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烟草花粉萌发和花粉管生长期间柱头和花柱中的钙分布   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
烟草柱头表面有两层覆盖物,其中含有少量细小的钙颗粒.花粉落到柱头上后,储存在花粉外壁中的钙被释放到覆盖层中.当花粉管穿过覆盖层长入柱头细胞之间时,花粉管顶端的细胞壁中出现了大量的细小钙颗粒.开花后22 h观察时,在花柱引导组织中形成了钙的梯度分布:花柱上部引导组织中的钙较少,而下部连接子房处的花柱引导组织中含有较多的钙颗粒.去雄花开花后1 d时,花柱上部引导组织中的钙明显增多;3 d时,连柱头细胞中也出现了较多的钙颗粒.讨论了烟草花柱引导组织中钙梯度分布和花粉管生长的关系.  相似文献   

雌蕊胞外基质对雌蕊与花粉的识别以及花粉管的定向生长有着重要的作用,是近年来植物生殖生物学的研究热点之一。与花粉萌发和花粉管生长相关的雌蕊胞外基质种类主要包括阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白、类伸展素糖蛋白、富含脯氨酸糖蛋白、钙调素、S—糖蛋白、果胶以及子房的特异性物质等。本文着重介绍这些雌蕊胞外基质的生理功能及其研究进展。  相似文献   

雌蕊胞外基质对雌蕊与花粉的识别以及花粉管的定向生长有着重要的作用,是近年来植物生殖生物学的研究热点之一。与花粉萌发和花粉管生长相关的雌蕊胞外基质种类主要包括阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白、类伸展素糖蛋白、富含脯氨酸糖蛋白、钙调素、S-糖蛋白、果胶以及子房的特异性物质等。本文着重介绍这些雌蕊胞外基质的生理功能及其研究进展。  相似文献   

Staining and Observing Pollen Tubes in the Style by Means of Fluorescence   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Pollen tubes in the styles of the tomato and of other flowering plants can be observed by using the following technic. Styles are fixed in formalin-acetic-80% alcohol (1:1:8) and cleared and softened in a strong (8 N) sodium hydroxide solution. Staining is accomplished in a 0.1% solution of water-soluble aniline blue dye dissolved in 0.1 N, K3PO4. The styles are smeared or are observed whole under a conventional or dissecting microscope by direct illumination with ultraviolet light of a wavelength of about 356 m°. Observations are made in a darkened room. Under these conditions callose fluoresces bright yellow-green and contrasts strongly with the bluish or grayish fluorescence of the stylar tissue. The pollen tubes are outlined by a callose lining and irregularly spaced callose plugs.  相似文献   

Pollen tubes passing through the style are fixed in acetic-alcohol (1 : 1) at 60 C for 30 min; softened by boiling in water 5-30 min; cleared in lactic acid at 60 C, 30 min; stained in lactophenol-cotton blue (1%) at 60 C, 15-30 min; and mounted in lactic acid. This procedure was found to be more generally applicable to angiosperms than carmine, applied in propionic-lactic acid mixtures. It has been tested on 36 species, including 4 monocotyledons and 32 dicotyledons.  相似文献   

We examined exocytosis during oscillatory growth in lily (Lilium formosanum and Lilium longiflorum) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pollen tubes using three markers: (1) changes in cell wall thickness by Nomarski differential interference contrast (DIC), (2) changes in apical cell wall fluorescence in cells stained with propidium iodide (PI), and (3) changes in apical wall fluorescence in cells expressing tobacco pectin methyl esterase fused to green fluorescent protein (PME-GFP). Using PI fluorescence, we quantified oscillatory changes in the amount of wall material from both lily and tobacco pollen tubes. Measurement of wall thickness by DIC was only possible with lily due to limitations of microscope resolution. PME-GFP, a direct marker for exocytosis, only provides information in tobacco because its expression in lily causes growth inhibition and cell death. We show that exocytosis in pollen tubes oscillates and leads the increase in growth rate; the mean phase difference between exocytosis and growth is –98° ± 3° in lily and –124° ± 4° in tobacco. Statistical analyses reveal that the anticipatory increase in wall material predicts, to a high degree, the rate and extent of the subsequent growth surge. Exocytosis emerges as a prime candidate for the initiation and regulation of oscillatory pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Initial pollen-pistil interactions in the Brassicaceae are regulated by rapid communication between pollen grains and stigmatic papillae and are fundamentally important, as they are the first step toward successful fertilization. The goal of this study was to examine the requirement of exocyst subunits, which function in docking secretory vesicles to sites of polarized secretion, in the context of pollen-pistil interactions. One of the exocyst subunit genes, EXO70A1, was previously identified as an essential factor in the stigma for the acceptance of compatible pollen in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and Brassica napus. We hypothesized that EXO70A1, along with other exocyst subunits, functions in the Brassicaceae dry stigma to deliver cargo-bearing secretory vesicles to the stigmatic papillar plasma membrane, under the pollen attachment site, for pollen hydration and pollen tube entry. Here, we investigated the functions of exocyst complex genes encoding the remaining seven subunits, SECRETORY3 (SEC3), SEC5, SEC6, SEC8, SEC10, SEC15, and EXO84, in Arabidopsis stigmas following compatible pollinations. Stigma-specific RNA-silencing constructs were used to suppress the expression of each exocyst subunit individually. The early postpollination stages of pollen grain adhesion, pollen hydration, pollen tube penetration, seed set, and overall fertility were analyzed in the transgenic lines to evaluate the requirement of each exocyst subunit. Our findings provide comprehensive evidence that all eight exocyst subunits are necessary in the stigma for the acceptance of compatible pollen. Thus, this work implicates a fully functional exocyst complex as a component of the compatible pollen response pathway to promote pollen acceptance.In flowering plants, sexual reproduction occurs as a result of constant communication between the male gametophyte and the female reproductive organ, from the initial acceptance of compatible pollen to final step of successful fertilization (for review, see Beale and Johnson, 2013; Dresselhaus and Franklin-Tong, 2013; Higashiyama and Takeuchi, 2015). In the Brassicaceae, the stigmas that present a receptive surface for pollen are categorized as dry and covered with unicellular papillae (Heslop-Harrison and Shivanna, 1977). Communication is initiated rapidly following contact of a pollen grain with a stigmatic papilla, as the role of the papillae is to regulate the early cellular responses leading to compatible pollen germination. The basal compatible pollen recognition response also presents a barrier to foreign pollen or is inhibited with self-incompatible pollen (for review, see Dickinson, 1995; Hiscock and Allen, 2008; Chapman and Goring, 2010; Indriolo et al., 2014b).The initial adhesive interaction between the pollen grain and the papilla cell in the Brassicaceae is mediated by the exine of the pollen grain and the surface of the stigmatic papilla (Preuss et al., 1993; Zinkl et al., 1999). A stronger connection results between the adhered pollen grain and the stigmatic papilla with the formation of a lipid-protein interface (foot) derived from the pollen coat and the stigmatic papillar surface (Mattson et al., 1974; Stead et al., 1980; Gaude and Dumas, 1986; Elleman and Dickinson, 1990; Elleman et al., 1992; Preuss et al., 1993; Mayfield et al., 2001). It is at this point that a Brassicaceae-specific recognition of compatible pollen is proposed to occur (Hülskamp et al., 1995; Pruitt, 1999), though the nature of this recognition system is not clearly defined. Two stigma-specific Brassica oleracea glycoproteins, the S-Locus Glycoprotein and S-Locus Related1 (SLR1) protein, play a role in compatible pollen adhesion (Luu et al., 1997, 1999), potentially through interactions with the pollen coat proteins, PCP-A1 and SLR1-BP, respectively (Doughty et al., 1998; Takayama et al., 2000). The simultaneous recognition of self-incompatible pollen would also take place at this stage (for review, see Dresselhaus and Franklin-Tong, 2013; Indriolo et al., 2014b; Sawada et al., 2014). Thus, this interface not only provides a strengthened bond between the pollen grain and stigmatic papilla, but likely facilitates the interaction of signaling proteins from both partners to promote specific cellular responses in the stigmatic papilla toward the pollen grain.One response regulated by these interactions is the release of water from the stigmatic papilla to the adhered compatible pollen grain to enable the pollen grain to rehydrate, germinate, and produce a pollen tube (Zuberi and Dickinson, 1985; Preuss et al., 1993). Upon hydration, the pollen tube emerges at the site of pollen-papilla contact and penetrates the stigma surface between the plasma membrane and the overlaying cell wall (Elleman et al., 1992; Kandasamy et al., 1994). Pollen tube entry into the stigmatic surface represents a second barrier, selecting compatible pollen tubes. Subsequently, the compatible pollen tubes traverse down to the base of the stigma, enter the transmitting tract, and grow intracellularly toward ovules for fertilization. Pollen-pistil interactions at these later stages are also highly regulated (for review, see Beale and Johnson, 2013; Dresselhaus and Franklin-Tong, 2013; Higashiyama and Takeuchi, 2015).EXO70A1, a subunit of the exocyst, was identified as a factor involved in early pollen-stigma interactions, where it is required in the stigma for the acceptance of compatible pollen and inhibited by the self-incompatibility response (Samuel et al., 2009). Stigmas from the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) exo70A1 mutant display constitutive rejection of wild-type-compatible pollen (Samuel et al., 2009; Safavian et al., 2014). This stigmatic defect was rescued by the stigma-specific expression of an Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP):EXO70A1 transgene (Samuel et al., 2009) or partially rescued by providing a high relative humidity environment (Safavian et al., 2014). In addition, the stigma-specific expression of an EXO70A1 RNA interference construct in Brassica napus ‘Westar’ resulted in impaired compatible pollen acceptance and a corresponding reduction in seed production compared with compatible pollinations with wild-type B. napus ‘Westar’ pistils (Samuel et al., 2009). From these studies, EXO70A1 was found to be a critical component in stigmatic papillae to promote compatible pollen hydration and pollen tube entry through the stigma surface. One of the functions of the exocyst is to mediate polar secretion (for review, see Heider and Munson, 2012; Zárský et al., 2013; Synek et al., 2014). Consistent with this, previous studies have observed vesicle-like structures in proximity to the stigmatic papillar plasma membrane in response to compatible pollen in both Brassica spp. and Arabidopsis species (Elleman and Dickinson, 1990, 1996; Dickinson, 1995; Safavian and Goring, 2013; Indriolo et al., 2014a). The secretory activity is predicted to promote pollen hydration and pollen tube entry. As well, consistent with the proposed inhibition of EXO70A1 by the self-incompatibility pathway (Samuel et al., 2009), a complete absence or a significant reduction of vesicle-like structures at the stigmatic papillar plasma membrane was observed in the exo70A1 mutant and with self-incompatible pollen (Safavian and Goring, 2013; Indriolo et al., 2014a).The exocyst is a well-defined complex in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and animal systems, consisting of eight subunits, SEC3, SEC5, SEC6, SEC8, SEC10, SEC15, EXO70, and EXO84 (TerBush et al., 1996; Guo et al., 1999). Exocyst subunit mutants were first identified in yeast as secretory mutants displaying a cytosolic accumulation of secretory vesicles (Novick et al., 1980). Subsequent work defined roles for the exocyst in vesicle docking at target membranes in processes such as regulated secretion, polarized exocytosis, and cytokinesis to facilitate membrane fusion by Soluble NSF Attachment protein Receptor (SNARE) complexes (for review, see Heider and Munson, 2012; Liu and Guo, 2012). In plants, genes encoding all eight exocyst subunits have been identified, and many of these genes exist as multiple copies. For example, the Arabidopsis genome contains single copy genes for SEC6 and SEC8, two copies each for SECRETORY3 (SEC3), SEC5, SEC10, and SEC15, three EXO84 genes, and 23 EXO70 genes (Chong et al., 2010; Cvrčková et al., 2012; Vukašinović et al., 2014). Ultrastructural studies using electron tomography uncovered the existence of a structure resembling the exocyst in Arabidopsis (Otegui and Staehelin, 2004; Seguí-Simarro et al., 2004). Localization studies of specific Arabidopsis exocyst subunits also supported conserved roles in polarized exocytosis and cytokinesis in plants. Localization studies have shown EXO70, SEC6, and SEC8 at the growing tip of pollen tubes (Hála et al., 2008), EXO70A1 at the stigmatic papillar plasma membrane (Samuel et al., 2009), SEC3a, SEC6, SEC8, SEC15b, EXO70A1, and EXO84b at the root epidermal cell plasma membrane and developing cell plate (Fendrych et al., 2010, 2013; Wu et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2013; Rybak et al., 2014), and SEC3a at the plasma membrane in the embryo and root hair (Zhang et al., 2013). Similar to the yeast exocyst mutants, vesicle accumulation has also been observed in the exo70A1 and exo84b mutants (Fendrych et al., 2010; Safavian and Goring, 2013). Taken together, these findings strongly support that plant exocyst subunits function in vivo in vesicle docking at sites of polarized secretion and cytokinesis (for review, see Zárský et al., 2013). In support of this, a recent study investigating Transport Protein Particle (TRAPP)II and exocyst complexes during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis has identified all eight exocyst components in immunoprecipitated complexes (SEC3a/SEC3b, SEC5a, SEC6, SEC8, SEC10, SEC15b, EXO70A1, EXO70H2, and EXO84b; Rybak et al., 2014).Several plant exocyst subunit genes have been implicated in biological processes that rely on regulated vesicle trafficking, where corresponding mutants have displayed a range of growth defects. At the cellular level, these phenotypes have been associated with decreased cell elongation and polar growth (Cole et al., 2005, 2014; Wen et al., 2005; Synek et al., 2006), defects in cytokinesis and cell plate formation (Fendrych et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2013; Rybak et al., 2014), and disrupted Pin-Formed (PIN) auxin efflux carrier recycling and polar auxin transport (Drdová et al., 2013). Several Arabidopsis subunit mutants display strong growth defects such as the sec3a mutant with an embryo-lethal phenotype (Zhang et al., 2013), sec6, sec8, and exo84b mutants with severely dwarfed phenotypes and defects in root growth (Fendrych et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2013; Cole et al., 2014), and exo70A1 with a milder dwarf phenotype (Synek et al., 2006). The Arabidopsis exo70A1 mutant has also been reported to have defects in root hair elongation, hypocotyl elongation, compatible pollen acceptance, seed coat deposition, and tracheary element differentiation (Synek et al., 2006; Samuel et al., 2009; Kulich et al., 2010; Li et al., 2013). Essential roles for other exocyst subunits include Arabidopsis SEC5a/SEC5b, SEC6, SEC8, and SEC15a/SEC15b in male gametophyte development and pollen tube growth (Cole et al., 2005; Hála et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2013), SEC8 in seed coat deposition (Kulich et al., 2010), SEC5a, SEC8, EXO70A1, and EXO84b in root meristem size and root cell elongation (Cole et al., 2014), and a maize (Zea mays) SEC3 homolog in root hair elongation (Wen et al., 2005). Finally, the Arabidopsis EXO70B1, EXO70B2, and EXO70H1 subunits have been implicated in plant defense responses (Pecenková et al., 2011; Stegmann et al., 2012; Kulich et al., 2013; Stegmann et al., 2013).Even with these detailed studies on the functions of exocyst subunits in plants, a systematic demonstration of the requirement of all eight exocyst subunits in a specific plant biological process is currently lacking. EXO70A1 was previously identified as an essential factor in the stigma for compatible pollen-pistil interactions in Arabidopsis and B. napus (Samuel et al., 2009), and we hypothesized that this protein functions as part of the exocyst complex to tether post-Golgi secretory vesicles to stigmatic papillar plasma membrane (Safavian and Goring, 2013). To provide support for the proposed biological role of the exocyst in the stigma for compatible pollen acceptance, we investigated the roles of the remaining seven subunits, SEC3, SEC5, SEC6, SEC8, SEC10, SEC15, and EXO84, in Arabidopsis stigmatic papillae. Given that some Arabidopsis exocyst subunits were previously determined to be essential at earlier growth stages, stigma-specific RNA-silencing constructs were used for each exocyst subunit, and the early postpollination stages were analyzed for these transgenic lines. Our collective data demonstrates that all eight exocyst subunits are required in the stigma for the early stages of compatible pollen-pistil interactions.  相似文献   

The effect of medium concentration, pollen grain concentration, pH of the media, light and temperature on the germination of Vin ca rosea pollen grains, and the growth of their pollen tubes in vitro have been studied. The pollen grains germinate best at a sucrose concentration between 14.2% and 30%; when the pollen grain concentration exceeds 800 per 0.0234 ml; at near neutral pH (6.5); in darkness and at a temperature close to 30°. Moreover buffering ions affect the growth of the pollen tubes. Pollen grains remain viable in a wide range of temperatures, and the wall of the pollen grain is capable of withstanding severe osmotic imbalance. Low temperature induces spherical swellings at the tips of the pollen tubes, followed by accumulation of a hyaline plug.  相似文献   

植物亲和受精过程中花粉管的粘附和定向生长   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亲和受精过程中,粘附和向化作用贯穿始终.从花粉自花药中释放到花粉管穿过珠孔过程中,花粉管在雌蕊中的粘附和定向生长是多位点发生的,涉及到一系列的信号转导事件的发生;在雌蕊中糖原、果胶、Ca2*等多种物质通过不同的作用机制参与调控花粉管的粘附和定向生长.该文就这方面的研究进展作介绍.  相似文献   

Pistil structure, stigma receptivity and pollen tube growthwere investigated in relation to seed set of Eucalyptus woodwardii.Self-pollination resulted in reduced capsule retention and seeddevelopment as compared with cross-pollination. The pistil consistedof an ovary with five locules, a long style with a canal extendingfor two-thirds of its length, and a papillate stigma. Therewas no change in style length with time after anthesis, butboth stigma secretion and ability to support pollen germinationand tube growth increased to reach a peak at 7 d. Pollen germinatedon the stigma surface and in the stylar canal, but most tubegrowth occurred intercellularly in the transmitting tissue surroundingthe canal. At the base of the style the pollen tubes split intofive groups following the transmitting tissue strands to theovary. Each group grew through a septum dividing two loculesand entered the placenta. The tubes then emerged from the placentato penetrate the ovules at between 10 and 20 d after pollination.Fewer ovules were penetrated following self- than cross-pollination. Eucalyptus woodwardii Maiden, Lemon-flowered gum, Pistil receptivity, Pollen tube growth, Breeding system, Self-incompatibility  相似文献   

Promotion of the Growth of Self-Incompatible Pollen Tubes in Lily by cAMP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyclic AMP, forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine promotedthe elongation of self-incompatible pollen tubes in Lilium longiflorum.It appears that a functional cAMP-regulated system that involvesadenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase is present in the lilystyle and is involved in the regulation of elongation of self-incompatiblepollen tubes. (Received January 21, 1993; Accepted June 19, 1993)  相似文献   

Teak flowers are weakly protandrous and pollen is shed withina few hours of flower opening. Pollen is tricolpate and 29 µmin diameter. The papillate stigma is of the wet type and isreceptive from 1100–1300h. The style is hollow throughoutits length. Nectar and pollen are the major floral rewards forpollinators. The major pollinators areCeratina sp. which carryteak pollen on most parts of their bodies, especially the specializedhair structures (scopal brushes) on the tibia. The most effectivepollination period in terms of flowers pollinated and pollenper flower is between 0900 and 1300h. At 1300h the number ofpollen per flower is the highest, ranging from 1–36 (average7). Pollen tubes grow very fast. Within 2 h after pollination8% of the pollen tubes have reached the micropylar end of theovule and pollen tubes first enter the embryo sac at 8 h. Onlyone to two pollen tubes enter the micropyles of a flower. Although78% of flowers were pollinated in open-pollination, the lowfruit set (3.5%) suggests that there are factors other thanpollination limiting fruit set. The main factor appears to bea high amount of selfing, and self-incompatibility occurs whenpollen tubes are arrested at the lower portion of the ovary. Tectona grandis ; floral biology; pollen tube growth; pollination; receptivity; pollinators  相似文献   

The morphology and anatomy of pollen presenters, styles andpollen of species ofBanksia, Dryandra, Hakea, IsopogonandMacadamiawerestudied. Serial sections of pistils and SEM images of pollenwere quantified to determine whether the low fertility observedin the Proteaceae has a structural basis. Pollen access to thestigma was investigated. There were three types of stigmaticcavity. A groove in which the stigmatic papillae were enclosedwas present inDryandra, BanksiaandHakea. Macadamiahad a groovewith protruding papillae, andIsopogonhad a tube which enclosedthe papillae. Anatomical studies showed the pollen presenterto be structurally complex but overall to have similar internalanatomy across the species studied. The species could be groupedaccording to presence or absence of transfer tissue and presenceor absence of sclerenchyma, but these groups were not mutuallyexclusive. In the pistil there were three structural filtersto pollen tube passage. The first was at the stigma, where pollengrain access could be limited by the diameter or length of thestigmatic groove or the capacity of the pollination chamberin relation to pollen volume. The second and third related toa narrowing of the transmitting tissue tract within the pollenpresenter and in the lower style which could influence pollentube passage to the ovule.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Proteaceae,Banksia coccinea, Banksia ericifolia, Dryandra formosa, Dryandra nana, Dryandra quercifolia, Hakea bucculenta, Isopogon cuneatus, Macadamia integrifolia,stigmatic cavity, fertility, pollen presenter, structural limitation, stigma, pollen grain, image analysis, transfer tissue.  相似文献   

Fresh pollen gains were either crushed directly in a 0.01% solution of acridine orange (0.1 M phosphate-citrate buffer, pH 5.2-5.4) or they were germinated previously in 5-25% sucrose solution (glass-distilled water of pH 5.0-6.0 with 100 ppm H3BO3) inside moist incubating chambers at 24-30° C. Observations and records were made by using ultraviolet or blue-violet light with suitably coupled exciter and barrier filters. When the pollen grains, tube walls or cytoplasm interfered with observation of a particular cell content, the same was either pressed or dissected out of the gain or the tube. The vegetative, generative or sperm cells as well as other protoplasmic contents, such as plastid-like bodies, lipid granules and mitochondria could be differentiated.  相似文献   

Pollen tube growth is an essential aspect of plant reproduction because it is the mechanism through which nonmotile sperm cells are delivered to ovules, thus allowing fertilization to occur. A pollen tube is a single cell that only grows at the tip, and this tip growth has been shown to depend on actin filaments. It is generally assumed that myosin-driven movements along these actin filaments are required to sustain the high growth rates of pollen tubes. We tested this conjecture by examining seed set, pollen fitness, and pollen tube growth for knockout mutants of five of the six myosin XI genes expressed in pollen of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Single mutants had little or no reduction in overall fertility, whereas double mutants of highly similar pollen myosins had greater defects in pollen tube growth. In particular, myo11c1 myo11c2 pollen tubes grew more slowly than wild-type pollen tubes, which resulted in reduced fitness compared with the wild type and a drastic reduction in seed set. Golgi stack and peroxisome movements were also significantly reduced, and actin filaments were less organized in myo11c1 myo11c2 pollen tubes. Interestingly, the movement of yellow fluorescent protein-RabA4d-labeled vesicles and their accumulation at pollen tube tips were not affected in the myo11c1 myo11c2 double mutant, demonstrating functional specialization among myosin isoforms. We conclude that class XI myosins are required for organelle motility, actin organization, and optimal growth of pollen tubes.Pollen tubes play a crucial role in flowering plant reproduction. A pollen tube is the vegetative cell of the male gametophyte. It undergoes rapid polarized growth in order to transport the two nonmotile sperm cells to an ovule. This rapid growth is supported by the constant delivery of secretory vesicles to the pollen tube tip, where they fuse with the plasma membrane to enlarge the cell (Bove et al., 2008; Bou Daher and Geitmann, 2011; Chebli et al., 2013). This vesicle delivery is assumed to be driven by the rapid movement of organelles and cytosol throughout the cell, a process that is commonly referred to as cytoplasmic streaming (Shimmen, 2007). Cytoplasmic streaming in angiosperm pollen tubes forms a reverse fountain: organelles moving toward the tip travel along the cell membrane, while organelles moving away from the tip travel through the center of the tube (Heslop-Harrison and Heslop-Harrison, 1990; Derksen et al., 2002). Drug treatments revealed that pollen tube cytoplasmic streaming and tip growth depend on actin filaments (Franke et al., 1972; Mascarenhas and Lafountain, 1972; Heslop-Harrison and Heslop-Harrison, 1989; Parton et al., 2001; Vidali et al., 2001). Curiously, very low concentrations of actin polymerization inhibitors can prevent growth without completely stopping cytoplasmic streaming, indicating that cytoplasmic streaming is not sufficient for pollen tube growth (Vidali et al., 2001). At the same time, however, drug treatments have not been able to specifically inhibit cytoplasmic streaming; thus, it is unknown whether cytoplasmic streaming is necessary for pollen tube growth.Myosins are actin-based motor proteins that actively transport organelles throughout the cell and are responsible for cytoplasmic streaming in plants (Shimmen, 2007; Sparkes, 2011; Madison and Nebenführ, 2013). Myosins can be grouped into at least 30 different classes based on amino acid sequence similarity of the motor domain, of which only class VIII and class XI myosins are found in plants (Odronitz and Kollmar, 2007; Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2014). Class VIII and class XI myosins have similar domain architecture. The N-terminal motor domain binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP (Tominaga et al., 2003) and is often preceded by an SH3-like (for sarcoma homology3) domain of unknown function. The neck domain, containing IQ (Ile-Gln) motifs, acts as a lever arm and is bound by calmodulin-like proteins that mediate calcium regulation of motor activity (Kinkema and Schiefelbein, 1994; Yokota et al., 1999; Tominaga et al., 2012). The coiled-coil domain facilitates dimerization (Li and Nebenführ, 2008), and the globular tail functions as the cargo-binding domain (Li and Nebenführ, 2007). Class VIII myosins also contain an N-terminal extension, MyTH8 (for myosin tail homology8; Mühlhausen and Kollmar, 2013), and class XI myosins contain a dilute domain in the C-terminal globular tail (Kinkema and Schiefelbein, 1994; Odronitz and Kollmar, 2007; Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2014). Recently, Mühlhausen and Kollmar (2013) proposed a new nomenclature for plant myosins based on a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all known plant myosins that clearly identifies paralogs and makes interspecies comparisons easier (Madison and Nebenführ, 2013).The localization of class VIII myosins, as determined by immunolocalization and the expression of fluorescently labeled full-length or tail constructs, has implicated these myosins in cell-to-cell communication, cell division, and endocytosis in angiosperms and moss (Reichelt et al., 1999; Van Damme et al., 2004; Avisar et al., 2008; Golomb et al., 2008; Sattarzadeh et al., 2008; Yuan et al., 2011; Haraguchi et al., 2014; Wu and Bezanilla, 2014). On the other hand, class XI myosin mutants have been studied extensively in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), which revealed roles for class XI myosins in cell expansion and organelle motility (Ojangu et al., 2007, 2012; Peremyslov et al., 2008, 2010; Prokhnevsky et al., 2008; Park and Nebenführ, 2013). Very few studies have examined the reproductive tissues of class XI myosin mutants. In rice (Oryza sativa), one myosin XI was shown to be required for normal pollen development under short-day conditions (Jiang et al., 2007). In Arabidopsis, class XI myosins are required for stigmatic papillae elongation, which is necessary for normal fertility (Ojangu et al., 2012). Even though pollen tubes of myosin XI mutants have not been examined, the tip growth of another tip-growing plant cell has been thoroughly examined in myosin mutants. Root hairs are tubular outgrowths of root epidermal cells that function to increase the surface area of the root for water and nutrient uptake. Two myosin XI mutants have shorter root hairs, of which the myo11e1 (xik; myosin XI K) mutation has been shown to be associated with a slower root hair growth rate and reduced actin dynamics compared with the wild type (Ojangu et al., 2007; Peremyslov et al., 2008; Park and Nebenführ, 2013). Higher order mutants have a further reduction in root hair growth and have altered actin organization (Prokhnevsky et al., 2008; Peremyslov et al., 2010). Disruption of actin organization was also observed in myosin XI mutants of the moss Physcomitrella patens (Vidali et al., 2010), where these motors appear to coordinate the formation of actin filaments in the apical dome of the tip-growing protonemal cells (Furt et al., 2013). Interestingly, organelle movements in P. patens are much slower than in angiosperms and do not seem to depend on myosin motors (Furt et al., 2012).The function of myosins in pollen tubes is currently not known, although it is generally assumed that they are responsible for the prominent cytoplasmic streaming observed in these cells by associating with organelle surfaces (Kohno and Shimmen, 1988; Shimmen, 2007). Myosin from lily (Lilium longiflorum) pollen tubes was isolated biochemically and shown to move actin filaments with a speed of about 8 µm s−1 (Yokota and Shimmen, 1994) in a calcium-dependent manner (Yokota et al., 1999). Antibodies against this myosin labeled small structures in both the tip region and along the shank (Yokota et al., 1995), consistent with the proposed role of this motor in moving secretory vesicles to the apex.In Arabidopsis, six of 13 myosin XI genes are highly expressed in pollen: Myo11A1 (XIA), Myo11A2 (XID), Myo11B1 (XIB), Myo11C1 (XIC), Myo11C2 (XIE), and Myo11D (XIJ; Peremyslov et al., 2011; Sparkes, 2011). The original gene names (Reddy and Day, 2001) are given in parentheses. Myo11D is the only short-tailed myosin XI in Arabidopsis (Mühlhausen and Kollmar, 2013) and lacks the typical myosin XI globular tail involved in cargo binding (Li and Nebenführ, 2007). The remaining genes have the same domain architecture as the conventional class XI myosins that have been shown to be involved in the elongation of trichomes, stigmatic papillae, and root hairs (Ojangu et al., 2007, 2012; Peremyslov et al., 2008, 2010; Prokhnevsky et al., 2008; Park and Nebenführ, 2013). Therefore, we predicted that these five pollen-expressed, conventional class XI myosins are required for the rapid elongation of pollen tubes. In this study, we examined transfer DNA (T-DNA) insertion mutants of Myo11A1, Myo11A2, Myo11B1, Myo11C1, and Myo11C2 for defects in fertility and pollen tube growth. Organelle motility and actin organization were also examined in myo11c1 myo11c2 pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Lin Y  Wang Y  Zhu JK  Yang Z 《The Plant cell》1996,8(2):293-303
The Rho family GTPases function as key molecular switches, controlling a variety of actin-dependent cellular processes, such as the establishment of cell polarity, cell morphogenesis, and movement in diverse eukaryotic organisms. A novel subfamily of Rho GTPases, Rop, has been identified in plants. Protein gel blot and RNA gel blot hybridization analyses indicated that one of these plant Rho GTPases, Rop1, is expressed predominantly in the male gametophyte (pollen and pollen tubes). Cell fractionation analysis of pollen tubes showed that Rop is partitioned into soluble and particulate fractions. The particulate Rop could be solubilized with detergents but not with salts, indicating that it is tightly bound to membranes. The membrane association appears to result from membrane anchoring via a geranylgeranyl group because an in vitro isoprenylation assay demonstrated that Rop1Ps is geranylgeranylated. Subcellular localization, using indirect immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, showed that Rop is highly concentrated in the cortical region of the tube apex and in the periphery of the generative cell. The cortical Rop protein at the apex forms a gradient with decreasing concentration from tip to base and appears to be associated with the plasma membrane. These results suggest that the apical Rop GTPase may be involved in the signaling mechanism that controls the actin-dependent tip growth of pollen tubes. Localization of the Rop GTPase to the periphery of the generative cell is analogous to that of myosin, suggesting that the Rop GTPase plays an important role in the modulation of an actomyosin motor system involved in the movement of the generative cell.  相似文献   

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