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The study presented here aimed at identifying a new class of compounds acting against Leishmania parasites, the causative agent of Leishmaniasis. For this purpose, the thioether derivatives of our in-house library have been evaluated in whole-cell screening assays in order to determine their in vitro activity against Leishmania protozoan. Among them, promising results have been achieved with compound RDS 777 (6-(sec-butoxy)-2-((3-chlorophenyl)thio)pyrimidin-4-amine) (IC50?=?29.43?µM), which is able to impair the mechanism of the parasite defence against the reactive oxygen species by inhibiting the trypanothione reductase (TR) with high efficiency (Ki 0.25?±?0.18?µM). The X-ray structure of L. infantum TR in complex with RDS 777 disclosed the mechanism of action of this compound that binds to the catalytic site and engages in hydrogen bonds the residues more involved in the catalysis, namely Glu466', Cys57 and Cys52, thereby inhibiting the trypanothione binding and avoiding its reduction.  相似文献   

Ornithine decarboxylase and trypanothione reductase are the key enzymes in polyamine and trypanothione metabolism in kinetoplastids. Using a heterologous Trypanosoma brucei brucei probe for ornithine decarboxylase and a mixed synthetic probe of 29 oligonucleotides for trypanothione reductase, we have detected the putative genes for these enzymes by Southern blot hybridization using genomic DNA of Leishmania braziliensis guyanensis MHOM/SR/80/CUMC 1. The trypanothione reductase probe was constructed both from the conserved codon usage of the redox active site for other flavin oxidoreductases over a wide evolutionary scale, and the preferred codon usage for other genes in species of Leishmania.  相似文献   

The glyoxalase pathway catalyzes the formation of d-lactate from methylglyoxal, a toxic byproduct of glycolysis. In trypanosomatids, trypanothione replaces glutathione in this pathway, making it a potential drug target, since its selective inhibition might increase methylglyoxal concentration in the parasites. Two glyoxalase II structures were solved. One with a bound spermidine molecule (1.8 A) and the other with d-lactate at the active site (1.9 A). The second structure was obtained by crystal soaking with the enzyme substrate (S)-d-lactoyltrypanothione. The overall structure of Leishmania infantum glyoxalase II is very similar to its human counterpart, with important differences at the substrate binding site. The crystal structure of L. infantum glyoxalase II is the first structure of this enzyme from trypanosomatids. The differential specificity of glyoxalase II toward glutathione and trypanothione moieties was revealed by differential substrate binding. Evolutionary analysis shows that trypanosomatid glyoxalases II diverged early from eukaryotic enzymes, being unrelated to prokaryotic proteins.  相似文献   

Auranofin is a gold(I)-containing drug in clinical use as an antiarthritic agent. Recent studies showed that auranofin manifests interesting antiparasitic actions very likely arising from inhibition of parasitic enzymes involved in the control of the redox metabolism. Trypanothione reductase is a key enzyme of Leishmania infantum polyamine-dependent redox metabolism, and a validated target for antileishmanial drugs. As trypanothione reductase contains a dithiol motif at its active site and gold(I) compounds are known to be highly thiophilic, we explored whether auranofin might behave as an effective enzyme inhibitor and as a potential antileishmanial agent. Notably, enzymatic assays revealed that auranofin causes indeed a pronounced enzyme inhibition. To gain a deeper insight into the molecular basis of enzyme inhibition, crystals of the auranofin-bound enzyme, in the presence of NADPH, were prepared, and the X-ray crystal structure of the auranofin-trypanothione reductase-NADPH complex was solved at 3.5 ? resolution. In spite of the rather low resolution, these data were of sufficient quality as to identify the presence of the gold center and of the thiosugar of auranofin, and to locate them within the overall protein structure. Gold binds to the two active site cysteine residues of TR, i.e. Cys52 and Cys57, while the thiosugar moiety of auranofin binds to the trypanothione binding site; thus auranofin appears to inhibit TR through a dual mechanism. Auranofin kills the promastigote stage of L. infantum at micromolar concentration; these findings will contribute to the design of new drugs against leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Trypanothione disulfide (T[S]2), an unusual form of glutathione found in parasitic protozoa, plays a crucial role in the regulation of the intracellular thiol redox balance and in the defense against oxidative stress. Trypanothione reductase (TR) is central to the thiol metabolism in all trypanosomatids, including the human pathogens Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania. Here we report the cloning, sequencing and expression of the TR encoding gene from L. (L.) amazonensis. Multiple protein sequence alignment of all known trypanosomatid TRs highlights the high degree of conservation and illustrates the phylogenetic relationships. A 3D homology model for L. amazonensis TR was constructed based on the previously reported Crithidia fasciculata structure. The purified recombinant TR shows enzyme activity and in vivo expression of the native enzyme could be detected in infective promastigotes, both by Western blotting and by immunofluorescence. Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper is available in the GenBankTM database under accession number DQ530259.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum glyoxalase II shows absolute specificity towards its trypanothione thioester substrate. In the previous work, we performed a comparative analysis of glyoxalase II structures determined by X-ray crystallography which revealed that Tyr291 and Cys294, absent in the human homologue, are essential for substrate binding. To validate this trypanothione specificity hypothesis we produced a mutant L. infantum GLO2 enzyme by replacing Tyr291 and Cys294 by arginine and lysine, respectively. This new enzyme is capable to use the glutathione thioester substrate, with kinetic parameters similar to the ones from the human enzyme. Substrate specificity is likely to be mediated by spermidine moiety binding, providing a primer for understanding the molecular basis of trypanothione specificity.  相似文献   

Trypanothione is a unique and essential redox metabolite of trypanosomatid parasites, the biosynthetic pathway of which is regarded as a promising target for antiparasitic drugs. Synthesis of trypanothione occurs by the consecutive conjugation of two glutathione molecules to spermidine. Both reaction steps are catalyzed by trypanothione synthetase (TRYS), a molecule known to be essential in Trypanosoma brucei. However, other trypanosomatids (including some Leishmania species and Trypanosoma cruzi) potentially express one additional enzyme, glutathionylspermidine synthetase (GSPS), capable of driving the first step of trypanothione synthesis yielding glutathionylspermidine. Because this monothiol can substitute for trypanothione in some reactions, the possibility existed that TRYS was redundant in parasites harboring GSPS. To clarify this issue, the functional relevance of both GSPS and TRYS was investigated in Leishmania infantum (Li). Employing a gene-targeting approach, we generated a gsps−/− knockout line, which was viable and capable of replicating in both life cycle stages of the parasite, thus demonstrating the superfluous role of LiGSPS. In contrast, elimination of both LiTRYS alleles was not possible unless parasites were previously complemented with an episomal copy of the gene. Retention of extrachromosomal LiTRYS in the trys−/−/+TRYS line after several passages in culture further supported the essentiality of this gene for survival of L. infantum (including its clinically relevant stage), hence ruling out the hypothesis of functional complementation by LiGSPS. Chemical targeting of LiTRYS with a drug-like compound was shown to also lead to parasite death. Overall, this study disqualifies GSPS as a target for drug development campaigns and, by genetic and chemical evidence, validates TRYS as a chemotherapeutic target in a parasite endowed with GSPS and, thus, probably along the entire trypanosomatid lineage.  相似文献   

Trypanothione reductase (TR) is an NADPH-dependent flavoprotein oxidoreductase central to thiol metabolism in all the trypanosomatids including Leishmania. The unique presence of this enzyme in trypanosomatids and absence in mammalian host make this enzyme an attractive target for the development of the antileishmanials. Complete open reading frame encoding trypanothione reductase from Leishmania donovani (Dd8 strain, causative agent of Indian visceral leishmaniasis) was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) as glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. The conditions were developed for overexpression of fusion protein in soluble form and purification of the recombinant protein to homogeneity. The recombinant LdTR was 54.68 kDa in size, dimeric in nature, and reduces oxidized trypanothione to reduced form. The kinetic parameters for trypanothione disulfide are K(m), 50 microM; k(cat), 18,181 min(-1); and k(cat)/K(m), 6.06x10(6) M(-1) s(-1). The yield of recombinant LdTR was approximately 16 mg/L bacterial culture and accounted for 6% of the total soluble proteins. The expressed protein was inhibited by known TR inhibitors as well as by SbIII, the known antileishmanial compound. This is the first report of large-scale production of any leishmanial TR in E. coli.  相似文献   

Our understanding of folate metabolism in Leishmania has greatly benefited from studies of resistance to the inhibitor methotrexate (MTX). Folates are reduced in Leishmania by the bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) and by pteridine reductase (PTR1). To further our understanding of folate metabolism in Leishmania, a Cos-seq genome-wide gain of function screen was performed against MTX and against the two thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibitors 5-fluorouracil and pemetrexed. The screen revealed DHFR-TS and PTR1 but also the nucleoside transporter NT1 and one hypothetical gene derived from chromosome 31. For MTX, the concentration of folate in the culture medium affected the enrichment pattern for genes retrieved by Cos-seq. We generated a L. infantum DHFR-TS null mutant that was thymidine auxotroph, a phenotype that could be rescued by the addition of thymidine or by transfection of the flavin dependent bacterial TS gene ThyX. In these DHFR-TS null mutants it was impossible to obtain a chromosomal null mutant of PTR1 except if DHFR-TS or PTR1 were provided episomally. The transfection of ThyX however did not allow the elimination of PTR1 in a DHFR-TS null mutant. Leishmania can survive without copies of either DHFR-TS or PTR1 but not without both. Provided that our results observed with the insect stage parasites are also replicated with intracellular parasites, it would suggest that antifolate therapy in Leishmania would only work if both DHFR-TS and PTR1 would be targeted simultaneously.  相似文献   

Initiating a crystallographic study of trypanothione reductase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have obtained well-ordered single crystals of the flavoenzyme trypanothione reductase from Crithidia fasciculata. The crystals are tetragonal rods with unit cell dimensions a = 128.6 A, c = 92.5 A. The diffraction pattern corresponds to a primitive lattice. Laue class 4/m. Diffraction to better than 2.4 A has been recorded at the Daresbury Synchrotron. The accurate elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of this enzyme is required to support the rational design of compounds active against a variety of tropical diseases caused by trypanosomal parasites.  相似文献   

Parasitic protozoa belonging to the order Kinetoplastida contain trypanothione as their major thiol. Trypanothione reductase (TR), the enzyme responsible for maintaining trypanothione in its reduced form, is thought to be central to the redox defence systems of trypanosomatids. To investigate further the physiological role of TR in Leishmania, we attempted to create TR-knockout mutants by gene disruption in L. donovani and L. major strains using the selectable markers neomycin and hygromycin phosphotransferases. TR is likely to be an important gene for parasite survival since all our attempts to obtain a TR null mutant in L. donovani failed. Instead, we obtained mutants with a partial trisomy for the TR locus where, despite the successful disruption of two TR alleles by gene targeting, a third TR copy was generated as a result of genomic rearrangements involving the translocation of a TR-containing region to a larger chromosome. Mutants of L. donovani and L. major possessing only one wild-type TR allele express less TR mRNA and have lower TR activity compared with wild-type cells carrying two copies of the TR gene. Significantly, these mutants show attenuated infectivity with a markedly decreased capacity to survive intracellularly within macrophages, provided that the latter are producing reactive oxygen intermediates.  相似文献   

Trypanothione reductase (TR), a flavoprotein oxidoreductase central to the unique thiol-redox system that operates in trypanosomatid protozoa, has been proposed as a potential target for the chemotherapy of trypanosomatid infections. In this study, targeted gene replacement was used to obtain evidence that TR is an essential cellular component and that its physiological function is crucial for parasite survival. Precise replacement of the Leishmania donovani tryA gene encoding TR was only possible upon simultaneous expression of the tryA coding region from an episome; in its absence, attempted removal of the last tryA allele invariably led to the generation of an extra copy of tryA , seemingly as a result of selective chromosomal polysomy. Partial replacement mutants were drastically affected in their ability to survive inside cytokine-activated macrophages in a murine model of Leishmania infection. As no compensatory mechanism for the partial loss of TR activity was observed in these mutants and as it was not possible to obtain viable Leishmania devoid of TR catalytic activity, specific inhibitors of this enzyme are likely to be useful anti-leishmanial agents for chemotherapeutic use.  相似文献   

The bifunctional trypanothione synthetase-amidase catalyzes biosynthesis and hydrolysis of the glutathione-spermidine adduct trypanothione, the principal intracellular thiol-redox metabolite in parasitic trypanosomatids. These parasites are unique with regard to their reliance on trypanothione to determine intracellular thiol-redox balance in defense against oxidative and chemical stress and to regulate polyamine levels. Enzymes involved in trypanothione biosynthesis provide essential biological activities, and those absent from humans or for which orthologues are sufficiently distinct are attractive targets to underpin anti-parasitic drug discovery. The structure of Leishmania major trypanothione synthetase-amidase, determined in three crystal forms, reveals two catalytic domains. The N-terminal domain, a cysteine, histidine-dependent amidohydrolase/peptidase amidase, is a papain-like cysteine protease, and the C-terminal synthetase domain displays an ATP-grasp family fold common to C:N ligases. Modeling of substrates into each active site provides insight into the specificity and reactivity of this unusual enzyme, which is able to catalyze four reactions. The domain orientation is distinct from that observed in a related bacterial glutathionylspermidine synthetase. In trypanothione synthetase-amidase, the interactions formed by the C terminus, binding in and restricting access to the amidase active site, suggest that the balance of ligation and hydrolytic activity is directly influenced by the alignment of the domains with respect to each other and implicate conformational changes with amidase activity. The potential inhibitory role of the C terminus provides a mechanism to control relative levels of the critical metabolites, trypanothione, glutathionylspermidine, and spermidine in Leishmania.  相似文献   

Development of Leishmania infantum/Leishmania major hybrids was studied in two sand fly species. In Phlebotomus papatasi, which supported development of L. major but not L. infantum, the hybrids produced heavy late-stage infections with high numbers of metacyclic promastigotes. In the permissive vector Lutzomyia longipalpis, all Leishmania strains included in this study developed well. Hybrids were found to express L. major lipophosphoglycan, apparently enabling them to survive in P. papatasi midgut. The genetic exchange of the hybrids thus appeared to have enhanced their transmission potential and fitness. A potentially serious consequence is the future spread of the hybrids using this peridomestic and antropophilic vector.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trypanothione reductase (TR) helps to maintain an intracellular reducing environment in trypanosomatids, a group of protozoan parasites that afflict humans and livestock in tropical areas. This protective function is achieved via reduction of polyamine-glutathione conjugates, in particular trypanothione. TR has been validated as a chemotherapeutic target by molecular genetics methods. To assist the development of new therapeutics, we have characterised the structure of TR from the pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi complexed with the substrate trypanothione and have used the structure to guide database searches and molecular modelling studies. RESULTS: The TR-trypanothione-disulfide structure has been determined to 2.4 A resolution. The chemical interactions involved in enzyme recognition and binding of substrate can be inferred from this structure. Comparisons with the related mammalian enzyme, glutathione reductase, explain why each enzyme is so specific for its own substrate. A CH***O hydrogen bond can occur between the active-site histidine and a carbonyl of the substrate. This interaction contributes to enzyme specificity and mechanism by producing an electronic induced fit when substrate binds. Database searches and molecular modelling using the substrate as a template and the active site as receptor have identified a class of cyclic-polyamine natural products that are novel TR inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: The structure of the TR-trypanothione enzyme-substrate complex provides details of a potentially valuable drug target. This information has helped to identify a new class of enzyme inhibitors as novel lead compounds worthy of further development in the search for improved medicines to treat a range of parasitic infections.  相似文献   

A series of inhibitors of the enzyme trypanothione reductase has been identified using directed solid-phase chemistry. The compounds were based on a series of polyamine scaffolds and used the natural product kukoamine A as the lead structure. A compound with a Ki of 76 nM was identified, although somewhat surprisingly the compound appeared to be noncompetitive in nature.  相似文献   

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