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The current study was undertaken to investigate the aneuploidy rates in in vitro-matured meiosis II (MII) oocytes and corresponding first polar bodies in two dairy cattle (Bos taurus) breeds by using dual-color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). A total of 159 and 144 in vitro-matured MII oocytes of the Italian Friesian and Italian Brown breeds, respectively, were obtained according to the standard methods and analyzed by FISH using “Xcen” and “5” chromosome-specific painting probes, produced by chromosome microdissection and Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primer- Polymerase Chain Reaction (DOP-PCR). Oocytes with unreduced chromosome number were 10.1% and 16.7% in the two breeds, respectively. To avoid bias due to possible artifacts, the aneuploidy rates were determined by analyzing only oocytes with the corresponding polar bodies. In the Italian Friesian, 100 of 143 (69.9%) secondary MII oocytes showed clear MII plates with corresponding first polar bodies and were scored for aneuploidy detection; one oocyte was “nullisomic” for chromosome X (1.0%) and one “disomic” for chromosome 5 (1.0%). In the Italian Brown, 100 of 120 (83.3%) MII oocytes with corresponding first polar bodies were analyzed; one oocyte was nullisomic (1.0%) and one was disomic (1.0%), both for chromosome 5. Totally, 303 oocytes were analyzed, 40 of which showed an unreduced chromosome complement (13.2%); of 200 MII oocytes with the corresponding first polar bodies, the aneuploidy rate (nullisomy + disomy) for the two chromosomes scored was 2%. Assuming that each chromosome is equally involved in aneuploidy, it results that in cattle oocytes matured in vitro, at least 30% of the oocytes (1 × 30 haploid chromosomes) should be aneuploid. Premature separation of sister chromatids (PSSC) was also observed in 2% of the oocytes in the Italian Friesian breed involving chromosome 5 and in 1% of the Italian Brown breed involving the X chromosome. Estimation of the “baseline” level of aneuploidy in the in vitro-matured oocytes of the various domestic animal species and breeds is, to our opinion, a useful reference for improving the in vitro production of embryos as well as for monitoring future trends of the reproductive health of the species/breeds engaged in zootechnical productions, especially in relation to management errors and environmental hazards.  相似文献   

Tongue worms utilise herbivorous mammals as intermediate hosts and reside in the nasopharynx of carnivores as their definitive hosts. A recent study in south eastern Australia showed an unexpectedly high infection (67%) of wild dogs with these parasites. The present study aimed at determining the pathogenicity of the parasite in both definitive (dog) and intermediate (cattle) hosts by histopathology. The definitive host showed multifocal haemorrhage of the interstitium of the nasal mucosa, multifocal mucosal erosion, congestion and haemorrhage, with haemosiderin laden macrophages present in those foci and distortion and destruction of the nasal mucosa. Histopathologic examination of lymph nodes from an infected cow showed diffuse eosinophilic granulomatous necrotising lymphadenitis and perinodal panniculitis with intralesional parasitic remnants and comparatively large numbers of eosinophils. A large, ~300–500?μm diameter, area of necrosis was also observed in one lymph node. This is the first time a study has been undertaken in Australia to determine the pathogenicity of tongue worms in both their definitive and intermediate hosts. This is a preliminary study and to properly estimate the health impact of infection with this pathogenic parasites on Australian production and companion animals more studies are necessary.  相似文献   

Association of exogenous DNA with cattle and insect spermatozoa in vitro   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Spermatozoa isolated from domestic cattle (Bos taurus), the Australian sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina), and the honeybee (Apis mellifera) are capable of binding exogenous radiolabeled linear DNA. Both motile and nonmotile bovine sperm exhibit four distinct patterns of DNA association. Following treatment with DNase I, the relative proportion of one of these patterns increases specifically in living sperm, suggesting that a small proportion of DNA that associates with bovine sperm may be sequestered within the sperm head.  相似文献   

Summary Uridine 5′-diphospho-N-acetylgalactosamine glycosyltransferases (UGTs) and sulfotransferases (SULTs) are 2 phase II enzymes that are actively involved in detoxification processes as well as in drug metabolism. Compared with cytochrome P450 enzymes, the role of UGTs and SULTs in drug metabolism has received little attention. Liver microsomes, S9 fractions, and cryopreserved hepatocytes from human, dog, cynomolgus monkey, mouse, and rat were used as matrices in the study. Single compound, 7-hydroxycoumarin (7-HC), along with necessary cofactors was dosed into the matrices and incubated at 37° C; formation of two metabolites, 7-HC-glucuronide and 7-HC-sulfate, was determined with liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Within the same species, the UGTs activities in microsomes and S9 fractions were comparable. In addition, UGTs activities in cryopreserved hepatocytes were lower than in the other matrices. Also, the SULTs activities were much higher in S9 fractions than in cryopreserved hepatocytes and microsomes. Species differences on UGTs and SULTs activities were also observed. The results indicated that S9 fractions, microsomes, and cryopreserved hepatocytes might be useful for UGTs metabolism study, whereas S9 fractions appear to be the most appropriate matrix for both UGTs and SULTs metabolism. Species differences with respect to phase II metabolism also need to be taken into consideration when selecting an in vitro system to evaluate various aspects of drug metabolism.  相似文献   

The fluorescence intensity of trans-parinaric acid as a function of the temperature indicates a phase transition in bovine heart mitochondrial inner membranes below 0°C. The comparison of the dye fluorescence intensity in intact inner mitochondrial membranes and in vesicles from extracted phospholipids of mitochondria revealed a similar intensity increase with decreasing temperature. A synthetic phospholipid system of dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine was investigated because of its low phase transition temperature and showed a very definite intensity change at ?25°C. trans-Parinaric acid in membrane systems probes an environment of intermediate polarity; this was found from the excitation and emission spectra and from fluorescence decay.  相似文献   

Results from controlled anthelmintic trials against roundworms in sheep and cattle have demonstrated that the variability in worm burdens within a group of animals is made up of the variation introduced in the sampling and counting of worms from the gut contents of an individual animal, and the variation in worm burdens from animal to animal within the group. These two factors are examined in detail and a procedure for counting worms from animals in anthelmintic trials proposed. A method is also suggested for determining the number of animals to be used in the untreated (control) and treated groups in anthelmintic tests, depending upon the degree of precision required in the evaluation of anthelmintic activity.  相似文献   

Bovine anaplasmosis is a major concern to cattle farming in most parts of the world. Anaplasmosis negatively impacts the profitability of cattle farming by reducing the production, reproduction, and draft ability of cattle. Here, we report results from a one-year cross sectional study to determine the epidemiology and the risk factors for Anaplasma marginale infection of cattle in Peninsular Malaysia. Examination of one thousand and forty five blood samples of apparently healthy cattle from forty-three farms in all the states of Peninsular Malaysia by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay revealed an overall prevalence of A. marginale infection of cattle of 72.6%, showing high endemicity of this heamoprotozoan among cattle in the country. Cattle breeds, production type, herd owner, herd size, management system, farm size, farm age, prophylactic treatment against blood parasites, presence of ticks, frequency of deticking, zones, closeness to forest, closeness to waste area, closeness to human settlement and closeness to body of water were the risk factors significantly associated (P?<?0.05) with the detection of A. marginale in cattle. Results of this first molecular study on the epidemiology and risk factors for A. marginale infection of cattle from all the states of Peninsular Malaysia suggest policies and strategies for the prevention and control of the parasite to improve profitability of cattle farming in the country.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to identify herd management and cow characteristics that are associated with abortion in cow-calf herds in Western Canada. Reproductive events were closely monitored in 29,713 cows in 203 herds from the beginning of the breeding season in 2001 through the calving season in 2002. Herd management and cow-level risk factors such as age, body condition score, and previous reproductive history were measured through a series of herd visits by project personnel and detailed individual animal records maintained by the herd owner. Pregnancy status was assessed in fall of 2001 by the herd veterinarian. Cows most likely to abort were replacement heifers, cows that were more than 10 years of age, cows with a body condition score of less than or equal to or 5 of 9 at pregnancy testing, or with twin pregnancies. Cows vaccinated for bovine viral diarrhea virus and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and bred on community pastures were less likely to abort than cows from community pastures that were not vaccinated. Cows bred on community pastures that were not vaccinated were also more likely to abort than cows that were not on community pastures regardless of vaccination status. Adverse calving-associated events such as severe dystocia, problems such as uterine prolapse or retained placentas, abortion or calf death within 1 hour of birth were also associated with an increased risk of abortion the subsequent calving season after accounting for all other factors.  相似文献   

Anaplasmosis, caused by intracellular gram-negative bacteria Anaplasma marginale is one of the most frequently reported tick-borne disease (TBDs) in tropical and sub-tropical countries, including Pakistan. In the present study, a total of 428 cattle blood samples were collected to examine the prevalence and phylogenetic origin of A. marginale in two important livestock regions of Punjab Province in Pakistan, i.e. Lodhran and Dera Ghazi Khan Districts. In addition, association between occurrence of A. marginale in cattle blood and selected epidemiological factors has been also investigated. The presence of A. marginale genetic material was confirmed in 9% of the tested blood samples taken from cattle in Lodhran and in 17% from Dera Ghazi Khan. Prevalence of A. marginale was significantly higher in cattle from Dera Ghazi Khan. All the cattle breeds from both districts were equally susceptible to A. marginale infection. We reported higher prevalence of A. marginale in cattle living indoors or with other dairy animals in Dera Ghazi Khan district. However, no such relationship was observed in the Lodhran district. Sequencing of the msp1b gene shows 96–99% similarity of A. marginale in the study area to those reported from other parts of Pakistan, South Africa, and Israel. We recommend that large scale tick and tick-borne disease control strategies must be implemented in both districts.  相似文献   

Cancer chemoprevention is related to classical epidemiology and involves the use of agents that inhibit, delay, or reverse the carcinogenesis that occurs as a result of accumulation of mutations and increased proliferation. Betulinic acid is known for its cytotoxic effects against a panel of cancer cell lines. In the present study, interactions of betulinic acid (BA) with xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes including mixed function oxidases (cytochrome b5, P420, P450, NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase, and NADH cytochrome b5 reductase), phase II enzymes (GST, DT-diaphorase, γ-glutamyl transpeptidase), LDH, antioxidative enzymes (glutathione reductase, SOD, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and guaiacol peroxidase), and lipid peroxidation are studied alone as well as in the presence of 7,12 dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA)—a potent carcinogen using Sprague Dawley female rats. The effect of BA on reduced glutathione content and protein content is also taken into consideration. It has been found that administration of BA decreased the level of mixed function oxidases that are involved in the conversion of carcinogen to electrophile, elevated the level of phase II enzymes which participated in the removal of electrophiles by sulfation, conjugation etc. It has been found that BA effectively removed or neutralized the reactive species by the action of phase II enzymes and such an effect was reflected from the specific activities of antioxidative enzymes which were found to be lower as compared to positive control (DMBA-treated group) and in some cases even that of untreated control. BA was also found to have a pronounced effect in protecting the animals from lipid peroxidation as evident from the reduced levels of TBARS, conjugated diene, and lipid hydroperoxide formation. This study highlights the role of BA in modulating the activities of xenobiotic and antioxidative enzymes that have putative roles in cancer initiation and proliferation.  相似文献   

Two studies, of a natural infection and an experimental infection, were performed in order to study congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in cattle. In the first study, 50 fetuses were harvested from gestating cows that were eutanasied at a municipal slaughterhouse in Jaboticabal, São Paulo state, Brazil. In the second study, 11 gestating cows were divided into four groups for inoculation with T. gondii: GI consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 × 105 oocysts during their first trimester of gestation; GII consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 × 105 oocysts during their second trimester of gestation; GIII consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 × 105 oocysts during their last trimester of gestation; and GIV consisted of two control cows, one during its first and the other during its second trimester of gestation. In both studies, the presence of T. gondii was confirmed both indirectly by immunofluorescence assay (IFAT). In the natural infection experiment, 18% (9/50) of the gestating cows were confirmed to have specific antibodies (IFAT – 1:64) against T. gondii. The bioassay was able to diagnose the presence of T. gondii in the tissue samples from three calves. In the second experiment, the nine cows from groups I, II and III presented with specific antibodies (IFAT) against T. gondii. In contrast, T. gondii could not be detected by IFAT, histopathological examination or the bioassay in any of the nine calves born to cows experimentally infected with T. gondii oocysts. Based on the results from both studies, we conclude that congenital infection of T. gondii in cattle, while infrequent, does occur naturally. The pathogenicity of the strain of T. gondii may influence the likelihood of this route of transmission.  相似文献   

The morphology, ontogenesis, conjugation, and phylogenetic position of Metopus boletus nov. spec. were studied using live observation, various silver impregnation methods, scanning electron microscopy, morphometry, and the 18S rRNA gene sequence. The new species is outstanding in having a mushroom-like appearance; a globular to broadly ellipsoid macronucleus in anterior body half; 5–10 elongated caudal cilia; 4–6 dikinetids curved rightwards in the anterior portion of the first postoral kinety; and an adoral zone composed of an average of 28 small polykinetids. Ontogenesis of M. boletus follows the metopid mode and the species-specific vegetative morphology is obtained after division. Its conjugation is temporary, isogamic and the partners unite ventral-to-dorsal, forming strongly arched to almost rod-like pairs, which indicates a heteropolar arrangement. There are only two maturation divisions and a single synkaryon division in exconjugants. The conjugation data corroborate a sister group relationship of the classes Armophorea and Litostomatea within the SAL (Spirotrichea + Armophorea + Litostomatea) supercluster in that the partners unite ventral-to-dorsal and the main body axes are antiparallel. On the other hand, the last common ancestor of the spirotricheans very likely had a ventral-to-ventral and homopolar conjugation mode with the main body axes oriented in parallel.  相似文献   

Although fasciolosis is a relatively common disease, the productive and economic losses resulting from cattle with chronic fasciolosis are unclear. This paper aims to investigate the effect of fasciolosis on the parameters of carcass quality and discuss the hypothesis that the effects on weight differ among age ranges of cattle. For this, we analysed abattoir data of 30,151 bovines, from 928 farms, slaughtered in Uruguay in 2016, of which 33.9% (95% confidence interval (CI): 27.3–41.1%) had Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke). A mixed model was built to assess whether the effect of fasciolosis on weight differs depending on the age range, using the interaction term ‘age*F. hepatica’. The effect on the carcass parameters was tested using a proportional logistic regression. The interaction of age and F. hepatica was statistically significant (P < 0.001). Differences in carcass weights between infected and non-infected animals were observed mostly at younger ages (up to 30 months), with the highest difference observed in the 23–30 months age range (estimated marginal mean difference of 6.34 kg). Overall, the presence of F. hepatica was positively associated with poor conformations and lower fat scores of carcasses (P < 0.001). The carcasses of cattle infected with F. hepatica had 0.16 times greater odds of having worse conformation scores than carcasses of cattle without F. hepatica (proportional odds ratio (POR) = 1.16; 95% CI: 1.07–1.26). Similarly, carcasses of cattle with F. hepatica had 0.30 times (POR = 1.30, 95% CI: 1.23–1.39) greater odds of having poorer fat scores than carcasses of cattle without F. hepatica. Therefore, infection with F. hepatica is associated with poorer carcass quality parameters and lower weights, and the effect on weight differs across age ranges.  相似文献   

Recombinant human Insulin-like growth factor-I (hIGF-1) was administered to one ovary of prepubertal and postpubertal cattle to determine its effects on (1) oocyte developmental competence, (2) the expression pattern of six developmentally important genes (GLUT3, GLUT8, AKT1, BCL-XL, BAD, and BAX), and (3) its relationship with apoptosis (female Holstein-Friesian). Oocytes were retrieved from 7- to 10-mo-old prepubertal dairy calves (preP), 11- to 18-mo-old postpubertal heifers (postP), and cows via ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration. Immature oocytes were matured in vitro then fertilized and cultured up to the blastocyst stage. Apoptosis was determined by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase nick-end labeling (TUNEL) in 8-d blastocysts. Similar low blastocyst yields were observed in the IGF-1-treated preP group (11.2 ± 2.4%), the control preP group (10.4 ± 3.0%), and in the IGF-1 postP group (10.9 ± 2.3%). These were lower (P ≤ 0.01) compared with the control postP group (21.2 ± 3.8%) and with cows (23 ± 3.7%). The expression profile of the six genes was partly affected by age and IGF-1 treatment. Apoptosis was correlated with the age of the oocyte donors and was increased in blastocysts derived from prepubertal heifers. Results show that apoptosis is a critical feature of the acquisition of developmental competence of oocytes from prepubertal cattle and that IGF-1 did not beneficially affect oocyte developmental competence.  相似文献   

Infections by Sarcocystis in cattle are ubiquitous worldwide. There is considerable debate concerning the identity of Sarcocystis spp. in cattle. Proper diagnosis of Sarcocystis spp. is important to assess their economic and public health importance. Currently there are seven named species: Sarcocystis hirsuta, Sarcocystis cruzi, Sarcocystis hominis, Sarcocystis bovifelis, arcocystis heydorni, Sarcocystis bovini and Sarcocystis rommeli. Additionally, there are unnamed Sarcocystis spp. Two species, S. hominis and S. heydorni, are zoonotic. One out of seven species (S. hirsuta, contracted from cats) forms macroscopic cysts which can be visible during carcass inspection. Current molecular characterization is based on DNA extracted from sarcocysts from naturally infected cattle because DNA was not characterized from tissues of experimentally infected cattle or feces of experimentally infected definitive hosts. Sarcocystis cruzi (transmitted via canids) is recognized as the most pathogenic species and it causes abortion, low milk yield, poor body growth, and outbreaks of clinical sarcocystosis and death. Additionally, Sarcocystis infections have been linked to an inflammatory condition of striated muscles termed bovine eosinophilic myositis (BEM). Cattle affected by BEM appear clinically normal. Diagnosis of BEM at slaughter occurs when inspecting the carcass surface, or once the carcass has been divided into prime cuts or quarters. Sex and breed have no apparent influence on prevalence of BEM. The condition evidently occurs with equal frequency in steers, cows, and heifers. Virtually all striated muscles can be affected including skeletal muscles, the muscles of the eye, larynx, and the heart. In the USA, regulations require condemnation of BEM-affected parts, or (in severe cases) the entire carcass. These aesthetic considerations result in economic losses. Cattle experimentally infected with Sarcocystis did not have BEM at slaughter. Here, we review the status of Sarcocystis spp. and BEM in cattle including prevalence, lesions, epidemiology, and association of BEM with different species of Sarcocystis.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of pre-incubating cattle spermatozoa or matured oocytes with purified osteopontin (OPN) from cattle milk on fertilization in cattle and embryonic development in vitro. There were two different experiments, semen from six mature Holstein bulls (Bos Taurus) was frozen with different concentrations of OPN (0, 1, 10, 100 μg/mL). Matured cattle oocytes were also pre-treated with OPN (0, 10, 100 μg/mL). In both experiments, pre-treated oocytes or frozen semen, was processed for in vitro fertilization and embryo development. Significantly more oocytes were fertilized when using frozen semen with 10 μg/mL OPN (bull 2 = 85 ± 4% and bull 5 = 78 ± 4%) than without OPN (bull 2 = 75 ± 4% and bull 5 = 69 ± 4%). Those bulls also had increase in cleavage and embryo development (bull 2 = 85 ± 3%, 41 ± 1.9%; bull 5 = 76 ± 2%, 37 ± 1.8%) compared with control (bull 2 = 75 ± 3%, 30 ± 2%; bull 5 = 68 ± 2%, 29 ± 2%). Incubating matured oocytes in 10 μg/mL OPN (87 ± 3%) and 100 μg/mL OPN (88 ± 3%) significantly increased fertilization than control (73 ± 3%). OPN also improve cleavage, and embryo development in treatments with 10 μg/mL OPN (82.7 ± 1.3%; 31.7 ± 1.4%) and 100 μg/mL OPN (85.8 ± 1.3%; 33.8 ± 1.5%) when compared with control (74.1 ± 1.3%; 24.2 ± 1.2%). These data suggest that both, spermatozoa from some bulls and oocytes may associate with OPN, suggesting a facilitory role on in vitro fertilization and embryo development.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is the most frequently diagnosed abortifacient in the UK and a leading cause of abortion worldwide but the mechanisms leading to abortion are not fully understood. The distribution of parasites and the histopathological changes in the placenta and foetus were compared in 12 cows following experimental infection of cattle with N. caninum in early (n=6) and late (n=6) gestation, by PCR, immunohistology, light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Twelve uninfected pregnant cattle were used as controls. Infection in early gestation led to foetal death. In the placentae of cattle immediately following foetal death, N. caninum DNA was detected and there was evidence of widespread parasite dissemination. This was associated with extensive focal epithelial necrosis, serum leakage and moderate maternal interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration. In the foetuses, parasites were evident in all tissues examined and were associated with necrosis. In the placenta of cattle infected in late gestation, N. caninum DNA was detected sporadically but parasites were not evident immunohistologically. Small foci of necrosis were seen associated with mild interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration. Detection of N. caninum DNA in the foetuses was sporadic and parasites were demonstrated immunohistologically in brain and spinal cord only, with an associated mononuclear cell infiltration. This data is consistent with uncontrolled parasite spread in an immunologically immature foetus and could, via multiparenchymal necrosis of foetal tissues or the widespread necrosis and inflammation observed in the placenta, be the cause of Neospora-associated abortions.  相似文献   

Feed cost for beef cattle is the largest expense incurred by cattle producers. The development of genetic markers to enhance selection of more efficient animals that require less feed while still achieving acceptable levels of production has the potential to substantially reduce production costs. A genome‐wide marker association approach based on the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip? was used to identify genomic regions affecting average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG) and residual feed intake traits in a population of 1159 crossbred steers. This approach identified a region on BTA14 from 22.02 to 23.92 Mb containing several single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have significant association with at least one of the traits. Two genes in this region, lysophospholipase 1 (LYPLA1) and transmembrane protein 68 (TMEM68), appeared to be logical positional and functional candidate genes. LYPLA1 deacylates ghrelin, a hormone involved in the regulation of appetite in the rat stomach, while TMEM68 is expressed in bovine rumen, abomasum, intestine and adipose tissue in cattle, and likely affects lipid biosynthetic processes. SNPs lying in or near these two genes were identified by sequencing a subset of animals with extreme phenotypes. A total of 55 SNPs were genotyped and tested for association with the same population of steers. After correction for multiple testing, five markers within 22.79–22.84 Mb, located downstream of TMEM68, and between TMEM68 and the neighbouring gene XKR4, were significant for both ADFI and ADG. Genetic markers predictive of feed intake and weight gain phenotypes in this population of cattle may be useful for the identification and selection of animals that consume less feed, although further evaluation of these markers for effects on other production traits and validation in additional populations will be required.  相似文献   

AIMS: To understand the modification of C4-metabolism under anaerobic glycolysis condition by overexpressing anaplerotic enzymes, which mediating carboxylation of C3 into C4 metabolites, in Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anaplerotic NADP-dependent malic enzyme (MaeB), as well as the other anaplerotic enzymes, including phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (Ppc), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck) and NAD-dependent malic enzyme (MaeA), were artificially expressed and their C4 metabolism was compared in E. coli. Increasing MaeB expression enhanced the production of C4 metabolites by 2.4 times compared to the wild-type strain in anaerobic glucose medium with bicarbonate supplementation. In MaeB expression, C4 metabolism by supplementing 10 g l(-1) of NaHCO(3) was three times than that by no supplementation, which showed the greatest response to increased CO(2) availability among the tested anaplerotic enzyme expressions. CONCLUSIONS: The higher C4 metabolism was achieved in E. coli expressing increased levels of the NADPH-dependent MaeB. The greatest increase in the C4 metabolite ratio compared to the other tested enzymes were also found in E. coli with enhanced MaeB expression as CO(2) availability increased. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The higher C4 metabolites and related biomolecule productions can be accomplished by MaeB overexpression in metabolically engineered E. coli.  相似文献   

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