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Macroscopic ion channel current is the summation of the stochastic records of individual channel currents and therefore relates to their statistical properties. As a consequence of this relationship, it may be possible to derive certain statistical properties of single channel records or even generate some estimates of the records themselves from the macroscopic current when the direct measurement of single channel currents is not applicable. We present a procedure for generating the single channel records of an ion channel from its macroscopic current when the stochastic process of channel gating has the following two properties: (I) the open duration is independent of the time of opening event and has a single exponential probability density function (pdf), (II) all the channels have the same probability to open at time t. The application of this procedure is considered for cases where direct measurement of single channel records is difficult or impossible. First, the probability density function (pdf) of opening events, a statistical property of single channel records, is derived from the normalized macroscopic current and mean channel open duration. Second, it is shown that under the conditions (I) and (II), a non-stationary Markov model can represent the stochastic process of channel gating. Third, the non-stationary Markov model is calibrated using the results of the first step. The non-stationary formulation increases the model ability to generate a variety of different single channel records compared to common stationary Markov models. The model is then used to generate single channel records and to obtain other statistical properties of the records. Experimental single channel records of inactivating BK potassium channels are used to evaluate how accurately this procedure reconstructs measured single channel sweeps.  相似文献   

Two-part regression models are frequently used to analyze longitudinal count data with excess zeros, where the same set of subjects is repeatedly observed over time. In this context, several sources of heterogeneity may arise at individual level that affect the observed process. Further, longitudinal studies often suffer from missing values: individuals dropout of the study before its completion, and thus present incomplete data records. In this paper, we propose a finite mixture of hurdle models to face the heterogeneity problem, which is handled by introducing random effects with a discrete distribution; a pattern-mixture approach is specified to deal with non-ignorable missing values. This approach helps us to consider overdispersed counts, while allowing for association between the two parts of the model, and for non-ignorable dropouts. The effectiveness of the proposal is tested through a simulation study. Finally, an application to real data on skin cancer is provided.  相似文献   

An IBM PC-compatible computer program, RAMP, for evaluation of single-channel recordings acquired using voltage ramp protocols is presented. The program uses semi-automatic procedures to make necessary corrections to a record (e.g. subtraction of baseline shift) and to measure all channel slope conductances as well as reversal potentials. The output is either a hardcopy of graphic display, which includes the calculated parameters, or data in ASCII format for further use (e.g. plots using various graphic software). Originally, the software was developed for the evaluation of voltage ramp records of single channel data from maxi chloride channels in myoblasts of a muscle cell line (Hurnák and Zachar 1992). Records from these membrane patches were also used in this work to demonstrate basic principles of the software and its practical use in evaluating single channel records obtained in response to the application of voltage ramps. The channel conductances calculated from ramp records were compared with those obtained by classical evaluation procedures from voltage step records.  相似文献   

Biodiversity studies traditionally use species as their analysis unit. However, observed biodiversity is not necessarily an indicator of significant biodiversity and therefore, should not be used alone, particularly when the results will be employed for conservation planning. Here, we examine pteridophyte diversity in Tuscany using 4668 geo-referenced pteridophyte records stored in Wikiplantbase #Toscana and calculating standard richness measures and phylogenetic indices; in addition, we assessed the environmental predictors of each diversity metric. Finally, we identified which areas hosting significantly high diversity are not adequately covered by protected areas or intersected by human activities. Although considerable diversity is distributed along Tuscany within areas traditionally recognised as biodiversity hotspots, important areas of diversity are identified only after the application of randomisation tests and through the phylogenetic metrics. Topographic ruggedness resulted the single most important variable predicting high value of all indices; temperature seasonality and temperature continentality resulted the secondary explanatory variables with a significant negative effect on most diversity indices.  相似文献   

There is a concerted global effort to digitize biodiversity occurrence data from herbarium and museum collections that together offer an unparalleled archive of life on Earth over the past few centuries. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility provides the largest single gateway to these data. Since 2004 it has provided a single point of access to specimen data from databases of biological surveys and collections. Biologists now have rapid access to more than 120 million observations, for use in many biological analyses. We investigate the quality and coverage of data digitally available, from the perspective of a biologist seeking distribution data for spatial analysis on a global scale. We present an example of automatic verification of geographic data using distributions from the International Legume Database and Information Service to test empirically, issues of geographic coverage and accuracy. There are over 1/2 million records covering 31% of all Legume species, and 84% of these records pass geographic validation. These data are not yet a global biodiversity resource for all species, or all countries. A user will encounter many biases and gaps in these data which should be understood before data are used or analyzed. The data are notably deficient in many of the world's biodiversity hotspots. The deficiencies in data coverage can be resolved by an increased application of resources to digitize and publish data throughout these most diverse regions. But in the push to provide ever more data online, we should not forget that consistent data quality is of paramount importance if the data are to be useful in capturing a meaningful picture of life on Earth.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The rapid increase in the number of structures in the Protein Databank (PDB) makes it difficult to find all structures in a given protein class. Automatically-maintained web-based summaries are one solution to this problem. RESULTS: Summary of Antibody Crystal Structures (SACS), a self-maintaining web-site containing summary information on antibody structures in the PDB, is described. Mirrored PDB data are processed automatically using a Make-based system to identify new antibody structures. The PDB header records and sequence data are then parsed to identify a number of features of the structure and the data are stored using eXtensible Markup Language (XML). eXtensible Stylesheet Language: Transformations (XSLT), a new style sheet language for XML, is used to generate Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages containing either a one-line summary of every structure or a more detailed page describing a single antibody.  相似文献   

Virtually every human faculty engage with imitation. One of the most natural and unexplored objects for the study of the mimetic elements in language is the onomatopoeia, as it implies an imitative-driven transformation of a sound of nature into a word. Notably, simple sounds are transformed into complex strings of vowels and consonants, making difficult to identify what is acoustically preserved in this operation. In this work we propose a definition for vocal imitation by which sounds are transformed into the speech elements that minimize their spectral difference within the constraints of the vocal system. In order to test this definition, we use a computational model that allows recovering anatomical features of the vocal system from experimental sound data. We explore the vocal configurations that best reproduce non-speech sounds, like striking blows on a door or the sharp sounds generated by pressing on light switches or computer mouse buttons. From the anatomical point of view, the configurations obtained are readily associated with co-articulated consonants, and we show perceptual evidence that these consonants are positively associated with the original sounds. Moreover, the pairs vowel-consonant that compose these co-articulations correspond to the most stable syllables found in the knock and click onomatopoeias across languages, suggesting a mechanism by which vocal imitation naturally embeds single sounds into more complex speech structures. Other mimetic forces received extensive attention by the scientific community, such as cross-modal associations between speech and visual categories. The present approach helps building a global view of the mimetic forces acting on language and opens a new venue for a quantitative study of word formation in terms of vocal imitation.  相似文献   

Sound symbolism is a non-arbitrary relationship between speech sounds and meaning. We review evidence that, contrary to the traditional view in linguistics, sound symbolism is an important design feature of language, which affects online processing of language, and most importantly, language acquisition. We propose the sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis, claiming that (i) pre-verbal infants are sensitive to sound symbolism, due to a biologically endowed ability to map and integrate multi-modal input, (ii) sound symbolism helps infants gain referential insight for speech sounds, (iii) sound symbolism helps infants and toddlers associate speech sounds with their referents to establish a lexical representation and (iv) sound symbolism helps toddlers learn words by allowing them to focus on referents embedded in a complex scene, alleviating Quine''s problem. We further explore the possibility that sound symbolism is deeply related to language evolution, drawing the parallel between historical development of language across generations and ontogenetic development within individuals. Finally, we suggest that sound symbolism bootstrapping is a part of a more general phenomenon of bootstrapping by means of iconic representations, drawing on similarities and close behavioural links between sound symbolism and speech-accompanying iconic gesture.  相似文献   

In the 1880's Volterra characterised a nonlinear system using a functional series connecting continuous input and continuous output. Norbert Wiener, in the 1940's, circumvented problems associated with the application of Volterra series to physical problems by deriving from it a new series of terms that are mutually uncorrelated with respect to Gaussian processes. Subsequently, Brillinger, in the 1970's, introduced a point-process analogue of Volterra's series connecting point-process inputs to the instantaneous rate of point-process output. We derive here a new series from this analogue in which its terms are mutually uncorrelated with respect to Poisson processes. This new series expresses how patterned input in a spike train, represented by third-order cross-cumulants, is converted into the instantaneous rate of an output point-process. Given experimental records of suitable duration, the contribution of arbitrary patterned input to an output process can, in principle, be determined. Solutions for linear and quadratic point-process models with one and two inputs and a single output are investigated. Our theoretical results are applied to isolated muscle spindle data in which the spike trains from the primary and secondary endings from the same muscle spindle are recorded in response to stimulation of one and then two static fusimotor axons in the absence and presence of a random length change imposed on the parent muscle. For a fixed mean rate of input spikes, the analysis of the experimental data makes explicit which patterns of two input spikes contribute to an output spike.  相似文献   

Typically, detection of protein sequences in collision-induced dissociation (CID) tandem MS (MS2) dataset is performed by mapping identified peptide ions back to protein sequence by using the protein database search (PDS) engine. Finding a particular peptide sequence of interest in CID MS2 records very often requires manual evaluation of the spectrum, regardless of whether the peptide-associated MS2 scan is identified by PDS algorithm or not. We have developed a compact cross-platform database-free command-line utility, pepgrep, which helps to find an MS2 fingerprint for a selected peptide sequence by pattern-matching of modelled MS2 data using Peptide-to-MS2 scoring algorithm. pepgrep can incorporate dozens of mass offsets corresponding to a variety of post-translational modifications (PTMs) into the algorithm. Decoy peptide sequences are used with the tested peptide sequence to reduce false-positive results. The engine is capable of screening an MS2 data file at a high rate when using a cluster computing environment. The matched MS2 spectrum can be displayed by using built-in graphical application programming interface (API) or optionally recorded to file. Using this algorithm, we were able to find extra peptide sequences in studied CID spectra that were missed by PDS identification. Also we found pepgrep especially useful for examining a CID of small fractions of peptides resulting from, for example, affinity purification techniques. The peptide sequences in such samples are less likely to be positively identified by using routine protein-centric algorithm implemented in PDS. The software is freely available at http://bsproteomics.essex.ac.uk:8080/data/download/pepgrep-1.4.tgz.  相似文献   

In the case of the mixed linear model the random effects are usually assumed to be normally distributed in both the Bayesian and classical frameworks. In this paper, the Dirichlet process prior was used to provide nonparametric Bayesian estimates for correlated random effects. This goal was achieved by providing a Gibbs sampler algorithm that allows these correlated random effects to have a nonparametric prior distribution. A sampling based method is illustrated. This method which is employed by transforming the genetic covariance matrix to an identity matrix so that the random effects are uncorrelated, is an extension of the theory and the results of previous researchers. Also by using Gibbs sampling and data augmentation a simulation procedure was derived for estimating the precision parameter M associated with the Dirichlet process prior. All needed conditional posterior distributions are given. To illustrate the application, data from the Elsenburg Dormer sheep stud were analysed. A total of 3325 weaning weight records from the progeny of 101 sires were used.  相似文献   

The paper establishes a rigorous probabilistic framework for the reconciliation of apparently conflicting data from various physical and chemical measurements related to the key biological variables of alcoholic fermentation: the ethanol and the residual sugar concentrations. The analysis is carried out on a database consisting of 15 beer fermentation experiments, for which off-line determinations of ethanol concentration, fermentable sugar concentration, wort density and refractive index are available, as well as on-line records of evolved CO2. The basic reconciliation method uses mass balance and monotonicity constraints derived from the biological knowledge of the fermentation process. In order to provide interpolated values and rate estimates, smoothness requirements are added. The reconciliation procedure gives more reliable estimates than any given measurement, detects outliers, helps fixing problems in the experimental setting and is also applicable on line.  相似文献   

Relationships among representatives of the five major Hawaiian Drosophila species groups were examined using data from eight different gene regions. A simultaneous analysis of these data resulted in a single most-parsimonious tree that (1) places the adiastola picture-winged subgroup as sister taxon to the other picture-winged subgroups, (2) unites the modified-tarsus species group with flies from the Antopocerus species group, and (3) places the white-tip scutellum species group as the most basal taxon. Because of the different gene sources used in this study, numerous process partitions can be erected within this data set. We examined the incongruence among these various partitions and the ramifications of these data for the taxonomic consensus, prior agreement, and simultaneous analysis approaches to phylogenetic reconstruction. Separate analyses and taxonomic consensus appear to be inadequate methods for dealing with the partitions in this study. Although detection of incongruence is possible and helps elucidate particular areas of disagreement among data sets, separation of partitions on the basis of incongruence is problematic for many reasons. First, analyzing all genes separately and then either presenting them all as possible hypotheses or taking their consensus provides virtually no information concerning the relationships among these flies. Second, despite some evidence of incongruence, there are no clear delineations among the various gene partitions that separate only heterogeneous data. Third, to the extent that problematic genes can be identified, these genes have nearly the same information content, within a combined analysis framework, as the remaining nonproblematic genes. Our data suggest that significant incongruence among data partitions may be isolated to specific relationships and the "false" signal creating this incongruence is most likely to be overcome by a simultaneous analysis. We present a new method, partitioned Bremer support, for examining the contribution of a particular data partition to the topological support of the simultaneous analysis tree.  相似文献   

Total evidence requires exclusion of phylogenetically misleading data   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Treating all available characters simultaneously in a single data matrix (i.e. combined or simultaneous analysis) is frequently called the 'total evidence' (TE) approach, following Kluge's introduction of the term in 1989, quoting Carnap (1950) . However, the general principle and one of the possible procedures involved in its application are often confused. The principle, first enunciated within the context of inductive logic by Carnap in 1950, did not refer to a particular procedure, and TE meant using all relevant knowledge, rather than a combined analysis of all available data. Using TE, all relevant knowledge should be taken into account, including the fact that some data are probably misleading as indicators of species phylogeny and should be discarded. Based on the assumption that molecular partitions have some biological significance (process partitions obtained from nonrandom homoplasy or from 'processes of discord'), we suggest that separate analyses constitute an important exploratory investigation, while the phylogenetic tree itself should be produced by a final combined analysis of all relevant data. Given that the concept of process partitions is justified and that reliability cannot be evaluated using any robustness measure from a single combined analysis, the analysis of multiple data sets involves five steps: (1) perform separate analyses without consensus trees in order to assess reliability of clades through their recurrence and improve the detection of artifacts; (2) test significance of character incongruence, using, for example, pairwise ILD tests in order to identify the sets responsible for incongruence; (3) replace likely misleading data with question marks in the combined data matrix; (4) perform simultaneous analysis of this matrix without the misleading data; (5) assess the reliability of clades found by the combined analysis by computing their recurrence within the previous separate analyses, giving priority to repeatability.  相似文献   

Phantom mutations are systematic artifacts generated in the course of the sequencing process itself. In sequenced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), they generate a hotspot pattern quite different from that of natural mutations in the cell. To identify the telltale patterns of a particular phantom mutation process, one first filters out the well-established frequent mutations (inferred from various data sets with additional coding region information). The filtered data are represented by their full (quasi-)median network, to visualize the character conflicts, which can be expressed numerically by the cube spectrum. Permutation tests are used to evaluate the overall phylogenetic content of the filtered data. Comparison with benchmark data sets helps to sort out suspicious data and to infer features and potential causes for the phantom mutation process. This approach, performed either in the lab or at the desk of a reviewer, will help to avoid errors that otherwise would go into print and could lead to erroneous evolutionary interpretations. The filtering procedure is illustrated with two mtDNA data sets that were severely affected by phantom mutations.  相似文献   

The connection between the frequency of acoustic signals application, contact and gestural communication and the manipulation activity of Cercopithecidea and Anthropoidea have been examined. A scheme reflecting the changes of correlational behavioural systems at different periods of primate phylogenesis is proposed. The behavioural changes in the connections of gestures, vocalisation and manipulation activity during the process of their transition into the language and labour on the way to hominization are shown. On the basis of the exact data a possible role of gestural an acoustic signals in the origin of language is given.  相似文献   

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