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The generation of functional neuromuscular activity within the pre-natal gastrointestinal tract requires the coordinated development of enteric neurons and glial cells, concentric layers of smooth muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). We investigated the genesis of these different cell types in human embryonic and fetal gut material ranging from weeks 4–14. Neural crest cells (NCC), labelled with antibodies against the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR, entered the foregut at week 4, and migrated rostrocaudally to reach the terminal hindgut by week 7. Initially, these cells were loosely distributed throughout the gut mesenchyme but later coalesced to form ganglia along a rostrocaudal gradient of maturation; the myenteric plexus developed primarily in the foregut, then in the midgut, and finally in the hindgut. The submucosal plexus formed approximately 2–3 weeks after the myenteric plexus, arising from cells that migrated centripetally through the circular muscle layer from the myenteric region. Smooth muscle differentiation, as evidenced by the expression of -smooth muscle actin, followed NCC colonization of the gut within a few weeks. Gut smooth muscle also matured in a rostrocaudal direction, with a large band of -smooth muscle actin being present in the oesophagus at week 8 and in the hindgut by week 11. Circular muscle developed prior to longitudinal muscle in the intestine and colon. ICC emerged from the developing gut mesenchyme at week 9 to surround and closely appose the myenteric ganglia by week 11. By week 14, the intestine was invested with neural cells, longitudinal, circular and muscularis mucosae muscle layers, and an ICC network, giving the fetal gut a mature appearance.A.S.W. is funded by a PhD studentship awarded to A.J.B. by the Child Health Research Appeal Trust.  相似文献   

Protein kinases expressed by interstitial cells of Cajal   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are involved in the generation of electrical rhythmicity of intestinal muscle and in the transduction of neural inputs in the gut. Although the expression of receptors for neurotransmitters and hormones and some second messengers have been investigated in ICC, the protein kinases present in these cells have not been well documented. This study has demonstrated the immunohistochemical localisation of PKA, PKC and PKC in ICC that were identified by the known ICC marker, c-Kit, in the guinea-pig gut. Other PKCs, PKC , , , , , and , and Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II were not localised in ICC. Double labelling studies were conducted on longitudinal muscle–myenteric plexus and external muscle–myenteric plexus preparations of the oesophagus, stomach (fundus, corpus and antrum), duodenum, distal ileum, caecum, proximal and distal colon, and rectum. The three protein kinases were detected in c-Kit-immunoreactive ICC at the level of the myenteric plexus (IC-MY), in the muscle (IC-IM) and at the level of the deep muscular plexus (IC-DMP) in the small intestine. PKA was found in over 90% of IC-IM in all regions examined, and in over 90% of IC-MY in the gastric body and antrum and throughout the small and large intestines. PKC was in the majority of ICC in the gastric body and antrum and in the small intestine, but was largely absent from ICC in the oesophagus, proximal stomach and large intestine. PKC occurred in the majority of ICC in all regions except the rectum. The intensity of staining was greatest for PKA, with PKC giving comparatively weak labelling of ICC. PKA was also detected in myenteric neurons, smooth muscle, macrophages and fibroblast-like cells. PKC labelling occurred in large, multipolar neurons throughout the small and large intestine, as well as in lymph vessels and in capillaries. It is concluded that PKA, PKC and PKC are all present in ICC, with the differences in their localisations suggesting specific roles for each in ICC function.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) are believed to be a major element in generating the spontaneous rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. A prominent problem in the study of these cells has been the difficulty in observing them in intact tissues. We used the lipophilic dye DiI to stain ICCs in the submucosal-circular muscle border of freshly dissected mouse colon. The placement of small DiI crystals in this area resulted in the labeling of ICC-like cells. Two main morphological cell types, viz., bipolar and multipolar, were noted. Bipolar cells had two primary processes emerging from the poles of an elongated soma. The mean length of these processes was 78.7 μm. These cells constituted 42.3% of the sample (n=105). Multipolar cells (54.3% of total) had a less elongated soma and extended 3–6 main processes whose mean length was 56.3 μm. These processes showed no preferred direction. The length of the primary processes of bipolar cells was 40% greater than that of multipolar cells (P<0.02). Three cells (2.9%) had only one primary process. The DiI stain could be converted into a stable electron-opaque product. Electron-microscopic observations showed that these cells had the typical appearance of ICCs reported in previous studies. This staining method should be useful for physiological investigations of ICCs in gastrointestinal tissues. Received: 16 September 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

Ablation of the myenteric plexus in mouse colon with the detergent benzalkonium chloride (BAC) is followed by considerable recovery of the nerves, indicating that this plexus is capable of regeneration and has plasticity. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are closely associated with enteric nerves, and the acquisition and maintenance of their adult phenotype are nerve-dependent. Little is known about the regenerative processes of ICC or about the possible dependence of these processes on neurons. To address these questions, we ablated the myenteric plexus in the mouse colon with BAC and followed changes in the adjacent ICC (ICC-MP) from day 2 to day 70 after treatment, by using c-kit-immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. In the untreated area, c-kit-positive cells and ICC-MP with normal ultrastructural features were always present. The region partially affected by BAC contained some c-kit-positive cells, and either normal or vacuolated ICC-MP were observed by electron microscopy. Moreover, at days 60–70, ICC-MP with particularly extended rough endoplasmic reticulum were present in this area. In the treated area, either denervated or reinnervated, c-kit-positive cells were always absent. By day 14 after BAC treatment, nerve fibers had started to grow back into the treated region and, in the reinnervated area, cells with fibroblast-like features appeared and were seen to contact both nerve endings and smooth muscle cells and to acquire some typical ICC features. Thus, ICC are vulnerable to external insult but appear to have some ability to regenerate.This work was supported by the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF, 98-00185; to M.H.) and University funds “quota di ateneo ex 60%” (M.-S. F.-P.).  相似文献   

The distribution of neurokinin-2 (NK2) tachykinin receptors was investigated by immunohistochemistry in the guinea-pig oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Receptor immunoreactivity occurred at the surfaces of smooth muscle cells throughout the digestive tract. Nerve fibre varicosities in enteric ganglia were also immunoreactive. In myenteric ganglia, these varicosities were most numerous in the ileum, frequent, but less dense, in the proximal colon and caecum, rare in the distal colon, extremely infrequent in the rectum and duodenum, and absent from the stomach and oesophagus. Reactive varicosities were rare in the submucous ganglia. Reactive nerve fibres in the mucosa were only found in the caecum and proximal colon. Strong NK2 receptor immunoreactivity was also found on the surfaces of enterocytes at the bases of mucosal glands in the proximal colon. Receptors were not detectable on the surfaces of nerve cells or on non-terminal axons. Reactivity did not occur on nerve fibres innervating the muscle. Denervation studies showed that the immunoreactive varicosities in the myenteric plexus of the ileum were the terminals of descending interneurons. Immunoreactivity for nitric oxide synthase was colocalised with NK2 receptor (NK-R) immunoreactivity in about 70% of the myenteric varicosities in the small intestine. Bombesin immunoreactivity occurred in about 30% of NK2-R immunoreactive varicosities in the small intestine. Received: 10 April 1996 / Accepted: 13 May 1996  相似文献   

Differential expression of caveolin-3 in mouse smooth muscle cells in vivo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Expression of caveolin-1 and -3 in mouse smooth muscle cells in vivo was examined by immunohistochemistry. Caveolin-1 was detected in almost all smooth muscles examined, except for the pupillary dilator muscle, whereas caveolin-3 was present only in smooth muscles of some specific tissues. In the eye, the pupillary sphincter muscle was intensely positive for caveolin-3, whereas the ciliary muscle and pupillary dilator muscle were negative. In the gastrointestinal tract, caveolin-3 was detected in the inner circular layer, but not in the outer longitudinal layer. Vascular smooth muscle cells of the resistance-sized artery in the uterus and corpus cavernosum were intensely positive for caveolin-3, whereas those of the aorta were only weakly positive and those of the vena cava were negative. Caveolin-3 was also detected in smooth muscle cells of the urinary bladder, ureter, prostatic vas deferens, and seminal vesicle. The different levels of caveolin-3 expression among various smooth muscle tissues were confirmed by Western blot analysis. Even within the same muscle, the relative expression levels of caveolin-1 and -3 were variable among neighboring cells, suggesting distinct fine regulation of expression of these two caveolins. Moreover, even in the same cell, caveolin-1 and -3 showed different distributions. These results indicate that the two caveolins form distinct caveolae in smooth muscles, and that caveolin-1 and -3 serve different functions. Their differential expression may therefore be related to the functional diversity of smooth muscles. This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of the Japanese Government.  相似文献   

The morphology and topographic distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in the stomach and small intestine of the frog Rana esculenta were studied at the light-microscopic level by the use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Scattered immunostained cells occurred in all regions of the gastrointestinal tract investigated. In the small intestine, the number of these cells decreased gradually in the oral to anal direction, i.e. from the pyloric (antral) stomach to the entrance into the colon. Most of the immunostained cells possessed thick, short cytoplasmic processes, which did not display a preferential spatial orientation. Other somatostatin-immunoreactive cells, which were exclusively located in the small intestine, gave rise to a single long extension oriented toward the lumen. In both stomach and small intestine, a complete penetration of the epithelial surface by these processes of somatostatin-immunoreactive cells was observed only occasionally. The morphological features of the somatostatin-immunostained cells speak in favor of endocrine, paracrine, and possibly also intraluminal secretory functions of the enteroendocrine somatostatin system in frogs.Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany  相似文献   

Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)是一类主要分布于胃肠道的间质细胞,与平滑肌细胞以及肠神经细胞有着紧密的关系。ICC分布于整个胃肠道,是胃肠道起搏细胞,具有产生和传播慢波的功能,参与神经递质调节,在一些胃肠动力性疾病中表现为异常状态。近期,关于ICC的生理功能、损伤和恢复机制的研究取得了显著的进展。ICC网络存在动态平衡,为了维持ICC网络功能,ICC周期代谢需要被紧密的控制调节平衡ICC死亡和更替。研究表明,ICC具有高度的可塑性,在一些缺失ICC的疾病中ICC并不一定死亡,转分化、去分化和细胞凋亡可能是ICC丢失的机制。。本文主要对Cajal间质细胞及其可塑性的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The development of the canine proximal colon from the completion of organogenesis through 43 days after birth was studied using light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. During this period the tunica muscularis increased in thickness from 42±6 m in animals midway through the gestation period to 317±29 m in animals 25–30 days old. This increase in thickness resulted from an increase in the number and size of smooth muscle cells in the circular and longitudinal muscle layers. The cross-sectional thickness of the circular muscle layer increased from 10±2 smooth muscle cells midway through the gestation period to 92±7 cells in animals 25–30 days old. The longitudinal layer increased in thickness from 1.5±1 cells in animals midway through the gestation period to 44±2 cells in animals 25–30 days old. Smooth muscle cells from both layers also increased in diameter and length. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies suggested that many of the smooth muscle cells were undergoing development throughout the fetal period. Midway through the gestation period, the circular layer was positive for desmin-like immunoreactivity (D-LI), while both the circular and longitudinal layers were positive for vimentinlike immunoreactivity (V-LI). By birth, V-LI was suppressed in the circular and longitudinal layers, and both layers expressed D-LI. The enteric nervous system was already established midway through the gestation period, and submucosal and myenteric ganglia could be identified, although the chemical coding and mature morphology of neurons were incomplete. NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons, indicating the expression of nitric oxide synthase, developed by the time of birth. Interstitial cells of Cajal (IC) could not clearly be identified midway through gestation, however, potential precursors to ICs were observed. Several classes of ICs were identifiable at birth.  相似文献   

In many organs, different protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are expressed in specific cell types, suggesting that the different PKCs have cell-specific roles, and also that drugs acting on a particular PKC may have effects on the whole organ that are distinguishable from drugs that target other isoforms. Previous studies of the guinea-pig and mouse intestine indicate that there are cell-specific expressions of PKC isoforms in neurons, muscle and the interstitial cells of Cajal. In the present study we have investigated the expression of different PKCs in human intestine. Immunohistochemical studies showed that the forms that are prominent in human enteric neurons are PKCs γ and ε and in muscle the dominant form is PKCδ. Neurons were weakly stained for PKCβI. These observations parallel findings in guinea-pig and mouse, except that in human PKCγ-IR was not present in the same types of neurons that express it in the guinea-pig. Enteric glial cells were strongly immunoreactive for PKCα, which is also the major isoform in enteric glial cells of guinea-pig. In human and guinea-pig, glial cells also express PKCβI. Spindle-shaped cells in the mucosa were immunoreactive for PKCα and PKCγ and in the muscle layers similar cells had PKCγ-IR and PKCθ-IR. The spindle-shaped cells were similar in morphology to interstitial cells of Cajal. Western analysis and RT-PCR confirmed the presence of the PKC isoform proteins and mRNA in the tissue. We conclude that there is cell-type specific expression of different PKCs in enteric neurons and intestinal muscle in human tissue, and that there are strong similarities in patterns of expression between laboratory animals and human, but some clear differences are also observed.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical techniques were used to examine the presence and co-localisation of a range of putative neurotransmitters and other neuronal markers in the myenteric plexus of the small and large intestine of the mouse. Distinct sub-populations of myenteric neurons were identified, based on the combinations of substances they contained and the distribution of their fibres. In the small intestine, there were two major classes of circular muscle motor neurons; one class was characterised by the presence of nitric oxide synthase, vasoactive intestinal peptide plus neuropeptide Y (NOS/VIP/NPY), and the second class contained calretinin plus substance P (CalR/SP). There were seven classes of neurons that innervated myenteric ganglia; these contained NOS, VIP, NOS/VIP, NPY, CalR/calbindin (CalB), SP or 5-HT. In the large intestine, there were five major classes of motor neurons that contained NOS, NOS/VIP, GABA, SP, or CalR/SP, and seven major classes of neurons that innervated myenteric ganglia and contained NOS, VIP, CalR/CalB, CalR, SP, GABA or 5-HT. Although some aspects of the patterns of co-localisation are similar to those in other species, this study re-inforces recent analyses that indicate significant species differences in neurochemical patterns in the enteric neurons of different species. Received: 28 August 1995 / Accepted: 30 November 1995  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the layers of the muscular coat of the guinea-pig small intestine after enzymatic and chemical removal of extracellular connective tissue. The cells of the longitudinal muscle layer are wider, have rougher surfaces, more finger-like processes and more complex terminations, but fewer intercellular junctions than cells in the circular muscle layer. A special layer of wide, flat cells with a dense innervation exists at the inner margin of the circular muscle layer, facing the submucosa. The ganglia of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses are covered by a smooth basal lamina, a delicate feltwork of collagen fibrils, and innumerable connective tissue cells. The neuronal and glial cell processes at the surface of ganglia form an interlocking mosaic, which is loosely packed in newborn and young animals, but becomes tightly packed in adults. The arrangement of glial cells becomes progressively looser along finer nerve bundles. Single varicose nerve fibres are rarely exposed, but multiaxonal bundles are common. Fibroblast-like cells of characteristic shape and orientation are found in the serosa; around nerve ganglia; in the intermuscular connective tissue layer and in the circular muscle, where they bridge nerve bundles and muscle cells; at the submucosal face of the special, flattened inner circular muscle layer; and in the submucosa. Some of these fibroblast like cells correspond to interstitial cells of Cajal. Other structures readily visualized by scanning electron microscopy are blood and lymphatic vessels and their periendothelial cells. The relationship of cellular elements to connective tissue was studied with three different preparative procedures: (1) freeze-cracked specimens of intact, undigested intestine; (2) stretch preparations of longitudinal muscle with adhering myenteric plexus; (3) sheets of submucosal collagen bundles from which all cellular elements had been removed by prolonged detergent extraction.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal in the subserosa (ICC-SS) of the guinea-pig proximal colon were studied by immunohistochemistry for c-Kit receptors and by transmission electron microscopy. These cells were distributed within a thin layer of connective tissue space immediately beneath the mesothelium and were multipolar with about five primary cytoplasmic processes that divided further into secondary and tertiary processes to form a two-dimensional network. Ultrastructural observations revealed that ICC-SS were connected to each other via gap junctions. They also formed close contacts and peg-and-socket junctions with smooth muscle cells. Three-dimensional analysis of confocal micrographs revealed that the cytoplasmic processes of ICC-SS had contacts with interstitial cells in the longitudinal muscle layer. Taking account of the location and peculiar arrangement of the ICC-SS and the main functions of the proximal colon, i.e. the absorption and transport of fluids, we suggest that the superficial network of ICC-SS acts as a stretch receptor to detect circumferential expansion and swelling of the colon wall and triggers the contraction of the longitudinal muscle to accelerate the drainage of fluids from the colon.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCC) can migrate into different parts of the body and express their strong inductive potential. In addition, they are multipotent and are able to differentiate into various cell types with diverse functions. In the primitive gut, NCC induce differentiation of muscular structures and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), and they themselves differentiate into the elements of the enteric nervous system (ENS), neurons and glial cells. ICC develop by way of mesenchymal cell differentiation in the outer parts of the primitive gut wall around the myenteric plexus (MP) ganglia, with the exception of colon, where they appear simultaneously also at the submucosal border of the circular muscular layer around the submucosal plexus (SMP) ganglia. However, in a complex process of reciprocal induction of NCC and local mesenchyma, c‐kit positive precursors are the first to differentiate, representing probably the common precursors of ICC and smooth muscle cells (SMC). C‐kit positive precursors could represent a key impact factor regarding the final differentiation of NCC into neurons and glial cells with neurons subsequently excreting stem cell factor (SCF) and other signalling molecules. Under the impact of SCF, a portion of c‐kit positive precursors lying immediately around the ganglia differentiate into ICC, while the rest differentiate into SMC.  相似文献   

Ginsenoside, one of the active ingredients of Panax ginseng, has a variety of physiological and pharmacological actions in various organs. However, little is known about the effects of ginsenosides on gastrointestinal (GI) motility. We studied the modulation of pacemaker potentials by ginsenoside in the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) using the whole-cell patch clamp technique in the current clamp mode. Among ginsenosides, we investigated the effects of ginsenoside Rb1, Rg3 and Rf. While externally applied Rb1 and Rg3 had no effects on pacemaker potentials, Rf caused membrane depolarization. The application of flufenamic acid or niflumic acid abolished the generation of pacemaker potentials and inhibited the Rf-induced membrane depolarization. Membrane depolarization induced by Rf was not inhibited by intracellular application of guanosine 5′-[β-thio]diphosphate trilithium salt. Pretreatment with a Ca2+-free solution, thapsigargin, a Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum, U-73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor, or 2-APB, an IP3 receptor inhibitor, abolished the generation of pacemaker potentials and suppressed Rfinduced actions. However, treatment with chelerythrine and calphostin C, protein kinase C inhibitors, did not block Rf-induced effects on pacemaker potentials. These results suggest that ginsenoside Rf modulates the pacemaker activities of ICCs and therby regulates intestinal motility.  相似文献   


Hesperidin, a citrus flavonoid, can exert numerous beneficial effects on human health. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are pacemaker cells in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In the present study, we investigated potential effects of hesperidin on pacemaker potential of ICC in murine small intestine and GI motility. A whole-cell patch-clamp configuration was used to record pacemaker potential in ICC, and GI motility was investigated in vivo by recording gastric emptying (GE) and intestinal transit rate (ITR). Hesperidin depolarized pacemaker potentials of ICC in a dose-dependent manner. Pre-treatment with methoctramine or 4-DAMP did not inhibit hesperidin-induced pacemaker potential depolarization. Neither a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist (Y25130) nor a 5-HT7 receptor antagonist (SB269970) reduced the effect of hesperidin on ICC pacemaker potential, whereas the 5-HT4 receptor antagonist RS39604 was found to inhibit this effect. In the presence of GDP–β–S, hesperidin-induced pacemaker potential depolarization was inhibited. Moreover, in the presence of U73122 and calphostin C, hesperidin did not depolarize pacemaker potentials. Furthermore, hesperidin accelerated GE and ITR in vivo. These results imply that hesperidin depolarized ICC pacemaker potential via 5-HT4 receptors, G protein, and PLC/PKC dependent pathways and that it increased GI motility. Therefore, hesperidin may be a promising novel drug to regulate GI motility.  相似文献   

The role of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) associated with the myenteric plexus (ICC-MP) as regulators of the motility of the colonic external muscle remains unclear. Ultrastructural studies of myenteric interstitial cells are lacking in human colon. We therefore characterized the distinctive ultrastructure of these cells in the myenteric region of the colon by transmission electron microscopy of the region between the main muscle layers in all parts of the colon in unaffected areas of resected specimens from nine adult human patients. ICC-MP were similar in various colonic regions and had myoid features such as scattered caveolae, prominent intermediate filaments, and cytoplasmic dense bodies. We found characteristic dense membrane-associated bands with a patchy basal lamina, invaginating cellular protrusions (peg and socket junctions) between ICC and between ICC and muscle cells, and close contacts (<100 nm) between ICC and nerves. No gap junctions were observed. Fibroblast-like cells (FLC) were abundant showing well-developed secretory organelles, including coated vesicles, but lacked prominent intermediate filaments and caveolae. FLC had a patchy basal lamina, and peg and socket junctions were observed between them. Macrophage-like cells frequently occurred in close apposition with FLC and, more seldomly, with ICC-MP. The ultrastructure of ICC and FLC in the myenteric region of the human colon thus differs characteristically, but significant overlaps in the ultrastructure between ICC and FLC might complicate any interpretation in pathological ultrastructural studies of the human colonic muscle layer. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Summary This study concerns the distribution of macrophages and dendritic cells (DC) in the gastrointestinal tract of the mouse. Heterogeneity of macrophage population was found by using the MOMA-1, MOMA-2, ERTR-9, Mac-1 and F4/80 monoclonal antibodies. MOMA-1, ERTR-9, Mac-1 and F4/80+ cells were detected mostly at the villous cores in the lamina propria of the villi, whereas MOMA-2+ cells were primarily found around the crypts at the base of the villi. These MOMA-2+ cells revealed a granular appearance throughout the cytoplasm and displayed a strong acid phosphatase (AcPh) activity. Few MOMA-2+ cells were seen at the top of the villi in the epithelium. Although MOMA-1 and ERTR-9+ cells have similar morphology and the same distribution patterns in the lamina propria, they are likely different populations, because in Peyer's patches (PP), MOMA-1+ cells were present, whereas ERTR-9+ cells could not be detected. Both populations displayed AcPh activity. Strongly stained Mac-1+ cells were abundantly seen in the lamina propria of the small intestine. F4/80+ cells were rare. NLDC-145+ cells with AcPh activity and weak Ia staining were also found. In the PP-associated villi and in the T-dependent area of PP, dendritic NLDC-145+ cells, which were strongly Ia positive, were detected. MIDC-8+ cells were found only in the T-dependent area. Few NLDC-145+ cells (dendritic cells) were found in the upper part of the oesophagus. These cells were also stained with the MIDC-8 antibody. The MECA-325 monoclonal antibody recognized high endothelial venules (HEV) in PP and blood vessels at the base of the villi of the jejunumileum and caecum. Unlike in PP, the endothelium of the venules in the villi was flat.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of peptide-containing neurons and endocrine cells were mapped in sections of oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine of the rabbit, by use of standard immunohistochemical techniques. Whole mounts of separated layers of ileum were similarly examined. Antibodies raised against vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), substance P (SP), somatostatin (SOM), neuropeptide Y (NPY), enkephalins (ENK) and gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) were used, and for each of these antisera distinct populations of immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibres were observed. Endocrine cells were labelled by the SP, SOM or NPY antisera in some regions.VIP-IR nerve fibres were common in each layer throughout the gastrointestinal tract. With the exception of the oesophagus, GRP-IR nerve fibres also occurred in each layer of the gastrointestinal tract; they formed a particularly rich network in the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Fewer nerve fibres containing NPY-IR or SOM-IR were seen in all areas. SOM-IR nerve fibres were very scarce in the circular and longitudinal muscle layers of each area and were absent from the gastric mucosa. The SP-IR innervation of the external musculature and ganglionated plexuses in most regions was rather extensive, whereas the mucosa was only very sparsely innervated. ENK-IR nerve fibres were extremely rare or absent from the mucosa of all areas, although immunoreactive nerve fibres were found in other layers.These studies illustrate the differences in distribution patterns of peptide-containing nerve fibres and endocrine cells along the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit and also show that there are some marked differences in these patterns, in comparison with other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Neurotensin, a tridecapeptide localized in the gut to discrete enteroendocrine cells of the small bowel mucosa, is a hormone that plays an important role in gastrointestinal secretion, growth, and motility. Neurotensin has inhibitory and excitatory effects on peristaltic activity and produces contractile and relaxant responses in intestinal smooth muscle. Our objective in this study is to investigate the effects of neurotensin in small intestinal interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and elucidate the mechanism. To determine the electrophysiological effects of neurotensin on ICC, whole-cell patch clamp recordings were performed in cultured ICC from the small intestine. Exposure to neurotensin depolarized the membrane of pacemaker cells and produced tonic inward pacemaker currents. Only neurotensin receptor1 was identified when RT-PCR and immunocytochemistry were performed with mRNA isolated from small intestinal ICC and c-Kit positive cells. Neurotensin-induced tonic inward pacemaker currents were blocked by external Na+- free solution and in the presence of flufenamic acid, an inhibitor of non-selective cation channels. Furthermore, neurotensin-induced action is blocked either by treatment with U73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor, or thapsigargin, a Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor in ICC. We found that neurotensin increased spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ oscillations as seen with fluo4/AM recording. These results suggest that neurotensin modulates pacemaker currents via the activation of non-selective cation channels by intracellular Ca2+-release through neurotensin receptor1.  相似文献   

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