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Spatial heterogeneity in organism and resource distributions can generate temporal heterogeneity in resource access for simple organisms like phytoplankton. The role of temporal heterogeneity as a structuring force for simple communities is investigated via models of phytoplankton with contrasting life histories competing for a single fluctuating resource. A stochastic model in which environmental and demographic stochasticity are treated separately is compared with a model with deterministic resource variation to assess the importance of stochasticity. When compared with the deterministic model, the stochastic model allows for coexistence over a wider range of parameter values (or life-history types). The model suggests that demographic stochasticity alone is far more important in increasing the possibility of coexistence than environmental stochasticity alone. However, the combined effects of both types of stochasticity produce the largest likelihood of coexistence. Finally, the influence of relative nutrient levels and nutrient pulse frequency on these results is addressed. We relate our findings to variable environment theory with evidence for both relative nonlinearity and the storage effect acting in this model. We show for the first time that temporal dynamics generated by demographic stochasticity may operate like the storage effect at particular spatial scales.  相似文献   

Community structure detection has proven to be important in revealing the underlying properties of complex networks. The standard problem, where a partition of disjoint communities is sought, has been continually adapted to offer more realistic models of interactions in these systems. Here, a two-step procedure is outlined for exploring the concept of overlapping communities. First, a hard partition is detected by employing existing methodologies. We then propose a novel mixed integer non linear programming (MINLP) model, known as OverMod, which transforms disjoint communities to overlapping. The procedure is evaluated through its application to protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks of the rat, E. coli, yeast and human organisms. Connector nodes of hard partitions exhibit topological and functional properties indicative of their suitability as candidates for multiple module membership. OverMod identifies two types of connector nodes, inter and intra-connector, each with their own particular characteristics pertaining to their topological and functional role in the organisation of the network. Inter-connector proteins are shown to be highly conserved proteins participating in pathways that control essential cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis and their differences with intra-connectors is highlighted. Many of these proteins are shown to possess multiple roles of distinct nature through their participation in different network modules, setting them apart from proteins that are simply ‘hubs’, i.e. proteins with many interaction partners but with a more specific biochemical role.  相似文献   

Surnames are inherited in much the same way as biological traits like alleles of one locus. Assuming the heritability of surnames, a simple stochastic model for X, the total number of occurrences of a surname, the Consul distribution defined by the probability mass function: for x = 1, 2, 3,… and zero otherwise and where either (i) m is a positive integer when 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1 such that θ ≦ mθ ≦ 1, or (ii) m≤0, θ ≤0 such that mθ 1, can be arrived at by considering the branching process mechanism. Some applications of the model to real data are also considered.  相似文献   

In this article, a simple stochastic model for the time to first conception of a cohort of married women is developed, by identifying three states, ‘adolescent sterile’, ‘ovulating’ and ‘conceived‘, into which they can be placed. It is demonstrated that the model provides a close fit to observed data. The estimates of the parameters in the model, can be used to calculate the number of women in each state at different points of time and also to obtain estimates of the probabilities of conception for the two categories of women, adolescent sterile and biologically mature.  相似文献   

The molecular biology of transformed cancer cells singles out key enzymes as sensitive targets of anti-cancer drugs. Here we use one substrate–one intermediate–one final product model for a coupled enzyme system. The transfer rates for the mechanism are taken as continuous but subject to random fluctuations. Explicit formulae for the first moments of the distribution of the process are obtained. These formulae allow us to take into account not only the variability between the subjects, but also the variability of the process for a single subject. The present results allow us also to build the prediction interval for a particular time period given the observations for some preceding moments.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of temporal network data is calling for more research on extracting and characterizing mesoscopic structures in temporal networks and on relating such structure to specific functions or properties of the system. An outstanding challenge is the extension of the results achieved for static networks to time-varying networks, where the topological structure of the system and the temporal activity patterns of its components are intertwined. Here we investigate the use of a latent factor decomposition technique, non-negative tensor factorization, to extract the community-activity structure of temporal networks. The method is intrinsically temporal and allows to simultaneously identify communities and to track their activity over time. We represent the time-varying adjacency matrix of a temporal network as a three-way tensor and approximate this tensor as a sum of terms that can be interpreted as communities of nodes with an associated activity time series. We summarize known computational techniques for tensor decomposition and discuss some quality metrics that can be used to tune the complexity of the factorized representation. We subsequently apply tensor factorization to a temporal network for which a ground truth is available for both the community structure and the temporal activity patterns. The data we use describe the social interactions of students in a school, the associations between students and school classes, and the spatio-temporal trajectories of students over time. We show that non-negative tensor factorization is capable of recovering the class structure with high accuracy. In particular, the extracted tensor components can be validated either as known school classes, or in terms of correlated activity patterns, i.e., of spatial and temporal coincidences that are determined by the known school activity schedule.  相似文献   

A Stochastic Spatial Dynamical Model for Aedes Aegypti   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a stochastic spatial model for Aedes aegypti populations based on the life cycle of the mosquito and its dispersal. Our validation corresponds to a monitoring study performed in Buenos Aires. Lacking information with regard to the number of breeding sites per block, the corresponding parameter (BS) was adjusted to the data. The model is able to produce numerical data in very good agreement with field results during most of the year, the exception being the fall season. Possible causes of the disagreement are discussed. We analyzed the mosquito dispersal as an advantageous strategy of persistence in the city and simulated the dispersal of females from a source to the surroundings along a 3-year period observing that several processes occur simultaneously: local extinctions, recolonization processes (resulting from flight and the oviposition performed by flyers), and colonization processes resulting from the persistence of eggs during the winter season. In view of this process, we suggest that eradication campaigns in temperate climates should be performed during the winter time for higher efficiency.  相似文献   


Bending in double-helical B-DNA apparently occurs only by rolling adjacent base pairs over one another along their long axes. The lifting apart of ends that would be required by tilt or wedge angle contributions is too costly in free energy and does not occur. Roll angles at base steps can be positive (compression of major groove) or negative (compression of minor groove); with the former somewhat easier.

Individual steps may advance or oppose the overall direction of bend, or make lateral excursions, but the result of this series of “random roll” steps is the production of a net bending in the helix axis. Because the natural roll points for bending in a given plane occur every 5 base pairs, one would expect that double-helical DNA wrapped around a nucleosome core would exhibit bends with the same periodicity. Alternate bends might be particularly acute where the major groove faced the nucleosome core and was compressed against it.

The “annealed kinking” model proposed by Fratini et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 257, 14686 (1982) was suggested from the observation that a major bend at a natural roll point is flanked by decreasing roll angles at the steps to either side, as though local strain was being minimized by somewhat blurring the bend out rather than keeping it localized. The random walk model suggested in this paper would describe this as a decreased roll angle as the helix step rotates toward a direction perpendicular to the overall bend. Bending of DNA is seen to be a more stochastic process than had been suspected. Detailed analysis of every helix step reveals both side excursions and backward or retrograde motion, as in any random walk situation. Yet these isolated steps counteract one another, to leave behind a residuum of overall bending in a specific direction.  相似文献   

Tumors are often heterogeneous in which tumor cells of different phenotypes have distinct properties. For scientific and clinical interests, it is of fundamental importance to understand their properties and the dynamic variations among different phenotypes, specifically under radio- and/or chemo-therapy. Currently there are two controversial models describing tumor heterogeneity, the cancer stem cell (CSC) model and the stochastic model. To clarify the controversy, we measured probabilities of different division types and transitions of cells via in situ immunofluorescence. Based on the experiment data, we constructed a model that combines the CSC with the stochastic concepts, showing the existence of both distinctive CSC subpopulations and the stochastic transitions from NSCCs to CSCs. The results showed that the dynamic variations between CSCs and non-stem cancer cells (NSCCs) can be simulated with the model. Further studies also showed that the model can be used to describe the dynamics of the two subpopulations after radiation treatment. More importantly, analysis demonstrated that the experimental detectable equilibrium CSC proportion can be achieved only when the stochastic transitions from NSCCs to CSCs occur, indicating that tumor heterogeneity may exist in a model coordinating with both the CSC and the stochastic concepts. The mathematic model based on experimental parameters may contribute to a better understanding of the tumor heterogeneity, and provide references on the dynamics of CSC subpopulation during radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Abstract The Singing-Ground Survey (SGS) is a primary source of information on population change for American woodcock (Scolopax minor). We analyzed the SGS using a hierarchical log-linear model and compared the estimates of change and annual indices of abundance to a route regression analysis of SGS data. We also grouped SGS routes into Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) and estimated population change and annual indices using BCRs within states and provinces as strata. Based on the hierarchical model–based estimates, we concluded that woodcock populations were declining in North America between 1968 and 2006 (trend = −0.9%/yr, 95% credible interval: −1.2, −0.5). Singing-Ground Survey results are generally similar between analytical approaches, but the hierarchical model has several important advantages over the route regression. Hierarchical models better accommodate changes in survey efficiency over time and space by treating strata, years, and observers as random effects in the context of a log-linear model, providing trend estimates that are derived directly from the annual indices. We also conducted a hierarchical model analysis of woodcock data from the Christmas Bird Count and the North American Breeding Bird Survey. All surveys showed general consistency in patterns of population change, but the SGS had the shortest credible intervals. We suggest that population management and conservation planning for woodcock involving interpretation of the SGS use estimates provided by the hierarchical model.  相似文献   

In this paper a stochastic model is presented for the time to the first conception of a cohort of married women. By identifying three states “adolescent sterility”, “ovulation” and “conceived”, into which the women can be placed, the model incorporates individual differences for the women in the “adolescent sterility” state which allow for the individual characteristics to affect the conversion of these women into the “ovulation” state. Using straightforward probabilistic arguments it is shown that the model provides a close fit to recently published data, compares favorably with previously published models on the same subject and it is useful for planning purposes in predicting future developments.  相似文献   

Decisions typically comprise several elements. For example, attention must be directed towards specific objects, their identities recognized, and a choice made among alternatives. Pairs of competing accumulators and drift-diffusion processes provide good models of evidence integration in two-alternative perceptual choices, but more complex tasks requiring the coordination of attention and decision making involve multistage processing and multiple brain areas. Here we consider a task in which a target is located among distractors and its identity reported by lever release. The data comprise reaction times, accuracies, and single unit recordings from two monkeys’ lateral interparietal area (LIP) neurons. LIP firing rates distinguish between targets and distractors, exhibit stimulus set size effects, and show response-hemifield congruence effects. These data motivate our model, which uses coupled sets of leaky competing accumulators to represent processes hypothesized to occur in feature-selective areas and limb motor and pre-motor areas, together with the visual selection process occurring in LIP. Model simulations capture the electrophysiological and behavioral data, and fitted parameters suggest that different connection weights between LIP and the other cortical areas may account for the observed behavioral differences between the animals.  相似文献   

More and more evidence shows that mating preference is a mechanism that may lead to a reproductive isolation event. In this paper, a haploid population living on two patches linked by migration is considered. Individuals are ecologically and demographically neutral on the space and differ only on a trait, a or A, affecting both mating success and migration rate. The special feature of this paper is to assume that the strengths of the mating preference and the migration depend on the trait carried. Indeed, patterns of mating preferences are generally asymmetrical between the subspecies of a population. I prove that mating preference interacting with frequency-dependent migration behavior can lead to a reproductive isolation. Then, I describe the time before reproductive isolation occurs. To reach this result, I use an original method to study the limiting dynamical system, analyzing first the system without migration and adding migration with a perturbation method. Finally, I study how the time before reproductive isolation is influenced by the parameters of migration and of mating preferences, highlighting that large migration rates tend to favor types with weak mating preferences.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, MITCHELL (1975) experimentally investigated the oviposition behavior of weevils on mung beans. In this paper, we develop a stochastic model to study the oviposition tactics of the female weevils on beans.  相似文献   

F. Rodolphe  M. Lefort 《Genetics》1993,134(4):1277-1288
A statistical method is presented for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs), based on the linear model. Unlike methods able to detect a few well separated QTLs and to estimate their effects and positions, this method considers the genome as a whole and enables the detection of chromosomal segments involved in the differences between two homozygous lines, and their backcross, doubled haploid, or F(2) progenies, for a quantitative trait. Genetic markers must be codominant, but missing markers are accepted, provided they are missing independently from the experiment. Asymptotic properties, which are of practical use, are developed. This method does not rely on strong genetic hypotheses, and thus does not permit any precise genetic analysis of the trait under study, but it does assess which regions of the genome are involved, whatever the complexity of the genetic determinism (number, effects and interactions among QTLs). Simultaneous use of several methods, including this one, should lead to better efficiency in QTL detection.  相似文献   

We exhibit a stochastic discrete time model that produces the Eigen model (Naturwissenschaften 58:465–523, 1971) in the deterministic and continuous time limits. The model is based on the competition among individuals differing in terms of fecundity but with the same viability. We explicitly write down the Markov matrix of the discrete time stochastic model in the two species case and compute the master sequence concentration numerically for various values of the total population. We also obtain the master equation of the model and perform a Van Kampen expansion. The results obtained in the two species case are compared with those coming from the Eigen model. Finally, we comment on the range of applicability of the various approaches described, when the number of species is larger than two.  相似文献   

Summary In functional data classification, functional observations are often contaminated by various systematic effects, such as random batch effects caused by device artifacts, or fixed effects caused by sample‐related factors. These effects may lead to classification bias and thus should not be neglected. Another issue of concern is the selection of functions when predictors consist of multiple functions, some of which may be redundant. The above issues arise in a real data application where we use fluorescence spectroscopy to detect cervical precancer. In this article, we propose a Bayesian hierarchical model that takes into account random batch effects and selects effective functions among multiple functional predictors. Fixed effects or predictors in nonfunctional form are also included in the model. The dimension of the functional data is reduced through orthonormal basis expansion or functional principal components. For posterior sampling, we use a hybrid Metropolis–Hastings/Gibbs sampler, which suffers slow mixing. An evolutionary Monte Carlo algorithm is applied to improve the mixing. Simulation and real data application show that the proposed model provides accurate selection of functional predictors as well as good classification.  相似文献   

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