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Question: Does long‐term grazing exclusion affect plant species diversity? And does this effect vary with long‐term phytomass accumulation across a regional productivity gradient? Location: Lowland grassy ecosystems across the state of Victoria, southeast Australia. Methods: Floristic surveys and phytomass sampling were conducted across a broad‐scale productivity gradient in grazing exclusion plots and adjacent grazed areas. Differences in species richness, evenness and life‐form evenness between grazed and ungrazed areas were analysed. The environmental drivers of long‐term phytomass accumulation were assessed using multiple linear regression analysis. Results: Species richness declined in the absence of grazing only at the high productivity sites (i.e. when phytomass accumulation was >500 g m?2). Species evenness and life‐form evenness also showed a negative relationship with increasing phytomass accumulation. Phytomass accumulation was positively associated with both soil nitrogen and rainfall, and negatively associated with tree cover. Conclusions: Competitive dominance is a key factor regulating plant diversity in productive grassy ecosystems, but canopy disturbance is not likely to be necessary to maintain diversity in less productive systems. The results support the predictions of models of the effects of grazing on plant diversity, such as the dynamic equilibrium model, whereby the effects of herbivory are context‐dependent and vary according to gradients of rainfall, soil fertility and tree cover.  相似文献   

Soil properties and above-and belowground forest structure were studied across various topographies in a 20-year-oldPinus thunbergii Parl. plantation on Mt Tanakami, Japan. The soil properties and stand structure varied greatly with slope position fromridge top to valley floor. Soil thickness, fine soil content and soil moisture content were greater in lower slope positions. The amount of organic carbon in the forest floor was greater in upper slope positions. The organic carbon content in the mineral soil was slightly greater in lower slope positions. These changes in soil properties suggested an upslope decrease in decomposition rate and water and/or nutrient availability. The aboveground structure ofP. thunbergii was more developed at lower slope positions. The mean stem diameter, height and volume ofP. thunbergii increased downslope with decreasing tree density. However, fine root biomass increased greatly upslope. This inverse relationship between tree height and fine root biomass indicated morphological plasticity ofP. thunbergii in exploiting environmental heterogeneity. Variations in soil-plant interactions in the stand along various topographies caused spatial heterogeneity in the accumulation pattern of organic matter in plants and the soil.  相似文献   

The effect of microrelief and vegetation on methane (CH4) emission was investigated in a wet polygonal tundra of the Lena Delta, Northern Siberia (72.37N, 126.47E). Total and plant-mediated CH4 fluxes were measured by closed-chamber techniques at two typical sites within a low-centred polygon. During the study period, total CH4 flux averaged 28.0±5.4mgm–2d–1 in the depressed polygon centre and only 4.3±0.8mgm–2d–1 at the elevated polygon rim. This substantial small-scale spatial variability of CH4 emission was caused by strong differences of hydrologic conditions within the microrelief of the polygon, which affected aeration status and organic matter content of the soils as well as the vegetation cover. Beside water table position, the vegetation cover was a major factor controlling CH4 emission from polygonal tundra. It was shown that the dominant vascular plant of the study area, Carex aquatilis, possesses large aerenchyma, which serve as pathways for substantial plant-mediated CH4 transport. The importance of plant-mediated CH4 flux was strongly influenced by the position of the water table relative to the main root horizon. Plant-mediated CH4 transport accounted for about two-thirds of the total flux in the wet polygon centre and for less than one-third of the total flux at the moist polygon rim. A clipping experiment and microscopic-anatomical studies suggested that plant-mediated CH4 transport via C. aquatilis plants is driven only by diffusion and is limited by the high diffusion resistance of the dense root exodermes.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the movements of Chrysophtharta hectica, a eucalypt-feeding chrysomelid beetle in New South Wales, Australia, in relation to the beetle's sex, age and life-history, and to attributes of its Eucalyptus host plants. Beetle movements within the site were not influenced by beetle age or sex, but may be related to generation. Beetle distributions on the two host plant species, Eucalyptus stellulata and E. pauciflora, were generally clumped. Some of this clumping resulted from preference for E. stellulata over E. pauciflora. Clumping of beetles also occurred within host plant species; some plant individuals were consistently heavily used by beetles over the course of three years. We examined nutritional, spatial and biomass attributes of plants and found plant height and foliage production to be the best predictors of beetle numbers.  相似文献   

We have investigated the factors influencing the distribution of co-occurring two dwarf bamboo species, Sasa kurilensis (Ruprecht) Makino et Shibata and S. senanensis (Franchet et Savatier) Rehder, within a conifer-broadleaved mixed stand managed with selection cutting in northern Japan. We first sought the possible determinant factors (physical environment and overstory conditions based on 30 years tree census data) deciding the dominant species in the plots (168 3.14m2 area). We then examined the effects of these factors on the culm density and height of the dominant species. Linear discriminant analysis indicated that physical environmental conditions are important in determining the distribution; S. kurilensis tended to dominate plots with steep slope, convex shape and deep snow in early spring. Multiple regression analyses showed that culm density and height decreased significantly on steep slopes for both species. Also, the sum of the basal area (BA) of surrounding conifers (7.5 m radius around the plot), as well as the change in BA over the previous 30 years, had a negative influence on the culm height of both species. A reduction in overstory trees, caused by natural or artificial canopy disturbances, would increase the dwarf bamboo biomass. The effects of physical environment and overstory conditions, working through the dominance of the two dwarf bamboo species, should be taken into account in understanding the dynamics of natural forests in this region.  相似文献   

以成都云顶山柏木(Cupressus funebris)人工林为对象,采用典型样地法研究不同林分密度(1100、950、800、650、500株/hm~2)对林下物种多样性和土壤理化性质及林下物种多样性与土壤理化性质相关性的影响。结果表明:共发现维管植物168种,隶属75科140属。随林分密度的降低,灌木层多样性指数呈先增后减的单峰变化,在密度650株/hm~2出现峰值,草本层多样性指数呈先增后减再增再减的双峰变化,在密度950株/hm~2和650株/hm~2出现峰值。同时发现光照为影响林下植物多样性的重要因素。林分密度对土壤全氮、全钾、速效钾、有机质影响显著,有机质、全氮、全钾、速效钾随林分密度降低呈先增后减的变化趋势。钾、氮、有机质与林下植被物种多样性关系最密切。结论:林分密度650株/hm~2为云顶山柏木人工林最适密度,该密度能较好的提高林下物种多样性和土壤肥力。  相似文献   

Summary Low alpine Betula nana heaths were studied with regard to plant communities, species distribution, and environmental conditions. It is clear from cluster analyses and PCA-ordinations that the distribution of winter snow is the most important factor for the composition of plant communities and the distribution of most plant populations. Under deep snow conditions soil instability is also important as a differentiating factor.The numerical treatment of data gives a phytosociological grouping in eoncordance with earlier opinions based on stand tabulations.The cluster analysis group the species into chionophobous, chionophilous, moderate snow bed species, and an additional group of wide snow depth amplitude. Only a few species remain unclassified. The ecological species groups are readily identified also in PCA-ordinations. They are independent of differences in species numbers and combinations.Nomenelature follows Lid (1963), Nyholm (1954–1969), Arnell (1956), and Dahl & Krog (1972).I am grateful to Dr. Eddy van der Maarel, University of Nijmegen, for critical comments on the manuseript, to Dr. Ewa Kvillner, University of Lund, and to my colleagues in Göteborg for generous help and encouragement throughout the study, which forms part of a Ph. D. thesis in the University of Göteborg. The work has been supported by grants from The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Göteborg.  相似文献   

Ten populations of the green toad, Bufo viridis, from three areas having different climatic regimes were compared. Multivariate analyses of morphological characteristics revealed three distinct populations of green toads: the first group inhabiting the lowland and humid localities was characterized by a small body size, the second group occurred at higher altitudes and in desert areas had a significantly larger body size, while the third group from the Mediterranean localities was characterized by a large tympanum, a longer tarsus and short first toes. Interestingly, the specimens from Giresun Island were clustered with the second group with a similar pattern of body size. Differences in the morphological characteristics among populations were positively associated with ecological conditions, and not with geographic distance. Some characteristics previously used for taxonomic purposes in B. viridis were shown to be associated with local climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Our objective was to asses site parameters, species diversity, phytomass structure and element stores of a Terra-firme forest prior to subsequent studies on nutrient fluxes during forest conversion. The soil was classified as a Xanthic Ferralsol, with a low effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), low nutrient status and a deeply weathered solum. On 0.75 ha, including all trees with a DBH >7 cm, we identified 222 tree species belonging to 58 families. The above-ground phytomass was estimated using logarithmic regression analysis on two plots of 0.25 ha each. Despite differences in forest structure and species composition, no major differences were found in terms of total phytomass or overall element stores. The mean living above-ground phytomass (LAGP) was 257 Mg ha–1, and mean quantity of litter 14 Mg ha–1, while dead wood contributed between 10 to 17% of total above-ground phytomass (32–56 Mg ha–1). Element store in LAGP was medium to high compared to other studies on tropical forest systems, while LAGP itself was comparatively low. Comparing 26 humid tropical forest stands recorded in literature, no correlation was found between LAGP and the amount of N and base cations stored in LAGP. However, a correlation between LAGP and P storage in LAGP (R 2=0.76) indicates the important role P may play in phytomass accumulation on zonal tropical soils. More then 60% of C, 20% of total N, 10% of total P and 66–88% of total K, Ca and Mg of the system (including the first meter of soil) were concentrated in the above-ground phytomass, including deadwood and litter. Consequently, phytomass destruction in form of forest conversion will lead to major element losses from the system.  相似文献   

The fringing reef off southern Molokai, Hawaii, is currently being studied as part of a multi-disciplinary project led by the US Geological Survey. As part of this study, modeling and field observations were utilized to help understand the physical controls on reef morphology and the distribution of different coral species. A model was developed that calculates wave-induced hydrodynamic forces on corals of a specific form and mechanical strength. From these calculations, the wave conditions under which specific species of corals would either be stable or would break due to the imposed wave-induced forces were determined. By combining this hydrodynamic force-balance model with various wave model output for different oceanographic conditions experienced in the study area, we were able to map the locations where specific coral species should be stable (not subject to frequent breakage) in the study area. The combined model output was then compared with data on coral species distribution and coral cover at 12 sites along Molokais south shore. Observations and modeling suggest that the transition from one coral species to another may occur when the ratio of the coral colonys mechanical strengths to the applied (wave-induced) forces may be as great as 5:1, and not less than 1:1 when corals would break. This implies that coral colonys mechanical strength and wave-induced forces may be important in defining gross coral community structure over large (orders of 10s of meters) spatial scales.  相似文献   

Summary A hypothesis that a dense stand should develop a less uniform distribution of leaf nitrogen through the canopy than an open stand to increase total canopy photosynthesis was tested with experimentally established stands of Lysimachia vulgaris L. The effect of stand density on spatial variation of photon flux density, leaf nitrogen and specific leaf weight within the canopy was examined. Stand density had little effect on the value of the light extinction coefficient, but strongly affected the distribution of leaf nitrogen per unit area within a canopy. The open stand had more uniform distribution of leaf nitrogen than the dense stand. However, different light climates between stands explained only part of the variation of leaf nitrogen in the canopy. The specific leaf weight in the canopy increased with increasing relative photon flux density and with decreasing nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Abstract. Long-term after effects on species number and productivity in calcareous grassland were analyzed after cessation of fertilization. Three series of permanent plots were monitored yearly from 1971 to 1993. These series differed in duration of fertilization and in fertilizer composition, notably the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus. Yearly above-ground production decreased in all series after fertilization had been stopped, however at different speeds. The grass/forb ratio also decreased, while species number and Shannon index of diversity (H') increased. In the series where fertilizer treatment was stopped in 1967 (1968-series), productivity and grass/forb ratio decreased equally as in the plots where fertilization with a high nitrogen content was stopped in 1979 (80/Npk-series). However, species number in the plots of the 80/Npk-series increased faster than in the 1968-series. This was probably the result of a higher number of species present in the seed rain from the surrounding vegetation in the period after 1980 than from after 1968. In the plots receiving a high amount of phosphorus (80/nPk series), the productivity decreased more slowly than in the high nitrogen plots (80/Npk-series). At approximately the same total production level, the grass/forb ratio remained higher for another five-year period in the 80/nPk-series. Species number and the Shannon index of diversity increased more slowly in the 80/nPk-series than in the 80/Npk-series. Over a given range of productivity, changes in species number and Shannon index correlated better with the grass/forb ratio than with total above-ground phytomass. Therefore, restoration of species-rich grassland should not only be focused on lowering the yearly production, but also on reducing the grass component of the vegetation.  相似文献   

降雨量改变对常绿阔叶林干旱和湿润季节土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外原位试验,研究降雨量改变对华西雨屏区常绿阔叶林干旱和湿润季节土壤呼吸速率的影响。采用LI-8100土壤碳通量分析系统(LI-COR Inc.,USA)测定干旱和湿润季节对照(CK)、增雨10%(LA)、增雨5%(TA)、减雨10%(LR)、减雨20%(MR)、减雨50%(HR)6个处理水平的土壤呼吸速率,并通过回归方程分析温度和湿度与土壤呼吸速率间的关系。结果表明:湿润季节土壤呼吸速率高于干旱季节,HR处理对干旱季节土壤呼吸速率影响较大,而LA处理对湿润季节土壤呼吸速率的影响较大。TA和LR处理使土壤呼吸的温度敏感性增加,而HR、LA和MR处理使土壤呼吸的温度敏感性降低,干旱季节Q10值高于湿润季节。各处理湿润季节土壤微生物量碳氮含量显著高于干旱季节,HR、MR和LA处理减少土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的含量,而TA和LR处理增加土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的含量。与湿润季节相比,干旱季节土壤水分对土壤呼吸速率的影响较大;而与土壤温度相比,土壤水分对土壤呼吸速率的影响较小。在降雨量改变的背景下,华西雨屏区常绿阔叶林无论是干旱还是湿润季节,适当增雨和减雨都会促进土壤呼吸速率,而较高量的增雨和减雨会抑制土壤呼吸速率。  相似文献   

DNA sequence organization patterns have been studied in fourCucurbitaceae plant species, namely,Luffa cylindrica (sponge gourd),L. acutangula (ridge gourd),Benincasa hispida (ash gourd) andCoccinia indica (ivy gourd). Extensive interspersion of repeat and single copy sequences has been observed in sponge gourd and ridge gourd. In ash gourd and ivy gourd, however, there is a limited interspersion of these sequences and a large portion of the single copy DNA remains uninterspersed. The interspersed repetitive sequences are composed of a major class (75–80%) of short repeats (300 base pairs long) and a minor class (15–20%) of long repeats (2 000–4 000 base pairs) in all the four species. The average length of single copy sequences dispersed among repeats is 1 800–2 900 base pairs. In spite of these gross similarities in the genome organization in the four species, the fraction of repeats and single copy sequences involved in short and long period interspersion patterns, and fraction of single copy sequences remaining uninterrupted by repeats are vastly different. The probable implications of these differences with respect to speciation events and rates of genome evolution are discussed.Molecular Analysis ofCucurbitaceae Genomes, III. — NCL Communication No.: 3595.  相似文献   

Collections of six species of Trifolium (Fabaceae) were made at 16 sites across the island of Sardinia in June/July 1998 and detailed ecogeographic information was recorded at each site. The six species collected were the inbreeding T. glomeratum, T. subterraneum and T. tomentosum, and the outcrossing T. nigrescens, T. michelianum and T. resupinatum. A principal components analysis and canonical variate analysis were conducted to group the sites, using the ecogeographical variables collected at each site. The variables that were found to be most important in grouping the sites were: mean January and July temperature, mean annual rainfall, latitude, longitude and soil pH. None of the six species were limited to only one ecogeographical group. However, it was often found to be only one or two variables that were determining their distribution. It is suggested that more detailed analysis of ecogeographic data of collection sites will become vital for improved planning of future collection missions, as the cost of collections and genetic erosion increases.  相似文献   

The level of intra- and interspecific variations on nuclear DNA in five Aegilops species of the Sitopsis section were investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. A total of 18 accessions, i.e. 7 of Ae. speltoides, 3 of Ae. longissima, 2 of Ae. searsii, 3 of Ae. sharonensis and 3 of Ae. bicornis, were used. One accession each of Triticum aestivum, T. durum, T. urartu and Ae. squarrosa was included as reference material. Five enzymes and 20 probes were used. Among the five Sitopsis species studied, Ae. speltoides had the largest intraspecific variation (=0.061), which was as high as the interspecific variation observed among the other four species. The section Sitopsis was divided into two distinct groups: one containing only Ae. speltoides and the other, Ae. longissima, Ae. searsii, Ae. sharonensis and Ae. bicornis. This grouping by RFLP analysis is in agreement with the taxonomical classification of the subsections.  相似文献   

Analysis of morphological and phenological data for determining the genetic variation within sevenLolium species led to the recognition of two groups within this genus. One group, containing the two inbreeding speciesL. temulentum andL. persicum, was clearly distinct from all other species. Strong morphological and phenological intergradation was found between both species. The cross-breeding species,L. perenne, L. rigidum, andL. multiflorum, formed another group. Little differentiation was found between these species, though they were distinct. Two inbreeding species,L. loliaceum andL. remotum, were clearly distinct from each other and the two groups.L. loliaceum had an isolated position and was most related toL. rigidum. L. remotum had an intermediate position between the cross-breeding and inbreeding species, and was almost equally distant from all three cross-breeding species.Genetic variation inLolium spp. I.  相似文献   

Root turnover in a beech and a spruce stand of the Belgian Ardennes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The theoretical basis of fine root turnover estimation in forest soils is discussed, in relation to appropriate experimental techniques of measurement. After sequential coring, the correct expression is the sum of significant positive increments of live and dead roots of the various diameter categories, to which the transfer of dead roots to organic matter derived from roots, OMDR, has to be added. This should not be confounded with dead root mineralization. The transfer rates should first be estimated in root dimensions and not in weight of dry matter. The measurements were carried out in a 120 year old beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand and a 35 year old Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) stand, in the Eastern Ardennes, Belgium. The turnover rate of fine roots (diam. <5 mm) was 4393 kg ha−1 year−1 (root dry weight), including 711.2 kg ha−1 year−1 for dead root transfer to OMDR, for beech. For spruce, turnover rate was 7011 kg ha−1 year−1 (root dry weight), including 1498 kg ha−1 year−1 for dead root transfer to OMDR. Under beech, there was a slight root density increase in spring. No seasonal fluctuations were observed under spruce, but a strong irreversible drop in live root growth was found in the later season 1980–1981, corresponding to a decrease of tree height growth and trunk radius increment. Turnover rates were further expressed in dry weight and in amounts of elements (kg ha−1 year−1) (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, N, P, S). Correlative relations between root dimensions and dry weight and element concentrations show that the derived values, and in particular root specific density (dry weight volume−1) vary according to species, root category, and seasonal sampling. Various schemes of seasonal variations of root growth, described in Europe, show that the major dependance on general climate is obscured by environmental factors (soil, exposure, species). It is suggested that root density fluctuation approach the steady state on an annual basis under mild Atlantic conditions.  相似文献   

降水对鄂尔多斯高原克隆植物分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯高原地处半干旱区到干旱区的过渡带。通过沿鄂尔多斯高原从东到西的天然降水梯度的样带调查,分析了克隆植物的分布特征与降水的关系。结果表明:克隆植物的物种数量、占物种总数的比例和重要值以及根状茎型克隆植物的物种数量均与降水量呈显著正相关。5种优势植物克氏针茅、本氏针茅、黑沙蒿、赖草和短花针茅均为克隆植物,它们的分布也受降水影响。克氏针茅的密度、本氏针茅的盖度和密度、黑沙蒿的高度、盖度和密度以及赖草的高度均与降水量呈显著正相关。然而,赖草的盖度以及短花针茅的高度、盖度和密度均与降水量成负相关。因此,克隆植物在鄂尔多斯高原植被中具有重要作用,而且其作用随着降水量的增加而加强。  相似文献   

Summary Maximum germination response and root + shoot yields of Acacias were obtained at daily irrigation. Any deviation from daily irrigation resulted in variations of performance (germination and growth yield) between the six Acacia species studied. Species of relatively dry habitse.g. A. nubica andA. seyal were more sensitive to water supply compared with those of relatively wet habitatse.g. A. nilotica andA. albida. This was reflected at the establishment phase by the greater production of root + shoot yields of species of drier zones than by those of wetter ones. It is concluded that variations in water supply may account for species adaptation and distribution in semi-arid zones.  相似文献   

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