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La Garma Cave is an Upper Palaeolithic site located ca 15 km from Santander (Cantabria, Spain). The lower gallery, which is accessible thanks to two wells, keeps paintings on the walls and numerous objects laying on the floor, objects made in bone or antler which are carved, engraved and painted. The analysis of more than 50 samples taken from the walls or the objects (37 red, 11 black, five yellow, two brown, one purple) takes part in the global project of the “chaîne opératoire” comprehension of the prehistoric painting activity. The analysis is aimed also to understand the organisation of La Garma cave, looking for the various steps of the decoration of the different rooms. The results bring to light the modulated realisation of the wall paintings: few figures were painted rapidly without any specific intention, the majority, on the other hand, were realised after a complex preparation of the painting matter with the use of specific paint pots.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(4):307-316
The archaeozoological remains found in the four Neolithic and Chalcolithic sub-levels at the archaeological site of Los Gitanos Cave are analysed. Continuity is seen in the exploitation of the marine environment, while the percentage of domestic ungulates, in comparison with hunted animals, progressively increases. Finally, the site is contextualised in an overview of the use of animal resources in Cantabrian Spain from the fifth to the third millennia.  相似文献   

El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain), located near the mouth of the River Sella, has yielded one of the most important Upper Palaeolithic sequences in northern Spain. To date, three major occupation periods at the cave have been identified and dated. The first was at the beginning of the Holocene (ca. 8500 BP; ca. 9000 cal BP); the second at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic, in the Younger Dryas (YD) or Greenland Stadial 1 (GS1) (ca. 11.200 BP; 12.700 cal BP) and the third during Greenland Stadial 2 (GS2) (ca. 16.300–15.500 BP; ca. 19.200–18.700 cal BP). This paper describes the stratigraphy documented in the excavations performed by F. Jordá Cerdá and A. Gómez-Fuentes between 1977 and 1979 and presents the first radiocarbon determinations for the first two occupation periods, together with the study of the archaeological materials found in Level F. This level, dated to 15.500 BP (ca. 18.700 cal BP) is characterised by specialised red deer hunting and the gathering of marine resources (winkles). Various artefacts made from animal raw materials have been documented; both finished products and items in the process of being manufactured, as well as portable art objects. The lithic assemblage, consisting mainly of local raw materials with a small proportion of allochthonous flint, is characterised by an abundance of small bladelet cores and backed bladelets. These archaeological remains and the radiocarbon date mean Level F can be attributed to the so-called “Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian”. This period has been documented archaeologically and dated to a similar time at other sites in the River Sella valley and in the rest of northern Spain.  相似文献   

In the Sahara, wherever there are naked rock surfaces, engravings and paintings have been found in large numbers. This rock art includes various types of images — the oldest dating about ten millenniums — among which human beings, wild or domesticated animals, therianthrops and non-explicit images can be identified. According to periods and styles, the human being has been represented under extremely varied aspects from particularly realistic — similar to the reality — till very simplified, even caricatural drawings. For some realistic representations of women and men, we can observe anatomical or morphological peculiarities which, without being frequent, show cases of steatopygy and gynoïd or androïd obesity, pathological or not. For certain periods, we also find imaginary, fantastic or caricatural representations. These images characterize particularly styles previous to that called “Round Heads”. So, in the Saharan art, the human being has been represented either in his physical truth, or according to multiple stylistic conventions or graphic stereotypes, which could characterize certain ethnic groups.  相似文献   

The paleoflora described and pictured in this paper has been collected in two deposits of the area of Demnate: the OT6 bis drilling in the oriental Haouz and an exposure in the Rhojdamas (High-Atlas). Two completely different associations have been characterized: one hygrophilous and autochtonous of the «Stephanian type and the other mesoxerophilous and allochtonous (vegetation of the upland?) of the «Autunian type. In the OT6 bis drilling, the two floras alternate so that it is impossible to draw a precise boundary between the Stephanian and Autunian. In the Rhojdamas, only the Autunian flora has been identified. Such a combination of the two floras has similarly been recorded in several stephanian basins of the French Massif Central.  相似文献   

The diagnostic interpretation of medical images is a complex task aiming to detect potential abnormalities. One of the most used features in this process is texture which is a key component in the human understanding of images. Many studies were conducted to develop algorithms for texture quantification. The relevance of fractal geometry in medical image analysis is justified by the proven self-similarity of anatomical objects when imaged with a finite resolution. Over the last years, fractal geometry was applied extensively in many medical signal analysis applications. The use of these geometries relies heavily on estimation of the fractal features. Various methods were proposed to estimate the fractal dimension or multifractal spectrum of a signal. This article presents an overview of these algorithms, the way they work, their benefits and limits, and their application in the field of medical signal analysis.  相似文献   

This article presents the first results of the interdisciplinary study of the Palaeolithic art of La Peña Cave (San Román de Candamo) recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The systematic exploration of the cave and the application of new technologies for documenting Palaeolithic graphs have allowed us to locate new heretofore unknown sets and to extend the number of known decorated topographic units. The making of a new topographical survey allows us to locate the previously known catalogue (figurative representations and signs) precisely as well as the new findings of paintings and engravings. In parallel to this, the use of different geotechnologies has allowed us to obtain digital models of the original structure of the La Peña Cave of San Román de Candamo (Spain), and also to obtain orthophotos that faithfully reflect the cave's dimensional and textural characteristics for subsequent technical study by a team of prehistorians.  相似文献   

Opening towards the eastern steppe landmass, the Eastern Romania area covers 87,500 km2, and shelters the biggest number of Gravettian and Epigravettian sites currently known. Archaeological researches in the area expanded in the 1950's, during the construction of dams on the Prut and Bistrița valleys. The efforts of the multidisciplinary teams involved and the subsequently published papers highlighted the archaeological potential of the region and, with some inevitable interruptions, investigations continued to this day. Although the time and resources spent were not modest, the outcomes regarding the Upper Palaeolithic cultural sequence often proved contradictory and somehow distant from the general European cultural dynamic. Thus, this reassessment tries to put the chronological, palaeoenvironmental, and empirical data in a more coherent framework. A synthesis of the available Gravettian and Epigravettian data east of the Carpathians reveals the following sequence: (1) an Aurignacian stage on the Prut Valley, paralleled by an indefinite Upper Palaeolithic stage, from sites on the Bistrița Valley, between 31 and 28 ka (uncal BP); (2) a quite early Gravettian presence, roughly between 27 and 25.5 ka, which includes backed laminar blanks, schematic decoration of one pendant, and the use of perforated shells as adornments; (3) a scant shouldered points stage, chronologically close to the European similar phases (25–23 ka), for which the feeble use of obsidian points toward contacts with Central European resources/populations; (4) a Gravettian/Epigravettian interface, between 21 and 19 ka, manifested within numerous archaeological layers, mainly through an increase in bladelets and organic artefacts production/use; (5) an Epigravettian stage, between 18 and 16 ka, largely defined through an upturn in raw material choices, backed implements production, and tool types; (6) one last, roughly 14 ka old Epigravettian stage, in which the technological choices recalled those of the previous one. Regional variability elements and radiocarbon chronology limitations considered, apparently, the Gravettian and the Epigravettian of Eastern Romania share quite a lot of traits with the corresponding Central and Eastern European technocomplexes.  相似文献   

E. Deniau  D. Cohen 《PSN》2007,5(2):109-116
European and US drug regulatory authorities have recently warned against the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in childhood and adolescent depression. Through an extensive literature review on the use of SSRIs to treat depression in children and adolescents — including psychiatric clinical trials, pharmacology, and drug safety data — we will: i) describe the main arguments justifying various regulatory decisions; ii) present published data and subsequent meta-analyses; iii) discuss how to integrate the recommendations into daily clinical practice, freeing professionals from a Manichean approach. We reach the limits of evidence-based medicine, which provide the basis of the scientific work of the regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

The cave of Murciélagos de Zuheros (Cordoba, Spain) is one of the most important sites in Southern Iberian Peninsula. Its thick chronostratigraphic sequence includes occupations ranging from the Middle Palaeolithic to Roman times. Occupation levels corresponding to the earliest farming communities that established in modern-day Andalucia are remarkable due to its archaeological richness. This article focuses on the study of the lithic industry from these Early Neolithic levels, which is approached according to various tightly connected questions: raw material characterization, technical systems of production, and morphology and function of tools. Obtained results in their archaeological context are related to the questions on the origin of the Neolithic in Southern Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

The study of the coral biodiversity of the Upper Oligocene sedimentary series (Lower Coralline Limestone, Chattian) of Malta permitted the identification of 25 scleractinian genera represented by 41 species. Three new species are proposed: Miophora naxxarensis n. sp., Nerthastraea maltensis n. sp. and Gyrosmilia maltensis n. sp. Observations made in various Oligocene sites in Malta, especially around Naxxar and Tal Bajjada, allow to establish a suite of coral associations which may vary spatially and vertically. The identified scleractinian associations can be represented by different types of coral assemblages and bioconstructions: isolated colonies, coral beds of varying density but of large spatial extent, more cohesive coral banks (coral carpets) or patch reefs forming morphologies with gentle lateral slopes. The colonial morphologies are closely linked to these different types of bioconstructions. These coral constructions have been established and developed in shallow marine areas. The coral biodiversity of the Oligocene of Malta fits well in the evolution of the Cenozoic reef phenomenon whose development reached its peak in the Oligocene with great coral richness in the Chattian in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

AimsTo evaluate the value of PET/CT comparatively to CT in staging and restaging after chemotherapy of testicular seminoma, to assess quantitative methods and prognostic value of PET in post-chemotherapy residual masses.MethodsThirty-two patients and a maximum of 65 targeted lesions visualized on PET-CT and CT performed for staging and therapeutic response assessment were analysed and compared. Each lesion was quantified according to miscellaneous SUV normalized methods. Optimal threshold of SUV for prediction of residual disease was obtained (ROC method). The prognostic value of PET/CT at the completion of treatment was determined with progression free survival study (Kaplan-Meier method).ResultsPET/CT exhibited higher accuracy than CT in the initial staging and assessment of therapeutic response, respectively 98% versus 83.3% and 95.1% versus 75.6%. Quantification, whichever method, was not more efficient than visual reading for prediction of residual disease. Progression-free survival was higher with negative than with positive PET/CT (P = 0.0033).ConclusionOur work demonstrates that PET/CT exhibits better accuracy than CT in both staging and restaging at the end of treatment. Quantification methods do not improve accuracy of PET/CT for prediction of viable residual disease. The prognostic value of PET/CT appears very promising and needs to be confirmed by large prospective studies. PET/CT appears to be a relevant method of prognostic stratification of the risk of relapse in seminoma.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2022,46(3):146-155
ObjectivesThis study aims to assess performances of preoperative conventional imaging (99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy, cervical Ultrasonography) and 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT (FCH PET/CT) exams in the detection of hyperfunctioning parathyroid gland(s) in patients operated from primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT).MethodsBefore surgery, 51 consecutive patients with biochemically confirmed pHPT had successively cervical ultrasonography (cUS), 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy and FCH PET/CT, all performed in the same Nuclear Medicine Department. 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy were performed immediatly after cUS and interpreted by same operators. FCH PET/CT exam were interpreted independently by two nuclear medicine physicians. An additional interpretation session integrating the three imaging modalities read in consensus as a combined imaging set was performed.ResultsAt surgery, 69 lesions were removed: 32 parathyroid adenoma and 37 parathyroid hyperplasia. 70% of patients had single-gland disease and 30% had multiglandular disease at histopathology analysis. In the patient-based analysis, sensitivity and accuracy in the detection of single gland disease) for FCH PET/CT, cUS and for 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy were 86% [0.71–0.94] and 86% [0.70–0.95], 69% [0.52–0.81] and 69% [0.51–0.83], 40% [0.26–0.56] and 40% [0.24–0.58], respectively. Sensitivity and accuracy of the combined imaging set for the detection of single gland disease were 94% [0.81–0.99] and 94% [0.81–0.99].ConclusionOur results suggest that cUS/99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy and FCH PET/CT interpreted during a comprehensive session could be the ideal practice to precisely localize parathyroid lesion(s) in patients with pHPT before surgery.  相似文献   

Abrigo de la Quebrada offers an exceptional sequence with nine occupation levels which seven belongs to Middle Paleolithic. The division between levels II to V and VII to IX by a sterile level VI allow us to study diachronic changes on raw materials and knapping systems. This data is compared with other contemporary sites to evaluate technological trends and the raw material availability in the central region of Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Philippe Huneman 《PSN》2004,2(2):47-60
The author analysesEncyclopédie’s articles devoted to nervous and mental functioning and disorders, showing that a new approach to lunacy as a mental illness, which is defined in some articles as a “general trouble of the animal economy”, progressively emerged. The term,animal economy, unified physical and moral aspects of the study of man. It was elaborated by XVIIIth century physiologists and was widely accepted by French physicians. This idea is based on the vitalistic thought of the Montpellier school, which equated life with sensibility, and on English medical conceptions of a nervous-centred organism. Later on Philippe Pinel’s work displayed the legacy of these conceptions. On one hand, the comprehensive view of physical and moral dimensions in theanimal economy neutralized the question of an organic or psychogenetic origin of madness. This enabled him to consider it as a determinate field of sensibility interactions and as a medical matter, and to legitimize the group of therapeutic practices that he namedtraitement moral. On the other hand, Pinel departed from the classical conception ofanimal economy by developing his concept of aprinciple of mania, which underlies the manifold symptoms and forms of madness, and which are only perceptible to a trained specialist (aliéniste). The historical development analysed in this article show how alienists were enabled to claim both the wholly medical nature of insanity as disease, and their specific competence as apart from the other medical disciplines. To this extent, Esquirol achieved Pinel’s scientific work.  相似文献   

The opening of the Deux-Ouvertures cave is on the left bank of the Ardèche River, just before the canyon exit on the land of the village of Saint-Martin d’Ardèche in the Southwest of France. Although it has been known since 1896, the deep part of one of the galleries was not discovered until 1985. The surface of this gallery was covered by animal bones, 90% of which belonged to Ursus spelaeus. In 2007, two osseous human fragments were discovered: the distal part of an adult humerus and the diaphysis of a radius belonging to a young individual. These two specimens are the topic of the present paper. Although the date of the humerus (34,440–33,730 cal BP) corresponds to the period when bears frequented the caves, the dates of the diaphysis of the radius (4410–4570 cal BP), found at the heart of the “decorated Paleolithic sector”, lead us to assume that it was transported there, perhaps deliberately. The study of the two human bones originating in the Deux-Ouvertures cave illustrates that the diaphysis of the radius, belonging to a young individual of the Neolithic period, does not exhibit any differences in comparison to modern radii. By contrast, the distal part of the adult humerus, although it is incomplete and altered, is the first example that has been dated in the Ardèche of adult human remains associated with a decorated Paleolithic cave. This specimen, aside perhaps from the width of its median column, is rather slender and does not present any significant difference in relation to other upper Paleolithic humeri.  相似文献   

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