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Recycling of eukaryotic posttermination ribosomal complexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pisarev AV  Hellen CU  Pestova TV 《Cell》2007,131(2):286-299
After translational termination, mRNA and P site deacylated tRNA remain associated with ribosomes in posttermination complexes (post-TCs), which must therefore be recycled by releasing mRNA and deacylated tRNA and by dissociating ribosomes into subunits. Recycling of bacterial post-TCs requires elongation factor EF-G and a ribosome recycling factor RRF. Eukaryotes do not encode a RRF homolog, and their mechanism of ribosomal recycling is unknown. We investigated eukaryotic recycling using post-TCs assembled on a model mRNA encoding a tetrapeptide followed by a UAA stop codon and report that initiation factors eIF3, eIF1, eIF1A, and eIF3j, a loosely associated subunit of eIF3, can promote recycling of eukaryotic post-TCs. eIF3 is the principal factor that promotes splitting of posttermination ribosomes into 60S subunits and tRNA- and mRNA-bound 40S subunits. Its activity is enhanced by eIFs 3j, 1, and 1A. eIF1 also mediates release of P site tRNA, whereas eIF3j ensures subsequent dissociation of mRNA.  相似文献   

During translation, tRNAs cycle through three binding sites on the ribosome: the A, the P, and the E sites. We have determined the structures of complexes between the Haloarcula marismortui large ribosomal subunit and two different E site substrates: a deacylated tRNA acceptor stem minihelix and a CCA-acceptor end. Both of these tRNA mimics contain analogs of adenosine 76, the component responsible for a large proportion of E site binding affinity. They bind in the center of the loop-extension of protein L44e, and make specific contacts with both L44e and 23S rRNA including bases that are conserved in all three kingdoms of life. These contacts are consistent with the footprinting, protection, and cross-linking data that have identified the E site biochemically. These structures explain the specificity of the E site for deacylated tRNAs, as it is too small to accommodate any relevant aminoacyl-tRNA. The orientation of the minihelix suggests that it may mimic the P/E hybrid state. It appears that the E site on the 50S subunit was formed by only RNA in the last common ancestor of the three kingdoms, since the proteins at the E sites of H. marismortui and Deinucoccus radiodurans large subunits are not homologous.  相似文献   

Models of atomic structure of eukaryotic translation termination complex containing mRNA, P-site tRNAPhe, human class-1 polypeptide release factor eRF1 and 80S ribosome were constructed. The method of computational modeling was applied. The modeling was based on the functional and structural similarity between tRNA and eFR1 bound in the ribosomal A site. Structural template for the modeling was a known structure of the 70S ribosome complexed with mRNA, P- and A-site tRNAsPhe. The eRF1 molecule bound to the ribosome undergone substantial conformational changes resulting in the mutual configuration of the N- and M-domains similar to tRNA shape. Two models of binding of eRF1 to mRNA at the A-site in the presence of P-site tRNA were generated and characterized by a shape complementarity between the mRNA stop codon and grooves of the different sides of the molecular surface of the fragment of alpha2-helix, NIKS loop and alpha-helix of the N-domain. In the model 1 the stop-codon nucleotides were at the equal distances from the N- and C-domains. In the model 2 the stop-codon was proximal to the NIKS and YxCxxxF motifs of the N-domain. Both models fit the genetic and biochemical data available so far.  相似文献   

Models of the atomic structure of the eukaryotic translation termination complex containing mRNA, P-site tRNAPhe, human class 1 release factor eRF1, and 80S ribosome, were constructed by computational modeling. The modeling was based on the assumed structural-functional similarity between the tRNA and eFR1 molecules in the ribosomal A site. The known atomic structure of the 70S ribosome complexed with mRNA as well as the P-and A-site tRNAsPhe was used as a structural template for the modeling. The eRF1 molecule bound in the A site undergoes substantial conformational changes so that the mutual configuration of the N and M domains matches the overall tRNA shape. Two models of eRF1 binding to mRNA at the A site in the presence of P-site tRNAPhe were generated. A characteristic of these models is complementary interactions between the mRNA stop codon and the grooves at different sides of the surface of the eRF1 fragment, containing helix α2, NIKS loop, and helix α3 of the N domain. In model 1, the nucleotides of the mRNA stop codon at the A site are approximately equidistant (~15 Å) from the N (motifs NIKS and YxCxxxF) and C domains. In model 2, the stop codon is close to the N-domain motifs NIKS and YxCxxxF. Both models fit genetic and biochemical experimental data. The choice of a particular model requires additional studies.  相似文献   

Using selection-amplification, we have isolated RNAs with affinity for translation termination factors eRF1 and eRF1.eRF3 complex. Individual RNAs not only bind, but inhibit eRF1-mediated release of a model nascent chain from eukaryotic ribosomes. There is also significant but weaker inhibition of eRF1-stimulated eRF3 GTPase and eRF3 stimulation of eRF1 release activity. These latter selected RNAs therefore hinder eRF1.eRF3 interactions. Finally, four RNA inhibitors of release suppress a UAG stop codon in mammalian extracts dependent for termination on eRF1 from several metazoan species. These RNAs are therefore new specific inhibitors for the analysis of eukaryotic termination, and potentially a new class of omnipotent termination suppressors with possible therapeutic significance.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli 70-S ribosomes contain a third site for tRNA binding, additional to the A and P sites. This conclusion is based on several findings. Direct measurements showed that in the presence of poly(U), when both A and P sites are occupied by Ac[14C]Phe-tRNAPhe, ribosomes are capable of binding additionally deacylated non-cognate [3H]tRNA. If ribosomes in the preparation are active enough, the total binding of labeled ligands amounted to 2.5 mol/mol ribosomes. In the absence of poly(U), when the A site can not bind, the P site and the 'additional' site can be filled simultaneously with Ac[14C]Phe-tRNAPhe and deacylated [3H]tRNA, or with [3H]tRNA alone; the total binding exceeds in this case 1.5 mol/mol ribosomes. The binding at the 'additional' site is not sensitive to the template. [3H]tRNA bound there is able to exchange rapidly for unlabeled tRNA in solution. Deacylated tRNA is preferred to the aminoacylated one. The binding of AcPhe-tRNAPhe was not observed there at all. The 3'-end adenosine is essential for the affinity. The function of the 'additional' site is not known, but its existence has to be considered when tRNA . ribosome complexes are studied.  相似文献   

Embedded in the sequence of each transfer RNA are elements that promote specific interactions with its cognate aminoacyl tRNA-synthetase. Although many such “identity elements” are known, their detection is difficult since they rely on unique structural signatures and the combinatorial action of multiple elements spread throughout the tRNA molecule. Since the anticodon is often a major identity determinant itself, it is possible to switch between certain tRNA functional types by means of anticodon substitutions. This has been shown to have occurred during the evolution of some genomes; however, the scale and relevance of “anticodon shifts” to the evolution of the tRNA multigene family is unclear. Using a synteny-conservation–based method, we detected tRNA anticodon shifts in groups of closely related species: five primates, 12 Drosophila, six nematodes, 11 Saccharomycetes, and 61 Enterobacteriaceae. We found a total of 75 anticodon shifts: 31 involving switches of identity (alloacceptor shifts) and 44 between isoacceptors that code for the same amino acid (isoacceptor shifts). The relative numbers of shifts in each taxa suggest that tRNA gene redundancy is likely the driving factor, with greater constraint on changes of identity. Sites that frequently covary with alloacceptor shifts are located at the extreme ends of the molecule, in common with most known identity determinants. Isoacceptor shifts are associated with changes in the midsections of the tRNA sequence. However, the mutation patterns of anticodon shifts involving the same identities are often dissimilar, suggesting that alternate sets of mutation may achieve the same functional compensation.  相似文献   

Structure and transcription of eukaryotic tRNA genes   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  

Transcription of eukaryotic ribosomal RNA gene   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A simple method of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is described which affords: (1) high resolution of eukaryotic ribosomal proteins; (2) good recovery of protein in the transfer from first to second dimension; and (3) characterisation of the separated proteins in terms of molecular weights and other electrophoretic properties. Using this method, we have characterised 70 proteins in rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes, 30 from the small subunit and 40 from the large subunit. The molecular weight distribution is compared with those obtained by other authors after fractionation of the proteins in two dimensions.  相似文献   

Selenocysteine (Sec) biosynthesis in archaea and eukaryotes requires three steps: serylation of tRNASec by seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS), phosphorylation of Ser-tRNASec by O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec kinase (PSTK), and conversion of O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec (Sep-tRNASec) by Sep-tRNA:Sec-tRNA synthase (SepSecS) to Sec-tRNASec. Although SerRS recognizes both tRNASec and tRNASer species, PSTK must discriminate Ser-tRNASec from Ser-tRNASer. Based on a comparison of the sequences and secondary structures of archaeal tRNASec and tRNASer, we introduced mutations into Methanococcus maripaludis tRNASec to investigate how Methanocaldococcus jannaschii PSTK distinguishes tRNASec from tRNASer. Unlike eukaryotic PSTK, the archaeal enzyme was found to recognize the acceptor stem rather than the length and secondary structure of the D-stem. While the D-arm and T-loop provide minor identity elements, the acceptor stem base pairs G2-C71 and C3-G70 in tRNASec were crucial for discrimination from tRNASer. Furthermore, the A5-U68 base pair in tRNASer has some antideterminant properties for PSTK. Transplantation of these identity elements into the tRNASerUGA scaffold resulted in phosphorylation of the chimeric Ser-tRNA. The chimera was able to stimulate the ATPase activity of PSTK albeit at a lower level than tRNASec, whereas tRNASer did not. Additionally, the seryl moiety of Ser-tRNASec is not required for enzyme recognition, as PSTK efficiently phosphorylated Thr-tRNASec.  相似文献   

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