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By means of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique, we investigated the interaction of porcine heterotetrametric annexin A2t with solid supported lipid membranes. Dissociation and rate constants of annexin A2t binding to various lipid mixtures were determined as a function of Ca2+ concentrations in solution. In contrast to what has been observed for annexin A1, the binding affinity and kinetics of annexin A2t binding are not influenced by cholesterol. In the experimental setup chosen, the annexin A2t binding is strictly Ca2+-dependent and only affected by the amount of phosphatidylserine (PS) in the membrane and the Ca2+ concentration in solution. By Ca2+-titration experiments at constant annexin A2t concentration, we investigated the reversibility of annexin A2t adsorption and desorption. Surprisingly, Ca2+-titration curves display a significant hysteresis. Protein desorption curves starting from annexin A2t bound to the membrane at 1 mM CaCl2 exhibit high cooperativity with half-maximum Ca2+ concentrations in the submicromolar range. However, protein adsorption curves starting from an EGTA-containing solution with soluble annexin A2t always show two inflection points upon addition of Ca2+ ions. These two inflection points may be indicative of two protein populations differently bound to the solid-supported membrane. The ratio of these two annexin A2t populations depends on the amount of PS molecules and cholesterol in the membrane as well as on the Ca2+ concentration. We propose a model discussing the results obtained in terms of two binding sites differing in their affinity due to lipid rearrangement. 相似文献
Membrane hydration and structure on a subnanometer scale as seen by high resolution solid state nuclear magnetic resonance: POPC and POPC/C12EO4 model membranes.

The position on a subnanometer scale and the dynamics of structurally important water in model membranes was determined using a combination of proton magic-angle spinning NMR (MAS) with two-dimensional NOESY NMR techniques. Here, we report studies on phosphocholine lipid bilayers that were then modified by the addition of a nonionic surfactant that is shown to dehydrate the lipid. These studies are supplemented by 13C magic-angle spinning NMR investigations to get information on the dynamics of segmental motions of the membrane molecules. It can be shown that the hydrophilic chain of the surfactant is positioned at least partially within the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer. With the above NMR approach, we are able to establish molecular contacts between water and the lipid headgroup as well as with certain groups of the hydrocarbon chains and the glycerol backbone. This is possible because high resolution proton and 13C-NMR spectra of multilamellar bilayer membranes are obtained using MAS. A phase-sensitive NOESY must also be applied to distinguish positive and negative cross-peaks in the two-dimensional plot. These studies have high potential to investigate membrane proteins hydration and structural organization in a natural lipid bilayer surrounding. 相似文献
I Blesneac S Ravaud P Machillot M Zoonens S Masscheylen B Miroux M Vivaudou E Pebay-Peyroula 《European biophysics journal : EBJ》2012,41(8):675-679
The uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is a mitochondrial protein that carries protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. It has an important role in non-shivering thermogenesis, and recent evidence suggests its role in human adult metabolism. Using rapid solution exchange on solid supported membranes, we succeeded in measuring electrical currents generated by the transport activity of UCP1. The protein was purified from mouse brown adipose tissue, reconstituted in liposomes and absorbed on solid supported membranes. A fast pH jump activated the ion transport, and electrical signals could be recorded. The currents were characterized by a fast rise and a slow decay, were stable over time, inhibited by purine nucleotides and activated by fatty acids. This new assay permits direct observation of UCP1 activity in controlled cell-free conditions, and opens up new possibilities for UCP1 functional characterization and drug screening because of its robustness and its potential for automation. 相似文献
Jurkiewicz P Cwiklik L Vojtíšková A Jungwirth P Hof M 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2012,1818(3):609-616
Effects of alkali metal chlorides on the properties of mixed negatively charged lipid bilayers are experimentally measured and numerically simulated. Addition of 20mol% of negatively charged phosphatidylserine to zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine strengthens adsorption of monovalent cations revealing their specificity, in the following order: Cs(+)相似文献
In 1993, Huber and co-workers published the structure of an N-terminally truncated version of human annexin A1 lacking the first 32 amino acid residues (PDB code: 1AIN). In 2001, we reported the structure of full-length porcine annexin A1 including the N-terminal domain in the absence of calcium ions (PDB code: 1HM6). The latter structure did not reflect a typical annexin core fold, but rather a surprising interaction of the N-terminal domain and the core domain. Comparing these two structures revealed that in the full-length structure the first 12 residues of the N-terminal domain insert into the core of the protein, thereby replacing and unwinding one of the alpha-helices (helix D in repeat 3) that is involved in calcium binding. We hypothesized that this structure in the absence of calcium ions represents the inactive form of the protein. Furthermore, we proposed that upon calcium binding, the N-terminal domain would be expelled from the core domain and that the core D-helix would reform in the proper conformation for calcium coordination. Herein, we report the X-ray structure of full-length porcine annexin A1 in the presence of calcium. This new structure shows a typical annexin core structure as we hypothesized, with the D-helix back in place for calcium coordination while parts of the now exposed N-terminal domain are disordered. We could locate eight calcium ions in this structure, two of which are octa-coordinated and two of which were not observed in the structure of the N-terminally truncated annexin A1. Possible implications of this calcium-induced conformational switch for the membrane aggregation properties of annexin A1 will be discussed. 相似文献
Charge transport by ion translocating membrane proteins on solid supported membranes. 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1

A new method for the investigation of ion translocating membrane proteins is presented. Protein containing membrane fragments or vesicles are adsorbed to a solid supported membrane. The solid supported membrane consists of a lipid monolayer on a gold evaporated or gold sputtered glass substrate which is coated with a long chained mercaptan (CH3(CH2)mSH, m = 15, 17). Specific conductance and specific capacitance of the solid supported membrane are comparable to those of a black lipid membrane. However, the solid supported membrane has the advantage of a much higher mechanical stability. The electrical activity of bacteriorhodopsin, Na,K-ATPase, H,K-ATPase, and Ca-ATPase on the solid supported membrane is measured and compared to signals obtained on a conventionally prepared black lipid membrane. It is shown that both methods yield similar results. The solid supported membrane therefore represents an alternative method for the investigation of electrical properties of ion translocating transmembrane proteins. 相似文献
The annexin protein lipocortin 1 regulates the MAPK/ERK pathway 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Alldridge LC Harris HJ Plevin R Hannon R Bryant CE 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1999,274(53):37620-37628
Ira 《生物化学与生物物理学报:生物膜》2008,1778(1):185-197
The effects of ceramide incorporation in supported bilayers prepared from ternary lipid mixtures which have small nanoscale domains have been examined using atomic force and fluorescence microscopy. Both direct ceramide incorporation in vesicles used to prepare the supported bilayers and enzymatic hydrolysis of SM by sphingomyelinase were compared for membranes prepared from 5:5:1 DOPC/sphingomyelin/cholesterol mixtures. Both methods of ceramide incorporation resulted in enlargement of the initial small ordered domains. However, enzymatic ceramide generation led to a much more pronounced restructuring of the bilayer to give large clusters of domains with adjacent areas of a lower phase. The individual domains were heterogeneous with two distinct heights, the highest of which is assigned to a ceramide-rich phase which is hypothesized to occur via ceramide flip-flop to the lower leaflet with formation of a raised domain due to negative membrane curvature. A combination of AFM and fluorescence showed that the bilayer restructuring starts rapidly after enzyme addition, with formation of large clusters of domains at sites of high enzyme activity. The clustering of domains is accompanied by redistribution of fluid phase to the periphery of the domain clusters and there is a continued slow evolution of the bilayer over a period of an hour or more after the enzyme is removed. The relevance of the observed clustering of small nanoscale domains to the postulated coalescence of raft domains to form large signaling platforms is discussed. 相似文献
Sphingomyelinase generation of ceramide promotes clustering of nanoscale domains in supported bilayer membranes 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The effects of ceramide incorporation in supported bilayers prepared from ternary lipid mixtures which have small nanoscale domains have been examined using atomic force and fluorescence microscopy. Both direct ceramide incorporation in vesicles used to prepare the supported bilayers and enzymatic hydrolysis of SM by sphingomyelinase were compared for membranes prepared from 5:5:1 DOPC/sphingomyelin/cholesterol mixtures. Both methods of ceramide incorporation resulted in enlargement of the initial small ordered domains. However, enzymatic ceramide generation led to a much more pronounced restructuring of the bilayer to give large clusters of domains with adjacent areas of a lower phase. The individual domains were heterogeneous with two distinct heights, the highest of which is assigned to a ceramide-rich phase which is hypothesized to occur via ceramide flip-flop to the lower leaflet with formation of a raised domain due to negative membrane curvature. A combination of AFM and fluorescence showed that the bilayer restructuring starts rapidly after enzyme addition, with formation of large clusters of domains at sites of high enzyme activity. The clustering of domains is accompanied by redistribution of fluid phase to the periphery of the domain clusters and there is a continued slow evolution of the bilayer over a period of an hour or more after the enzyme is removed. The relevance of the observed clustering of small nanoscale domains to the postulated coalescence of raft domains to form large signaling platforms is discussed. 相似文献
ColE1 DNA was isolated from Escherichia coli as a relaxation complex of supercoiled DNA and proteins. Treatment of the complex with either protein-denaturing agents (SDS, phenol etc.) or proteolytic enzymes converted the supercoiled DNA to an open-circular form (relaxation). The relaxation complex was separately labelled in vivo with [3H]Leu or [14C]Leu, [35S]Met or (32P)phosphate and extensively purified. Complete hydrolysis of the relaxed complex with DNase I and P1 nuclease produced a 36-kDa protein which, we believe, is covalently bound to ColE1 DNA. On the other hand, the relaxed complex was treated with tosylphenylalanylchloromethane-treated-trypsin and the DNA-peptide(s) produced was (were) isolated and digested with the nucleases as above. The resulting nucleotidylpeptide(s) was (were) isolated by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. The only 5'-dCMP was released from the nucleotidylpeptide(s) by snake venom phosphodiesterase treatment. O-Phosphoserine was found in acid hydrolysates of the DNA-peptide(s). We suggest that in the relaxation event the 36-kDa protein becomes covalently linked to ColE1 DNA via a phosphodiester bond between dC and the serine residue. 相似文献
By means of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique, the interaction of annexin A1 with lipid membranes was quantified using solid-supported bilayers immobilized on gold electrodes deposited on 5 MHz quartz plates. Solid-supported lipid bilayers were composed of a first octanethiol monolayer chemisorbed on gold and a physisorbed phospholipid monolayer obtained from vesicle fusion. This experimental setup enabled us to determine for the first time rate constants and affinity constants of annexin A1 binding to phosphatidylserine-containing layers as a function of the calcium ion concentration in solution and the cholesterol content within the outer leaflet of the solid-supported bilayer. The results reveal that a decrease in Ca(2+) concentration from 1 mM to 100 microM significantly increases the rate of annexin A1 binding to the membrane independent of the cholesterol content. However, the presence of cholesterol in the membrane altered the affinity constants considerably. While the association constant decreases with decreasing Ca(2+) concentration in the case of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (POPS) membranes lacking cholesterol, it remains high in the presence of cholesterol. 相似文献
To investigate the effect of fluorescent probe on the properties of membranes, we studied model membranes composed of 1,2- dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) in the presence and absence of fluorescent probe. The morphology of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) has been observed as a function of temperature and composition by fluorescence microscopy using NBD-DOPE or C6-NBD-PC as the probe. The phase behavior of model membranes containing no fluorescent probe was investigated by 2H-NMR spectroscopy. We found that the bright phase observed on GUVs was the fluid phase enriched in POPC and the dark phase was the gel phase enriched in DPPC. NBD-DOPE and C6-NBD-PC preferentially participated in the fluid-phase domains when GUVs were in the gel?+?fluid phase coexistence. Inclusion of both fluorescent probes (1?mol%) lowered the transition temperature of POPC/DPPC membranes. In addition, C6-NBD-PC exhibited a stronger effect than NBD-DOPE, which was considered to be associated with the structures of fluorescent molecules. 相似文献
The transduction of signals across the plasma membrane of cells after receptor activation frequently involves the assembly of interacting protein molecules on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. However, the structural organization and dynamics of the formation of such complexes has not been well defined. In this study atomic force microscopy was used to monitor the assemblies formed in vitro by two classes of calcium-dependent, membrane-binding proteins that participate in the formation of signaling complexes on membranes - the annexins and the copines. When applied to supported lipid bilayers composed of 25% brain phosphatidylserine and 75% dioleyl phosphatidylcholine in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+ both human annexin A1 and human copine I bound only to specialized domains that appeared to be 0.5 to 1.0 nm lower than the rest of the bilayer. These domains may be enriched in phosphatidylserine and have a more disordered structure allowing probe penetration. Confinement of the binding of the proteins to these domains may be important in the process of concentrating other signaling proteins bound to the copine or annexin. The binding of the annexin promoted the growth of the domains and created additional binding space for the copine. This may reflect a general ability of annexins to alter membrane structure in such a way that C2 domain-containing proteins like copine can bind. Copine I formed a reticular lattice composed of linear elements approximately 45 nm long on the specialized domains. This lattice might provide a scaffold for the assembly and interaction of copine target proteins in signaling complexes. 相似文献
In this work, two different types of supported biomimetic membranes were designed to study the membrane binding properties of two different proteins that both interact with cellular membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. The first one, neurocalcin, is a member of a subfamilly of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins that exhibit a calcium-myristoyl switch. The second protein is a bacterial toxin, the adenylate cyclase produced by Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. The biomimetic membranes constructed in this study were either hybrid bilayer membranes or polymer-tethered membranes. Hemimembrane formation was obtained in two steps: a monolayer of 1-octadecanethiol or octadecyltrichlorosilane was self-assembled on top of the gold or glass surface, respectively, and then the egg-phosphatidyl choline (PC) vesicle fused on the hydrophobic alkyl layer. Polymer-tethered membranes on solid support were obtained using N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)-terminated-poly(ethyleneglycol) (PEG)-phospholipids as anchoring molecules. Egg-PC/1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-ethanolamine-poly(ethyleneglycol)-N-hydroxy-succinimide (DSPE-PEG-NHS) mixture liposomes were injected on the top of an amine grafted surface (cysteamine-coated gold or silanized glass); vesicles were linked to the surface and disrupted, leading to the formation of a bilayer. The biomimetic membrane constructions were followed by surface plasmon spectroscopy, while membrane fluidity and continuity were observed by fluorescence microscopy. Protein/membrane binding properties were determined by resonance surface plasmon measurements. The tethered bilayer, designed here, is very versatile as it can be adapted easily to different types of support. The results demonstrate the potentialities of such polymer-tethered artificial membranes for the study of proteins that insert into biological membranes such as toxins and/or integral membrane proteins. 相似文献
Functional incorporation of integrins into solid supported membranes on ultrathin films of cellulose: impact on adhesion

Biomimetic models of cell surfaces were designed to study the physical basis of cell adhesion. Vesicles bearing reconstituted blood platelet integrin receptors alpha(IIb)beta(3) were spread on ultrathin films of cellulose, forming continuous supported membranes. One fraction of the integrin receptors, which were facing their extracellular domain toward the aqueous phase, were mobile, exhibiting a diffusion constant of 0.6 micro m(2) s(-1). The functionality of receptors on bare glass and on cellulose cushions was compared by measuring adhesion strength to giant vesicles. The vesicles contained lipid-coupled cyclic hexapeptides that are specifically recognized by integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3). To mimic the steric repulsion forces of the cell glycocalix, lipids with polyethylene glycol headgroups were incorporated into the vesicles. The free adhesion energy per unit area deltag(ad) was determined by micro-interferometric analysis of the vesicle's contour near the membrane surface in terms of the equilibrium of the elastic forces. By accounting for the reduction of the adhesion strength by the repellers and from measuring the density of receptors one could estimate the specific receptor ligand binding energy. We estimate the receptor-ligand binding energy to be 10 k(B)T under bioanalogue conditions. 相似文献
Molecular interactions between sperm and zona pellucida (ZP) during mammalian fertilization are not well characterized. To begin to characterize sperm components that are involved in sperm-ZP interactions, we isolated and density fractionated sperm membranes. The membrane fractions recovered from a density fractionation protocol were characterized, and sonication was compared with vortexing for preparation of sperm membranes by examining the distribution of proteins in the membrane fractions obtained from these 2 protocols. Biochemical and microscopic analyses were used to determine the composition of the sonicated membrane fractions, and immunoblotting was used to identify fractions containing some of the previously suggested ZP3 receptors. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that bands 1-3 contained membrane vesicles and band 4 contained axonemal and midpiece fragments. SDS-PAGE revealed that bands 1 and 2 shared many proteins, but band 3 contained a number of unique proteins. Surface labeling with 125I demonstrated that bands 1 and 2 contained the majority of the sperm surface protein markers, whereas band 3 contained minor amounts of surface markers. Lectin-binding characteristics of sperm membrane glycoproteins were used to compare the relative distribution of glycosylated proteins in vortexed or sonicated membrane preparations. These characterizations indicate that sonication enhanced the differential distribution of sperm membrane proteins among the density fractions and suggests that this method is preferable for preparation of membrane fractions to be used for identification of proteins that mediate sperm-egg interactions. 相似文献
Daniela Morick Michaela Schatz Raphael Hubrich Helen Hoffmeister Anya Krefft Ralph Witzgall Claudia Steinem 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2013
Polycystin-2 (PC2) trafficking has been proposed to be a result of the interaction of PIGEA14 with PC2 as a function of the phosphorylation state of PC2. Here, we investigated the interaction of PIGEA14 with the C-terminal part of polycystin-2 wild type (cPC2wt) and the pseudophosphorylated mutant (cPC2S812D) to first, quantify the binding affinity between cPC2 and PIGEA14 and second, to elucidate the influence of PC2 phosphorylation on PIGEA14 binding. Solid supported membranes composed of octanethiol/1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine doped with the receptor lipid DOGS–NTA–Ni were used to attach PIGEA14 to the membrane via its hexahistidine tag. By means of the quartz crystal microbalance technique, binding affinities as well as kinetic constants of the interaction were extracted in a label-free manner by applying the scaled particle theory. The results show that the dissociation constant of cPC2 to PIGEA14 is in the 10 nM regime providing strong evidence of a very specific interaction of cPC2 with PIGEA14. The interaction of cPC2wt is twofold larger than that of cPC2S812D. The moderate higher binding affinity of cPC2wt to PIGEA14 is discussed in light of PC2 trafficking to the plasma membrane. 相似文献