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Coenzyme A (CoA) plays a central and essential role in all living organisms. The pathway leading to CoA biosynthesis has been considered an attractive target for developing new antimicrobial agents with novel mechanisms of action. By using an arabinose-regulated expression system, the essentiality of coaBC, a single gene encoding a bifunctional protein catalyzing two consecutive steps in the CoA pathway converting 4'-phosphopantothenate to 4'-phosphopantetheine, was confirmed in Escherichia coli. Utilizing this regulated coaBC strain, it was further demonstrated that E. coli can effectively metabolize pantethine to bypass the requirement for coaBC. Interestingly, pantethine cannot be used by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to obviate coaBC. Through reciprocal complementation studies in combination with biochemical characterization, it was demonstrated that the differential characteristics of pantethine utilization in these two microorganisms are due to the different substrate specificities associated with endogenous pantothenate kinase, the first enzyme in the CoA biosynthetic pathway encoded by coaA in E. coli and coaX in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Coordination of GTP and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside 5'-phosphate pools changes was studied. The CTP pool is an important component of Escherichia coli metabolism, while AICAR 5'-phosphate being one of alarmones controls the synthesis of GTP. Main attention was paid to histidine, the biosynthesis of which is connected with formation of purine nucleotides. The expression of the histidine operon and biosynthesis of histidine are shown to change the AICAR pool and help the formation of the GTP pool. The ribosomal antibiotics streptomycin and chloramphenicol may cause the temporary deficiency of GTP eliminated by the increase of alarmone AICAR pool. The latter event is concluded to cause the increase in GTP pool independent of the means of AICAR accumulation (C1-pholatedependent restriction of metabolization or, vice versa, the stimulation in the histidine biosynthesis pathway).  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase mutants (dnaE) are protected from cell death on incubation at nonpermissive temperature by mutation in the cydA gene controlling cytochrome bd oxidase. Protection is observed in complex (Luria-Bertani [LB]) medium but not on minimal medium. The cydA mutation protects a thymine-deficient strain from death in the absence of thymine on LB but not on minimal medium. Both dnaE and Deltathy mutants filament under nonpermissive conditions. Filamentation per se is not the cause of cell death, because the dnaE cydA double mutant forms long filaments after 24 h of incubation in LB medium at nonpermissive temperature. These filaments have multiply dispersed nucleoids and produce colonies on return to permissive conditions. The protective effect of a deficiency of cydA at high temperature is itself suppressed by overexpression of cytochrome bo3, indicating that the phenomenon is related to energy metabolism rather than to a specific effect of the cydA protein. We propose that filamentation and cell death resulting from thymine deprivation or slowing of DNA synthesis are not sequential events but occur in response to the same or a similar signal which is modulated in complex medium by cytochrome bd oxidase. The events which follow inhibition of replication fork progression due to either polymerase inactivation, thymine deprivation, or hydroxyurea inhibition differ in detail from those following actual DNA damage.  相似文献   

The gene from Propionibacterium freudenreichii for PPi-dependent phosphofructo-1-kinase, an enzyme that is found in some bacteria, in a number of anaerobic protists, and in plants, complements the absence of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase in Escherichia coli but does not complement the deficiency of the ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

Treatment with native DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli with the acylating agent N-carboxymethylisatoic acid anhydride (NCMIA) results under specific conditions in a rapid loss of polymerase activity, an increase in 5' leads to 3'-exonuclease activity and in unchanged 3' leads to 5'-exonuclease activity. When a nucleoside triphosphate and Mg2+ was present the polymerase activity was completely protected against the effect of NCMIA. Treatment with higher concentration of the acylating agent under these conditions led to a loss of 3' leads to 5'-exonuclease activity without any appreciable loss of polymerase activity. Treatment with NCMIA of the two catalytically active fragments of the enzyme led to very similar results. In this case both the polymerase activity and the 3' leads to 5'-exonuclease activity deteriorated more rapidly on treatment with the acylating reagent. The increase in 5' leads to 3'-exonuclease activity as a result of modification of the native enzyme appeared to be due to a change in the optimum conditions with regard to concentration of the assay buffer used. These changes are very similar to those seen when the polymerase is cleaved by limited proteolysis. From the results obtained it is concluded that NCMIA reacts primarily with a site at or near the triphosphate-Mg2+ complex binding site, leading to an almost complete loss of polymerase activity. The acylating reagent reacts also with another group on the native enzyme resulting in a modification of the 5' leads to 3'-exonuclease activity, and at high concentrations with a group leading to a slow loss of 3' leads to 5'-exonuclease activity.  相似文献   

We have purified the DNA polymerase II of Escherichia coli from the recombinant strain carrying the plasmid which encodes the polB gene. We confirmed that the purified protein, of molecular weight 90,000, possesses a 3'----5' exonuclease activity in addition to DNA polymerizing activity in a single polypeptide. Its DNA polymerizing activity was sensitive to the drug aphidicoline, which is a specific and direct inhibitor of the alpha-like DNA polymerases including eukaryotic replicative DNA polymerases. Aphidicolin had no detectable effect on the 3'----5' exonuclease activity. The inhibition by aphidicolin on the polymerizing activity of polymerase II was competitive with respect to dNTP and uncompetitive with respect to template DNA. This mode of action is the same as that on eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha. The apparent Ki value calculated from Lineweaver-Burk plots was 55.6 microM.  相似文献   

Although glucose is an inexpensive substrate widely used as a carbon source in Escherichia coli recombinant fermentation technology, 10-30% of the carbon supply is wasted by excreting acetate. In addition to the loss of carbon source, the excretion of a weak acid may result in increased energetic demands and hence a decreased yield. Because glucose can enter the cell via several transport systems, isogenic strains defective in one or two of these transport systems were constructed. The effects of changes in the glucose uptake capacity on the in vivo flux distribution to a desired end product (beta-galactosidase) and to acetate were studied. The lack of one of the components (IICB(Glc) protein) of the glucose-phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system (Glc-PTS) reduced the growth rate significantly. The maintenance of a low-copy plasmid in this strain resulted in further arrest of the growth rate. However, beta-galactosidase production had no effect on growth rate. This strain directed more carbon into biomass and carbon dioxide, and less into acetate. Beta-galactosidase was produced in amounts not significantly different from the wild-type strain from half the amount of glucose. An explanation for the experimental results is given, making use of published results on metabolic regulation.  相似文献   

Previous observations indicated the absence of demonstrable 5'-nucleotidase activity in six of seven cultured murine melanoma cell lines. It could not be determined from those studies whether the enzyme was absent, or whether an inhibitor was present. The current studies indicate that no inhibitor can be demonstrated, therefore the enzyme is absent.  相似文献   

The effects of deoxynucleoside monophosphates on the 3' leads to 5' exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme have been correlated with their effects on the fidelity of DNA replication. In particular, dGMP inhibits the proofreading activity of the enzyme and decreases the fidelity in those cases where a "following nucleotide effect" is also noted. This is strong evidence for proofreading. However, the absence of the effects of proofreading inhibitors or following nucleotides need not be evidence against the occurrence of proofreading: a theoretical analysis shows that these effects may not be observed even though there is active proofreading. This is suggested to be the case with the phage T4 enzyme system. The proofreading activity of Pol III appears to be directed primarily towards removing purine x pyrimidine-mediated rather than purine x purine-mediated misincorporations. recA protein inhibits the proofreading activity of Pol III on synthetic templates containing mismatched 3' termini. This is paralleled by a decrease in the fidelity of DNA replication in vitro. The inhibition is increased in the presence of dGMP or dAMP but there is no further increase in the infidelity of replication. The presence of both dNMPs and recA protein does not enable Pol III to copy past pyrimidine photodimers.  相似文献   

The control of activity of the bacteriophage T5-induced 5'-nucleotidase is dependent upon the amount of T5 parental DNA injected into the cell and expressed. When only the first-step transfer DNA is injected and expressed the amount of 5'-nucleotidase activity observed is two to three times the maximum amount observed after normal T5 infection, and inactivation of the enzyme does not occur. Enzyme inactivation occurs only after the remaining DNA is injected, but only limited expression of this DNA is required. The control of the nucleotidase inactivation process is similar to that for the repair of the nicks in parental DNA, and is probably mediated by a class IIa protein.  相似文献   

We attempted to test the idea that the relative abundance of each individual tRNA isoacceptor in Escherichia coli can be altered by varying its cognate codon concentration. In order to change the overall codon composition of the messenger pool, we have expressed in E. coli lacZ with the aid of T7 RNA polymerase so that their respective gene products individually accounted for 30% of the total bacterial protein. Unexpectedly, the maximum expression of either test gene has no specific effect on the relative rates of synthesis of the tRNA species that we studied. Instead, we find that there is a cumulative breakdown of rRNAs, which results in a loss of ribosomes and protein synthetic capacity. After either of the test genes is maximally induced, there is a growing fraction of protein synthesis invested in beta-galactosidase or delta tufB that is matched by a comparable decrease of the fraction of normal protein synthesis. We have also observed enhanced accumulation of two heat shock proteins during overexpression. Finally, after several hours of overexpression of either test protein, the bacteria are no longer viable. These results are relevant to the practical problems of obtaining high expression levels for cloned proteins.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli have been selected for the absence of 5'-nucleotidase (uridine diphosphate-sugar hydrolase) and 3'-nucleotidase (2',3'-cyclic phophodiesterase). Mutants selected for the absence of 5'-nucleotidase are of two kinds: those that lack detectable activity for the enzyme (Ush(-)), and those that possess activity when cell extracts are assayed, but not when intact cells are assayed (cryptic; Crp(-)). The latter class is probably identical to a type of mutant previously reported by Ward and Glaser. When mutants are selected for the absence of 3'-nucleotidase, Crp(-)mutants are also obtained. Thus far, however, mutants totally lacking this enzyme have not been found. The location on the genetic map of one ush mutation is at position 11 min and that of one crp mutation at approximately 67 min. In the crp mutant, 5'-nucleotidase and 3'-nucleotidase remain located in the periplasm. This mutant is also cryptic for alkaline phosphatase but not for acid hexose phosphatase. Treatment of cells with ethylenediamine-tetraacetate substantially alleviated crypticity. These data are discussed in terms of the organization of periplasmic enzymes and of the outer membrane as a permeability barrier.  相似文献   

Differential chemical modification ofE. coli chaperonin 60 (cpn60) was achieved by using one of several sulfhydryl-directed reagents. For native cpn60, the three cysteines were accessible for reaction with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), while only two of them are accessible to the larger reagent 4,4′-dipyridyl disulfide (4-PDS). However, no sulfhydryl groups were modified when the even larger reagents 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) or 2-(4′-(iodoacetamido)anilino) naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (IAANS), were employed, unless the chaperonin was unfolded. The cpn60 that had been covalently modified with NEM or IAANS, was not able to support the chaperonin-assisted refolding of the mitochondrial enzyme rhodanese, which also requires cpn10 and ATP hydrolysis. However, both modified forms of cpn60 were able to form binary complexes with rhodanese, as demonstrated by their ability to arrest the spontaneous refolding of the enzyme. That is, chemical modification with these sulfhydryl-directed reagents produced a species that was not prevented from interaction with partially folded rhodanese, but that was prevented from supporting a subsequent step(s) during the chaperonin-assisted refolding process.  相似文献   

Simvastatin is the active pharmaceutical ingredient of the blockbuster cholesterol lowering drug Zocor. We have previously developed an Escherichia coli based whole-cell biocatalytic platform towards the synthesis of simvastatin sodium salt (SS) starting from the precursor monacolin J sodium salt (MJSS). The centerpiece of the biocatalytic approach is the simvastatin synthase LovD, which is highly prone to misfolding and aggregation when overexpressed from E. coli. Increasing the solubility of LovD without decreasing its catalytic activity can therefore elevate the performance of the whole-cell biocatalyst. Using a combination of homology structural prediction and site-directed mutagenesis, we identified two cysteine residues in LovD that are responsible for nonspecific intermolecular crosslinking, which leads to oligomer formation and protein aggregation. Replacement of Cys40 and Cys60 with alanine residues resulted in marked gain in both protein solubility and whole-cell biocatalytic activities. Further mutagenesis experiments converting these two residues to small or polar natural amino acids showed that C40A and C60N are the most beneficial, affording 27% and 26% increase in whole cell activities, respectively. The double mutant C40A/C60N combines the individual improvements and displayed approximately 50% increase in protein solubility and whole-cell activity. Optimized fed-batch high-cell-density fermentation of the double mutant in an E. coli strain engineered for simvastatin production quantitatively (>99%) converted 45 mM MJSS to SS within 18 h, which represents a significant improvement over the performance of wild-type LovD under identical conditions. The high efficiency of the improved whole-cell platform renders the biocatalytic synthesis of SS an attractive substitute over the existing semisynthetic routes.  相似文献   

Initial rate studies of the intrinsic purine nucleoside-5′-diphosphokinase activity of Escherichia coli acetate kinase suggest that the kinetic reaction pathway is a ping-pong (or double-displacement) mechanism. Further evidence to support this mechanistic assignment was obtained through the use of the alternative substrate approach with ITP and GTP and by competitive inhibition studies with CrGTP and CrADP. That this diphosphokinase activity is intrinsic to the acetate kinase was demonstrated by the concomitant loss of the two activities when the phosphorylated form of acetate kinase was treated with 1 m hydroxylamine at pH 8. These data are fully consistent with the participation of an acyl-P intermediary in the acetate kinase and nucleoside diphosphokinase activities. The kinetic parameters suggest that the acetate kinase is a competent purine nucleoside-5′-diphosphokinase, but the metabolic significance of this function remains unassessed.  相似文献   

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