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The interactions of long chain fatty acids (FA) with wild type (WT) fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) and engineered FABP mutants have been monitored to determine the equilibrium binding constants as well as the rate constants for binding and dissociation. These measurements have been done using the fluorescent probes, ADIFAB and ADIFAB2, that allow the determination of the free fatty acid (FFA) concentration in the reaction of FA with proteins and membranes. The results of these studies indicate that for WT proteins from adipocyte, heart, intestine, and liver, Kd values are in the nM range and affinities decrease with increasing aqueous solubility of the FA. Binding affinities for heart and liver are generally greater than those for adipocyte and intestine. Moreover, measurements of the rate constants indicate that binding equilibrium at 37øC is achieved within seconds for all FA and FABPs. These results, together with the level of serum (unbound) FFA, suggests a buffering action of FABPs that helps to maintain the intracellular concentration of FFA so that the flux of FFA between serum and cells occurs down a concentration gradient. Measurements of the temperature dependence of binding reveal that the free energy is predominately enthalpic and that the enthalpy of the reaction results from FA-FABP interactions within the binding cavity. The nature of these interactions were investigated by determining the thermodynamics of binding to engineered point mutants of the intestinal FABP. These measurements showed that binding affinities did not report accurately the changes in protein-FA interactions because changes in the binding entropy and enthalpy tend to compensate. For example, an alanine substitution for arginine 106 yields a 30 fold increase in binding affinity, because the loss in enthalpy due to the elimination of the favorable interaction between the FA carboxylate and Arg106, is more than compensated for by an increase in entropy. Thus understanding the effects of amino acid replacements on FA-FABP interactions requires measurements of enthalpy and entropy, in addition to affinity.  相似文献   

The crystal and solution structures of all of the intracellular lipid binding proteins (iLBPs) reveal a common -barrel framework with only small local perturbations. All existing evidence points to the binding cavity and a poorly delimited portal region as defining the function of each family member. The importance of local structure within the cavity appears to be its influence on binding affinity and specificity for the lipid. The portal region appears to be involved in the regulation of ligand exchange. Within the iLBP family, liver fatty acid binding protein or LFABP, has the unique property of binding two fatty acids within its internalized binding cavity rather than the commonly observed stoichiometry of one. Furthermore, LFABP will bind hydrophobic molecules larger than the ligands which will associate with other iLBPs. The crystal structure of LFABP contains two bound oleate molecules and provides the explanation for its unusual stoichiometry. One of the bound fatty acids is completely internalized and has its carboxylate interacting with an arginine and two serines. The second oleate represents an entirely new binding mode with the carboxylate on the surface of LFABP. The two oleates also interact with each other. Because of this interaction and its inner location, it appears the first oleate must be present before the second more external molecule is bound.  相似文献   

Insights into binding of fatty acids by fatty acid binding proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Members of the phylogenetically related intracellular lipid binding protein (iLBP) are characterized by a highly conserved tertiary structure, but reveal distinct binding preferences with regard to ligand structure and conformation, when binding is assessed by the Lipidex method (removal of unbound ligand by hydrophobic polymer) or by isothermal titration calorimetry, a true equilibrium method. Subfamily proteins bind retinoids, subfamily II proteins bind bulky ligands, examples are intestinal bile acid binding protein (I-BABP) and liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) which binds 2 ligand molecules, preferably monounsaturated and n-3 fatty acids. Subfamily III intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) binds fatty acid in a bent conformation. The fatty acid bound by subfamily IV FABPs has a U-shaped conformation; here heart (H-) FABP preferably binds n-6, brain (B-) FABP n-3 fatty acids. The ADIFAB-method is a fluorescent test for fatty acid in equilibrium with iLBP and reveals some correlation of binding affinity to fatty acid solubility in the aqueous phase; these data are often at variance with those obtained by the other methods. Thus, in this review published binding data are critically discussed, taking into account on the one hand binding increments calculated for fatty acid double bonds on the basis of the solubility hypothesis, on the other hand the interpretation of calorimetric data on the basis of crystallographic and solution structures of iLBPs.  相似文献   

The PUFAs include many bioactive lipids. The microbial metabolism of C18 PUFAs is known to produce their bioactive isomers, such as conjugated FAs and hydroxy FAs, but there is little information on that of C20 PUFAs. In this study, we aimed to obtain anaerobic bacteria with the ability to produce novel PUFAs from C20 PUFAs. Through the screening of ∼100 strains of anaerobic bacteria, Clostridium bifermentans JCM 1386 was selected as a strain with the ability to saturate PUFAs during anaerobic cultivation. This strain converted arachidonic acid (cis-5,cis-8,cis-11,cis-14-eicosatetraenoic acid) and EPA (cis-5,cis-8,cis-11,cis-14,cis-17-EPA) into cis-5,cis-8,trans-13-eicosatrienoic acid and cis-5,cis-8,trans-13,cis-17-eicosatetraenoic acid, giving yields of 57% and 67% against the added PUFAs, respectively. This is the first report of the isolation of a bacterium transforming C20 PUFAs into corresponding non-methylene-interrupted FAs. We further investigated the substrate specificity of the biohydrogenation by this strain and revealed that it can convert two cis double bonds at the ω6 and ω9 positions in various C18 and C20 PUFAs into a trans double bond at the ω7 position. This study should serve to open up the development of novel potentially bioactive PUFAs.  相似文献   

In the studies described here rat liver microsomes containing labeled palmitic, stearic, oleic or linoleic acids were incubated with fatty acid binding protein (FABP) and the rate of removal of14C-labeled fatty acids from the membrane by the soluble protein was measured using a model system. More unsaturated than saturated fatty acids were removed from native liver microsomes incubated with similar amounts of FABP. Thein vitro peroxidation of microsomal membranes mediated by ascorbate-Fe++, modified its fatty acid composition with a considerable decrease of the peroxidizability index. These changes in the microsomes facilitated the removal of oleic and linoeic acids by FABP, but the removal of palmitic and stearic acids was not modified. This effect is proposed to result from a perturbation of membrane structure following peroxidation with release of free fatty acids from susceptible domains.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - FABP fatty acid binding protein  相似文献   

Summary Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABP) are distinct but related gene products which are found in many mammalian cell types. They are generally present in high abundance, and are found in those tissues where free fatty acid (ffa) flux is high. The function(s) of FABP is unknown. Also not known is whether all FABP function similarly in their respective cell types, or whether different FABP have unique functions. The purpose of these studies was to assess whether different members of the FABP family exhibit different structural and functional properties. Two fluorescent analogues of ffa were used to compare the liver (L-FABP) and heart (H-FABP) binding proteins. The propionic acid derivative of diphenylhexatriene (PADPH) was used to examine the physical properties of the ffa binding site on L- and H-FABP, as well as the relative distribution of ffa between FABP and membranes. An anthroyloxy-derivative of palmitic acid, 2AP, was used to monitor the transfer kinetics of ffa from liver or heart FABP to acceptor membranes, using a resonance energy transfer assay. The results demonstrate that the ffa binding sites of both FABP are hydrophobic in nature, although the L-FABP site is more nonpolar than the H-FABP site. Equilibration of PADPH between L-FABP and phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers resulted in a molar partition preference of > 20: 1, L-FABP : PC. Similar studies with H-FABP resulted in a PADPH partition preference of only 3:1, H-FABP : PC. Finally, the transfer of 2AP from H-FABP to acceptor membranes was found to be 50-fold faster than transfer from L-FABP. These studies demonstrate that important structural and functional differences exist between different members of the FABP family, and therefore imply that the roles of different FABP may be unique.Abbreviations FABP Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - L-FABP Liver FABP - H-FABP Heart FABP - SUV Small Unilamellar Vesicle - PADPH 3-[p-(6-Phenyl)-1,3,5-Hexatrienyl]-phenylpropionic acid - 2AP 2-(9-Anthroyloxy)Palmitic acid - Q Quantum yield - F Fluorescence lifetime  相似文献   

Spatial changes of FAs in the retina in response to different dietary n-3 formulations have never been explored, although a diet rich in EPA and DHA is recommended to protect the retina against the effects of aging. In this study, Wistar rats were fed for 8 weeks with balanced diet including either EPA-containing phospholipids (PLs), EPA-containing TGs, DHA-containing PLs, or DHA-containing TGs. Qualitative changes in FA composition of plasma, erythrocytes, and retina were evaluated by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. Following the different dietary intakes, changes to the quantity and spatial organization of PC and PE species in retina were determined by LC coupled to MS/MS and MALDI coupled to MS imaging. The omega-3 content in the lipids of plasma and erythrocytes suggests that PLs as well as TGs are good omega-3 carriers for retina. However, a significant increase in DHA content in retina was observed, especially molecular species as di-DHA-containing PC and PE, as well as an increase in very long chain PUFAs (more than 28 carbons) following PL-EPA and TG-DHA diets only. All supplemented diets triggered spatial organization changes of DHA in the photoreceptor layer around the optic nerve. Taken together, these findings suggest that dietary omega-3 supplementation can modify the content of FAs in the rat retina.  相似文献   

Two different members of the fatty acid‐binding protein (FABP) family are found in enterocyte cells of the gastrointestinal system, namely liver‐type and intestinal fatty acid‐binding proteins (LFABP and IFABP, also called FABP1 and FABP2, respectively). Striking phenotypic differences have been observed in knockout mice for either protein, for example, high fat‐fed IFABP‐null mice remained lean, whereas LFABP‐null mice were obese, correlating with differences in food intake. This finding prompted us to investigate the role each protein plays in directing the specificity of binding to ligands involved in appetite regulation, such as fatty acid ethanolamides and related endocannabinoids. We determined the binding affinities for nine structurally related ligands using a fluorescence competition assay, revealing tighter binding to IFABP than LFABP for all ligands tested. We found that the head group of the ligand had more impact on binding affinity than the alkyl chain, with the strongest binding observed for the carboxyl group, followed by the amide, and then the glycerol ester. These trends were confirmed using two‐dimensional 1H–15N nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to monitor chemical shift perturbation of the protein backbone resonances upon titration with ligand. Interestingly, the NMR data revealed that different residues of IFABP were involved in the coordination of endocannabinoids than those implicated for fatty acids, whereas the same residues of LFABP were involved for both classes of ligand. In addition, we identified residues that are uniquely affected by binding of all types of ligand to IFABP, suggesting a rationale for its tighter binding affinity compared with LFABP.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding protein 7 (FABP7), abundant in the embryonic brain, binds with the highest affinity to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and is expressed in the early stages of embryogenesis. Here, we have examined the consequences of the exposure to different DHA levels and of the in utero depletion of FABP7 on early rat brain development. Neurodevelopment was evaluated through the contents of two proteins, connexin 43 (Cx43) and cyclin‐dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), both involved in neuroblast proliferation, differentiation, and migration. The dams were fed with diets presenting different DHA contents, from deficiency to supplementation. DHA brain embryos contents already differed at embryonic day 11.5 and the differences kept increasing with time. Cx43 and CDK5 contents were positively associated with the brain DHA levels. When FABP7 was depleted in vivo by injections of siRNA in the telencephalon, the enhancement of the contents of both proteins was lost in supplemented animals, but FABP7 depletion did not modify phospholipid compositions regardless of the diets. Thus, FABP7 is a necessary mediator of the effect of DHA on these proteins synthesis, but its role in DHA uptake is not critical, although FABP7 is localized in phospholipid‐rich areas. Our study shows that high contents of DHA associated with FABP7 are necessary to promote early brain development, which prompted us to recommend DHA supplementation early in pregnancy. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 287–297, 2016  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the mechanism of ligand transfer to membranes employing in vitro methods, Fatty Acid Binding Protein (FABP) family has been divided in two subgroups: collisional and diffusional FABPs. Although the collisional mechanism has been well characterized employing in vitro methods, the structural features responsible for the difference between collisional and diffusional mechanisms remain uncertain. In this work, we have identified the amino acids putatively responsible for the interaction with membranes of both, collisional and diffusional, subgroups of FABPs. Moreover, we show how specific changes in FABPs’ structure could change the mechanism of interaction with membranes. We have computed protein–membrane interaction energies for members of each subgroup of the family, and performed Molecular Dynamics simulations that have shown different configurations for the initial interaction between FABPs and membranes. In order to generalize our hypothesis, we extended the electrostatic and bioinformatics analysis over FABPs of different mammalian genus. Also, our methodological approach could be used for other systems involving protein–membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Irregularities in K+ currents form the basis of several cardiovascular dysfunctions, among which are arrhythmias and vasospasms. The developmental regulation of voltage-gated K+ channels, however, has been difficult to study. A novel approach was therefore employed to examine these channels in muscle tissue. Primers for a PCR-based analysis were designed using published nucleic acid sequences for voltage-gated K+ channels. Final selection of the primer pairs was based on the homology present in the S4 and H5 transmembrane domains. A specific band was amplified with these primers using RNA isolated from both rat A10 vascular smooth muscle cells and rat heart tissue.  相似文献   

Obesity results in increased macrophage recruitment to adipose tissue that promotes a chronic low-grade inflammatory state linked to increased fatty acid efflux from adipocytes. Activated macrophages produce a variety of pro-inflammatory lipids such as leukotriene C4 (LTC4) and 5-, 12-, and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE) suggesting the hypothesis that fatty acids may stimulate eicosanoid synthesis. To assess if eicosanoid production increases with obesity, adipose tissue of leptin deficient ob/ob mice was analyzed. In ob/ob mice, LTC4 and 12-HETE levels increased in the visceral (but not subcutaneous) adipose depot while the 5-HETE levels decreased and 15-HETE abundance was unchanged. Since macrophages produce the majority of inflammatory molecules in adipose tissue, treatment of RAW264.7 or primary peritoneal macrophages with free fatty acids led to increased secretion of LTC4 and 5-HETE, but not 12- or 15-HETE. Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) facilitate the intracellular trafficking of fatty acids and other hydrophobic ligands and in vitro stabilize the LTC4 precursor leukotriene A4 (LTA4) from non-enzymatic hydrolysis. Consistent with a role for FABPs in LTC4 synthesis, treatment of macrophages with HTS01037, a specific FABP inhibitor, resulted in a marked decrease in both basal and fatty acid-stimulated LTC4 secretion but no change in 5-HETE production or 5-lipoxygenase expression. These results indicate that the products of adipocyte lipolysis may stimulate the 5-lipoxygenase pathway leading to FABP-dependent production of LTC4 and contribute to the insulin resistant state.  相似文献   

We have systematically mutated residues located in turns between beta-strands of the intestinal fatty acid binding protein (IFABP), and a glycine in a half turn, to valine and have examined the stability, refolding rate constants and ligand dissociation constants for each mutant protein. IFABP is an almost all beta-sheet protein exhibiting a topology comprised of two five-stranded sheets surrounding a large cavity into which the fatty acid ligand binds. A glycine residue is located in seven of the eight turns between the antiparallel beta-strands and another in a half turn of a strand connecting the front and back sheets. Mutations in any of the three turns connecting the last four C-terminal strands slow the folding and decrease stability with the mutation between the last two strands slowing folding dramatically. These data suggest that interactions between the last four C-terminal strands are highly cooperative, perhaps triggered by an initial hydrophobic collapse. We suggest that this trigger is collapse of the highly hydrophobic cluster of amino acids in the D and E strands, a region previously shown to also affect the last stage of the folding process (Kim et al., 1997). Changing the glycine in the strand between the front and back sheets also results in a unstable, slow folding protein perhaps disrupting the D-E strand interactions. For most of the other turn mutations there was no apparent correlation between stability and refolding rate constants. In some turns, the interaction between strands, rather than the turn type, appears to be critical for folding while in others, turn formation itself appears to be a rate limiting step. Although there is no simple correlation between turn formation and folding kinetics, we propose that turn scanning by mutagenesis will be a useful tool for issues related to protein folding.  相似文献   

A prokaryotic expression vector containing the rec A promoter and a translational enhancer element from the gene 10 leader of bacteriophage T7 was used to direct efficient synthesis of rat intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) in E. coli. Expression of I-FABP in E. coli has no apparent, deleterious effects on the organism. High levels of expression of I-FABP mRNA in supE+ strains of E. coli, such as JM101, is associated with suppression of termination at its UGA stop codon. This can be eliminated by using a sup-Estrain as MG1655 and by site-directed mutagenesis of the cDNA to create an in frame UAA stop codon. E. coli-derived rat I-FABP lacks its initiator Met residues. It has been crystallized with and without bound palmitate. High resolution x-ray crystallographic studies of the 131 residue apo- and holo-proteins have revealed the following. I-FABP contains 10 anti-parallel -strands organized into two orthogonally situated -sheets. The overall conformation of the protein resembles that of a clam — hence the term -clam. The bound ligand is located in the interior of the protein. Its carboxylate group forms part of a unique five member hydrogen bonding network consisting of two ordered solvent molecules as well as the side chains of Arg106 and Gln115. The hydrocarbon chain of the bound C16:0 fatty acid has a distinctive bent conformation with a slight left-handed helical twist. This conformation is maintained by interactions with the side chains of a number of hydrophobic and aromatic amino acids. Apo-I-FABP has a similar overall conformation to holo-I-FABP indicating that the -clam structure is stable even without bound ligand. The space occupied by bound ligand in the core of the holo-protein is occupied by additional ordered solvent molecules in the apo-protein. Differences in the side chain orientations pf several residues located over a potential opening to the cores of the apo- and holo-proteins suggest that solvent may play an important role in the binding mechanism. Comparison of the C coordinates of apo- and holo-I-FABP with those of other proteins indicates it is a member of a superfamily that currently includes (i) 10 mammalian intracellular lipid binding proteins, (ii) the photoactive yellow protein from the purple photoautotrophic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halophila and (iii) a group of extracellular lipid binding proteins from a diverse number of phyla that have a common barrel consisting of 8 anti-parallel -strands stacked in two nearly orthogonal sheets. In summary, E. coli-derived I-FABP not only represents a useful model for assessing the atomic details of fatty acid-protein interactions and the mechanisms which regulate acquisition and release of this type of ligand, but also structure/function relationships in other superfamily members.Abbreviations I-FABP Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein - r.m.s root mean square  相似文献   

Native beta-lactoglobulin (Blg) binds 1 mole of palmitic acid per mole of protein with a dissociation constant of 0.6 microM for the primary fatty acid binding site. Chemical modification of Cys 121, which lies at the external putative hydrophobic binding site of Blg, does not affect retinol or 4,4'-bis 1-(phenylamino)-8-naphthalenesulfonate (bis-ANS) binding to the protein, indicating that the incorporated appendages do not perturb the internal hydrophobic site within the beta-barrel of Blg (i.e., the retinoid site is unaffected). On the other hand, methylation of Cys 121, reduces the affinity of Blg for palmitic acid by 10-fold as monitored by intrinsic fluorescence. Modification of the Cys 121 with methylmethanethiosulfonate or a thiol-specific spin label appears to either further weaken or totally eliminate fatty acid binding, respectively, due to steric hindrance. Furthermore, this binding pattern has been independently verified using a spin labeled fatty acid analog and monitoring ESR as well as by bis-ANS fluorescence when bound to the protein. These results suggest that fatty acids bind at the "external site" of beta-lactoglobulin, between the sole alpha-helix and the beta-barrel. In addition, structural stability studies of native and chemically modified Blg appear to confirm this observation as well.  相似文献   

Kinetics of fatty acid binding ability of glycated human serum albumin (HSA) were investigated by fluorescent displacement technique with 1-anilino-8-naphtharene sulphonic acid (ANS method), and photometric detection of nonesterified-fatty-acid (NEFA method). Changing of binding affinities of glycated HSA toward oleic acid, linoleic acid, lauric acid, and caproic acid, were not observed by the ANS method. However, decreases of binding capacities after 55 days glycation were confirmed by the NEFA method in comparison to control HSA. The decrease in binding affinities was: oleic acid (84%), linoleic acid (84%), lauric acid (87%), and caproic acid (90%), respectively. The decreases were consistent with decrease of the intact lysine residues in glycated HSA. The present observation indicates that HSA promptly loses its binding ability to fatty acid as soon as the lysine residues at fatty acid binding sites are glycated.  相似文献   

Liver fatty acid-binding protein (LFABP) is distinctive among fatty acid-binding proteins because it binds more than one molecule of long-chain fatty acid and a variety of diverse ligands. Also, the transfer of fluorescent fatty acid analogues to model membranes under physiological ionic strength follows a different mechanism compared to most of the members of this family of intracellular lipid binding proteins. Tryptophan insertion mutants sensitive to ligand binding have allowed us to directly measure the binding affinity, ligand partitioning and transfer to model membranes of natural ligands. Binding of fatty acids shows a cooperative mechanism, while acyl-CoAs binding presents a hyperbolic behavior. Saturated fatty acids seem to have a stronger partition to protein vs. membranes, compared to unsaturated fatty acids. Natural ligand transfer rates are more than 200-fold higher compared to fluorescently-labeled analogues. Interestingly, oleoyl-CoA presents a markedly different transfer behavior compared to the rest of the ligands tested, probably indicating the possibility of specific targeting of ligands to different metabolic fates.  相似文献   

Following the administration of clofibrate to rats, the concentration of Z protein or fatty acid binding protein in liver cytosol increases by 98 %. Ligandin concentration remains unchanged. Isolated perfused livers of clofibrate-treated rats take up free fatty acids from the perfusate at a significantly higher rate (+ 76 %) than controls. Lipid synthesis from radioactive fatty acids is not modified by clofibrate administration. The yield of plasma membranes obtained from liver homogenates as well as their lipid composition are similar in control and clofibrate treated livers. These results seem to exclude the possibility that the enhancement of FFA uptake could result from an indirect effect of the drug on FFA metabolism and/or plasma membrane surface and thus support the view that Z protein plays a role in intracellular fatty acid transport in the liver.  相似文献   

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