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The three-stage desk calculation of the von Bertalanffy equation to describe growth in height and weight with age in the elephant is compared with a new approach to calculating the three coefficients in the function by a computer. The two methods give different results with respect to the weight/age calculations. Theoretical von Bertalanffy equations calculated by both methods to describe growth in height and weight with age in the African elephant in Zambia are compared with previously published equations for the elephant in East Africa. Details are given of growth in height in two known-age African elephants, a female ‘Diksie’ and a male ‘Kartoum’. Theoretical growth in height curves for the female African and Asiatic elephant are compared. The coefficients K and / for growth in height are not transferable to the growth in weight equations. Inherent inaccuracies in the calculation of the coefficients in the von Bertalanffy equation are discussed, and it is concluded that in animals which have a long life-span such as the elephant, the equation serves as a purely empirical representation of weight-at-age data and that there is little biological significance in the parameters it contains. The computer-calculated curves give the best fit to the data. The regression of log age on log shoulder height from 2–20 years of age provides a more realistic approach to comparative growth studies. The increase in adrenal weight with age is linear. Tusk growth in relation to age and sex in Zambia is compared with East Africa. It is concluded that the tusks in Zambia are smaller and are more difficult to sex correctly than their East African counterparts, possibly a consequence of the Zambian elephant having a greater degree of tusk wear. Allometric growth is described with emphasis on the estimation of body weight from shoulder height. The most reliable estimates are obtained from a purely empirical representation of the data, a semilog plot of log body weight on shoulder height.  相似文献   

黑斑羚粪便中碳同位素揭示的食性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用稳定碳同位素数据(δ13C)分析了南非克鲁格国家公园混食性黑斑羚(Aepyceros melampus)时间和空间尺度上的食性变化,验证了两个假说,即有蹄类食性变化是由生境中木本植物与草本植物的相对配比导致;降雨控制有蹄类生态。结果表明:黑斑羚的食性涵盖了精食者-粗食者采食谱系,且食性中木本与草本比例在不同月间、季节、年度和区域间存在很大变化。栖息于开放性热带稀树草原和草原中的黑斑羚通常采食比生境中更高比例的草本,但在时间尺度上并不恒定。在克鲁格北部的一个区域(Punda Maria) ,黑斑羚采食的草本比克鲁格国家公园中其它任何区域都多。与其它生境相比,在河边的黑斑羚采食草本数量更少,尤其是在食性空间变化更为明显的旱季。因此,我们的数据不支持有蹄类食性组成变化是由生境中木本与草本比例不同造成的假说,食性与降雨量间也无明显的关系。我们的结果支持草本中蛋白含量增加引起黑斑羚采食比例的增加这一模型。粪便中氮含量在时间和空间上的变化很小,揭示在可利用食物中,无论木本还是草本,黑斑羚进行选择采食以保证最好的食物质量。基于这些结果,我们认为更具体的食物选择和可利用性最适采食理论能够更好地解释这种生态学变化。  相似文献   

Recent studies on elephant populations from East Africa and from Zambia have suggested that as population density increases, so does the mean age at puberty and the mean calving interval. At the same time there is also an increase in the proportion of old females that are reproductively inactive. By constructing elephant population models, it is possible to investigate the extent to which these "homeostatic mechanisms" will regulate an elephant population. The models indicate that a change in the duration of the calving interval is more important as a population regulating mechanism than a change in the age at puberty, and that the proportion of old reproductively inactive females is of little significance. The importance of neonatal mortality in controlling population growth is emphasised by the models, and they also show that an annual population increase of 4% would be close to the maximum value.  相似文献   

The ecological significance of defaecation in African elephants ( Loxodonta africana ) has been discussed from a number of points of view. Dropping counts have been used to investigate population size and movements (Wing & Buss, 1970; Laws, Parker & Johnstone, 1975); the chemical composition of dung has been examined (Dougall, 1963; Weir, 1972); and dung decomposition and its role in nutrient cycles have been described (Anderson & Coe, 1974). Defaecation in captive African elephants has been examined (Coe, 1972) and food consumption of wild elephant herds has been calculated from data on gross assimilation efficiency and dung production (Coe, 1972; Rees, 1982). This paper presents evidence of a synchronization of defaecation in elephants and discusses its possible ecological significance.  相似文献   

Examination of the jaws of an impala population showed advanced wear on mandibular M1 compared with other ungulates which have been examined. This could lead to an erroneous interpretation of age if based upon mandibular tooth wear alone. Explanations are offered for this pattern in terms of the apparent pattern of wear of the impala molar teeth. Suggestions are also put forward for a method of determining specific age, from a conceptual wear model, when only extreme parameters are known. Horn growth in the male is also described.  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA library created from impala (Aepyceros melampus). Observed and expected levels of heterozygosity were computed utilizing 25 individuals from a population in central Kenya. Tests for Hardy–Weinberg equilibria were conducted and found that three of the nine loci deviated from equilibrium in this population. These markers were developed to analyse the genetic effects of culling and isolation on a game preserve in Kenya.  相似文献   

Urine samples were obtained from free-ranging African elephants that were considered to be in and out of musth. Testosterone concentrations, measured by radioimmunoassay were significantly greater in males that were in or around the time of behavioural musth. This study supports a correlation between the observed behavioural characteristics of musth and urinary testosterone levels.  相似文献   

G- and C-banded karyotypes of the two extant species of the mammalian order Proboscidea are presented for the first time. Chromosome complements were 2n = 56 in both Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus. Comparisons between the species demonstrated a high level of chromosome band homology, with 26 conserved autosomal pairs. The normal diploid karyotype of L. africana had 25 acrocentric/telocentric and two metacentric/submetacentric autosomal pairs. E. maximus differed by having one less acrocentric and one additional submetacentric pair due to either a heterochromatic arm addition or deletion involving autosomal pair 27. Several acrocentric autosomes of L. africana exhibited small short arms that were absent in homologous chromosomes of E. maximus. The X chromosomes in both species were large submetacentric elements and were homologous. However, the small acrocentric Y chromosomes differed; in E. maximus it was slightly larger and had more distinct G-bands than its counterpart in L. africana. Extant Elephantidae appear to be relatively conservative in their rates of chromosomal change compared to some other mammalian families. The high-quality banded karyotypes presented here should prove useful as references in future chromosome analyses of elephant populations and in comparative cytogenetic studies with other ungulate orders.  相似文献   

The role of territoriality was investigated by studying 25 impala rams at a reserve in the Waterberg region of South Africa (23°45′S, 28°23′E). Mean territorial tenure was 67.25 days (range 23–99), with a mean territory size of 21.0 ± 11.27 ha, compared with home ranges of 34.1 ± 9.03 ha for territorial rams and 58.8 ± 33.35 ha for bachelor rams, using the fixed kernel method. Territory boundaries remained constant, whilst the area surrounding important features such as water holes, appears to be neutral in terms of territoriality. The rut, as evidenced from peaks in chasing and roaring, lasted for 2 months from 10 April to 10 June 2001, with intensified behaviour including matings observed from 16 May to 4 June 2001. Territorial rams chase and roar more than bachelors. Flehmen and display behaviours are performed by all rams, whilst fights and other reproductive behaviours are generally rare. Bachelors browse more than territorial rams. Only bachelors spar and allogroom, and orally groom themselves more than territorial rams.  相似文献   

The oligosaccharides present in the milk of an African elephant (Loxodonta africana africana), collected 4 days post partum, were separated by size exclusion-, anion exchange- and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) before characterisation by (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Neutral and acidic oligosaccharides were identified. Neutral oligosaccharides characterised were isoglobotriose, Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Gal(alpha1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc and a novel oligosaccharide that has not been reported in the milk or colostrum of any other mammal: Gal(alpha1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc. Acidic oligosaccharides that are also found in the milk of Asian elephant were Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc and Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3){Gal(alpha1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-6)}Gal(beta1-4)Glc, while Neu5Gc(alpha2-3)Gal(beta1-4)Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3)Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]Glc, Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3)[Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-6)]Gal(beta1-4)Glc and Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal(beta1-4)GlcNAc(beta1-3){Gal(beta1-4)[Fuc(alpha1-3)]GlcNAc(beta1-6)}Gal(beta1-4)Glc have not been found in Asian elephant milk. The oligosaccharides characterised contained both alpha(2-3)- and alpha(2-6)-linked Neu5Ac residues. They also contain only the type II chain, as found in most non-human, eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Oestrone, oestradiol-17 beta and oestriol were measured in plasma samples from non-pregnant and pregnant African elephants shot in the wild. Enzymic hydrolysis of plasma showed that approximately 90 and 96% of the total (i.e. conjugated plus unconjugated) concentrations of oestrone and oestradiol-17 beta, respectively were represented by conjugated hormones. Unconjugated oestrogens remained low (less than 50 pg ml) in all samples, with no distinction between non-pregnant and pregnant animals. Levels of total oestrone during pregnancy varied between 160 and 594 pg/ml but were not significantly different from non-pregnant values. Total oestradiol-17 beta concentrations were significantly elevated during pregnancy (P less than 0 X 01) and, despite considerable individual variation (193-1428 pg/ml), were consistently higher than non-pregnant values after 6 months of gestation. The elevated levels of oestradiol-17 beta resulted in a reversal of the total oestradiol-17 beta: oestrone concentration ratio at about 6 months of pregnancy. Concentrations of total oestriol did not exceed 103 pg/ml. An indirect method of measurement indicated that oestradiol-17 beta sulphate was probably the most abundant circulating oestrogen during pregnancy in the African elephant.  相似文献   

Mean corpuscular volume, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and red and white cell counts from five domesticated African elephants were measured. The results obtained are tabulated and compared with those from shot and chemically immobilized African elephants.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates the free sugar spectrum of the secretion of the tubuloaveolar temporal gland of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), using lectin histochemistry. In the elephant, the spectrum contained, besides strongly varying amounts of α-D-mannose, very remarkable reactions for α-D-galactose and to a certain extent also for α-D-N-acetyl-galactosamine or a/?-D-N-acetylglucosamine. This is in contrast to the free sugar spectrum of the secretion of the mammalian apocrine tubular skin glands. Considering also that the production of any water binding mucus seems to be negligible, the variations of the free sugar contents found probably originate from another important task of the secretory cells of the temporal gland. This means that our findings corroborate the view of highly active acquired immunity by an intensive processing and presenting of lipid antigens by dendritic cells (APC), in particular of the CD1 family.  相似文献   

Data are presented that indicate the dynamic changes of nutrients in milk from three free ranging African elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) cows during lactation. At the respective collection times of 12, 14 and 18 months of lactation the nutrient content was 47.3, 52.0 and 68.6 g protein; 60.7, 87.4 and 170.8 g fat; 1.6, 2.1 0.5 g lactose and 20.9, 21.5 and 8.6 g oligosaccharides per kg milk. The protein fraction respectively consisted of 18.0, 31.7 and 45.9 g caseins/kg milk and of 29.3, 20.3 and 22.7 g whey proteins/kg milk. Electrophoresis and identification of protein bands showed that polymorphs of one whey protein may be present in elephant's milk similar to polymorphs of alpha-lactalbumin found in cow's milk. From the middle of the lactation time lactose was replaced by oligosaccharides as major carbohydrate, and the major compound of these was identified as isoglobotriose by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The lipid fraction contains a high content, of capric and lauric acids, approximately 70% of the total fatty acids, and low content of myristic, palmitic and oleic acids. During these lactation times the content of short chain fatty acids, capric and caprylic acids increased, while fatty acids lauric acid and longer decreased.  相似文献   

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial articulation between the mandibular head of the condylar process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the squamous temporal bone. Extensions of the fibrous capsule into the joint space form a biconcave disc that functions as an articulating surface and divides the joint into dorsal and ventral compartments. The TMJ disc plays a crucial role in normal functioning of the joint, and differences in cranial morphology, mastication patterns, and diet are reflected in the material and biochemical properties of the disc. The purpose of the present case study was to compare the regional histologic differences between two elephant genera and quantify the biochemical and biomechanical properties of the African elephant disc. This study provides a unique insight into the elephant TMJ disc and also provides a comparison between the African and the Asian elephant genera. The results demonstrate several remarkable findings. First, structure–function relationships exist within the elephant TMJ disc. Second, regional variations exist in the elephant TMJ disc, and these are likely to correlate with its functional requirement. Additionally, it is apparent that some properties of the disc vary with the specific anatomy, diet requirement, and jaw motion. Finally, in comparison with the TMJ disc of other species, it is clear that, although the elephant disc is unique, it has properties that transcend and are preserved among the species.  相似文献   

In August 2003 the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park (WAP) and the Lowry Park Zoo, under the auspices of the AZA's Elephant SSP and a USFWS permit, imported 3.8 African elephants (Loxodonta africana) from the Kingdom of Swaziland. When they were captured, transrectal ultrasound examinations revealed that one nulliparous cow was approximately 10 months pregnant. At the time of their arrival (August 2003), all of the animals were estimated to be approximately 13 years old and were thought to be nulliparous. Based on the ultrasound examination results and the average African elephant gestation period, parturition was predicted to be 20 February 2004. In this report, we provide the first detailed data about nursing activity around the clock and newborn calf development, describe maternal and neonatal nighttime activity budgets, and explore maternal weight changes during suckling and lactation. The newborn calf suckled significantly more at night than during the day, but suckled for only about 2 hr per 24‐hr period. Regression analysis revealed that through the first 3 months of life the calf gained 0.385 kg/day while it suckled on a regular basis. We compare our findings with published information on wild elephants, and conclude that although the growth rate is reduced compared to hand‐reared elephant calves, the suckling patterns are almost identical to those reported for wild calves. Zoo Biol 0:1–7, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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