and seventh, i.e. final, instars) also displayed the flight posture in spite of the incompleteness of wing development. These adult nymphal crickets rolled their heads towards the light source in response to unequal illumination of the compound eyes only while maintaining the flight posture. The amphtude of the head rolling movements was proportional to the change of light position up to 120°C, and independent of the light intensity if the duration was longer than 1 sec. The unequal illumination could also induce a transient increase in discharge frequency of the wing muscles on both sides, a decrease in wing beat amplitude of the ipsilateral wing on the illuminated side, and bending movements of the legs and abdomen towards the light. Cutting either of the nerve connectives at any level between the subosophageal and metathoracic ganglia did not affect the response of either the head or the abdomen to illumination. These results are discussed in relation to the steering mechanism associated with the dorsal light reaction.  相似文献   

Summary In the locust,Locusta migratoria, the pairs of connectives between the three thoracic ganglia and in the neck were transected in all possible combinations. Each of these preparations was tested for the production of rhythmic flight motor activity, with sensory input from the wing receptors intact and after deafferentation. The motor activity elicited in these preparations was characterized by intracellular recordings from motoneurons and electromyographic analyses.The motor patterns observed in locusts with either the neck or the pro-mesothoracic connectives severed (Figs. 2, 3, and 4) were very similar to the flight motor pattern produced by animals with intact connectives. The activity recorded in mesothoracic flight motoneurons of locusts with either only the meso-metathoracic connectives cut or both the meso-metathoracic and the neck connectives transected were similar to each other. Rhythmic motor activity could be observed in these preparations only as long as sensory feedback from the wing receptors was intact. These patterns were significantly different from the intact motor pattern (Figs. 5, 6, and 7). Similar results were obtained when the mesothoracic ganglion was isolated from the other two thoracic ganglia, although the oscillations produced under these conditions were weak (Fig. 8 upper). In the isolated metathorax no rhythmic flight motor activity could be recorded (Fig. 8 lower), even when wing afferents were intact.Considering the differences between the motor patterns observed in the various preparations these results suggest that the ganglia of the locust ventral nerve cord do not contain segmental, homologous flight oscillators which are coupled to produce the intact flight rhythm. Instead they support the idea that the functional flight oscillator network is distributed throughout the thoracic ganglia (Robertson and Pearson 1984). The results also provide further evidence that sensory feedback from the wing sense organs is necessary for establishing the correct motor pattern in the intact animal (Wendler 1974, 1983; Pearson 1985; Wolf and Pearson 1987 a).Abbreviations CPG central pattern generator - EMG electromyogram  相似文献   

The male silkworm moth, Bombyx mori, exhibits a zigzagging pattern as it walks upwind to pheromones. This species usually does not fly, but obvious wing-beating accompanies the pheromone-mediated walking. Males supported by a `sled', after having their legs removed, also moved upwind in a pheromone plume along zigzagging tracks, indicating that wing-generated thrust and torque result in locomotory paths similar to those observed from walking moths. Using a high-speed video system we investigated the correlation between the wing movements and zigzag walking. The wing ipsilateral to the direction of the turn showed a greater degree of retraction with respect to the contralateral wing. The timing of the wing retraction pattern was synchronized with changes of direction in the walking track. Coordination of wing movements and walking pattern was not dependent on visual feedback or sensory feedback generated from neck movements associated with turning. The results presented here, taken together with our previous studies of descending interneurons suggest that the coordination of wing movements with the walking pattern may result from the activity of a set of identified interneurons descending from the brain to the thoracic ganglia and/or may be coordinated by coupling of oscillating circuits for walking and wing beating. Accepted: 15 May 1997  相似文献   

When insects turn from walking straight, their legs have to follow different motor patterns. In order to examine such pattern change precisely, we stimulated single antenna of an insect, thereby initiating its turning behavior, tethered over a lightly oiled glass plate. The resulting behavior included asymmetrical movements of prothoracic and mesothoracic legs. The mesothoracic leg on the inside of the turn (in the apparent direction of turning) extended the coxa-trochanter and femur-tibia joints during swing rather than during stance as in walking, while the outside mesothoracic leg kept a slow walking pattern. Electromyograms in mesothoracic legs revealed consistent changes in the motor neuron activity controlling extension of the coxa-trochanter and femur-tibia joints. In tethered walking, depressor trochanter activity consistently preceded slow extensor tibia activity. This pattern was reversed in the inside mesothoracic leg during turning. Also for turning, extensor and depressor motor neurons of the inside legs were activated in swing phase instead of stance. Turning was also examined in free ranging animals. Although more variable, some trials resembled the pattern generated by tethered animals. The distinct inter-joint and inter-leg coordination between tethered turning and walking, therefore, provides a good model to further study the neural control of changing locomotion patterns.  相似文献   

Responses to visual stimuli of some neurons that descend the nerve cord from the brain were recorded extracellularly in the mantis Tenodera aridifolia. Most of the recorded neurons showed their largest responses to looming stimuli that simulated a black circle approaching towards the mantis. The neurons showed a transient excitatory response to a gradually darkening or receding circle. The neurons showed sustained excitation to the linearly expanding stimuli, but the spike frequency decreased rapidly. The responses of the neurons were affected by both the diameter and the speed of looming stimuli. Faster or smaller looming stimuli elicited a higher peak frequency. These responses were observed in both recordings from the connective between suboesophageal and prothoracic ganglia and the connective between prothoracic and mesothoracic ganglia. There was a one-to-one correspondence of spike firing between these two recordings with a fixed delay. The neurons had the receptive field on ipsilateral side to its axon at the cervical connective. These results suggest that there is a looming-sensitive descending neuron, with an axon projecting over prothoracic ganglion, in the mantis nervous system.  相似文献   

Ultradian rhythmic firing activity (period of 40-90 min) of a population of neurosecretory cells (NSCs) producing FXPRLamide peptides in the subesophageal ganglion (SG) of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, is closely coordinated with periodically occurring electrical activity of developing flight muscles (FMs) during metamorphosis. To examine neuronal mechanisms and pathways that mediate the coordination of the NSC and flight motor systems, the ventral nerve cord (VNC) or circumesophageal connectives were transected. Transection of the VNC between the SG and thoracic ganglia greatly shortened the period of activity rhythm of the FMs (5-15 min) with no effect on the rhythmicity of NSCs. Bilateral transsection of the circumesophageal connectives between the brain and SG abolished the rhythmic activity of NSCs, thereby suggesting that the coordination of the two systems may be mediated by a common oscillatory mechanism in the brain. Further, bisection of the brain in the midline failed to abolish the ultradian rhythmicity of FMs. Thus, each brain hemisphere may have an ultradian oscillator that activates the NSC system in the SG, and modulates the short-period oscillation of the flight motor system located in the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

Flight behaviors in various insect species are closely correlated with their mechanical and neuronal properties. Compared to locusts and flies which have been intensively studied, moths have “intermediate” properties in terms of the neurogenic muscle activations, power generation by indirect muscles, and two-winged-insect-like flapping behavior. Despite these unique characteristics, little is known about the neuronal mechanisms of flight control in moths. We investigated projections of the wing mechanosensory afferents in the central nervous system (CNS) of the hawkmoth, Agrius convolvuli, because the mechanosensory proprioceptive feedback has an essential role for flight control and would be presumably optimized for insect species. We conducted anterograde staining of nine afferent nerves from the fore- and hindwings. All of these afferents projected into the prothoracic, mesothoracic and metathoracic ganglia (TG1, 2 and 3) and had ascending fibers to the head ganglia. Prominent projection areas in the TG1–3 and suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) were common between the forewing, hindwing and contralateral forewing afferents, suggesting that information from different wings are converged at multiple levels presumably for coordinating wing flapping. On the other hand, differences of projections between the fore- and hindwing afferents were observed especially in projection areas of the tegulae in the TG1 and contralateral projections of the anterior forewing nerve in the TGs and SOG, which would reflect functional differences between corresponding mechanoreceptors on each wing. Afferents comprising groups of the campaniform sensilla at the wing bases had prominent ascending pathways to the SOG, resembling the head–neck motor system for gaze control in flies. Double staining of the wing afferents and flight or neck motoneurons also indicated potential connectivity between them. Our results suggest multiple roles of the wing proprioceptive feedback for flight and provide the anatomical basis for further understanding of neuronal mechanisms of the flight system in moths.  相似文献   

A group of six dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons of the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of locusts was studied with neuroanatomical and electrophysiological techniques. The neurons are located posteriorly in the SOG and have axons that descend into the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord, some as far as the terminal abdominal ganglion. Within thoracic ganglia the neurons have profuse dendritic ramifications in many neuropiles, including ventral sensory neuropiles. Based on their projection patterns three different morphological types of neurons can be distinguished. These neurons receive excitatory inputs through sensory pathways that ascend from the thoracic ganglia and are activated by limb movements. They may be involved in the modulation of synaptic transmission in thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

In the crickets Gryllus bimaculatus and Gryllus campestris, the two intrinsic antennal muscles in the scape (first antennal segment) control antennal movements in the horizontal plane. Of the 17 excitatory antennal motoneurons, three motoneurons, two fast and one slow, can be stimulated selectively and their effect on muscle contraction, i.e. antennal movement, measured. Simultaneously, either a common inhibitor (CI) neuron or two DUM neurons can be stimulated and the effect on the slow and/or fast muscle contraction measured. The activity of the common inhibitor affected only slow muscle contractions. It decreased contraction rate, increased relaxation rate and suppressed prolonged muscle tension. This effect was blocked by picrotoxin. DUM neuron stimulation affected both slow and fast contractions. It reduced slow and enhanced fast contractions but in only 10% of the experiments could this effect be detected. DUM neuron activity could be mimicked by octopamine application. Proctolin application enhanced both slow and fast contractions but did not increase muscle tension in the absence of motoneuron activity. The results are discussed in relation to the large variability of possible antennal movements during behaviors.Abbreviations CI common inhibitor neuron - DUM dorsal unpaired median neuron  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were carried out on locust flight motoneurons after hemisection of individual thoracic ganglia. With the exception of minimal surgical manipulations, the animals were intact and able to perform tethered flight. Analysis of the synaptic drive recorded in the motoneurons during flight motor activity revealed the extent to which ganglion hemisection influenced the premotor rhythm generating network.
1.  Hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion (Fig. 2) as well as hemisection of both the mesothoracic and the prothoracic ganglia (Fig. 3) had no significant effects on the pattern of synaptic input to the flight motoneurons. Thus the rhythm generating premotor network does not depend on commissural information transfer in the mesothoracic and the prothoracic ganglia. This conclusion was supported by experiments in which more extensive surgical isolations of thoracic ganglia were carried out (Fig. 5).
2.  Removal of input from wing receptors (deafferentation) in addition to hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion (Fig. 4) resulted in rhythmic and coordinated oscillations of the motoneuron membrane potential which were indistinguishable from those observed in deafferented animals with all ganglia intact.
3.  Hemisection of the metathoracic ganglion had more pronounced effects on the patterns of synaptic drive to the flight motoneurons and their spike discharge. Rhythmic activity which was often subthreshold could, however, still be recorded following a metathoracic split (Fig. 6).
4.  No rhythmic synaptic input was observed after hemisection of both mesothoracic and metathoracic ganglia (Fig. 7).

Few studies in arthropods have documented to what extent local control centers in the thorax can support locomotion in absence of inputs from head ganglia. Posture, walking, and leg motor activity was examined in cockroaches with lesions of neck or circumoesophageal connectives. Early in recovery, cockroaches with neck lesions had hyper-extended postures and did not walk. After recovery, posture was less hyper-extended and animals initiated slow leg movements for multiple cycles. Neck lesioned individuals showed an increase in walking after injection of either octopamine or pilocarpine. The phase of leg movement between segments was reduced in neck lesioned cockroaches from that seen in intact animals, while phases in the same segment remained constant. Neither octopamine nor pilocarpine initiated changes in coordination between segments in neck lesioned individuals. Animals with lesions of the circumoesophageal connectives had postures similar to intact individuals but walked in a tripod gait for extended periods of time. Changes in activity of slow tibial extensor and coxal depressor motor neurons and concomitant changes in leg joint angles were present after the lesions. This suggests that thoracic circuits are sufficient to produce leg movements but coordinated walking with normal motor patterns requires descending input from head ganglia.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

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