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The adaptive significance of midlife menopause in human females has long engaged the attention of evolutionary anthropologists. In spite of extensive debate, the problem has only recently been examined in the context of primate life histories. Here I extend those investigations by comparing life history traits in 16 primate species to test predictions generated from life history theory. In humans, late ages of maturity and higher than expected birth rates are systematically associated with extended postmenopausal longevity. Links among these adjustments on the primate pattern can explain how selection could slow somatic senescence without favoring extension of the fertile span. This conclusion is consistent with the observation that our fertile spans are similar to those of other pongids. The shape of the argument herein demonstrates the utility of life history theory for solving problems of adaptive evolution in female life history traits, with consequences for broader arguments regarding human evolution.  相似文献   

Observations about the number, frequency, effect size, and genomic distribution of alleles associated with complex traits must be interpreted in light of evolutionary process. These characteristics, which constitute a trait’s genetic architecture, can dramatically affect evolutionary outcomes in applications from agriculture to medicine, and can provide a window into how evolution works. Here, I review theoretical predictions about the evolution of genetic architecture under spatially homogeneous, global adaptation as compared with spatially heterogeneous, local adaptation. Due to the tension between divergent selection and migration, local adaptation can favor “concentrated” genetic architectures that are enriched for alleles of larger effect, clustered in a smaller number of genomic regions, relative to expectations under global adaptation. However, the evolution of such architectures may be limited by many factors, including the genotypic redundancy of the trait, mutation rate, and temporal variability of environment. I review the circumstances in which predictions differ for global vs local adaptation and discuss where progress can be made in testing hypotheses using data from natural populations and lab experiments. As the field of comparative population genomics expands in scope, differences in architecture among traits and species will provide insights into how evolution works, and such differences must be interpreted in light of which kind of selection has been operating.  相似文献   

Derived aspects of our human life history, such as short interbirth intervals and altricial newborns, have been attributed to male provisioning of nutrient-rich meat within monogamous relationships. However, many primatologists and anthropologists have questioned the relative importance of pair-bonding and biparental care, pointing to evidence that cooperative breeding better characterizes human reproductive and child-care relationships. We present a mathematical model with empirically-informed parameter ranges showing that natural selection favors cooperation among mothers over a wide range of conditions. In contrast, our analysis provides a far more narrow range of support for selection favoring male coalition-based monogamy over more promiscuous independent males, suggesting that provisioning within monogamous relationships may fall short of explaining the evolution of Homo life history. Rather, broader cooperative networks within and between the sexes provide the primary basis for our unique life history.  相似文献   

During the first decades of the 20th century, many anthropologists who had previously adhered to a linear view of human evolution, from an ape via Pithecanthropus erectus(today Homo erectus) and Neanderthal to modern humans, began to change their outlook. A shift towards a branching model of human evolution began to take hold. Among the scientific factors motivating this trend was the insight that mammalian evolution in general was best represented by a branching tree, rather than by a straight line, and that several new fossil hominids were discovered that differed significantly in their morphology but seemed to date from about the same period. The ideological and practical implications of imperialism and WWI have also been identified as formative of the new evolutionary scenarios in which racial conflict played a crucial role. The paper will illustrate this general shift in anthropological theory for one particular scientist, William Sollas (1849–1936). Sollas achieved a synthesis of human morphological and cultural evolution in what I will refer to as an imperialist model. In this theoretical framework, migration, conflict, and replacement became the main mechanisms for progress spurred by ‘ ȁ8nature’s tyrant,’ natural selection.  相似文献   

While there is no doubt that social signals affect human reinforcement learning, there is still no consensus about how this process is computationally implemented. To address this issue, we compared three psychologically plausible hypotheses about the algorithmic implementation of imitation in reinforcement learning. The first hypothesis, decision biasing (DB), postulates that imitation consists in transiently biasing the learner’s action selection without affecting their value function. According to the second hypothesis, model-based imitation (MB), the learner infers the demonstrator’s value function through inverse reinforcement learning and uses it to bias action selection. Finally, according to the third hypothesis, value shaping (VS), the demonstrator’s actions directly affect the learner’s value function. We tested these three hypotheses in 2 experiments (N = 24 and N = 44) featuring a new variant of a social reinforcement learning task. We show through model comparison and model simulation that VS provides the best explanation of learner’s behavior. Results replicated in a third independent experiment featuring a larger cohort and a different design (N = 302). In our experiments, we also manipulated the quality of the demonstrators’ choices and found that learners were able to adapt their imitation rate, so that only skilled demonstrators were imitated. We proposed and tested an efficient meta-learning process to account for this effect, where imitation is regulated by the agreement between the learner and the demonstrator. In sum, our findings provide new insights and perspectives on the computational mechanisms underlying adaptive imitation in human reinforcement learning.

This study investigates imitation from a computational perspective; three experiments show that, in the context of reinforcement learning, imitation operates via a durable modification of the learner''s values, shedding new light on how imitation is computationally implemented and shapes learning and decision-making.  相似文献   

All organisms are faced with environmental uncertainty. Bet-hedging theory expects unpredictable selection to result in the evolution of traits that maximize the geometric-mean fitness even though such traits appear to be detrimental over the shorter term. Despite the centrality of fitness measures to evolutionary analysis, no direct test of the geometric-mean fitness principle exists. Here, we directly distinguish between predictions of competing fitness maximization principles by testing Cohen''s 1966 classic bet-hedging model using the fungus Neurospora crassa. The simple prediction is that propagule dormancy will evolve in proportion to the frequency of ‘bad’ years, whereas the prediction of the alternative arithmetic-mean principle is the evolution of zero dormancy as long as the expectation of a bad year is less than 0.5. Ascospore dormancy fraction in N. crassa was allowed to evolve under five experimental selection regimes that differed in the frequency of unpredictable ‘bad years’. Results were consistent with bet-hedging theory: final dormancy fraction in 12 genetic lineages across 88 independently evolving samples was proportional to the frequency of bad years, and evolved both upwards and downwards as predicted from a range of starting dormancy fractions. These findings suggest that selection results in adaptation to variable rather than to expected environments.  相似文献   

A central question in human life history theory surrounds the rapid pace of reproduction of human mothers. Accordingly, evolutionary anthropologists have debated who provides assistance to human mothers and how. Here, we develop an embodied capital framework (i.e., a parental investment strategy focused on improving the adult productivity of offspring) to understand urban–rural differences in the extent to which children help to underwrite the costs of their dependence among Indo-Fijians. We employ multiple regression analysis to explore the relationships among various categories of helpful activity, residential ecology and mother's reproductive success and show that, while rural children work more overall compared to urban children, childcare is the only productive activity with any relationship to mother's reproductive success. We conclude by providing support for the general idea that children are potentially important sources of allomaternal help, but emphasize the need for more nuanced models of how such help is provided.  相似文献   

Today, humans inhabit most of the world’s terrestrial habitats. This observation has been explained by the fact that we possess a secondary inheritance mechanism, culture, in addition to a genetic system. Because it is assumed that cultural evolution occurs faster than biological evolution, humans can adapt to new ecosystems more rapidly than other animals. This assumption, however, has never been tested empirically. Here, I compare rates of change in human technologies to rates of change in animal morphologies. I find that rates of cultural evolution are inversely correlated with the time interval over which they are measured, which is similar to what is known for biological rates. This correlation explains why the pace of cultural evolution appears faster when measured over recent time periods, where time intervals are often shorter. Controlling for the correlation between rates and time intervals, I show that (1) cultural evolution is faster than biological evolution; (2) this effect holds true even when the generation time of species is controlled for; and (3) culture allows us to evolve over short time scales, which are normally accessible only to short-lived species, while at the same time allowing for us to enjoy the benefits of having a long life history.  相似文献   

Translational errors during protein synthesis cause phenotypic mutations that are several orders of magnitude more frequent than DNA mutations. Such phenotypic mutations may affect adaptive evolution through their interactions with DNA mutations. To study how mistranslation may affect the adaptive evolution of evolving proteins, we evolved populations of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in either high-mistranslation or low-mistranslation Escherichia coli hosts. In both hosts, we first evolved GFP under purifying selection for the ancestral phenotype green fluorescence, and then under directional selection toward the new phenotype yellow fluorescence. High-mistranslation populations evolved modestly higher yellow fluorescence during each generation of evolution than low-mistranslation populations. We demonstrate by high-throughput sequencing that elevated mistranslation reduced the accumulation of deleterious DNA mutations under both purifying and directional selection. It did so by amplifying the fitness effects of deleterious DNA mutations through negative epistasis with phenotypic mutations. In contrast, mistranslation did not affect the incidence of beneficial mutations. Our findings show that phenotypic mutations interact epistatically with DNA mutations. By reducing a population’s mutation load, mistranslation can affect an important determinant of evolvability.  相似文献   

While several researchers have suggested that evolution should be explored from the initial years of schooling, little information is available on effective resources to enhance elementary school students’ level of understanding of evolution by natural selection (LUENS). For the present study, we designed, implemented, and evaluated an educational activity planned for fourth graders (9 to 10 years old) to explore concepts and conceptual fields that were historically important for the discovery of natural selection. Observation field notes and students’ productions were used to analyze how the students explored the proposed activity. Additionally, an evaluation framework consisting of a test, the evaluation criteria, and the scoring process was applied in two fourth‐grade classes (N = 44) to estimate elementary school students’ LUENS before and after engaging in the activity. Our results show that our activity allowed students to link the key concepts, resulting in a significant increase of their understanding of natural selection. They also reveal that additional activities and minor fine‐tuning of the present activity are required to further support students’ learning about the concept of differential reproduction.  相似文献   

Considering the entire life history of a species is fundamental to developing effective conservation strategies. Decreasing populations of five-needle white pines may be leading to the decline of Clark’s nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). These birds are important seed dispersers for at least ten conifer species in the western U.S., including whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis), an obligate mutualist of Clark’s nutcrackers. For effective conservation of both Clark’s nutcrackers and whitebark pine, it is essential to ensure stability of Clark’s nutcracker populations. My objectives were to examine Clark’s nutcracker breeding season home range size, territoriality, habitat selection, and foraging behavior in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, a region where whitebark pine is declining. I radio-tracked Clark’s nutcrackers in 2011, a population-wide nonbreeding year following a low whitebark pine cone crop, and 2012, a breeding year following a high cone crop. Results suggest Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) communities are important habitat for Clark’s nutcrackers because they selected it for home ranges. In contrast, they did not select whitebark pine habitat. However, Clark’s nutcrackers did adjust their use of whitebark pine habitat between years, suggesting that, in some springs, whitebark pine habitat may be used more than previously expected. Newly extracted Douglas-fir seeds were an important food source both years. On the other hand, cached seeds made up a relatively lower proportion of the diet in 2011, suggesting cached seeds are not a reliable spring food source. Land managers focus on restoring whitebark pine habitat with the assumption that Clark’s nutcrackers will be available to continue seed dispersal. In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Clark’s nutcracker populations may be more likely to be retained year-round when whitebark pine restoration efforts are located adjacent to Douglas-fir habitat. By extrapolation, whitebark pine restoration efforts in other regions may consider prioritizing restoration of whitebark pine stands near alternative seed sources.  相似文献   

Understanding pathogen infectivity and virulence requires combining insights from epidemiology, ecology, evolution and genetics. Although theoretical work in these fields has identified population structure as important for pathogen life-history evolution, experimental tests are scarce. Here, we explore the impact of population structure on life-history evolution in phage T4, a viral pathogen of Escherichia coli. The host–pathogen system is propagated as a metapopulation in which migration between subpopulations is either spatially restricted or unrestricted. Restricted migration favours pathogens with low infectivity and low virulence. Unrestricted migration favours pathogens that enter and exit their hosts quickly, although they are less productive owing to rapid extirpation of the host population. The rise of such ‘rapacious’ phage produces a ‘tragedy of the commons’, in which better competitors lower productivity. We have now identified a genetic basis for a rapacious life history. Mutations at a single locus (rI) cause increased virulence and are sufficient to account for a negative relationship between phage competitive ability and productivity. A higher frequency of rI mutants under unrestricted migration signifies the evolution of rapaciousness in this treatment. Conversely, spatially restricted migration favours a more ‘prudent’ pathogen strategy, in which the tragedy of the commons is averted. As our results illustrate, profound epidemiological and ecological consequences of life-history evolution in a pathogen can have a simple genetic cause.  相似文献   

William R. Rice 《Genetics》2014,196(2):367-371
Experimental genetics with model organisms and mathematically explicit genetic theory are generally considered to be the major paradigms by which progress in genetics is achieved. Here I argue that this view is incomplete and that pivotal advances in genetics—and other fields of biology—are also made by synthesizing disparate threads of extant information rather than generating new information from experiments or formal theory. Because of the explosive expansion of information in numerous “-omics” data banks, and the fragmentation of genetics into numerous subdisciplines, the importance of the synthesis paradigm will likely expand with time.MAJOR advances in the field of genetics have been developed on a foundation supported by three major pillars (i.e., paradigms, by which I mean a framework of basic assumptions, logical approaches, and methodologies), two of which are widely known and appreciated while the third is rarely even acknowledged. The first major paradigm is experimental genetics, especially in the context of model organisms. The work of Thomas H. Morgan and his colleagues at Cal Tech during the early 20th century is a classic example of this approach. A succession of elegant experimental studies by this research team led to the development of the Drosophila melanogaster model system, which Morgan et al. (1915) used to construct the first genomic map that included genes assigned to precise locations on all of an organism’s chromosomes. Their accumulated experimental results also contributed importantly to their book, The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity (1915), which many consider to be the catalyst that launched the modern era of genetics.The second paradigm is mathematically explicit genetic theory. The succession of genetical theory papers published throughout the first half of the 20th century by Ronald A. Fisher is a classic example of this approach. Fisher’s work reconciled a fundamental rift in the early history of modern genetics—i.e., the genetic approaches of the Mendelians (advocated by William Bateson and Hugo de Vries) vs. the Galtonians (also known as the biometricians, represented in particular by Karl Pearson and Walter F. Weldon)—by showing that Mendelian particulate inheritance could be unified with the quantitative genetics used to analyze continuously varying traits such as height and weight (Fisher 1918). Although Darwin developed the basic framework of evolution, it was Fisher—and contemporary theoreticians Sewall Wright and J. B. S. Haldane—who integrated this qualitative idea into a quantitatively explicit genetic theory that led to the modern synthesis of evolution and launched the field of evolutionary genetics (also known as population genetics and summarized in Fisher’s now classic book, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, first published in 1930). Of course, some theory in genetics is not mathematically explicit, such as the “chromosomal theory of inheritance” or the “central dogma.” But this form of theory usually represents the culmination of studies using the experimental genetics paradigm rather than a unique approach to genetics.Most major advances in genetics have been achieved via one, the other, or a combination of these experimental and theoretical paradigms. But there is a well-known exception: Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA (Watson and Crick 1953a,b, ∼11,000 combined citations—throughout, numbers of citations are taken from Google Scholar—, and arguably the pivotal publications that launched the modern field of molecular genetics). Watson and Crick used no mathematical genetic theory, nor did they do any critical experiments; instead, they integrated many threads of established information (some unpublished) to deduce the chemical structure of the hereditary material, i.e., the DNA double helix and how this structure could explain gene replication. Although later experiments, such as those of Meselson and Stahl (1958) on DNA replication, would ultimately confirm the deduced structure and replication of DNA that was proposed by Watson and Crick, the pivotal publications of these researchers used neither the experimental nor the theory paradigms of genetics. Their approach exemplifies what I will call the “synthesis paradigm.” Watson and Crick’s work demonstrates that there is actually a trichotomy of approaches—the experimental, theoretical-mathematical, and theoretical-synthetic approaches—that combine like interwoven, reinforcing strands in a cord of historical advances in genetics.In the next few sections I describe other instances in which the synthesis paradigm has been of critical importance in the field of genetics. This set of examples is meant to be illustrative and by no means exhaustive. Next I illustrate how the synthesis paradigm has been of critical importance in other fields of biology. Finally, I describe how a fuller appreciation of the synthesis paradigm can influence the training of the next cohort of geneticists and the career trajectory of current geneticists.  相似文献   

In mammals that grow up more slowly and live longer, replacement teeth tend to appear earlier in sequence than in fast growing mammals. This trend, known as ‘Schultz''s Rule’, is a useful tool for inferring life histories of fossil taxa. Deviations from this rule, however, suggest that in addition to the pace of life history, ecological factors may also drive dental ontogeny. Myotragus balearicus is an extinct insular caprine that has been proved to be an excellent test case to correlate morphological traits with life history. Here we show that Myotragus balearicus exhibits a slow signature of dental eruption sequence that is in agreement with the exceptionally slow life history of this species, thus conforming to ‘Schultz''s Rule’. However, our results also show an acceleration of the absolute pace of development of the permanent incisors in relation to that of the posterior teeth. The rodent-like incisors of Myotragus balearicus erupted early not only in relative but also in absolute terms (chronological age), suggesting that feeding characteristics also plays an important role in dental ontogeny. This is in agreement with ecological hypotheses based on primates. Our study documents a decoupling of the pace of development of teeth in mammals that is triggered by different selection pressures on dental ontogeny. Moreover, we show that Myotragus kopperi from the early Pleistocene (a direct ancestor of the late Pleistocene-Holocene M. balearicus) follows the pattern of first incisor replacement known in living bovids. Hence, the advance in the eruption sequence of the first incisors occurs along the Myotragus evolutionary lineage over a period of about 2.5 Myr. To our knowledge, this is the first fossil evidence of an advance of the emergence of the permanent first incisor along an anagenetic mammalian lineage.  相似文献   

Cooperation is rife in the microbial world, yet our best current theories of the evolution of cooperation were developed with multicellular animals in mind. Hamilton’s theory of inclusive fitness is an important case in point: applying the theory in a microbial setting is far from straightforward, as social evolution in microbes has a number of distinctive features that the theory was never intended to capture. In this article, I focus on the conceptual challenges posed by the project of extending Hamilton’s theory to accommodate the effects of gene mobility. I begin by outlining the basics of the theory of inclusive fitness, emphasizing the role that the concept of relatedness is intended to play. I then provide a brief history of this concept, showing how, over the past fifty years, it has departed from the intuitive notion of genealogical kinship to encompass a range of generalized measures of genetic similarity. I proceed to argue that gene mobility forces a further revision of the concept. The reason in short is that, when the genes implicated in producing social behaviour are mobile, we cannot talk of an organism’s genotype simpliciter; we can talk only of an organism’s genotype at a particular stage in its life cycle. We must therefore ask: with respect to which stage(s) in the life cycle should relatedness be evaluated? For instance: is it genetic similarity at the time of social interaction that matters to the evolution of social behaviour, or is it genetic similarity at the time of reproduction? I argue that, strictly speaking, it is neither of these: what really matters to the evolution of social behaviour is diachronic genetic similarity between the producers of fitness benefits at the time they produce them and the recipients of those benefits at the end of their life-cycle. I close by discussing the implications of this result. The main payoff is that it makes room for a possible new mechanism for the evolution of altruism in microbes that does not require correlated interaction among bearers of the genes for altruism. The importance of this mechanism in nature remains an open empirical question.  相似文献   

Darwinian evolution in the light of genomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Comparative genomics and systems biology offer unprecedented opportunities for testing central tenets of evolutionary biology formulated by Darwin in the Origin of Species in 1859 and expanded in the Modern Synthesis 100 years later. Evolutionary-genomic studies show that natural selection is only one of the forces that shape genome evolution and is not quantitatively dominant, whereas non-adaptive processes are much more prominent than previously suspected. Major contributions of horizontal gene transfer and diverse selfish genetic elements to genome evolution undermine the Tree of Life concept. An adequate depiction of evolution requires the more complex concept of a network or ‘forest’ of life. There is no consistent tendency of evolution towards increased genomic complexity, and when complexity increases, this appears to be a non-adaptive consequence of evolution under weak purifying selection rather than an adaptation. Several universals of genome evolution were discovered including the invariant distributions of evolutionary rates among orthologous genes from diverse genomes and of paralogous gene family sizes, and the negative correlation between gene expression level and sequence evolution rate. Simple, non-adaptive models of evolution explain some of these universals, suggesting that a new synthesis of evolutionary biology might become feasible in a not so remote future.  相似文献   

Natural environments are characterized by unpredictability over all time scales. This stochasticity is expected on theoretical grounds to result in the evolution of ‘bet-hedging’ traits that maximize the long term, or geometric mean fitness even though such traits do not maximize fitness over shorter time scales. The geometric mean principle is thus central to our interpretation of optimality and adaptation; however, quantitative empirical support for bet hedging is lacking. Here, I report a quantitative test using the timing of seed germination—a model diversification bet-hedging trait—in Lobelia inflata under field conditions. In a phenotypic manipulation study, I find the magnitude of fluctuating selection acting on seed germination timing—across 70 intervals throughout five seasons—to be extreme: fitness functions for survival are complex and multimodal within seasons and significantly dissimilar among seasons. I confirm that the observed magnitude of fluctuating selection is sufficient to account for the degree of diversification behaviour characteristic of individuals of this species. The geometric mean principle has been known to economic theory for over two centuries; this study now provides a quantitative test of optimality of a bet-hedging trait in nature.  相似文献   

Non-genetic phenotypic variation is common in biological organisms. The variation is potentially beneficial if the environment is changing. If the benefit is large, selection can favor the evolution of genetic assimilation, the process by which the expression of a trait is transferred from environmental to genetic control. Genetic assimilation is an important evolutionary transition, but it is poorly understood because the fitness costs and benefits of variation are often unknown. Here we show that the partitioning of damage by a mother bacterium to its two daughters can evolve through genetic assimilation. Bacterial phenotypes are also highly variable. Because gene-regulating elements can have low copy numbers, the variation is attributed to stochastic sampling. Extant Escherichia coli partition asymmetrically and deterministically more damage to the old daughter, the one receiving the mother’s old pole. By modeling in silico damage partitioning in a population, we show that deterministic asymmetry is advantageous because it increases fitness variance and hence the efficiency of natural selection. However, we find that symmetrical but stochastic partitioning can be similarly beneficial. To examine why bacteria evolved deterministic asymmetry, we modeled the effect of damage anchored to the mother’s old pole. While anchored damage strengthens selection for asymmetry by creating additional fitness variance, it has the opposite effect on symmetry. The difference results because anchored damage reinforces the polarization of partitioning in asymmetric bacteria. In symmetric bacteria, it dilutes the polarization. Thus, stochasticity alone may have protected early bacteria from damage, but deterministic asymmetry has evolved to be equally important in extant bacteria. We estimate that 47% of damage partitioning is deterministic in E. coli. We suggest that the evolution of deterministic asymmetry from stochasticity offers an example of Waddington’s genetic assimilation. Our model is able to quantify the evolution of the assimilation because it characterizes the fitness consequences of variation.  相似文献   

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