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A long isoform of the human Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) α subunit has been identified, but little data exist regarding the properties or regulation of channels formed by α728. The baseline whole cell conductance of oocytes expressing trimeric α728βγ channels was 898.1 ± 277.2 and 49.59 ± 13.2 µS in low and high sodium solutions, respectively, and was 11 and 2 fold higher than the conductances of α669βγ in same solutions. α728βγ channels were also 2 to 5 fold less sensitive to activation by the serine proteases subtilisin and trypsin than α669βγ in low and high Na+ conditions. The long isoform exhibited lower levels of full length and cleaved protein at the plasma membrane and a rightward shifted sensitivity to inhibition by increases of [Na+]i. Both channels displayed similar single channel conductances of 4 pS, and both were activated to a similar extent by reducing temperature, altogether indicating that activation of baseline conductance of α728βγ was likely mediated by enhanced channel activity or open probability. Expression of α728 in native kidneys was validated in human urinary exosomes. These data demonstrate that the long isoform of αENaC forms the structural basis of a channel with different activity and regulation, which may not be easily distinguishable in native tissue, but may underlie sodium hyperabsorption and salt sensitive differences in humans.  相似文献   

A long isoform of the human Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) α subunit has been identified, but little data exist regarding the properties or regulation of channels formed by α728. The baseline whole cell conductance of oocytes expressing trimeric α728βγ channels was 898.1 ± 277.2 and 49.59 ± 13.2 µS in low and high sodium solutions, respectively, and was 11 and 2 fold higher than the conductances of α669βγ in same solutions. α728βγ channels were also 2 to 5 fold less sensitive to activation by the serine proteases subtilisin and trypsin than α669βγ in low and high Na+ conditions. The long isoform exhibited lower levels of full length and cleaved protein at the plasma membrane and a rightward shifted sensitivity to inhibition by increases of [Na+]i. Both channels displayed similar single channel conductances of 4 pS, and both were activated to a similar extent by reducing temperature, altogether indicating that activation of baseline conductance of α728βγ was likely mediated by enhanced channel activity or open probability. Expression of α728 in native kidneys was validated in human urinary exosomes. These data demonstrate that the long isoform of αENaC forms the structural basis of a channel with different activity and regulation, which may not be easily distinguishable in native tissue, but may underlie sodium hyperabsorption and salt sensitive differences in humans.  相似文献   

The time evolution of the electric field in the leader channel and other characteristics of the leader plasma in long air gaps are simulated. Calculations are performed in the one-dimensional time-dependent model with allowance for the time-varying energy deposition in the channel, the channel expansion, and the nonequilibrium ionization kinetics in the leader plasma. The calculations show that, at a gas temperature of 4500–6000 K, associative ionization becomes a dominant ionization mechanism in the leader channel; as a result, the electric field decreases to 100–200 V/cm in 10?4–10?3 s under the conditions typical of the leader discharge. The calculated electric field agrees well with the data from the experimental modeling of long leaders by a spark discharge in short gaps.  相似文献   

We describe the existence of a potassium ion transport mechanism in the mitochondrial inner membrane of a lower eukaryotic organism, Acanthamoeba castellanii. We found that substances known to modulate potassium channel activity influenced the bioenergetics of A. castellanii mitochondria. In isolated mitochondria, the rate of resting respiration is increased by about 10% in response to potassium channel openers, i.e. diazoxide and BMS-191095, during succinate-, malate-, or NADH-sustained respiration. This effect is strictly dependent on the presence of potassium ions in an incubation medium and is reversed by glibenclamide (a potassium channel blocker). Diazoxide and BMS-191095 also caused a slight but statistically significant depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential (measured with a TPP(+)-specific electrode), regardless of the respiratory substrate used. The resulting steady state value of membrane potential was restored after treatment with glibenclamide or 1 mM ATP. Additionally, the electrophysiological properties of potassium channels present in the A. castellanii inner mitochondrial membrane are described in the reconstituted system, using black lipid membranes. Conductance from 90 +/- 7 to 166 +/- 10 picosiemens, inhibition by 1 mM ATP/Mg(2+) or glibenclamide, and activation by diazoxide were observed. These results suggest that an ATP-sensitive potassium channel similar to that of mammalian mitochondria is present in A. castellanii mitochondria.  相似文献   

Dihydrotetramethylrosamine, a fluorogenic substrate for peroxidase, and its fluorescent oxidation product, tetramethylrosamine chloride, were evaluated. The substrate is colorless and nonfluorescent while the oxidized dye absorbs at 550 nm and emits at 574 nm in both methanol and water. In vitro assays demonstrated that the substrate was oxidized to the fluorophore by horseradish peroxidase in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. In vivo uptake and oxidation of the substrate by Amoeba proteus was characterized by the initial appearance of fluorescent phagocytic vacuoles with subsequent localization in vesicular organelles the size and shape of protozoan mitochondria. Similar staining patterns occurred in cells incubated with substrate, oxidized rosamine or rhodamine 123, a known mitochondrial stain.  相似文献   

The diffusion equation for long narrow channels which lie parallel to a rectangular coordinate and have varying cross-sectional areas may be approximated by an equation which involves only one space variable and the average concentration at each value of this space variable. This equation is derived and is discussed along with its assumptions.  相似文献   

A model for swimming unipolar spirilla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mathematical model employing slender body theory is constructed for a unipolar Spirillum volutans cell with the model cell allowed to move unconstrainedly in the fluid. The results are compared with observation and previous studies and the effects of varying cell dimensions are investigated.  相似文献   

A bacterium which has phospholipase A1 activity was isolated from soil. It is aerobic, motile, oxidase-negative and has flagella. The G+C content of the DNA was 58.1 mol%. The major isoprenoids of cell was were Q-8 and MK-8. The main cellular fatty acids were saturated straight chain (n-16) and cyclic (17:) fatty acids. Based on its morphological, physiological and chemotaxonomic characteristics, this organism was placed in the genusSerratia. Nutritional factors affecting enzyme production were explored. Xylose and ammonium sulfate were the best carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Ferrous ions exerted a considerable positive effect on enzyme production. The optimal pH and temperature for phospholipase A1 production were 7.0 and 30°C, respectively.  相似文献   

The classical Nernst-Planck continuum equation is extended to the case where the channel can be occupied simultaneously by two ions. A two-dimensional partial differential equation is derived to describe the steady-state channel. This differential equation is of the form of the generalized Laplace equation, but it has the novel feature that the boundary conditions are periodic. The finite difference solution takes approximately 8 s on a large computer. The equations are solved for the special case of a cylindrical channel with a fixed charge in the center. It is assumed that the forces on the ions result entirely from the sum of the Born image potential, the fixed charge potential, the interaction potential between the two ions, and the applied voltage. Approximate simple analytical expressions are derived for these potential terms, based on the assumption that the electric field perpendicular to the channel wall is zero. The potentials include the contribution from a diffuse charge (Debye-Huckel) reaction field in the bulk solution for the monovalent cation flux was obtained for channels with a radius of 4 A and lengths of 16 and 32 A and a fixed charge valence of -1 and -1.5. For these channels, a significant fraction (up to 90%) of the total resistance is contributed by the bulk solution and results were obtained for the case where the "channel" included 8 A of bulk solution at each channel end. These results for the two-ion channel were compared with the analytical solution for a one-ion channel. The one-ion channel is a fair approximation to the two-ion channel for a fixed charge of -1, underestimating the flux at high concentrations by approximately 30%. However, for a fixed charge of -1.5, the one-ion model is a poor approximation, with the two-ion flux about seven times that of the one-ion model at high concentrations. The absolute conductance and concentration dependence of these channels (with a fixed charge of -1) mimic the behavior of the large conductance K+ channel and the acetylcholine receptor channel.  相似文献   

A mouth opening sensor incorporating a magnet and Hall sensor attached to a data logging unit was used to monitor the breathing and foraging behavior of a free-swimming leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Analysis of these data revealed a rhythmic low amplitude oscillation. Further investigation of the frequency of this signal lead us to believe that the movements (< 0.1 mm) are caused by the movement of blood through the nearby blood vessels. Putative heart rate decreased during dive descent and increased considerably during dive ascent reflecting the bradycardia and anticipatory tachycardia recorded by other means in other air-breathing divers. Oscillation frequencies were also comparable to the heart rate recorded in leatherbacks by means of implanted electrodes. We therefore propose that this device which was already known to reliably record behaviour such as breathing, feeding and buccal oscillations in sea turtles also has potential for recording other signals which cause movement on the external surface of an animal.  相似文献   

Nitrosamines are carcinogenic and mutagenic only after metabolic activation via endoplasmic reticulum bound mixed function oxidase enzyme systems. Rencently a new photochemical process has been discovered by which nitrosamines are converted into unknown mutagenic compounds by irradiation with long wavelength UV light (> 335 nm) in the presence of phosphate ion at neutral pH. The mutagenic activity is detected by Ames Salmonella Typhimurium strain TA100 in the absence of rat liver microsomes. We have shown that mutagen production with nitrosomorpholine is inhibited in the presence of light by various spin trapping agents (N-t-butyl-phenylnitrone, etc.). Concurrent with this inhibition a stable free radical signal has been detected whose kinetics of formation is similar to the time course of mutagen formation during irradiation in the absence of spin trap. The free radical signal is formed only when phosphate or similar ions are present in the reaction mixture. Monomethylphosphate and dimethylphosphate can substitute for phosphate ion but with small ESR signals and mutagen formation. Trimethylphosphate gives a weak, time independent ESR signal and does not cause mutagen formation. The ESR splitting constants (aN and aH) for signals generated with each of the different phosphate species show differences which suggest that these ions may be components of some intermediate free radical species that is involved in stable mutagen formation. Arsenate ion inhibits mutagen formation in the presence of phosphate but is able in the absence of phosphate to form a ESR signal similar to that observed with phosphate ion.  相似文献   

L Corash  L Lin  G Wiesehahn 《Blood cells》1992,18(1):57-73; discussion 74
Transmission of viral diseases through blood products remains a problem in transfusion medicine. We have developed a photochemical decontamination system (PCD) for platelet concentrates (PC) utilizing treatment with long wavelength ultraviolet radiation (UVA, 320-400 nm) and 8-methoxypsorlan (8-MOP). This system is capable of inactivating 25-30 logs/hour of bacteria E. coli or S. aureus, 6 logs/hour of bacteriophage fd, 0.9 log/hour of bacteriophage R17, and 1.1 logs/hour of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in PC. Immediately following 6 hours of PCD treatment, platelet integrity and function of PCD-treated and control PC were equivalent. After overnight storage, PCD-treated and control PC platelet properties were equal, but there was a slight reduction in TXB-2 production of PCD-treated PC compared to controls. Following PCD treatment, PC were stored for 48 to 96 hours. Platelet counts, morphology scores, extracellular LDH levels, aggregation response, dense body (db) content, and alpha granule (alpha g) content of PCD-treated and control PC were comparable. We assessed the ability of the PCD technique to inactivate intracellular and extracellular virus, quantified the degree of DNA adduct formation in contaminating lymphocytes, and measured the inhibition of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mediated amplification of intracellular DNA. High titers of cell-free murine cytomegalovirus added to human platelet concentrates (final concentration 10(6)) were inactivated by PCD within 30 minutes. Cat renal fibroblasts infected at high levels with feline rhinotracheitis virus (FeRTV) were seeded into PC followed by PCD treatment with inactivation of 4.8 logs of FeRTV within 10 minutes. Purified human lymphocytes were seeded into PC and treated with PCD in the presence of 3H 8-MOP. Six hours of PCD treatment resulted in the formation of 9.3 to 12.8 8-MOP adducts per 1000 base pairs (bp) of DNA. PCR amplification of a 242 bp segment at the HLA-DQ alpha locus was examined. Inhibition of PCR DNA amplification was dependent on the numbers of 8-MOP adducts formed, and no amplification was present when greater than 12 adducts per 1000 bp were formed. These studies indicate that PCD can effectively inactivate high titers of cell-associated and cell-free virus seeded into standard human PC. The efficiency of DNA adduct formation can be quantitated, and the level of 8-MOP adduct formation in lymphocytes contaminating PC is comparable to the level of adduct formation in cellular DNA reported in the absence of platelets.  相似文献   

The bioinspired approach has been key in combining the disciplines of robotics with neuroscience in an effective and promising fashion. Indeed, certain aspects in the field of neuroscience, such as goal-directed locomotion and behaviour selection, can be validated through robotic artefacts. In particular, swimming is a functionally important behaviour where neuromuscular structures, neural control architecture and operation can be replicated artificially following models from biology and neuroscience. In this article, we present a biomimetic system inspired by the lamprey, an early vertebrate that locomotes using anguilliform swimming. The artefact possesses extra- and proprioceptive sensory receptors, muscle-like actuation, distributed embedded control and a vision system. Experiments on optimised swimming and on goal-directed locomotion are reported, as well as the assessment of the performance of the system, which shows high energy efficiency and adaptive behaviour. While the focus is on providing a robotic platform for testing biological models, the reported system can also be of major relevance for the development of engineering system applications.  相似文献   

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