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The Escherichia coli dnaC protein is not absolutely required in vivo for bacteriophage phiX174 parental replicative-form synthesis (Kranias and Dumas, 1974). However, when rifampin is present at a concentration that inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, phiX174 parental replicative-form synthesis is dependent on the dnaC protein activity. We conclude that E. coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase can substitute for the dnaC protein in phiX174 parental replicative-form DNA synthesis, presumably in its initiation. The implications of this result with respect to the in vitro synthesis of the complementary strand of phiX174 DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of bacteriophage G4 DNA was examined in temperature-sensitive dna mutants under permissive and nonpermissive conditions. The infecting single-stranded G4 DNA was converted to the parental replicative form (RF) at the nonpermissive temperature in infected cells containing a temperature sensitive mutation in the dnaA, dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG gene. The presence of 30 mug of chloramphenicol or 200 mug of rifampin per ml had no effect on parental RF synthesis in these mutants. Replication of G4 double-stranded RF DNA occurred at a normal rate in dnaAts cells at the nonpermissive temperature, but the rate was greatly reduced in cells containing a temperature-sensitive mutation in the dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, or dnaG gene. RF DNA replicated at normal rates in revertants of these dna temperature-sensitive host cells. The simplest interpretation of these observations is that none of the dna gene products tested is essential for the synthesis of the complementary DNA strand on the infecting single-stranded G4 DNA, whereas the dnaB, dnaC, dnaE, (DNA polymerase III), and dnaG gene products are all essential for replication of the double-stranded G4 RF DNA. The alternate possibility that one or more of the gene products are actually essential for G4 parental RF synthesis, even though this synthesis is not defective in the mutant hosts, is also discussed.  相似文献   

An amber dna mutant of Escherichia coli K12 affecting DNA ligase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have isolated an amber mutant (dnaL321) of Escherichia coli K12, which affects DNA ligase and which is lethal unless it is suppressed. DNA is degraded under the restrictive conditions. The mutation also affects the sensitivity of the cell to ultraviolet light irradiation, and the capacity to support the growth of phage λ that is deficient in general recombination. This pleiotropy is considered to be due to a single mutation, and is suppressed by supD?Isu+ and by supF?suIII+). The mutation is cotransducible with dapE(2%), and with ptsI(85%), by phage Plvir.  相似文献   

Summary The replication of an F plasmid in a dnaC mutant, thermolabile for initiation of chromosomal replication, has been re-examined using a novel DNA-DNA annealing assay. Plasmid replication ceases rapidly at non-permissive conditions, consistent with a direct role for the dnaC product in the replication of F.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli that contains essentially no detectable glutathione has been isolated. The mutant contains a very low level of the enzyme glutathione synthetase and accumulates lambda-glutamyl cysteine at a concentration approximately equal to the level of glutathione found in its parent. No significant differences in growth were observed between the mutant and its parent. However, the activity of at least one enzyme was found to be affected by the absence of glutathione; the specific activity of the B1 subunit of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase was greatly reduced. The possibility that the decreased B1 activity is due to a mutation in the structural gene coding for B1 or its regulatory gene could be eliminated. This suggests that one role of glutathione in the cell is to maintain at least this one protein in an active state. We propose the designation gshB for the gene coding for glutathione synthetase.  相似文献   

Saifi B  Ferat JL 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33613
Replicative helicases unwind double-stranded DNA in front of the polymerase and ensure the processivity of DNA synthesis. In Escherichia coli, the helicase loader DnaC as well as factors involved in the formation of the open complex during the initiation of replication and primosomal proteins during the reactivation of arrested replication forks are required to recruit and deposit the replicative helicase onto single-stranded DNA prior to the formation of the replisome. dnaC2 is a thermosensitive allele of the gene specifying the helicase loader; at non-permissive temperature replication cannot initiate, but most ongoing rounds of replication continues through to completion (18% of dnaC2 cells fail to complete replication at non-permissive temperature). An assumption, which may be drawn from this observation, is that only a few replication forks are arrested under normal growth conditions. This assumption, however, is at odds with the severe and deleterious phenotypes associated with a null mutant of priA, the gene encoding a helicase implicated in the reactivation of arrested replication forks. We developed an assay that involves an abrupt inactivation of rounds of synchronized replication in a large population of cells, in order to evaluate the ability of dnaC2 cells to reactivate arrested replication forks at non-permissive temperature. We compared the rate at which arrested replication forks accumulated in dnaC2 priA(+) and dnaC2 priA2 cells and observed that this rate was lower in dnaC2 priA(+) cells. We conclude that while replication cannot initiate in a dnaC2 mutant at non-permissive temperature, a class of arrested replication forks (PriA-dependent and DnaC-independent) are reactivated within these cells.  相似文献   

Fast-sedimenting forms of bacteriophage phiX174 double-stranded replicative-form DNA observed in normal infections continued to accumulate at the nonpermissive temperature in a temperature-sensitive dnaC mutant of Escherichia coli. These complex molecules accounted for up to half of the DNA synthesized during short pulses at the nonpermissive temperature. They were the dead-end products of DNA synthesis, not intermediates in normal replicative-form replication. The data suggest that these higher-than-normal-molecular-weight DNA molecules result from abnormal initiation of phiX174 replicative-form DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary In the dna G t.s. strain BT 308, made lysogenic for the phage , nascent DNA was labelled by short pulses of 3H-thymidine, isolated and separated as a function of size by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation. The molecular polarity of the labelled DNA was then determined by hybridization to the separated strands of DNA.At 30° C, strand r DNA, made in the direction opposite that of fork movement, is synthesized in the form of short pieces. The first observable consequences of a shift to 42° C are the preferential inhibition of strand r synthesis and the small amount of strand r DNA which is made is recovered in long pieces of DNA rather than in short fragments. This indicates that the t.s. product, in strain BT 308, may be involved in the synthesis of the strand growing in the direction opposite that of replication fork movement.Newly synthesized strand l DNA, made in the same direction as replication fork movement, is found in long pieces in wild-type bacteria; it is found in pieces of intermediate size in strain BT 308 at 30° C as well as at 42° C. This indicates additional differences in the replication machinery between strain BT 308 and wild-type bacteria.  相似文献   

We asked if phiX174 single-stranded DNA synthesis could reinitiate at the nonpermissive temperature in dnaB and dnaC temperature-sensitive host mutants. The rates of single-stranded DNA synthesis were measured after the removal of chlorampheicol that had been added at various times after infection to specifically stop this stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis. Reinitiation was not defective in either mutant host. Our data suggested that the reinitiation of the single-stranded stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis in these experiments was analogous to the normal initiation of this stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis in infections without chloramphenicol. Assuming this to be the case, we conclude that the host cell dnaB and dnaC proteins are not essential for the normal initiation of the single-stranded synthesis stage of phiX174 DNA synthesis. In related experiments we observed that in the dnaC mutant host at the permissive temperature, phiX174 replicative form DNA synthesis continued at its initial rate even during the single-stranded DNA synthesis stage. This indicates that these two stages of phiX174 DNA synthesis are not necessarily mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

Host functions required for replication of microvirid phage G13 DNA were investigated in vivo, using thermosensitive dna mutants of Escherichia coli. In dna+ bacteria, conversion of viral single-stranded DNA into double-stranded replicative form (stage I synthesis) was resistant to 150 microgram/ml of chloramphenicol or 200 microgram/ml of rifampicin. Although multiplication of G13 phage was severely inhibited at 42--43 degrees C even in dna+ host, considerable amount of parental replicative form was synthesized at 43 degrees C in dna+, dnaA or dnaE bacteria. In dnaB and dnaG mutants, however, synthesis of parental replicative form was severely inhibited at the restrictive temperature. Interestingly enough, stage I replication of G13 DNA was, unlike that of phiX174, dependent on host dnaC(D) function. Moreover, the stage I synthesis of G13 DNA in dnaZ was thermosensitive in nutrient broth but not in Tris/casamino acids/glucose medium. In contrast with the stage I replication, synthesis of G13 progeny replicative form was remarkably thermosensitive even in dna+ or dnA cells.  相似文献   

We have directly tested the effects of host cell DNA synthesis mutations on bacteriophage phiK replicative-form (RF) DNA replication in vivo. We observed that phiK RF DNA replication continued at normal rates in both dnaB and dnaC mutant hosts under conditions in which the activities of the dnaB and dnaC gene products were shown to be markedly reduced. This suggests that these two host proteins are not essential for normal phiK RF DNA replication. In control experiments we observed markedly reduced rates of phiK RF DNA replication in temperature-sensitive dnaG and dnaE host mutants, indicating that the products of these genes are essential. Thus, the mechanism of DNA chain initiation in vivo on the duplex RF DNA templates of isometric phages such as phiK apparently is different from that on the similar templates of isometric phages such as phiX174. The implications of this difference are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

Host functions required for replication of progeny double-stranded DNA of bacteriophage G4 were examined by using metabolic inhibitors and Escherichia coli dna mutants. In dna+ bacteria, synthesis of the progeny replicative form (RF) was relatively resistant to 30 microgram/ml of chloramphenicol, but considerably sensitive to 200 microgram/ml of rifampicin. The RF replication was severely inhibited by 50 microgram/ml of mitomycin C, 50 microgram/ml of nalidixic acid, or 200 microgram/ml of novobiocin. At 41 degrees C, synthesis of G4 progeny RF was distinctly affected in a dnaC(D) mutant and in a dnaG host. The progeny RF replication was prevented at 42 degrees C in a dnaE strain as well as in a dnaB mutant. In a dnaZ strain, the synthetic rate of the progeny RF was markedly reduced at 42 degrees C. At 43 degrees C, the rate of G4 progeny RF synthesis was reduced even in dna+ or dnaA bacteria, but significant amounts of the progeny RF were still synthesized in these hosts at the high temperature. In addition to five dna gene products, host rep function was essential for the RF replication.  相似文献   

A pair of putatively isogenic pss(Ts) and pss+ (phosphatidylserine synthetase structural gene) strains was constructed and analyzed, together with the revertants, for the physiological consequences of cessation of the optimal synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Their in vivo and in vitro abilities to synthetize PE and the growth rates at different temperatures were determined. The rate of PE synthesis by OS2101 pss(Ts) was inversely related to the culture temperature. OS2101 in a low-salt broth medium stopped division and formed filamentous cells with declining viability upon the elevation of culture temperature from 27 to 42 or 44 degrees C, whereas the syntheses of deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and protein were not affected. Proper concentrations of cations such as Na+, K+, NH4+, and Mg2+ or of sucrose could remedy the division and growth of OS2101 at the restrictive temperature without restoring normal PE synthesis. A remedial effect other than osmotic protection of these effectors and an adaptive regulatory mechanism for PE formation are suggested.  相似文献   

Regulatory aspects of chromosome replication were investigated in dnaA5 and dnaC2 mutants of the Escherichia coli B/r F. When cultures growing at 25 degrees C were shifted to 41 degrees C for extended periods and then returned to 25 degrees C, the subsequent synchronous initiations of chromosome replication were spaced at fixed intervals. When chloramphenicol was added coincident with the temperature downshift, the extend of chromosome replication in the dnaA mutant was greater than that in the dnaC mutant, but the time intervals between initiations were the same in both mutants. Furthermore, the time interval between the first two initiation events was unaffected by alterations in the rate of rifampin-sensitive RNA synthesis or cell mass increase. In the dnaC2 mutant, the capacities for both initiations were achieved in the absence of extensive DNA replication at 25 degrees C as long as protein synthesis was permitted, but the cells did not progress toward the second initiation at 25 degrees C when both protein synthesis and DNA replication were prevented. Cells of the dnaA5 mutant did not achieve the capacity for the second initiation event in the absence of extensive chromosome replication, although delayed initiation may have taken place. A plausible hypothesis to explain the data is that the minimum interval is determined by the time required for formation of a supercoiled, membrane-attached structure in the vicinity of oriC which is required for initiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP (cAMP) synthesis in Escherichia coli is altered in cAMP receptor protein mutants and in phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase transport system mutants. The stimulation of cAMP synthesis observed in cAMP receptor protein-deficient mutants is largely dependent upon enzyme III of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase transport system. The phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase transport system enzyme I is not required for elevated cAMP synthesis. These results suggest that enzyme III plays an important role in regulating adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

The loading of a replisome in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells at an origin of DNA replication and during replication restart is a highly ordered and regulated process. During replication restart in Escherichia coli, the PriA, PriB, PriC, DnaT and Rep proteins form multiple pathways that bind to repaired replication forks. These complexes are then recognized by DnaC as sites to load DnaB, the replicative helicase. Several dnaC mutations have been isolated that suppress phenotypes of some replication restart mutants. A new dnaC mutation (dnaC824) is reported here that efficiently suppresses priB rep mutant phenotypes. Furthermore, it is shown that dnaC824 will suppress phenotypes of priB priA300, rep priA300 and priB priC strains. Unlike other dnaC suppressors, it can only weakly suppress the absence of priA. Others have reported a different type of dnaC mutation, dnaC1331, is able to mimic priB mutant phenotypes. This is supported herein by showing that like dnaC1331, a priB mutation is synthetically lethal with a dam mutation and this can be rescued by a mutH mutation. Furthermore, priB dam lethality can also be suppressed by dnaC824. Like a priB mutation, a dnaC1331 mutation causes a priA2::kan-like phenotype when combined with priA300. Lastly, we show that dnaC824 is dominant to wild type and that dnaC1331 is recessive to wild type. Several models are discussed for the action of these mutant dnaC proteins in replication restart.  相似文献   

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