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The sequence of 363 nucleotides near the 3' end of the pol gene and 564 nucleotides from the 5' terminus of the env gene in an endogenous murine leukemia viral (MuLV) DNA segment, cloned from AKR/J mouse DNA and designated as A-12, was obtained. For comparison, the nucleotide sequence in an analogous portion of AKR mink cell focus-forming (MCF) 247 MuLV provirus was also determined. Sequence features unique to MCF247 MuLV DNA in the 3' pol and 5' env regions were identified by comparison with nucleotide sequences in analogous regions of NFS -Th-1 xenotropic and AKR ecotropic MuLV proviruses. These included (i) an insertion of 12 base pairs encoding four amino acids located 60 base pairs from the 3' terminus of the pol gene and immediately preceding the env gene, (ii) the deletion of 12 base pairs (encoding four amino acids) and the insertion of 3 base pairs (encoding one amino acid) in the 5' portion of the env gene, and (iii) single base substitutions resulting in 2 MCF247 -specific amino acids in the 3' pol and 23 in the 5' env regions. Nucleotide sequence comparison involving the 3' pol and 5' env regions of AKR MCF247 , NFS xenotropic, and AKR ecotropic MuLV proviruses with the cloned endogenous MuLV DNA indicated that MCF247 proviral DNA sequences were conserved in the cloned endogenous MuLV proviral segment. In fact, total nucleotide sequence identity existed between the endogenous MuLV DNA and the MCF247 MuLV provirus in the 3' portion of the pol gene. In the 5' env region, only 4 of 564 nucleotides were different, resulting in three amino acid changes between AKR MCF247 MuLV DNA and the endogenous MuLV DNA present in clone A-12. In addition, nucleotide sequence comparison indicated that Moloney-and Friend-MCF MuLVs were also highly related in the 3' pol and 5' env regions to the cloned endogenous MuLV DNA. These results establish the role of endogenous MuLV DNA segments in generation of recombinant MCF viruses.  相似文献   

Differences have been observed in the kinetics of processing of the env gene polyprotein of ecotropic, xenotropic, and dual-tropic mink cell focus-forming (MCF) murine leukemia virus. In pulse-chase experiments, the env gene polyprotein of the dural-tropic MCF virus exhibits a marked increase in stability relative to that of either ecotropic or xenotropic virus. A comparison of cell surface expression of env gene products of ecotropic, xenotropic, and dual-tropic MCF murine leukemia virus has been made. Only gp70 is accessible to lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination of fibroblasts infected by ecotropic or xenotropic virus, whereas both gp70 and the env gene polyprotein are expressed on the surface of dual-tropic MCF virus-infected cells.  相似文献   

The 3' half of the env gene of the dualtropic Friend mink cell focus-forming virus was modified by replacing the restriction enzyme fragment of the genome DNA with the corresponding fragment of the acutely leukemogenic, polycythemia-inducing strain of Friend spleen focus-forming virus (F-SFFVP) genome DNA. Replacement with the fragment of F-SFFVP env containing the 585-bp deletion, the 6-bp duplication, and the single-base insertion converted the resulting chimeric genome so that the mutant had a pathogenic activity like that of F-SFFVP. Replacement with the fragment containing only the 585-bp deletion did not result in a pathogenic virus. However, when this virus pseudotyped by Friend murine leukemia virus was passaged in newborn DBA/2 mice, we could recover weakly pathogenic viruses with a high frequency. Molecular analysis of the genome of the recovered virus revealed the presence of a single-base insertion in the same T5 stretch where the wild-type F-SFFV env has the single-base insertion. These results provided evidence that the unique genomic structures present in the 3' half of F-SFFV env are the sole determinants that distinguish the pathogenicity of F-SFFV from that of Friend mink cell focus-forming virus. The importance of the dualtropic env-specific sequence present in the 5' half of F-SFFV env for the pathogenic activity was evaluated by constructing a mutant F-SFFV genome in which this sequence was replaced by the ecotropic env sequence of Friend murine leukemia virus and by examining its pathogenicity. The results indicated that the dualtropic env-specific sequence was essential to pathogenic activity.  相似文献   

Mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids were used to show that the recombinant mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia viruses and their ecotropic virus progenitors require different mouse chromosomes for replication. Mouse chromosome 1 was shown to carry the genetic information necessary for the replication of six different mink cell focus-forming isolates, and this gene, designated Rmc-1, was tentatively positioned at the distal end of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis by different types of pathogenic retroviruses is an important step in disease development. We have observed that infection of thymic lymphocytes by the mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus (MCF MLV) during the preleukemic period resulted in an enhancement of apoptosis of these cells. To further study the ability of MCF MLVs to induce apoptosis and the role of this process in viral pathogenesis, we have developed an in vitro system of virus-induced apoptosis. MCF13 MLV infection of mink epithelial cells resulted in the production of cytopathic foci. In contrast, infection of mink cells with the 4070A amphotropic MLV did not produce any cytopathic effects. Staining of MCF13 MLV-infected cells with propidium iodide and annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate indicated that virus-induced cell death was due to apoptosis. At 6 days postinfection, the percentage of apoptotic MCF13 MLV-infected cells was 27% compared with 2 to 3% for mock- or amphotropic MLV-infected cells, representing a 9- to 14-fold difference. Assays for caspase-3 activation confirmed the detection by flow cytometry of apoptosis of MCF13 MLV-infected cells. Large amounts of unintegrated linear viral DNA were detectable by Southern blot analysis during the acute phase of infection, which indicated that MCF13 MLV is able to superinfect mink cells. Unintegrated viral DNA of only the linear form was detectable in thymic lymphocytes isolated from MCF13 MLV-inoculated mice during the preleukemic period. These results indicated that the ability of MCF13 MLV to induce apoptosis is correlated with its ability to superinfect cells and that this occurs as an early step in thymic lymphoma development.  相似文献   

The Friend or Moloney mink cell focus-forming (MCF) virus encodes a recombinant-type envelope glycoprotein, gp70, that is closely related to the membrane glycoprotein, gp55, of Friend spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV). We have shown previously that gp55 has the ability to activate cell growth by binding to the cellular receptor for erythropoietin. Here we show that gp70 encoded by either the Friend or Moloney MCF virus also binds to the erythropoietin receptor and that coexpression of the receptor and gp70 in an interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent cell line can activate IL-3-independent growth. Furthermore, when the cDNA for the human IL-2 receptor beta chain, which is related by sequence to the erythropoietin receptor, was introduced into this cell line, it became growth factor independent after infection either with SFFV or with one of the two MCF viruses but not with an ecotropic virus. Based on these observations, we propose a mechanism for the early stage of leukemogenesis induced by the MCF-type murine leukemia viruses.  相似文献   

The genome of the defective, murine spleen focus-forming Friend virus (SFFV) was identified as a 50S RNA complex consisting of 32S RNA monomers. Electrophoretic mobility and the molecular weights of unique RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides (T1-oligonucleotides) indicated that the 32S RNA had a complexity of about 7.4 kilobases. Hybridization with DNA complementary to Friend murine leukemia virus (Fr-MLV) has distinguished two sets of nucleotide sequences in 32S SFFV RNA, 74% which were Fr-MLV related and 26% which were SFFV specific. By the same method, SFFV RNA was 48% related to Moloney MLV. We have resolved 23 large T1-oligonucleotides of SFFV RNA and 43 of Fr-MLV RNA. On the basis of the relationship between SFFV and Fr-MLV RNAs, the 23 SFFV oligonucleotides fell into four classes: (i) seven which had homologous equivalents in Fr-MLV RNA; (ii) six more which could be isolated from SFFV RNA-Fr-MLV cDNA hybrids treated with RNases A and T1; (iii) eight more which were isolated from hybrids treated with RNases A and T1; and (iv) two which did not have Fr-MLV-related counterparts. Surprisingly, the two class iv oligonucleotides had homologous counterparts in the RNA of six amphotropic MLV's including mink cell focus-forming and HIX-MLVs analyzed previously. The map locations of the 23 SFFV T1-oligonucleotides relative to the 3' polyadenylic acid coordinate of SFFV RNA were deduced from the size of the smallest polyadenylic acid-tagged RNA fragment from which a given oligonucleotide was isolated. The resulting oligonucleotide map could be divided roughly into three segments: two terminal segments which are mosaics of oligonucleotides of classes i, ii, and iii and an internal segment between 2 and 2.5 kilobases from the 3' end containing the two oligonucleotides shared with amphotropic MLVs. Since SFFV RNA consists predominantly of sequence elements related to ecotropic and amphotropic helper-independent MLVs, it would appear that the transforming gene of SFFV is not a major specific sequence unrelated to genes of helper viruses, as is the case with Rous sarcoma and probably withe other defective sarcoma and acute leukemia viruses.  相似文献   

Oncogenic mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses, such as MCF 247, show a positive correlation between the ability to replicate efficiently in the thymus and a leukemogenic phenotype. Other MCF viruses, such as MCF 30-2, replicate to high titers in thymocytes and do not accelerate the onset of leukemia. We used these two MCF viruses with different biological phenotypes to distinguish the effect of specific viral genes and genetic determinants on thymotropism and leukemogenicity. Our goal was to identify the viral sequences that distinguish thymotropic, nonleukemogenic viruses such as MCF 30-2 from thymotropic, leukemogenic viruses such as MCF 247. We cloned MCF 30-2, compared the genetic hallmarks of MCF 30-2 with those of MCF 247, constructed a series of recombinants, and tested the ability of recombinant viruses to replicate in the thymus and to induce leukemia. The results established that (i) MCF 30-2 and MCF 247 differ in the numbers of copies of the enhancer sequences in the long terminal repeats. (ii) The thymotropic phenotype of both viruses is independent of the number of copies of the enhancer sequences. (iii) The oncogenic phenotype of MCF 247 is correlated with the presence in the virus of duplicated enhancer sequences or with the presence of an enhancer with a specific sequence. These results show that the pathogenic phenotypes of MCF viruses are dissociable from the thymotropic phenotype and depend, at least in part, upon the enhancer sequences. On the basis of these results, we suggest that the molecular mechanisms by which the enhancer sequences determine thymotropism are different from those that determine oncogenicity.  相似文献   

Two proviruses were cloned from EcoRI-digested DNA extracted from mink cells chronically infected with AKR mink cell focus-forming (MCF) 247 murine leukemia virus (MuLV), using a lambda phage host vector system. One cloned MuLV DNA fragment (designated MCF 1) contained sequences extending 6.8 kilobases from an EcoRI restriction site in the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) to an EcoRI site located in the envelope (env) region and was indistinguishable by restriction endonuclease mapping for 5.1 kilobases (except for the EcoRI site in the LTR) from the 5' end of AKR ecotropic proviral DNA. The DNA segment extending from 5.1 to 6.8 kilobases contained several restriction sites that were not present in the AKR ecotropic provirus. A 0.5-kilobase DNA segment located at the 3' end of MCF 1 DNA contained sequences which hybridized to a xenotropic env-specific DNA probe but not to labeled ecotropic env-specific DNA. This dual character of MCF 1 proviral DNA was also confirmed by analyzing heteroduplex molecules by electron microscopy. The second cloned proviral DNA (designated MCF 2) was a 6.9-kilobase EcoRI DNA fragment which contained LTR sequences at each end and a 2.0-kilobase deletion encompassing most of the env region. The MCF 2 proviral DNA proved to be a useful reagent for detecting LTRs electron microscopically due to the presence of nonoverlapping, terminally located LTR sequences which effected its circularization with DNAs containing homologous LTR sequences. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated the presence of a 104-base-pair direct repeat in the LTR of MCF 2 DNA. In contrast, only a single copy of the reiterated component of the direct repeat was present in MCF 1 DNA.  相似文献   

The pathogenic Friend virus complex is of considerable interest in that, although members of this group are genetically related, they differ markedly in biochemical and biological properties. Heteroduplex mapping of molecular clones of the Friend virus complex, which includes the replication-competent ecotropic Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) and mink cell focus-forming virus (F-MCF) and replication-defective polycythemia- and anemia-inducing strains of spleen focus-forming virus (SFFVp and SFFVa, respectively), was employed to provide insight into the molecular basis of their relationships. In heteroduplexes of F-MuLV X F-MCF, a major substitution of 0.89 kilobases in the env gene of F-MCF was discerned. Heteroduplexes of SFFVp X F-MuLV or F-MCF and SFFVa X F-MuLV or F-MCF showed several major deletions in the pol gene region and a single major deletion in the 3' half of the env gene region of SFFVp and SFFVa. A major substitution of 0.89 kilobases was mapped to the 5' end of the env deletion of SFFVp and SFFVa in heteroduplexes with F-MuLV, similar to that seen in F-MuLV X F-MCF heteroduplexes. In contrast, this env gene region was totally homologous in F-MCF X SFFVp or SFFVa and SFFVp X SFFVa heteroduplexes. Our results suggest that (i) both SFFVp and SFFVa lack part of the env gene at its 3' end, corresponding to the p15(E) coding region, (ii) major deletions occur in the pol and env genes which account for the replication defectiveness of SFFVp and SFFVa, (iii) minor substitutions occur in the gag gene region of SFFVa that are not present in SFFVp, F-MuLV, or F-MCF, (iv) a major substitution exists in the gp70 region of the env gene between F-MuLV and F-MCF that probably accounts for the differences in their host range specificities, (v) this substitution in F-MCF is identical to the gp70 part of the gp52 coding region of SFFVp and SFFVa, and (vi) heteroduplexes to F-MCF show unambiguously that no additional large substitutions are present in SFFVp or SFFVa that could account for differences in their leukemogenicity.  相似文献   

We characterized mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia viruses that were isolated from C3H/MCA-5 cells after induction with 5-iododeoxyuridine in culture. Mink lung epithelial cells malignantly transformed in vitro by induced virus were the source of four molecular clones of mink cell focus-forming virus. CI-1, CI-2, CI-3, and CI-4. Three clones, CI-1, CI-2, and CI-3, had full-length mink cell focus-forming viral genomes, one of which (CI-3) was infectious. In addition, we obtained a defective viral genome (CI-4) which had a deletion in the envelope gene. A comparison between the envelope genes of CI-4 and those of spleen focus-forming virus by heteroduplex mapping showed close homology in the substitution region and defined the deletion as being identical to the p15E deletion of spleen focus-forming virus. The recombinant mink cell focus-forming genomes are not endogenous in C3H/MCA-5 cells and therefore must have been formed in culture after induction by 5-iododeoxyuridine. CI-3, the infectious clone of mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia virus, was dualtropic, and mink cells infected with CI-3 were altered in their response to epidermal growth factor. In the presence of epidermal growth factor at 10 ng/ml, uninfected mink cells retained their epithelial morphology in monolayer culture and did not form colonies in soft agar. In contrast, CI-3 virus-infected mink cells grew with fibroblastic morphology in monolayer culture and showed an increased growth rate in soft agar in the presence of epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

We have derived hybridization probes from analogous 100-base-pair segments located within the N-terminal region of gp70 coding sequences which differentiate xenotropic from mink cell focus-forming (MCF)-related murine leukemia virus (MuLV) DNAs. The MCF probe annealed to the integrated proviruses of all six MCF MuLV isolates tested; the xenotropic probe hybridized to the DNAs of all four xenotropic proviral isolates examined. No cross-hybridization was observed, and neither probe reacted with the env segments of amphotropic or ecotropic MuLV DNAs. Southern blot analysis of HindIII- or EcoRI-digested genomic DNAs from a variety of inbred laboratory mice demonstrated the presence of more MCF- than xenotropic MuLV-related segments in every strain tested.  相似文献   

Plasma cells of line 15I5 chickens have been shown to express antigen that is cross-reactive with endogenous retroviral envelope glycoprotein. In the present study, we isolated this antigen and showed that it is structurally homologous to envelope glycoprotein. As assayed by immunofluorescence, most, if not all, of the plasma cell-associated envelope glycoprotein is present on the cell surface although it is not bound to surface Ig or Ia antigen. Although envelope antigen was not detectable by immunofluorescence on the surface of 15I5 bursal cells or peripheral B lymphocytes, immunochemical assays established that retroviral envelope glycoprotein is present on the surface of the bursal cells but at much lower levels than on the surface of the plasma cells. Both bursal and plasma cells synthesize envelope glycoprotein. These findings indicate that an increased level of expression of endogenous retroviral envelope glycoprotein is a concomitant of the differentiation of B lymphocytes to plasma cells in 15I5 chickens.  相似文献   

The genome of the Lilly-Steeves strain of spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) was molecularly cloned in the plasmid vector pBR322. Infectious SFFV could be recovered by releasing the SFFV DNA from the vector, transfecting the released DNA onto NIH 3T3 cells, and rescuing the SFFV either by superinfection with helper virus or by cotransfection with molecularly cloned infectious helper viral DNA. By using transfections with SFFV DNA still attached to the plasmid vector, infectious SFFV activity could also be recovered with either method of rescue. Studies performed with these latter types of transfections indicated that only a portion of the SFFV genome was required for biological activity. Since gp52, a marker protein for SFFV, could be detected in all cultures from which adequate titers of biologically active SFFV were recovered, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that gp52 is necessary for SFFV-induced erythroblastosis and polycythemia.  相似文献   

Recent studies of thymic gene expression in murine lupus have demonstrated 8.4-kb (full-length size) modified polytropic (Mpmv) endogenous retroviral RNA. In contrast, normal control mouse strains do not produce detectable amounts of such RNA in their thymuses. Prior studies have attributed a defect in experimental tolerance in murine lupus to a bone marrow stem cell rather than to the thymic epithelium; in contrast, infectious retroviral expression has been associated with the thymic epithelium, rather than with the bone marrow stem cell. The present study was designed to determine whether the abnormal Mpmv expression associated with murine lupus mapped to thymic epithelium or to a marrow precursor. Lethally irradiated control and lupus-prone mice were reconstituted with T cell depleted bone marrow; one month later their thymuses were studied for endogenous retroviral RNA and protein expression. Recipients of bone marrow from nonautoimmune donors expressed neither 8.4-kb Mpmv RNA nor surface MCF gp70 in their thymuses. In contrast, recipients of bone marrow from autoimmune NZB or BXSB donors expressed thymic 8.4-kb Mpmv RNA and mink cell focus-forming gp70. These studies demonstrate that lupus-associated 8.4-kb Mpmv endogenous retroviral expression is determined by bone marrow stem cells.  相似文献   

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