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The chemistry of lakes and streams within the North Branch of the Moose River is strongly correlated with the nature and distrubution of geologic materials in the watershed. The dominance of thin glacial till and granitic gneiss bedrock in the region north and east of Big Moose Lake results in a geologically sensitive terrain that is characterized by surface water with low alkalinity and chemical compositions only slightly modified from ambient precipitation. In contrast, extensive deposits of thick glacial till and stratified drift in the lower part of the system (e.g. Moss-Cascade valley) allow for much infiltration of precipitation to the groundwater system where weathering reactions increase alkalinity and significantly alter water chemistry.The hypothesis that surficial geology controls the chemistry of surface waters in the Adirondacks holds true for 70 percent of the Moose River watershed. Exceptions include the Windfall Pond subcatchment which is predominantly covered by thin till, yet has a high surface water alkalinity due to the presence of carbonate-bearing bedrock. The rapid reaction rates of carbonate minerals allow for complete acid neutralization to occur despite the short residence time of water moving through the system. Another important source of alkalinity in at least one of the subcatchments is sulfate reduction. This process appears to be most important in systems containing extensive peat deposits.An analysis of only those subcatchments controlled by the thickness of surficial sediments indicates that under current atmospheric loadings watersheds containing less than 3 percent thick surficial sediments will be acidic while those with up to 12 percent will be extremely sensitive to acidification and only those with over 50 percent will have a low sensitivity.  相似文献   

Big Moose Basin: simulation of response to acidic deposition   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The ILWAS model has been enhanced for application to multiple-lake hydrologic basins. This version of the model has been applied to the Big Moose basin, which includes Big Moose Lake and its tributary streams, lakes, and watersheds. The basin, as defined, includes an area of 96 km2, with over 20 lakes and ponds, and 70 km of streams. Hydrologic and chemical calibrations have been made using data from seven sampling stations. When total atmospheric sulfur loading to the basin is halved, the model predicts, after four years of simulation, a decreasing sulfate concentration and to a lesser extent a rising alkalinity at Big Moose Lake outlet. At the end of four years, the results show an increase in pH of 0.1 to 0.5 pH units depending upon season.  相似文献   

The distribution of fish species in the North Branch of the Moose River (Lake Rondaxe to headwaters of Big Moose Lake) was determined by intensive netting and electrofishing surveys of lakes and streams in the watershed during 1982–83. A chronology of changes in fish species occurrence in the drainage system was reconstructed from earlier published surveys conducted in 1882 and 1931 and unpublished survey data obtained by the NYSDEC during the period 1948–1975. Native species present in 1882 were also collected in 1931. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were introduced in the early 1900's and were present in collections made in 1931. Major changes in the fish community have taken place since 1931. The smallmouth bass and many of the native species found in the earlier surveys were either absent or restricted in occurrence to downstream sites (eg. L. Rondaxe and Moss L. sub-drainage) in 1982. Non-native species introduced after 1931 (yellow perch,Perca flavescens; central mudminnow,Umbra limi; banded killifish,Fundulus diaphanus) are currently widely distributed throughout the drainage system. In particular, the yellow perch is now a dominant species in the larger lakes of the basin. Comparisons of survival rates for caged fish transferred from high to low pH sites in the Big Moose drainage system demonstrated relatively greater acid tolerane of non-native species (yellow perch, mudminnow, killifish) than native cyprinids. Watershed acidity gradients (pH and aluminum concentrations) and relative physiological acid tolerance are major determinants of currently observed fish species distribution patterns in the North Branch of the Moose River. Differences in age and size structure of fish populations inhabiting acidic and non-acidic lakes of the drainage system were apparent, but difficult to interpret without additional information onpopulation size and potential density dependent parameters such as age specific growth and survival rates. Differential hatching success was observed for yellow perch eggs reciprocally transferred between acid (Big Moose) and neutral (Moss L.) lakes. Eggs transferred from Moss L. to Big Moose L. exhibited poor hatching success as a result of alterations in egg membrane structure that inhibited normal egg expansion and the hatching process. This effect was not evident in eggs from the same parents reared in Moss Lake nor in eggs from the Big Moose parents reared in both lakes. These experimental observations suggested possible genetic adaptation to acid stress by the yellow perch population inhabiting Big Moose Lake.  相似文献   

The Regional Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study (RILWAS) was conducted to identify and to quantify the environmental factors controlling surface water chemistry in forested watersheds of the Adirondack region of New York. The RILWAS vegetation research was designed to: (1) compare the quantitative patterns of forest cover and tree community structure in the study catchments of the Moose River drainage system; and (2) identify important vegetation differences among study watersheds that might help to explain inter-watershed differences in water chemistry and aquatic responses to acidic deposition. Field transect data indicated that the overall drainage system includes 50% mixed forest cover, 38% hardwood forest, 10% coniferous forest, and 2% wetland cover. Major tree species include yellow birch, red spruce, American beech, sugar maple, eastern hemlock, and red maple. Analysis of forest structure indicated that mean weighted basal area estimates ranged two-fold from 24–48 m2ha–1 among watersheds. Likewise, mean weighted estimates for aboveground biomass and aboveground annual productivity ranged among watersheds from 160 to 320 MT ha–1 and from 8 to 18 MT ha–1 yr–1, respectively. Results showed that differences in surface water chemistry were independent of vegetation differences among watersheds.  相似文献   

Aluminum chemistry was evaluated in two headwater streams in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Observed elevational trends in stream aluminum chemistry may be related to spatial variations of vegetation type and mineral soil depth within the watersheds. At the highest elevations maximum densities of spruce and fir vegetation occur and aluminum appears to be mobilized predominantly by transformations involving dissolved organic matter. At the mid-elevations hardwood vegetation predominates and the mechanism of aluminum mobilization shifts to dissolution by strong acids within the mineral soil. At the lowest elevations, relatively thick mineral soil seems to limit aluminum mobility, resulting in low concentrations in streamwater. Comparison of these results with an earlier study of an adjacent watershed, indicates that subtle differences in watershed characteristics such as tree species distribution and topography may cause significant variations in stream aluminum chemistry. Control of aluminum mobility by imogolite minerals was not indicated by the stream chemistry of these watersheds. To determine the relationship between acidic deposition and aluminum mobility, natural variations which occur in the aluminum cycle must be addressed.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of Al have been observed in acidic surface waters. An assessment of the chemistry of aqueous Al is of interest because of its role as a toxicant to aquatic organisms, a pH buffer, and an adsorbent of orthophosphate and organic carbon. In this investigation we evaluated the spatial and temporal fluctuations of Al forms in an acidic drainage lake.High concentrations of NO 3 (51.0 ± 11 mol l–1), H+ (14.9 ± 3.5 mol l–1), and Al (19.6 ± 3.5 mol l–1) were introduced to Dart's Lake through drainage water during the snowmelt period. During low flow periods microbially mediated depletions of nitrate served to neutralize H+ and aluminum base neutralizing capacity. Thus in Dart's Lake, NO 3 transformations were extremely important in regulating short-term changes in pH and subsequent changes in the inorganic forms of Al. During stratification periods Al appeared to be non-conservative within the lake system. Although we know very little about the character and transformations of alumino-organic solutes, these substances were correlated with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Alumino-organic substances appear to be introduced to the lake from both drainage water and sediments.  相似文献   

An integrated analysis of a terrestrial-aquatic ecosystem, the North Branch of the Moose River in the Adirondack region of New York, was conducted. This basin contains a large number of interconnected surface waters that exhibit marked gradients in pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC). As a result, the basin has been the focus of research activity, including the Regional Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study (RILWAS). The objective of the current analysis was to use the North Branch of the Moose River as a case study to:
  1. Evaluate processes regulating the acid-base chemistry of surface waters.
  2. To assess the effects of surface water acidification on fish populations.
The observations of this study were consistent with the model of surface water acidification developed during the Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study (ILWAS). The processes depicted in the original ILWAS simulation model were adequate to describe the acid-base chemistry of surface waters in the North Branch of the Moose River. However, the reduction of SO 4 2? in lake sediments, a process not represented in the original model, proved to be a significant source of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) for some of these waters. As a result, reduction processes were added to the model. Analysis of in-situ bioassay and survey data indicate that acid-sensitive fish species have disappeared from the more acidic areas of the basin over the last half century. Paleoecological analyses indicate that pH has decreased from the high 5's to about 5 in Big Moose Lake during this period. ILWAS model simulations indicate that the pH of Big Moose Lake would increase by at least 0.1 to 0.5 pH units (depending on the season) in response to a 50% reduction in total atmospheric S deposition. Considerable variability in processes regulating acid/base chemistry was evident in the North Branch of the Moose River. Therefore, regional assessments of past or possible future effects of acidic deposition require widespread application of ILWAS theory within the Adirondack region and other potentially acid-sensitive areas.  相似文献   

Hansjörg Thies 《Hydrobiologia》1994,274(1-3):143-154
During the hydrological years 1989 and 1990, water analyses of the dystrophic mountain cirque Lake Huzenbach and the precipitation within its watershed were performed. Periods of droughts which are supposed to be induced by climate change as well as acidic pulses modify the chemical composition of lake water. Snow melt and heavy rains cause flash floods in lake inflows which are controlled by subsurface-flow. One of the inflows exhibits extremely low pH values [pHmin = 3.66], high concentrations for aluminium [Almax = 1.10 mg l-1], dissolved organic carbon [DOCmax = 30.7 mg l-1], and sulfate [SO4max = 9.08 mg l-1]. Organic and inorganic acids are both likely to contribute to the acidity of these surface waters. During baseflow conditions, groundwater springs still show slightly positive alkalinity values as well as increased pH values up to about 6.0. Since 1985 lake surface samples demonstrate an increasing tendency towards pH values higher than 5.0 during dry summer periods. Positive alkalinity values occur in the hypolimnion during anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The acidic caldera lake Caviahue (Patagonia, Argentina) and its main tributaries were studied on two dates during September 1998. The main results are: The acidity of the Lake Caviahue (pH: 2.56, acidity: >5 mmol H+ l–1) is controlled by the extremely acidic Upper Rio Agrio (pH: 1.78, acidity: >20 mmol H+ l–1). The high sulphate contents of both the river and the lake can be attributed to sulphuric acid generated by the uptake of sulphurous gases in the crater lake of Copahue Volcano at approximately 2800 m a.s.l. The high concentrations of both Fe and trace metals (e.g. Cr, Ni, Zn) in Lake Caviahue originate from sulphur–acid interactions with the predominantly volcanic geology of the catchment area. The P-rich andesitic geology influences both the Upper and Lower Rio Agrio and Lake Caviahue. Both were found to have high phosphorus concentrations (300–500 g P l–1) indicative of a high potential for eutrophication. The plankton community consisted of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and rotifers. The phytoplankton was dominated by one green alga, Keratococcus raphidioides (>90% of total abundance) followed by a green sphaerical and Chlamydomonas sp. The total phytoplankton density was about 15000 cells ml–1 in the upper 10 m of the water column. Rotifers were represented by one bdelloid species and their abundance was highly variable (360–4040 ind l–1) in the water columm. In the Upper and Lower Rio Agrio, the epilithic community was dominated by one chloroccocal species and two species of Ulothricales. According to trophic categories based on phytoplankton density and TP concentration, Lake Caviahue can be classified as mesotrophic/eutrophic. However, chlorophyll a concentrations observed were not in agreement with this state.  相似文献   

Eva Pip 《Hydrobiologia》1988,162(2):173-182
The occurrences of aquatic macrophytes were studied at 430 sites in central North America with respect to total alkalinity, chloride, sulphate, molybdenum reactive phosphorus and dissolved organic matter. Mean niche positions were calculated for the combination of 5 parameters by comparing mean values for each species using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis. Overall niche relations were examined by calculating and summing the amount of overlap in the observed ecological tolerance ranges for the 5 parameters for each species pair, and applying cluster and principal component analysis. The results showed that the macrophytes occupied a broad spectrum of niches, ranging from species found at low inorganic concentrations and narrow tolerance ranges, to species occupying broad ranges in the study area. Species with similar overall niches differed with respect to their mean niche positions, and vice versa. Macrophytes with similar niche positions may use a number of strategies to reduce interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Calcite treatment of chronically acidic lakes has improved fish habitat, but the effects on downstream water quality have not previously been examined. In this study, the spatial and temporal effects of watershed CaCO3 treatment on the chemistry of a lake outlet stream in the Adirondack Mountains of New York were examined. Before CaCO3 treatment, the stream was chronically acidic. During spring snowmelt before treatment, pH and acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) in the outlet stream declined, and NO 3 and inorganic monomeric aluminum (AlIM) concentrations increased sharply. During that summer, SO 4 and NO 3 concentrations decreased downstream, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and ANC increased, in association with the seasonal increase in decomposition of organic matter and the attendant SO 4 -reduction process. A charge-balance ANC calculation closely matched measured downstream changes in ANC in the summer and indicated that SO 4 reduction was the major process contributing to summer increases in ANC. Increases in Ca2+ concentration and ANC began immediately after CaCO3 application, and within 3 months, exceeded their pretreatment values by more than 130 eq/L. Within 2 months after treatment, downstream decreases in Ca2+ concentration, ANC, and pH, were noted. Stream mass balances between the lake and the sampling site 1.5 km downstream revealed that the transport of all chemical constituents was dominated by conservative mixing with tributaries and ground water; however, non-conservative processes resulted in significant Ca2+ losses during the 13-month period after CaCO3 treatment. Comparison of substrate samples from the buffered outlet stream with those from its untreated tributaries showed that the percentage of cation-exchange sites occupied by Ca2+ as well as non-exchangeable Ca, were higher in the outlet-stream substrate than in tributary-stream substrate. Mass-balance data for Ca2+ H+, AlIM, and DOC revealed net downstream losses of these constituents and indicated that a reasonable set of hypothesized reactions involving AlIM, HCO 3 , Ca2+, SO 4 NO 3 , and DOC could have caused the measured changes in stream acid/base chemistry. In the summer, the sharp decrease in ANC continued despite significant downstream decreases in SO4 2– concentrations. After CaCO3 treatment, reduction of SO 4 was only a minor contributor to ANC changes relative to those caused by Ca2+ dilution from acidic tributaries and acidic ground water, and Ca2+ interactions with stream substrate.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the chemistry (Mg, Mn, Sr and Ba) of recently deposited otolith material (last 20–30 days of life) was compared between two demersal fish species; snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis (Platycephalidae), that were collected simultaneously at 12 sites across three bays in Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Otolith chemistry was also compared with ambient water chemistry and among three sampling positions adjacent to the proximal otolith margin. For both species, variation in otolith chemistry among bays was significant for Ba, Mn and Sr; however, differences among bays were only similar between species for Ba and Mn. Only Ba showed significant variation at the site level. Across the 12 sites, mean otolith Ba levels were significantly positively correlated between species. Further, although incorporation rates differed, mean ambient Ba levels for both species were positively correlated with ambient Ba levels. Spatial variation in multi-element otolith chemistry was also broadly similar between species and with multi-element water chemistry. Partition coefficients clearly indicated species-specific incorporation of elements into otoliths. Mg and Mn were consistently higher in snapper than sand flathead otoliths (mean ±s .d ., Mg snapper 22·1 ± 3·8 and sand flathead 9·9 ± 1·5 μg g−1, Mn snapper 4·4 ± 2·6 and sand flathead 0·5 ± 0·3 μg g−1), Sr was generally higher in sand flathead otoliths (sand flathead 1570 ± 235 and snapper 1346 ± 104 μg g−1) and Ba was generally higher in snapper otoliths (snapper 12·1 ± 12·8 and sand flathead 1·8 ± 1·4 μg g−1). For both species, Mg and Mn were higher in the faster accreting regions of the otolith margin, Sr was lower in the slower accreting region and Ba showed negligible variation among the three sampling regions. This pattern was consistent with the higher Mg and Mn, and generally lower Sr observed in the faster accreting snapper otoliths. It is hypothesized that the differences between species in the incorporation of these elements may be at least partly related to differences in metabolic and otolith accretion rate. Although rates of elemental incorporation into otoliths appear species specific, for elements such as Ba where incorporation appears consistently related to ambient concentrations, spatial variation in otolith chemistry should show similarity among co-occurring species.  相似文献   

The chemical composition during baseflow was used to elucidate the fundamental processes controlling longitudinal and seasonal patterns of stream acidity in Yellow Creek, a chronically acidic headwater (pH range 3.7--4.2) on the Appalachian Plateau in northeastern West Virginia. Sulfate concentrations controlled the variability of stream acidity within the Yellow Creek catchment. Decreases in stream free H+ acidity with decreasing elevation likely resulted from SO 4 2– retention in riparian wetland areas as well as spatial variation in dominant tree species. Seasonal variations in free H+ and inorganic monomeric aluminum (Aln+) concentrations appeared related to seasonal fluctuations in baseflow discharge which was controlled by vegetative activity. Baseflow stream discharge, as well as H+ and Aln+ acidity, gradually declined during the growing season (June through October), likely reflecting microbial SO 4 2– > reduction in saturated anaerobic environments within riparian wetlands. A marked pulse of stream H+, Aln+, and SO 4 2– coincided with an abrupt increase in baseflow discharge resulting from the cessation of transpiration after leaf-fall in November. This seasonal pattern suggests that autumn may be a critical period for eastern brook trout in streams draining wetlands on the Appalachian Plateau.  相似文献   

Water analyses from 80 small prairie ponds, 0.17 to 89.8 hectares, in Manitoba and Saskatchewan between 1967 to 1972 exhibited two basic ionic dominance patterns HCO3 > SO4 > Cl and SO4 > HCO3 > Cl. The order of SO4 and Cl were reversed in 40 percent of the bicarbonate ponds below 500 µmhos/cm. At salinities above 12,000 µmhos/cm, Cl exceeds SO4 in several wetlands. Temporary wetlands were characterised by Ca > K > Mg > Na / HCO3 > Cl > SO4, semi-permanent ponds Mg > Ca > Na > K / SO4 > HCO3 > Cl while the permanent pond structure was Ca > Mg > Na > K / HCO3 > SO4 > Cl.Conductivities of the wetlands studied ranged from 47 to 23,000 µmhos / cm.Seasonal changes in salinity varied within and between pond types as well as from year to year. The average salinity increase within season in temporary ponds was 67 percent, 63 percent in semi-permanent ponds and 20 percent for permanent ponds. These changes were affected by evaporation, transpiration, see-page and precipitation patterns. Ionic dominance patterns did not change within a season although Mg, K and HCO3 increased at higher rates than Ca, Na, CI and SO4.Temporary wetlands are slightly acidic, averaging pH 6.8 while semi-permanent and permanent ponds were alkaline, pH range 7.1 to 9.2. No stratification of pH with depth and minimal diurnal variation was recorded.At two study areas, Bradwell and St. Denis fhe following ranges (micrograms/litre) were recorded: 3 to 630 PO4-P, 10 to 650 NO3-N, 5 to 630 TDFe, 1 to 13 TDCu and 1 to 27 TDZn. Colour was 5 to 190 Hazen units at St. Denis and 10 to 110 for Bradwell.Two herbicides, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T were detected at levels of 4 to 111 and 1.4 to 13.5 micrograms/litre, respectively, from 15 ponds at St. Denis.  相似文献   

为了解酸沉降背景下湿热流域源区不同径流的水化学组成特征,选取鼎湖山林区溪流水、土壤水、地下水作为研究对象,在2019—2020年以季节为周期对水化学组成进行了观测分析。结果表明:鼎湖山林区溪流水、土壤水和地下水pH值和酸中和容量较低,分别介于3.45—6.77和-545.51—302.09μmol H~+/L之间,水体均呈弱酸性。林区土壤、植被和扬尘颗粒缓冲酸沉降物质的能力较低,对减缓水体酸化的作用较小。不同径流水体化学组成含量存在差异。土壤水K~+、Ca2+、NO~-3和SO■浓度显著高于地下水和溪流水,地下水和溪流水之间除NO~-3浓度存在显著性差异外,其余3个指标浓度没有显著性差异;地下水Na~+、Mg2+、Cl~-、DSi浓度显著高于土壤水和溪流水,土壤水和溪流水之间除Cl~-浓度没有显著性差异外,其余3个指标浓度存在显著性差异;这与土壤硝化、吸附、矿物化学风化等作用有关。溪流水水化学组成类型为NO~-3·SO■-Ca2+·Mg2+  相似文献   

In 1994 the atmospheric deposition on three moorland pools in The Netherlands was only one third of its value in 1980. The effects of this reduction on these moorland pool ecosystems were examined by regular sampling of surface water chemistry and diatoms between 1979 and 1994. Moreover, diatom samples taken at irregular intervals between 1916 and 1978 were studied. In the pools Gerritsfles and Achterste Goorven, the median sulphate concentrations in 1994 were only one third of recorded values in 1980. Peak concentrations of sulphate were found after extremely dry summers. In the pool Kliplo, with an initially low concentration of sulphate, there was 16% increase of the concentration over the same period. Ammonium increased significantly in Kliplo and showed large variations in the other pools. Redundancy analysis showed that sulphate was the most important variable for the distribution of diatoms. As a consequence, the abundance of the acidification indicatorEunotia exigua in 1994 was only 25% of its value in 1980 in Achterste Goorven and 14% in Gerritsfles. Peaks ofE. exigua were found after drought periods. In Kliplo no clear change was observed. In 1994 the diatom assemblages of Achterste Goorven were much more similar to those of 1916–1925 than they were in 1980. In Gerritsfles a new situation, without historical analogue, developed. Overall, the large reduction of SOx-deposition had very positive consequences for the diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

The postglacial distribution of mallomonadacean scales is described from Upper Wallface Pond, a small, acidic lake in the High Peaks Region of the Adirondack Mountains. Similar to studies in other lake regions, Mallomonadaceae were present at only very low numbers during the pond's early postglacial history, but then populations developed rapidly about 11 000 B.P. The generalist Mallomonas crassisquama dominated the scale assemblage in all but the most recent sediments. Changes in species composition and abundance that occurred prior to this century can be related to events occurring in the pond's catchment, such as successions in terrestrial vegetation. The most striking changes in mallomonadacaean distributions occurred over the last 30 years, with the dominance of taxa tolerant of very acid (pH < 5.0) waters. The most likely cause for this recent decline in lakewater pH is acidic precipitation.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of surface water quality has shown increasing concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) across a large part of the Northern Hemisphere. Several drivers have been implicated including climate change, land management change, nitrogen and sulphur deposition and CO2 enrichment. Analysis of stream water data, supported by evidence from laboratory studies, indicates that an effect of declining sulphur deposition on catchment soil chemistry is likely to be the primary mechanism, but there are relatively few long term soil water chemistry records in the UK with which to investigate this, and other, hypotheses directly. In this paper, we assess temporal relationships between soil solution chemistry and parameters that have been argued to regulate DOC production and, using a unique set of co-located measurements of weather and bulk deposition and soil solution chemistry provided by the UK Environmental Change Network and the Intensive Forest Monitoring Level II Network. We used statistical non-linear trend analysis to investigate these relationships at 5 forested and 4 non-forested sites from 1993 to 2011. Most trends in soil solution DOC concentration were found to be non-linear. Significant increases in DOC occurred mostly prior to 2005. The magnitude and sign of the trends was associated qualitatively with changes in acid deposition, the presence/absence of a forest canopy, soil depth and soil properties. The strongest increases in DOC were seen in acidic forest soils and were most clearly linked to declining anthropogenic acid deposition, while DOC trends at some sites with westerly locations appeared to have been influenced by shorter-term hydrological variation. The results indicate that widespread DOC increases in surface waters observed elsewhere, are most likely dominated by enhanced mobilization of DOC in surficial organic horizons, rather than changes in the soil water chemistry of deeper horizons. While trends in DOC concentrations in surface horizons have flattened out in recent years, further increases may be expected as soil chemistry continues to adjust to declining inputs of acidity.  相似文献   

The US Environmental Protection Agency established the Adirondack Effects Assessment Program (AEAP) to evaluate and monitor the status of biological communities in lakes in the Adirondack region of New York that have been adversely affected by acid deposition. This program includes chemical analysis of 30 lakes, sampled two to three times each summer. Results of trends analysis for lake chemistry and chlorophyll a (chlor a) are presented for 1994 to 2003, and a general comparison is made with recent results of the Adirondack Long-Term Monitoring (ALTM) Program, which included chemical analysis of all but two of these lakes (plus an additional 24 lakes) monthly, year-round for 1992–2004. Increases in pH were found in 25 of the 30 AEAP lakes (P < 0.05) and increases in acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) were found in 12 of the 30 lakes (P < 0.05). Concentrations of both SO 4 2− and Mg2+ decreased in 11 lakes (P < 0.05), whereas concentrations of NO 3 decreased in 20 lakes (P < 0.05). Concentrations of NH 4 + decreased in 10 lakes at a significance level of P < 0.05 and in three other lakes based on P < 0.1. Concentrations of inorganic and organic monomeric aluminum generally were below the reporting limit of 1.5 μmol L−1, but decreases were detected in four and five lakes, respectively (P < 0.1). Concentrations of chlor a increased in seven lakes at a significance level of P < 0.05 and two lakes at a significance level of P < 0.1. A significant inverse correlation was also found between chlor a and NO 3 concentrations in nine lakes at a significance level of P < 0.05 and two lakes at a significance level of P < 0.1. Results of AEAP analysis of lake chemistry were similar to those of the ALTM Program, although decreases in SO 4 2− concentrations were more evident in the year-round ALTM record. Overall, the results suggest (a) a degree of chemical recovery from acidification during the summer, (b) an increase in phytoplankton productivity, and (c) a decreasing trend in NO 3 concentrations resulting from the increased productivity.  相似文献   

1. We surveyed eighty-five lakes located in the Adirondack Mountain Region of New York State, U.S.A., to characterize the attenuation of photosynthetically active (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in relation to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and pH. Attenuation of PAR was quantified in situ . Attenuation was also inferred by measuring the light absorption of filtered lake water samples at wavelengths (300, 340 and 440 nm) representing UV-B, UV-A and PAR.
2. Substantial variation in transparency was observed among lakes in this region. Attenuation depths ( z 1%) for PAR ranged from 0.5 to greater than 20 m, while inferred values for UV-B and UV-A ranged from a few centimetres to > 5 m. Median values of UV-A penetration (0.75 m) and UV-B penetration (0.45 m) corresponded to 11% (UV-A) and 6% (UV-B) of lake maximum depth.
3. Much of the variation in PAR and UVR attenuation was explained by differences in lake DOC. Univariate power models based solely on DOC accounted for 85% (PAR), 90% (UV-A) and 91% (UV-B) of the variation in absorption.
4. Attenuation and absorption coefficients were generally lower for recently acidified lakes compared to acidic and circumneutral lakes which have not undergone recent acidification. However, differences among these three groups of lakes were not statistically significant. Our results suggest that the effects of acidification on the optical properties of a regional population of lakes, even in an area experiencing widespread acidification, are relatively subtle in comparison with other factors contributing to inter-lake variability.
5. The presence of near-shore wetlands is probably a key factor influencing regional variability in DOC and light climate among Adirondack lakes. Temporal variability in climatic factors influencing wetland DOC production and export may mask more subtle influences on lake DOC associated with anthropogenic acidification.  相似文献   

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