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The molecular mechanisms of action of natural and synthetic polycationic peptides, forming amphiphilic helices, on the heterotrimeric G-proteins and enzyme adenylyl cyclase (AC), components of hormone-sensitive AC system, were studied. It is shown that synthetic peptides C-epsilonAhx-WKK(C10)-KKK(C10)-KKKK(C10)-YKK(C10)-KK (peptide I) and (GRGDSGRKKRRQRRRPPQ)2-K-epsilonAhx-C(Acm)(peptide II) in dose-dependent manner stimulate the basal AC activity, inhibit forskolin-stimulated AC activity and decrease both stimulating and inhibiting AC effects of the hormones in the tissues (brain striatum, heart muscle) of rat and in smooth muscles of the mollusc Anodonta cygnea. AC effects of these peptides are decreased after membrane treatment by cholera and pertussis toxins and are inhibited in the presence of the peptides, corresponding to C-terminal regions 385-394 alphas- and 346-355 alphai2-subunits of G-proteins. These data give evidence that the peptides I and II act on the signaling pathways which are realized through Gs- and Gi-proteins. At the same time, natural polycationic peptide mastoparan acts on AC system through Gi-proteins and blocks hormonal signals mediated via Gi-proteins only. Consequently, the action of mastoparan on G-proteins is selective and differs from the action of the synthetic peptides. It is also shown that peptide II, with branched structure, directly interacts not only with G-proteins (less effective in comparison with peptide I with hydrophobic radicals and mastoparan), but also with enzyme AC, the catalytic component of AC system. On the basis of data obtained the following conclusions were made: 1) the formation of amphiphilic helices is not enough for selective activation of G-protein by polycationic peptides, and 2) the primary structure of the peptides, the distribution of positive charged amino acids and hydrophobic radicals in them are very important for selective interaction between polycationic peptides and G-proteins.  相似文献   

Involvement of the adenylyl cyclase signaling system in the mechanism of action of the mammalian insulin and epidermal growth factor as well as of insulin-like peptide isolated from the bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea has been studied. It was shown for the first time that insulin and insulin-like peptide exert in vitro the GTP-dependent stimulating action on the adenylyl cyclase activity. Epidermal growth factor has an analogous effect. Effectiveness of the peptides decreased in the order insulin-like peptide > epidermal growth factor > insulin in the foot smooth muscles of A. cygnea and insulin > epidermal growth factor > insulin-like peptide in the skeletal muscles of rat.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone relaxin in dose-dependent manner stimulates adenylyl cyclase activity in the rat tissues (brain striatum, heart and skeletal muscles) and the muscle tissues of invertebrates--bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea and earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. Adenylyl cyclase stimulating effect of the hormone is most expressed in striatum and heart muscles of rats. For identification of the type ofrelaxin receptors, participating in the realization of this effect of the hormone, the peptides 619-629, 619-629-Lys(Palm) and 615-629 derived from the primary structure of C-terminal region of the third intracellular loop of the relaxin receptor of type 1 (LGR7), were synthesized by us for the first time. It is shown that peptide: 619-629-Lys(Palm) and 615-629 in competitive manner inhibit the stimulation of the adenylyl cyclase by relaxin in brain striatum and heart muscle of rats. At the same time, these peptides do not change stimulating effect of the hormone in the skeletal muscles of rat and in the muscles of invertebrates. Thus, the peptide action on adenylyl cyclase effect of relaxin is tissue- and species-specific. These data, on the one hand, demonstrate participation of receptor LGR7 in realization of adenylyl cyclase stimulating effect of relaxin in striatum and heart muscle of rats and, on the other, give evidence for existence of another adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanisms of relaxin action in the skeletal muscles and the muscle of invertebrates, which do not involve LGR7 receptor. The adenylyl cyclase stimulating effect of relaxin in striatum and heart muscle was decreased in the presence of C-terminal peptides 385-394 of alpha(s)-subunit of mammalian G protein and was blocked by treatment of the membranes with cholera toxin. On the basis of data obtained the following conclusions were made: (i) in striatum and heart muscle the relaxin stimulates adenylyl cyclase through LGR7 receptors functionally coupled with Gs protein, and (ii) the coupling between hormoneactivated relaxin receptor LGR7 and Gs protein is realized via the interaction of C-terminal part of receptor third intracellular loop and C-terminal segment of Gs protein alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of relaxin action was studied taking into account the evolutionary relationship of the peptides belonging to the insulin superfamily and using the authors' previous data on the involvement of the adenylyl cyclase (AC) signalling system in the action of insulin and related peptides. Human relaxin 2 (10(-12)-10(-8) M) has been shown to cause a dose-dependent activating effect on AC in the human myometrium (+370%), in rat skeletal muscles (+117%) and the smooth foot muscles of the bivalve mollusc Anodonta cygnea (+73%). In these tissues mammalian insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) also had the AC activating effect. The order of efficiency of the above peptides based upon their ability to induce the maximal AC activating effect was as follows: relaxin > IGF-1 > insulin (human myometrium); IGF-1 > relaxin > insulin (rat skeletal muscle); molluscan insulin-like peptide > IGF-I > insulin > relaxin (molluscan muscle). The relaxin AC activating effect was inhibited with a selective tyrosine kinase blocker tyrphostin 47 and potentiated with Gpp[NH]p providing evidence for the participation of the receptor-tyrosine kinase and G-protein of the stimulatory type (Gs) in the regulatory action of relaxin. The conclusion is that the signalling chain: receptor tyrosine kinase ==> Gs protein ==> AC is involved in the mechanism of relaxin action.  相似文献   

In terms of development of evolutionary biomedicine using invertebrate animals as models for study of molecular grounds of various human diseases, for the first time the streptozocin (ST) model of insulin-dependent diabetes in the mollusc Anodonta cygnea has been developed. This model is based on the following authors' data: (1) redetection of insulin-related peptides (IRP) in mollusk tissues: (2) discovery of the adenylyl cyclase signal mechanism (ACSM) of action of insulin and other peptides of the insulin superfamily in tissues of mammals, human, and mollusc. A. cygnea; (3) concept of molecular defects in hormonal signal systems as causes of endocrine diseases. Studies on the ST model have revealed in mollusc smooth muscle on the background of hyperglycemia at the 2nd, 4th, and 8th day after the ST administration a decrease of the ACSM response to activating action of insulin, IGF-1, and relaxin. These functional disturbances were the most pronounced at the 2nd day of development and rather less marked at the 4th and 8th day. Analysis of data on effect of hormonal and non-hormonal (NaF, GIDP, and forskolin) ACSM activators has shown that the causes of impair of signal-transducing function of this mechanism are (1) a hyperglycemia-induced increase of the basal AC activity and as a consequence--a decrease of the enzyme catalytic potentials in response to hormone; (2) a decrease of functions of Gs-protein and of its coupling with AC. Besides, administration of ST produced in the mollusc muscles an attenuation of regulation by insulin of carbohydrate metabolism enzyme (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glycogensynthase). The pattern of disturbances in the studied parameters in the mollusc is very similar to that revealed by the authors in rat and human muscle tissues in type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

The adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanism (ACSM) of relaxin H2 action was discovered and deciphered in mammalian muscles. A study of signaling blocks involved in ACSM of relaxin in comparison with that of insulin previously detected showed a close similarity throughout the post-receptor signaling chain of both hormones. The inhibitory action of tyrosine kinase blockers on the hormone AC activating effect indicates that the relaxin receptor involved in ACSM is likely to be of the tyrosine kinase type. However, a recent discovery of a relaxin receptor with serpentine architecture leaves open the question concerning the existence of receptor of the tyrosine kinase type. The structural-functional organization of the ACSM due to the action of relaxin-shown here for the first time-can be presented as the following signaling sequence: relaxin receptor ==>G(i) protein (betagamma-dimer) ==>phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase ==>protein kinase Czeta ==>G(s) protein ==>adenylyl cyclase. According to our hypothesis, the regulatory action of the insulin superfamily peptides on cell processes (proliferation, apoptosis, and metabolism) is mediated via ACSM.  相似文献   

Earlier, it has been shown that some amino acids and their derivatives are able to regulate activities of adenylyl cyclase (AC) and guanylyl cyclase (GC) in free-living infusoria Dileptus anser and Tetrahymena pyriformis. The goal of this work consisted in studying the molecular mechanisms of action of methionine, tyrosine, alanine, and neurohormone serotonin on the activity of enzyme-cyclases and in identification of their specific receptors in D. anser and T. pyriformis. Methionine and serotonin significantly increased the basal AC activity in both infusoria; the effect of serotonin on AC in T. pyriformis took place with participation of the Ca2+-dependent form of AC and of the heterotrimeric G-proteins. The AC-stimulating effect of tyrosine and alanine was expressed weakly and was revealed only in D. anser. Serotonin in both infusoria and alanine in D. anser stimulated GC activity, whereas methionine and tyrosine did not affect GC. Methionine and serotonin were bound with a high affinity to the surface receptors of infusoria. The KD for [methyl-3H]methionine binding to D. anser and T. pyriformis were equal to 7.5 and 35.6 nM, and for [3H]serotonin binding, they were 2.7 and 4.7 nM, respectively. Alanine and tyrosine were bound to infusoria with low affinity. Thus, in the infusoria D. anser and T. pyriformis, there are chemosignal systems regulated by amino acids and their derivatives, including enzymes with cyclase activity. These systems are suggested to be similar to the hormonal signal systems of the higher eukaryotes and to be their predecessors.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase signaling system (ACS) of the higher eukaryotes involves the following main components: receptor, heterotrimeric G protein, adenylyl cyclase (AC), and protein kinase A. At present, these components have been found in cells of different species of the lower eukaryotes. Hence, the signal transduction through ACS of unicellular eukaryotes may have some features in common with those of the higher eukaryotes. We showed earlier that agonists of adrenergic receptors (ARs) regulate AC activity of ciliates Dileptus anser and Tetrahymena pyriformis. The aim of this work was to study molecular mechanisms of AR ligand action on the functional activity of different components of ACS of the ciliates. It has been shown that beta-AR antagonist [3H]-dihydroalprenolol binds membranes of the ciliates with a comparatively lower affinity than those of the higher eukaryotes (Kd for D. anser was 13.4 nM, for T. pyriformis--27 nM). Beta-AR ligands--agonist (-)-isoproterenol and antagonists propranolol and atenolol in competition manner displace [3H]-dihydroalprenolol with IC50 that are 10-100 times higher than corresponding IC50 of beta-AR of the higher eukaryotes. In the presence of GTP, the right shift of competition curves of [3H]-dihydroalprenolol displacement by isoproterenol was obtained, being most considerable in the case of D. anser. Adrenaline and isoproterenol in a dose-dependent manner stimulated GTP-binding in cell cultures of D. anser and T. pyriformis. Suramin (10(-5) M), the inhibitor of heterotrimeric G proteins, completely blocked effects of these hormones. In D. anser culture, adrenaline and isoproterenol in a dose-dependent manner, stimulated AC activity, and its stimulating effects in the presence of beta-AR blockers vanished (propranolol) or decreased to a great extent (atenolol). At the same time the effects were unchanged in the presence of alpha2-AR antagonists yohimbine and idazoxan. These data show the involvement of G protein-coupled beta-AR in signal transduction induced by AR agonists in D. anser cells. In cell culture of T. pyriformis isoproterenol weakly stimulated AC activity, and its effect was completely blocked by beta-AR blockers. Adrenaline in T. pyriformis cells in a dose-dependent manner inhibited AC activity. Inhibiting effect of hormone was decreased in the presence of alpha2-AR blockers. On the basis of the obtained data we concluded that adrenaline in T. pyriformis cells inhibited AC activity through G protein-coupled receptor, being close to alpha2-AR of vertebrate animals.  相似文献   

To analyse molecular mechanisms of regulatory action of different hormones on the activity of the adenylyl cyclase signaling system (ACS) of the ciliate Dileptus anser, we studied the influence on this process of six synthetic polycationic peptides and peptides, corresponding to C-terminal regions of mammalian G-protein 385-394 alphas- and 346-355 alphai2-subunits. As we reported earlier, these peptides block hormonal signal transduction in tissues of the higher eukaryotes. Now it has been found that both polycationic peptides, containing hydrophobic C to-radicals, and branched peptides decrease regulatory effects of peptide hormones (insulin, relaxin) and biogenic amines (serotonin, adrenaline) on adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity and GTP-binding. In regard to the following peptides Cys-epsilonAhx-Trp-Lys-Lys(C10)-Lys2-Lys(C10)-Lys3-Lys(C10)-Tyr-Lys-Lys(C10)-Lys-Lys-amide and [(Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Gly-Arg-Lys-Lys-Arg-Arg-Gln-Arg-Arg-Arg-Pro- Pro-Gly)2-Lys-EAhx-Cys]2 (epsilonAhx - E-aminocaproyl, C10 - caprinoyl group) their dose-dependent inhibitory action is shown. In cell culture of D. anser with a lower basal AC activity, both hydrophobic and branched peptides stimulated AC and GTP-binding without hormones. The data give evidence that these peptides can activate ACS of ciliates in a receptor-independent manner. No influence of peptides 385-394 alphas and 346-355 alphai2 on hormonal signal transduction in D. anser was observed, due, presumably, to some structural differences of G-proteins of the lower and higher eukaryotes. A conclusion was made about an important role of polycationic regions for functional coupling of hormone-activated receptor and G-proteins in the ciliate D. anser.  相似文献   

In terms of development of evolutionary biomedicine using invertebrate animals as models for study of molecular grounds of various human diseases, for the first time the streptozotocin (ST) model of insulin-dependent diabetes in the mollusc Anodonta cygnea has been developed. This model is based on the following authors’ data: (1) redetection of insulin-related peptides (IRP) in mollusc tissues: (2) discovery of the adenylyl cyclase signal mechanism (ACSM) of action of insulin and other peptides of the insulin superfamily in tissues of mammals, human, and mollusc A. cygnea; (3) concept of molecular defects in hormonal signal systems as causes of endocrine diseases. Studies on the ST model have revealed in mollusc smooth muscle on the background of hyperglycemia at the 2nd, 4th, and 8th day after the ST administration a decrease of the ACSM response to activating action of insulin, IGF-1, and relaxin. These functional disturbances were the most pronounced at the 2nd day of development and rather less marked at the 4th and 8th day. Analysis of data on effect of hormonal and non-hormonal (NaF, GIDP, and forskolin) ACSM activators has shown that the causes of impair of signal-transducing function of this mechanism are (1) a hyperglycemia-induced increase of the basal AC activity and as a consequence—a decrease of the enzyme catalytic potentials in response to hormone; (2) a decrease of functions of Gs-protein and of its coupling with AC. Besides, administration of ST produced in the mollusc muscle an attenuation of regulation by insulin of carbohydrate metabolism enzyme (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glycogensynthase). The pattern of disturbances in the studied parameters in the mollusc is very similar to that revealed by the authors in rat and human muscle tissues in type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

Functional disturbance in the novel adenylyl cyclase signaling mechanism (ACSM) of insulin and relaxin action in rat streptozotocin (STZ) type I diabetes was studied on the basis of the authors’ conception of molecular defects in hormonal signaling systems as the main causes of endocrine diseases. Studying the functional state of molecular components of the ACSM and the mechanism as a whole, the following changes were found in the skeletal muscles of diabetic rats compared with control animals: 1) increase of insulin receptor binding due to an increase in the number of insulin binding sites with high and low affinity; 2) increase of the basal adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity and the reduction of AC-activating effect of non-hormonal agents (guanine nucleotides, sodium fluoride, forskolin); 3) reduction of ACSM response to stimulatory action of insulin and relaxin; 4) decrease of the insulin-activating effect on the key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, glycogen synthase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Hence, the functional activity of GTP-binding protein of stimulatory type, AC and their functional coupling are decreased during experimental type 1 diabetes that leads to the impairment of the transduction of insulin and relaxin signals via ACSM.  相似文献   

In the smooth muscles of mollusc Anodonta cygnea the regulatory action of hormones on adenylyl cyclase signaling system (ACSS) are realized through the receptors of serpentine type (biogenic amines, isoproterenol, glucagon) and receptor tyrosine kinase (insulin) type. Intracellular mechanisms of their interaction are interconnected. Application of hormones, their antagonists and pertussis toxin in combination with insulin and biogenic amines or glucagon on adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity allows revealing the possible sites of cross-linking in the mechanisms of their action. Combined influence of insulin and serotonin or glucagon leads to decreased stimulation of adenylyl cyclase (AC) by these hormones, whereas combined application of insulin and isoproterenol suppresses AC-stimulating effect of insulin, but AC-inhibiting effect of isoproterenol is maintained in the presence and absence of non-hydrolysable analog of GTP—guanylyl imido diphosphate (GIDP). The specific blockage of AC-stimulating effect of serotonin by cyproheptadine—antagonist of serotonin receptors, did not change AC stimulation by insulin. Beta-adrenoblockers (propranolol and alprenolol) prevent inhibition of AC activity by isoproterenol, but did not change AC stimulation by insulin. Pertussis toxin blocked AC-inhibiting effect of isoproterenol and weakened AC-stimulating action of insulin. Thus, in the muscles of Anodonta cygnea negative interaction between ACS have been revealed, which are realized under combined influence of insulin and serotonin or glucagon, most probably, at the level of receptor of serpentine type (serotonin, glucagon), whereas under action of insulin and isoproterenol at the level of Gi protein and AC interaction.  相似文献   

The hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase signaling system (ACS), made of serpentine receptor, heterotrimeric G-protein and enzyme adenylyl cyclase (AC), regulates a wide spectrum of growth and metabolic processes in the cell. Molecular mechanisms of functional coupling of ACS components still remain obscure. We examined the influence of synthetic cationic peptides Ac-Ala-His(Ala)2-His-Ala-NH2 (I), Ac-Ala-His-(Ala)3-His-(Ala)2-His-Ala-NH2 (II), and Ac-(Pro)2-His-(Ala)2-His-(Ala)3-His-(Ala)2-His-Ala-NH2 (III) on the basal AC activity and that stimulated by nonhormonal (NaF) and hormonal reagents (serotonin--molluscs, beta-isoproterenol--rats) in smooth muscles of the freshwater bivalve molluscs Anodonta cygnea and in skeletal muscles of rats. Peptides II and III (the latter more effective) were shown to decrease hormone-stimulated AC activity in both tissues, in a dose-dependent manner. Peptide III strongly reduced NaF stimulating effect to AC, which suggests the involvement of this peptide in the functional coupling of both receptors with G-proteins, and of G-proteins with AC. A correlation was found between the efficacy of peptide action on the functional activity of ACS components and peptide length. As shown by IR-spectroscopy, in water all peptides can form helical structures. However, alpha-helicity of peptides I and II was higher than that of peptide III, which does not conform to a power series in efficacy of these peptides. Thus, it is the length of cationic peptides that plays a key role in hormonal regulation of the functional activity of ACS, especially on the step of receptor-G-protein coupling.  相似文献   

In most serpentine type receptors the third intracellular loop (ICL-3) is responsible for the interaction with heterotrimeric G proteins and for transduction of a hormonal signal to the enzymes, generators of the second messengers. It was found that the peptides corresponding to ICL-3 influence functional activity of hormonal signaling systems in the absence of the hormone and, consequently, may be considered as prototypes for the development of selective regulators of these systems. We have originally synthesized peptides corresponding to the C-terminal regions 255–269 and 240–254 of ICL-3 of type 1 and 2 rat somatostatin receptors (Som1R and Som2R). Micromolar concentrations of these peptides activated G i proteins and inhibited forskolin-stimulated activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC) in rat brain tissues. The peptide 255–269 of Som1R is a selective antagonist of Som1R, and the peptide 240–254 of Som2R is an agonist of Som1R. The peptide 255–269 of Som1R decreased the regulatory effects of somatostatin and the selective Som1R agonist, CH-275, realized via the homologous receptor, while the peptide 240–254 of Som2R, on the contrary, increased the AC inhibitory effect of CH-275. Both peptides insignificantly influenced regulatory effects of the Som2R agonist octreotide. Thus, the peptides studied by us are selective regulators of the somatostatin-sensitive AC system. Using the peptides we have demonstrated that ICL-3 of both Som1R and Som2R includes the main molecular determinants that are responsible for activation of G i proteins and regulation of the AC system by somatostatin and its analogues.  相似文献   

Shpakov AO 《Tsitologiia》1999,41(8):667-674
The helices with heptad regularity in C1 and C2 cytoplasmic domains of membrane-bound adenylyl cyclases (AC) of mammals were identified. The most helices were localized in N-terminal and central regions of high conservative C1a and C2a subdomains of AC. The regions are responsible for regulation of enzyme functional activity. The amino acid regions, corresponding to these helices, were homologous to G-protein beta and gamma subunit regions, which participate in coupling with alpha subunits and in forming the heterotrimeric alpha beta gamma complex. The similarity was found both primary and secondary structure levels. On the basis of obtained data the next supposition was made. The regular helices of C1a and C2a subdomains of AC can interact with G protein alpha-helices the by coiled-coil mechanism and thus regulate the AC catalytic activity. Additionally, the regular helices were identified in variable C1b and C2b subdomains of several AC types (in particular, I and III types). Some of the helices are similar in the secondary structure level to amphipatic helices of bacterial AC, which participate in calmodulin binding, and can carry out also the calmodulin-binding function.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of modulators of the adenylyl cyclase pathway on the accumulation of cAMP in endothelial cells isolated from bovine aortas, pig pulmonary arteries, human umbilical veins, and human subcutaneous adipose microvessels. In addition to quantitative differences in the basal levels, cAMP stimulation in different endothelial cell types varied in sensitivity and magnitude in response to both the direct adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin and the β-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol. Furthermore, the ubiquitous phosphodiesterase inhibitor IBMX differentially enhanced both the basal and the stimulated cAMP levels in the various cell types. Histamine caused an elevation of cAMP only in bovine aortic endothelial cells and in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Treatment of the cells with cholera and pertussis toxins, which uniquely affect G-protein subunits, resulted in divergent elevation of cAMP in the various cells. Thus, in each cell type, a distinct profile of regulation of the cAMP levels was found. Our results suggest that the adenylyl cyclase signaling system in various types of endothelial cells can be differentially regulated at the levels of receptors, G-proteins, adenylyl cyclase, and phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

Activation of proteinkinase C with diacylglycerol or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate in the rat muscle membrane or Anodonta cygnea mollusc blocks the insulin stimulating signal to adenylyl cyclase via tyrosinekinase type receptor. The same occurs with stimulating effect of biogenic amines to adenylyl cyclase via serpentine type receptor. Transduction of the inhibitory signal induced with isoproterenol to adenylyl cyclase remained unchanged in case of the proteinkinase C activation. The findings suggest that phorbol-sensitive proteinkinase C realizes a negative regulation of insulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase signalling system. This negative regulation might prove a universal mechanism of the adenylyl cyclase system desensitisation.  相似文献   

J W Kebabian 《Life sciences》1978,23(5):479-483
Two classes of dopamine receptor mechanism are defined according to their association with, or independence from, a dopamine-sensitive adenylyl cyclase. Dopamine receptors unrelated to adenylyl cyclase are designated type alpha. Dopamine receptors linked to adenylyl cyclase are designated type beta. Drugs discriminate between the two receptor mechanisms. The dopaminergic ergots (lisuride, lergotrile and CB-154) and their antagonists (such as metoclopramide) are relatively specific for the alpha-dopaminergic receptor in the anterior pituitary. Other agonists (e.g. apomorphine and dopamine) and antagonists (e.g. antipsychotic phenothiazines and butyrophenones) affect both classes of receptor.  相似文献   

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