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Little is known about what happens to transmembrane proteins (TMP) in 2-DE. In order to obtain more insight into the whereabouts of these proteins we prepared membrane-enriched synaptosomes from rat frontal cortex and washed them with 7 M urea or Na(2)CO(3). From each preparation, 200 microg protein was loaded on 2-DE gels covering the 4-7 and 6-11 pH ranges, respectively. MALDI-MS/MS analysis detected only 3 TMP among 421 identified spots. However, when the samples had been washed with Na(2)CO(3), only few well-focused spots remained detectable on the gel covering the pH 6-11 range. Instead, a heavily ruthenium-stained smear became visible at the upper edge of the gel at the location where the samples had been applied by cup loading. LC-MS/MS analysis revealed that this smear contained 38 unfocused TMP with up to 12 transmembrane helices. After transfer to the second dimension, no major areas of protein staining were left on the IPG strips. This indicates that after extraction and denaturation the TMP may form high-molecular aggregates, due to their "hydrophobic interactions". These aggregates enter the IPG strips, but do not focus regularly. They are then transferred onto the 2-DE-gels, where they remain caught at the upper edge.  相似文献   

Maturation of rat astroblasts was induced in vitro by acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF), hydrocortisone and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Cells grown for 20 days were treated for 48 h and labelled with [35S]methionine only during the last 18 h of treatment. Cell proteins solubilized in lithium dodecyl sulfate were submitted to two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 300 radioactive proteins could be analysed visually and compared. All treatments induced visible quantitative and sometimes qualitative changes. A total of 81 proteins had their rate of biosynthesis modified. For some proteins, this rate was changed by only one treatment, while for others it was changed by two or even by the three treatments, mostly in the same way. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the proteins involved in the maturation process are organized in sets, proteins belonging to one set always being regulated together under a common control. Some sets would be regulated by only one effector while others would be regulated by several effectors.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial matrix subfractions from rat liver, kidney cortex, brain, heart, and skeletal muscle were isolated and their protein components were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, revealing between 120 and 150 components for each matrix subfraction. Excellent resolution was obtained utilizing a pH 5 to 8 gradient in the first dimension and in 8 to 13% exponential acrylamide gradient in the second dimension, increasing the number of mitochondrial matrix proteins observed 3-fold over one-dimensional systems. Protein components tentatively identified by co-migration with pure enzymes and by known tissue distributions are carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase (EC, ornithine transcarbamylase (EC, glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, pyruvate carboxylase (EC, citrate synthase (EC, fumarase (EC, aconitase (EC, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (EC, dihydrolipoyl transsuccinylase (EC, lipoamide dehydrogenase (EC, glutamate-aspartate aminotransferase (EC, and the two subunits of pyruvate dehydrogenase (EC Protein components unambiguously identified by peptide mapping are citrate synthase, aconitase, and pyruvate carboxylase. The inner membrane subfraction from rat liver mitochondria was also resolved two dimensionally; the alpha and beta subunits of ATPase (F1) (EC were identified by peptide mapping.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of histone and phosvitin kinase activities in brain has been studied and the ability of the various fractions to catalyse the phosphorylation of their endogenous proteins (intrinsic protein kinase activity) also examined. Synaptosome membrane fragments have little or no histone or phosvitin kinase activity but contain the highest concentration of cyclic AMP-stimulated intrinsic protein kinase activity. Homogenisation of the membrane fragments in Triton X-100 increased the histone kinase activity but on centrifugation it was all recovered in the supernatant, while the insoluble material contained all the intrinsic protein kinase activity. These results indicate that the intrinsic protein kinase activity of cerebral membrane fragments is due to the presence of a kinase enzyme which is specific to certain membrane proteins. The intrinsic protein kinase activity of synaptosome membrane fragments is a rather slow reaction which takes several minutes to saturate all the acceptor proteins.  相似文献   

A triple-spot pattern of polypeptides occurring in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins is described. The presence of a mutant protein, Pc 1 Duarte, which results in a splitting of all three polypeptides, is evidence that they are produced by the same gene. This pattern is seen in about 1% of the proteins from a variety of sources. Typically, about 50% of the protein occurs as a single major spot, the remainder occurring as two polypeptides with an additional negative charge and slightly different molecular weight. The reproducibility of this pattern implies a functional significance which is presently unknown. The implication of this configuration for patterns seen by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis is discussed.  相似文献   

The cerebral cortex from adult rats was separated into several subcellular fractions by using established methods of differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Aliquots from each fraction were incubated with -32P-ATP, in the presence and absence of adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cyclic AMP), and its protein constituents were separated by means of SDS-slab gel electrophoresis. Fractions containing nuclei, synaptosomes, myelin, microsomes, and soluble proteins each showed a characteristic pattern of protein staining and of endogenously phosphorylated proteins detected by autoradiography of the gels. Cyclic AMP-stimulated phosphorylation of proteins with MW 78K and 84K can serve as markers for membranes of synaptic origin, while cyclic AMP-independent phosphorylation of low-molecular-weight proteins (15K–20K) is characteristic of myelin. The finding of different phosphoproteins in various subcellular fractions may be related to the diversity of cellular functions known to be regulated by phosphorylative activity.  相似文献   

B F King  S M Somani 《Life sciences》1987,41(17):2007-2015
The distribution of 3H-physostigmine (Phy) has been studied in the rat brain subcellular fractions at various time intervals following i.v. injection. 3H-Phy or its metabolites rapidly accumulate into the cytoplasm of cells and penetrates the intracellular compartments. Kinetic studies of the subcellular distribution of radioactivity (RA) per gm of rat brain following i.v. injection of 3H-Phy show peak concentrations at 30 min in all subcellular fractions with the exception of mitochondria. In the mitochondrial fraction the RA levels continue to rise from 4682 +/- 875 DPM/gm at 5 min to 27474 +/- 2825 DPM/gm at 60 min (P less than .05). The cytosol contains the highest RA: 223341 +/- 21044 DPM/gm at 30 min which declined to 53475 +/- 3756 DPM/gm at 60 min. RA in synaptosome, microsomes and myelin increases from 5 to 30 min, and declines at 60 min. In vitro studies did not show a greater uptake of RA by the mitochondrial or synaptosomal fractions. The finding of relatively high concentrations of RA in the mitochondrial fraction at 60 min increases the likelihood that Phy or its metabolites could interfere with the physiological function of this organelle.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of histone and phosvitin kinase activities in brain has been studied and the ability of the various fractions to catalyse the phosphorylation of their endogenous proteins (intrinsic protein kinase activity) also examined. Synaptosome membrane fragments have little or no histone or phosvitin kinase activity but contain the highest concentration of cyclic AMP-stimulated intrinsic protein kinase activity. Homogenisation of the membrane fragments in Triton X-100 increased the histone kinase activity but on centrifugation it was all recovered in the supernatant, while the insoluble material contained all the intrinsic protein kinase activity. These results indicate that the intrinsic protein kinase activity of cerebral membrane fragments is due to the presence of a kinase enzyme which is specific to certain membrane proteins. The intrinsic protein kinase activity of synaptosome membrane fragments is a rather slow reaction which takes several minutes to saturate all the acceptor proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular oxygen (O2) regulates the expression of a variety of genes. Several of the proteins that respond to changes in oxygen concentration have been identified in a variety of cell lines. We extend these previous studies by analyzing the effect of oxygen on the entire protein expression profile of an intact organ using high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. To this end, we used an isolated, in vitro perfused organ preparation to produce two groups of rat livers perfused with high (95% O2, 5% CO2) or low (95% N2, 5% CO2) oxygen concentrations. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis we compared the protein expression profiles of both groups of livers. Computer analysis of the files obtained after laser densitometry of the two-dimensional gels revealed two spots that were strongly up-regulated in high PO2 perfused livers compared with low PO2 perfused livers. These spots were analyzed by peptide mass fingerprinting analysis. These spots were identified as arginase 1 (liver-type arginase; EC and mitochondrial enoyl-CoA hydratase 1 (EC The possible role of these proteins in its new context of oxygen availability is discussed.  相似文献   

Proteolipid proteins were extracted from adult rat brain subcellular fractions and purified by chromatography on Sephadex LH-60. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the delipidized proteins, in the presence or absence of 8 M urea, was carried out with all fractions. The distribution of the various types of proteolipid proteins was studied and their molecular weight calculated by the Ferguson relationship. Several bands of proteolipid proteins were found in the five membrane fractions analyzed. Some of them, such as the 17.5 K and 37 K components were very prominent in mitochondria and synaptosomes. The 30 K component was found in myelin-derived membranes and in microsomes, while the 20 K and 25 K proteolipid proteins were present in all subcellular fractions. The 30 K component (proteolipid protein (PLP)), typical of the purified myelin membranes, showed a similar distribution to that of 2′,3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase (EC activity, while the other major proteolipid protein present in all subcellular fractions (25 K) did not show such parallelism, indicating that it might not be an exclusive component of myelin. The electrophoretic pattern of microsomal proteolipid proteins did not show the high molecular weight components (aggregates of PLP) which are found in myelin. Furthermore, the 30 K component showed a smaller Y0 value than that of the 30 K found in myelin. Thus the presence of 30 K proteolipid protein in microsomes should not be considered as being due to myelin contamination.  相似文献   

Lysophospholipase activity in brain subcellular fractions was measured by the release of myristic acid from 1-myristoylglycerophosphocholine or through the formation of [32P]glycerophosphocholine from [32P]lysophosphatidylcholine. Although the lysophospholipase activity was highest in microsomes, considerable enzyme activity was also found in other subcellular membrane fractions. The pH optimum for the microsomal enzyme was around 7, whereas the synaptosomes and non-synaptic plasma membranes exhibited a pH maximum around 8. Although the enzyme did not require divalent cations for activity, divalent cations (1 mM) such as Hg2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ inhibited potently the enzyme activity. Enzyme activity was also partially inhibited by both saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (25–200 M), and the inhibition seemed to be greater in the membrane than in the cytosolic fractions. Ionic detergents such as deoxycholate and taurocholate inhibited the lysophospholipase. On the other hand, the effect of Triton X-100 was biphasic, i.e., stimulation at concentrations below 100 g/mg protein and inhibition at higher concentrations. Addition of cholesterol (50–250 g/ml), but not cholesteryl esters, also potently inhibited enzyme activity. The presence of active lysophospholipase(s) in brain is probably an important mechanism for preventing unnecessary accumulation of lysophospholipids which may exert a deleterious effect on the membranes because, of their detergent properties.  相似文献   

The presence of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in the rat brain was studied using a combination of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), protein blotting and a specific antiserum. Two major immunoreactive proteins were identified—one with mol. wt 23 kdalton and an isoelectric point of 5.2, the other of mol. wt 25 kdalton and an isoelectric point of 5.1. In addition, multiple lower molecular weight immunoreactive proteins, possibly corresponding to breakdown products of the enzyme, were also detected. The 23 kdalton form of COMT, which is probably the soluble form of the enzyme, is a major protein visible on silver-stained 2-D gels of rat brain. In contrast, the other proteins recognized by the antiserum were not detected by the silver stain. These results demonstrate, using 2-DE, that at least two distinct forms of catechol-O-methyltransferase are present in rat brain. In addition, since one of these proteins is stained by silver, these results also serve to identify another protein visible on 2-D electrophoretograms of rat brain.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a genetic polymorphism of cytosol polypeptide with mol. wt. of 38,000 detected in phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Three different electrophoretic phenotypes (type 1-1, 2-1, 2-2) of the polypeptide have been identified in a Japanese population. Family and population studies indicate that three phenotypes are determined by two common alleles at a single autosomal locus. Since the polypeptide is mainly present in cytosol of cells, we propose that the polypeptide be temporarily designated as cytosol polypeptide with mol. wt. of 38,000 (CP 38) and that the gene for CP 38 be designated as CP 38. The gene frequencies of two common alleles (CP 38 1 and CP 38 2) are 0.899 and 0.101, respectively, in a Japanese population. The data on gel filtration of cytosol proteins on a Sephadex G-100 column suggest that CP 38 exists as a dimer in the cytosol. CP 38 was observed in the wide range of different cells, including B-lymphoblastoid cells, adult skin fibroblasts, HeLa cells, and erythrocytes. In 11 out of 72 individuals, the phenotypes of CP 38 were different from those of adenosine deaminase which is similar to CP 38 in subunit size, cell distribution, and allele frequencies. These data indicate that CP 38 is a new polymorphic polypeptide encoded by an autosomal locus.  相似文献   

Guttman A  Csapo Z  Robbins D 《Proteomics》2002,2(4):469-474
Identification of qualitative and/or quantitative protein expression differences as well as characterization of specific cell proteomes would further advance molecular cell biology research. Today, one of the most commonly used tools for proteome analysis is two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although this technology is informative, it is extremely cumbersome, time-consuming and lacks automation and proper reproducibility. In this paper, we propose an automated separation/detection system capable of rapid two-dimensional analysis of proteins by ultra-thin layer gel electrophoresis with real time imaging of the separated components, using fiber optics based laser induced fluorescence technology. The approach is based on electric field mediated separation in capillary dimensions, along with noncovalent, "in migratio" fluorescent staining methodology. The advantage of the technology discussed over existing techniques is its simplicity, speed and good detection sensitivity.  相似文献   

In order to separate hydrophobic membrane proteins, we have developed a novel two-dimensional electrophoresis system. For the iso-electric focusing, agarose was used as a supporting matrix and n-dodecyl-beta-D-maltopyranoside was used as a surfactant. In combination with a previously developed Tris/MES electrophoresis system in the second dimension, distinct spots were reproducibly detected from hydrophobic membrane proteins whose grand average hydropathicity (GRAVY) exceed 0.3. In contrast to the immobilized pH gradient system, c-type heme was also visualized in this system.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a genetic polymorphism of cytosol polypeptide with mol.wt. of 20,000 detected in lymphocytes the arythrocytes by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Three different electrophoretic phenotypes (type 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2) of the polypeptide have been identified in a Japanese population. Family studies indicate that the phenotypes are determined by two common alleles at a single autosomal locus. The polypeptide is present in the cytosol of various kinds of cells and is abundant in erythrocytes. The data on a gel filtration of the erythrocyte cytosol proteins on a Sephadex G-100 column suggest that the polypeptide exists as a dimer in cells. In nine out of 79 individuals, the phenotypes of the polypeptide were different from those of glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) which has similar properties in subunit size, cell distribution, and allele frequencies. These date indicate that the polypeptide with mol. wt. of 20,000 is a new polymorphic cellular polypeptide. We propose that the polypeptide be temporarily designated as cytosol polypeptide with mol. wt. of 20,000 (CP20) and that the gene for CP20 be designated as CP20. The gene frequencies of two common alleles (CP20 1 and CP20 2) are 0.955 and 0.045, respectively, in a Japanese population.  相似文献   

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