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Minostrobus chaohuensis Wang was previously known only as a lycopsid megasporangiate strobilus from the Upper Devonian of Anhui Province, South China. Our comprehensive study of the newly collected materials reveals the details of its morphology, anatomy, and reproduction, which allow us to emend its generic and specific diagnoses. M. chaohuensis is reconstructed as a plant with multi-dichotomous branching system, helically arranged leaves, and monoecious and monosporangiate strobili (i.e., separate megasporangiate and microsporangiate strobili in one individual). The anatomy of both fertile and sterile portions of Minostrobus indicates that the exarch primary xylem strand is the solid protostele, with the peripheral protoxylem ridges and Williamson's striations in metaxylem tracheids. The key reproductive and anatomical characters suggest that Minostrobus chaohuensis is far more likely to represent a distal shoot of pseudo-herbaceous or arborescent lycopsids within the order Isoëtales sensu lato. It is suggested that the monosporangiate-strobilus clade in the Isoëtales may include primitive, monoecious taxa in the Late Devonian and advanced, dioecious ones in the Carboniferous. The hypothesis that the more phylogenetically advanced monosporangiate-strobilus clade might have well diverged from the basal bisporangiate-strobilus clade of arborescent lycopsids by the Late Devonian is further supported.  相似文献   

A heterosporous lycopsid plant is described from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation, Changxing County, northern Zhejiang Province, China. The plant is known for its terminal and many detached megasporangiate strobili, most of which do not have sporophylls preserved. Some megasporangiate strobili are closely associated with a vegetative axis bearing leaf cushions and with a mass of microspores. Because of the monosporangiate strobili, the present lycopsid belongs to the Dichostrobiles of the Isoёtales sensu lato. This lycopsid conforms to Changxingia in the vegetative leaves, leaf cushions (including leaf scar and ligule pit), some parts of the megasporophyll (pedicel, heel and lamina), the megasporangium and the megaspores, although the branching pattern of axes, the arrangement and other parts of megasporophyll are still unknown. The fossils are described as Changxingia sp., and this genus is expanded with character of microspore. Hence, the previous and present data indicate that the earliest lycopsids with monosporangiate strobili from the Upper Devonian of China are consistent in Lagenicula megaspores with gula and Lycospora microspores with equatorial cingulum. In contrast, the Carboniferous lycopsids with monosporangiate strobili in Euramerica and Cathaysia show great diversification of both megaspores and microspores.  相似文献   

Lepidostrobus xinjiangensis sp. nov. is described from Upper Devonian rocks of the eastern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, north-west China. It provides new insights into the reproductive diversification and phylogenetic relationships of lycopsids in the Late Devonian. The strobilus shares more characteristics with arborescent lycopsids than any herbaceous forms, and falls within the diagnosis of Lepidostrobus . Each sporophyll consists of a deltoid pedicel and a triangular lamina. Sporophylls are horizontally inserted into the strobilus axis in low spirals. The pedicel, with lateral alations and an abaxial keel, extends distally into the upturned lamina and downturned heel, producing a peltate appearance. A single sporangium with terminal longitudinal dehiscence is a radially elongate, dorsiventrally flattened ovoid and is attached along its length to the adaxial surface of the pedicel. A column-like subarchesporial pad is found in the sporangium. A possible ligule occurs on the adaxial surface of the pedicel distal to the sporangium. The strobilus is microsporangiate, containing Lycospora -type spores with granulate ornamentation and an equatorial flange. Based on this new species, the reproductive diversification and evolutionary pattern in arborescent lycopsids from the Devonian through the Carboniferous are discussed in a phylogenetic framework. We suggest that the reproductive strategies represented by bisporangiate- and monosporangiate-strobili had proliferated by the Late Devonian, which implies that phylogenetically advanced arborescent lycopsids bearing Lepidostrobus strobili had an earlier origin than previously thought.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143 , 55−67.  相似文献   

Clevelandodendron ohioensis Chitaley & Pigg gen. et sp. nov. is an almost entire lycopsid plant known from a single compressed specimen from the Cleveland Shale member of the Upper Devonian Ohio Shale. This unique specimen is 125 cm long, consisting of an unbranched, slender, monopodial axis with a partially preserved plant base bearing thick appendages at one end, and a compact, terminal ovoid bisporangiate strobilus at the other. The stem is 2 cm wide for most of its length. Visible on the decorticated stem surface are helically arranged, elongate leaf traces and laterally compressed, slender leaves along the stem margin. The plant base bears 4-6 thick appendages. The terminal strobilus is compact, ovoid, 9 cm long and up to 6 cm wide, morphologically similar to those of some Lepidodendrales, and bears helically arranged sporophyll/sporangium complexes with narrow bases and distal laminae up to 18 mm long, turned upward. Megaspores are 320-360 μm, trilete and laevigate, lacking a gula; microspores are 30-42 μm, trilete, indistinctly punctate and possibly assignable to Calamospora or Punctatisporites. Clevelandodendron demonstrates that slender unbranched lycopsids with an isoetalean plant habit similar to the Carboniferous genera Chaloneria and Sporangiostrobus and Triassic Pleuromeia-like forms were present as early as the Late Devonian. The early occurrence of this unique habit suggests that diversification within the isoetalean clade sensu Rothwell and Erwin (including both Isoetales and Lepidodendrales) was well established prior to the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Pollen organ Telangiopsis sp., associated with but not attached to vegetative fronds, has been collected from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation, Dongzhi County, Anhui Province, China. Fertile axes with terminal pollen organs are dichotomous for 2–4 times and may be proximally attached by fragmentary pinnules. Pollen organs are synangiate and borne on the top of a short stalk. Synangia are radial in symmetry and each consists of 4–8 elongate microsporangia fused at base. Microsporangia have a longitudinal dehiscence line and show a tapered apex. The associated stem is spiny and bears a vegetative frond which bifurcates once at the basalmost part. Frond rachises possess one order of pinna arranged alternately. Pinnules are borne alternately, planate, highly dissected, and equally dichotomous for 2–3 times. Comparisons among Late Devonian seed plants recognize several branching patterns in the fertile fronds/axes bearing terminal pollen organs. Telangiopsis sp. reinforces that the Late Devonian pollen organs are synangiate usually with basally fused microsporangia. It is suggested that the evolutionary divergence of radial and bilateral symmetries of pollen organs may have occurred in the Famennian, when the earliest seed plants evolved planate and sometimes laminate pinnules.  相似文献   

The evolution of vascular plants during the Devonian Period has had great impacts on terrestrial ecosystems through innovations of key characters such as leaves, heterospory, seed reproduction, and woods. Here we report a new plant, Qianshouia mira n. gen. n. sp., from the Upper Devonian Wutong (Wutung) Formation of Fanwan section, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China. This plant has slender axes which seldom branch. Its leaves are arranged in pseudowhorls, departing from axes with an acute angle. The leaves are strap-shaped and each can be subdivided into proximal, middle and distal portions. At the proximal portion, a middle ridge develops, and at the middle portion this ridge divides at least three times forming four to six daughter ridges, and in between are grooves. The distal portion of leaves (leaf apex) is suggested to be adaxially curved, with no ridges but with forked tips. Qianshouia probably represents a small plant with a shrubby or herbaceous habit. Due to the unique leaf morphology and the lack of fertile structures and anatomy, the exact phylogenetic position of Qianshouia is uncertain. Qianshouia might be a lycopsid in light of the pseudowhorled phyllotaxis, or alternatively, could be a sphenopsid if the dichotomous ridge system of the leaf could be demonstrated to be leaf veins. Nevertheless, Qianshouia adds to the diversity of leaf morphologies among the Late Devonian vascular plants.  相似文献   

Isolation of Mesophyll Cells from Sedum telephium Leaves   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A technique is described for mechanically isolating metabolically active individual spongy mesophyll cells from the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant, Sedum telephium. Mature leaves are selected at about 2 PM when acidity is low, and three different media are used to reduce the problem of leaf acidity and to maintain isotonic conditions. The upper and lower epidermis is peeled from chilled leaves and the leaves are suspended in a buffered “soaking medium,” then gently ground with a mortar and pestle. Cells and debris are separated using a “washing medium,” with cells being filtered through a 136 micron net and collected on an 80 micron net. Cells then are suspended in a “cell suspension medium” and concentrated by centrifugation. Approximately 2 hours are required for the isolation procedure, and activity in CO2 fixation is constant for up to 4 hours after isolation. Microscopic examination shows about 65% of the isolated cells appear intact and unplasmolyzed and are similar to leaf msophyll cells. The yield of cells on a leaf chlorophyll basis is about 1%. A light micrograph of the isolated cells is given.  相似文献   

The ovuliferous structure of Ginkgo biloba L. has been variously interpreted morphologically. As a result the systematic position and the relationship with other gymnosperms of this ancestral gymnosperm have long been under dispute. In the present paper, a brief survey of the main views as to the nature of the ovuliferous structure is givcn. Based on morphological and teratological data previously reported, a new interpretation is proposed. The essential points are summarized as follows: 1. In morphological essence, a fertile dwarf shoot with some ovuliferous structures in Ginkgo biloba L. might as a whole be nothing but a megasporophyll strobilus (female cone), which is shared actually by all the conifers in the gymnosperms. The fertile dwarf shoot has appearance extremely similar to that of the vegetative dwarf shoot, suggesting that in Ginkgo biloba L. the vegetative organs and the reproductive organs have not been yet well differentiated, and thus its megasporophyll strobilus might represent one of the most primitive compound strobilus types. 2. In Ginkgo biloba, the ovuliferous structure borne in the axil of a scale leaf (sometimes a normal leaf) on the dwarf shoot, together with the scale leaf itself, might be the homogenous organ corresponding to the bract-scale and seed-scale complex of the compound female strobilus of the typical conifers. The complex is a relatively isolated reproductive unit on the strobilus. The normal leaves and the scale leaves on the dwarf shoot might be equivalent to the bract-scales in the typical cones, though the normal leaves still retain the vegetative nature as the foliage leaves on the vegetative shoot. The stalk hearing ovules at its top might be equivalent to a seed-scale of the typical cones. 3. The megasporophyll strobilus in Ginkgo biloba, namely a whole fertile dwarf shoot as mentioned above, seems to show much more primitive characteristics than those of typical conifers. In this plant it is very difficult to distinguish the fertile dwarf shoot from the common vegetative dwarf shoot before reproduction time. Moreover, its megasporophyll strobilus often exhibits more atavistic abnormalities than those of other conifers. All the evidence indicates that the primitive ancestor of conifers might have had the fertile organs which might be of basically identical morphology as vegetative shoots, except that in the fertile organs there might exist numerous fertile leaves bearing one or many ovules. 4. The longer stalk of the ovuliferous structure in Ginkgo biloba might have come from mainly a secondary elongation growth of the seed scale, and only a little part of it might be the remains of the original shoot. The fork structure bearing ovules at the top of the stalk might be the rudementary part of the petioles of the only two extremely reduced megasporophylls. The collar around the base of the ovule might be a secondary protective structure. 5. A correct morphological interpretation of the female strobilus in Ginkgo biloba is doubtless of important significance for our better understanding of the evolution of the female reproductive organs in conifers. According to our interpretation mentioned above, together with the concept of the bractscale and seed-scale complex proposed in the present paper, which is mainly based on the concept of the seed-scale complex propose by Florin, here we put forward an evolutionary theory of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex. According to this theory, the female reproductive organs of the ancestral conifers should be very similar, as mentioned above, to the sterile foliage shoot except that the former might have some fertile leaves which could produce ovules at reproduction time. This ancestral female reproductive organ type might have had evolved towards two directions and thus formed two main evolutionary lines. One is represented by the genus Cycas and we may call it the Cycas Evolutionary Line (C-line), in which the megasporophyll strobilus is monopodial, with the fertile leaves and sterile bracts occurring directly on the main axis. The Cycadaceae is the only living gymnosperm member along this evolutionary line. The second line is represented by all the conifers including Ginkgo, which all have the structure of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex, and thus we called it the "Bract-scale and Seed-scale Complex Evolutionary Line" (BS-line). The members along this line have multipodial female strobilus, i.e. compound strobilus. On the main axis occur some sterile vegetative bracts. In the axils of some or most of the bracts occur the seed-scales. The seed-scales are actually the remains of the extremely, or smetimes completely reduced fertile shoots. Each part of the bractt-scale and seed-scale complex and the main axis of the strobilus could have undergone independent or correlated changes, and thus have had formed various types of strobilus which are found in the living conifers. 6. Our theory on the evolution of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex seems to support the division of all the gymnosperms into two major groups as proposed by Chamberlain, and is also in favour of the placement of Ginkgo biloba into the conifers as the most primitive member along BS-line. 7. Based on their similar morphological characters, it can be considered that Ginkgo biloba might have close relationships with the Nageiaceae, Ephedraceae, Welwitschiaceae and Araucariaceae. All these groups have multinerved leaves without costa. These living gymnosperms might have a more direct relationship withthe ancestral cordaites.  相似文献   

报道了产于山东枣庄矿区太原组16号煤层煤核(早二叠世早期或晚石炭世晚期)中一种具解剖构造的鳞木目茎.茎呈压扁状,长轴约6 cm,短轴约2.5 cm.中柱、外部皮层、周皮和叶座均保存.茎具原生中柱,无次生木质部发育,外部皮层由较发育的径向的厚壁的细胞条带和已经毁坏的薄壁的细胞区域交替排列构成.周皮较发育,厚约4~5 mm,由木栓层和栓内层构成.其中栓内层较厚,细胞构造均一,或在有些地方分化为弦向的薄壁的细胞条带和l厚壁的细胞条带,二者交替排列.其中薄壁的细胞条带常保存不好而形成弦向的裂隙.叶座的高和宽近相等,呈近正菱形.叶痕盔形或双凸镜形,位于叶座上部,微微突出于叶座表面之上.叶座表面平坦,未见明显的中脊和横皱纹.叶迹在叶座内近水平状延伸,但在近叶座表面处略向上然后向外弯曲成不太明显的"S"形进入叶痕内.径切面上叶舌穴略向上斜伸,具一宽大的基部,其开口直接位于叶痕顶角处.叶舌大,宽卵球形,长轴达1.2 mm,短轴达1 mm.与目前已知的鳞木目几个属的茎比较,当前标本与Diaphorodendron属的茎最为接近,仅在叶座上有些不同,本文将其归入该属内.Diaphorodendron属目前共有3个种,全分布于欧美植物区晚石炭世中期(威斯法期),它们与当前标本区别明显,因此,将当前标本归入新种D.rhombicum内.本文是国内首次报道Diaphorodendron属在华夏植物区的存在.其高和宽近相等的叶座形态可能表明了一种进化的特征,这从其所在地层的地质时代(早二叠世早期或晚石炭世晚期)较欧美植物区的3个种(晚石炭世中期)较新这一事实得到支持.  相似文献   

Functional traits are organismal attributes that can respond to environmental cues, thereby providing important ecological functions. In addition, an organism’s potential for adaptation is defined by the patterns of covariation among groups of functionally related traits. Whether an organism is evolutionarily constrained or has the potential for adaptation is based on the phenotypic integration or modularity of these traits. Here, we revisited leaf morphology in two European sympatric white oaks (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L.), sampling 2098 individuals, across much of their geographical distribution ranges. At the phenotypic level, leaf morphology traditionally encompasses discriminant attributes among different oak species. Here, we estimated in situ heritability, genetic correlation, and integration across such attributes. Also, we performed Selection Response Decomposition to test these traits for potential differences in oak species’ evolutionary responses. Based on the uncovered functional units of traits (modules) in our study, the morphological module “leaf size gradient” was highlighted among functionally integrated traits. Equally, this module was defined in both oaks as being under “global regulation” in vegetative bud establishment and development. Lamina basal shape and intercalary veins’ number were not, or, less integrated within the initially defined leaf functional unit, suggesting more than one module within the leaf traits’ ensemble. Since these traits generally show the greatest species discriminatory power, they potentially underwent effective differential response to selection among oaks. Indeed, the selection of these traits could have driven the ecological preferences between the two sympatric oaks growing under different microclimates.Subject terms: Quantitative trait, Evolutionary biology  相似文献   

A reinvestigation of the previously described Leptophloeum rhombicum trunk from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Huangchiateng Formation of Hubei, China provides a new perspective on the architecture of this arborescent lycopsid. It is preserved as a flattened, silicified petrification with an unevenly permineralized primary vasculature and spirally arranged rhombic leaf cushions, which agree with the diagnosis of L. rhombicum Dawson distributed worldwide in the Late Devonian. Taxonomically, this plant should be assigned to its own family and within the order Iso?tales sensu lato. The anatomy, from different levels of the trunk, demonstrates that the ontogeny of the plant may conform to a determinate growth pattern. Combining previous data with current architectural analysis, it suggested that the L. rhombicum tree had a pseudomonopodial branching pattern rather than an iso-dichotomous branching crown as previously proposed. New reconstruction of the general habit for this tree is given and consists of three major architectural units: a stigmarian rhizomorph, a main trunk, and lateral branches. When these results are considered with recent cladistic work, L. rhombicum may have developed similar growth architecture to some Famennian and Carboniferous arborescent lycopsids. This growth represents one of the archetypal architectures found in the Iso?tales s.l. extending from the early Late Devonian.  相似文献   

Sublepidodendron is a common megafossil plant in the Late Devonian of China, but historically the generic delimitation based on leaf bases masked its true systematic position. A reinvestigation of S. songziense from the Late Devonian Hsiehchingssu Formation, Hubei, China, provides new insights into its internal anatomy and reproductive morphology. This arborescent lycopsid is characterized by small, vertically elongated leaf bases arranged in spirals, presence of false leaf scars, possibly bearing separate cones, and association with a stigmarian rhizomorph. The potential for organic connections of these detached organ genera has been noted for other Sublepidodendron species. The anatomy of S. songziense axes from two levels reveals that the thinner axis may bear an ectophloic siphonostele with a filamentous pith and an outer cortex. The thicker axis has a siphonostele with a branch gap, two-zoned pith with secondary thickenings, multiseriate rays across secondary xylem, a thick periderm, and primary and secondary tracheid walls characterized by "Williamson's striations." Similarities to synapomorphies of Diaphorodendraceae and Lepidodendraceae suggest that S. songziense bears a closer affinity to Lepidodendrales rather than Protolepidodendrales, as formerly thought. Widespread occurrence of Sublepidodendron implies that phylogenetically advanced arborescent lycopsids must have diverged by the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

Hormones are molecules involved in virtually every step of plant development and studies in this field have been shaping plant physiology for more than a century. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, long used as a tool to study plant hormones, lacks significant important developmental traits, such as fleshy climacteric fruit, compound leaf and multicellular trichomes, suggesting the necessity for alternative plant models. An attractive option often used is tomato, a species also of major economic importance, being ideal to bring together basic and applied plant sciences. The tomato Micro-Tom (MT) cultivar makes it possible to combine the direct benefits of studying a crop species with the fast life cycle and small size required for a suitable biological model. However, few obscure questions are constantly addressed to MT, creating a process herein called “MT mystification”. In this work we present evidence clarifying these questions and show the potential of MT, aiming to demystify it. To corroborate our ideas we showed that, by making use of MT, our laboratory demonstrated straightforwardly new hormonal functions and also characterized a novel antagonistic hormonal interaction between jasmonates and brassinosteroids in the formation of anti-herbivory traits in tomato.Key words: Solanum lycopersicum, Arabidopsis thaliana, hormones, plant model, jasmonates, brassinosteroids  相似文献   

The relationship between the relative abundance of ureides ([ureide-N/ureide-N plus nitrate-N] × 100) in the shoot axis (stems plus petioles), nodulated roots and leaflets of “Bragg” soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) and the symbiotic dependence of these plants was examined under glass-house conditions. Plants, inoculated with effective Rhizobium japonicum CB1809, were grown with their roots exposed continuously to a nutrient solution containing either 0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 or 12.0 millimolar NO3-N per liter. Nodulation and N2-acetylene fixation were correlated inversely with the level of nitrate. Seasonal acetylene reduction profiles for each of the nitrate treatments were integrated and the symbiotic dependence ([N2 fixed per total plant N] × 100) determined using a conversion ratio of 1.5:1 (acetylene reduced:N2 fixed), calculated from the zero NO3 treatment. Examination of the nitrogenous solutes of the shoot axis and nodulated roots showed linear relationships between the relative abundance of ureides and the symbiotic dependence of the plants. Two standard curves, depicting these relationships during vegetative and reproductive growth, were drawn for each plant part. The overriding effect of plant age invalidated any attempt to develop a standard relationship for leaflets. Data from two diurnal studies suggested that relative ureides were insensitive to diurnal fluctuations, thus simplifying sampling procedures. Plant material could be stored at ambient temperatures (20-30°C) for up to 24 h without affecting the relative concentration of ureides and nitrate. It is suggested that the shoot axis provides the most suitable target organ when using this technique as a quantitative assay for N2 fixation because of ease of sampling of these tissues, especially with field-grown plants.  相似文献   

GIGANTEA (GI) genes have a central role in plant development and influence several processes. Hybrid aspen T89 (Populus tremula x tremuloides) trees with low GI expression engineered through RNAi show severely compromised growth. To study the effect of reduced GI expression on leaf traits with special emphasis on leaf senescence, we grafted GI-RNAi scions onto wild-type rootstocks and successfully restored growth of the scions. The RNAi line had a distorted leaf shape and reduced photosynthesis, probably caused by modulation of phloem or stomatal function, increased starch accumulation, a higher carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, and reduced capacity to withstand moderate light stress. GI-RNAi also induced senescence under long day (LD) and moderate light conditions. Furthermore, the GI-RNAi lines were affected in their capacity to respond to “autumn environmental cues” inducing senescence, a type of leaf senescence that has physiological and biochemical characteristics that differ from those of senescence induced directly by stress under LD conditions. Overexpression of GI delayed senescence under simulated autumn conditions. The two different effects on leaf senescence under LD or simulated autumn conditions were not affected by the expression of FLOWERING LOCUS T. GI expression regulated leaf senescence locally—the phenotype followed the genotype of the branch, independent of its position on the tree—and trees with modified gene expression were affected in a similar way when grown in the field as under controlled conditions. Taken together, GI plays a central role in sensing environmental changes during autumn and determining the appropriate timing for leaf senescence in Populus.

In the autumn deciduous trees respond to environmental signals and induce leaf senescence, and two different senescence pathways can be distinguished  相似文献   



Strong patterns of habitat association are frequent among tropical forest trees and contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity. The relation of edaphic differentiation to tradeoffs among leaf functional traits is less clear, but may provide insights into mechanisms of habitat partitioning in these species rich assemblages.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We quantify the leaf economics spectrum (LES) for 16 tree species within a Bornean forest characterized by highly pronounced habitat specialization. Our findings suggest that the primary axis of trait variation in light-limited, lowland tropical forests was identical to the LES and corresponds with the shade tolerance continuum. There was no separation with respect to edaphic variation along this primary axis of trait variation. However, a second orthogonal axis determined largely by foliar P concentrations resulted in a near-perfect separation of species occupying distinct soil types within the forest.


We suggest that this second axis of leaf trait variation represents a “leaf edaphic habitat spectrum” related to foliar P and potentially other nutrients closely linked to geological substrate, and may generally occur in plant communities characterized by strong edaphic resource gradients.  相似文献   

Whole bean (var. “Eastern Butterwax”) plants and isolated cells were used to investigate possible mechanisms of action of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine]. Results showed that glyphosate was quickly absorbed by the whole plant but not by individual cells and that it caused a rapid reduction in leaf dry matter accumulation, leaf expansion, leaf angle, and stomatal aperture without affecting the water status of the plant. Glyphosate also caused a rapid reduction in cellular uptake of 86Rb and 32P which preceded its detrimental effects on photosynthesis, RNA and protein synthesis, and respiration of isolated cells. This reduction in ion absorption was not due to a loss of membrane integrity, decrease in energy supply or chelation of ions. It was concluded that glyphosate was directly inhibiting the ion absorption process of bean leaf cells.  相似文献   

During a 12-year period 50 patients with measles encephalitis were treated with typhoid vaccine—45 of them not until they were in a vegetative state. There were no deaths in the treated cases. All except one were clinically normal after treatment was ended. Late in the series it became apparent that after the clinical normal is attained and the electroencephalogram becomes normal, treatment should still be continued until the cortex has been “challenged” repeatedly and the electroencephalogram shown to remain normal.The “shock” element in the treatment with typhoid vaccine was prevented by anticipating and circumventing the unfavorable reactions to the vaccine.It may take 20 to 50 treatments or more with typhoid vaccine to return a patient to normality. Each individual is different and responds in a different period of time.  相似文献   

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