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Multi-year study of Ganoderma aerobiology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ganoderma basidiospores are dominant members ofthe airspora in many regions of the world and areconsidered important airborne allergens. Theaerobiology of Ganoderma spores in the Tulsa,Oklahoma area was examined using Burkard VolumetricSpore Traps from 1987–1996. Ganodermaspores were present in the atmosphere on more than95% of the days from June through October with peakconcentrations generally occurring from late August tomid-October. The data showed marked interannualvariation, with seasonal totals in 1994 and 1995significantly higher than other years. Stepwisebackward multiple regression showed that cumulativeseason total was significantly related to Junetemperature and May through August precipitation(R2 = 0.97, p < 0.01).  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate the aerobiology of the environment around mechanically ventilated broiler sheds with the aim of understanding dispersion in the surrounding environment. Methods and Results: Aerosol samples were collected weekly on four different commercial broiler farms through the cycle of 55 days from 2005 to 2007. Samples were collected inside the shed and at varying distances from the sheds. Litter and dust from within the shed were also examined. Members of the genera Staphylococcus (and to a lesser extent Corynebacterium) dominated (106 CFU m?3) in the outside air at 20 m from the fan and were shown to decrease with distance. At distances of around 400 m, the levels of staphylococci/coryneforms returned to levels typical of those present before the placement of chickens. Escherichia coli levels were low (maximum 100 CFU m?3) at 20 m. Fungi were present at uniform levels across the broiler cycle. Conclusions: Staphylococci are the dominant organisms present in the air around mechanically ventilated broiler sheds and have the potential to act as an airborne ‘marker organism’. Significant Impact of the Study: The outcomes of this study suggest that the impact of aerosols emitted from broiler sheds could be monitored and managed by examining the levels of staphylococci/coryneforms.  相似文献   

Basic aerobiology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Current knowledge of the aerobiology of Fusarium graminearum sensu lato is based on decades of published research documenting the processes of spore discharge, atmospheric transport, and deposition in this important pathogen of cereal crops worldwide. Spores from both local and more distant sources have been shown to cause infection in susceptible cereal crops when environmental conditions are favorable. Susceptible crops may be exposed throughout a growing season to airborne spores deposited in rain events and in night-time hours through gravitational settling. Given that spores deposited on cereal florets originate from distant as well as local sources, disease risk forecasts, based currently on weather favoring local spore production during the days before peak infection (i.e., initiation of crop flowering), might be improved by placing greater emphasis on local weather directly favoring infection at and following the time of flowering. Also, considering the genetic diversity of fungal spores introduced to local agricultural fields following atmospheric transport, crop breeders should select resistant varieties based on screening against a set of fungal isolates that represent the range of virulence observed in fungal populations across a broader geographic region. An increased understanding of the aerobiology of F. graminearum contributes to the overall knowledge of plant pathogen transport in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Aerobiology is the science which studies the atmospheric dispersion of biological materials and their impact on the environment and organisms. Therefore aerobiology covers many fields of basic and applied sciences and one of these is agriculture. The study of the dispersion of phytopathogenic spores was one of the first applications of aerobiology together with the study of pollinic aeroallergens in medicine, when aerobiology began to interest scientists more than 60 years ago. At the moment aerobiology could help agriculture in different ways, being able to detect and diffuse large quantities of information useful to optimize the production of many crops. The airborne particulate considered important in agriculture includes pollen, spores and insects; thus, when aerobiology is spoken of as being applied to agriculture, we understand the involvement of many sectors such as agronomy, plant pathology, mycology, botany, enthomology and others.  相似文献   

Atmospheric ascospores have been monitored using volumetric spore trap. Spore concentration data were analysed using Spearman's correlation. Our results show that the meteorological factor with the greatest effect on spore concentration was the duration of rain. Temperature increase strongly reduced the ascospore concentration; but the length of windless periods resulted in an increase in spore count. The only measurable effect wind perse actually had on spore count, was registered when a strong wind blew after a long windless period. We observed that the count of ascospores during wet weather could surpass the total concentration of dry conidia measured on a typical, highly polluted summer day. Using selected air samples to study the effect of storms, certain aspects of long-distance spore transport were elucidated. We describe here three main strategies for long-range ascospore transport, "splash-off", "secondary emission" and "sporematrix projectiles".  相似文献   

Predictive models in aerobiology: data transformation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to evaluate the effect of mathematical transformations of pollen and meteorogical data used in aerobiological forecasting models. Stepwise multiple regression equations were developed in order to facilitate short term forecasts during the pre-peak period. The daily mean pollen data (x i) expressed as number of pollen grains per cubic metre of air were used directly and transformed into different scales: log(x i + 1), ln((x 11000/Σp) + 1) and √x i, where Σp is the sum of the daily mean values throughout the season. Thirteen meteorological parameters and the variable time were used as forecasting variables. The most reliable forecasts were obtained with data transformed by ‘square root’ and with untransformed data. Based on the results obtained, we recommend that the data be transformed by means of the square root if they do not show a normal distribution and that non-linear statistics be used in this kind of study.  相似文献   

Summary Epidemiological and aerobiological observations (1987;1989) have been carried out for three years in order to search the existing relationship between the Gramineae's daily pollen concentration in Palermo's atmosphere and the number of hay fever cases due to such pollen.The aerobiological data were obtained with a 2000 VPPS volumetric sampler. Clinical research was performed on 555 hay fever patients treated in our ambulatory over a three-year period (1987–1989).These data, elaborated by a seven day running mean method and correlated with epidemiological data, evidenced that three of the pollen families in our territory are clinically important: Urticaceae,Parietaria prevailing among them, Gramineae and Oleaceae,Olea europaea prevailing among them.The Gramineae are the second most important allergenic pollen (32,08% of all the pollinosis) whereas, as far as its concentration in the atmosphere is concerned; it ranks third followingParietaria and Oleaceae.  相似文献   

Summary Airborne pollens were sampled in L'Aquila (Italy) throughout 1988 to 1990. Our data indicate that the flowering seasons of pollens mostly accounting for airborne concentrations are somewhat unique as compared to other Mediterranean areas. The prolonged season of Cupressaceae as well as the two different flowering seasons of Oleaceae, namely ofFraxinus, Ligustrum andOlea europaea, respectively, were the most relevant findings of our study. Furthermore, it is also worth to note thatParietaria judaica could be detected during the study period throughout March to June, but not in late summer and early autumn, as expected.Moreover, we evaluated the frequency of different pollen sensitizations in 2813 patients requiring medical care during the study period because of allergic diseases, such as conjunctivitis, oculorhinitis, and bronchial asthma. Our data demonstrate that both Compositae and Urticaceae proved to be the most allergenic pollens despite the low airborne concentrations detected. Finally, a relevant finding was the highOlea sensitization among patients with bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Summary The authors examined 734 sensitised patients living in four localities in Liguria (Genoa, Savona, Pietra Ligure and Sanremo). The commonest source of sensitisation (62.7%) was Urticaceae (Parietaria), followed by Poaceae (52.5%) andOlea europaea L. (24.0%). A survey of airborne pollens revealed a greater presence of Urticaceae and Poaceae in Genoa and of Oleaceae in Pietra Ligure and Sanremo.  相似文献   

Harriet A. Burge 《Grana》2013,52(2):143-146
While exposure/symptom relationships are relatively well-defined for pollen allergens, such relationships have not been clearly established for airborne fungus spores due to a lack of clearly defined seasonal patterns, prevalence of world-wide cosmopolitan fungi, and serious problems with sampling and identification. Ascospores and basidiospores have been least studied with respect to aerobiology, although both are clearly allergenic. Preliminary data on allergenicity and diurnal and seasonal prevalence patterns for selected ascospore and basidiospore types are presented.  相似文献   

Summary There has been increasing interest shown in the literature over the possible implications of global warming on the climate, ecology and economy of the world community. Aerobiologists in Europe could play an important strategic role in monitoring and predicting ecological change and in providing useful information for climatologists. The problems of identification and co-ordination are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Trends of the atmospheric dispersion of the pollens of Urticaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae,Plantago, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Polygonaceae, Oleaceae, Betulaceae-Corylaceae,Quercus, Castanea, and Cupressaceae-Taxaceae were studied from 1981 to 1989 in two localities (Genoa and Sanremo) about 120 km apart on the coast of Liguria in Italy. Statistical analysis revealed, in particular, and overall increase in pollen rain in Genoa during the period considered. The following observations were carried out on the pollens of greatest allergological interest: Urticaceae, a slightly increasing trend in Genoa; Poaceae, a moderately increasing trend in Sanremo; Oleaceae, almost parallel, uniform trendsin both centres. The values of this study lies in its ability to point out any increase which may occur over the years in the dispersal of certain allergenic pollens.  相似文献   

This study aims to establish themathematical relationship between allergenicpollen in the air and clinical cases ofpollinosis (hay fever) in humans, and toevaluate the immediate effect of wind and rainon such cases. The pollen was collected inFigueres, Catalonia, Spain (42°30 Nand 3° E), through a filtration method,in the spring of 1998. Skin tests revealed thatthe antigenic taxa are Olea europaea,Plantago sp., Parietaria officinalisand Gramineae. A linear correlation –with the number of days with presence of pollenas the abscissa and the number of days withcoincidence of pollinosis as the ordinate – wasperformed. The linear correlation coefficientwas 0.9285, at the limit of a directcorrelation by two degrees of freedom.Furthermore, a negative relationship wasobserved between the number of days with rainand number of days with pollinosis, and apositive relationship between the number ofdays with fixed wind speed and number of dayswith pollinosis.  相似文献   

Summary A study to evaluate and define the atmospheric pollen concentration in Trentino was carried out through the aerobiologic sampling in three localities chosen according to their different climatic conditions.1375 patients with pollinosis living in Trentino were studied retrospectively over the period ranging from 1986 to 1988 and selected according to the area they came from.Results have proved that the most allergenic pollen types are the following: Poaceae, Urticaceae (Parietaria), Compositae (Artemisia) and the tree pollen of Betulaceae and Corylaceae (Alnus, Betula, Corylus), and that pollinosis caused by such pollen, types has different features and frequencies according to the different localities.As far as symptoms are concerned, our data shows that rhinoconjuntivitis is more frequent in those patients who are allergic toParietaria while asthma results being more frequent in patients who are allergic to tree pollen.  相似文献   

The fortnightly aerobiological survey of pollengrains at five different sites at two differentheights (ground level and at 10 m) was carriedout at Jabalpur city during January toDecember, 1996. Air sampling was done for 30minutes at each sampling point by using aRotorod air sampler. A total of 84 pollen typesbelonging to 34 families of Angiospermae andone family of Gymnospermae were identified. Themaximum mean concentration (1.04/m3 air) ofpollen was contributed by Asteraceae followedby Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae (0.77/m3 air)and the minimum (0.001/m3 air) byCucurbitaceae, Convolvulaceae and Sapotaceae.Maximum numbers of pollen grains werecontributed by herb species (62.07%) followedby shrubs (18.47%) and trees (14.96%). Asmall fraction, i.e., 4.50% of total pollenflora remained unidentified. Morphologicalanalysis revealed maximum concentration(1.81/m3) of triporate pollen grains. There wasa significant difference in the pollenconcentration at ground level and at 10 mheight. The ratio observed was 1.7 : 1.0.There was non-significant negative correlation(r = –0.196) between mean pollen concentrationand mean atmospheric temperature. May, thehottest month, showed minimum mean pollenconcentration (1.65/m3 air), whereas October,with moderate temperature, the maximum(10.86/m3 air).  相似文献   

The use of standard methodology allows us to compare and to evaluate the data generated from samplers under general use. In aerobiological pollen monitoring, the most frequently slide sampling methods used are based on the selection of different number of longitudinal or transverse traverses and random fields, which represents a small proportion of the entire slide. The aim of this study is to evaluate possible methodological errors produced when the different pollen count methods are used in relation to the results obtained if the whole slide area was quantified. Moreover, the optimization of the counting method by selecting the best longitudinal or transverses traverses that reflect the more accurate counting in relation to the total pollen obtained when the total tape surface was done. Therefore, 113 slides recorded in 2008 at Ourense (NW Spain) differing in its pollen content, recollected time of the year and representation of the different pollen types were selected in this survey. A comparison between the 4 longitudinal traverses, the 12 transverse traverses, and the 493 random fields methods was evaluated. The average relative error and squared error were calculated for both, longitudinal and transverse traverses and the most accurate lines number for counting were selected. Finally, the three counting techniques were compared and significant differences were detected.  相似文献   

Summary In laboratory conditions, urticating hairs from the pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea pityocampa S.) and from the brown tail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.) are detectable in the air using an apparatus designed for the capture of airborne microorganisms and pollen research studies. The hairs produced by the caterpillars of these two species are distributed either via air currents or moths (only forEuproctis). Daily cycles of hair emission were observed and were in relation with locomotion and feeding activities of the caterpillars and with flying and reproductive activities of moths.  相似文献   

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