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青海三江源区果洛藏族自治州草地退化成因分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
赵志平  吴晓莆  李果  李俊生 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6577-6586
本文利用长期历史资料,通过分析气候变化和人类放牧活动对草地生产力的影响,探讨1960s以来青海三江源区果洛藏族自治州草地退化主要原因,结果显示:研究区是全球变暖的敏感地区,1961-2010年研究区气温升高、年降水略有下降、湿润程度下降,Miami模型、Thornthwaite Memorial模型和综合自然植被净第一性生产力模型(综合模型)模拟的该区植被净初级生产力(NPP)均具有上升趋势,近50年来研究区气候变化总体上有利于该区草地生产力改善;研究区家畜年末存栏数60年代剧烈上升,至70年代达到顶峰,家畜年末存栏数与植被NDVI呈极显著负相关关系(P<0.01),草地实际载畜量过大造成牲畜对草地过度啃食,导致草地退化。研究区退化草地恢复治理的重点应放在减轻载畜压力、控制草地现实载畜量方面。  相似文献   

Nongovernmental organizations are increasingly influencing resource management and land use in areas of small farm agriculture in Latin America. A field study of NGOs working in upper Canar, a region in the southern highlands of Ecuador, documents the changing human environment relations in an indigenous area and the influence of NGOs in the change process. Case studies of PLAN International and CARE indicate that the NGOs are helping marginalized producers shift land use away from traditional grains and tubers toward dairying and vegetables. Given current needs and resource constraints, the new land uses represent effective adaptive strategies. However, the NGO work is having notable consequences for land use intensity and labor utilization patterns.  相似文献   

为了明确高寒草甸退化演替过程中土壤真菌物种组成、群落多样性及功能结构等的响应规律,本研究采用高通量基因测序技术和FUNGuild功能预测,分析了三江源区未退化、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化和极度退化高寒草甸土壤真菌群落特征及其调控因子.结果 表明:高寒草甸土壤优势真菌为子囊菌门、担子菌门和被孢霉菌门.与未退化草地土壤相...  相似文献   

郭洋  杨飞龄  王军军  武瑞东 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4351-4361
游憩是一项重要的文化生态系统服务类型。以"三江并流"区为研究区,选择景观多样性、自然度、河流湖泊元素、景点等级、可达性和服务设施等6项指标,从游憩潜力和游憩机会两方面进行评估,得到该地区现有和潜在的游憩文化生态系统服务量,并划分为5个等级。结果表明:游憩潜力与机会共同影响游憩服务量,"三江并流"区游憩潜力与机会在空间分布上并不匹配,游憩潜力较高的地区占17.09%,主要分布于怒江州、大理州、德钦县、丽江古城区及玉龙县的部分区域;10.06%的地区游憩机会极低,主要包括贡山县、德钦县以及香格里拉北部地区;具有高等级潜在游憩服务量的地区,集中分布于大理州、丽江古城区、玉龙县和香格里拉的部分地区,占研究总面积的17.64%。具有较高游憩潜力的景点,大多数现有服务量也比较高。服务量为4级以上的景点数量占44.68%,集中分布在大理州、玉龙县、香格里拉、德钦等地,与高等级潜在游憩服务量的地理分布十分相似,说明现有游憩服务的开发在一定程度上符合自然规律。  相似文献   


Background and aim

Because the indigenous burrowing lagomorph plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is considered to have negative ecological impacts on alpine meadow steppe grasslands of the Headwaters Region of the Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong Rivers we investigated its effects on ecosystem productivity and soil properties, and especially net ecosystem carbon flux.


We measured net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and its components gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) at peak aboveground biomass by the chamber method with reference to plant and soil characteristics of areas of alpine meadow steppe with different densities of pika burrows.


Higher burrow density decreased NEE, GEP and ER. Above-ground biomass, species number, plant cover and leaf area index decreased with increasing pika density. Higher burrow density was associated with lower soil moisture and higher soil temperature. Responses of NEE were related to changes of abiotic and biotic factors affecting its two components. NEE was positively related to soil moisture, soil ammonium nitrogen, plant cover, leaf area index and above-ground biomass but was negatively correlated with higher soil nitrate nitrogen.


Decrease of NEE by plateau pika may reduce the carbon sink balance of Qinghai-Tibet plateau grassland. Such effects may be influenced by grazing pressure from domestic livestock, population levels of natural predators, and climate change.  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau of China has the highest soil erosion rate in the world where billion tons of soil is annually washed into Yellow River. In recent decades this region has experienced significant climate change and policy-driven land conversion. However, it has not yet been well investigated how these changes in climate and land use have affected soil organic carbon (SOC) storage on the Loess Plateau. By using the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM), we quantified the effects of climate and land use on SOC storage on the Loess Plateau in the context of multiple environmental factors during the period of 1961–2005. Our results show that SOC storage increased by 0.27 Pg C on the Loess Plateau as a result of multiple environmental factors during the study period. About 55% (0.14 Pg C) of the SOC increase was caused by land conversion from cropland to grassland/forest owing to the government efforts to reduce soil erosion and improve the ecological conditions in the region. Historical climate change reduced SOC by 0.05 Pg C (approximately 19% of the total change) primarily due to a significant climate warming and a slight reduction in precipitation. Our results imply that the implementation of “Grain for Green” policy may effectively enhance regional soil carbon storage and hence starve off further soil erosion on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原腹地江河源头的曲麻莱县气象站1994~2004年观测的高寒嵩草草甸优势种高山嵩草的生育期、高度、产量等指标与同期气象资料,通过定量分析研究较长时段的物候及生物量变化特征,以揭示其对气候变化的响应.结果表明:(1)高山嵩草返青期和开花期的变化总体均呈"W"形,在区域气候变暖背景下,植物物候表现为返青期提前,开花期和枯黄期推迟,整个生长季延长.(2)高山嵩草的生物量变化在10年间呈明显的波动趋势,各月最高生物量均出现在1999年,最低生物量出现在1994年.(3)高山嵩草物候期与生长季各月气温呈显著的正相关关系(P<0.001),与月降水量呈弱正相关关系(P>0.05);月均气温成为本区草本植物发芽生长的先决条件,且6~8月气温与植物萌动的相关性最大.(4)生长季6~8月高山嵩草生物量鲜重和干重均与月均气温呈显著正相关,鲜重仅与月降水量呈显著正相关关系,在青藏高原的高寒区,温度比降水对植物产量的影响更大.  相似文献   

根据三江源地区21个气象台站的最大冻土深度、气温、降水观测数据和欧洲中心再分析资料,利用旋转经验正交分解等方法对1981—1010年三江源地区季节最大冻土深度(MFSD)的时空分布特征进行了分析,并探讨了季节冻土与气候因子之间的关系,结果表明:(1)40年来三江源地区平均MFSD为136.66cm,空间分布呈现出以玛多站最大中心值(218.85cm),向四周递减的分布特征。(2) 40年平均变率空间分布和旋转正交经验分解第一模态时间系数均表现出三江源地区MFSD呈现明显下降趋势,季节冻土层明显减薄,平均MFSD递减率为0.51cm/a。(3)表征热力状况的气候因子中,湿润指数、气温和降水是影响三江源地区季节冻土较为重要的气候因子。(4)三江源地区季节冻土的关键区在东北部,MFSD典型高值年有1983年等4个年份;典型低值年有1988年等7个年份。通过对500hPa位势高度场典型高值年、低值年合成分析,季节冻土典型高(低)值年,北半球500hPa位势高度场负(正)异常;同时,南亚高压负(正)异常,其范围偏小(大),强度偏弱(强),温度场中心温度更低(高),对应三江源地区应季节冻土更厚(薄...  相似文献   

基于不可替代性的青海省三江源地区保护区功能区划研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
曲艺  王秀磊  栾晓峰  李迪强 《生态学报》2011,31(13):3609-3620
具有代表性、灵活性、综合性的保护区功能区划指标是决定区域划分合理与否的关键因素。不可替代性是近年来引入生物多样性保护规划的新概念,表达一个规划单元在实现整体保护目标中的重要性,能够反映生物多样性保护价值的空间分异规律,将其与人类活动干扰指数结合,可以在划分不同值域与功能分区之间建立联系。在系统保护规划框架下,首先根据三江源生物多样性特征确定了研究区域的指示物种和优先保护生态系统,然后结合物种生境特性,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术进行了指示物种潜在分布范围预测,最后借助生物多样性保护规划软件(C-Plan)计算了三江源地区不可替代性指数,结合人类活动干扰进行了功能区划分,并对比了现有功能区划与新功能区划的贡献率。研究结果表明,不可替代性较高区域与原核心区空间分布基本一致(包括东部中铁、军功、麦秀森林灌丛区;西部索加、曲麻莱湖泊湿地区,高寒草甸区;北部扎陵湖、鄂陵湖、星星海湿地区;及南部玉树、囊谦森林灌丛区,当曲沼泽湿地区);在保护区总面积未增加条件下,基于不可替代性的新功能区划较原功能区划的保护贡献率及保护效率有显著提高,核心区保护贡献率由61.20%增长到71.21%,新核心区 缓冲区总贡献率由77.57%增长到92.45%,保护区整体贡献率由91.20%增长到95.40%;从保护对象被保护情况看,新功能区划与原功能区划均能完全涵盖所有保护对象,但新功能区所包含的满足保护目标的保护对象明显增多,原功能区核心区,核心区 缓冲区,核心区 缓冲区 实验区完全实现目标的保护对象分别占27.50%,47.50%和80%,新功能区分别为32.50%,77.50%和87.50%(新功能区划下,只有苔草草甸、冰川雪山、湖泊3种生态系统类型和盘羊、黑颈鹤两个动物物种未达到保护目标)。在本研究基础上,讨论了该研究的意义、方法评价及现实问题,并提出三江源自然保护区功能区划调整建议:1)结合实际情况,基于不可替代性和人类活动的功能区划对现功能区划进行适当调整以增加保护区的保护贡献率;2)对于缓冲区中保护价值较高、人类活动干扰又较强的区域应进行严格的管理,制定完善的管理策略,避免因人类活动引起生物多样性丧失;3)鉴于当地经济发展需求,可以考虑在本研究确定的实验区及其外围开展水电站与矿产开发项目,但必须考虑开发项目对周围水域、植被及居民的影响。以期为三江源自然保护区功能区划的调整及资源开发提供参考,对三江源生物多样性的保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

高原鼢鼠是三江源高寒草甸区域的主要啮齿动物之一.它啃食植物根系,挖掘大量通道,并将挖掘出的土壤堆积于地表,形成覆盖于植物地上部分的裸露土丘,对草地群落特征会产生不同程度的影响.本研究以高原鼢鼠土丘密度表示高原鼢鼠对草地的干扰程度,选取7个不同高原鼢鼠土丘密度的样地,同时选取没有遭受高原鼢鼠干扰的样地作为对照,获得各样地的物种信息及地上、地下生物量,探讨不同高原鼢鼠干扰强度对草地群落的物种组成、物种多样性及群落生产力的影响.结果表明: 随着高原鼢鼠土丘的增加,草地植物优势种群发生由以莎草科和禾本科植物为主向珠牙蓼、鹅绒委陵菜、西伯利亚蓼等杂类草植物为主的转变,群落盖度和高度显著降低;轻度或中度的高原鼢鼠干扰能够提高群落的物种多样性,而群落均匀度指数变化不显著;群落生产力不存在类似中度干扰假说的结果.随高原鼢鼠干扰活动的增强,群落地上、地下及总生物量显著降低,群落生产力大幅度降低.  相似文献   

三江并流区域野生杓兰属植物资源初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对三江并流区域的野生杓兰属植物的种质资源特点及分布规律作了描述,并提出了该区域野生杓兰属资源开发利用的建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the riparian vegetation of perennial and ephemeral rivers systems in the semi-arid, winter rainfall region of South Africa has changed over time. Using an environmental history approach we assess the extent of change in plant cover at 32 sites using repeat photographs that cover a time span of 36–113 years. The results indicate that in the majority of sites there has been a significant increase in cover of riparian vegetation in both the channel beds and adjacent floodplain environments. The most important species to have increased in cover across the region is Acacia karroo. We interpret the findings in the context of historical changes in climate and land use practices. Damage to riparian vegetation caused by mega-herbivores probably ceased sometime during the early 19th century as did scouring events related to large floods that occurred at regular intervals from the 15th to early 20th centuries. Extensive cutting of riparian vegetation for charcoal and firewood has also declined over the last 150 years. Changes in the grazing history as well as increased abstraction and dam building along perennial rivers in the region also account for some of the changes observed in riparian vegetation during the second half of the 20th century. Predictions of climate change related to global warming anticipate increased drought events with the subsequent loss of species and habitats in the study area. The evidence presented here suggests that an awareness of the region’s historical ecology should be considered more carefully in the modelling and formulation of future climate change predictions as well as in the understanding of climate change impacts over time frames of decades and centuries.  相似文献   

This study examines how human land uses and biophysical factors serve as predictors of land cover change in and around Madidi National Park in Bolivia. The Greater Madidi Landscape ranges over an elevational gradient from < 200 m in the Amazon basin to 6000 m in the high Andes, contains more than ten major ecosystem types, and several protected areas and sustainable use zones. In this study, Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite images collected over the study area at the beginning of the 1990s and then the 2000s were classified according to broad land cover types. Below elevations of 3000 m, the landscape experienced equal rates of deforestation and secondary forest increases of approximately 0.63 percent annually, resulting in no significant net change. Below elevations of 1000 m, however, we found an annual net loss in forest cover of 0.11 percent. Across the landscape, land cover change was most likely to occur near areas previously deforested, near roads and population centers, and at low elevations. We found net deforestation rates to be inversely related to strength of natural resource protection laws in protected areas and other jurisdictions. Results suggest little net change for the landscape as a whole, but that local scale changes may be significant, particularly near roads. Management policies favorable for biodiversity conservation in this landscape should limit the building of new roads and immigration to biologically sensitive areas and continue to support protected areas, which are achieving a positive result for forest conservation.  相似文献   

基于GIS的中国土地利用变化及其影响模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过GIS建模,分析了我国土地利用的变化与其影响因子之间的相互作用关系。研究发现,土地利用的变化主要是自然与经济因素综合作用的结果,并且区分不同的规模尺度与不同的区域类型,将对提高土地利用空间变化模型的精度有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

应用无人机进行动物调查的研究越来越多,但是缺乏有效的自动处理图像方法,使得目视解释的工作量较大。为研究快速与准确估算三江源区域大型食草动物数量的方法,本文使用两种无人机进行7个站点的遥感影像采集。首先对无人机影像进行灰度化,使矩阵维数下降但梯度信息仍然保留,使运算速度大幅度提高;其次对影像开展高斯滤波,高斯滤波将数据进行能量转化,排除掉属于低能量部分的噪声;第三开展阈值处理得到二值化图像;采用样本中动物形态学特征开展形态运算,先用开运算消除小物体尽可能排除干扰,同时不误删牲畜,再用闭运算排除小型黑洞将同一对象连通不重复计数;最后从二值图像中检索轮廓,并返回检测到的轮廓的个数;从而自动获得主要大型食草动物物种数量与空间分布。精度检验方法为手工计数与自动计数结果比较,相对误差3.1%~6.5%,大多数情况均可达到此水平。采用计算机自动处理图像后,每张图像处理和计数的平均时间小于3 s。无人机影像的自动处理方法可为今后大规模进行藏羊、牦牛、西藏野驴和藏原羚等动物调查提供一种有效、可靠的技术途径。  相似文献   

Alpine grassland of the Tibetan Plateau is an important component of global soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, but insufficient field observations and large spatial heterogeneity leads to great uncertainty in their estimation. In the Three Rivers Source Region (TRSR), alpine grasslands account for more than 75% of the total area. However, the regional carbon (C) stock estimate and their uncertainty have seldom been tested. Here we quantified the regional SOC stock and its uncertainty using 298 soil profiles surveyed from 35 sites across the TRSR during 2006–2008. We showed that the upper soil (0–30 cm depth) in alpine grasslands of the TRSR stores 2.03 Pg C, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 1.25 to 2.81 Pg C. Alpine meadow soils comprised 73% (i.e. 1.48 Pg C) of the regional SOC estimate, but had the greatest uncertainty at 51%. The statistical power to detect a deviation of 10% uncertainty in grassland C stock was less than 0.50. The required sample size to detect this deviation at a power of 90% was about 6–7 times more than the number of sample sites surveyed. Comparison of our observed SOC density with the corresponding values from the dataset of Yang et al. indicates that these two datasets are comparable. The combined dataset did not reduce the uncertainty in the estimate of the regional grassland soil C stock. This result could be mainly explained by the underrepresentation of sampling sites in large areas with poor accessibility. Further research to improve the regional SOC stock estimate should optimize sampling strategy by considering the number of samples and their spatial distribution.  相似文献   

三江并流区域野生青刺果植物资源及合理开发浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对青刺果的植物学特性及分布范围、理化指标和营养价值进行详细的分析,从多个角度探讨了它的的开发、利用价值,并结合三江并流区域内野生青刺果植物资源的分布、利用情况,提出了开发与保护的可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

Global circulation models forecasts indicate a future temperature and rainfall pattern modification worldwide. Such phenomena will become particularly evident in Europe where climate modifications could be more severe than the average change at the global level. As such, river flow regimes are expected to change, with resultant impacts on aquatic and riparian ecosystems. Riparian woodlands are among the most endangered ecosystems on earth and provide vital services to interconnected ecosystems and human societies. However, they have not been the object of many studies designed to spatially and temporally quantify how these ecosystems will react to climate change-induced flow regimes. Our goal was to assess the effects of climate-changed flow regimes on the existing riparian vegetation of three different European flow regimes. Cases studies were selected in the light of the most common watershed alimentation modes occurring across European regions, with the objective of appraising expected alterations in the riparian elements of fluvial systems due to climate change. Riparian vegetation modeling was performed using the CASiMiR-vegetation model, which bases its computation on the fluvial disturbance of the riparian patch mosaic. Modeling results show that riparian woodlands may undergo not only at least moderate changes for all flow regimes, but also some dramatic adjustments in specific areas of particular vegetation development stages. There are circumstances in which complete annihilation is feasible. Pluvial flow regimes, like the ones in southern European rivers, are those likely to experience more pronounced changes. Furthermore, regardless of the flow regime, younger and more water-dependent individuals are expected to be the most affected by climate change.  相似文献   

Human modification of the natural environment continues to create habitats in which mosquitoes, vectors of a wide variety of human and animal pathogens, thrive if unabated with an enormous potential to negatively affect public health. Historic examples of these modifications include of impoundments, dams, and irrigation systems that create havens for the mosquitoes that transmit malaria, dengue, and filariasis. Additionally, contemporary deforestation appears to be associated with the expansion of mosquito distributions and the increase in mosquito-borne disease transmission. These observations are not unique to the developing world, as urban sprawl also contributes significantly to mosquito habitats and offers a sanctuary to some vector populations. With foresight and planning, most of these systems can be appropriately managed to control vector populations and pathogen transmission. The key to disease control is developing an understanding of the contribution of human landscape modification to vector-borne pathogen transmission and how a balance may be achieved between human development, public health, and responsible land use.  相似文献   

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