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Dental biofilm development involves initial colonization of the tooth’s surface by pioneer colonizers, followed by cell-cell coaggregation between the pioneer and later colonizers. Streptococcus gordonii is one of the pioneer colonizers. In addition to its role in oral biofilm development, S. gordonii also is a pathogen in infective endocarditis in susceptible humans. A surface adhesin, Hsa, has been shown to play a critical role in colonization of S. gordonii on the heart tissue; however, its role in oral biofilm development has not been reported. In this study we demonstrate that Hsa is essential for coaggregation between S. gordonii and Veillonella sp., which are bridging species connecting the pioneer colonizers to the late colonizers. Interestingly, the same domains shown to be required for Hsa binding to sialic acid on the human cell surface are also required for coaggregation with Veillonella sp. However, sialic acid appeared not to be required for this intergeneric coaggregation. This result suggests that although the same domains of Hsa are involved in binding to eukaryotic as well as Veillonella cells, the binding mechanism is different. The gene expression pattern of hsa was also studied and shown not to be induced by coaggregation with Veillonella sp.  相似文献   

Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase in Streptococcus mutans consists of two components, Nox-1 and AhpC. Deletion of nox-1 and ahpC in a double mutant as well as the wild-type of Streptococcus mutans can form colonies in the presence of air to the same extent. The evidence suggested the presence of some other antioxidant system(s) independent of the Nox-1/AhpC system in the bacterium. Here we identified a new antioxidant gene (dpr) and the gene product (Dpr) which complements the defect of peroxidase activity caused by the deletion of nox-1 and ahpC in S. mutans. The dpr-disruption mutant of S. mutans could form colonies anaerobically but not aerobically.  相似文献   

Large numbers of bacteria coexist in the oral cavity. Streptococcus sanguinis, one of the major bacteria in dental plaque, produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which interferes with the growth of other bacteria. Streptococcus mutans, a cariogenic bacterium, can coexist with S. sanguinis in dental plaque, but to do so, it needs a means of detoxifying the H2O2 produced by S. sanguinis. In this study, we investigated the association of three oxidative stress factors, Dpr, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and AhpCF, with the resistance of S. sanguinis to H2O2. The knockout of dpr and sod significantly increased susceptibility to H2O2, while the knockout of ahpCF had no apparent effect on susceptibility. In particular, dpr inactivation resulted in hypersensitivity to H2O2. Next, we sought to identify the factor(s) involved in the regulation of these oxidative stress genes and found that PerR negatively regulated dpr expression. The knockout of perR caused increased dpr expression levels, resulting in low-level susceptibility to H2O2 compared with the wild type. Furthermore, we evaluated the roles of perR, dpr, and sod when S. mutans was cocultured with S. sanguinis. Culturing of the dpr or sod mutant with S. sanguinis showed a significant decrease in the S. mutans population ratio compared with the wild type, while the perR mutant increased the ratio. Our results suggest that dpr and sod in S. mutans are involved in coexistence with S. sanguinis, and PerR is associated with resistance to H2O2 in regulating the expression of Dpr.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans has been recognized as an important etiological agent in human dental caries. Some strains of S. mutans also produce bacteriocins. In this study, we sought to demonstrate that bacteriocin production by S. mutans strains GS5 and BM71 was mediated by quorum sensing, which is dependent on a competence-stimulating peptide (CSP) signaling system encoded by the com genes. We also demonstrated that interactions with some other oral streptococci interfered with S. mutans bacteriocin production both in broth and in biofilms. The inhibition of S. mutans bacteriocin production by oral bacteria was stronger in biofilms than in broth. Using transposon Tn916 mutagenesis, we identified a gene (sgc; named for Streptococcus gordonii challisin) responsible for the inhibition of S. mutans bacteriocin production by S. gordonii Challis. Interruption of the sgc gene in S. gordonii Challis resulted in attenuated inhibition of S. mutans bacteriocin production. The supernatant fluids from the sgc mutant did not inactivate the exogenous S. mutans CSP as did those from the parent strain Challis. S. gordonii Challis did not inactivate bacteriocin produced by S. mutans GS5. Because S. mutans uses quorum sensing to regulate virulence, strategies designed to interfere with these signaling systems may have broad applicability for biological control of this caries-causing organism.  相似文献   

Homeostasis of oral microbiota can be maintained through microbial interactions. Previous studies showed that Streptococcus oligofermentans, a non-mutans streptococci frequently isolated from caries-free subjects, inhibited the cariogenic Streptococcus mutans by the production of hydrogen peroxide (HP). Since pH is a critical factor in caries formation, we aimed to study the influence of pH on the competition between S. oligofermentans and S. mutans in biofilms. To this end, S. mutans and S. oligofermentans were inoculated alone or mixed at 1:1 ratio in buffered biofilm medium in a 96-well active attachment model. The single- and dual-species biofilms were grown under either constantly neutral pH or pH-cycling conditions. The latter includes two cycles of 8 h neutral pH and 16 h pH 5.5, used to mimic cariogenic condition. The 48 h biofilms were analysed for the viable cell counts, lactate and HP production. The last two measurements were carried out after incubating the 48 h biofilms in buffers supplemented with 1% glucose (pH 7.0) for 4 h. The results showed that S. oligofermentans inhibited the growth of S. mutans in dual-species biofilms under both tested pH conditions. The lactic acid production of dual-species biofilms was significantly lower than that of single-species S. mutans biofilms. Moreover, dual-species and single-species S. oligofermentans biofilms grown under pH-cycling conditions (with a 16 h low pH period) produced a significantly higher amount of HP than those grown under constantly neutral pH. In conclusion, S. oligofermentans inhibited S. mutans in biofilms not only under neutral pH, but also under pH-cycling conditions, likely through HP production. S. oligofermentans may be a compelling probiotic candidate against caries.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is present in dental plaque as early as 4 h after tooth cleaning, but it is also associated with periodontal disease, a late-developing event in the microbial successions that characterize daily plaque development. We report here that P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 is remarkable in its ability to interact with a variety of initial, early, middle, and late colonizers growing solely on saliva. Integration of P. gingivalis into multispecies communities was investigated by using two in vitro biofilm models. In flow cells, bacterial growth was quantified using fluorescently conjugated antibodies against each species, and static biofilm growth on saliva-submerged polystyrene pegs was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR using species-specific primers. P. gingivalis could not grow as a single species or together with initial colonizer Streptococcus oralis but showed mutualistic growth when paired with two other initial colonizers, Streptococcus gordonii and Actinomyces oris, as well as with Veillonella sp. (early colonizer), Fusobacterium nucleatum (middle colonizer), and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (late colonizer). In three-species flow cells, P. gingivalis grew with Veillonella sp. and A. actinomycetemcomitans but not with S. oralis and A. actinomycetemcomitans. Also, it grew with Veillonella sp. and F. nucleatum but not with S. oralis and F. nucleatum, indicating that P. gingivalis and S. oralis are not compatible. However, P. gingivalis grew in combination with S. gordonii and S. oralis, demonstrating its ability to overcome the incompatibility when cultured with a second initially colonizing species. Collectively, these data help explain the observed presence of P. gingivalis at all stages of dental plaque development.Removal of dental plaque by routine oral hygiene procedures is followed by a repetition of a species succession that starts with initially colonizing streptococci and actinomyces (5, 16). Other species follow as early, middle, and late colonizers, which establishes the following developmental process: successive attachment of saliva-suspended species to already attached bacteria and formation of multispecies communities.Attachment is a critical event essential to preventing the bacteria from being swallowed by salivary flow. Initial colonizers bind to host-derived receptors in the salivary pellicle coating of the tooth enamel. The remainder of typical plaque development occurs by accretion of saliva-suspended species and growth of attached bacteria, thereby increasing the microbial diversity. Adherence of suspended single cells to attached cells is called coadhesion (1). Some suspended cells are already coaggregated and adhere to attached cells as coaggregates; coaggregation is defined as the specific cell-to-cell recognition and adherence of genetically distinct cell types (8). All human oral bacterial species exhibit coaggregation. For example, Streptococcus oralis coaggregates with Streptococcus gordonii (intrageneric coaggregation). Both species pair with Actinomyces oris (intergeneric coaggregation), and all of them coaggregate with Fusobacterium nucleatum (multigeneric coaggregation). Multispecies communities composed of coaggregating species characterize dental plaque biofilms in vivo (3, 17, 18).To increase our understanding of interactions among species, we have employed two in vitro model systems and are testing numerous combinations of seven species for their ability to grow on saliva as their sole nutritional source (20, 21). First, we reported that F. nucleatum (middle colonizer) failed to grow when paired with S. oralis but grew well when A. oris was included in the three-species biofilm (20), indicating specificity by F. nucleatum for the presence of a particular initial colonizer. Recently, we showed that Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (late colonizer and periodontopathogen) exhibited mutualistic relationships with F. nucleatum and Veillonella sp. (early colonizer and commensal organism), illustrating the ability of commensals and pathogens to grow together (21).Porphyromonas gingivalis, another periodontopathogen, forms three-species communities with F. nucleatum and S. gordonii (11). Proteomics of P. gingivalis in this three-species community revealed a broad increase in proteins involved in protein synthesis, suggesting that a multispecies relationship is advantageous for the porphyromonad (11). This research group had previously reported the presence of differentially regulated porphyromonad genes when P. gingivalis and S. gordonii were together in biofilms (22). Thus, P. gingivalis responds to the presence of other oral species.P. gingivalis is detected in dental plaque samples within 6 h after professional tooth cleaning (5, 13), and its numbers increase in periodontally diseased sites (15). It forms biofilms with S. gordonii but not with Streptococcus mutans (12) or Streptococcus cristatus (23). P. gingivalis required a preformed streptococcal substratum for its incorporation into a biofilm (12). Partner specificity was also noted among four fresh isolates of P. gingivalis, which showed no coaggregation with a variety of oral actinomyces, aggregatibacteria, capnocytophagae, and streptococci (9) but coaggregated with F. nucleatum (7, 10). We show here that P. gingivalis exhibits widespread mutualism with initial, early, middle, and late colonizers but also shows specificity with initially colonizing streptococci, which could help explain its early appearance in the development of dental plaque biofilms. The relationship of porphyromonads with initial, early, middle, and later colonizers during biofilm growth on saliva as a sole nutritional source has not been explored previously. We hypothesize that the ability of P. gingivalis to coaggregate with S. gordonii and A. oris (initial colonizers), Veillonella sp. (early colonizer), F. nucleatum (middle colonizer), and A. actinomycetemcomitans (late colonizer) allows these bacteria to form multispecies biofilm communities.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is one of the principal agents of caries formation mainly, because of its ability to form biofilms at the tooth surface. Bacteriophages (phages) are promising antimicrobial agents that could be used to prevent or treat caries formation by S. mutans. The aim of this study was to isolate new S. mutans phages and to characterize their antimicrobial properties. A new phage, ɸAPCM01, was isolated from a human saliva sample. Its genome was closely related to the only two other available S. mutans phage genomes, M102 and M102AD. ɸAPCM01 inhibited the growth of S. mutans strain DPC6143 within hours in broth and in artificial saliva at multiplicity of infections as low as 2.5x10-5. In the presence of phage ɸAPCM01 the metabolic activity of a S. mutans biofilm was reduced after 24 h of contact and did not increased again after 48 h, and the live cells in the biofilm decreased by at least 5 log cfu/ml. Despite its narrow host range, this newly isolated S. mutans phage exhibits promising antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   

The formation of dental caries is a complex process that ultimately leads to damage of the tooth enamel from acids produced by microbes in attached biofilms. The bacterial interactions occurring within these biofilms between cariogenic bacteria, such as the mutans streptococci, and health-associated commensal streptococci, are thought to be critical determinants of health and disease. To better understand these interactions, a Streptococcus mutans reporter strain that actively monitors cell–cell communication via peptide signaling was cocultured with different commensal streptococci. Signaling by S. mutans, normally highly active in monoculture, was completely inhibited by several species of commensals, but only when the bacteria were in direct contact with S. mutans. We identified a novel gene expression pattern that occurred in S. mutans when cultured directly with these commensals. Finally, mutant derivatives of commensals lacking previously shown antagonistic gene products displayed wild-type levels of signal inhibition in cocultures. Collectively, these results reveal a novel pathway(s) in multiple health-associated commensal streptococci that blocks peptide signaling and induces a common contact-dependent pattern of differential gene expression in S. mutans. Understanding the molecular basis for this inhibition will assist in the rational design of new risk assessments, diagnostics, and treatments for the most pervasive oral infectious diseases.Subject terms: Biofilms, Microbial ecology, Bacteriology, Bacterial genetics  相似文献   

Dental plaque is a multispecies oral biofilm, the development of which is initiated by adherence of the pioneer Streptococcus spp. Oral Veillonella spp., including V. atypica, V. denticariosi, V. dispar, V. parvula, V. rogosae, and V. tobetsuensis, are known as early colonizers in oral biofilm formation. These species have been reported to coaggregate with Streptococcus spp. in a metabolic cooperation-dependent manner to form biofilms in human oral cavities, especially in the early stages of biofilm formation. However, in our previous study, Streptococcus gordonii showed biofilm formation to the greatest extent in the presence of V. tobetsuensis, without coaggregation between species. These results suggest that V. tobetsuensis produces signaling molecules that promote the proliferation of S. gordonii in biofilm formation. It is well known in many bacterial species that the quorum-sensing (QS) system regulates diverse functions such as biofilm formation. However, little is known about the QS system with autoinducers (AIs) with respect to Veillonella and Streptococcus spp. Recently, autoinducer 1 (AI-1) and AI-2 were detected and identified in the culture supernatants of V. tobetsuensis as strong signaling molecules in biofilm formation with S. gordonii. In particular, the supernatant from V. tobetsuensis showed the highest AI-2 activity among 6 oral Veillonella species, indicating that AIs, mainly AI-2, produced by V. tobetsuensis may be important factors and may facilitate biofilm formation of S. gordonii. Clarifying the mechanism that underlies the QS system between S. gordonii and V. tobetsuensis may lead to the development of novel methods for the prevention of oral infectious diseases caused by oral biofilms.  相似文献   

Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) is a diluent monomer used pervasively in dental composite resins. Through hydrolytic degradation of the composites in the oral cavity it yields a hydrophilic biodegradation product, triethylene glycol (TEG), which has been shown to promote the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a dominant cariogenic bacterium. Previously it was shown that TEG up-regulated gtfB, an important gene contributing to polysaccharide synthesis function in biofilms. However, molecular mechanisms related to TEG’s effect on bacterial function remained poorly understood. In the present study, S. mutans UA159 was incubated with clinically relevant concentrations of TEG at pH 5.5 and 7.0. Quantitative real-time PCR, proteomics analysis, and glucosyltransferase enzyme (GTF) activity measurements were employed to identify the bacterial phenotypic response to TEG. A S. mutans vicK isogenic mutant (SMΔvicK1) and its associated complemented strain (SMΔvicK1C), an important regulatory gene for biofilm-associated genes, were used to determine if this signaling pathway was involved in modulation of the S. mutans virulence-associated genes. Extracted proteins from S. mutans biofilms grown in the presence and absence of TEG were subjected to mass spectrometry for protein identification, characterization and quantification. TEG up-regulated gtfB/C, gbpB, comC, comD and comE more significantly in biofilms at cariogenic pH (5.5) and defined concentrations. Differential response of the vicK knock-out (SMΔvicK1) and complemented strains (SMΔvicK1C) implicated this signalling pathway in TEG-modulated cellular responses. TEG resulted in increased GTF enzyme activity, responsible for synthesizing insoluble glucans involved in the formation of cariogenic biofilms. As well, TEG increased protein abundance related to biofilm formation, carbohydrate transport, acid tolerance, and stress-response. Proteomics data was consistent with gene expression findings for the selected genes. These findings demonstrate a mechanistic pathway by which TEG derived from commercial resin materials in the oral cavity promote S. mutans pathogenicity, which is typically associated with secondary caries.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) patient airways harbour diverse microbial consortia that, in addition to the recognized principal pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, include other bacteria commonly regarded as commensals. The latter include the oral (viridans) streptococci, which recent evidence indicates play an active role during infection of this environmentally diverse niche. As the interactions between inhabitants of the CF airway can potentially alter disease progression, it is important to identify key cooperators/competitors and environmental influences if therapeutic intervention is to be improved and pulmonary decline arrested. Importantly, we recently showed that virulence of the P. aeruginosa Liverpool Epidemic Strain (LES) could be potentiated by the Anginosus-group of streptococci (AGS). In the present study we explored the relationships between other viridans streptococci (Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis) and the LES and observed that co-culture outcome was dependent upon inoculation sequence and environment. All four streptococcal species were shown to potentiate LES virulence factor production in co-culture biofilms. However, in the case of S. oralis interactions were environmentally determined; in air cooperation within a high cell density co-culture biofilm occurred together with stimulation of LES virulence factor production, while in an atmosphere containing added CO2 this species became a competitor antagonising LES growth through hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production, significantly altering biofilm population dynamics and appearance. Streptococcus mitis, S. gordonii and S. sanguinis were also capable of H2O2 mediated inhibition of P. aeruginosa growth, but this was only visible when inoculated as a primary coloniser prior to introduction of the LES. Therefore, these observations, which are made in conditions relevant to the biology of CF disease pathogenesis, show that the pathogenic and colonisation potential of P. aeruginosa isolates can be modulated positively and negatively by the presence of oral commensal streptococci.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is a bacterial species that predominates in the oral microbiome. S. mutans binds to the tooth surface, metabolizes sugars and produces acid, leading to cavity formation. S. mutans can also cause infectious endocarditis. Recent evidence suggests that S. mutans biofilms contain amyloid fibrils. Amyloids are insoluble fibrillar protein aggregates, and bacteria use functional amyloids to improve robustness of their biofilms. While the functional amyloids in bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus have been heavily investigated, little is known about the mechanism of S. mutans amyloid formation. Previous results from our laboratory with the amyloidogenic proteins and peptides from the aforementioned bacteria and other mammalian amyloid systems suggest that amyloid formation progresses via an intermediate that adopts a unique secondary structure—α-sheet. De novo designed peptides with alternating l- and d-amino acid also adopt an α-sheet secondary structure and inhibit amyloid formation by binding to soluble oligomeric species during amyloidogenesis. Inhibition of fibrillization by α-sheet peptides suggests the presence of α-sheet during amyloid formation. To investigate the mechanism of functional amyloid formation in S. mutans, α-sheet peptides were compared to epigallocatechin gallate for their ability to inhibit fibril formation in S. mutans. Inhibition was demonstrated in a biofilm plate assay and on hydroxyapatite surfaces both in S. mutans alone and in bacteria from human saliva. The observed inhibition suggests that an α-sheet mediated mechanism may be operative during functional amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans are found together in the oral biofilms on dental surfaces, but little is known about the ecological interactions between these species. Here, we studied the effects of S. mutans UA159 on the growth and pathogencity of C. albicans. Initially, the effects of S. mutans on the biofilm formation and morphogenesis of C. albicans were tested in vitro. Next, we investigate the influence of S. mutans on pathogenicity of C. albicans using in vivo host models, in which the experimental candidiasis was induced in G. mellonella larvae and analyzed by survival curves, C. albicans count in hemolymph, and quantification of hyphae in the host tissues. In all the tests, we evaluated the direct effects of S. mutans cells, as well as the indirect effects of the subproducts secreted by this microorganism using a bacterial culture filtrate. The in vitro analysis showed that S. mutans cells favored biofilm formation by C. albicans. However, a reduction in biofilm viable cells and inhibition of hyphal growth was observed when C. albicans was in contact with the S. mutans culture filtrate. In the in vivo study, injection of S. mutans cells or S. mutans culture filtrate into G. mellonella larvae infected with C. albicans increased the survival of these animals. Furthermore, a reduction in hyphal formation was observed in larval tissues when C. albicans was associated with S. mutans culture filtrate. These findings suggest that S. mutans can secrete subproducts capable to inhibit the biofilm formation, morphogenesis and pathogenicity of C. albicans, attenuating the experimental candidiasis in G. mellonella model.  相似文献   

Biofilms formed on tooth surfaces are comprised of mixed microbiota enmeshed in an extracellular matrix. Oral biofilms are constantly exposed to environmental changes, which influence the microbial composition, matrix formation and expression of virulence. Streptococcus mutans and sucrose are key modulators associated with the evolution of virulent-cariogenic biofilms. In this study, we used a high-throughput quantitative proteomics approach to examine how S. mutans produces relevant proteins that facilitate its establishment and optimal survival during mixed-species biofilms development induced by sucrose. Biofilms of S. mutans, alone or mixed with Actinomyces naeslundii and Streptococcus oralis, were initially formed onto saliva-coated hydroxyapatite surface under carbohydrate-limiting condition. Sucrose (1%, w/v) was then introduced to cause environmental changes, and to induce biofilm accumulation. Multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT) approach detected up to 60% of proteins encoded by S. mutans within biofilms. Specific proteins associated with exopolysaccharide matrix assembly, metabolic and stress adaptation processes were highly abundant as the biofilm transit from earlier to later developmental stages following sucrose introduction. Our results indicate that S. mutans within a mixed-species biofilm community increases the expression of specific genes associated with glucan synthesis and remodeling (gtfBC, dexA) and glucan-binding (gbpB) during this transition (P<0.05). Furthermore, S. mutans up-regulates specific adaptation mechanisms to cope with acidic environments (F1F0-ATPase system, fatty acid biosynthesis, branched chain amino acids metabolism), and molecular chaperones (GroEL). Interestingly, the protein levels and gene expression are in general augmented when S. mutans form mixed-species biofilms (vs. single-species biofilms) demonstrating fundamental differences in the matrix assembly, survival and biofilm maintenance in the presence of other organisms. Our data provide insights about how S. mutans optimizes its metabolism and adapts/survives within the mixed-species community in response to a dynamically changing environment. This reflects the intricate physiological processes linked to expression of virulence by this bacterium within complex biofilms.  相似文献   

The Antigen I/II (AgI/II) family of proteins are cell wall anchored adhesins expressed on the surface of oral streptococci. The AgI/II proteins interact with molecules on other bacteria, on the surface of host cells, and with salivary proteins. Streptococcus gordonii is a commensal bacterium, and one of the primary colonizers that initiate the formation of the oral biofilm. S. gordonii expresses two AgI/II proteins, SspA and SspB that are closely related. One of the domains of SspB, called the variable (V‐) domain, is significantly different from corresponding domains in SspA and all other AgI/II proteins. As a first step to elucidate the differences among these proteins, we have determined the crystal structure of the V‐domain from S. gordonii SspB at 2.3 Å resolution. The domain comprises a β‐supersandwich with a putative binding cleft stabilized by a metal ion. The overall structure of the SspB V‐domain is similar to the previously reported V‐domain of the Streptococcus mutans protein SpaP, despite their low sequence similarity. In spite of the conserved architecture of the binding cleft, the cavity is significantly smaller in SspB, which may provide clues about the difference in ligand specificity. We also verified that the metal in the binding cleft is a calcium ion, in concurrence with previous biological data. It was previously suggested that AgI/II V‐domains are carbohydrate binding. However, we tested that hypothesis by screening the SspB V‐domain for binding to over 400 glycoconjucates and found that the domain does not interact with any of the carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is associated with dental caries. A cariogenic biofilm, in particular, has been studied extensively for its role in the formation of dental caries. Herbal extracts such as Cudrania tricuspidata, Sophora flavescens, Ginkgo biloba, and Betula Schmidtii have been used as a folk remedy for treating diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the antibacterial activity of herbal extracts against normal oral streptococci, planktonic and biofilm of S. mutans. Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus sanguinis, and S. mutans were cultivated with brain heart infusion broth and susceptibility assay for the herbal extracts was performed according to the protocol of Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute. Also, S. mutans biofilm was formed on a polystyrene 12-well plate and 8-well chamber glass slip using BHI broth containing 2% sucrose and 1% mannose after conditioning the plate and the glass slip with unstimulated saliva. The biofilm was treated with the herbal extracts in various concentrations and inoculated on Mitis-Salivarius bacitracin agar plate for enumeration of viable S. mutans by counting colony forming units. Planktonic S. mutans showed susceptibility to all of the extracts and S. mutans biofilm exhibited the highest level of sensitivity for the extracts of S. flavescens. The normal oral streptococci exhibited a weak susceptibility in comparison to S. mutans. S. oralis, however, was resistant to all of the extracts. In conclusion, the extract of S. flavescens may be a potential candidate for prevention and management of dental caries.  相似文献   

LuxS-Based Signaling Affects Streptococcus mutans Biofilm Formation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Streptococcus mutans is implicated as a major etiological agent in human dental caries, and one of the important virulence properties of this organism is its ability to form biofilms (dental plaque) on tooth surfaces. We examined the role of autoinducer-2 (AI-2) on S. mutans biofilm formation by constructing a GS-5 luxS-null mutant. Biofilm formation by the luxS mutant in 0.5% sucrose defined medium was found to be markedly attenuated compared to the wild type. Scanning electron microscopy also revealed that biofilms of the luxS mutant formed larger clumps in sucrose medium compared to the parental strain. Therefore, the expression of glucosyltransferase genes was examined and the gtfB and gtfC genes, but not the gtfD gene, in the luxS mutant were upregulated in the mid-log growth phase. Furthermore, we developed a novel two-compartment system to monitor AI-2 production by oral streptococci and periodontopathic bacteria. The biofilm defect of the luxS mutant was complemented by strains of S. gordonii, S. sobrinus, and S. anginosus; however, it was not complemented by S. oralis, S. salivarius, or S. sanguinis. Biofilm formation by the luxS mutant was also complemented by Porphyromonas gingivalis 381 and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Y4 but not by a P. gingivalis luxS mutant. These results suggest that the regulation of the glucosyltransferase genes required for sucrose-dependent biofilm formation is regulated by AI-2. Furthermore, these results provide further confirmation of previous proposals that quorum sensing via AI-2 may play a significant role in oral biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) uses a quorum sensing (QS) signaling system, which is dependent on competence stimulating peptide (CSP), to regulate diverse physiological activities including bacteriocin production, genetic transformation, and biofilm formation. However, the mechanism of the QS system-induced biofilm formation remains unclear. Here, we demonstrated that the late-stage biofilm formation was increased by the addition of exogenous CSP in S. mutans. The numbers of dead cells in biofilms formed in presence of CSP was 64.5% higher than that without CSP after 12 h (p < 0.05) and 76.3% higher after 24 h (p < 0.05), the numbers of live cells in biofilms formed in presence of CSP were 89.3% higher than that without CSP after 24 h (p < 0.01). The expression of QS-associated genes was increased 3.4-5.3-fold by CSP in biofilms. Our results revealed that cell viability of S. mutans grown in biofilms is affected by the CSP-dependent QS system.  相似文献   

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